// // System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificate2 class // // Author: // Sebastien Pouliot // // (C) 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com) // Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Novell Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if SECURITY_DEP #if MONOTOUCH || MONODROID using Mono.Security; using Mono.Security.Cryptography; using MX = Mono.Security.X509; #else extern alias MonoSecurity; using MonoSecurity::Mono.Security; using MonoSecurity::Mono.Security.Cryptography; using MX = MonoSecurity::Mono.Security.X509; #endif #endif using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates { #if NET_4_0 [Serializable] #endif public class X509Certificate2 : X509Certificate { #if !SECURITY_DEP // Used in Mono.Security HttpsClientStream public X509Certificate2 (byte[] rawData) { } #endif #if SECURITY_DEP private bool _archived; private X509ExtensionCollection _extensions; private string _name = String.Empty; private string _serial; private PublicKey _publicKey; private X500DistinguishedName issuer_name; private X500DistinguishedName subject_name; private Oid signature_algorithm; private MX.X509Certificate _cert; private static string empty_error = Locale.GetText ("Certificate instance is empty."); // constructors public X509Certificate2 () { _cert = null; } public X509Certificate2 (byte[] rawData) { Import (rawData, (string)null, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet); } public X509Certificate2 (byte[] rawData, string password) { Import (rawData, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet); } public X509Certificate2 (byte[] rawData, SecureString password) { Import (rawData, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet); } public X509Certificate2 (byte[] rawData, string password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) { Import (rawData, password, keyStorageFlags); } public X509Certificate2 (byte[] rawData, SecureString password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) { Import (rawData, password, keyStorageFlags); } public X509Certificate2 (string fileName) { Import (fileName, String.Empty, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet); } public X509Certificate2 (string fileName, string password) { Import (fileName, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet); } public X509Certificate2 (string fileName, SecureString password) { Import (fileName, password, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet); } public X509Certificate2 (string fileName, string password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) { Import (fileName, password, keyStorageFlags); } public X509Certificate2 (string fileName, SecureString password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) { Import (fileName, password, keyStorageFlags); } public X509Certificate2 (IntPtr handle) : base (handle) { _cert = new MX.X509Certificate (base.GetRawCertData ()); } public X509Certificate2 (X509Certificate certificate) : base (certificate) { _cert = new MX.X509Certificate (base.GetRawCertData ()); } // properties public bool Archived { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); return _archived; } set { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); _archived = value; } } public X509ExtensionCollection Extensions { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); if (_extensions == null) _extensions = new X509ExtensionCollection (_cert); return _extensions; } } public string FriendlyName { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); return _name; } set { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); _name = value; } } // FIXME - Could be more efficient public bool HasPrivateKey { get { return PrivateKey != null; } } public X500DistinguishedName IssuerName { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); if (issuer_name == null) issuer_name = new X500DistinguishedName (_cert.GetIssuerName ().GetBytes ()); return issuer_name; } } public DateTime NotAfter { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); return _cert.ValidUntil.ToLocalTime (); } } public DateTime NotBefore { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); return _cert.ValidFrom.ToLocalTime (); } } public AsymmetricAlgorithm PrivateKey { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); try { if (_cert.RSA != null) { RSACryptoServiceProvider rcsp = _cert.RSA as RSACryptoServiceProvider; if (rcsp != null) return rcsp.PublicOnly ? null : rcsp; RSAManaged rsam = _cert.RSA as RSAManaged; if (rsam != null) return rsam.PublicOnly ? null : rsam; _cert.RSA.ExportParameters (true); return _cert.RSA; } else if (_cert.DSA != null) { DSACryptoServiceProvider dcsp = _cert.DSA as DSACryptoServiceProvider; if (dcsp != null) return dcsp.PublicOnly ? null : dcsp; _cert.DSA.ExportParameters (true); return _cert.DSA; } } catch { } return null; } set { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); // allow NULL so we can "forget" the key associated to the certificate // e.g. in case we want to export it in another format (see bug #396620) if (value == null) { _cert.RSA = null; _cert.DSA = null; } else if (value is RSA) _cert.RSA = (RSA) value; else if (value is DSA) _cert.DSA = (DSA) value; else throw new NotSupportedException (); } } public PublicKey PublicKey { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); if (_publicKey == null) { try { _publicKey = new PublicKey (_cert); } catch (Exception e) { string msg = Locale.GetText ("Unable to decode public key."); throw new CryptographicException (msg, e); } } return _publicKey; } } public byte[] RawData { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); return base.GetRawCertData (); } } public string SerialNumber { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); if (_serial == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); byte[] serial = _cert.SerialNumber; for (int i=serial.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) sb.Append (serial [i].ToString ("X2")); _serial = sb.ToString (); } return _serial; } } public Oid SignatureAlgorithm { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); if (signature_algorithm == null) signature_algorithm = new Oid (_cert.SignatureAlgorithm); return signature_algorithm; } } public X500DistinguishedName SubjectName { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); if (subject_name == null) subject_name = new X500DistinguishedName (_cert.GetSubjectName ().GetBytes ()); return subject_name; } } public string Thumbprint { get { return base.GetCertHashString (); } } public int Version { get { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); return _cert.Version; } } // methods [MonoTODO ("always return String.Empty for UpnName, DnsFromAlternativeName and UrlName")] public string GetNameInfo (X509NameType nameType, bool forIssuer) { switch (nameType) { case X509NameType.SimpleName: if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); // return CN= or, if missing, the first part of the DN ASN1 sn = forIssuer ? _cert.GetIssuerName () : _cert.GetSubjectName (); ASN1 dn = Find (commonName, sn); if (dn != null) return GetValueAsString (dn); if (sn.Count == 0) return String.Empty; ASN1 last_entry = sn [sn.Count - 1]; if (last_entry.Count == 0) return String.Empty; return GetValueAsString (last_entry [0]); case X509NameType.EmailName: // return the E= part of the DN (if present) ASN1 e = Find (email, forIssuer ? _cert.GetIssuerName () : _cert.GetSubjectName ()); if (e != null) return GetValueAsString (e); return String.Empty; case X509NameType.UpnName: // FIXME - must find/create test case return String.Empty; case X509NameType.DnsName: // return the CN= part of the DN (if present) ASN1 cn = Find (commonName, forIssuer ? _cert.GetIssuerName () : _cert.GetSubjectName ()); if (cn != null) return GetValueAsString (cn); return String.Empty; case X509NameType.DnsFromAlternativeName: // FIXME - must find/create test case return String.Empty; case X509NameType.UrlName: // FIXME - must find/create test case return String.Empty; default: throw new ArgumentException ("nameType"); } } static byte[] commonName = { 0x55, 0x04, 0x03 }; static byte[] email = { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x09, 0x01 }; private ASN1 Find (byte[] oid, ASN1 dn) { if (dn.Count == 0) return null; // process SET for (int i = 0; i < dn.Count; i++) { ASN1 set = dn [i]; for (int j = 0; j < set.Count; j++) { ASN1 pair = set [j]; if (pair.Count != 2) continue; ASN1 poid = pair [0]; if (poid == null) continue; if (poid.CompareValue (oid)) return pair; } } return null; } private string GetValueAsString (ASN1 pair) { if (pair.Count != 2) return String.Empty; ASN1 value = pair [1]; if ((value.Value == null) || (value.Length == 0)) return String.Empty; if (value.Tag == 0x1E) { // BMPSTRING StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for (int j = 1; j < value.Value.Length; j += 2) sb.Append ((char)value.Value [j]); return sb.ToString (); } else { return Encoding.UTF8.GetString (value.Value); } } private MX.X509Certificate ImportPkcs12 (byte[] rawData, string password) { MX.PKCS12 pfx = (password == null) ? new MX.PKCS12 (rawData) : new MX.PKCS12 (rawData, password); if (pfx.Certificates.Count == 0) { // no certificate was found return null; } else if (pfx.Keys.Count == 0) { // no key were found - pick the first certificate return pfx.Certificates [0]; } else { // find the certificate that match the first key MX.X509Certificate cert = null; var keypair = (pfx.Keys [0] as AsymmetricAlgorithm); string pubkey = keypair.ToXmlString (false); foreach (var c in pfx.Certificates) { if (((c.RSA != null) && (pubkey == c.RSA.ToXmlString (false))) || ((c.DSA != null) && (pubkey == c.DSA.ToXmlString (false)))) { cert = c; break; } } if (cert == null) { cert = pfx.Certificates [0]; // no match, pick first certificate without keys } else { cert.RSA = (keypair as RSA); cert.DSA = (keypair as DSA); } return cert; } } public override void Import (byte[] rawData) { Import (rawData, (string)null, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet); } [MonoTODO ("missing KeyStorageFlags support")] public override void Import (byte[] rawData, string password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) { MX.X509Certificate cert = null; if (password == null) { try { cert = new MX.X509Certificate (rawData); } catch (Exception e) { try { cert = ImportPkcs12 (rawData, null); } catch { string msg = Locale.GetText ("Unable to decode certificate."); // inner exception is the original (not second) exception throw new CryptographicException (msg, e); } } } else { // try PKCS#12 try { cert = ImportPkcs12 (rawData, password); } catch { // it's possible to supply a (unrequired/unusued) password // fix bug #79028 cert = new MX.X509Certificate (rawData); } } // we do not have to fully re-decode the certificate since X509Certificate does not deal with keys if (cert != null) { base.Import (cert.RawData, (string) null, keyStorageFlags); _cert = cert; // becuase base call will call Reset! } } [MonoTODO ("SecureString is incomplete")] public override void Import (byte[] rawData, SecureString password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) { Import (rawData, (string) null, keyStorageFlags); } public override void Import (string fileName) { byte[] rawData = File.ReadAllBytes (fileName); Import (rawData, (string)null, X509KeyStorageFlags.DefaultKeySet); } [MonoTODO ("missing KeyStorageFlags support")] public override void Import (string fileName, string password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) { byte[] rawData = File.ReadAllBytes (fileName); Import (rawData, password, keyStorageFlags); } [MonoTODO ("SecureString is incomplete")] public override void Import (string fileName, SecureString password, X509KeyStorageFlags keyStorageFlags) { byte[] rawData = File.ReadAllBytes (fileName); Import (rawData, (string)null, keyStorageFlags); } public override void Reset () { _cert = null; _archived = false; _extensions = null; _name = String.Empty; _serial = null; _publicKey = null; issuer_name = null; subject_name = null; signature_algorithm = null; base.Reset (); } public override string ToString () { if (_cert == null) return "System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2"; return base.ToString (true); } public override string ToString (bool verbose) { if (_cert == null) return "System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2"; // the non-verbose X509Certificate2 == verbose X509Certificate if (!verbose) return base.ToString (true); string nl = Environment.NewLine; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.AppendFormat ("[Version]{0} V{1}{0}{0}", nl, Version); sb.AppendFormat ("[Subject]{0} {1}{0}{0}", nl, Subject); sb.AppendFormat ("[Issuer]{0} {1}{0}{0}", nl, Issuer); sb.AppendFormat ("[Serial Number]{0} {1}{0}{0}", nl, SerialNumber); sb.AppendFormat ("[Not Before]{0} {1}{0}{0}", nl, NotBefore); sb.AppendFormat ("[Not After]{0} {1}{0}{0}", nl, NotAfter); sb.AppendFormat ("[Thumbprint]{0} {1}{0}{0}", nl, Thumbprint); sb.AppendFormat ("[Signature Algorithm]{0} {1}({2}){0}{0}", nl, SignatureAlgorithm.FriendlyName, SignatureAlgorithm.Value); AsymmetricAlgorithm key = PublicKey.Key; sb.AppendFormat ("[Public Key]{0} Algorithm: ", nl); if (key is RSA) sb.Append ("RSA"); else if (key is DSA) sb.Append ("DSA"); else sb.Append (key.ToString ()); sb.AppendFormat ("{0} Length: {1}{0} Key Blob: ", nl, key.KeySize); AppendBuffer (sb, PublicKey.EncodedKeyValue.RawData); sb.AppendFormat ("{0} Parameters: ", nl); AppendBuffer (sb, PublicKey.EncodedParameters.RawData); sb.Append (nl); return sb.ToString (); } private static void AppendBuffer (StringBuilder sb, byte[] buffer) { if (buffer == null) return; for (int i=0; i < buffer.Length; i++) { sb.Append (buffer [i].ToString ("x2")); if (i < buffer.Length - 1) sb.Append (" "); } } [MonoTODO ("by default this depends on the incomplete X509Chain")] public bool Verify () { if (_cert == null) throw new CryptographicException (empty_error); X509Chain chain = X509Chain.Create (); if (!chain.Build (this)) return false; // TODO - check chain and other stuff ??? return true; } // static methods private static byte[] signedData = new byte[] { 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x07, 0x02 }; [MonoTODO ("Detection limited to Cert, Pfx, Pkcs12, Pkcs7 and Unknown")] public static X509ContentType GetCertContentType (byte[] rawData) { if ((rawData == null) || (rawData.Length == 0)) throw new ArgumentException ("rawData"); X509ContentType type = X509ContentType.Unknown; try { ASN1 data = new ASN1 (rawData); if (data.Tag != 0x30) { string msg = Locale.GetText ("Unable to decode certificate."); throw new CryptographicException (msg); } if (data.Count == 0) return type; if (data.Count == 3) { switch (data [0].Tag) { case 0x30: // SEQUENCE / SEQUENCE / BITSTRING if ((data [1].Tag == 0x30) && (data [2].Tag == 0x03)) type = X509ContentType.Cert; break; case 0x02: // INTEGER / SEQUENCE / SEQUENCE if ((data [1].Tag == 0x30) && (data [2].Tag == 0x30)) type = X509ContentType.Pkcs12; // note: Pfx == Pkcs12 break; } } // check for PKCS#7 (count unknown but greater than 0) // SEQUENCE / OID (signedData) if ((data [0].Tag == 0x06) && data [0].CompareValue (signedData)) type = X509ContentType.Pkcs7; } catch (Exception e) { string msg = Locale.GetText ("Unable to decode certificate."); throw new CryptographicException (msg, e); } return type; } [MonoTODO ("Detection limited to Cert, Pfx, Pkcs12 and Unknown")] public static X509ContentType GetCertContentType (string fileName) { if (fileName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("fileName"); if (fileName.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException ("fileName"); byte[] data = File.ReadAllBytes (fileName); return GetCertContentType (data); } // internal stuff because X509Certificate2 isn't complete enough // (maybe X509Certificate3 will be better?) internal MX.X509Certificate MonoCertificate { get { return _cert; } } #else // HACK - this ensure the type X509Certificate2 and PrivateKey property exists in the build before // Mono.Security.dll is built. This is required to get working client certificate in SSL/TLS public AsymmetricAlgorithm PrivateKey { get { return null; } } #endif } }