// // System.Net.WebConnectionStream // // Authors: // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (gonzalo@ximian.com) // // (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc (http://www.ximian.com) // (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace System.Net { class WebConnectionStream : Stream { static byte [] crlf = new byte [] { 13, 10 }; bool isRead; WebConnection cnc; HttpWebRequest request; byte [] readBuffer; int readBufferOffset; int readBufferSize; int contentLength; int totalRead; internal long totalWritten; bool nextReadCalled; int pendingReads; int pendingWrites; ManualResetEvent pending; bool allowBuffering; bool sendChunked; MemoryStream writeBuffer; bool requestWritten; byte [] headers; bool disposed; bool headersSent; object locker = new object (); bool initRead; bool read_eof; bool complete_request_written; int read_timeout; int write_timeout; AsyncCallback cb_wrapper; // Calls to ReadCallbackWrapper or WriteCallbacWrapper internal bool IgnoreIOErrors; public WebConnectionStream (WebConnection cnc) { isRead = true; cb_wrapper = new AsyncCallback (ReadCallbackWrapper); pending = new ManualResetEvent (true); this.request = cnc.Data.request; read_timeout = request.ReadWriteTimeout; write_timeout = read_timeout; this.cnc = cnc; string contentType = cnc.Data.Headers ["Transfer-Encoding"]; bool chunkedRead = (contentType != null && contentType.IndexOf ("chunked", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1); string clength = cnc.Data.Headers ["Content-Length"]; if (!chunkedRead && clength != null && clength != "") { try { contentLength = Int32.Parse (clength); if (contentLength == 0 && !IsNtlmAuth ()) { ReadAll (); } } catch { contentLength = Int32.MaxValue; } } else { contentLength = Int32.MaxValue; } } public WebConnectionStream (WebConnection cnc, HttpWebRequest request) { read_timeout = request.ReadWriteTimeout; write_timeout = read_timeout; isRead = false; cb_wrapper = new AsyncCallback (WriteCallbackWrapper); this.cnc = cnc; this.request = request; allowBuffering = request.InternalAllowBuffering; sendChunked = request.SendChunked; if (sendChunked) pending = new ManualResetEvent (true); else if (allowBuffering) writeBuffer = new MemoryStream (); } bool IsNtlmAuth () { bool isProxy = (request.Proxy != null && !request.Proxy.IsBypassed (request.Address)); string header_name = (isProxy) ? "Proxy-Authenticate" : "WWW-Authenticate"; string authHeader = cnc.Data.Headers [header_name]; return (authHeader != null && authHeader.IndexOf ("NTLM", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1); } internal void CheckResponseInBuffer () { if (contentLength > 0 && (readBufferSize - readBufferOffset) >= contentLength) { if (!IsNtlmAuth ()) ReadAll (); } } internal HttpWebRequest Request { get { return request; } } internal WebConnection Connection { get { return cnc; } } #if NET_2_0 public override bool CanTimeout { get { return true; } } #endif #if NET_2_0 public override #endif int ReadTimeout { get { return read_timeout; } set { if (value < -1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value"); read_timeout = value; } } #if NET_2_0 public override #endif int WriteTimeout { get { return write_timeout; } set { if (value < -1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value"); write_timeout = value; } } internal bool CompleteRequestWritten { get { return complete_request_written; } } internal bool SendChunked { set { sendChunked = value; } } internal byte [] ReadBuffer { set { readBuffer = value; } } internal int ReadBufferOffset { set { readBufferOffset = value;} } internal int ReadBufferSize { set { readBufferSize = value; } } internal byte[] WriteBuffer { get { return writeBuffer.GetBuffer (); } } internal int WriteBufferLength { get { return writeBuffer != null ? (int) writeBuffer.Length : (-1); } } internal void ForceCompletion () { if (!nextReadCalled) { if (contentLength == Int32.MaxValue) contentLength = 0; nextReadCalled = true; cnc.NextRead (); } } internal void CheckComplete () { bool nrc = nextReadCalled; if (!nrc && readBufferSize - readBufferOffset == contentLength) { nextReadCalled = true; cnc.NextRead (); } } internal void ReadAll () { if (!isRead || read_eof || totalRead >= contentLength || nextReadCalled) { if (isRead && !nextReadCalled) { nextReadCalled = true; cnc.NextRead (); } return; } pending.WaitOne (); lock (locker) { if (totalRead >= contentLength) return; byte [] b = null; int diff = readBufferSize - readBufferOffset; int new_size; if (contentLength == Int32.MaxValue) { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream (); byte [] buffer = null; if (readBuffer != null && diff > 0) { ms.Write (readBuffer, readBufferOffset, diff); if (readBufferSize >= 8192) buffer = readBuffer; } if (buffer == null) buffer = new byte [8192]; int read; while ((read = cnc.Read (request, buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0) ms.Write (buffer, 0, read); b = ms.GetBuffer (); new_size = (int) ms.Length; contentLength = new_size; } else { new_size = contentLength - totalRead; b = new byte [new_size]; if (readBuffer != null && diff > 0) { if (diff > new_size) diff = new_size; Buffer.BlockCopy (readBuffer, readBufferOffset, b, 0, diff); } int remaining = new_size - diff; int r = -1; while (remaining > 0 && r != 0) { r = cnc.Read (request, b, diff, remaining); remaining -= r; diff += r; } } readBuffer = b; readBufferOffset = 0; readBufferSize = new_size; totalRead = 0; nextReadCalled = true; } cnc.NextRead (); } void WriteCallbackWrapper (IAsyncResult r) { WebAsyncResult result = r as WebAsyncResult; if (result != null && result.AsyncWriteAll) return; if (r.AsyncState != null) { result = (WebAsyncResult) r.AsyncState; result.InnerAsyncResult = r; result.DoCallback (); } else { try { EndWrite (r); } catch { } } } void ReadCallbackWrapper (IAsyncResult r) { WebAsyncResult result; if (r.AsyncState != null) { result = (WebAsyncResult) r.AsyncState; result.InnerAsyncResult = r; result.DoCallback (); } else { try { EndRead (r); } catch { } } } public override int Read (byte [] buffer, int offset, int size) { AsyncCallback cb = cb_wrapper; WebAsyncResult res = (WebAsyncResult) BeginRead (buffer, offset, size, cb, null); if (!res.IsCompleted && !res.WaitUntilComplete (ReadTimeout, false)) { nextReadCalled = true; cnc.Close (true); throw new WebException ("The operation has timed out.", WebExceptionStatus.Timeout); } return EndRead (res); } public override IAsyncResult BeginRead (byte [] buffer, int offset, int size, AsyncCallback cb, object state) { if (!isRead) throw new NotSupportedException ("this stream does not allow reading"); if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer"); int length = buffer.Length; if (offset < 0 || length < offset) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset"); if (size < 0 || (length - offset) < size) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("size"); lock (locker) { pendingReads++; pending.Reset (); } WebAsyncResult result = new WebAsyncResult (cb, state, buffer, offset, size); if (totalRead >= contentLength) { result.SetCompleted (true, -1); result.DoCallback (); return result; } int remaining = readBufferSize - readBufferOffset; if (remaining > 0) { int copy = (remaining > size) ? size : remaining; Buffer.BlockCopy (readBuffer, readBufferOffset, buffer, offset, copy); readBufferOffset += copy; offset += copy; size -= copy; totalRead += copy; if (size == 0 || totalRead >= contentLength) { result.SetCompleted (true, copy); result.DoCallback (); return result; } result.NBytes = copy; } if (cb != null) cb = cb_wrapper; if (contentLength != Int32.MaxValue && contentLength - totalRead < size) size = contentLength - totalRead; if (!read_eof) { result.InnerAsyncResult = cnc.BeginRead (request, buffer, offset, size, cb, result); } else { result.SetCompleted (true, result.NBytes); result.DoCallback (); } return result; } public override int EndRead (IAsyncResult r) { WebAsyncResult result = (WebAsyncResult) r; if (result.EndCalled) { int xx = result.NBytes; return (xx >= 0) ? xx : 0; } result.EndCalled = true; if (!result.IsCompleted) { int nbytes = -1; try { nbytes = cnc.EndRead (request, result); } catch (Exception exc) { lock (locker) { pendingReads--; if (pendingReads == 0) pending.Set (); } nextReadCalled = true; cnc.Close (true); result.SetCompleted (false, exc); result.DoCallback (); throw; } if (nbytes < 0) { nbytes = 0; read_eof = true; } totalRead += nbytes; result.SetCompleted (false, nbytes + result.NBytes); result.DoCallback (); if (nbytes == 0) contentLength = totalRead; } lock (locker) { pendingReads--; if (pendingReads == 0) pending.Set (); } if (totalRead >= contentLength && !nextReadCalled) ReadAll (); int nb = result.NBytes; return (nb >= 0) ? nb : 0; } void WriteRequestAsyncCB (IAsyncResult r) { WebAsyncResult result = (WebAsyncResult) r.AsyncState; try { cnc.EndWrite2 (request, r); result.SetCompleted (false, 0); if (!initRead) { initRead = true; WebConnection.InitRead (cnc); } } catch (Exception e) { KillBuffer (); nextReadCalled = true; cnc.Close (true); if (e is System.Net.Sockets.SocketException) e = new IOException ("Error writing request", e); result.SetCompleted (false, e); } complete_request_written = true; result.DoCallback (); } public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite (byte [] buffer, int offset, int size, AsyncCallback cb, object state) { if (request.Aborted) throw new WebException ("The request was canceled.", null, WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); if (isRead) throw new NotSupportedException ("this stream does not allow writing"); if (buffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("buffer"); int length = buffer.Length; if (offset < 0 || length < offset) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("offset"); if (size < 0 || (length - offset) < size) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("size"); if (sendChunked) { lock (locker) { pendingWrites++; pending.Reset (); } } WebAsyncResult result = new WebAsyncResult (cb, state); if (!sendChunked) CheckWriteOverflow (request.ContentLength, totalWritten, size); if (allowBuffering && !sendChunked) { if (writeBuffer == null) writeBuffer = new MemoryStream (); writeBuffer.Write (buffer, offset, size); totalWritten += size; if (request.ContentLength > 0 && totalWritten == request.ContentLength) { try { result.AsyncWriteAll = true; result.InnerAsyncResult = WriteRequestAsync (new AsyncCallback (WriteRequestAsyncCB), result); if (result.InnerAsyncResult == null) { if (!result.IsCompleted) result.SetCompleted (true, 0); result.DoCallback (); } } catch (Exception exc) { result.SetCompleted (true, exc); result.DoCallback (); } } else { result.SetCompleted (true, 0); result.DoCallback (); } return result; } AsyncCallback callback = null; if (cb != null) callback = cb_wrapper; if (sendChunked) { WriteRequest (); string cSize = String.Format ("{0:X}\r\n", size); byte [] head = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (cSize); int chunkSize = 2 + size + head.Length; byte [] newBuffer = new byte [chunkSize]; Buffer.BlockCopy (head, 0, newBuffer, 0, head.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy (buffer, offset, newBuffer, head.Length, size); Buffer.BlockCopy (crlf, 0, newBuffer, head.Length + size, crlf.Length); buffer = newBuffer; offset = 0; size = chunkSize; } try { result.InnerAsyncResult = cnc.BeginWrite (request, buffer, offset, size, callback, result); } catch (Exception) { if (!IgnoreIOErrors) throw; result.SetCompleted (true, 0); result.DoCallback (); } totalWritten += size; return result; } void CheckWriteOverflow (long contentLength, long totalWritten, long size) { if (contentLength == -1) return; long avail = contentLength - totalWritten; if (size > avail) { KillBuffer (); nextReadCalled = true; cnc.Close (true); throw new ProtocolViolationException ( "The number of bytes to be written is greater than " + "the specified ContentLength."); } } public override void EndWrite (IAsyncResult r) { if (r == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("r"); WebAsyncResult result = r as WebAsyncResult; if (result == null) throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid IAsyncResult"); if (result.EndCalled) return; result.EndCalled = true; if (result.AsyncWriteAll) { result.WaitUntilComplete (); if (result.GotException) throw result.Exception; return; } if (allowBuffering && !sendChunked) return; if (result.GotException) throw result.Exception; try { cnc.EndWrite2 (request, result.InnerAsyncResult); result.SetCompleted (false, 0); result.DoCallback (); } catch (Exception e) { if (IgnoreIOErrors) result.SetCompleted (false, 0); else result.SetCompleted (false, e); result.DoCallback (); if (!IgnoreIOErrors) throw; } finally { if (sendChunked) { lock (locker) { pendingWrites--; if (pendingWrites == 0) pending.Set (); } } } } public override void Write (byte [] buffer, int offset, int size) { AsyncCallback cb = cb_wrapper; WebAsyncResult res = (WebAsyncResult) BeginWrite (buffer, offset, size, cb, null); if (!res.IsCompleted && !res.WaitUntilComplete (WriteTimeout, false)) { KillBuffer (); nextReadCalled = true; cnc.Close (true); throw new IOException ("Write timed out."); } EndWrite (res); } public override void Flush () { } internal void SetHeaders (byte [] buffer) { if (headersSent) return; headers = buffer; long cl = request.ContentLength; string method = request.Method; bool no_writestream = (method == "GET" || method == "CONNECT" || method == "HEAD" || method == "TRACE" || method == "DELETE"); if (sendChunked || cl > -1 || no_writestream) { WriteHeaders (); if (!initRead) { initRead = true; WebConnection.InitRead (cnc); } if (!sendChunked && cl == 0) requestWritten = true; } } internal bool RequestWritten { get { return requestWritten; } } IAsyncResult WriteRequestAsync (AsyncCallback cb, object state) { requestWritten = true; byte [] bytes = writeBuffer.GetBuffer (); int length = (int) writeBuffer.Length; // Headers already written to the stream return (length > 0) ? cnc.BeginWrite (request, bytes, 0, length, cb, state) : null; } void WriteHeaders () { if (headersSent) return; headersSent = true; string err_msg = null; if (!cnc.Write (request, headers, 0, headers.Length, ref err_msg)) throw new WebException ("Error writing request: " + err_msg, null, WebExceptionStatus.SendFailure, null); } internal void WriteRequest () { if (requestWritten) return; requestWritten = true; if (sendChunked) return; if (!allowBuffering || writeBuffer == null) return; byte [] bytes = writeBuffer.GetBuffer (); int length = (int) writeBuffer.Length; if (request.ContentLength != -1 && request.ContentLength < length) { nextReadCalled = true; cnc.Close (true); throw new WebException ("Specified Content-Length is less than the number of bytes to write", null, WebExceptionStatus.ServerProtocolViolation, null); } if (!headersSent) { string method = request.Method; bool no_writestream = (method == "GET" || method == "CONNECT" || method == "HEAD" || method == "TRACE" || method == "DELETE"); if (!no_writestream) request.InternalContentLength = length; request.SendRequestHeaders (true); } WriteHeaders (); if (cnc.Data.StatusCode != 0 && cnc.Data.StatusCode != 100) return; IAsyncResult result = null; if (length > 0) result = cnc.BeginWrite (request, bytes, 0, length, null, null); if (!initRead) { initRead = true; WebConnection.InitRead (cnc); } if (length > 0) complete_request_written = cnc.EndWrite (request, result); else complete_request_written = true; } internal void InternalClose () { disposed = true; } public override void Close () { if (sendChunked) { if (disposed) return; disposed = true; pending.WaitOne (); byte [] chunk = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes ("0\r\n\r\n"); string err_msg = null; cnc.Write (request, chunk, 0, chunk.Length, ref err_msg); return; } if (isRead) { if (!nextReadCalled) { CheckComplete (); // If we have not read all the contents if (!nextReadCalled) { nextReadCalled = true; cnc.Close (true); } } return; } else if (!allowBuffering) { complete_request_written = true; if (!initRead) { initRead = true; WebConnection.InitRead (cnc); } return; } if (disposed || requestWritten) return; long length = request.ContentLength; if (!sendChunked && length != -1 && totalWritten != length) { IOException io = new IOException ("Cannot close the stream until all bytes are written"); nextReadCalled = true; cnc.Close (true); throw new WebException ("Request was cancelled.", io, WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); } WriteRequest (); disposed = true; } internal void KillBuffer () { writeBuffer = null; } public override long Seek (long a, SeekOrigin b) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public override void SetLength (long a) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public override bool CanSeek { get { return false; } } public override bool CanRead { get { return !disposed && isRead; } } public override bool CanWrite { get { return !disposed && !isRead; } } public override long Length { get { throw new NotSupportedException (); } } public override long Position { get { throw new NotSupportedException (); } set { throw new NotSupportedException (); } } } }