using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient; using mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.methods; using mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.@params; using mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.auth; using mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.negotiate; using; using org.ietf.jgss; using; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections; using mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie; namespace System.Net { /// /// Summary description for VMWHttpProvider. /// internal class VMWHttpProvider : HttpProvider { protected static HttpClient _sclient; protected static HttpStateCache _stateCache = new HttpStateCache(); protected static object LOCK_OBJECT = new object(); protected HttpClient _client; protected bool _disableHttpConnectionPooling = false; protected HttpMethod _method; protected HttpState _state; protected HostConfiguration _hostConfig; protected HttpWebResponse _response; protected bool _hasResponse; protected bool _hasRequest; protected Stream _writeStream; private GHWebAsyncResult _asyncWrite; private bool _isConnectionOpened; static VMWHttpProvider() { if(java.lang.System.getProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.Log") == null) java.lang.System.setProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.Log", "mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog"); if(java.lang.System.getProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime") == null) java.lang.System.setProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime", "true"); if(java.lang.System.getProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient.wire") == null) java.lang.System.setProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient.wire", "error"); if(java.lang.System.getProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient") == null) java.lang.System.setProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient", "error"); if(java.lang.System.getProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient.wire.header") == null) java.lang.System.setProperty("mainsoft.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.httpclient.wire.header", "error"); } public VMWHttpProvider(Uri uri) : base (uri) { string s = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["disableHttpConnectionPooling"]; if (s != null) { _disableHttpConnectionPooling = bool.Parse(s); } InitDefaultCredentialsProvider (); InitSPNProviders (); } internal override ServicePoint ServicePoint { get {throw new NotImplementedException();} } public override bool IsRequestStarted() { if(_method == null) return false; return _method.isRequestSent(); } public override Uri GetAddress() { if(_method == null) return GetOriginalAddress(); mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.URI javaURI = _method.getURI(); return new Uri(javaURI.ToString()); } public override bool IsHaveResponse() { return _hasResponse; } private void SetJavaCredential(NetworkCredential nc, string type) { SetJavaCredential(nc, type, false); } private void SetJavaCredential(NetworkCredential nc, string type, bool proxyCredentials) { string host = null; if(!proxyCredentials) host = GetOriginalAddress().Host; else host = ((WebProxy)this.Proxy).Address.Host; string domain = (nc.Domain == null) ? host : nc.Domain; if(String.Compare (type, "any", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { if(!proxyCredentials) { _state.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password)); _state.setCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, "Ntlm"), new NTCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password, host, domain)); } else { _state.setProxyCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new UsernamePasswordCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password)); _state.setProxyCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, "Ntlm"), new NTCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password, host, domain)); } } else if(String.Compare (type, "basic", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { if(!proxyCredentials) { _state.setCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, "basic"), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password)); } else { _state.setProxyCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, "basic"), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password)); } } else if(String.Compare (type, "digest", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { if(!proxyCredentials) { _state.setCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, "digest"), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password)); } else { _state.setProxyCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, "digest"), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password)); } } else if(String.Compare (type, "ntlm", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { if(!proxyCredentials) { _state.setCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, "ntlm"), new NTCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password, host, domain)); } else { _state.setProxyCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, "ntlm"), new NTCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password, host, domain)); } } else if(String.Compare (type, "negotiate", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) { SetAuthenticationScheme (AuthPolicy.NEGOTIATE); } else { if(!proxyCredentials) { _state.setCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, type), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password)); } else { _state.setProxyCredentials(new AuthScope(AuthScope.ANY_HOST, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, AuthScope.ANY_REALM, type), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(nc.UserName, nc.Password)); } } } private void SetAuthenticationScheme (string type) { _method.getHostAuthState ().setAuthScheme (AuthPolicy.getAuthScheme (type)); if (type != null && type.ToLower () == AuthPolicy.NEGOTIATE.ToLower ()) { _method.getParams ().setParameter (CredentialsProvider__Finals.PROVIDER, new HTTPClientCredentialsBridge( DefaultCredentialsProvider)); _method.getParams ().setParameter (NegotiateScheme.SPN_LIST_PARAM, SPNProviders); } } private java.util.ArrayList SPNProviders { get { return (java.util.ArrayList) AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData ("GH$SPNProviders"); } set { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData ("GH$SPNProviders", value); } } private void InitSPNProviders () { if (SPNProviders != null) return; java.util.ArrayList spnProviders = new java.util.ArrayList (); NameValueCollection configAttributes = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings; string providersList = configAttributes ["SPNProviders"]; if (providersList == null) return; string[] tokens = providersList.Split (','); foreach (string spnClass in tokens) { try { spnProviders.add (Activator.CreateInstance (Type.GetType (spnClass))); } catch (Exception) { } } SPNProviders = spnProviders; } private vmw.@internal.auth.CredentialsProvider DefaultCredentialsProvider { get { return (vmw.@internal.auth.CredentialsProvider) AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetData ("GH$DefaultCredentialsProvider"); } set { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData ("GH$DefaultCredentialsProvider", value); } } private void InitDefaultCredentialsProvider () { if (DefaultCredentialsProvider != null) return; vmw.@internal.auth.CredentialsProvider defaultProvider = null; NameValueCollection configAttributes = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings; string defaultProviderClass = configAttributes ["DefaultCredentialsProvider"]; if (defaultProviderClass != null) { try { defaultProvider = (vmw.@internal.auth.CredentialsProvider) Activator.CreateInstance (Type.GetType (defaultProviderClass)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine ("Failed to initialize Credentials Provider: " + defaultProviderClass + " Message: " + e.Message); } } if (defaultProvider == null) defaultProvider = new vmw.@internal.auth.SubjectCredentialsPrvider (); defaultProvider.init (ConvertToTable (configAttributes)); DefaultCredentialsProvider = defaultProvider; } private java.util.Properties ConvertToTable (NameValueCollection col) { java.util.Properties table = new java.util.Properties (); foreach (String key in col.Keys) table.put (key, col [key]); return table; } private void InitProxyCredentials () { if (this.Proxy == null) return; if (!(this.Proxy is WebProxy)) return; WebProxy proxy = (WebProxy) this.Proxy; ICredentials creds = proxy.Credentials; if(creds == null) return; if(creds is CredentialCache) { string type = "basic"; NetworkCredential nc = ((CredentialCache)creds).GetCredential(proxy.Address, "basic"); if(nc == null) { type = "digest"; nc = ((CredentialCache)creds).GetCredential(proxy.Address, "digest"); if(nc == null) { type = "ntlm"; nc = ((CredentialCache)creds).GetCredential(proxy.Address, "ntlm"); if (nc == null) { nc = ((CredentialCache) _credentials).GetCredential (GetOriginalAddress (), "negotiate"); type = "negotiate"; } } } if(nc != null) { SetJavaCredential(nc, type, true); } } else if (creds is NetworkCredential) { SetJavaCredential((NetworkCredential)creds, "any", true); } _method.setDoAuthentication(true); } private void InitCredentials() { if(_credentials == null) return; if (_credentials == CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials) { SetAuthenticationScheme (AuthPolicy.NEGOTIATE); } else if (_credentials is CredentialCache) { NetworkCredential nc = ((CredentialCache) _credentials).GetCredential (GetOriginalAddress (), "basic"); string type = "basic"; if(nc == null) { nc = ((CredentialCache)_credentials).GetCredential(GetOriginalAddress(), "digest"); type = "digest"; if(nc == null) { nc = ((CredentialCache)_credentials).GetCredential(GetOriginalAddress(), "ntlm"); type = "ntlm"; if (nc == null) { nc = ((CredentialCache) _credentials).GetCredential (GetOriginalAddress (), "negotiate"); type = "negotiate"; } } } if(nc != null) { SetJavaCredential(nc, type); } } else if(_credentials is NetworkCredential) { SetJavaCredential((NetworkCredential)_credentials, "any"); } _method.setDoAuthentication(true); } private void InitHostConfig() { if (this.Proxy == null || this.Proxy == WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy) return; if(this.Proxy.IsBypassed(GetOriginalAddress())) return; _hostConfig = new HostConfiguration(); _hostConfig.setHost(new HttpHost(_method.getURI())); if(this.Proxy is WebProxy) { WebProxy wp = (WebProxy) this.Proxy; _hostConfig.setProxyHost(new ProxyHost(wp.Address.Host, wp.Address.Port)); } else throw new NotImplementedException("Cannot accept Proxy which is not System.Net.WebProxy instance"); } private void SetConnectionHeader(string val) { string connectionHeader = (this.Proxy != null) ? "Proxy-Connection" : "Connection"; Headers.RemoveInternal ((this.Proxy != null) ? "Proxy-Connection" : "Connection"); if(val != null) _method.setRequestHeader(connectionHeader, val); if (_keepAlive) { _method.addRequestHeader (connectionHeader, "keep-alive"); Headers.SetInternal(connectionHeader,"keep-alive"); } else if (!_keepAlive && _version == HttpVersion.Version11) { _method.addRequestHeader (connectionHeader, "close"); Headers.SetInternal(connectionHeader,"close"); } } private bool OpenConnection() { lock(this) { if(_isConnectionOpened) return false; _isConnectionOpened = true; } InitClient(); InitMethod(); _state = _stateCache.GetHttpState(); //todo insert needed Authontication, Cookies info to state! _method.setDoAuthentication(this.PreAuthenticate); InitHostConfig(); InitCredentials(); InitProxyCredentials(); if(this.ProtocolVersion == HttpVersion.Version11) _method.getParams().setVersion(mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1); else if(ProtocolVersion == HttpVersion.Version10) _method.getParams().setVersion(mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpVersion.HTTP_1_0); else throw new ProtocolViolationException("Unsupported protocol version: " + ProtocolVersion); if(!(_method is mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.EntityEnclosingMethod)) { _method.setFollowRedirects(this.AllowAutoRedirect); } else { if(!AllowWriteStreamBuffering && _contentLength < 0 && !SendChunked) throw new ProtocolViolationException(); if(SendChunked) ((EntityEnclosingMethod)_method).setContentChunked(SendChunked); } if(MaxAutoRedirections != _defaultMaxRedirectsNum) { _method.getParams().setParameter(HttpClientParams.MAX_REDIRECTS, new java.lang.Integer(MaxAutoRedirections)); } foreach(string k in Headers) { if(String.Compare (k, "connection", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) continue; string val = Headers[k]; val = (val == null) ? "" : val; _method.setRequestHeader(k, val); } if (this.CookieContainer != null) { string cookieHeader = this.CookieContainer.GetCookieHeader (this.GetOriginalAddress()); if (cookieHeader != "") _method.setRequestHeader("Cookie", cookieHeader); } SetConnectionHeader(Headers["Connection"]); _method.getParams().setSoTimeout(ReadWriteTimeout); return true; } private void InitClient() { lock(LOCK_OBJECT) { if((!_disableHttpConnectionPooling) && (_client == null)) { _client = _sclient; } if(_client == null) { mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager manager = new mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager(); manager.setConnectionStaleCheckingEnabled(false); manager.setMaxTotalConnections(200); //by some reasons RFC something - the default //value will be 2 , so we need to change it ... manager.setMaxConnectionsPerHost(20); _client = new HttpClient(manager); _client.getParams().setIntParameter(HttpClientParams.MAX_REDIRECTS, _defaultMaxRedirectsNum); _client.getParams().setParameter(HttpClientParams.ALLOW_CIRCULAR_REDIRECTS, new java.lang.Boolean(true)); _client.getParams().setParameter(HttpClientParams.CONNECTION_MANAGER_TIMEOUT, new java.lang.Long(30000)); _client.getParams().setParameter(HttpClientParams.USER_AGENT, "VMW4J HttpClient (based on Jakarta Commons HttpClient)"); _client.getParams ().setBooleanParameter (HttpClientParams.SINGLE_COOKIE_HEADER, true); java.util.ArrayList schemas = new java.util.ArrayList (); schemas.add ("Ntlm"); schemas.add ("Digest"); schemas.add ("Basic"); schemas.add ("Negotiate"); _client.getParams ().setParameter (AuthPolicy.AUTH_SCHEME_PRIORITY, schemas); if (!_disableHttpConnectionPooling) { _sclient = _client; } } } } private void InitMethod() { lock(this) { if(_method == null) { string uriString = this.GetOriginalAddress().AbsoluteUri; if(this.MethodName == null || this.MethodName == "") { this.MethodName = "GET"; } string name = this.MethodName.ToUpper().Trim(); switch(name) { case "GET" : _method = new GetMethod(uriString); break; case "PUT" : _method = new PutMethod(uriString); if (ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue) _method.getParams ().setBooleanParameter (HttpMethodParams.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, true); break; case "POST": _method = new PostMethod(uriString); if (ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue) _method.getParams ().setBooleanParameter (HttpMethodParams.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, true); break; case "HEAD": _method = new HeadMethod(uriString); break; case "TRACE": _method = new TraceMethod(uriString);break; case "DELETE": _method = new DeleteMethod(uriString);break; case "OPTIONS": _method = new OptionsMethod(uriString);break; default: _method = new GenericMethod(uriString, MethodName); break; } } } } private void InitHostConfiguration() { lock(this) { if(_hostConfig == null) { _hostConfig = new HostConfiguration(); } } } public override Stream GetRequestStream() { bool isPutPost = String.Compare("post", MethodName, true) == 0 || String.Compare("put", MethodName, true) == 0; if(!isPutPost) throw new ProtocolViolationException(); lock(this) { if (_isAborted) throw new WebException ("The operation has been aborted.", WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); if(_writeStream != null) return _writeStream; this.OpenConnection(); // inJavaStream = new; // outJavaStream = new; long contLen = _contentLength; OutputStreamRequestEntity reqEntity = new OutputStreamRequestEntity(contLen); _writeStream = new VMWRequestStream(reqEntity, contLen); EntityEnclosingMethod method = (EntityEnclosingMethod)_method; if(AllowWriteStreamBuffering ) method.setRequestEntity(reqEntity); else if(!AllowWriteStreamBuffering && contLen < 0 && !SendChunked) throw new ProtocolViolationException(); else method.setRequestEntity(reqEntity); _hasRequest = true; return _writeStream; } } private static bool isRedirectNeeded(HttpMethod method) { switch (method.getStatusCode()) { case 302: case 301: case 303: case 307: return true; default: return false; } //end of switch } private void synchHeaders() { foreach(string k in Headers) { if (String.Compare (k, "connection", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) continue; string val = Headers[k]; val = (val == null) ? "" : val; _method.setRequestHeader(k, val); } } delegate WebResponse GetResponseDelegate(); private sealed class AsyncContext { public readonly AsyncCallback AsyncCallback; public readonly Delegate AsyncDelegate; public readonly object AsyncState; public readonly DelegateAsyncResult DelegateAsyncResult; public AsyncContext (Delegate @delegate, DelegateAsyncResult delegateAsyncResult, AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object userState) { AsyncDelegate = @delegate; AsyncCallback = asyncCallback; AsyncState = userState; DelegateAsyncResult = delegateAsyncResult; } } private sealed class DelegateAsyncResult : IAsyncResult { IAsyncResult _asyncResult; public IAsyncResult AsyncResult { get { return _asyncResult; } set { _asyncResult = value; } } AsyncContext AsyncContext { get { return (AsyncContext) _asyncResult.AsyncState; } } public static void Callback (IAsyncResult result) { AsyncContext context = (AsyncContext) result.AsyncState; context.AsyncCallback.Invoke (context.DelegateAsyncResult); } public Delegate AsyncDelegate { get { return AsyncContext.AsyncDelegate; } } #region IAsyncResult Members public object AsyncState { get { return AsyncContext.AsyncState; } } public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get { return _asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle; } } public bool CompletedSynchronously { get { return _asyncResult.CompletedSynchronously; } } public bool IsCompleted { get { return _asyncResult.IsCompleted; } } #endregion } WebResponse GetAsyncResponse() { try { return GetResponse (); } catch { return null; } } public override WebResponse GetResponse() { lock(this) { if (_isAborted) throw new WebException ("The operation has been aborted.", WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); if(!_isConnectionOpened) OpenConnection(); if(_response == null) { try { synchHeaders(); InternalExecuteMethod (); int numOfRedirects = 0; while (isRedirectNeeded (_method) && _allowAutoRedirect && numOfRedirects < MaxAutoRedirections) { if (!HandleManualyRedirect ()) break; numOfRedirects++; } //todo right place to re-put all headers again... mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Header hostHeader = _method.getRequestHeader("Host"); if(hostHeader != null) Headers.SetInternal("Host", hostHeader.getValue()); _response = new HttpWebResponse(_method, _state, _stateCache, GetAddress(), this.MethodName); if(_response != null && _response.Cookies != null && _response.Cookies.Count > 0) { if(CookieContainer != null) { foreach(Cookie cooky in _response.Cookies) { CookieContainer.Add(GetAddress(), cooky); } } } _hasResponse = true; int respCodeAsInt = (int) _response.StatusCode; if(respCodeAsInt >= 400) { // The WebException contains the readable (not closed) response stream. // So, in case of WebException, we should read all data from the // network response stream into the memory stream, and after that // close the underlying network stream. The following requests to read // from the stream will actually read from the memory stream. // So, the this.Abort() should not be called in this case. _response.ReadAllAndClose(); //this.Abort(); throw new WebException("The remote server returned an error: (" + respCodeAsInt +") " +_response.StatusCode, null, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, _response); } Header location = _method.getResponseHeader ("location"); if (isRedirectNeeded (_method) && location == null && _method.getFollowRedirects ()) { // See comments above for the error >= 400 _response.ReadAllAndClose(); //this.Abort(); throw new WebException("Got response code "+_response.StatusCode+", but no location provided", null, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, _response); } } catch(ProtocolException e) { throw new WebException("", e); } catch( e) { throw new WebException("Unable to connect to the remote server.", e); } catch( e) { throw new WebException("Timeout exceeded", e); } catch( e) { throw new WebException("", e); } } return _response; } } private void InternalExecuteMethod () { _client.executeMethod (_hostConfig, _method, _state); } private bool HandleManualyRedirect () { Header redirectHeader = _method.getResponseHeader ("location"); if (redirectHeader == null) { // See comments above for the error >= 400 _response.ReadAllAndClose (); //this.Abort(); throw new WebException ("Got response code " + _response.StatusCode + ", but no location provided", null, WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError, _response); } mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod originalMethod = _method; try { string location = redirectHeader.getValue (); URI currentUri = _method.getURI (); URI redirectUri = null; redirectUri = new URI (location, true); if (redirectUri.isRelativeURI ()) { //location is incomplete, use current values for defaults redirectUri = new URI (currentUri, redirectUri); } _method = new GetMethod (); foreach(Header h in originalMethod.getRequestHeaders()) _method.addRequestHeader(h); _method.setURI (redirectUri); InternalExecuteMethod (); return true; } catch (URIException e) { _method = originalMethod; return false; } } public override void Abort() { lock (this) { if (_isAborted) return; _isAborted = true; try { if (_hasResponse) { _response.Close (); } } finally { if (_method != null) _method.releaseConnection (); _method = null; _hasResponse = false; _response = null; } } } public override IAsyncResult BeginGetRequestStream(AsyncCallback callback, object state) { lock(this) { if(_asyncWrite != null) { throw new InvalidOperationException ("Cannot re-call start of asynchronous " + "method while a previous call is still in progress."); } _asyncWrite = new GHWebAsyncResult (this, callback, state); if (_hasRequest) { if (_writeStream != null) { _asyncWrite.SetCompleted (true, _writeStream); _asyncWrite.DoCallback (); return _asyncWrite; } } try { this.GetRequestStream(); } catch(Exception e) { _asyncWrite.SetCompleted(false, e); _asyncWrite.DoCallback (); return _asyncWrite; } _asyncWrite.SetCompleted (true, _writeStream); _asyncWrite.DoCallback (); return _asyncWrite; } } public override Stream EndGetRequestStream(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { if (asyncResult == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("asyncResult"); GHWebAsyncResult result = asyncResult as GHWebAsyncResult; if (result == null) throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid IAsyncResult"); _asyncWrite = result; result.WaitUntilComplete (); Exception e = result.Exception; if (e != null) throw e; return result.WriteStream; } public override IAsyncResult BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback callback, object state) { GetResponseDelegate d = new GetResponseDelegate (GetAsyncResponse); DelegateAsyncResult result = new DelegateAsyncResult (); AsyncContext userContext = new AsyncContext (d, result, callback, state); result.AsyncResult = d.BeginInvoke (new AsyncCallback (DelegateAsyncResult.Callback), userContext); return result; } public override WebResponse EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) { if (_isAborted) throw new WebException ("The operation has been aborted.", WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled); if (asyncResult == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("asyncResult"); DelegateAsyncResult result = asyncResult as DelegateAsyncResult; if (result == null) throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid IAsyncResult", "asyncResult"); return ((GetResponseDelegate) result.AsyncDelegate).EndInvoke (result.AsyncResult); } #region VMWRequestStream class internal class VMWRequestStream : Stream, IDisposable { private _javaOutput; private long _len; private long _contentLength; internal VMWRequestStream ( stream) : this(stream , -1L) { } internal VMWRequestStream ( stream, long contentLength) { _javaOutput = stream; _contentLength = contentLength; _len = 0; } public override bool CanRead { get {return false;} } public override bool CanWrite { get{return true;} } public override bool CanSeek { get { return false;} } public override long Length { get{ return _len;} } public override long Position { get { return _len; } set { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } private volatile bool _closed = false; public override void Close() { if(!_closed) { lock(this) { if(!_closed) { try { _closed = true; _javaOutput.close (); } catch (Exception e) { throw new WebException ("The request was aborted: The request was canceled.", e, WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled, null); } } } } } public override void Flush() { _javaOutput.flush(); } public override int ReadByte() { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if(_contentLength >= 0) { _len += count; if(_len > _contentLength) { throw new System.Net.ProtocolViolationException( "Bytes to be written to the stream exceed Content-Length bytes size specified."); } } _javaOutput.write(vmw.common.TypeUtils.ToSByteArray(buffer), offset, count); if(_contentLength == _len) { _javaOutput.flush(); _javaOutput.close(); } } public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public override void SetLength(long length) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } void IDisposable.Dispose() { Close (); } } #endregion #region GHWebAsyncResult internal class GHWebAsyncResult : IAsyncResult { private object _state; private AsyncCallback _callback; private ManualResetEvent _handle; private bool _isCompleted = false; private bool _callbackDone; private Stream _writeStream; private HttpProvider _provider; private Exception _exception; #region Constructors public GHWebAsyncResult(HttpProvider provider, AsyncCallback callback, object state) : this(state, callback) { _provider = provider; } public GHWebAsyncResult(object state, AsyncCallback callback) { _state = state; _callback = callback; } #endregion #region IAsyncResult Members public object AsyncState { get { return _state; } } public bool CompletedSynchronously { get { // TODO: Add HWebAsyncResult.CompletedSynchronously getter implementation return false; } } public WaitHandle AsyncWaitHandle { get { if (_handle == null) { lock (this) { if (_handle == null) _handle = new ManualResetEvent (_isCompleted); } } return _handle; } } public bool IsCompleted { get { return _isCompleted; } } #endregion #region Internal Properties internal Stream WriteStream { get { return _writeStream; } } internal Exception Exception { get { return _exception; } } internal HttpWebResponse Response { get { return ((VMWHttpProvider)_provider)._response; } } #endregion #region Internal Methods internal void SetCompleted(bool res, Stream writeStream) { _isCompleted = res; _writeStream = writeStream; ((ManualResetEvent) AsyncWaitHandle).Set (); } internal void SetCompleted(bool res, Exception exc) { _isCompleted = res; _exception = exc; ((ManualResetEvent) AsyncWaitHandle).Set (); } internal void DoCallback() { if (!_callbackDone && _callback != null) { _callbackDone = true; _callback (this); } } internal void WaitUntilComplete() { if(_isCompleted) return; AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne (); } internal bool WaitUntilComplete (int timeout, bool exitContext) { if (_isCompleted) return true; return AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne (timeout, exitContext); } #endregion } #endregion #region OutputStreamRequestEntity internal class OutputStreamRequestEntity :, RequestEntity { private long _contentLength; private _out; private sbyte[] _buffer; internal OutputStreamRequestEntity(): this(-1) { } internal OutputStreamRequestEntity(long length) { _contentLength = length; int tmp = (int) _contentLength; if(tmp <=0) tmp = 4096; _out = new; } #region RequestEntity Members public bool isRepeatable() { return ((_out != null) || (_buffer != null)); } public long getContentLength() { if(_out != null) { _buffer = _out.toByteArray(); } if(_buffer != null) { _contentLength = _buffer.Length; _out = null; } return _contentLength; } public void writeRequest( output) { if(_out != null) _buffer = _out.toByteArray(); if(_buffer != null) { output.write(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length); _out = null; } else throw new ApplicationException(); } public string getContentType() { return null; } #endregion public override void write(int i) { _out.write(i); } public override void close () { int size = _out.size (); _out.close (); if (size < _contentLength) { throw new IOException ("Cannot close stream until all bytes are written."); } } } #endregion } class HTTPClientCredentialsBridge : CredentialsProvider { private vmw.@internal.auth.CredentialsProvider m_internalProvider; public HTTPClientCredentialsBridge (vmw.@internal.auth.CredentialsProvider internalProvider) { m_internalProvider = internalProvider; } public Credentials getCredentials (AuthScheme scheme, string __p2, int __p3, bool __p4) { if (scheme.isComplete ()) return null; GSSCredential creds = m_internalProvider.getCredentials (); return new DelegatedCredentials (creds); } } }