// // System.Net.IPv6Address.cs // // Author: // Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl) // // Note I: This class is not defined in the specs of .Net // // Note II : The name of this class is perhaps unfortunate as it turns // out that in ms.net there's an internal class called // IPv6Address in namespace System. // using System; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace System.Net { /// /// Encapsulates an IPv6 Address. /// See RFC 2373 for more info on IPv6 addresses. /// [Serializable] public class IPv6Address { private ushort [] address; private int prefixLength; public static readonly IPv6Address Loopback = IPv6Address.Parse ("::1"); public static readonly IPv6Address Unspecified = IPv6Address.Parse ("::"); /// /// Constructor from a 32-bit constant with its bytes /// in network order. /// public IPv6Address (ushort [] addr) { if (addr == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("addr"); if (addr.Length != 8) throw new ArgumentException ("addr"); address = addr; } public IPv6Address (ushort [] addr, int prefixLength) : this (addr) { if (prefixLength < 0 || prefixLength > 128) throw new ArgumentException ("prefixLength"); this.prefixLength = prefixLength; } public static IPv6Address Parse (string ipString) { if (ipString == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("ipString"); if (ipString.Length > 2 && ipString [0] == '[' && ipString [ipString.Length - 1] == ']') ipString = ipString.Substring (1, ipString.Length - 2); if (ipString.Length < 2) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); int prefixLen = 0; int pos = ipString.LastIndexOf ('/'); if (pos != -1) { string prefix = ipString.Substring (pos + 1); try { prefixLen = Int32.Parse (prefix); } catch (Exception) { prefixLen = -1; } if (prefixLen < 0 || prefixLen > 128) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid prefix length");; ipString = ipString.Substring (0, pos); } ushort [] addr = new ushort [8]; bool ipv4 = false; int pos2 = ipString.LastIndexOf (":"); if (pos2 == -1) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); if (pos2 < (ipString.Length - 1)) { string ipv4Str = ipString.Substring (pos2 + 1); if (ipv4Str.IndexOf ('.') != -1) { try { long a = IPAddress.Parse (ipv4Str).Address; addr [6] = (ushort) (((int) (a & 0xff) << 8) + ((int) ((a >> 8) & 0xff))); addr [7] = (ushort) (((int) ((a >> 16) & 0xff) << 8) + ((int) ((a >> 24) & 0xff))); if (ipString [pos2 - 1] == ':') ipString = ipString.Substring (0, pos2 + 1); else ipString = ipString.Substring (0, pos2); ipv4 = true; } catch (Exception) { throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); } } } int origLen = ipString.Length; if (origLen < 2) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); ipString = ipString.Replace ("::", ":!:"); int len = ipString.Length; if ((len - origLen) > 1) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); if (ipString [1] == '!') ipString = ipString.Remove (0, 1); if (ipString [len - 2] == '!') ipString = ipString.Remove (len - 1, 1); if ((ipString.Length > 2) && ((ipString [0] == ':') || (ipString [ipString.Length - 1] == ':'))) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); string [] pieces = ipString.Split (new char [] {':'}); len = pieces.Length; if (len > (ipv4 ? 6 : 8)) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); int piecedouble = -1; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { string piece = pieces [i]; if (piece == "!") piecedouble = i; else { int plen = piece.Length; if (plen > 4) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); int p = 0; for (int j = 0; j < plen; j++) try { p = (p << 4) + Uri.FromHex (piece [j]); } catch (ArgumentException) { throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); } addr [i] = (ushort) p; } } //expand the :: token if (piecedouble != -1) { int totallen = (ipv4 ? 5 : 7); int i = totallen; for (i = totallen; i >= (totallen - (len - piecedouble - 1)); i--) { addr [i] = addr [(len - 1) + i - totallen]; } for (; i >= piecedouble; i--) { addr [i] = 0; } } else if (len != (ipv4 ? 6 : 8)) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); // check IPv4 validity if (ipv4) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (addr [i] != 0) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); if (addr [5] != 0 && addr [5] != 0xffff) throw new FormatException ("Not a valid IPv6 address"); } return new IPv6Address (addr, prefixLen); } public ushort [] Address { get { return address; } } public int PrefixLength { get { return this.prefixLength; } } public ushort this [int index] { get { return address [index]; } } public AddressFamily AddressFamily { get { return AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6; } } /// /// Used to tell whether the given address is the loopback address. /// public static bool IsLoopback (IPv6Address addr) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) if (addr.address [i] != 0) return false; if ((addr.address [5] != 0) && (addr.address [5] != 0xffff)) return false; if ((addr.address [6] >> 8) == 0x7f) return true; return ((addr.address [5] == 0) && (addr.address [6] == 0) && (addr.address [7] == 1)); } public bool IsIPv4Compatible () { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (address [i] != 0) return false; return true; } public bool IsIPv4Mapped () { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (address [i] != 0) return false; return address [5] == 0xffff; } /// /// Overrides System.Object.ToString to return /// this object rendered in a canonicalized notation /// public override string ToString () { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) s.Append (String.Format ("{0:X4}", address [i])).Append (':'); s.Append (String.Format ("{0:X4}", address [7])); return s.ToString (); } /// /// Whether both objects are equal. /// public override bool Equals (object other) { System.Net.IPv6Address ipv6 = other as System.Net.IPv6Address; if (ipv6 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (this.address [i] != ipv6.address [i]) return false; return true; } System.Net.IPAddress ipv4 = other as System.Net.IPAddress; if (ipv4 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) if (address [i] != 0) return false; if (address [5] != 0 && address [5] != 0xffff) return false; long a = ipv4.Address; if (address [6] != (ushort) (((int) (a & 0xff) << 8) + ((int) ((a >> 8) & 0xff))) || address [7] != (ushort) (((int) ((a >> 16) & 0xff) << 8) + ((int) ((a >> 24) & 0xff)))) return false; return true; } return false; } public override int GetHashCode () { return Hash (((((int) address [0]) << 16) + address [1]), ((((int) address [2]) << 16) + address [3]), ((((int) address [4]) << 16) + address [5]), ((((int) address [6]) << 16) + address [7])); } private static int Hash (int i, int j, int k, int l) { return i ^ (j << 13 | j >> 19) ^ (k << 26 | k >> 6) ^ (l << 7 | l >> 25); } } }