using System; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Runtime; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; namespace System.Net { [Serializable] public class HttpWebResponse : WebResponse, IDisposable { #region Fields private mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod _httpMethod; private CookieCollection _cookies; private WebHeaderCollection _headers; private string _statusDescription; private Version _version = null; private Uri _uri; private string _method; private Stream _responseStream; private mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState _state; private HttpStateCache _stateCache; private HttpStatusCode _statusCode; private bool _isStatusCodeInitialized = false; private Type _httpStatusCodeType = typeof(HttpStatusCode); private sbyte [] _responseBody; private bool _isHttpMethodClosed = false; #endregion #region Constructors internal HttpWebResponse(mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethod httpMethod, mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState state, HttpStateCache stateCache, Uri uri, string method) { _httpMethod = httpMethod; _uri = uri; _method = method; _state = state; _stateCache = stateCache; } #endregion #region Properties public CookieCollection Cookies { get { if(_cookies == null) { _cookies = new CookieCollection(); FillCookies(); } return _cookies; } set { _cookies = value; } } public override WebHeaderCollection Headers { get { if(_headers == null) { _headers = new WebHeaderCollection(); FillHeaders(); } return _headers; } } public override long ContentLength { get { string val = Headers["Content-Length"]; if(val == null || val.Trim().Equals("")) return -1L; try { return Int64.Parse(val); } catch { return -1L; } } } public string ContentEncoding { get { return Headers["Content-Encoding"]; } } public override string ContentType { get { return Headers["Content-Type"]; } } public string CharacterSet { get { string contentType = ContentType; if (contentType == null) return "ISO-8859-1"; int pos = contentType.IndexOf ("charset=", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (pos == -1) return "ISO-8859-1"; pos += 8; int pos2 = contentType.IndexOf (';', pos); return (pos2 == -1) ? contentType.Substring (pos) : contentType.Substring (pos, pos2 - pos); } } public string Server { get { return Headers ["Server"]; } } public DateTime LastModified { get { try { string val = Headers["Last-Modified"]; return MonoHttpDate.Parse(val); } catch { return DateTime.Now; } } } public HttpStatusCode StatusCode { get { if(_isStatusCodeInitialized == false) { int status = _httpMethod.getStatusCode(); _statusCode = (HttpStatusCode)Enum.Parse(_httpStatusCodeType, Enum.GetName(_httpStatusCodeType, status)); _isStatusCodeInitialized = true; } return _statusCode; } } public string StatusDescription { get { if(_statusDescription == null) _statusDescription = _httpMethod.getStatusText(); return _statusDescription; } } public Version ProtocolVersion { get { if(_version == null) ParseVersion(); return _version; } } public override Uri ResponseUri { get { return _uri; } } public string Method { get { return _method; } } #endregion #region Methods internal void ReadAllAndClose() { if (_responseBody != null) return; object temp = null; if(_cookies == null) { temp = this.Cookies; } if(_headers == null) { temp = this.Headers; } if(_isStatusCodeInitialized == false) { temp = this.StatusCode; } if(_statusDescription == null) { temp = this.StatusDescription; } if(_version == null) { temp = this.ProtocolVersion; } _responseBody = _httpMethod.getResponseBody(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("The response body as string == {0}", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])vmw.common.TypeUtils.ToByteArray(_responseBody))); #endif this.Close(); } public override Stream GetResponseStream() { try { if(_responseStream == null) { Type t = Type.GetType("System.IO.ConsoleReadStream", true); object [] param = null; if (_responseBody == null) { param = new object[]{_httpMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream()}; } else { param = new object[]{new}; } _responseStream = (Stream) Activator.CreateInstance(t, param); } return _responseStream; } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught!"); Console.WriteLine(e.GetType() + ":" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace); throw e; } } public override void Close() { try { if(_responseStream != null) _responseStream.Close(); } finally { _responseStream = null; if (!_isHttpMethodClosed) { _httpMethod.releaseConnection(); if(_stateCache != null && _state != null) { _stateCache.ReleaseHttpState(_state); _state = null; _stateCache = null; } _isHttpMethodClosed = true; } } } public string GetResponseHeader(string headerName) { return Headers[headerName]; } public override int GetHashCode() { return base.GetHashCode(); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { try { if(_responseStream != null) _responseStream.Close(); } finally { _responseStream = null; if (!_isHttpMethodClosed) { _httpMethod.releaseConnection(); _isHttpMethodClosed = true; } } } private void FillHeaders() { mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Header[] respHeaders = _httpMethod.getResponseHeaders(); if(respHeaders == null) return; for(int i = 0; i < respHeaders.Length; i++) { mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.HeaderElement[] elements = respHeaders[i].getElements(); for(int j = 0; j < elements.Length; j++) { string key = elements[j].getName(); string val = elements[j].getValue(); string pair = (key == null) ? ((val == null) ? "" : val) : ((val==null) ? key : key + "=" + val); _headers.Add(respHeaders[i].getName(), pair); } } ParseVersion(); } private void ParseVersion() { mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.StatusLine statusLine = _httpMethod.getStatusLine(); string ver = statusLine.getHttpVersion().Trim().ToUpper(); if(ver == "HTTP/1.1") _version = HttpVersion.Version11; else if(ver == "HTTP/1.0") _version = HttpVersion.Version10; else _version = null; } private mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie FindCookie (mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie [] cookies, string name) { for (int i = 0; i < cookies.Length; ++i) if (cookies [i].getName () == name) return cookies [i]; return null; } private mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie [] FetchResponseCookies (mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Header [] headers, mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie [] stateCookies) { System.Collections.ArrayList list = new System.Collections.ArrayList(); foreach (mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Header h in headers) { foreach (mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.HeaderElement element in h.getValues ()) { mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie c = FindCookie (stateCookies, element.getName ()); if (c != null) list.Add(c); } } return (mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie[]) list.ToArray(typeof(mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie)); } private void FillCookies () { if(_state == null) return; mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie[] javaCookies = _state.getCookies(); if(javaCookies == null) return; mainsoft.apache.commons.httpclient.Header [] headers = _httpMethod.getResponseHeaders ("Set-Cookie"); if (headers != null) javaCookies = FetchResponseCookies (headers, javaCookies); for(int i = 0; i < javaCookies.Length; i++) { bool httpsProtocol = _httpMethod.getURI().ToString().StartsWith("https"); if(!httpsProtocol && javaCookies[i].getSecure()) continue; Cookie c = new Cookie(javaCookies[i].getName(), javaCookies[i].getValue(), (javaCookies[i].getPath() == null) ? "" : javaCookies[i].getPath(), (javaCookies[i].getDomain() == null) ? "" : javaCookies[i].getDomain()); java.util.Calendar jCalendar = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); java.util.Date jDate = javaCookies[i].getExpiryDate(); if(jDate != null) { jCalendar.setTime(javaCookies[i].getExpiryDate()); c.Expires = (DateTime) vmw.common.DateTimeUtils.CalendarToDateTime(jCalendar); } _cookies.Add(c); } } //todo remove unused methods private void FillCookies_old () { string val = Headers["Set-Cookie"]; if (val != null && val.Trim () != "") SetCookie (val); val = Headers["Set-Cookie2"]; if (val != null && val.Trim () != "") SetCookie2 (val); } static string [] SplitValue (string input) { string [] result = new string [2]; int eq = input.IndexOf ('='); if (eq == -1) { result [0] = "invalid"; } else { result [0] = input.Substring (0, eq).Trim ().ToUpper (); result [1] = input.Substring (eq + 1); } return result; } private void SetCookie(string val) { // Console.WriteLine("in set cookie 1 - got value : " + val); string[] parts = null; Collections.Queue options = null; Cookie cookie = null; options = new Collections.Queue (val.Split (';')); parts = SplitValue ((string) options.Dequeue()); // NAME=VALUE must be first cookie = new Cookie (parts[0], parts[1]); while (options.Count > 0) { parts = SplitValue ((string) options.Dequeue()); switch (parts [0]) { case "COMMENT": if (cookie.Comment == null) cookie.Comment = parts[1]; break; case "COMMENTURL": if (cookie.CommentUri == null) cookie.CommentUri = new Uri(parts[1]); break; case "DISCARD": cookie.Discard = true; break; case "DOMAIN": if (cookie.Domain == "") cookie.Domain = parts[1]; break; case "MAX-AGE": // RFC Style Set-Cookie2 if (cookie.Expires == DateTime.MinValue) cookie.Expires = cookie.TimeStamp.AddSeconds (Int32.Parse (parts[1])); break; case "EXPIRES": // Netscape Style Set-Cookie if (cookie.Expires == DateTime.MinValue) { //FIXME: Does DateTime parse something like: "Sun, 17-Jan-2038 19:14:07 GMT"? //cookie.Expires = DateTime.ParseExact (parts[1]); cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays (1); } break; case "PATH": cookie.Path = parts[1]; break; case "PORT": if (cookie.Port == null) cookie.Port = parts[1]; break; case "SECURE": cookie.Secure = true; break; case "VERSION": cookie.Version = Int32.Parse (parts[1]); break; } // switch } // while if (_cookies == null) _cookies = new CookieCollection(); if (cookie.Domain == "") cookie.Domain = _uri.Host; // Console.WriteLine("adding cookie " + cookie + " to collection"); _cookies.Add (cookie); // Console.WriteLine("exit from method..."); } private void SetCookie2 (string cookies_str) { string [] cookies = cookies_str.Split (','); foreach (string cookie_str in cookies) SetCookie (cookie_str); } #endregion } }