// // System.UriBuilder // // Author: // Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl) // using System; using System.Collections; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Text; // See RFC 2396 for more info on URI's. namespace System { public class UriBuilder { private string scheme; private string host; private int port; private string path; private string query; private string fragment; private string username; private string password; private Uri uri; private bool modified; // Constructors public UriBuilder () : this (Uri.UriSchemeHttp, "loopback") { } public UriBuilder (string uri) : this (new Uri (uri)) { } public UriBuilder (Uri uri) { scheme = uri.Scheme; host = uri.Host; port = uri.Port; path = uri.AbsolutePath; query = uri.Query; fragment = uri.Fragment; username = uri.UserInfo; int pos = username.IndexOf (':'); if (pos != -1) { password = username.Substring (pos + 1); username = username.Substring (0, pos); } modified = true; } public UriBuilder (string schemeName, string hostName) { Scheme = schemeName; Host = hostName; port = -1; Path = String.Empty; // dependent on scheme it may set path to "/" query = String.Empty; fragment = String.Empty; username = String.Empty; password = String.Empty; modified = true; } public UriBuilder (string scheme, string host, int portNumber) : this (scheme, host) { Port = portNumber; } public UriBuilder (string scheme, string host, int port, string pathValue) : this (scheme, host, port) { Path = pathValue; } public UriBuilder (string scheme, string host, int port, string pathValue, string extraValue) : this (scheme, host, port, pathValue) { if (extraValue == null || extraValue.Length == 0) return; if (extraValue [0] == '#') Fragment = extraValue.Remove (0, 1); else if (extraValue [0] == '?') Query = extraValue.Remove (0, 1); else throw new ArgumentException ("extraValue"); } // Properties public string Fragment { get { return fragment; } set { fragment = value; if (fragment == null) fragment = String.Empty; else if (fragment.Length > 0) // fragment = "#" + EncodeUtf8 (value.Replace ("%23", "#")); fragment = "#" + value.Replace ("%23", "#"); query = String.Empty; modified = true; } } public string Host { get { return host; } set { host = (value == null) ? String.Empty : value;; modified = true; } } public string Password { get { return password; } set { password = (value == null) ? String.Empty : value;; modified = true; } } public string Path { get { return path; } set { if (value == null || value.Length == 0) { path = "/"; } else { path = Uri.EscapeString (value.Replace ('\\', '/'), false, true, true); } modified = true; } } public int Port { get { return port; } set { if (value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("value"); // apparently it is port = value; modified = true; } } public string Query { get { return query; } set { // LAMESPEC: it doesn't say to always prepend a // question mark to the value.. it does say this // for fragment. if (value == null || value == "") query = String.Empty; else // query = "?" + EncodeUtf8 (value); query = "?" + value; fragment = String.Empty; modified = true; } } public string Scheme { get { return scheme; } set { if (value == null) value = String.Empty; int colonPos = value.IndexOf (':'); if (colonPos != -1) value = value.Substring (0, colonPos); scheme = value.ToLower (); modified = true; } } public Uri Uri { get { if (!modified) return uri; uri = new Uri (ToString (), true); modified = false; return uri; } } public string UserName { get { return username; } set { username = (value == null) ? String.Empty : value;; modified = true; } } // Methods public override bool Equals (object rparam) { return (rparam == null) ? false : this.Uri.Equals (rparam.ToString ()); } public override int GetHashCode () { return this.Uri.GetHashCode (); } public override string ToString () { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder (); builder.Append (scheme); builder.Append ("://"); if (username != String.Empty) { builder.Append (username); if (password != String.Empty) builder.Append (":" + password); builder.Append ('@'); } builder.Append (host); if (port > 0) builder.Append (":" + port); if (path != String.Empty) builder.Append ('/'); builder.Append (path); builder.Append (query); return builder.ToString (); } private string EncodeUtf8 (string str) { byte [] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (str); int len = data.Length; char [] res = new char [len]; for (int i=0; i