// // System.Uri // // Authors: // Lawrence Pit (loz@cable.a2000.nl) // Garrett Rooney (rooneg@electricjellyfish.net) // Ian MacLean (ianm@activestate.com) // Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sourceforge.net) // Atsushi Enomoto (atsushi@ximian.com) // // (C) 2001 Garrett Rooney // (C) 2003 Ian MacLean // (C) 2003 Ben Maurer // (C) 2003 Novell inc. // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Text; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; // See RFC 2396 for more info on URI's. // TODO: optimize by parsing host string only once namespace System { [Serializable] public class Uri : MarshalByRefObject, ISerializable { // NOTES: // o scheme excludes the scheme delimiter // o port is -1 to indicate no port is defined // o path is empty or starts with / when scheme delimiter == "://" // o query is empty or starts with ? char, escaped. // o fragment is empty or starts with # char, unescaped. // o all class variables are in escaped format when they are escapable, // except cachedToString. // o UNC is supported, as starts with "\\" for windows, // or "//" with unix. private bool isUnixFilePath = false; private string source; private string scheme = String.Empty; private string host = String.Empty; private int port = -1; private string path = String.Empty; private string query = String.Empty; private string fragment = String.Empty; private string userinfo = String.Empty; private bool isUnc = false; private bool isOpaquePart = false; private string [] segments; private bool userEscaped = false; private string cachedAbsoluteUri = null; private string cachedToString = null; private string cachedLocalPath = null; private int cachedHashCode = 0; private static readonly string hexUpperChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; // Fields public static readonly string SchemeDelimiter = "://"; public static readonly string UriSchemeFile = "file"; public static readonly string UriSchemeFtp = "ftp"; public static readonly string UriSchemeGopher = "gopher"; public static readonly string UriSchemeHttp = "http"; public static readonly string UriSchemeHttps = "https"; public static readonly string UriSchemeMailto = "mailto"; public static readonly string UriSchemeNews = "news"; public static readonly string UriSchemeNntp = "nntp"; // Constructors public Uri (string uriString) : this (uriString, false) { } protected Uri (SerializationInfo serializationInfo, StreamingContext streamingContext) : this (serializationInfo.GetString ("AbsoluteUri"), true) { } public Uri (string uriString, bool dontEscape) { userEscaped = dontEscape; source = uriString; #if NET_2_0 ParseUri (); #else Parse (); #endif } public Uri (Uri baseUri, string relativeUri) : this (baseUri, relativeUri, false) { } public Uri (Uri baseUri, string relativeUri, bool dontEscape) { if (baseUri == null) throw new NullReferenceException ("baseUri"); // See RFC 2396 Par 5.2 and Appendix C userEscaped = dontEscape; if (relativeUri == null) throw new NullReferenceException ("relativeUri"); // Check Windows UNC (for // it is scheme/host separator) if (relativeUri.StartsWith ("\\\\")) { source = relativeUri; #if NET_2_0 ParseUri (); #else Parse (); #endif return; } int pos = relativeUri.IndexOf (':'); if (pos != -1) { int pos2 = relativeUri.IndexOfAny (new char [] {'/', '\\', '?'}); // pos2 < 0 ... e.g. mailto // pos2 > pos ... to block ':' in query part if (pos2 > pos || pos2 < 0) { // equivalent to new Uri (relativeUri, dontEscape) source = relativeUri; #if NET_2_0 ParseUri (); #else Parse (); #endif return; } } this.scheme = baseUri.scheme; this.host = baseUri.host; this.port = baseUri.port; this.userinfo = baseUri.userinfo; this.isUnc = baseUri.isUnc; this.isUnixFilePath = baseUri.isUnixFilePath; this.isOpaquePart = baseUri.isOpaquePart; if (relativeUri == String.Empty) { this.path = baseUri.path; this.query = baseUri.query; this.fragment = baseUri.fragment; return; } // 8 fragment // Note that in relative constructor, file URI cannot handle '#' as a filename character, but just regarded as a fragment identifier. pos = relativeUri.IndexOf ('#'); if (pos != -1) { if (userEscaped) fragment = relativeUri.Substring (pos); else fragment = "#" + EscapeString (relativeUri.Substring (pos+1)); relativeUri = relativeUri.Substring (0, pos); } // 6 query pos = relativeUri.IndexOf ('?'); if (pos != -1) { query = relativeUri.Substring (pos); if (!userEscaped) query = EscapeString (query); relativeUri = relativeUri.Substring (0, pos); } if (relativeUri.Length > 0 && relativeUri [0] == '/') { if (relativeUri.Length > 1 && relativeUri [1] == '/') { source = scheme + ':' + relativeUri; #if NET_2_0 ParseUri (); #else Parse (); #endif return; } else { path = relativeUri; if (!userEscaped) path = EscapeString (path); return; } } // par 5.2 step 6 a) path = baseUri.path; if (relativeUri.Length > 0 || query.Length > 0) { pos = path.LastIndexOf ('/'); if (pos >= 0) path = path.Substring (0, pos + 1); } if(relativeUri.Length == 0) return; // 6 b) path += relativeUri; // 6 c) int startIndex = 0; while (true) { pos = path.IndexOf ("./", startIndex); if (pos == -1) break; if (pos == 0) path = path.Remove (0, 2); else if (path [pos - 1] != '.') path = path.Remove (pos, 2); else startIndex = pos + 1; } // 6 d) if (path.Length > 1 && path [path.Length - 1] == '.' && path [path.Length - 2] == '/') path = path.Remove (path.Length - 1, 1); // 6 e) startIndex = 0; while (true) { pos = path.IndexOf ("/../", startIndex); if (pos == -1) break; if (pos == 0) { startIndex = 3; continue; } int pos2 = path.LastIndexOf ('/', pos - 1); if (pos2 == -1) { startIndex = pos + 1; } else { if (path.Substring (pos2 + 1, pos - pos2 - 1) != "..") path = path.Remove (pos2 + 1, pos - pos2 + 3); else startIndex = pos + 1; } } // 6 f) if (path.Length > 3 && path.EndsWith ("/..")) { pos = path.LastIndexOf ('/', path.Length - 4); if (pos != -1) if (path.Substring (pos + 1, path.Length - pos - 4) != "..") path = path.Remove (pos + 1, path.Length - pos - 1); } if (!userEscaped) path = EscapeString (path); } // Properties public string AbsolutePath { get { return path; } } public string AbsoluteUri { get { if (cachedAbsoluteUri == null) { cachedAbsoluteUri = GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path) + query + fragment; } return cachedAbsoluteUri; } } public string Authority { get { return (GetDefaultPort (scheme) == port) ? host : host + ":" + port; } } public string Fragment { get { return fragment; } } public string Host { get { return host; } } public UriHostNameType HostNameType { get { UriHostNameType ret = CheckHostName (host); if (ret != UriHostNameType.Unknown) return ret; // looks it always returns Basic... return UriHostNameType.Basic; //.Unknown; } } public bool IsDefaultPort { get { return GetDefaultPort (scheme) == port; } } public bool IsFile { get { return (scheme == UriSchemeFile); } } public bool IsLoopback { get { if (host == String.Empty) return false; if (host == "loopback" || host == "localhost") return true; try { if (IPAddress.Loopback.Equals (IPAddress.Parse (host))) return true; } catch (FormatException) {} try { return IPv6Address.IsLoopback (IPv6Address.Parse (host)); } catch (FormatException) {} return false; } } public bool IsUnc { // rule: This should be true only if // - uri string starts from "\\", or // - uri string starts from "//" (Samba way) get { return isUnc; } } public string LocalPath { get { if (cachedLocalPath != null) return cachedLocalPath; if (!IsFile) return AbsolutePath; bool windows = (path.Length > 3 && path [1] == ':' && (path [2] == '\\' || path [2] == '/')); if (!IsUnc) { string p = Unescape (path); if (System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\' || windows) cachedLocalPath = p.Replace ('/', '\\'); else cachedLocalPath = p; } else { // support *nix and W32 styles if (path.Length > 1 && path [1] == ':') cachedLocalPath = Unescape (path.Replace (Path.AltDirectorySeparatorChar, Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)); // LAMESPEC: ok, now we cannot determine // if such URI like "file://foo/bar" is // Windows UNC or unix file path, so // they should be handled differently. else if (System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\') cachedLocalPath = "\\\\" + Unescape (host + path.Replace ('/', '\\')); else cachedLocalPath = Unescape (path); } if (cachedLocalPath == String.Empty) cachedLocalPath = Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.ToString (); return cachedLocalPath; } } public string PathAndQuery { get { return path + query; } } public int Port { get { return port; } } public string Query { get { return query; } } public string Scheme { get { return scheme; } } public string [] Segments { get { if (segments != null) return segments; if (path == "") { segments = new string [0]; return segments; } string [] parts = path.Split ('/'); segments = parts; bool endSlash = path.EndsWith ("/"); if (parts.Length > 0 && endSlash) { string [] newParts = new string [parts.Length - 1]; Array.Copy (parts, 0, newParts, 0, parts.Length - 1); parts = newParts; } int i = 0; if (IsFile && path.Length > 1 && path [1] == ':') { string [] newParts = new string [parts.Length + 1]; Array.Copy (parts, 1, newParts, 2, parts.Length - 1); parts = newParts; parts [0] = path.Substring (0, 2); parts [1] = ""; i++; } int end = parts.Length; for (; i < end; i++) if (i != end - 1 || endSlash) parts [i] += '/'; segments = parts; return segments; } } public bool UserEscaped { get { return userEscaped; } } public string UserInfo { get { return userinfo; } } // Methods public static UriHostNameType CheckHostName (string name) { if (name == null || name.Length == 0) return UriHostNameType.Unknown; if (IsIPv4Address (name)) return UriHostNameType.IPv4; if (IsDomainAddress (name)) return UriHostNameType.Dns; try { IPv6Address.Parse (name); return UriHostNameType.IPv6; } catch (FormatException) {} return UriHostNameType.Unknown; } internal static bool IsIPv4Address (string name) { string [] captures = name.Split (new char [] {'.'}); if (captures.Length != 4) return false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { try { int d = Int32.Parse (captures [i], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (d < 0 || d > 255) return false; } catch (Exception) { return false; } } return true; } internal static bool IsDomainAddress (string name) { int len = name.Length; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = name [i]; if (count == 0) { if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit (c)) return false; } else if (c == '.') { count = 0; } else if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit (c) && c != '-' && c != '_') { return false; } if (++count == 64) return false; } return true; } [MonoTODO ("Find out what this should do")] protected virtual void Canonicalize () { } public static bool CheckSchemeName (string schemeName) { if (schemeName == null || schemeName.Length == 0) return false; if (!Char.IsLetter (schemeName [0])) return false; int len = schemeName.Length; for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { char c = schemeName [i]; if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit (c) && c != '.' && c != '+' && c != '-') return false; } return true; } [MonoTODO ("Find out what this should do")] protected virtual void CheckSecurity () { } public override bool Equals (object comparant) { if (comparant == null) return false; Uri uri = comparant as Uri; if (uri == null) { string s = comparant as String; if (s == null) return false; uri = new Uri (s); } CultureInfo inv = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; return ((this.scheme.ToLower (inv) == uri.scheme.ToLower (inv)) && (this.userinfo.ToLower (inv) == uri.userinfo.ToLower (inv)) && (this.host.ToLower (inv) == uri.host.ToLower (inv)) && (this.port == uri.port) && (this.path == uri.path) && (this.query.ToLower (inv) == uri.query.ToLower (inv))); } public override int GetHashCode () { if (cachedHashCode == 0) cachedHashCode = scheme.GetHashCode () + userinfo.GetHashCode () + host.GetHashCode () + port + path.GetHashCode () + query.GetHashCode (); return cachedHashCode; } public string GetLeftPart (UriPartial part) { int defaultPort; switch (part) { case UriPartial.Scheme : return scheme + GetOpaqueWiseSchemeDelimiter (); case UriPartial.Authority : if (host == String.Empty || scheme == Uri.UriSchemeMailto || scheme == Uri.UriSchemeNews) return String.Empty; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder (); s.Append (scheme); s.Append (GetOpaqueWiseSchemeDelimiter ()); if (path.Length > 1 && path [1] == ':' && (Uri.UriSchemeFile == scheme)) s.Append ('/'); // win32 file if (userinfo.Length > 0) s.Append (userinfo).Append ('@'); s.Append (host); defaultPort = GetDefaultPort (scheme); if ((port != -1) && (port != defaultPort)) s.Append (':').Append (port); return s.ToString (); case UriPartial.Path : StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append (scheme); sb.Append (GetOpaqueWiseSchemeDelimiter ()); if (path.Length > 1 && path [1] == ':' && (Uri.UriSchemeFile == scheme)) sb.Append ('/'); // win32 file if (userinfo.Length > 0) sb.Append (userinfo).Append ('@'); sb.Append (host); defaultPort = GetDefaultPort (scheme); if ((port != -1) && (port != defaultPort)) sb.Append (':').Append (port); sb.Append (path); return sb.ToString (); } return null; } public static int FromHex (char digit) { if ('0' <= digit && digit <= '9') { return (int) (digit - '0'); } if ('a' <= digit && digit <= 'f') return (int) (digit - 'a' + 10); if ('A' <= digit && digit <= 'F') return (int) (digit - 'A' + 10); throw new ArgumentException ("digit"); } public static string HexEscape (char character) { if (character > 255) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("character"); } return "%" + hexUpperChars [((character & 0xf0) >> 4)] + hexUpperChars [((character & 0x0f))]; } public static char HexUnescape (string pattern, ref int index) { if (pattern == null) throw new ArgumentException ("pattern"); if (index < 0 || index >= pattern.Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index"); if (!IsHexEncoding (pattern, index)) return pattern [index++]; index++; int msb = FromHex (pattern [index++]); int lsb = FromHex (pattern [index++]); return (char) ((msb << 4) | lsb); } public static bool IsHexDigit (char digit) { return (('0' <= digit && digit <= '9') || ('a' <= digit && digit <= 'f') || ('A' <= digit && digit <= 'F')); } public static bool IsHexEncoding (string pattern, int index) { if ((index + 3) > pattern.Length) return false; return ((pattern [index++] == '%') && IsHexDigit (pattern [index++]) && IsHexDigit (pattern [index])); } public string MakeRelative (Uri toUri) { if ((this.Scheme != toUri.Scheme) || (this.Authority != toUri.Authority)) return toUri.ToString (); if (this.path == toUri.path) return String.Empty; string [] segments = this.Segments; string [] segments2 = toUri.Segments; int k = 0; int max = Math.Min (segments.Length, segments2.Length); for (; k < max; k++) if (segments [k] != segments2 [k]) break; string result = String.Empty; for (int i = k + 1; i < segments.Length; i++) result += "../"; for (int i = k; i < segments2.Length; i++) result += segments2 [i]; return result; } public override string ToString () { if (cachedToString != null) return cachedToString; string q = query.StartsWith ("?") ? '?' + Unescape (query.Substring (1)) : Unescape (query); cachedToString = Unescape (GetLeftPart (UriPartial.Path), true) + q + fragment; return cachedToString; } void ISerializable.GetObjectData (SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) { info.AddValue ("AbsoluteUri", this.AbsoluteUri); } // Internal Methods protected virtual void Escape () { path = EscapeString (path); } protected static string EscapeString (string str) { return EscapeString (str, false, true, true); } internal static string EscapeString (string str, bool escapeReserved, bool escapeHex, bool escapeBrackets) { if (str == null) return String.Empty; byte [] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes (str); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder (); int len = data.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = (char) data [i]; // reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | "," // mark = "-" | "_" | "." | "!" | "~" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" // control = // space = // delims = "<" | ">" | "#" | "%" | <"> // unwise = "{" | "}" | "|" | "\" | "^" | "[" | "]" | "`" // check for escape code already placed in str, // i.e. for encoding that follows the pattern // "%hexhex" in a string, where "hex" is a digit from 0-9 // or a letter from A-F (case-insensitive). if('%' == c && IsHexEncoding(str,i)) { // if ,yes , copy it as is s.Append(c); s.Append(str[++i]); s.Append(str[++i]); continue; } if ((c <= 0x20) || (c >= 0x7f) || ("<>%\"{}|\\^`".IndexOf (c) != -1) || (escapeHex && (c == '#')) || (escapeBrackets && (c == '[' || c == ']')) || (escapeReserved && (";/?:@&=+$,".IndexOf (c) != -1))) { s.Append (HexEscape (c)); continue; } s.Append (c); } return s.ToString (); } // On .NET 1.x, this method is called from .ctor(). When overriden, we // can avoid the "absolute uri" constraints of the .ctor() by // overriding with custom code. #if NET_2_0 [Obsolete("The method has been deprecated. It is not used by the system.")] #endif protected virtual void Parse () { #if !NET_2_0 ParseUri (); #endif } private void ParseUri () { Parse (source); if (userEscaped) return; host = EscapeString (host, false, true, false); path = EscapeString (path); } protected virtual string Unescape (string str) { return Unescape (str, false); } private string Unescape (string str, bool excludeSharp) { if (str == null) return String.Empty; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder (); int len = str.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = str [i]; if (c == '%') { char surrogate; char x = HexUnescapeMultiByte (str, ref i, out surrogate); if (excludeSharp && x == '#') s.Append ("%23"); else { s.Append (x); if (surrogate != char.MinValue) s.Append (surrogate); } i--; } else s.Append (c); } return s.ToString (); } // Private Methods private void ParseAsWindowsUNC (string uriString) { scheme = UriSchemeFile; port = -1; fragment = String.Empty; query = String.Empty; isUnc = true; uriString = uriString.TrimStart (new char [] {'\\'}); int pos = uriString.IndexOf ('\\'); if (pos > 0) { path = uriString.Substring (pos); host = uriString.Substring (0, pos); } else { // "\\\\server" host = uriString; path = String.Empty; } path = path.Replace ("\\", "/"); } private void ParseAsWindowsAbsoluteFilePath (string uriString) { if (uriString.Length > 2 && uriString [2] != '\\' && uriString [2] != '/') throw new UriFormatException ("Relative file path is not allowed."); scheme = UriSchemeFile; host = String.Empty; port = -1; path = uriString.Replace ("\\", "/"); fragment = String.Empty; query = String.Empty; } private void ParseAsUnixAbsoluteFilePath (string uriString) { isUnixFilePath = true; scheme = UriSchemeFile; port = -1; fragment = String.Empty; query = String.Empty; host = String.Empty; path = null; if (uriString.StartsWith ("//")) { uriString = uriString.TrimStart (new char [] {'/'}); // Now we don't regard //foo/bar as "foo" host. /* int pos = uriString.IndexOf ('/'); if (pos > 0) { path = '/' + uriString.Substring (pos + 1); host = uriString.Substring (0, pos); } else { // "///server" host = uriString; path = String.Empty; } */ path = '/' + uriString; } if (path == null) path = uriString; } // this parse method is as relaxed as possible about the format // it will hardly ever throw a UriFormatException private void Parse (string uriString) { // // From RFC 2396 : // // ^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))? // 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 // if (uriString == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("uriString"); int len = uriString.Length; if (len <= 1) throw new UriFormatException (); int pos = 0; // 1, 2 // Identify Windows path, unix path, or standard URI. pos = uriString.IndexOf (':'); if (pos == 0) { throw new UriFormatException("Invalid URI: " + "The format of the URI could not be " + "determined."); } else if (pos < 0) { // It must be Unix file path or Windows UNC if (uriString [0] == '/') ParseAsUnixAbsoluteFilePath (uriString); else if (uriString.StartsWith ("\\\\")) ParseAsWindowsUNC (uriString); else throw new UriFormatException ("URI scheme was not recognized, and input string was not recognized as an absolute file path."); return; } else if (pos == 1) { if (!Char.IsLetter (uriString [0])) throw new UriFormatException ("URI scheme must start with a letter."); // This means 'a:' == windows full path. ParseAsWindowsAbsoluteFilePath (uriString); return; } // scheme scheme = uriString.Substring (0, pos).ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Check scheme name characters as specified in RFC2396. if (!Char.IsLetter (scheme [0])) throw new UriFormatException ("URI scheme must start with a letter."); for (int i = 1; i < scheme.Length; i++) { if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit (scheme, i)) { switch (scheme [i]) { case '+': case '-': case '.': break; default: throw new UriFormatException ("URI scheme must consist of one of alphabet, digits, '+', '-' or '.' character."); } } } uriString = uriString.Substring (pos + 1); // 8 fragment pos = uriString.IndexOf ('#'); if (!IsUnc && pos != -1) { if (userEscaped) fragment = uriString.Substring (pos); else fragment = "#" + EscapeString (uriString.Substring (pos+1)); uriString = uriString.Substring (0, pos); } // 6 query pos = uriString.IndexOf ('?'); if (pos != -1) { query = uriString.Substring (pos); uriString = uriString.Substring (0, pos); if (!userEscaped) query = EscapeString (query); } // 3 if (IsPredefinedScheme (scheme) && scheme != UriSchemeMailto && scheme != UriSchemeNews && ( (uriString.Length < 2) || (uriString.Length >= 2 && uriString [0] == '/' && uriString [1] != '/'))) throw new UriFormatException ("Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed."); bool unixAbsPath = scheme == UriSchemeFile && (uriString.StartsWith ("///") || uriString == "//"); if (uriString.StartsWith ("//")) { if (scheme != UriSchemeMailto && scheme != UriSchemeNews) uriString = uriString.Substring (2); if (scheme == UriSchemeFile) { int num_leading_slash = 2; for (int i = 0; i < uriString.Length; i++) { if (uriString [i] != '/') break; num_leading_slash++; } if (num_leading_slash >= 4) { unixAbsPath = false; uriString = uriString.TrimStart ('/'); } else if (num_leading_slash >= 3) { uriString = uriString.Substring (1); } } if (uriString.Length > 1 && uriString [1] == ':') unixAbsPath = false; } else if (!IsPredefinedScheme (scheme)) { path = uriString; isOpaquePart = true; return; } // 5 path pos = uriString.IndexOf ('/'); if (unixAbsPath) pos = -1; if (pos == -1) { if ((scheme != Uri.UriSchemeMailto) && (scheme != Uri.UriSchemeNews) && (scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFile)) path = "/"; } else { path = uriString.Substring (pos); uriString = uriString.Substring (0, pos); } // 4.a user info pos = uriString.IndexOf ("@"); if (pos != -1) { userinfo = uriString.Substring (0, pos); uriString = uriString.Remove (0, pos + 1); } // 4.b port port = -1; pos = uriString.LastIndexOf (":"); if (unixAbsPath) pos = -1; if (pos != -1 && pos != (uriString.Length - 1)) { string portStr = uriString.Remove (0, pos + 1); if (portStr.Length > 1 && portStr[portStr.Length - 1] != ']') { try { #if NET_2_0 port = (int) UInt16.Parse (portStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); #else port = (int) UInt32.Parse (portStr, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); #endif uriString = uriString.Substring (0, pos); } catch (Exception) { throw new UriFormatException ("Invalid URI: Invalid port number"); } } else { if (port == -1) { port = GetDefaultPort (scheme); } } } else { if (port == -1) { port = GetDefaultPort (scheme); } } // 4 authority host = uriString; if (host.Length > 1 && host [0] == '[' && host [host.Length - 1] == ']') { try { host = "[" + IPv6Address.Parse (host).ToString () + "]"; } catch (Exception) { throw new UriFormatException ("Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed"); } } if (unixAbsPath) { path = '/' + uriString; host = String.Empty; } else if (host.Length == 2 && host [1] == ':') { // windows filepath path = host + path; host = String.Empty; } else if (isUnixFilePath) { uriString = "//" + uriString; host = String.Empty; } else if (scheme == UriSchemeFile) { isUnc = true; } else if (host.Length == 0 && (scheme == UriSchemeHttp || scheme == UriSchemeGopher || scheme == UriSchemeNntp || scheme == UriSchemeHttps || scheme == UriSchemeFtp)) { throw new UriFormatException ("Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed"); } if ((scheme != Uri.UriSchemeMailto) && (scheme != Uri.UriSchemeNews) && (scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFile)) path = Reduce (path); } private static string Reduce (string path) { path = path.Replace ('\\','/'); string [] parts = path.Split ('/'); ArrayList result = new ArrayList (); int end = parts.Length; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { string current = parts [i]; if (current == "" || current == "." ) continue; if (current == "..") { int resultCount = result.Count; #if NET_2_0 // in 2.0 profile, skip leading ".." parts if (resultCount == 0) { continue; } result.RemoveAt (resultCount - 1); continue; #else // in 1.x profile, retain leading ".." parts, and only reduce // URI is previous part is not ".." if (resultCount > 0) { if ((string) result[resultCount - 1] != "..") { result.RemoveAt (resultCount - 1); continue; } } #endif } result.Add (current); } if (result.Count == 0) return "/"; result.Insert (0, ""); string res = String.Join ("/", (string []) result.ToArray (typeof (string))); if (path.EndsWith ("/")) res += '/'; return res; } // A variant of HexUnescape() which can decode multi-byte escaped // sequences such as (e.g.) %E3%81%8B into a single character private static char HexUnescapeMultiByte (string pattern, ref int index, out char surrogate) { surrogate = char.MinValue; if (pattern == null) throw new ArgumentException ("pattern"); if (index < 0 || index >= pattern.Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("index"); if (!IsHexEncoding (pattern, index)) return pattern [index++]; int orig_index = index++; int msb = FromHex (pattern [index++]); int lsb = FromHex (pattern [index++]); // We might be dealing with a multi-byte character: // The number of ones at the top-end of the first byte will tell us // how many bytes will make up this character. int msb_copy = msb; int num_bytes = 0; while ((msb_copy & 0x8) == 0x8) { num_bytes++; msb_copy <<= 1; } // We might be dealing with a single-byte character: // If there was only 0 or 1 leading ones then we're not dealing // with a multi-byte character. if (num_bytes <= 1) return (char) ((msb << 4) | lsb); // Now that we know how many bytes *should* follow, we'll check them // to ensure we are dealing with a valid multi-byte character. byte [] chars = new byte [num_bytes]; bool all_invalid = false; chars[0] = (byte) ((msb << 4) | lsb); for (int i = 1; i < num_bytes; i++) { if (!IsHexEncoding (pattern, index++)) { all_invalid = true; break; } // All following bytes must be in the form 10xxxxxx int cur_msb = FromHex (pattern [index++]); if ((cur_msb & 0xc) != 0x8) { all_invalid = true; break; } int cur_lsb = FromHex (pattern [index++]); chars[i] = (byte) ((cur_msb << 4) | cur_lsb); } // If what looked like a multi-byte character is invalid, then we'll // just return the first byte as a single byte character. if (all_invalid) { index = orig_index + 3; return (char) chars[0]; } // Otherwise, we're dealing with a valid multi-byte character. // We need to ignore the leading ones from the first byte: byte mask = (byte) 0xFF; mask >>= (num_bytes + 1); int result = chars[0] & mask; // The result will now be built up from the following bytes. for (int i = 1; i < num_bytes; i++) { // Ignore upper two bits result <<= 6; result |= (chars[i] & 0x3F); } if (result <= 0xFFFF) { return (char) result; } else { // We need to handle this as a UTF16 surrogate (i.e. return // two characters) result -= 0x10000; surrogate = (char) ((result & 0x3FF) | 0xDC00); return (char) ((result >> 10) | 0xD800); } } private struct UriScheme { public string scheme; public string delimiter; public int defaultPort; public UriScheme (string s, string d, int p) { scheme = s; delimiter = d; defaultPort = p; } }; static UriScheme [] schemes = new UriScheme [] { new UriScheme (UriSchemeHttp, SchemeDelimiter, 80), new UriScheme (UriSchemeHttps, SchemeDelimiter, 443), new UriScheme (UriSchemeFtp, SchemeDelimiter, 21), new UriScheme (UriSchemeFile, SchemeDelimiter, -1), new UriScheme (UriSchemeMailto, ":", 25), new UriScheme (UriSchemeNews, ":", 119), new UriScheme (UriSchemeNntp, SchemeDelimiter, 119), new UriScheme (UriSchemeGopher, SchemeDelimiter, 70), }; internal static string GetSchemeDelimiter (string scheme) { for (int i = 0; i < schemes.Length; i++) if (schemes [i].scheme == scheme) return schemes [i].delimiter; return Uri.SchemeDelimiter; } internal static int GetDefaultPort (string scheme) { for (int i = 0; i < schemes.Length; i++) if (schemes [i].scheme == scheme) return schemes [i].defaultPort; return -1; } private string GetOpaqueWiseSchemeDelimiter () { if (isOpaquePart) return ":"; else return GetSchemeDelimiter (scheme); } protected virtual bool IsBadFileSystemCharacter (char ch) { // It does not always overlap with InvalidPathChars. int chInt = (int) ch; if (chInt < 32 || (chInt < 64 && chInt > 57)) return true; switch (chInt) { case 0: case 34: // " case 38: // & case 42: // * case 44: // , case 47: // / case 92: // \ case 94: // ^ case 124: // | return true; } return false; } protected static bool IsExcludedCharacter (char ch) { if (ch <= 32 || ch >= 127) return true; if (ch == '"' || ch == '#' || ch == '%' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == '[' || ch == '\\' || ch == ']' || ch == '^' || ch == '`' || ch == '{' || ch == '|' || ch == '}') return true; return false; } private static bool IsPredefinedScheme (string scheme) { switch (scheme) { case "http": case "https": case "file": case "ftp": case "nntp": case "gopher": case "mailto": case "news": return true; default: return false; } } protected virtual bool IsReservedCharacter (char ch) { if (ch == '$' || ch == '&' || ch == '+' || ch == ',' || ch == '/' || ch == ':' || ch == ';' || ch == '=' || ch == '@') return true; return false; } } }