using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Text; namespace PEAPI { public class Hex { readonly static char[] hexDigit = {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7', '8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F'}; readonly static uint[] iByteMask = {0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000}; readonly static ulong[] lByteMask = {0x00000000000000FF, 0x000000000000FF00, 0x0000000000FF0000, 0x00000000FF000000, 0x000000FF00000000, 0x0000FF0000000000, 0x00FF000000000000, 0xFF00000000000000 }; readonly static uint nibble0Mask = 0x0000000F; readonly static uint nibble1Mask = 0x000000F0; public static String Byte(int b) { char[] str = new char[2]; uint num = (uint)b; uint b1 = num & nibble0Mask; uint b2 = (num & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[0] = hexDigit[b2]; str[1] = hexDigit[b1]; return new String(str); } public static String Short(int b) { char[] str = new char[4]; uint num1 = (uint)b & iByteMask[0]; uint num2 = ((uint)b & iByteMask[1]) >> 8; uint b1 = num1 & nibble0Mask; uint b2 = (num1 & nibble1Mask) >> 4; uint b3 = num2 & nibble0Mask; uint b4 = (num2 & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[0] = hexDigit[b4]; str[1] = hexDigit[b3]; str[2] = hexDigit[b2]; str[3] = hexDigit[b1]; return new String(str); } public static String Int(int val) { char[] str = new char[8]; uint num = (uint)val; int strIx = 7; for (int i=0; i < iByteMask.Length; i++) { uint b = num & iByteMask[i]; b >>= (i*8); uint b1 = b & nibble0Mask; uint b2 = (b & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b1]; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b2]; } return new String(str); } public static String Int(uint num) { char[] str = new char[8]; int strIx = 7; for (int i=0; i < iByteMask.Length; i++) { uint b = num & iByteMask[i]; b >>= (i*8); uint b1 = b & nibble0Mask; uint b2 = (b & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b1]; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b2]; } return new String(str); } public static String Long(long lnum) { ulong num = (ulong)lnum; char[] str = new char[16]; int strIx = 15; for (int i=0; i < lByteMask.Length; i++) { ulong b = num & lByteMask[i]; b >>= (i*8); ulong b1 = b & nibble0Mask; ulong b2 = (b & nibble1Mask) >> 4; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b1]; str[strIx--] = hexDigit[b2]; } return new String(str); } } public class NotYetImplementedException : System.Exception { public NotYetImplementedException(string msg) : base(msg + " Not Yet Implemented") { } } public class TypeSignatureException : System.Exception { public TypeSignatureException(string msg) : base(msg) { } } public class ClassRefInst : Type { private Type type; private bool is_value; public ClassRefInst (Type type, bool is_value) : base (PrimitiveType.Class.GetTypeIndex ()) { this.type = type; this.is_value = is_value; if (is_value) typeIndex = PrimitiveType.ValueType.GetTypeIndex (); tabIx = MDTable.TypeSpec; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { type.TypeSig (str); } } public class MVar : Type { private int index; public MVar (int index) : base (0x1E) { this.index = index; tabIx = MDTable.TypeSpec; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(typeIndex); MetaData.CompressNum ((uint) index, str); } } public class GenericTypeSpec : Type { private int index; public GenericTypeSpec (int index) : base (0x13) { this.index = index; tabIx = MDTable.TypeSpec; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(typeIndex); MetaData.CompressNum ((uint) index, str); } } public class GenericTypeInst : Type { private Type gen_type; private Type[] gen_param; public GenericTypeInst (Type gen_type, Type[] gen_param) : base (0x15) { typeIndex = 0x15; this.gen_type = gen_type; this.gen_param = gen_param; tabIx = MDTable.TypeSpec; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(typeIndex); gen_type.TypeSig (str); MetaData.CompressNum ((uint) gen_param.Length, str); foreach (Type param in gen_param) param.TypeSig (str); } } public class GenericMethodSig { private Type[] gen_param; public GenericMethodSig (Type[] gen_param) { this.gen_param = gen_param; } internal void TypeSig (MemoryStream str) { MetaData.CompressNum ((uint) gen_param.Length, str); // THIS IS NOT RIGHT, but works MetaData.CompressNum ((uint) gen_param.Length, str); foreach (Type param in gen_param) param.TypeSig (str); } internal uint GetSigIx (MetaData md) { MemoryStream sig = new MemoryStream(); TypeSig (sig); return md.AddToBlobHeap (sig.ToArray()); } } public class Sentinel : Type { public Sentinel () : base (0x41) { } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(typeIndex); } } /// /// The IL Array type /// public abstract class Array : Type { protected Type elemType; protected MetaData metaData; protected string cnameSpace, cname; internal Array(Type eType, byte TypeId) : base(TypeId) { elemType = eType; tabIx = MDTable.TypeSpec; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Single dimensional array with zero lower bound /// public class ZeroBasedArray : Array { /// /// Create a new array - elementType[] /// /// the type of the array elements public ZeroBasedArray(Type elementType) : base (elementType, PrimitiveType.SZArray.GetTypeIndex ()) { } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(typeIndex); elemType.TypeSig(str); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Multi dimensional array with explicit bounds /// public class BoundArray : Array { int[] lowerBounds; int[] sizes; uint numDims; /// /// Create a new multi dimensional array type /// eg. elemType[1..5,3..10,5,,] would be /// new BoundArray(elemType,5,[1,3,0],[5,10,4]) /// /// the type of the elements /// the number of dimensions /// lower bounds of dimensions /// upper bounds of dimensions public BoundArray(Type elementType, uint dimensions, int[] loBounds, int[] upBounds) : base (elementType,0x14) { numDims = dimensions; lowerBounds = loBounds; sizes = new int[loBounds.Length]; for (int i=0; i < loBounds.Length; i++) { sizes[i] = upBounds[i] - loBounds[i] + 1; } } /// /// Create a new multi dimensional array type /// eg. elemType[5,10,20] would be new BoundArray(elemType,3,[5,10,20]) /// /// the type of the elements /// the number of dimensions /// the sizes of the dimensions public BoundArray(Type elementType, uint dimensions, int[] size) : base (elementType,0x14) { numDims = dimensions; sizes = size; } /// /// Create a new multi dimensional array type /// eg. elemType[,,] would be new BoundArray(elemType,3) /// /// the type of the elements /// the number of dimensions public BoundArray(Type elementType, uint dimensions) : base (elementType,0x14) { numDims = dimensions; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(typeIndex); elemType.TypeSig(str); MetaData.CompressNum(numDims,str); if ((sizes != null) && (sizes.Length > 0)) { MetaData.CompressNum((uint)sizes.Length,str); for (int i=0; i < sizes.Length; i++) { MetaData.CompressNum((uint)sizes[i],str); } } else str.WriteByte(0); if ((lowerBounds != null) && (lowerBounds.Length > 0)) { MetaData.CompressNum((uint)lowerBounds.Length,str); for (int i=0; i < lowerBounds.Length; i++) { MetaData.CompressNum((uint)lowerBounds[i],str); } } else str.WriteByte(0); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for THIS assembly (.assembly) /// public class Assembly : ResolutionScope { ushort majorVer, minorVer, buildNo, revisionNo; uint flags; uint hashAlgId; uint keyIx = 0, cultIx = 0; bool hasPublicKey = false; internal Assembly(string name, MetaData md) : base(name,md) { tabIx = MDTable.Assembly; } /// /// Add details about THIS assembly /// /// Major Version /// Minor Version /// Build Number /// Revision Number /// Hash Key /// Hash Algorithm /// Culture public void AddAssemblyInfo(int majVer, int minVer, int bldNo, int revNo, byte[] key, uint hash, string cult) { majorVer = (ushort)majVer; minorVer = (ushort)minVer; buildNo = (ushort)bldNo; revisionNo = (ushort)revNo; hashAlgId = hash; hasPublicKey = (key != null); keyIx = metaData.AddToBlobHeap(key); cultIx = metaData.AddToStringsHeap(cult); } /// /// Add an attribute to THIS assembly /// /// assembly attribute public void AddAssemblyAttr(AssemAttr aa) { flags |= (uint)aa; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 16 + md.BlobIndexSize() + 2 * md.StringsIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { // Console.WriteLine("Writing assembly element with nameIx of " + nameIx + " at file offset " + output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); output.Write((uint)hashAlgId); output.Write(majorVer); output.Write(minorVer); output.Write(buildNo); output.Write(revisionNo); output.Write(flags); output.BlobIndex(keyIx); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.StringsIndex(cultIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 14; case (CIx.HasDeclSecurity) : return 2; } return 0; } internal bool HasPublicKey { get { return hasPublicKey; } } } /**************************************************************************/ public interface IExternRef { ClassRef AddClass(string nsName, string name); ClassRef AddValueClass(string nsName, string name); } /// /// A reference to an external assembly (.assembly extern) /// public class AssemblyRef : ResolutionScope, IExternRef { private ushort major, minor, build, revision; uint flags, keyIx, hashIx, cultIx; bool hasVersion = false, isKeyToken = false; byte[] keyBytes; string culture; internal AssemblyRef(MetaData md, string name) : base(name,md) { tabIx = MDTable.AssemblyRef; } /// /// Add version information about this external assembly /// /// Major Version /// Minor Version /// Build Number /// Revision Number public void AddVersionInfo(int majVer, int minVer, int bldNo, int revNo) { major = (ushort)majVer; minor = (ushort)minVer; build = (ushort)bldNo; revision = (ushort)revNo; hasVersion = true; } /// /// Add the hash value for this external assembly /// /// bytes of the hash value public void AddHash(byte[] hash) { hashIx = metaData.AddToBlobHeap(hash); } /// /// Set the culture for this external assembly /// /// the culture string public void AddCulture(string cult) { cultIx = metaData.AddToStringsHeap(cult); culture = cult; } /// /// Add the full public key for this external assembly /// /// bytes of the public key public void AddKey(byte[] key) { flags |= 0x0001; // full public key keyBytes = key; keyIx = metaData.AddToBlobHeap(key); } /// /// Add the public key token (low 8 bytes of the public key) /// /// low 8 bytes of public key public void AddKeyToken(byte[] key) { keyIx = metaData.AddToBlobHeap(key); keyBytes = key; isKeyToken = true; } /// /// Add a class to this external assembly /// /// name space name /// class name /// public virtual ClassRef AddClass(string nsName, string name) { ClassRef aClass = new ClassRef(nsName,name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,aClass); aClass.SetParent(this); return aClass; } /// /// Add a value class to this external assembly /// /// name space name /// class name /// public virtual ClassRef AddValueClass(string nsName, string name) { ClassRef aClass = new ClassRef(nsName,name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,aClass); aClass.SetParent(this); aClass.MakeValueClass(ValueClass.ValueType); return aClass; } internal string TypeName() { string result = name; if (hasVersion) result = result + ", Version=" + major + "." + minor + "." + build + "." + revision; if (keyBytes != null) { string tokenStr = "="; if (isKeyToken) tokenStr = "Token="; result = result + ", PublicKey" + tokenStr; for (int i=0; i < keyBytes.Length; i++) { result = result + Hex.Byte(keyBytes[i]); } } if (culture != null) result = result + ", Culture=" + culture; return result; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 12 + 2 * md.StringsIndexSize() + 2 * md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(major); output.Write(minor); output.Write(build); output.Write(revision); output.Write(flags); output.BlobIndex(keyIx); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.StringsIndex(cultIx); output.BlobIndex(hashIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.ResolutionScope) : return 2; case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 15; case (CIx.Implementation) : return 1; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// flags for the assembly (.corflags) /// public enum CorFlags {CF_IL_ONLY = 1, CF_32_BITREQUIRED = 2, CF_STRONGNAMESIGNED = 8, CF_TRACKDEBUGDATA = 0x10000 } /// /// subsystem for the assembly (.subsystem) /// public enum SubSystem { Native = 1, Windows_GUI = 2, Windows_CUI = 3, OS2_CUI = 5, POSIX_CUI = 7, Native_Windows = 8, Windows_CE_GUI = 9} /// /// Hash algorithms for the assembly /// public enum HashAlgorithm { None, SHA1 } /// /// Attributes for this assembly /// public enum AssemAttr { EnableJITCompileTracking = 0x8000, DisableJITCompileOptimizer = 0x4000} /// /// Method call conventions /// public enum CallConv { Default, Cdecl, Stdcall, Thiscall, Fastcall, Vararg, Instance = 0x20, Generic = 0x10, InstanceExplicit = 0x60 } /// /// Type custom modifier /// public enum CustomModifier { modreq = 0x1F, modopt }; /// /// Attibutes for a class /// public enum TypeAttr {Private, Public, NestedPublic, NestedPrivate, NestedFamily, NestedAssembly, NestedFamAndAssem, NestedFamOrAssem, SequentialLayout, ExplicitLayout = 0x10, Interface = 0x20, Abstract = 0x80, PublicAbstract = 0x81, Sealed = 0x100, PublicSealed = 0x101, SpecialName = 0x400, RTSpecialName = 0x800, Import = 0x1000, Serializable = 0x2000, UnicodeClass = 0x10000, AutoClass = 0x20000, HasSecurity = 0x40000, BeforeFieldInit = 0x100000 } /// /// Attributes for a field /// public enum FieldAttr {Default, Private, FamAndAssem, Assembly, Family, FamOrAssem, Public, Static = 0x10, PublicStatic = 0x16, Initonly = 0x20, Literal = 0x40, Notserialized = 0x80, SpecialName = 0x200, RTSpecialName = 0x400, HasFieldMarshal = 0x1000 } /// /// Attributes for a method /// public enum MethAttr { Default, Private, FamAndAssem, Assembly, Family, FamOrAssem, Public, Static = 0x0010, PublicStatic = 0x16, Final = 0x0020, PublicStaticFinal = 0x36, Virtual = 0x0040, PrivateVirtual, PublicVirtual = 0x0046, HideBySig = 0x0080, NewSlot = 0x0100, Abstract = 0x0400, SpecialName = 0x0800, RTSpecialName = 0x1000, SpecialRTSpecialName = 0x1800, HasSecurity = 0x4000, RequireSecObject = 0x8000} /// /// Attributes for .pinvokeimpl method declarations /// public enum PInvokeAttr { nomangle = 1, ansi = 2, unicode = 4, autochar = 6, lasterr = 0x0040, winapi = 0x0100, cdecl = 0x0200, stdcall = 0x0300, thiscall = 0x0400, fastcall = 0x0500 } /// /// Implementation attributes for a method /// public enum ImplAttr { IL, Native, Runtime = 0x03, Unmanaged = 0x04, ForwardRef = 0x10, PreserveSig = 0x0080, InternalCall = 0x1000, Synchronised = 0x0020, Synchronized = 0x0020, NoInLining = 0x0008, Optil = 0x0002} /// /// Modes for a parameter /// public enum ParamAttr { Default, In, Out, Opt = 16, HasDefault = 0x1000, HasFieldMarshal = 0x2000 } /// /// CIL instructions /// public enum Op { nop, breakOp, ldarg_0, ldarg_1, ldarg_2, ldarg_3, ldloc_0, ldloc_1, ldloc_2, ldloc_3, stloc_0, stloc_1, stloc_2, stloc_3, ldnull = 0x14, ldc_i4_m1, ldc_i4_0, ldc_i4_1, ldc_i4_2, ldc_i4_3, ldc_i4_4, ldc_i4_5, ldc_i4_6, ldc_i4_7, ldc_i4_8, dup = 0x25, pop, ret = 0x2A, ldind_i1 = 0x46, ldind_u1, ldind_i2, ldind_u2, ldind_i4, ldind_u4, ldind_i8, ldind_i, ldind_r4, ldind_r8, ldind_ref, stind_ref, stind_i1, stind_i2, stind_i4, stind_i8, stind_r4, stind_r8, add, sub, mul, div, div_un, rem, rem_un, and, or, xor, shl, shr, shr_un, neg, not, conv_i1, conv_i2, conv_i4, conv_i8, conv_r4, conv_r8, conv_u4, conv_u8, conv_r_un = 0x76, throwOp = 0x7A, conv_ovf_i1_un = 0x82, conv_ovf_i2_un, conv_ovf_i4_un, conv_ovf_i8_un, conf_ovf_u1_un, conv_ovf_u2_un, conv_ovf_u4_un, conv_ovf_u8_un, conv_ovf_i_un, conv_ovf_u_un, ldlen = 0x8E, ldelem_i1 = 0x90, ldelem_u1, ldelem_i2, ldelem_u2, ldelem_i4, ldelem_u4, ldelem_i8, ldelem_i, ldelem_r4, ldelem_r8, ldelem_ref, stelem_i, stelem_i1, stelem_i2, stelem_i4, stelem_i8, stelem_r4 = 0xA0, stelem_r8, stelem_ref, conv_ovf_i1 = 0xb3, conv_ovf_u1, conv_ovf_i2, conv_ovf_u2, conv_ovf_i4, conv_ovf_u4, conv_ovf_i8, conv_ovf_u8, ckfinite = 0xC3, conv_u2 = 0xD1, conv_u1, conv_i, conv_ovf_i, conv_ovf_u, add_ovf, add_ovf_un, mul_ovf, mul_ovf_un, sub_ovf, sub_ovf_un, endfinally, stind_i = 0xDF, conv_u, arglist = 0xFE00, ceq, cgt, cgt_un, clt, clt_un, localloc = 0xFE0F, endfilter = 0xFE11, volatile_ = 0xFE13, tail_, cpblk = 0xFE17, initblk, rethrow = 0xFE1A, refanytype = 0xFE1D} /// /// CIL instructions requiring an integer parameter /// public enum IntOp {ldarg_s = 0x0E, ldarga_s, starg_s, ldloc_s, ldloca_s, stloc_s, ldc_i4_s = 0x1F, ldc_i4, ldarg = 0xFE09, ldarga, starg, ldloc, ldloca, stloc, unaligned = 0xFE12 } /// /// CIL instructions requiring a field parameter /// public enum FieldOp {ldfld = 0x7B, ldflda, stfld, ldsfld, ldsflda, stsfld, ldtoken = 0xD0 } /// /// CIL instructions requiring a method parameter /// public enum MethodOp {jmp = 0x27, call, callvirt = 0x6F, newobj = 0x73, ldtoken = 0xD0, ldftn = 0xFE06, ldvirtfn } /// /// CIL instructions requiring a type parameter /// public enum TypeOp {cpobj = 0x70, ldobj, castclass = 0x74, isinst, unbox = 0x79, stobj = 0x81, box = 0x8C, newarr, ldelema = 0x8F, refanyval = 0xC2, mkrefany = 0xC6, ldtoken = 0xD0, initobj = 0xFE15, sizeOf = 0xFE1C, ldelem = 0xA3, stelem = 0xA4, unbox_any } /// /// CIL branch instructions /// public enum BranchOp { // short branches br_s = 0x2B, brfalse_s, brtrue_s, beq_s, bge_s, bgt_s, ble_s, blt_s, bne_un_s, bge_un_s, bgt_un_s, ble_un_s, blt_un_s, // long branches br = 0x38, brfalse, brtrue, beq, bge, bgt, ble, blt, bne_un, bge_un, bgt_un, ble_un, blt_un, leave = 0xDD, leave_s } /// /// Index for all the tables in the meta data /// public enum MDTable { Module, TypeRef, TypeDef, Field = 0x04, Method = 0x06, Param = 0x08, InterfaceImpl, MemberRef, Constant, CustomAttribute, FieldMarshal, DeclSecurity, ClassLayout, FieldLayout, StandAloneSig, EventMap, Event = 0x14, PropertyMap, Property = 0x17, MethodSemantics, MethodImpl, ModuleRef, TypeSpec, ImplMap, FieldRVA, Assembly = 0x20, AssemblyProcessor, AssemblyOS, AssemblyRef, AssemblyRefProcessor, AssemblyRefOS, File, ExportedType, ManifestResource, NestedClass, GenericParam, MethodSpec, GenericParamConstraint } public enum SafeArrayType { int16 = 2, int32, float32, float64, currency, date, bstr, dispatch, error, boolean, variant, unknown, Decimal, int8 = 16, uint8, uint16, uint32, Int = 22, UInt } internal enum CIx { TypeDefOrRef, HasConst, HasCustomAttr, HasFieldMarshal, HasDeclSecurity, MemberRefParent, HasSemantics, MethodDefOrRef, MemberForwarded, Implementation, CustomAttributeType, ResolutionScope, TypeOrMethodDef, MaxCIx } internal enum MapType { eventMap, propertyMap, nestedClass } /* Taken from Mono.Cecil */ public enum SecurityAction : short { Request = 1, Demand = 2, Assert = 3, Deny = 4, PermitOnly = 5, LinkDemand = 6, InheritDemand = 7, RequestMinimum = 8, RequestOptional = 9, RequestRefuse = 10, PreJitGrant = 11, PreJitDeny = 12, NonCasDemand = 13, NonCasLinkDemand = 14, NonCasInheritance = 15, LinkDemandChoice = 16, InheritDemandChoice = 17, DemandChoice = 18 } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// The assembly for mscorlib. /// public sealed class MSCorLib : AssemblyRef { private static readonly int valueTypeIx = 18; private readonly string systemName = "System"; private Class[] systemClasses = new Class[valueTypeIx+2]; private PrimitiveType[] systemTypes = new PrimitiveType[valueTypeIx]; private TypeSpec[] specialTypeSpecs = new TypeSpec[valueTypeIx]; private static int[] specialNames = { PrimitiveType.Void.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.Boolean.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.Char.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.Int8.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.UInt8.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.Int16.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.UInt16.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.Int32.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.UInt32.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.Int64.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.UInt64.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.Float32.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.Float64.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.String.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.TypedRef.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.IntPtr.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.UIntPtr.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.Object.GetName().GetHashCode(), PrimitiveType.ValueType.GetName ().GetHashCode(), "Enum".GetHashCode() }; internal MSCorLib(MetaData md) : base(md,"mscorlib") { if (!PEFile.IsMSCorlib) md.AddToTable(MDTable.AssemblyRef,this); systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Void.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Void; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Boolean.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Boolean; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Char.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Char; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Int8.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Int8; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.UInt8.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.UInt8; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Int16.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Int16; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.UInt16.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.UInt16; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Int32.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Int32; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.UInt32.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.UInt32; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Int64.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Int64; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.UInt64.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.UInt64; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Float32.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Float32; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Float64.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Float64; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.IntPtr.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.IntPtr; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.UIntPtr.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.UIntPtr; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.String.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.String; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.Object.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.Object; systemTypes[PrimitiveType.TypedRef.GetSystemTypeIx()] = PrimitiveType.TypedRef; } /// /// Add a class to the mscorlib assembly /// /// name space name /// class name /// public override ClassRef AddClass(string nsName, string name) { /* This gets called by !mscorlib, for adding references INTO mscorlib, so it should be returning ClassRef ..*/ Class aClass = GetSpecialClass(nsName,name); if (aClass == null) { aClass = new ClassRef(nsName,name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,aClass); if (aClass is ClassRef) ((ClassRef) aClass).SetParent(this); } //FIXME: Check for !ClassRef here? return (ClassRef) aClass; } private Class GetSpecialClass(string nsName,string name) { if (nsName.CompareTo(systemName) != 0) return null; int hash = name.GetHashCode(); for (int i=0; i < specialNames.Length; i++) { if (hash != specialNames[i]) continue; if (systemClasses[i] == null) { if (i < valueTypeIx) { systemClasses[i] = new SystemClass(systemTypes[i],this,metaData); if ((systemTypes[i] != PrimitiveType.Object) && (systemTypes[i] != PrimitiveType.String)) { systemClasses[i].MakeValueClass(ValueClass.ValueType); } } else { systemClasses[i] = new ClassRef(nsName,name,metaData); ((ClassRef) systemClasses[i]).SetParent(this); if (!ClassDef.IsValueType (nsName, name) && !ClassDef.IsEnum (nsName, name)) systemClasses[i].MakeValueClass(ValueClass.ValueType); } metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,systemClasses[i]); } return systemClasses[i]; } return null; } internal void SetSpecialSystemClass (string nsName, string name, Class aClass) { if (nsName != systemName) return; int hash = name.GetHashCode (); for (int i = 0; i < specialNames.Length; i++) { if (hash != specialNames [i]) continue; if (systemClasses [i] == null) { systemClasses [i] = aClass; } } } internal Class GetSpecialSystemClass(PrimitiveType pType) { int ix = pType.GetSystemTypeIx(); if (systemClasses[ix] == null && !PEFile.IsMSCorlib) { systemClasses[ix] = new SystemClass(pType,this,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,systemClasses[ix]); } return systemClasses[ix]; } private ClassRef GetValueClass(string name, int hash) { /* Called by MSCorLib.AddValueClass, which is called by !mscorlib, for adding ref to value class INTO mscorlib, so this should be classref */ int ix = valueTypeIx; if (hash != specialNames[valueTypeIx]) ix++; if (systemClasses[ix] == null) { systemClasses[ix] = new ClassRef(systemName,name,metaData); ((ClassRef) systemClasses[ix]).SetParent(this); ((ClassRef) systemClasses[ix]).MakeValueClass(ValueClass.ValueType); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,systemClasses[ix]); } return (ClassRef) systemClasses[ix]; } internal Class ValueType() { if (systemClasses[valueTypeIx] == null && !PEFile.IsMSCorlib) { ClassRef valType = new ClassRef("System","ValueType",metaData); valType.SetParent(this); valType.MakeValueClass(ValueClass.ValueType); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,valType); systemClasses[valueTypeIx] = valType; } return systemClasses[valueTypeIx]; } internal Class EnumType() { /* Called by both mscorlib & !mscorlib, so can be either ClassRef or ClassDef */ //systemClasses [ valueTypeIx + 1] -> System.Enum if (systemClasses[valueTypeIx + 1] == null && !PEFile.IsMSCorlib) { ClassRef valType = new ClassRef("System","Enum",metaData); valType.SetParent(this); valType.MakeValueClass(ValueClass.Enum); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,valType); systemClasses[valueTypeIx + 1] = valType; } return systemClasses[valueTypeIx + 1]; } /// /// Add a value class to this external assembly /// /// name space name /// class name /// public override ClassRef AddValueClass(string nsName, string name) { if (nsName.CompareTo(systemName) == 0) { int hash = name.GetHashCode(); if ((hash == specialNames[valueTypeIx]) || (hash == specialNames[valueTypeIx+1])) { return GetValueClass(name,hash); } } ClassRef aClass = new ClassRef(nsName,name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,aClass); aClass.SetParent(this); aClass.MakeValueClass(ValueClass.ValueType); return aClass; } } public enum ValueClass { ValueType, Enum } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Signature for calli instruction /// public class CalliSig : Signature { private static readonly byte Sentinel = 0x41; CallConv callConv; Type returnType; Type[] parameters, optParams; uint numPars = 0, numOptPars = 0; /// /// Create a signature for a calli instruction /// /// calling conventions /// return type /// parameter types public CalliSig(CallConv cconv, Type retType, Type[] pars) { tabIx = MDTable.StandAloneSig; callConv = cconv; returnType = retType; parameters = pars; if (pars != null) numPars = (uint)pars.Length; } /// /// Add the optional parameters to a vararg method /// This method sets the vararg calling convention /// /// the optional pars for the vararg call public void AddVarArgs(Type[] optPars) { optParams = optPars; if (optPars != null) numOptPars = (uint)optPars.Length; callConv |= CallConv.Vararg; } /// /// Add extra calling conventions to this callsite signature /// /// public void AddCallingConv(CallConv cconv) { callConv |= cconv; } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; MemoryStream sig = new MemoryStream(); sig.WriteByte((byte)callConv); MetaData.CompressNum(numPars+numOptPars,sig); returnType.TypeSig(sig); for (int i=0; i < numPars; i++) { parameters[i].TypeSig(sig); } sigIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(sig.ToArray()); if (numOptPars > 0) { sig.WriteByte(Sentinel); for (int i=0; i < numOptPars; i++) { optParams[i].TypeSig(sig); } } done = true; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// The IL instructions for a method /// public class CILInstructions { private static readonly uint ExHeaderSize = 4; private static readonly uint FatExClauseSize = 24; private static readonly uint SmlExClauseSize = 12; private static readonly sbyte maxByteVal = 127; private static readonly sbyte minByteVal = -128; private static readonly byte maxUByteVal = 255; private static readonly int smallSize = 64; private static readonly ushort TinyFormat = 0x2; private static readonly ushort FatFormat = 0x3003; private static readonly ushort MoreSects = 0x8; private static readonly ushort InitLocals = 0x10; private static readonly uint FatSize = 12; private static readonly uint FatWords = FatSize/4; private static readonly byte FatExceptTable = 0x41; private static readonly byte SmlExceptTable = 0x01; private MetaData metaData; private ArrayList exceptions, blockStack; //private bool codeChecked = false; private static readonly int INITSIZE = 5; private CILInstruction[] buffer = new CILInstruction[INITSIZE]; private int tide = 0; private uint offset = 0; private ushort headerFlags = 0; private short maxStack; private uint paddingNeeded = 0; private byte exceptHeader = 0; uint localSigIx = 0; uint codeSize = 0, exceptSize = 0; bool tinyFormat, fatExceptionFormat = false; public uint Offset { get { return offset; } } internal CILInstructions(MetaData md) { metaData = md; } private void AddToBuffer(CILInstruction inst) { if (tide >= buffer.Length) { CILInstruction[] tmp = buffer; buffer = new CILInstruction[tmp.Length * 2]; for (int i=0; i < tide; i++) { buffer[i] = tmp[i]; } } //Console.WriteLine("Adding instruction at offset " + offset + " with size " + inst.size); inst.offset = offset; offset += inst.size; buffer[tide++] = inst; } /// /// Add a simple IL instruction /// /// the IL instruction public void Inst(Op inst) { AddToBuffer(new Instr((int)inst)); } /// /// Add an IL instruction with an integer parameter /// /// the IL instruction /// the integer parameter value public void IntInst(IntOp inst, int val) { int instr = (int)inst; if ((inst == IntOp.ldc_i4_s) || (inst == IntOp.ldc_i4)) AddToBuffer(new IntInstr(instr,val,(inst == IntOp.ldc_i4_s))); else AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr(instr,val,((inst < IntOp.ldc_i4_s) || (inst == IntOp.unaligned)))); } /// /// Add the load long instruction /// /// the long value public void ldc_i8(long cVal) { AddToBuffer(new LongInstr(0x21,cVal)); } /// /// Add the load float32 instruction /// /// the float value public void ldc_r4(float cVal) { AddToBuffer(new FloatInstr(0x22,cVal)); } /// /// Add the load float64 instruction /// /// the float value public void ldc_r8(double cVal) { AddToBuffer(new DoubleInstr(0x23,cVal)); } /// /// Add the load string instruction /// /// the string value public void ldstr(string str) { AddToBuffer(new StringInstr(0x72,str)); } /// /// Add the load string instruction /// public void ldstr (byte[] str) { AddToBuffer (new StringInstr (0x72, str)); } /// /// Add the calli instruction /// /// the signature for the calli public void calli(CalliSig sig) { AddToBuffer(new SigInstr(0x29,sig)); } /// /// Add a label to the CIL instructions /// /// the label to be added public void CodeLabel(CILLabel lab) { AddToBuffer(new LabelInstr(lab)); } /// /// Add an instruction with a field parameter /// /// the CIL instruction /// the field parameter public void FieldInst(FieldOp inst, Field f) { AddToBuffer(new FieldInstr((int)inst,f)); } /// /// Add an instruction with a method parameter /// /// the CIL instruction /// the method parameter public void MethInst(MethodOp inst, Method m) { AddToBuffer(new MethInstr((int)inst,m)); } /// /// Add an instruction with a type parameter /// /// the CIL instruction /// the type argument for the CIL instruction public void TypeInst(TypeOp inst, Type aType) { AddToBuffer(new TypeInstr((int)inst,aType,metaData)); } /// /// Add a branch instruction /// /// the branch instruction /// the label that is the target of the branch public void Branch(BranchOp inst, CILLabel lab) { AddToBuffer(new BranchInstr((int)inst,lab)); } /// /// Add a switch instruction /// /// the target labels for the switch public void Switch(CILLabel[] labs) { AddToBuffer(new SwitchInstr(0x45,labs)); } /// /// Add a byte to the CIL instructions (.emitbyte) /// /// public void emitbyte(byte bVal) { AddToBuffer(new CILByte(bVal)); } /// /// Add an instruction which puts an integer on TOS. This method /// selects the correct instruction based on the value of the integer. /// /// the integer value public void PushInt(int i) { if (i == -1) { AddToBuffer(new Instr((int)Op.ldc_i4_m1)); } else if ((i >= 0) && (i <= 8)) { Op op = (Op)(Op.ldc_i4_0 + i); AddToBuffer(new Instr((int)op)); } else if ((i >= minByteVal) && (i <= maxByteVal)) { AddToBuffer(new IntInstr((int)IntOp.ldc_i4_s,i,true)); } else { AddToBuffer(new IntInstr((int)IntOp.ldc_i4,i,false)); } } /// /// Add the instruction to load a long on TOS /// /// the long value public void PushLong(long l) { AddToBuffer(new LongInstr(0x21,l)); } /// /// Add an instruction to push the boolean value true on TOS /// public void PushTrue() { AddToBuffer(new Instr((int)Op.ldc_i4_1)); } /// /// Add an instruction to push the boolean value false on TOS /// public void PushFalse() { AddToBuffer(new Instr((int)Op.ldc_i4_0)); } /// /// Add the instruction to load an argument on TOS. This method /// selects the correct instruction based on the value of argNo /// /// the number of the argument public void LoadArg(int argNo) { if (argNo < 4) { int op = (int)Op.ldarg_0 + argNo; AddToBuffer(new Instr(op)); } else if (argNo <= maxUByteVal) { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr((int)IntOp.ldarg,argNo,true)); } else { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr(0x09,argNo,false)); } } /// /// Add the instruction to load the address of an argument on TOS. /// This method selects the correct instruction based on the value /// of argNo. /// /// the number of the argument public void LoadArgAdr(int argNo) { if (argNo <= maxUByteVal) { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr((int)IntOp.ldarga,argNo,true)); } else { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr(0x0A,argNo,false)); } } /// /// Add the instruction to load a local on TOS. This method selects /// the correct instruction based on the value of locNo. /// /// the number of the local to load public void LoadLocal(int locNo) { if (locNo < 4) { int op = (int)Op.ldloc_0 + locNo; AddToBuffer(new Instr(op)); } else if (locNo <= maxUByteVal) { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr((int)IntOp.ldloc,locNo,true)); } else { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr(0x0C,locNo,false)); } } /// /// Add the instruction to load the address of a local on TOS. /// This method selects the correct instruction based on the /// value of locNo. /// /// the number of the local public void LoadLocalAdr(int locNo) { if (locNo <= maxUByteVal) { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr((int)IntOp.ldloca,locNo,true)); } else { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr(0x0D,locNo,false)); } } /// /// Add the instruction to store to an argument. This method /// selects the correct instruction based on the value of argNo. /// /// the argument to be stored to public void StoreArg(int argNo) { if (argNo <= maxUByteVal) { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr((int)IntOp.starg,argNo,true)); } else { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr(0x0B,argNo,false)); } } /// /// Add the instruction to store to a local. This method selects /// the correct instruction based on the value of locNo. /// /// the local to be stored to public void StoreLocal(int locNo) { if (locNo < 4) { int op = (int)Op.stloc_0 + locNo; AddToBuffer(new Instr(op)); } else if (locNo <= maxUByteVal) { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr((int)IntOp.stloc,locNo,true)); } else { AddToBuffer(new UIntInstr(0x0E,locNo,false)); } } /// /// Create a new CIL label. To place the label in the CIL instruction /// stream use CodeLabel. /// /// a new CIL label public CILLabel NewLabel() { return new CILLabel(); } public void AddTryBlock(TryBlock tryBlock) { if (exceptions == null) exceptions = new ArrayList(); else if (exceptions.Contains(tryBlock)) return; exceptions.Add(tryBlock); } /// /// Create a new label at this position in the code buffer /// /// the label at the current position public CILLabel NewCodedLabel() { CILLabel lab = new CILLabel(); AddToBuffer(new LabelInstr(lab)); return lab; } /// /// Mark this position as the start of a new block /// (try, catch, filter, finally or fault) /// public void StartBlock() { if (blockStack == null) blockStack = new ArrayList(); blockStack.Insert(0,NewCodedLabel()); } /// /// Mark this position as the end of the last started block and /// make it a try block. This try block is added to the current /// instructions (ie do not need to call AddTryBlock) /// /// The try block just ended public TryBlock EndTryBlock() { TryBlock tBlock = new TryBlock((CILLabel)blockStack[0],NewCodedLabel()); blockStack.RemoveAt(0); AddTryBlock(tBlock); return tBlock; } /// /// Mark this position as the end of the last started block and /// make it a catch block. This catch block is associated with the /// specified try block. /// /// the exception type to be caught /// the try block associated with this catch block public void EndCatchBlock(Class exceptType, TryBlock tryBlock) { Catch catchBlock = new Catch(exceptType,(CILLabel)blockStack[0], NewCodedLabel()); tryBlock.AddHandler(catchBlock); } /// /// Mark this position as the end of the last started block and /// make it a filter block. This filter block is associated with the /// specified try block. /// /// the label where the filter code is /// the try block associated with this filter block public void EndFilterBlock(CILLabel filterLab, TryBlock tryBlock) { Filter filBlock = new Filter(filterLab,(CILLabel)blockStack[0],NewCodedLabel()); tryBlock.AddHandler(filBlock); } /// /// Mark this position as the end of the last started block and /// make it a finally block. This finally block is associated with the /// specified try block. /// /// the try block associated with this finally block public void EndFinallyBlock(TryBlock tryBlock) { Finally finBlock= new Finally((CILLabel)blockStack[0],NewCodedLabel()); tryBlock.AddHandler(finBlock); } /// /// Mark this position as the end of the last started block and /// make it a fault block. This fault block is associated with the /// specified try block. /// /// the try block associated with this fault block public void EndFaultBlock(TryBlock tryBlock) { Fault fBlock= new Fault((CILLabel)blockStack[0],NewCodedLabel()); tryBlock.AddHandler(fBlock); } internal uint GetCodeSize() { return codeSize + paddingNeeded + exceptSize; } internal void CheckCode(uint locSigIx, bool initLocals, int maxStack) { if (tide == 0) return; bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; for (int i=0; i < tide; i++) { changed = buffer[i].Check(metaData) || changed; } if (changed) { for (int i=1; i < tide; i++) { buffer[i].offset = buffer[i-1].offset + buffer[i-1].size; } offset = buffer[tide-1].offset + buffer[tide-1].size; } } codeSize = offset; // Console.WriteLine("codeSize before header added = " + codeSize); if ((offset < smallSize) && (maxStack <= 8) && (locSigIx == 0) && (exceptions == null)) { // can use tiny header //Console.WriteLine("Tiny Header"); tinyFormat = true; headerFlags = (ushort)(TinyFormat | ((ushort)codeSize << 2)); codeSize++; if ((codeSize % 4) != 0) { paddingNeeded = 4 - (codeSize % 4); } } else { //Console.WriteLine("Fat Header"); tinyFormat = false; localSigIx = locSigIx; this.maxStack = (short)maxStack; headerFlags = FatFormat; if (exceptions != null) { // Console.WriteLine("Got exceptions"); headerFlags |= MoreSects; uint numExceptClauses = 0; for (int i=0; i < exceptions.Count; i++) { TryBlock tryBlock = (TryBlock)exceptions[i]; tryBlock.SetSize(); numExceptClauses += (uint)tryBlock.NumHandlers(); if (tryBlock.isFat()) fatExceptionFormat = true; } uint data_size = ExHeaderSize + numExceptClauses * (fatExceptionFormat ? FatExClauseSize : SmlExClauseSize); if (data_size > 255) fatExceptionFormat = true; // Console.WriteLine("numexceptclauses = " + numExceptClauses); if (fatExceptionFormat) { // Console.WriteLine("Fat exception format"); exceptHeader = FatExceptTable; exceptSize = ExHeaderSize + numExceptClauses * FatExClauseSize; } else { // Console.WriteLine("Tiny exception format"); exceptHeader = SmlExceptTable; exceptSize = ExHeaderSize + numExceptClauses * SmlExClauseSize; } // Console.WriteLine("exceptSize = " + exceptSize); } if (initLocals) headerFlags |= InitLocals; if ((offset % 4) != 0) { paddingNeeded = 4 - (offset % 4); } codeSize += FatSize; } // Console.WriteLine("codeSize = " + codeSize + " headerFlags = " + // Hex.Short(headerFlags)); } internal void Write(FileImage output) { // Console.WriteLine("Writing header flags = " + Hex.Short(headerFlags)); if (tinyFormat) { // Console.WriteLine("Writing tiny code"); output.Write((byte)headerFlags); } else { // Console.WriteLine("Writing fat code"); output.Write(headerFlags); output.Write((ushort)maxStack); output.Write(offset); output.Write(localSigIx); } // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Int(tide) + " CIL instructions"); // Console.WriteLine("starting instructions at " + output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); for (int i=0; i < tide; i++) { buffer[i].Write(output); } // Console.WriteLine("ending instructions at " + output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); for (int i=0; i < paddingNeeded; i++) { output.Write((byte)0); } if (exceptions != null) { // Console.WriteLine("Writing exceptions"); // Console.WriteLine("header = " + Hex.Short(exceptHeader) + " exceptSize = " + Hex.Int(exceptSize)); output.Write(exceptHeader); output.Write3Bytes((uint)exceptSize); for (int i=0; i < exceptions.Count; i++) { TryBlock tryBlock = (TryBlock)exceptions[i]; tryBlock.Write(output,fatExceptionFormat); } } } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// A label in the IL /// public class CILLabel { CILInstruction branch; CILInstruction[] multipleBranches; int tide = 0; CILInstruction labInstr; uint offset = 0; public CILLabel (uint offset) { this.offset = offset; } internal CILLabel() { } internal void AddBranch(CILInstruction instr) { if (branch == null) { branch = instr; return; } if (multipleBranches == null) { multipleBranches = new CILInstruction[2]; } else if (tide >= multipleBranches.Length) { CILInstruction[] tmp = multipleBranches; multipleBranches = new CILInstruction[tmp.Length*2]; for (int i=0; i < tide; i++) { multipleBranches[i] = tmp[i]; } } multipleBranches[tide++] = instr; } internal void AddLabelInstr(LabelInstr lInstr) { labInstr = lInstr; } internal uint GetLabelOffset() { if (labInstr == null) return 0; return labInstr.offset + offset; } } /**************************************************************************/ public abstract class CodeBlock { private static readonly int maxCodeSize = 255; protected CILLabel start, end; protected bool small = true; public CodeBlock(CILLabel start, CILLabel end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; } internal virtual bool isFat() { // Console.WriteLine("block start = " + start.GetLabelOffset() + // " block end = " + end.GetLabelOffset()); return (end.GetLabelOffset() - start.GetLabelOffset()) > maxCodeSize; } internal virtual void Write(FileImage output, bool fatFormat) { if (fatFormat) output.Write(start.GetLabelOffset()); else output.Write((short)start.GetLabelOffset()); uint len = end.GetLabelOffset() - start.GetLabelOffset(); if (fatFormat) output.Write(len); else output.Write((byte)len); } } /// /// The descriptor for a guarded block (.try) /// public class TryBlock : CodeBlock { protected bool fatFormat = false; protected int flags = 0; ArrayList handlers = new ArrayList(); /// /// Create a new try block /// /// start label for the try block /// end label for the try block public TryBlock(CILLabel start, CILLabel end) : base(start,end) { } /// /// Add a handler to this try block /// /// a handler to be added to the try block public void AddHandler(HandlerBlock handler) { flags = handler.GetFlag(); handlers.Add(handler); } internal void SetSize() { fatFormat = base.isFat(); if (fatFormat) return; for (int i=0; i < handlers.Count; i++) { HandlerBlock handler = (HandlerBlock)handlers[i]; if (handler.isFat()) { fatFormat = true; return; } } } internal int NumHandlers() { return handlers.Count; } internal override bool isFat() { return fatFormat; } internal override void Write(FileImage output, bool fatFormat) { // Console.WriteLine("writing exception details"); for (int i=0; i < handlers.Count; i++) { // Console.WriteLine("Except block " + i); HandlerBlock handler = (HandlerBlock)handlers[i]; if (fatFormat) output.Write(flags); else output.Write((short)flags); // Console.WriteLine("flags = " + Hex.Short(flags)); base.Write(output,fatFormat); handler.Write(output,fatFormat); } } } public abstract class HandlerBlock : CodeBlock { protected static readonly short ExceptionFlag = 0; protected static readonly short FilterFlag = 0x01; protected static readonly short FinallyFlag = 0x02; protected static readonly short FaultFlag = 0x04; public HandlerBlock(CILLabel start, CILLabel end) : base(start,end) { } internal virtual short GetFlag() { return ExceptionFlag; } internal override void Write(FileImage output, bool fatFormat) { base.Write(output,fatFormat); } } /// /// The descriptor for a catch clause (.catch) /// public class Catch : HandlerBlock { Class exceptType; /// /// Create a new catch clause /// /// the exception to be caught /// start of the handler code /// end of the handler code public Catch(Class except, CILLabel handlerStart, CILLabel handlerEnd) : base(handlerStart,handlerEnd) { exceptType = except; } internal override void Write(FileImage output, bool fatFormat) { base.Write(output,fatFormat); output.Write(exceptType.Token()); } } /// /// The descriptor for a filter clause (.filter) /// public class Filter : HandlerBlock { CILLabel filterLabel; /// /// Create a new filter clause /// /// the label where the filter code starts /// the start of the handler code /// the end of the handler code public Filter(CILLabel filterLabel, CILLabel handlerStart, CILLabel handlerEnd) : base(handlerStart,handlerEnd) { this.filterLabel = filterLabel; } internal override short GetFlag() { return FilterFlag; } internal override void Write(FileImage output, bool fatFormat) { base.Write(output,fatFormat); output.Write(filterLabel.GetLabelOffset()); } } /// /// Descriptor for a finally block (.finally) /// public class Finally : HandlerBlock { /// /// Create a new finally clause /// /// start of finally code /// end of finally code public Finally(CILLabel finallyStart, CILLabel finallyEnd) : base(finallyStart,finallyEnd) { } internal override short GetFlag() { return FinallyFlag; } internal override void Write(FileImage output, bool fatFormat) { base.Write(output,fatFormat); output.Write((int)0); } } /// /// Descriptor for a fault block (.fault) /// public class Fault : HandlerBlock { /// /// Create a new fault clause /// /// start of the fault code /// end of the fault code public Fault(CILLabel faultStart, CILLabel faultEnd) : base(faultStart,faultEnd) { } internal override short GetFlag() { return FaultFlag; } internal override void Write(FileImage output, bool fatFormat) { base.Write(output,fatFormat); output.Write((int)0); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// The base descriptor for a class /// public abstract class Class : Type { protected int row = 0; public string name, nameSpace; protected uint nameIx, nameSpaceIx; protected MetaData _metaData; internal Class(string nameSpaceName, string className, MetaData md) : base(PrimitiveType.Class.GetTypeIndex ()) { nameSpace = nameSpaceName; name = className; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); nameSpaceIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(nameSpace); _metaData = md; } internal Class(uint nsIx, uint nIx) : base(PrimitiveType.Class.GetTypeIndex ()) { nameSpaceIx = nsIx; nameIx = nIx; } internal virtual uint TypeDefOrRefToken() { return 0; } internal virtual void MakeValueClass(ValueClass vClass) { typeIndex = PrimitiveType.ValueType.GetTypeIndex (); } internal virtual string TypeName() { return (nameSpace + "." + name); } internal override MetaDataElement GetTypeSpec(MetaData md) { return this; } } /**************************************************************************/ // This Class produces entries in the TypeDef table of the MetaData // in the PE meta data. // NOTE: Entry 0 in TypeDef table is always the pseudo class // which is the parent for functions and variables declared a module level /// /// The descriptor for a class defined in the IL (.class) in the current assembly/module /// /// public class ClassDef : Class { private static readonly byte ElementType_Class = 0x12; Class superType; ArrayList fields = new ArrayList(); ArrayList methods = new ArrayList(); ArrayList events; ArrayList properties; bool typeIndexChecked = true; uint fieldIx = 0, methodIx = 0; byte[] securityActions; uint flags; ClassLayout layout; ClassDef parentClass; MetaData metaData; internal ClassDef(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, MetaData md) : base(nsName, name, md) { metaData = md; if (! ((nsName == "" && name == "") || (nsName == "System" && name == "Object")) ) { superType = metaData.mscorlib.GetSpecialSystemClass(PrimitiveType.Object); } flags = (uint)attrSet; tabIx = MDTable.TypeDef; } internal void SetSuper(Class sClass) { superType = sClass; if (sClass is ClassRef) typeIndex = superType.GetTypeIndex(); else typeIndexChecked = false; } internal override void MakeValueClass(ValueClass vClass) { if (vClass == ValueClass.Enum) superType = metaData.mscorlib.EnumType(); else superType = metaData.mscorlib.ValueType(); typeIndex = PrimitiveType.ValueType.GetTypeIndex (); } public void SpecialNoSuper() { superType = null; } /// /// Add an attribute to this class /// /// the attribute to be added public void AddAttribute(TypeAttr ta) { flags |= (uint)ta; } /// /// Add an interface that is implemented by this class /// /// the interface that is implemented public void AddImplementedInterface(Class iFace) { metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.InterfaceImpl,new InterfaceImpl(this,iFace)); } /// /// Add a named generic type parameter /// public GenericParameter AddGenericParameter (short index, string name) { GenericParameter gp = new GenericParameter (this, metaData, index, name); metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.GenericParam, gp); return gp; } /// /// Add a field to this class /// /// field name /// field type /// a descriptor for this new field public FieldDef AddField(string name, Type fType) { FieldDef field = new FieldDef(name,fType); fields.Add(field); return field; } /// /// Add a field to this class /// /// attributes for this field /// field name /// field type /// a descriptor for this new field public FieldDef AddField(FieldAttr fAtts, string name, Type fType) { FieldDef field = new FieldDef(fAtts,name,fType); fields.Add(field); return field; } public void SetFieldOrder (ArrayList fields) { this.fields = fields; } /// /// Add a method to this class /// /// method name /// return type /// parameters /// a descriptor for this new method public MethodDef AddMethod(string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) { // Console.WriteLine("Adding method " + name + " to class " +; MethodDef meth = new MethodDef(metaData,name,retType, pars); methods.Add(meth); return meth; } /// /// Add a method to this class /// /// attributes for this method /// implementation attributes for this method /// method name /// return type /// parameters /// a descriptor for this new method public MethodDef AddMethod(MethAttr mAtts, ImplAttr iAtts, string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) { // Console.WriteLine("Adding method " + name + " to class " +; MethodDef meth = new MethodDef(metaData,mAtts,iAtts,name,retType,pars); methods.Add(meth); return meth; } /// /// Add an event to this class /// /// event name /// event type /// a descriptor for this new event public Event AddEvent(string name, Type eType) { Event e = new Event(name,eType,this); if (events == null) events = new ArrayList(); events.Add(e); return e; } /// /// Add a property to this class /// /// property name /// property type /// a descriptor for this new property public Property AddProperty(string name, Type retType, Type[] pars) { Property p = new Property(name, retType, pars, this); if (properties == null) properties = new ArrayList(); properties.Add(p); return p; } /// /// Add a nested class to this class /// /// attributes for this nested class /// nested name space name /// nested class name /// a descriptor for this new nested class public ClassDef AddNestedClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name) { ClassDef nClass = new ClassDef(attrSet,"",name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeDef,nClass); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.NestedClass,new MapElem(nClass,Row,MDTable.TypeDef)); nClass.parentClass = this; return (nClass); } public static bool IsValueType (Class type) { return IsValueType (type.nameSpace,; } public static bool IsEnum (Class type) { return IsEnum (type.nameSpace,; } public static bool IsValueType (string nsName, string name) { return (nsName == "System" && name == "ValueType"); } public static bool IsEnum (string nsName, string name) { return (nsName == "System" && name == "Enum"); } /// /// Add a nested class to this class /// /// attributes for this nested class /// nested name space name /// nested class name /// super type of this nested class /// a descriptor for this new nested class public ClassDef AddNestedClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, Class sType) { ClassDef nClass = AddNestedClass (attrSet, nsName, name); nClass.SetSuper(sType); if (ClassDef.IsValueType (sType)) nClass.MakeValueClass (ValueClass.ValueType); else if (ClassDef.IsEnum (sType)) nClass.MakeValueClass (ValueClass.Enum); if (ClassDef.IsValueType (sType) || ClassDef.IsEnum (sType)) nClass.SetTypeIndex (PrimitiveType.ValueType.GetTypeIndex ()); nClass.typeIndexChecked = true; return (nClass); } /// /// Add layout information for this class. This class must have the /// sequential or explicit attribute. /// /// packing size (.pack) /// class size (.size) public void AddLayoutInfo (int packSize, int classSize) { layout = new ClassLayout(packSize,classSize,this); } /// /// Use a method as the implementation for another method (.override) /// /// the method to be overridden /// the implementation to be used public void AddMethodOverride(Method decl, Method body) { metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.MethodImpl,new MethodImpl(this,decl,body)); } /// /// Add security to this class NOT YET IMPLEMENTED /// /// public void AddSecurity(byte[] permissionSet) { throw(new NotYetImplementedException("Class security ")); //flags |= HasSecurity; // securityActions = permissionSet; } //public void AddLineInfo(int row, int col) { } internal void CheckTypeIndex() { if (typeIndexChecked) return; if (!(superType is ClassRef)) ((ClassDef)superType).CheckTypeIndex(); typeIndex = superType.GetTypeIndex(); typeIndexChecked = true; } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; if ((flags & (uint)TypeAttr.Interface) != 0) { superType = null; } // Console.WriteLine("Building tables for " + name); if (layout != null) md.AddToTable(MDTable.ClassLayout,layout); // Console.WriteLine("adding methods " + methods.Count); methodIx = md.TableIndex(MDTable.Method); for (int i=0; i < methods.Count; i++) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.Method,(MetaDataElement)methods[i]); ((MethodDef)methods[i]).BuildTables(md); } // Console.WriteLine("adding fields"); fieldIx = md.TableIndex(MDTable.Field); for (int i=0; i < fields.Count; i++) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.Field,(MetaDataElement)fields[i]); ((FieldDef)fields[i]).BuildTables(md); } // Console.WriteLine("adding events and properties"); if (events != null) { for (int i=0; i < events.Count; i++) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.Event,(Event)events[i]); ((Event)events[i]).BuildTables(md); } md.AddToTable(MDTable.EventMap, new MapElem(this,((Event)events[0]).Row,MDTable.Event)); } if (properties != null) { for (int i=0; i < properties.Count; i++) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.Property,(Property)properties[i]); ((Property)properties[i]).BuildTables(md); } md.AddToTable(MDTable.PropertyMap,new MapElem(this, ((Property)properties[0]).Row,MDTable.Property)); } // Console.WriteLine("End of building tables"); done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 4 + 2 * md.StringsIndexSize() + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.TypeDefOrRef) + md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.Field) + md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.Method); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(flags); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.StringsIndex(nameSpaceIx); //if (superType != null) // Console.WriteLine("getting coded index for superType of " + name + " = " + superType.GetCodedIx(CIx.TypeDefOrRef)); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.TypeDefOrRef,superType); output.WriteIndex(MDTable.Field,fieldIx); output.WriteIndex(MDTable.Method,methodIx); } internal sealed override uint TypeDefOrRefToken() { uint cIx = Row; cIx = cIx << 2; return cIx; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream sig) { if (!typeIndexChecked) CheckTypeIndex(); sig.WriteByte(GetTypeIndex()); MetaData.CompressNum(TypeDefOrRefToken(),sig); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.TypeDefOrRef) : return 0; case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 3; case (CIx.HasDeclSecurity) : return 0; case (CIx.TypeOrMethodDef) : return 0; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Layout information for a class (.class [sequential | explicit]) /// internal class ClassLayout : MetaDataElement { ClassDef parent; ushort packSize = 0; uint classSize = 0; internal ClassLayout(int pack, int cSize, ClassDef par) { packSize = (ushort)pack; classSize = (uint)cSize; parent = par; tabIx = MDTable.ClassLayout; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 6 + md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.TypeDef); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(packSize); output.Write(classSize); output.WriteIndex(MDTable.TypeDef,parent.Row); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a class/interface declared in another module of THIS /// assembly, or in another assembly. /// public class ClassRef : Class, IExternRef, IResolutionScope { protected IResolutionScope parent; ExternClass externClass; protected MetaData metaData; internal ClassRef(string nsName, string name, MetaData md) : base(nsName, name, md) { metaData = md; tabIx = MDTable.TypeRef; } /// /// Add a method to this class /// /// method name /// return type /// parameter types /// a descriptor for this method public MethodRef AddMethod(string name, Type retType, Type[] pars) { MethodRef meth = new MethodRef(this,name,retType,pars,false,null); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.MemberRef,meth); return meth; } /// /// Add a method to this class /// /// method name /// return type /// parameter types /// a descriptor for this method public MethodRef AddVarArgMethod(string name, Type retType, Type[] pars, Type[] optPars) { MethodRef meth = new MethodRef(this,name,retType,pars,true,optPars); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.MemberRef,meth); return meth; } /// /// Add a field to this class /// /// field name /// field type /// a descriptor for this field public FieldRef AddField(string name, Type fType) { FieldRef field = new FieldRef(this,name,fType); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.MemberRef,field); return field; } public ClassRef AddClass (string nsName, string name) { ClassRef aClass = new ClassRef(nsName,name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,aClass); aClass.SetParent(this); return aClass; } public ClassRef AddValueClass (string nsName, string name) { ClassRef aClass = AddClass (nsName, name); aClass.MakeValueClass (ValueClass.ValueType); return aClass; } internal void SetParent(IResolutionScope par) { parent = par; } internal override string TypeName() { if ((parent != null) && (parent is AssemblyRef)) return (nameSpace + "." + name + ", " + ((AssemblyRef)parent).TypeName()); else return (nameSpace + name); } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.ResolutionScope) + 2 * md.StringsIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.ResolutionScope,(MetaDataElement) parent); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.StringsIndex(nameSpaceIx); } internal override sealed uint TypeDefOrRefToken() { uint cIx = Row; cIx = (cIx << 2) | 0x1; return cIx; } internal override void TypeSig(MemoryStream sig) { sig.WriteByte(GetTypeIndex()); MetaData.CompressNum(TypeDefOrRefToken(),sig); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.TypeDefOrRef) : return 1; case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 2; case (CIx.MemberRefParent) : return 1; case (CIx.ResolutionScope) : return 3; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ public class ExternClassRef : ClassRef { ExternClass externClass; internal ExternClassRef(TypeAttr attrs, string nsName, string name, FileRef declFile, MetaData md) : base(nsName,name,md) { externClass = new ExternClass(attrs,nameSpaceIx,nameIx,declFile); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.ExportedType,externClass); } internal ExternClassRef(string name, MetaData md) : base(null,name,md) { } public ClassRef AddNestedClass(TypeAttr attrs, string name) { ExternClassRef nestedClass = new ExternClassRef(name,metaData); externClass = new ExternClass(attrs,0,nameIx,this.externClass); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.ExportedType,externClass); return nestedClass; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a constant value /// public abstract class Constant { protected uint size = 0; protected Type type; protected uint blobIndex; protected bool addedToBlobHeap = false; internal Constant() { } internal virtual uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { return 0; } internal uint GetSize() { return size; } internal byte GetTypeIndex() { return type.GetTypeIndex(); } internal virtual void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { } } /// /// Descriptor for a constant value /// public abstract class DataConstant : Constant { private uint dataOffset = 0; internal DataConstant() { } public uint DataOffset { get { return dataOffset; } set { dataOffset = value; } } } /// /// Boolean constant /// public class BoolConst : Constant { bool val; /// /// Create a new boolean constant with the value "val" /// /// value of this boolean constant public BoolConst(bool val) { this.val = val; size = 1; type = PrimitiveType.Boolean; } internal sealed override uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { if (!addedToBlobHeap) { if (val) blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap((sbyte)1); else blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap((sbyte)0); addedToBlobHeap = true; } return blobIndex; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { if (val) bw.Write((sbyte)1); else bw.Write((sbyte)0); } } public class ByteArrConst : DataConstant { byte[] val; public ByteArrConst(byte[] val) { type = PrimitiveType.String; this.val = val; size = (uint)val.Length; } public Type Type { get { return type; } set { type = value; } } internal sealed override uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { if (!addedToBlobHeap) { blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap(val); addedToBlobHeap = true; } return blobIndex; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write(val); } } public class CharConst : Constant { char val; public CharConst(char val) { this.val = val; size = 2; type = PrimitiveType.Char; } internal sealed override uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { if (!addedToBlobHeap) { blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap(val); addedToBlobHeap = true; } return blobIndex; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write(val); } } public class FloatConst : DataConstant { float val; public FloatConst(float val) { this.val = val; size = 4; type = PrimitiveType.Float32; } internal sealed override uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { if (!addedToBlobHeap) { blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap(val); addedToBlobHeap = true; } return blobIndex; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write(val); } } public class DoubleConst : DataConstant { double val; public DoubleConst(double val) { this.val = val; size = 8; type = PrimitiveType.Float64; } internal sealed override uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { if (!addedToBlobHeap) { blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap(val); addedToBlobHeap = true; } return blobIndex; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write(val); } } public class IntConst : DataConstant { long val; public IntConst(sbyte val) { this.val = val; size = 1; type = PrimitiveType.Int8; } public IntConst(short val) { this.val = val; size = 2; type = PrimitiveType.Int16; } public IntConst(int val) { this.val = val; size = 4; type = PrimitiveType.Int32; } public IntConst(long val) { this.val = val; size = 8; type = PrimitiveType.Int64; } internal sealed override uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { if (!addedToBlobHeap) { switch (size) { case (1) : blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap((sbyte)val); break; case (2) : blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap((short)val); break; case (4) : blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap((int)val); break; default : blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap(val); break; } addedToBlobHeap = true; } return blobIndex; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { switch (size) { case (1) : bw.Write((sbyte)val); break; case (2) : bw.Write((short)val); break; case (4) : bw.Write((int)val); break; default : bw.Write(val); break; } } } public class UIntConst : Constant { long val; public UIntConst(sbyte val) { this.val = val; size = 1; type = PrimitiveType.UInt8; } public UIntConst(short val) { this.val = val; size = 2; type = PrimitiveType.UInt16; } public UIntConst(int val) { this.val = val; size = 4; type = PrimitiveType.UInt32; } public UIntConst(long val) { this.val = val; size = 8; type = PrimitiveType.UInt64; } internal sealed override uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { if (!addedToBlobHeap) { switch (size) { case (1) : blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap((sbyte)val); break; case (2) : blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap((short)val); break; case (4) : blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap((int)val); break; default : blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap(val); break; } addedToBlobHeap = true; } return blobIndex; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { switch (size) { case (1) : bw.Write((sbyte)val); break; case (2) : bw.Write((short)val); break; case (4) : bw.Write((int)val); break; default : bw.Write(val); break; } } } public class StringConst : DataConstant { string val; public StringConst(string val) { this.val = val; size = (uint)val.Length; // need to add null ?? type = PrimitiveType.String; } internal sealed override uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { if (!addedToBlobHeap) { byte [] b = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes (val); blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap(b); addedToBlobHeap = true; } return blobIndex; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write(val); } } public class NullConst : Constant { public NullConst() { size = 4; type = PrimitiveType.Class; } internal sealed override uint GetBlobIndex(MetaData md) { if (!addedToBlobHeap) { blobIndex = md.AddToBlobHeap((int)0); addedToBlobHeap = true; } return blobIndex; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { bw.Write((int)0); } } public class AddressConstant : DataConstant { DataConstant data; public AddressConstant(DataConstant dConst) { data = dConst; size = 4; type = PrimitiveType.TypedRef; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { ((FileImage)bw).WriteDataRVA(data.DataOffset); } } public class RepeatedConstant : DataConstant { DataConstant data; uint repCount; public RepeatedConstant(DataConstant dConst, int repeatCount) { data = dConst; repCount = (uint)repeatCount; int[] sizes = new int[1]; sizes[0] = repeatCount; type = new BoundArray(type,1,sizes); size = data.GetSize() * repCount; } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { for (int i=0; i < repCount; i++) { data.Write(bw); } } } public class ArrayConstant : DataConstant { DataConstant[] dataVals; public ArrayConstant(DataConstant[] dVals) { dataVals = dVals; for (int i=0; i < dataVals.Length; i++) { size += dataVals[i].GetSize(); } } internal sealed override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { for (int i=0; i < dataVals.Length; i++) { dataVals[i].Write(bw); } } } public class ClassType : Constant { string name; Class desc; public ClassType(string className) { name = className; type = PrimitiveType.ClassType; } public ClassType(Class classDesc) { desc = classDesc; type = PrimitiveType.ClassType; } internal override void Write(BinaryWriter bw) { if (name == null) name = desc.TypeName(); bw.Write(name); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Summary description for ConstantElem. /// internal class ConstantElem : MetaDataElement { MetaDataElement parent; Constant cValue; uint valIx = 0; internal ConstantElem(MetaDataElement parent, Constant val) { this.parent = parent; cValue = val; tabIx = MDTable.Constant; sortTable = true; } internal override uint SortKey() { return (parent.Row << MetaData.CIxShiftMap[(uint)CIx.HasConst]) | parent.GetCodedIx(CIx.HasConst); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; valIx = cValue.GetBlobIndex(md); done = true; } internal void AddToBlob(BinaryWriter bw) { cValue.Write(bw); } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 2 + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.HasConst) + md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(cValue.GetTypeIndex()); output.Write((byte)0); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.HasConst,parent); output.BlobIndex(valIx); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a Custom Attribute (.custom) /// public class CustomAttribute : MetaDataElement { private static readonly ushort prolog = 0x0001; MetaDataElement parent; Method type; uint valIx; Constant cVal; byte[] byteVal; ushort numNamed = 0; ArrayList names, vals; internal CustomAttribute(MetaDataElement paren, Method constrType, Constant val) { parent = paren; type = constrType; cVal = val; tabIx = MDTable.CustomAttribute; } internal CustomAttribute(MetaDataElement paren, Method constrType, byte[] val) { parent = paren; type = constrType; tabIx = MDTable.CustomAttribute; byteVal = val; } internal override uint SortKey() { return (parent.Row << MetaData.CIxShiftMap[(uint)CIx.HasCustomAttr]) | parent.GetCodedIx(CIx.HasCustomAttr); } public void AddFieldOrProp(string name, Constant val) { if (numNamed == 0) { names = new ArrayList(); vals = new ArrayList(); } names.Add(name); vals.Add(val); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream()); bw.Write(byteVal); md.AddToTable(MDTable.CustomAttribute, this); MemoryStream str = (MemoryStream)bw.BaseStream; valIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(str.ToArray()); } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.HasCustomAttr) + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.CustomAttributeType) + md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.HasCustomAttr,parent); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.CustomAttributeType,type); output.BlobIndex(valIx); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a custom modifier of a type (modopt or modreq) /// public class CustomModifiedType : Type { Type type; Class cmodType; /// /// Create a new custom modifier for a type /// /// the type to be modified /// the modifier /// the type reference to be associated with the type public CustomModifiedType(Type type, CustomModifier cmod, Class cmodType) : base((byte)cmod) { this.type = type; this.cmodType = cmodType; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(typeIndex); MetaData.CompressNum(cmodType.TypeDefOrRefToken(),str); type.TypeSig(str); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for security permissions for a class or a method /// public class DeclSecurity : MetaDataElement { ushort action; MetaDataElement parent; uint permissionIx; byte [] byteVal; internal DeclSecurity(MetaDataElement paren, ushort act, byte [] val) { parent = paren; action = act; tabIx = MDTable.DeclSecurity; byteVal = val; } internal override uint SortKey() { return (parent.Row << MetaData.CIxShiftMap[(uint)CIx.HasDeclSecurity]) | parent.GetCodedIx(CIx.HasDeclSecurity); } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 2 + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.HasDeclSecurity) + md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter (new MemoryStream ()); bw.Write (byteVal); md.AddToTable (MDTable.DeclSecurity, this); MemoryStream str = (MemoryStream)bw.BaseStream; permissionIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(str.ToArray()); done = true; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(action); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.HasDeclSecurity,parent); output.BlobIndex(permissionIx); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for an event /// public class Event : Feature { Type eventType; internal Event(string name, Type eType, ClassDef parent) : base(name, parent) { eventType = eType; tabIx = MDTable.Event; } /// /// Add the addon method to this event /// /// the addon method public void AddAddon(MethodDef addon) { AddMethod(addon,MethodType.AddOn); } /// /// Add the removeon method to this event /// /// the removeon method public void AddRemoveOn(MethodDef removeOn) { AddMethod(removeOn,MethodType.RemoveOn); } /// /// Add the fire method to this event /// /// the fire method public void AddFire(MethodDef fire) { AddMethod(fire,MethodType.Fire); } /// /// Add another method to this event /// /// the method to be added public void AddOther(MethodDef other) { AddMethod(other,MethodType.Other); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); for (int i=0; i < tide; i++) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.MethodSemantics,methods[i]); } done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 2 + md.StringsIndexSize() + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.TypeDefOrRef); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(flags); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.TypeDefOrRef,eventType); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 10; case (CIx.HasSemantics) : return 0; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a class defined in another module of THIS assembly /// and exported (.class extern) /// internal class ExternClass : Class { MetaDataElement parent; uint flags; internal ExternClass(TypeAttr attr, uint nsIx, uint nIx, MetaDataElement paren) : base(nsIx,nIx) { flags = (uint)attr; parent = paren; tabIx = MDTable.ExportedType; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 8 + 2* md.StringsIndexSize() + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.Implementation); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(flags); output.Write(0); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.StringsIndex(nameSpaceIx); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.Implementation,parent); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 17; case (CIx.Implementation) : return 2; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Base class for Event and Property descriptors /// public class Feature : MetaDataElement { internal enum MethodType : ushort { Setter = 0x01, Getter, Other = 0x04, AddOn = 0x08, RemoveOn = 0x10, Fire = 0x20 } private static readonly int INITSIZE = 5; private static readonly ushort specialName = 0x200; private static readonly ushort rtSpecialName = 0x400; protected ClassDef parent; protected ushort flags = 0; protected string name; protected int tide = 0; protected uint nameIx; protected MethodSemantics[] methods = new MethodSemantics[INITSIZE]; internal Feature(string name, ClassDef par) { parent = par; = name; } internal void AddMethod(MethodDef meth, MethodType mType) { if (tide >= methods.Length) { int len = methods.Length; MethodSemantics[] mTmp = methods; methods = new MethodSemantics[len * 2]; for (int i=0; i < len; i++) { methods[i] = mTmp[i]; } } methods[tide++] = new MethodSemantics(mType,meth,this); } /// /// Set the specialName attribute for this Event or Property /// public void SetSpecialName() { flags |= specialName; } /// /// Set the RTSpecialName attribute for this Event or Property /// public void SetRTSpecialName() { flags |= rtSpecialName; } } /*****************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a field of a class /// public abstract class Field : Member { protected static readonly byte FieldSig = 0x6; protected Type type; internal Field(string pfName, Type pfType) : base(pfName) { type = pfType; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a field defined in a class of THIS assembly/module /// public class FieldDef : Field { //private static readonly uint PInvokeImpl = 0x2000; private static readonly ushort HasFieldRVA = 0x100; private static readonly ushort HasDefault = 0x8000; FieldRVA rva; ConstantElem constVal; FieldLayout layout; FieldMarshal marshalInfo; ushort flags; internal FieldDef(string name, Type fType) : base(name,fType) { tabIx = MDTable.Field; } internal FieldDef(FieldAttr attrSet, string name, Type fType) : base(name, fType) { flags = (ushort)attrSet; tabIx = MDTable.Field; } /// /// Add an attribute(s) to this field /// /// the attribute(s) to be added public void AddFieldAttr(FieldAttr fa) { flags |= (ushort)fa; } /// /// Add a value for this field /// /// the value for the field public void AddValue(Constant val) { constVal = new ConstantElem(this,val); flags |= HasDefault; } /// /// Add an initial value for this field (at dataLabel) (.data) /// /// the value for the field /// the number of repetitions of this value public void AddDataValue(DataConstant val) { flags |= HasFieldRVA; rva = new FieldRVA(this,val); } /// /// Set the offset of the field. Used for sequential or explicit classes. /// (.field [offs]) /// /// field offset public void SetOffset(uint offs) { layout = new FieldLayout(this,offs); } /// /// Set the marshalling info for a field /// /// public void SetMarshalInfo(NativeType marshallType) { flags |= (ushort) FieldAttr.HasFieldMarshal; marshalInfo = new FieldMarshal(this,marshallType); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); MemoryStream sig = new MemoryStream(); sig.WriteByte(FieldSig); type.TypeSig(sig); sigIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(sig.ToArray()); if (rva != null) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.FieldRVA,rva); rva.BuildTables(md); } else if (constVal != null) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.Constant,constVal); constVal.BuildTables(md); } if (layout != null) md.AddToTable(MDTable.FieldLayout,layout); if (marshalInfo != null) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.FieldMarshal,marshalInfo); marshalInfo.BuildTables(md); } done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 2 + md.StringsIndexSize() + md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(flags); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.BlobIndex(sigIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasConst) : return 0; case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 1; case (CIx.HasFieldMarshal) : return 0; case (CIx.MemberForwarded) : return 0; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for layout information for a field /// public class FieldLayout : MetaDataElement { Field field; uint offset; internal FieldLayout(Field field, uint offset) { this.field = field; this.offset = offset; tabIx = MDTable.FieldLayout; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 4 + md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.Field); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(offset); output.WriteIndex(MDTable.Field,field.Row); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /// /// Marshalling information for a field or param /// public class FieldMarshal : MetaDataElement { MetaDataElement field; NativeType nt; uint ntIx; internal FieldMarshal(MetaDataElement field, NativeType nType) { this.field = field; this.nt = nType; tabIx = MDTable.FieldMarshal; } internal override uint SortKey() { return (field.Row << MetaData.CIxShiftMap[(uint)CIx.HasFieldMarshal]) | field.GetCodedIx(CIx.HasFieldMarshal); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; ntIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(nt.ToBlob()); done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.HasFieldMarshal) + md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.HasFieldMarshal,field); output.BlobIndex(ntIx); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a field of a class defined in another assembly/module /// public class FieldRef : Field { MetaDataElement parent; internal FieldRef(MetaDataElement paren, string name, Type fType) : base(name, fType) { parent = paren; } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); MemoryStream sig = new MemoryStream(); sig.WriteByte(FieldSig); type.TypeSig(sig); sigIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(sig.ToArray()); done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.MemberRefParent) + md.StringsIndexSize() + md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.MemberRefParent,parent); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.BlobIndex(sigIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { return 6; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for the address of a field's value in the PE file /// public class FieldRVA : MetaDataElement { Field field; DataConstant data; internal FieldRVA(Field field, DataConstant data) { this.field = field; = data; tabIx = MDTable.FieldRVA; } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; md.AddData(data); done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 4 + md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.Field); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteDataRVA(data.DataOffset); output.WriteIndex(MDTable.Field,field.Row); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Image for a PEFile /// File Structure /// DOS Header (128 bytes) /// PE Signature ("PE\0\0") /// PEFileHeader (20 bytes) /// PEOptionalHeader (224 bytes) /// SectionHeaders (40 bytes * NumSections) /// /// Sections .text (always present - contains metadata) /// .sdata (contains any initialised data in the file - may not be present) /// (for ilams /debug this contains the Debug table) /// .reloc (always present - in pure CIL only has one fixup) /// others??? c# produces .rsrc section containing a Resource Table /// /// .text layout /// IAT (single entry 8 bytes for pure CIL) /// CLIHeader (72 bytes) /// CIL instructions for all methods (variable size) /// MetaData /// Root (20 bytes + UTF-8 Version String + quad align padding) /// StreamHeaders (8 bytes + null terminated name string + quad align padding) /// Streams /// #~ (always present - holds metadata tables) /// #Strings (always present - holds identifier strings) /// #US (Userstring heap) /// #Blob (signature blobs) /// #GUID (guids for assemblies or Modules) /// ImportTable (40 bytes) /// ImportLookupTable(8 bytes) (same as IAT for standard CIL files) /// Hint/Name Tables with entry "_CorExeMain" for .exe file and "_CorDllMain" for .dll (14 bytes) /// ASCII string "mscoree.dll" referenced in ImportTable (+ padding = 16 bytes) /// Entry Point (0xFF25 followed by 4 bytes 0x400000 + RVA of .text) /// /// #~ stream structure /// Header (24 bytes) /// Rows (4 bytes * numTables) /// Tables /// internal class FileImage : BinaryWriter { internal readonly static uint[] iByteMask = {0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000}; internal readonly static ulong[] lByteMask = {0x00000000000000FF, 0x000000000000FF00, 0x0000000000FF0000, 0x00000000FF000000, 0x000000FF00000000, 0x0000FF0000000000, 0x00FF000000000000, 0xFF00000000000000 }; internal readonly static uint nibble0Mask = 0x0000000F; internal readonly static uint nibble1Mask = 0x000000F0; private static readonly byte[] DOSHeader = { 0x4d,0x5a,0x90,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xff,0xff,0x00,0x00, 0xb8,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x0e,0x1f,0xba,0x0e,0x00,0xb4,0x09,0xcd, 0x21,0xb8,0x01,0x4c,0xcd,0x21,0x54,0x68, 0x69,0x73,0x20,0x70,0x72,0x6f,0x67,0x72, 0x61,0x6d,0x20,0x63,0x61,0x6e,0x6e,0x6f, 0x74,0x20,0x62,0x65,0x20,0x72,0x75,0x6e, 0x20,0x69,0x6e,0x20,0x44,0x4f,0x53,0x20, 0x6d,0x6f,0x64,0x65,0x2e,0x0d,0x0d,0x0a, 0x24,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x50,0x45,0x00,0x00}; private static byte[] PEHeader = { 0x4c, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xE0, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x01, // PE Header Standard Fields 0x0B, 0x01, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; private static readonly uint minFileAlign = 0x200; private static readonly uint maxFileAlign = 0x1000; private static readonly uint fileHeaderSize = 0x178; private static readonly uint sectionHeaderSize = 40; private static readonly uint SectionAlignment = 0x2000; private static readonly uint ImageBase = 0x400000; private static readonly uint ImportTableSize = 40; private static readonly uint IATSize = 8; private static readonly uint CLIHeaderSize = 72; private uint runtimeFlags = 0x01; // COMIMAGE_FLAGS_ILONLY // 32BITREQUIRED 0x02, STRONGNAMESIGNED 0x08, TRACKDEBUGDATA 0x10000 private static readonly uint StrongNameSignatureSize = 128; private bool reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace = false; private static readonly uint relocFlags = 0x42000040; private static readonly ushort exeCharacteristics = 0x010E; private static readonly ushort dllCharacteristics = 0x210E; // section names are all 8 bytes private static readonly string textName = ".text\0\0\0"; private static readonly string sdataName = ".sdata\0\0"; private static readonly string relocName = ".reloc\0\0"; private static readonly string rsrcName = ".rsrc\0\0\0"; private static readonly string exeHintNameTable = "\0\0_CorExeMain\0"; private static readonly string dllHintNameTable = "\0\0_CorDllMain\0"; private static readonly string runtimeEngineName = "mscoree.dll\0\0"; private Section text, sdata, rsrc; ArrayList data; BinaryWriter reloc = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream()); uint dateStamp = 0; DateTime origin = new DateTime(1970,1,1); uint numSections = 2; // always have .text and .reloc sections internal SubSystem subSys = SubSystem.Windows_CUI; // default is Windows Console mode internal long stackReserve = 0x100000; // default is 1Mb internal uint fileAlign = minFileAlign; uint entryPointOffset, entryPointPadding, imageSize, headerSize, headerPadding, entryPointToken = 0; uint relocOffset, relocRVA, relocSize, relocPadding, relocTide, hintNameTableOffset; uint metaDataOffset, runtimeEngineOffset, initDataSize = 0, importTablePadding; uint resourcesSize, resourcesOffset; uint strongNameSigOffset; uint importTableOffset, importLookupTableOffset, totalImportTableSize; MetaData metaData; char[] runtimeEngine = runtimeEngineName.ToCharArray(), hintNameTable; bool doDLL, largeStrings, largeGUID, largeUS, largeBlob; ushort characteristics; internal FileImage(bool makeDLL, string fileName) : base(new FileStream(fileName,FileMode.Create)) { InitFileImage(makeDLL); TimeSpan tmp = System.IO.File.GetCreationTime(fileName).Subtract(origin); dateStamp = Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.TotalSeconds); } internal FileImage(bool makeDLL, Stream str) : base(str) { InitFileImage(makeDLL); TimeSpan tmp = DateTime.Now.Subtract(origin); dateStamp = Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.TotalSeconds); } private void InitFileImage(bool makeDLL) { doDLL = makeDLL; if (doDLL) { hintNameTable = dllHintNameTable.ToCharArray(); characteristics = dllCharacteristics; } else { hintNameTable = exeHintNameTable.ToCharArray(); characteristics = exeCharacteristics; } text = new Section(textName,0x60000020); // IMAGE_SCN_CNT CODE, EXECUTE, READ // rsrc = new Section(rsrcName,0x40000040); // IMAGE_SCN_CNT INITIALIZED_DATA, READ metaData = new MetaData(this); } internal MetaData GetMetaData() { return metaData; } private uint GetNextSectStart(uint rva, uint tide) { if (tide < SectionAlignment) return rva + SectionAlignment; return rva + ((tide / SectionAlignment) + 1) * SectionAlignment; } private void BuildTextSection() { // .text layout // IAT (single entry 8 bytes for pure CIL) // CLIHeader (72 bytes) // CIL instructions for all methods (variable size) // MetaData // ImportTable (40 bytes) // ImportLookupTable(8 bytes) (same as IAT for standard CIL files) // Hint/Name Tables with entry "_CorExeMain" for .exe file and "_CorDllMain" for .dll (14 bytes) // ASCII string "mscoree.dll" referenced in ImportTable (+ padding = 16 bytes) // Entry Point (0xFF25 followed by 4 bytes 0x400000 + RVA of .text) metaData.BuildMetaData(IATSize + CLIHeaderSize); metaDataOffset = IATSize + CLIHeaderSize; // Console.WriteLine("Code starts at " + metaDataOffset); metaDataOffset += metaData.CodeSize(); // resourcesStart = resourcesOffset = metaDataOffset + metaData.Size (); resourcesSize = metaData.GetResourcesSize (); if (reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace) { strongNameSigOffset = resourcesOffset + resourcesSize; // fixUps = RVA for vtable importTableOffset = strongNameSigOffset + StrongNameSignatureSize; } else { strongNameSigOffset = 0; // fixUps = RVA for vtable importTableOffset = resourcesOffset + resourcesSize; } importTablePadding = NumToAlign(importTableOffset,16); importTableOffset += importTablePadding; importLookupTableOffset = importTableOffset + ImportTableSize; hintNameTableOffset = importLookupTableOffset + IATSize; runtimeEngineOffset = hintNameTableOffset + (uint)hintNameTable.Length; entryPointOffset = runtimeEngineOffset + (uint)runtimeEngine.Length; totalImportTableSize = entryPointOffset - importTableOffset; // Console.WriteLine("total import table size = " + totalImportTableSize); // Console.WriteLine("entrypoint offset = " + entryPointOffset); entryPointPadding = NumToAlign(entryPointOffset,4) + 2; entryPointOffset += entryPointPadding; text.AddReloc(entryPointOffset+2); text.IncTide(entryPointOffset + 6); //if (text.Tide() < fileAlign) fileAlign = minFileAlign; text.SetSize(NumToAlign(text.Tide(),fileAlign)); // Console.WriteLine("text size = " + text.Size() + " text tide = " + text.Tide() + " text padding = " + text.Padding()); // Console.WriteLine("metaDataOffset = " + Hex.Int(metaDataOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("importTableOffset = " + Hex.Int(importTableOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("importLookupTableOffset = " + Hex.Int(importLookupTableOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("hintNameTableOffset = " + Hex.Int(hintNameTableOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("runtimeEngineOffset = " + Hex.Int(runtimeEngineOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("entryPointOffset = " + Hex.Int(entryPointOffset)); // Console.WriteLine("entryPointPadding = " + Hex.Int(entryPointPadding)); } internal void BuildRelocSection() { text.DoRelocs(reloc); if (sdata != null) sdata.DoRelocs(reloc); if (rsrc != null) rsrc.DoRelocs(reloc); relocTide = (uint)reloc.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); relocPadding = NumToAlign(relocTide,fileAlign); relocSize = relocTide + relocPadding; imageSize = relocRVA + SectionAlignment; initDataSize += relocSize; } private void CalcOffsets() { if (sdata != null) numSections++; if (rsrc != null) numSections++; headerSize = fileHeaderSize + (numSections * sectionHeaderSize); headerPadding = NumToAlign(headerSize,fileAlign); headerSize += headerPadding; uint offset = headerSize; uint rva = SectionAlignment; text.SetOffset(offset); text.SetRVA(rva); offset += text.Size(); rva = GetNextSectStart(rva,text.Tide()); // Console.WriteLine("headerSize = " + headerSize); // Console.WriteLine("headerPadding = " + headerPadding); // Console.WriteLine("textOffset = " + Hex.Int(text.Offset())); if (sdata != null) { sdata.SetSize(NumToAlign(sdata.Tide(),fileAlign)); sdata.SetOffset(offset); sdata.SetRVA(rva); offset += sdata.Size(); rva = GetNextSectStart(rva,sdata.Tide()); initDataSize += sdata.Size(); } if (rsrc != null) { rsrc.SetSize(NumToAlign(rsrc.Tide(),fileAlign)); rsrc.SetOffset(offset); rsrc.SetRVA(rva); offset += rsrc.Size(); rva = GetNextSectStart(rva,rsrc.Tide()); initDataSize += rsrc.Size(); } relocOffset = offset; relocRVA = rva; } internal void MakeFile() { if (doDLL) hintNameTable = dllHintNameTable.ToCharArray(); else hintNameTable = exeHintNameTable.ToCharArray(); BuildTextSection(); CalcOffsets(); BuildRelocSection(); // now write it out WriteHeader(); WriteSections(); Flush(); Close(); } private void WriteHeader() { Write(DOSHeader); // Console.WriteLine("Writing PEHeader at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); WritePEHeader(); // Console.WriteLine("Writing text section header at offset " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); text.WriteHeader(this,relocRVA); if (sdata != null) sdata.WriteHeader(this,relocRVA); if (rsrc != null) rsrc.WriteHeader(this,relocRVA); // Console.WriteLine("Writing reloc section header at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); WriteRelocSectionHeader(); // Console.WriteLine("Writing padding at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); WriteZeros(headerPadding); } private void WriteSections() { // Console.WriteLine("Writing text section at offset " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); WriteTextSection(); if (sdata != null) WriteSDataSection(); if (rsrc != null) WriteRsrcSection(); WriteRelocSection(); } private void WriteIAT() { Write(text.RVA() + hintNameTableOffset); Write(0); } private void WriteImportTables() { // Import Table WriteZeros(importTablePadding); // Console.WriteLine("Writing import tables at offset " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); Write(importLookupTableOffset + text.RVA()); WriteZeros(8); Write(runtimeEngineOffset + text.RVA()); Write(text.RVA()); // IAT is at the beginning of the text section WriteZeros(20); // Import Lookup Table WriteIAT(); // lookup table and IAT are the same // Hint/Name Table // Console.WriteLine("Writing hintname table at " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); Write(hintNameTable); Write(runtimeEngineName.ToCharArray()); } private void WriteTextSection() { WriteIAT(); WriteCLIHeader(); // Console.WriteLine("Writing code at " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); metaData.WriteByteCodes(this); // Console.WriteLine("Finished writing code at " + Hex.Long(Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current))); largeStrings = metaData.LargeStringsIndex(); largeGUID = metaData.LargeGUIDIndex(); largeUS = metaData.LargeUSIndex(); largeBlob = metaData.LargeBlobIndex(); metaData.WriteMetaData(this); metaData.WriteResources (this); if (reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace) { WriteZeros(StrongNameSignatureSize); } WriteImportTables(); WriteZeros(entryPointPadding); Write((ushort)0x25FF); Write(ImageBase + text.RVA()); WriteZeros(text.Padding()); } private void WriteCLIHeader() { Write(CLIHeaderSize); // Cb Write((short)2); // Major runtime version Write((short)0); // Minor runtime version Write(text.RVA() + metaDataOffset); Write(metaData.Size()); Write(runtimeFlags); Write(entryPointToken); if (resourcesSize > 0) { Write (text.RVA () + resourcesOffset); Write (resourcesSize); } else { WriteZeros (8); } // Strong Name Signature (RVA, size) if (reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace) { Write(text.RVA() + strongNameSigOffset); Write(StrongNameSignatureSize); } else { WriteZeros(8); } WriteZeros(8); // CodeManagerTable WriteZeros(8); // VTableFixups NYI WriteZeros(16); // ExportAddressTableJumps, ManagedNativeHeader } private void WriteSDataSection() { long size = sdata.Size (); long start = BaseStream.Position; for (int i=0; i < data.Count; i++) { ((DataConstant)data[i]).Write(this); } while (BaseStream.Position < (start + size)) Write ((byte) 0); } private void WriteRsrcSection() { } private void WriteRelocSection() { // Console.WriteLine("Writing reloc section at " + Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current) + " = " + relocOffset); MemoryStream str = (MemoryStream)reloc.BaseStream; Write(str.ToArray()); WriteZeros(NumToAlign((uint)str.Position,fileAlign)); } internal void SetEntryPoint(uint entryPoint) { entryPointToken = entryPoint; } internal void AddInitData(DataConstant cVal) { if (sdata == null) { sdata = new Section(sdataName,0xC0000040); // IMAGE_SCN_CNT INITIALIZED_DATA, READ, WRITE data = new ArrayList(); } data.Add(cVal); cVal.DataOffset = sdata.Tide(); sdata.IncTide(cVal.GetSize()); } internal void WriteZeros(uint numZeros) { for (int i=0; i < numZeros; i++) { Write((byte)0); } } internal void WritePEHeader() { Write((ushort)0x014C); // Machine - always 0x14C for Managed PE Files (allow others??) Write((ushort)numSections); Write(dateStamp); WriteZeros(8); // Pointer to Symbol Table and Number of Symbols (always zero for ECMA CLI files) Write((ushort)0x00E0); // Size of Optional Header Write(characteristics); // PE Optional Header Write((ushort)0x010B); // Magic Write((byte)0x6); // LMajor pure-IL = 6 C++ = 7 Write((byte)0x0); // LMinor Write(text.Size()); Write(initDataSize); Write(0); // Check other sections here!! Write(text.RVA() + entryPointOffset); Write(text.RVA()); uint dataBase = 0; if (sdata != null) dataBase = sdata.RVA(); else if (rsrc != null) dataBase = rsrc.RVA(); else dataBase = relocRVA; Write(dataBase); Write(ImageBase); Write(SectionAlignment); Write(fileAlign); Write((ushort)0x04); // OS Major WriteZeros(6); // OS Minor, User Major, User Minor Write((ushort)0x04); // SubSys Major WriteZeros(6); // SybSys Minor, Reserved Write(imageSize); Write(headerSize); Write((int)0); // File Checksum Write((ushort)subSys); Write((short)0); // DLL Flags Write((uint)stackReserve); // Stack Reserve Size Write((uint)0x1000); // Stack Commit Size Write((uint)0x100000); // Heap Reserve Size Write((uint)0x1000); // Heap Commit Size Write(0); // Loader Flags Write(0x10); // Number of Data Directories WriteZeros(8); // Export Table Write(importTableOffset + text.RVA()); Write(totalImportTableSize); WriteZeros(24); // Resource, Exception and Certificate Tables Write(relocRVA); Write(relocTide); WriteZeros(48); // Debug, Copyright, Global Ptr, TLS, Load Config and Bound Import Tables Write(text.RVA()); // IATRVA - IAT is at start of .text Section Write(IATSize); WriteZeros(8); // Delay Import Descriptor Write(text.RVA()+IATSize); // CLIHeader immediately follows IAT Write(CLIHeaderSize); WriteZeros(8); // Reserved } internal void WriteRelocSectionHeader() { Write(relocName.ToCharArray()); Write(relocTide); Write(relocRVA); Write(relocSize); Write(relocOffset); WriteZeros(12); Write(relocFlags); } private void Align (MemoryStream str, int val) { if ((str.Position % val) != 0) { for (int i=val - (int)(str.Position % val); i > 0; i--) { str.WriteByte(0); } } } private uint Align(uint val, uint alignVal) { if ((val % alignVal) != 0) { val += alignVal - (val % alignVal); } return val; } private uint NumToAlign(uint val, uint alignVal) { if ((val % alignVal) == 0) return 0; return alignVal - (val % alignVal); } internal void StringsIndex(uint ix) { if (largeStrings) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void GUIDIndex(uint ix) { if (largeGUID) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void USIndex(uint ix) { if (largeUS) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void BlobIndex(uint ix) { if (largeBlob) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void WriteIndex(MDTable tabIx,uint ix) { if (metaData.LargeIx(tabIx)) Write(ix); else Write((ushort)ix); } internal void WriteCodedIndex(CIx code, MetaDataElement elem) { metaData.WriteCodedIndex(code,elem,this); } internal void WriteCodeRVA(uint offs) { Write(text.RVA() + offs); } internal void WriteDataRVA(uint offs) { Write(sdata.RVA() + offs); } internal void Write3Bytes(uint val) { byte b3 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[2]) >> 16); byte b2 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[1]) >> 8);; byte b1 = (byte)(val & FileImage.iByteMask[0]); Write(b1); Write(b2); Write(b3); } internal bool ReserveStrongNameSignatureSpace { get { return reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace; } set { reserveStrongNameSignatureSpace = value; } } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a file referenced in THIS assembly/module (.file) /// public class FileRef : MetaDataElement { private static readonly uint NoMetaData = 0x1; uint nameIx = 0, hashIx = 0; uint flags = 0; protected string name; internal FileRef(string name, byte[] hashBytes, bool metaData, bool entryPoint, MetaData md) { if (!metaData) flags = NoMetaData; if (entryPoint) md.SetEntryPoint(this); = name; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); hashIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(hashBytes); tabIx = MDTable.File; } internal FileRef(uint nameIx, byte[] hashBytes, bool metaData, bool entryPoint, MetaData md) { if (!metaData) flags = NoMetaData; if (entryPoint) md.SetEntryPoint(this); this.nameIx = nameIx; hashIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(hashBytes); tabIx = MDTable.File; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 4 + md.StringsIndexSize() + md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.File,this); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(flags); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.BlobIndex(hashIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 16; case (CIx.Implementation) : return 0; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for pinvoke information for a method NOT YET IMPLEMENTED /// public class ImplMap : MetaDataElement { private static readonly ushort NoMangle = 0x01; ushort flags; Method meth; string importName; uint iNameIx; ModuleRef importScope; internal ImplMap(ushort flag, Method implMeth, string iName, ModuleRef mScope) { flags = flag; meth = implMeth; importName = iName; importScope = mScope; tabIx = MDTable.ImplMap; if (iName == null) flags |= NoMangle; //throw(new NotYetImplementedException("PInvoke ")); } internal override uint SortKey() { return (meth.Row << MetaData.CIxShiftMap[(uint)CIx.MemberForwarded]) | meth.GetCodedIx(CIx.MemberForwarded); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; iNameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(importName); done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 2+ md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.MemberForwarded) + md.StringsIndexSize() + md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.ModuleRef); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(flags); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.MemberForwarded,meth); output.StringsIndex(iNameIx); output.WriteIndex(MDTable.ModuleRef,importScope.Row); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for an IL instruction /// internal abstract class CILInstruction { protected static readonly sbyte maxByteVal = 127; protected static readonly sbyte minByteVal = -128; protected static readonly byte leadByte = 0xFE; protected static readonly uint USHeapIndex = 0x70000000; protected static readonly int longInstrStart = (int)Op.arglist; public bool twoByteInstr = false; public uint size = 0; public uint offset; internal virtual bool Check(MetaData md) { return false; } internal virtual void Write(FileImage output) { } } internal class CILByte : CILInstruction { byte byteVal; internal CILByte(byte bVal) { byteVal = bVal; size = 1; } internal override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(byteVal); } } internal class Instr : CILInstruction { protected int instr; internal Instr(int inst) { if (inst >= longInstrStart) { instr = inst - longInstrStart; twoByteInstr = true; size = 2; } else { instr = inst; size = 1; } } internal override void Write(FileImage output) { //Console.WriteLine("Writing instruction " + instr + " with size " + size); if (twoByteInstr) output.Write(leadByte); output.Write((byte)instr); } } internal class IntInstr : Instr { int val; bool byteNum; internal IntInstr(int inst, int num, bool byteSize) : base(inst) { val = num; byteNum = byteSize; if (byteNum) size++; else size += 4; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); if (byteNum) output.Write((sbyte)val); else output.Write(val); } } internal class UIntInstr : Instr { int val; bool byteNum; internal UIntInstr(int inst, int num, bool byteSize) : base(inst) { val = num; byteNum = byteSize; if (byteNum) size++; else size += 2; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); if (byteNum) output.Write((byte)val); else output.Write((ushort)val); } } internal class LongInstr : Instr { long val; internal LongInstr(int inst, long l) : base(inst) { val = l; size += 8; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); output.Write(val); } } internal class FloatInstr : Instr { float fVal; internal FloatInstr(int inst, float f) : base(inst) { fVal = f; size += 4; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); output.Write(fVal); } } internal class DoubleInstr : Instr { double val; internal DoubleInstr(int inst, double d) : base(inst) { val = d; size += 8; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); output.Write(val); } } internal class StringInstr : Instr { string val; byte[] bval; uint strIndex; internal StringInstr(int inst, string str) : base(inst) { val = str; size += 4; } internal StringInstr (int inst, byte[] str) : base (inst) { bval = str; size += 4; } internal sealed override bool Check(MetaData md) { if (val != null) strIndex = md.AddToUSHeap(val); else strIndex = md.AddToUSHeap (bval); return false; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); output.Write(USHeapIndex | strIndex); } } internal class LabelInstr : CILInstruction { CILLabel label; internal LabelInstr(CILLabel lab) { label = lab; label.AddLabelInstr(this); } } internal class FieldInstr : Instr { Field field; internal FieldInstr(int inst, Field f) : base(inst) { field = f; size += 4; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); output.Write(field.Token()); } } internal class MethInstr : Instr { Method meth; internal MethInstr(int inst, Method m) : base(inst) { meth = m; size += 4; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); output.Write(meth.Token()); } } internal class SigInstr : Instr { CalliSig signature; internal SigInstr(int inst, CalliSig sig) : base(inst) { signature = sig; size += 4; } internal sealed override bool Check(MetaData md) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.StandAloneSig,signature); signature.BuildTables(md); return false; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); output.Write(signature.Token()); } } internal class TypeInstr : Instr { MetaDataElement theType; internal TypeInstr(int inst, Type aType, MetaData md) : base(inst) { theType = aType.GetTypeSpec(md); size += 4; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); output.Write(theType.Token()); } } internal class BranchInstr : Instr { CILLabel dest; private bool shortVer = true; private static readonly byte longInstrOffset = 13; private int target = 0; internal BranchInstr(int inst, CILLabel dst) : base(inst) { dest = dst; dest.AddBranch(this); size++; if (inst >= (int) && inst != (int) BranchOp.leave_s) { shortVer = false; size += 3; } } internal sealed override bool Check(MetaData md) { target = (int)dest.GetLabelOffset() - (int)(offset + size); return false; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); if (shortVer) output.Write((sbyte)target); else output.Write(target); } } internal class SwitchInstr : Instr { CILLabel[] cases; uint numCases = 0; internal SwitchInstr(int inst, CILLabel[] dsts) : base(inst) { cases = dsts; if (cases != null) numCases = (uint)cases.Length; size += 4 + (numCases * 4); for (int i=0; i < numCases; i++) { cases[i].AddBranch(this); } } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { base.Write(output); output.Write(numCases); for (int i=0; i < numCases; i++) { int target = (int)cases[i].GetLabelOffset() - (int)(offset + size); output.Write(target); } } } /**************************************************************************/ public class GenericParameter : MetaDataElement { MetaDataElement owner; MetaData metadata; string name; uint nameIx; short index; internal GenericParameter (ClassDef owner, MetaData metadata, short index, string name) : this (owner, metadata, index, name, true) { } internal GenericParameter (MethodDef owner, MetaData metadata, short index, string name) : this (owner, metadata, index, name, true) { } private GenericParameter (MetaDataElement owner, MetaData metadata, short index, string name, bool nadda) { this.owner = owner; this.metadata = metadata; this.index = index; tabIx = MDTable.GenericParam; = name; } internal override uint SortKey() { return (owner.Row << MetaData.CIxShiftMap[(uint)CIx.TypeOrMethodDef]) | owner.GetCodedIx(CIx.TypeOrMethodDef); } public void AddConstraint (Type constraint) { metadata.AddToTable (MDTable.GenericParamConstraint, new GenericParamConstraint (this, constraint)); } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return (uint) (4 + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.TypeOrMethodDef) + 4 + md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.TypeDef)); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); done = true; } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write ((short) index); output.Write ((short) 0); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.TypeOrMethodDef, owner); output.Write ((uint) nameIx); output.WriteIndex(MDTable.TypeDef,owner.Row); } } internal class GenericParamConstraint : MetaDataElement { GenericParameter param; Type type; public GenericParamConstraint (GenericParameter param, Type type) { this.param = param; this.type = type; tabIx = MDTable.GenericParamConstraint; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return (uint) (md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.GenericParam) + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.TypeDefOrRef)); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteIndex(MDTable.GenericParam, param.Row); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.TypeDefOrRef, type); } } internal class MethodSpec : MetaDataElement { Method meth; GenericMethodSig g_sig; uint sidx; internal MethodSpec (Method meth, GenericMethodSig g_sig) { this.meth = meth; this.g_sig = g_sig; tabIx = MDTable.MethodSpec; } internal sealed override void BuildTables (MetaData md) { if (done) return; sidx = g_sig.GetSigIx (md); done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size (MetaData md) { return (uint) (md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.MethodDefOrRef) + md.BlobIndexSize ()); } internal sealed override void Write (FileImage output) { output.WriteCodedIndex (CIx.MethodDefOrRef, meth); output.BlobIndex (sidx); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for interface implemented by a class /// public class InterfaceImpl: MetaDataElement { ClassDef theClass; Class theInterface; internal InterfaceImpl(ClassDef theClass, Class theInterface) { this.theClass = theClass; this.theInterface = theInterface; tabIx = MDTable.InterfaceImpl; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.TypeDef) + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.TypeDefOrRef); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteIndex(MDTable.TypeDef,theClass.Row); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.TypeDefOrRef,theInterface); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { return 5; } internal override uint SortKey () { return (theClass.Row << MetaData.CIxShiftMap[(uint)CIx.TypeDefOrRef]) | theClass.GetCodedIx (CIx.TypeDefOrRef); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a local of a method /// public class Local { private static readonly byte Pinned = 0x45; string name; Type type; bool pinned = false, byref = false; /// /// Create a new local variable /// /// name of the local variable /// type of the local variable public Local(string lName, Type lType) { name = lName; type = lType; } /// /// Create a new local variable that is byref and/or pinned /// /// local name /// local type /// is byref /// has pinned attribute public Local(string lName, Type lType, bool byRef, bool isPinned) { name = lName; type = lType; byref = byRef; pinned = isPinned; } internal void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { if (pinned) str.WriteByte(Pinned); type.TypeSig(str); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for the locals for a method /// public class LocalSig : Signature { private static readonly byte LocalSigByte = 0x7; Local[] locals; public LocalSig(Local[] locals) { this.locals = locals; tabIx = MDTable.StandAloneSig; } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; MemoryStream sig = new MemoryStream(); sig.WriteByte(LocalSigByte); MetaData.CompressNum((uint)locals.Length,sig); for (int i=0; i < locals.Length; i++) { ((Local)locals[i]).TypeSig(sig); } sigIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(sig.ToArray()); done = true; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for resources used in this PE file /// public class ManifestResource : MetaDataElement { public static readonly uint PublicResource = 0x1; public static readonly uint PrivateResource = 0x2; string mrName; MetaDataElement rRef; uint fileOffset; uint nameIx = 0; uint flags = 0; byte [] resourceBytes; public ManifestResource (string name, byte[] resBytes, uint flags) { InitResource (name, flags); this.resourceBytes = resBytes; } public ManifestResource(string name, uint flags, FileRef fileRef) { InitResource (name, flags); rRef = fileRef; } public ManifestResource(string name, uint flags, FileRef fileRef, uint fileIx) { InitResource (name, flags); rRef = fileRef; fileOffset = fileIx; } public ManifestResource(string name, uint flags, AssemblyRef assemRef) { InitResource (name, flags); rRef = assemRef; } internal ManifestResource (ManifestResource mres) { mrName = mres.mrName; flags = mres.flags; rRef = mres.rRef; fileOffset = mres.fileOffset; resourceBytes = mres.resourceBytes; } private void InitResource (string name, uint flags) { mrName = name; this.flags = flags; tabIx = MDTable.ManifestResource; } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; md.AddToTable (MDTable.ManifestResource, this); nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(mrName); if (resourceBytes != null) { if (rRef != null) throw new Exception("ERROR: Manifest Resource has byte value and file reference"); fileOffset = md.AddResource(resourceBytes); } else { if (rRef == null) throw new Exception("ERROR: Manifest Resource has no implementation or value"); rRef.BuildTables (md); } done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 8 + md.StringsIndexSize() + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.Implementation); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(fileOffset); output.Write(flags); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.Implementation,rRef); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { return 18; } public string Name { get { return mrName; } set { mrName = value; } } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Base class for elements in the PropertyMap, EventMap and /// NestedClass MetaData tables /// public class MapElem : MetaDataElement { ClassDef parent; uint elemIx; MDTable elemTable; internal MapElem(ClassDef par, uint elIx, MDTable elemTab) { parent = par; elemIx = elIx; elemTable = elemTab; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.TypeDef) + md.TableIndexSize(elemTable); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteIndex(MDTable.TypeDef,parent.Row); output.WriteIndex(elemTable,elemIx); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Base class for field/methods (member of a class) /// public abstract class Member : MetaDataElement { protected string name; protected uint nameIx = 0, sigIx = 0; internal Member(string memName) { name = memName; tabIx = MDTable.MemberRef; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// MetaData /// Root (20 bytes + UTF-8 Version String + quad align padding) /// StreamHeaders (8 bytes + null terminated name string + quad align padding) /// Streams /// #~ (always present - holds metadata tables) /// #Strings (always present - holds identifier strings) /// #US (Userstring heap) /// #Blob (signature blobs) /// #GUID (guids for assemblies or Modules) /// public class MetaData { internal static readonly int[] CIxShiftMap = {2,2,5,1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,2,1}; private static readonly byte StringsHeapMask = 0x1; private static readonly byte GUIDHeapMask = 0x2; private static readonly byte BlobHeapMask = 0x4; private static readonly uint MetaDataSignature = 0x424A5342; private static readonly uint maxSmlIxSize = 0xFFFF; private static readonly uint max1BitSmlIx = 0x7FFF; private static readonly uint max2BitSmlIx = 0x3FFF; private static readonly uint max3BitSmlIx = 0x1FFF; private static readonly uint max5BitSmlIx = 0x7FF; // NOTE: version and stream name strings MUST always be quad padded private static readonly string version = "v1.1.4322\0\0\0"; private static readonly char[] tildeName = {'#','~','\0','\0'}; private static readonly char[] stringsName = {'#','S','t','r','i','n','g','s','\0','\0','\0','\0'}; private static readonly char[] usName = {'#','U','S','\0'}; private static readonly char[] guidName = {'#','G','U','I','D','\0','\0','\0'}; private static readonly char[] blobName = {'#','B','l','o','b','\0','\0','\0'}; private static readonly uint MetaDataHeaderSize = 20 + (uint)version.Length; private static readonly uint TildeHeaderSize = 24; private static readonly uint StreamHeaderSize = 8; private static readonly uint numMetaDataTables = (int)MDTable.GenericParamConstraint + 1; private static readonly uint tildeHeaderSize = 8 + (uint)tildeName.Length; MetaDataStream strings, us, guid, blob; MetaDataStream[] streams = new MetaDataStream[5]; uint numStreams = 5; uint tildeTide = 0, tildePadding = 0, tildeStart = 0; uint numTables = 0, resourcesSize = 0; ArrayList[] metaDataTables = new ArrayList[numMetaDataTables]; ArrayList byteCodes = new ArrayList(); uint codeSize = 0, codeStart, byteCodePadding = 0, metaDataSize = 0; ulong valid = 0, /*sorted = 0x000002003301FA00;*/ sorted = 0; bool[] largeIx = new bool[numMetaDataTables]; bool[] lgeCIx = new bool[(int)CIx.MaxCIx]; bool largeStrings = false, largeUS = false, largeGUID = false, largeBlob = false; private FileImage file; private byte heapSizes = 0; MetaDataElement entryPoint; BinaryWriter output; public MSCorLib mscorlib; private TypeSpec[] systemTypeSpecs = new TypeSpec[PrimitiveType.NumSystemTypes]; long mdStart; private ArrayList cattr_list; private ArrayList declsec_list; ArrayList resources; internal MetaData(FileImage file) { // tilde = new MetaDataStream(tildeName,false,0); this.file = file; strings = new MetaDataStream(stringsName,new UTF8Encoding(),true); us = new MetaDataStream(usName,new UnicodeEncoding(),true); guid = new MetaDataStream(guidName,false); blob = new MetaDataStream(blobName,true); streams[1] = strings; streams[2] = us; streams[3] = guid; streams[4] = blob; for (int i=0; i < numMetaDataTables; i++) { largeIx[i] = false; } for (int i=0; i < lgeCIx.Length; i++) { lgeCIx[i] = false; } mscorlib = new MSCorLib(this); } internal TypeSpec GetPrimitiveTypeSpec(int ix) { return systemTypeSpecs[ix]; } internal void SetPrimitiveTypeSpec(int ix, TypeSpec typeSpec) { systemTypeSpecs[ix] = typeSpec; } internal uint Size() { return metaDataSize; } private void CalcHeapSizes () { if (strings.LargeIx()) { largeStrings = true; heapSizes |= StringsHeapMask; } if (guid.LargeIx()) { largeGUID = true; heapSizes |= GUIDHeapMask; } if (blob.LargeIx()) { largeBlob = true; heapSizes |= BlobHeapMask; } largeUS = us.LargeIx(); } internal void StreamSize(byte mask) { heapSizes |= mask; } internal uint AddToUSHeap(string str) { if (str == null) return 0; return us.Add(str,true); } internal uint AddToUSHeap(byte[] str) { if (str == null) return 0; return us.Add (str, true); } internal uint AddToStringsHeap(string str) { if ((str == null) || (str.CompareTo("") == 0)) return 0; return strings.Add(str,false); } internal uint AddToGUIDHeap(Guid guidNum) { return guid.Add(guidNum, false); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(byte[] blobBytes) { if (blobBytes == null) return 0; return blob.Add(blobBytes, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(byte val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(sbyte val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(ushort val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(short val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(uint val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(int val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(ulong val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(long val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(float val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(double val) { return blob.Add(val, true); } internal uint AddToBlobHeap(string val) { return blob.Add(val,true); } internal void AddCustomAttribute (CustomAttribute cattr) { if (cattr_list == null) cattr_list = new ArrayList (); cattr_list.Add (cattr); } internal void AddDeclSecurity (DeclSecurity decl_sec) { if (declsec_list == null) declsec_list = new ArrayList (); declsec_list.Add (decl_sec); } private ArrayList GetTable(MDTable tableIx) { int tabIx = (int)tableIx; if (metaDataTables[tabIx] == null) { metaDataTables[tabIx] = new ArrayList(); valid |= ((ulong)0x1 << tabIx); // Console.WriteLine("after creating table " + tableIx + "(" + tabIx + ") valid = " + valid); numTables++; } return metaDataTables[tabIx]; } internal void AddToTable(MDTable tableIx, MetaDataElement elem) { if (elem.Row > 0) { // Console.Out.WriteLine("ERROR - element already in table " + tableIx); return; } // updates Row field of the element // Console.WriteLine("Adding element to table " + (uint)tableIx); ArrayList table = GetTable(tableIx); elem.Row = (uint)table.Count + 1; table.Add(elem); } internal uint TableIndex(MDTable tableIx) { if (metaDataTables[(int)tableIx] == null) return 1; return (uint)metaDataTables[(int)tableIx].Count+1; } internal uint AddCode(CILInstructions byteCode) { byteCodes.Add(byteCode); uint offset = codeSize + codeStart; codeSize += byteCode.GetCodeSize(); return offset; } internal void SetEntryPoint(MetaDataElement ep) { entryPoint = ep; } internal uint AddResource(byte[] resBytes) { if (resources == null) resources = new ArrayList (); resources.Add (resBytes); uint offset = resourcesSize; resourcesSize += (uint)resBytes.Length + 4; return offset; } internal void AddData(DataConstant cVal) { file.AddInitData(cVal); } internal static void CompressNum(uint val, MemoryStream sig) { if (val < 0x7F) { sig.WriteByte((byte)val); } else if (val < 0x3FFF) { byte b1 = (byte)((val >> 8) | 0x80); byte b2 = (byte)(val & FileImage.iByteMask[0]); sig.WriteByte(b1); sig.WriteByte(b2); } else { byte b1 = (byte)((val >> 24) | 0xC0); byte b2 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[2]) >> 16); byte b3 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[1]) >> 8);; byte b4 = (byte)(val & FileImage.iByteMask[0]); sig.WriteByte(b1); sig.WriteByte(b2); sig.WriteByte(b3); sig.WriteByte(b4); } } internal uint CodeSize() { return codeSize + byteCodePadding; } internal uint GetResourcesSize() { return resourcesSize; } internal uint StringsIndexSize() { if (largeStrings) return 4; return 2; } internal uint GUIDIndexSize() { if (largeGUID) return 4; return 2; } internal uint USIndexSize() { if (largeUS) return 4; return 2; } internal uint BlobIndexSize() { if (largeBlob) return 4; return 2; } internal uint CodedIndexSize(CIx code) { if (lgeCIx[(uint)code]) return 4; return 2; } internal uint TableIndexSize(MDTable tabIx) { if (largeIx[(uint)tabIx]) return 4; return 2; } private void SetIndexSizes() { for (int i=0; i < numMetaDataTables; i++) { if (metaDataTables[i] == null) continue; uint count = (uint)metaDataTables[i].Count; if (count > maxSmlIxSize) largeIx[i] = true; MDTable tabIx = (MDTable)i; if (count > max5BitSmlIx) { lgeCIx[(int)CIx.HasCustomAttr] = true; } if (count > max3BitSmlIx) { if ((tabIx == MDTable.TypeRef) || (tabIx == MDTable.ModuleRef) || (tabIx == MDTable.Method) || (tabIx == MDTable.TypeSpec) || (tabIx == MDTable.Field)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.CustomAttributeType] = true; if ((tabIx == MDTable.Method) || (tabIx == MDTable.MemberRef)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.MemberRefParent] = true; } if (count > max2BitSmlIx) { if ((tabIx == MDTable.Field) || (tabIx == MDTable.Param) || (tabIx == MDTable.Property)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.HasConst] = true; if ((tabIx == MDTable.TypeDef) || (tabIx == MDTable.TypeRef) || (tabIx == MDTable.TypeSpec)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.TypeDefOrRef] = true; if ((tabIx == MDTable.TypeDef) || (tabIx == MDTable.Method) || (tabIx == MDTable.Assembly)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.HasDeclSecurity] = true; if ((tabIx == MDTable.File) || (tabIx == MDTable.AssemblyRef) || (tabIx == MDTable.ExportedType)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.Implementation] = true; if ((tabIx == MDTable.Module) || (tabIx == MDTable.ModuleRef) || (tabIx == MDTable.AssemblyRef) || (tabIx == MDTable.TypeRef)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.ResolutionScope] = true; } if (count > max1BitSmlIx) { if ((tabIx == MDTable.Field) || (tabIx == MDTable.Param)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.HasFieldMarshal] = true; if ((tabIx == MDTable.Event) || (tabIx == MDTable.Property)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.HasSemantics] = true; if ((tabIx == MDTable.Method) || (tabIx == MDTable.MemberRef)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.MethodDefOrRef] = true; if ((tabIx == MDTable.Field) || (tabIx == MDTable.Method)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.MemberForwarded] = true; if ((tabIx == MDTable.TypeDef) || (tabIx == MDTable.Method)) lgeCIx[(int)CIx.TypeOrMethodDef] = true; } } } private void SetStreamOffsets() { uint sizeOfHeaders = StreamHeaderSize + (uint)tildeName.Length; for (int i=1; i < numStreams; i++) { sizeOfHeaders += streams[i].headerSize(); } metaDataSize = MetaDataHeaderSize + sizeOfHeaders; tildeStart = metaDataSize; metaDataSize += tildeTide + tildePadding; for (int i=1; i < numStreams; i++) { streams[i].Start = metaDataSize; metaDataSize += streams[i].Size(); streams[i].WriteDetails(); } } internal void CalcTildeStreamSize() { CalcHeapSizes (); //tilde.SetIndexSizes(strings.LargeIx(),us.LargeIx(),guid.LargeIx(),blob.LargeIx()); tildeTide = TildeHeaderSize; tildeTide += 4 * numTables; //Console.WriteLine("Tilde header + sizes = " + tildeTide); for (int i=0; i < numMetaDataTables; i++) { if (metaDataTables[i] != null) { ArrayList table = metaDataTables[i]; // Console.WriteLine("Meta data table " + i + " at offset " + tildeTide); tildeTide += (uint)table.Count * ((MetaDataElement)table[0]).Size(this); // Console.WriteLine("Metadata table " + i + " has size " + table.Count); // Console.WriteLine("tildeTide = " + tildeTide); } } if ((tildeTide % 4) != 0) tildePadding = 4 - (tildeTide % 4); //Console.WriteLine("tildePadding = " + tildePadding); } internal void WriteTildeStream(FileImage output) { long startTilde = output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); output.Write((uint)0); // Reserved output.Write((byte)1); // MajorVersion output.Write((byte)0); // MinorVersion output.Write(heapSizes); output.Write((byte)1); // Reserved output.Write(valid); output.Write(sorted); for (int i=0; i < numMetaDataTables; i++) { if (metaDataTables[i] != null) { uint count = (uint)metaDataTables[i].Count; output.Write(count); } } long tabStart = output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); // Console.WriteLine("Starting metaData tables at " + tabStart); for (int i=0; i < numMetaDataTables; i++) { if (metaDataTables[i] != null) { // Console.WriteLine("Starting metaData table " + i + " at " + (output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current) - startTilde)); ArrayList table = metaDataTables[i]; for (int j=0; j < table.Count; j++) { ((MetaDataElement)table[j]).Write(output); } } } // Console.WriteLine("Writing padding at " + output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); for (int i=0; i < tildePadding; i++) output.Write((byte)0); } private void BuildTable(ArrayList table) { if (table == null) return; for (int j=0; j < table.Count; j++) { ((MetaDataElement)table[j]).BuildTables(this); } } private void SortTable (ArrayList mTable) { if (mTable == null) return; mTable.Sort(); for (int i=0; i < mTable.Count; i++) { ((MetaDataElement)mTable[i]).Row = (uint)i+1; } } internal void BuildMetaData(uint codeStartOffset) { codeStart = codeStartOffset; BuildTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.TypeDef]); BuildTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.MemberRef]); BuildTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.GenericParam]); BuildTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.MethodSpec]); BuildTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.GenericParamConstraint]); BuildTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.ManifestResource]); if (cattr_list != null) { foreach (CustomAttribute cattr in cattr_list) cattr.BuildTables (this); } if (declsec_list != null) { foreach (DeclSecurity decl_sec in declsec_list) decl_sec.BuildTables (this); } /* for (int i=0; i < metaDataTables.Length; i++) { ArrayList table = metaDataTables[i]; if (table != null) { for (int j=0; j < table.Count; j++) { ((MetaDataElement)table[j]).BuildTables(this); } } } */ SetIndexSizes(); for (int i=1; i < numStreams; i++) { streams[i].EndStream(); } CalcTildeStreamSize(); SetStreamOffsets(); byteCodePadding = NumToAlign(codeSize,4); if (entryPoint != null) file.SetEntryPoint(entryPoint.Token()); // Check ordering of specific tables // Constant, CustomAttribute, FieldMarshal, DeclSecurity, MethodSemantics // ImplMap, GenericParam // Need to load GenericParamConstraint AFTER GenericParam table in correct order // The tables: // InterfaceImpl, ClassLayout, FieldLayout, MethodImpl, FieldRVA, NestedClass // will _ALWAYS_ be in the correct order as embedded in BuildMDTables SortTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.Constant]); SortTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.CustomAttribute]); SortTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.FieldMarshal]); SortTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.DeclSecurity]); SortTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.MethodSemantics]); SortTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.ImplMap]); if (metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.GenericParam] != null) { SortTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.GenericParam]); // Now add GenericParamConstraints /*for (int i=0; i < metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.GenericParam].Count; i++) { ((GenericParameter)metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.GenericParam][i]).AddConstraints(this); }*/ } SortTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.GenericParamConstraint]); SortTable(metaDataTables[(int)MDTable.InterfaceImpl]); } internal void WriteByteCodes(FileImage output) { for (int i=0; i < byteCodes.Count; i++) { ((CILInstructions)byteCodes[i]).Write(output); } for (int i=0; i < byteCodePadding; i++) { output.Write((byte)0); } } internal void WriteResources (FileImage output) { if (resources == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < resources.Count; i ++) { byte [] resBytes = (byte []) resources [i]; output.Write ((uint) resBytes.Length); output.Write (resBytes); } } internal void WriteMetaData(FileImage output) { this.output = output; mdStart = output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); // Console.WriteLine("Writing metaData at " + Hex.Long(mdStart)); output.Write(MetaDataSignature); output.Write((short)1); // Major Version output.Write((short)1); // Minor Version ECMA = 0, PEFiles = 1 output.Write(0); // Reserved output.Write(version.Length); output.Write(version.ToCharArray()); // version string is already zero padded output.Write((short)0); output.Write((ushort)numStreams); // write tilde header output.Write(tildeStart); output.Write(tildeTide + tildePadding); output.Write(tildeName); for (int i=1; i < numStreams; i++) streams[i].WriteHeader(output); // Console.WriteLine("Writing tilde stream at " + output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current) + " = " + tildeStart); WriteTildeStream(output); for (int i=1; i < numStreams; i++) streams[i].Write(output); // Console.WriteLine("Finished Writing metaData at " + output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current)); } internal bool LargeStringsIndex() { return strings.LargeIx(); } internal bool LargeGUIDIndex() { return guid.LargeIx(); } internal bool LargeUSIndex() { return us.LargeIx(); } internal bool LargeBlobIndex() { return blob.LargeIx(); } internal bool LargeIx(MDTable tabIx) { return largeIx[(uint)tabIx]; } private uint NumToAlign(uint val, uint alignVal) { if ((val % alignVal) == 0) return 0; return alignVal - (val % alignVal); } internal void WriteCodedIndex(CIx code, MetaDataElement elem, FileImage output) { uint ix = 0; if (elem != null) { ix = (elem.Row << CIxShiftMap[(uint)code]) | elem.GetCodedIx(code); // Console.WriteLine("coded index = " + ix + " row = " + elem.Row); //} else { // Console.WriteLine("elem for coded index is null"); } if (lgeCIx[(uint)code]) output.Write(ix); else output.Write((ushort)ix); } } /// /// Error for invalid PE file /// public class PEFileException : System.Exception { public PEFileException(string msg) : base("Error in PE File: " + msg) { } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Base class for all Meta Data table elements /// public abstract class MetaDataElement: IComparable { protected ArrayList customAttributes; private uint row = 0; protected bool done = false; protected MDTable tabIx; protected bool sortTable = false; internal MetaDataElement() { } public uint Row { get { return row; } set { if (row == 0) row = value; } } internal virtual uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { return 0; } /// /// Add a custom attribute to this item /// /// the constructor method for this attribute /// the byte value of the parameters public void AddCustomAttribute(Method ctorMeth, byte[] val) { if (customAttributes == null) { customAttributes = new ArrayList(); } customAttributes.Add(new CustomAttribute(this,ctorMeth,val)); } /// /// Add a custom attribute to this item /// /// the constructor method for this attribute /// the constant values of the parameters public void AddCustomAttribute(Method ctorMeth, Constant[] cVals) { if (customAttributes == null) { customAttributes = new ArrayList(); } // customAttributes.Add(new CustomAttribute(this,ctorMeth,cVals)); } internal uint Token() { return (((uint)tabIx << 24) | row); } internal virtual void BuildTables(MetaData md) { done = true; } internal virtual uint Size(MetaData md) { return 0; } internal virtual void Write(FileImage output) { } internal virtual uint SortKey() { throw new PEFileException("Trying to sort table of " + this); //return 0; } internal virtual uint SortKey2() { return 0; } public int CompareTo(object obj) { uint otherKey = ((MetaDataElement)obj).SortKey(); uint thisKey = SortKey(); if (thisKey == otherKey) { otherKey = ((MetaDataElement)obj).SortKey2(); thisKey = SortKey2(); if (thisKey == otherKey) return 0; if (thisKey < otherKey) return -1; return 1; } if (thisKey < otherKey) return -1; return 1; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Stream in the Meta Data (#Strings, #US, #Blob and #GUID) /// internal class MetaDataStream : BinaryWriter { private static readonly uint StreamHeaderSize = 8; private static uint maxSmlIxSize = 0xFFFF; private uint start = 0; uint size = 0, tide = 1; bool largeIx = false; uint sizeOfHeader; char[] name; Hashtable htable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable btable = new Hashtable (new ByteArrayHashCodeProvider (), new ByteArrayComparer ()); internal MetaDataStream(char[] name, bool addInitByte) : base(new MemoryStream()) { if (addInitByte) { Write((byte)0); size = 1; } = name; sizeOfHeader = StreamHeaderSize + (uint)name.Length; } internal MetaDataStream(char[] name, System.Text.Encoding enc, bool addInitByte) : base(new MemoryStream(),enc) { if (addInitByte) { Write((byte)0); size = 1; } = name; sizeOfHeader = StreamHeaderSize + (uint)name.Length; } public uint Start { get { return start; } set { start = value; } } internal uint headerSize() { // Console.WriteLine(name + " stream has headersize of " + sizeOfHeader); return sizeOfHeader; } internal void SetSize(uint siz) { size = siz; } internal uint Size() { return size; } internal bool LargeIx() { return largeIx; } internal void WriteDetails() { // Console.WriteLine(name + " - size = " + size); } internal uint Add(string str, bool prependSize) { Object val = htable[str]; uint index = 0; if (val == null) { index = size; htable[str] = index; char[] arr = str.ToCharArray(); if (prependSize) CompressNum((uint)arr.Length*2+1); Write(arr); Write((byte)0); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); } else { index = (uint)val; } return index; } internal uint Add (byte[] str, bool prependSize) { Object val = btable [str]; uint index = 0; if (val == null) { index = size; btable [str] = index; if (prependSize) CompressNum ((uint) str.Length); Write (str); size = (uint) Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Current); } else { index = (uint) val; } return index; } internal uint Add(Guid guid, bool prependSize) { byte [] b = guid.ToByteArray (); if (prependSize) CompressNum ((uint) b.Length); Write(guid.ToByteArray()); size =(uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return tide++; } internal uint Add(byte[] blob) { uint ix = size; CompressNum((uint)blob.Length); Write(blob); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(byte val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (1); Write(val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(sbyte val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (1); Write(val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(ushort val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (2); Write(val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(short val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (2); Write(val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(uint val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (4); Write(val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(int val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (4); Write (val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(ulong val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (8); Write(val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(long val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (8); Write(val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(float val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (4); Write(val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } internal uint Add(double val, bool prependSize) { uint ix = size; if (prependSize) CompressNum (8); Write(val); size = (uint)Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); return ix; } private void CompressNum(uint val) { if (val < 0x7F) { Write((byte)val); } else if (val < 0x3FFF) { byte b1 = (byte)((val >> 8) | 0x80); byte b2 = (byte)(val & FileImage.iByteMask[0]); Write(b1); Write(b2); } else { byte b1 = (byte)((val >> 24) | 0xC0); byte b2 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[2]) >> 16); byte b3 = (byte)((val & FileImage.iByteMask[1]) >> 8);; byte b4 = (byte)(val & FileImage.iByteMask[0]); Write(b1); Write(b2); Write(b3); Write(b4); } } private void QuadAlign() { if ((size % 4) != 0) { uint pad = 4 - (size % 4); size += pad; for (int i=0; i < pad; i++) { Write((byte)0); } } } internal void EndStream() { QuadAlign(); if (size > maxSmlIxSize) { largeIx = true; } } internal void WriteHeader(BinaryWriter output) { output.Write(start); output.Write(size); output.Write(name); } internal virtual void Write(BinaryWriter output) { // Console.WriteLine("Writing " + name + " stream at " + output.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current) + " = " + start); MemoryStream str = (MemoryStream)BaseStream; output.Write(str.ToArray()); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Base class for Method Descriptors /// public abstract class Method : Member { protected CallConv callConv = CallConv.Default; protected Type retType; internal Method(string methName, Type rType) : base(methName) { retType = rType; } /// /// Add calling conventions to this method descriptor /// /// public void AddCallConv(CallConv cconv) { callConv |= cconv; } internal abstract void TypeSig(MemoryStream sig); internal uint GetSigIx(MetaData md) { MemoryStream sig = new MemoryStream(); TypeSig(sig); return md.AddToBlobHeap(sig.ToArray()); } internal Type GetRetType() { return retType; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a method defined in THIS assembly/module /// IL .method /// public class MethodDef : Method { private static readonly ushort PInvokeImpl = 0x2000; //private static readonly uint UnmanagedExport = 0x0008; // private static readonly byte LocalSigByte = 0x7; uint parIx = 0, textOffset = 0; MetaData metaData; CILInstructions code; ArrayList securityActions = new ArrayList(); Param[] parList; Local[] locals; bool initLocals; ushort methFlags = 0, implFlags = 0; int maxStack = 0, numPars = 0; bool entryPoint = false; LocalSig localSig; ArrayList varArgSigList; ImplMap pinvokeImpl; Param ret_param; internal MethodDef(MetaData md, string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) : base(name,retType) { metaData = md; parList = pars; if (parList != null) numPars = parList.Length; tabIx = MDTable.Method; } internal MethodDef(MetaData md, MethAttr mAttrSet, ImplAttr iAttrSet, string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) : base(name,retType) { metaData = md; parList = pars; if (parList != null) numPars = parList.Length; // Console.WriteLine("Creating method " + name + " with " + numPars + " parameters"); methFlags = (ushort)mAttrSet; implFlags = (ushort)iAttrSet; tabIx = MDTable.Method; } internal Param[] GetPars() { return parList; } /// /// Add some attributes to this method descriptor /// /// the attributes to be added public void AddMethAttribute(MethAttr ma) { methFlags |= (ushort)ma; } /// /// Add some implementation attributes to this method descriptor /// /// the attributes to be added public void AddImplAttribute(ImplAttr ia) { implFlags |= (ushort)ia; } public void AddPInvokeInfo(ModuleRef scope, string methName, PInvokeAttr callAttr) { pinvokeImpl = new ImplMap((ushort)callAttr,this,methName,scope); methFlags |= PInvokeImpl; } /// /// Add a named generic type parameter /// public GenericParameter AddGenericParameter (short index, string name) { GenericParameter gp = new GenericParameter (this, metaData, index, name); metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.GenericParam, gp); return gp; } /// /// Set the maximum stack height for this method /// /// the maximum height of the stack public void SetMaxStack(int maxStack) { this.maxStack = maxStack; } /// /// Add local variables to this method /// /// the locals to be added /// are locals initialised to default values public void AddLocals(Local[] locals, bool initLocals) { this.locals = locals; this.initLocals = initLocals; } /* Add Marshal info for return type */ public void AddRetTypeMarshallInfo (NativeType marshallType) { ret_param = new Param (ParamAttr.HasFieldMarshal, "", retType); ret_param.AddMarshallInfo (marshallType); } /// /// Mark this method as having an entry point /// public void DeclareEntryPoint() { entryPoint = true; } /// /// Create a code buffer for this method to add the IL instructions to /// /// a buffer for this method's IL instructions public CILInstructions CreateCodeBuffer() { code = new CILInstructions(metaData); return code; } /// /// Make a method reference descriptor for this method to be used /// as a callsite signature for this vararg method /// /// the optional pars for the vararg method call /// public MethodRef MakeVarArgSignature(Type[] optPars) { Type[] pars = new Type[numPars]; MethodRef varArgSig; for (int i=0; i < numPars; i++) { pars[i] = parList[i].GetParType(); } varArgSig = new MethodRef(this,name,retType,pars,true,optPars); if (varArgSigList == null) varArgSigList = new ArrayList (); varArgSigList.Add (varArgSig); return varArgSig; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream sig) { sig.WriteByte((byte)callConv); MetaData.CompressNum((uint)numPars,sig); if (ret_param != null) ret_param.seqNo = 0; retType.TypeSig(sig); for (ushort i=0; i < numPars; i++) { parList[i].seqNo = (ushort)(i+1); parList[i].TypeSig(sig); } } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; if (pinvokeImpl != null) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.ImplMap,pinvokeImpl); pinvokeImpl.BuildTables(md); } if (entryPoint) md.SetEntryPoint(this); uint locToken = 0; if (locals != null) { localSig = new LocalSig(locals); md.AddToTable(MDTable.StandAloneSig,localSig); localSig.BuildTables(md); locToken = localSig.Token(); } if (code != null) { code.CheckCode(locToken,initLocals,maxStack); textOffset = md.AddCode(code); } nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); sigIx = GetSigIx(md); parIx = md.TableIndex(MDTable.Param); if (ret_param != null) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.Param, ret_param); ret_param.BuildTables(md); } for (int i=0; i < numPars; i++) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.Param,parList[i]); parList[i].BuildTables(md); } if (varArgSigList != null) { foreach (MethodRef varArgSig in varArgSigList) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.MemberRef,varArgSig); varArgSig.BuildTables(md); } } // Console.WriteLine("method has " + numPars + " parameters"); done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 8 + md.StringsIndexSize() + md.BlobIndexSize() + md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.Param); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { if (ZeroRva ()) output.Write(0); else output.WriteCodeRVA(textOffset); output.Write(implFlags); output.Write(methFlags); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.BlobIndex(sigIx); output.WriteIndex(MDTable.Param,parIx); } internal bool ZeroRva () { return (((methFlags & (ushort)MethAttr.Abstract) != 0) || ((implFlags & (ushort)ImplAttr.Runtime) != 0) || ((implFlags & (ushort)ImplAttr.InternalCall) != 0) || (pinvokeImpl != null)); // TODO: Not entirely true but works for now } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 0; case (CIx.HasDeclSecurity) : return 1; case (CIx.MemberRefParent) : return 3; case (CIx.MethodDefOrRef) : return 0; case (CIx.MemberForwarded) : return 1; case (CIx.CustomAttributeType) : return 2; case (CIx.TypeOrMethodDef) : return 1; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for an overriding method (.override) /// public class MethodImpl : MetaDataElement { ClassDef parent; Method header, body; internal MethodImpl(ClassDef par, Method decl, Method bod) { parent = par; header = decl; body = bod; tabIx = MDTable.MethodImpl; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.TypeDef) + 2 * md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.MethodDefOrRef); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteIndex(MDTable.TypeDef,parent.Row); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.MethodDefOrRef,body); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.MethodDefOrRef,header); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a method defined in another assembly/module /// public class MethodRef : Method { private static readonly byte Sentinel = 0x41; Type[] parList, optParList; MetaDataElement parent; uint numPars = 0, numOptPars = 0; internal MethodRef(MetaDataElement paren, string name, Type retType, Type[] pars, bool varArgMeth, Type[] optPars) : base(name,retType) { parent = paren; parList = pars; if (parList != null) numPars = (uint)parList.Length; if (varArgMeth) { optParList = optPars; if (optParList != null) numOptPars = (uint)optParList.Length; callConv = CallConv.Vararg; } } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream sig) { sig.WriteByte((byte)callConv); MetaData.CompressNum(numPars+numOptPars,sig); retType.TypeSig(sig); for (int i=0; i < numPars; i++) { parList[i].TypeSig(sig); } if (numOptPars > 0) { sig.WriteByte(Sentinel); for (int i=0; i < numOptPars; i++) { optParList[i].TypeSig(sig); } } } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); sigIx = GetSigIx(md); done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.MemberRefParent) + md.StringsIndexSize() + md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.MemberRefParent,parent); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.BlobIndex(sigIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 6; case (CIx.MethodDefOrRef) : return 1; case (CIx.CustomAttributeType) : return 3; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for Property and Event methods /// public class MethodSemantics : MetaDataElement { Feature.MethodType type; MethodDef meth; Feature eventOrProp; internal MethodSemantics(Feature.MethodType mType, MethodDef method, Feature feature) { type = mType; meth = method; eventOrProp = feature; tabIx = MDTable.MethodSemantics; } internal override uint SortKey() { return (eventOrProp.Row << MetaData.CIxShiftMap [(uint)CIx.HasSemantics]) | eventOrProp.GetCodedIx (CIx.HasSemantics); } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 2 + md.TableIndexSize(MDTable.Method) + md.CodedIndexSize(CIx.HasSemantics); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write((ushort)type); output.WriteIndex(MDTable.Method,meth.Row); output.WriteCodedIndex(CIx.HasSemantics,eventOrProp); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a FunctionPointer type /// /// public class MethPtrType : Type { bool varArgMeth; Type retType; Type [] parList; Type [] optParList; CallConv callConv; uint numPars; uint numOptPars; uint sigIx = 0; /// /// Create a new function pointer type /// /// the function to be referenced public MethPtrType (CallConv callconv, Type retType, Type[] pars, bool varArgMeth, Type[] optPars) : base(0x1B) { this.retType = retType; callConv = callconv; parList = pars; this.varArgMeth = varArgMeth; if (parList != null) numPars = (uint)parList.Length; if (varArgMeth) { optParList = optPars; if (optParList != null) numOptPars = (uint)optParList.Length; callConv |= CallConv.Vararg; } tabIx = MDTable.TypeSpec; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream sig) { sig.WriteByte(typeIndex); // Bootlegged from method ref sig.WriteByte((byte)callConv); MetaData.CompressNum (numPars + numOptPars, sig); retType.TypeSig (sig); for (int i=0; i < numPars; i++) { parList[i].TypeSig (sig); } if (varArgMeth) { sig.WriteByte (0x41); // Write the sentinel for (int i=0; i < numOptPars; i++) { optParList[i].TypeSig (sig); } } } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; MemoryStream sig = new MemoryStream(); TypeSig(sig); sigIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(sig.ToArray()); done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.BlobIndex(sigIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { return 0x1B; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for THIS module /// public class Module : ResolutionScope { Guid mvid; uint mvidIx = 0; internal Module(string name, MetaData md) : base(name,md) { mvid = Guid.NewGuid(); mvidIx = md.AddToGUIDHeap(mvid); tabIx = MDTable.Module; } public Guid Guid { get { return mvid; } } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 2 + md.StringsIndexSize() + 3 * md.GUIDIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write((short)0); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.GUIDIndex(mvidIx); output.GUIDIndex(0); output.GUIDIndex(0); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 7; case (CIx.ResolutionScope) : return 0; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for another module in THIS assembly /// public class ModuleRef : ResolutionScope, IExternRef { internal ModuleRef(MetaData md, string name) : base(name,md) { tabIx = MDTable.ModuleRef; } /// /// Add a class to this external module. This is a class declared in /// another module of THIS assembly. /// /// name space name /// class name /// a descriptor for this class in another module public ClassRef AddClass(string nsName, string name) { ClassRef aClass = new ClassRef(nsName,name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,aClass); aClass.SetParent(this); return aClass; } /// /// Make a file descriptor to correspond to this module. The file /// descriptor will have the same name as the module descriptor /// /// the hash of the file /// the file contains metadata /// the program entry point is in this file /// a descriptor for the file which contains this module public FileRef MakeFile(byte[] hashBytes, bool hasMetaData, bool entryPoint) { FileRef file = new FileRef(nameIx,hashBytes,hasMetaData,entryPoint,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.File,file); return file; } /// /// Add a value class to this module. This is a class declared in /// another module of THIS assembly. /// /// name space name /// class name /// public ClassRef AddValueClass(string nsName, string name) { ClassRef aClass = new ClassRef(nsName,name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,aClass); aClass.SetParent(this); aClass.MakeValueClass(ValueClass.ValueType); return aClass; } /// /// Add a class which is declared public in this external module of /// THIS assembly. This class will be exported from this assembly. /// The ilasm syntax for this is .extern class /// /// attributes of the class to be exported /// name space name /// external class name /// the file where the class is declared /// is this class a value type? /// a descriptor for this external class public ExternClassRef AddExternClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, FileRef declFile, bool isValueClass) { ExternClassRef cRef = new ExternClassRef(attrSet,nsName,name,declFile,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeRef,cRef); cRef.SetParent(this); if (isValueClass) cRef.MakeValueClass(ValueClass.ValueType); return cRef; } /// /// Add a "global" method in another module /// /// method name /// return type /// method parameter types /// a descriptor for this method in anther module public MethodRef AddMethod(string name, Type retType, Type[] pars) { MethodRef meth = new MethodRef(this,name,retType,pars,false,null); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.MemberRef,meth); return meth; } /// /// Add a vararg method to this class /// /// method name /// return type /// parameter types /// optional param types for this vararg method /// a descriptor for this method public MethodRef AddVarArgMethod(string name, Type retType, Type[] pars, Type[] optPars) { MethodRef meth = new MethodRef(this,name,retType,pars,true,optPars); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.MemberRef,meth); return meth; } /// /// Add a field in another module /// /// field name /// field type /// a descriptor for this field in another module public FieldRef AddField(string name, Type fType) { FieldRef field = new FieldRef(this,name,fType); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.MemberRef,field); return field; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.StringsIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.StringsIndex(nameIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 12; case (CIx.MemberRefParent) : return 2; case (CIx.ResolutionScope) : return 1; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptors for native types used for marshalling /// public class NativeType { public static readonly NativeType Void = new NativeType(0x01); public static readonly NativeType Boolean = new NativeType(0x02); public static readonly NativeType Int8 = new NativeType(0x03); public static readonly NativeType UInt8 = new NativeType(0x04); public static readonly NativeType Int16 = new NativeType(0x05); public static readonly NativeType UInt16 = new NativeType(0x06); public static readonly NativeType Int32 = new NativeType(0x07); public static readonly NativeType UInt32 = new NativeType(0x08); public static readonly NativeType Int64 = new NativeType(0x09); public static readonly NativeType UInt64 = new NativeType(0x0A); public static readonly NativeType Float32 = new NativeType(0x0B); public static readonly NativeType Float64 = new NativeType(0x0C); public static readonly NativeType Currency = new NativeType(0x0F); public static readonly NativeType BStr = new NativeType(0x13); public static readonly NativeType LPStr = new NativeType(0x14); public static readonly NativeType LPWStr = new NativeType(0x15); public static readonly NativeType LPTStr = new NativeType(0x16); public static readonly NativeType FixedSysString = new NativeType(0x17); public static readonly NativeType IUnknown = new NativeType(0x19); public static readonly NativeType IDispatch = new NativeType(0x1A); public static readonly NativeType Struct = new NativeType(0x1B); public static readonly NativeType Interface = new NativeType(0x1C); public static readonly NativeType Int = new NativeType(0x1F); public static readonly NativeType UInt = new NativeType(0x20); public static readonly NativeType ByValStr = new NativeType(0x22); public static readonly NativeType AnsiBStr = new NativeType(0x23); public static readonly NativeType TBstr = new NativeType(0x24); public static readonly NativeType VariantBool = new NativeType(0x25); public static readonly NativeType FuncPtr = new NativeType(0x26); public static readonly NativeType AsAny = new NativeType(0x28); protected byte typeIndex; internal NativeType(byte tyIx) { typeIndex = tyIx; } internal byte GetTypeIndex() { return typeIndex; } internal virtual byte[] ToBlob() { byte[] bytes = new byte[1]; bytes[0] = GetTypeIndex(); return bytes; } } public class FixedSysString : NativeType { uint size; public FixedSysString (uint size) : base (NativeType.FixedSysString.GetTypeIndex ()) { this.size = size; } internal override byte [] ToBlob () { MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream (); str.WriteByte (GetTypeIndex ()); MetaData.CompressNum (size, str); return str.ToArray (); } } public class NativeArray : NativeType { NativeType elemType; int numElem = -1, parNum = -1, elemMult = -1; public NativeArray(NativeType elemType) : this (elemType, -1, -1, -1) { this.elemType = elemType; } /* public NativeArray(NativeType elemType, int len) : base(0x2A) { this.elemType = elemType; this.len = len; } */ public NativeArray(NativeType elemType, int numElem, int parNumForLen, int elemMult) : base(0x2A) { this.elemType = elemType; this.numElem = numElem; parNum = parNumForLen; this.elemMult = elemMult; } public NativeArray(NativeType elemType, int numElem, int parNumForLen) : this (elemType, numElem, parNumForLen, -1) { } internal override byte[] ToBlob() { MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(); str.WriteByte(GetTypeIndex()); if (elemType == null) str.WriteByte(0x50); // no info (MAX) else str.WriteByte(elemType.GetTypeIndex()); /* see : mono/metadata/metadata.c:mono_metadata_parse_marshal_spec * LAMESPEC: Older spec versions say elemMult comes before * len. Newer spec versions don't talk about elemMult at * all, but csc still emits it, and it is used to distinguish * between parNum being 0, and parNum being omitted. */ if (parNum == -1) // [] return str.ToArray (); MetaData.CompressNum((uint) parNum,str); if (numElem != -1) { MetaData.CompressNum ((uint) numElem, str); if (elemMult != -1) // [ int32 ] MetaData.CompressNum((uint) elemMult,str); //else [ int32 + int32 ] } else if (elemMult != -1) { // When can this occur ? MetaData.CompressNum (0, str); MetaData.CompressNum((uint) elemMult,str); } //else [ + int32 ] return str.ToArray(); } } public class SafeArray : NativeType { SafeArrayType elemType; bool hasElemType; public SafeArray() : base(0x1D) { } public SafeArray(SafeArrayType elemType) : base(0x1D) { this.elemType = elemType; hasElemType = true; } internal override byte[] ToBlob() { byte[] bytes = new byte[hasElemType ? 2 : 1]; bytes[0] = GetTypeIndex(); if (hasElemType) bytes[1] = (byte)elemType; return bytes; } } public class FixedArray : NativeType { NativeType elemType; uint numElem; //public FixedArray(NativeType elemType, int numElems) : base(0x1E) { public FixedArray(int numElems) : base(0x1E) { //this.elemType = elemType; numElem = (uint)numElems; } internal override byte[] ToBlob() { MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(); str.WriteByte(GetTypeIndex()); MetaData.CompressNum(numElem,str); /* FIXME: fixed array [5] lpstr [2] This format is not supported by ilasm 1.1.4322.2032, but is supported by 2.0.5125.. ilasm 1.1 only supports "fixed array [5]" if (elemType == null) str.WriteByte(0x50); // no info (MAX) else str.WriteByte(elemType.GetTypeIndex());*/ return str.ToArray(); } } public class CustomMarshaller : NativeType { string typeName; string marshallerName; string cookie; public CustomMarshaller(string typeNameOrGUID, string marshallerName, string optCookie) : base(0x2C) { typeName = typeNameOrGUID; this.marshallerName = marshallerName; cookie = optCookie; } public CustomMarshaller(string marshallerName, string optCookie) :this (null, marshallerName, optCookie) { } internal override byte[] ToBlob() { MemoryStream str = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(str,new UTF8Encoding()); bw.Write(GetTypeIndex()); //Native type name & unmanaged type - unused //See mono/metadata/metadata.c : mono_metadata_parse_marshal_spec bw.Write ((byte) 0); // Native Type name, unused bw.Write ((byte) 0); // Unmanaged type, unused if (marshallerName != null) { MetaData.CompressNum ((uint)marshallerName.Length, str); bw.Write(marshallerName.ToCharArray()); } else { bw.Write ((byte) 0); } if (cookie != null) { MetaData.CompressNum ((uint)cookie.Length, str); bw.Write(cookie.ToCharArray()); } else { bw.Write ((byte) 0); } bw.Flush(); return str.ToArray(); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a parameter of a method defined in this assembly/module /// public class Param : MetaDataElement { Type pType; string pName; internal ushort seqNo = 0; ushort parMode; ConstantElem defaultVal; uint nameIx = 0; FieldMarshal marshalInfo; /// /// Create a new parameter for a method /// /// param mode (in, out, opt) /// parameter name /// parameter type public Param(ParamAttr mode, string parName, Type parType) { pName = parName; pType = parType; parMode = (ushort)mode; tabIx = MDTable.Param; } /// /// Add a default value to this parameter /// /// the default value for the parameter public void AddDefaultValue(Constant cVal) { defaultVal = new ConstantElem(this,cVal); parMode |= (ushort) ParamAttr.HasDefault; } /// /// Add marshalling information about this parameter /// public void AddMarshallInfo(NativeType marshallType) { parMode |= (ushort) ParamAttr.HasFieldMarshal; marshalInfo = new FieldMarshal(this,marshallType); } internal Type GetParType() { return pType; } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(pName); if (defaultVal != null) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.Constant,defaultVal); defaultVal.BuildTables(md); } if (marshalInfo != null) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.FieldMarshal,marshalInfo); marshalInfo.BuildTables(md); } done = true; } internal void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { pType.TypeSig(str); } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 4 + md.StringsIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(parMode); output.Write(seqNo); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 4; case (CIx.HasConst) : return 1; case (CIx.HasFieldMarshal) : return 1; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Base class for the PEFile (starting point) /// public class PEFile { private static readonly string mscorlibName = "mscorlib"; private Module thisMod; private ClassDef moduleClass; private ArrayList classRefList = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList classDefList = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList resources = new ArrayList (); private Assembly thisAssembly; private static bool isMSCorlib; private int corFlags = 1; FileImage fileImage; MetaData metaData; /// /// Create a new PEFile. Each PEFile is a module. /// /// module name, also used for the file name /// create a .dll or .exe file /// this file is an assembly and /// will contain the assembly manifest. The assembly name is the /// same as the module name public PEFile(string name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly) : this (name, null, isDLL, hasAssembly, null, null) { // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Byte(0x12)); // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Short(0x1234)); // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Int(0x12345678)); } /// /// Create a new PEFile. Each PEFile is a module. /// /// module name, also used for the file name /// create a .dll or .exe file /// this file is an assembly and /// will contain the assembly manifest. The assembly name is the /// same as the module name /// write the PEFile to this directory. If this /// string is null then the output will be to the current directory public PEFile(string name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, string outputDir) : this (name, null, isDLL, hasAssembly, outputDir, null) { // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Byte(0x12)); // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Short(0x1234)); // Console.WriteLine(Hex.Int(0x12345678)); } /// /// Create a new PEFile /// /// module name /// create a .dll or .exe /// this PEfile is an assembly and /// will contain the assemly manifest. The assembly name is the /// same as the module name /// write the PEFile to this stream instead /// of to a new file public PEFile(string name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, Stream outStream) : this (name, null, isDLL, hasAssembly, null, outStream) { } public PEFile(string name, string module_name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, Stream outStream) : this (name, module_name, isDLL, hasAssembly, null, outStream) { } public PEFile(string name, string module_name, bool isDLL, bool hasAssembly, string outputDir, Stream outStream) { SetName (name); string fname = module_name == null ? MakeFileName (outputDir, name, isDLL) : module_name; if (outStream == null) fileImage = new FileImage (isDLL, fname); else fileImage = new FileImage (isDLL, outStream); InitPEFile (name, fname, hasAssembly); } private void SetName (string name) { if (name == "mscorlib") isMSCorlib = true; } private void InitPEFile(string name, string fName, bool hasAssembly) { metaData = fileImage.GetMetaData(); thisMod = new Module(fName,metaData); if (hasAssembly) { thisAssembly = new Assembly(name,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.Assembly,thisAssembly); } moduleClass = AddClass(TypeAttr.Private,"",""); moduleClass.SpecialNoSuper(); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.Module,thisMod); } internal static bool IsMSCorlib { get { return isMSCorlib; } } public ClassDef ModuleClass { get { return moduleClass; } } /// /// Set the subsystem (.subsystem) (Default is Windows Console mode) /// /// subsystem value public void SetSubSystem(SubSystem subS) { fileImage.subSys = subS; } /// /// Set the flags (.corflags) /// /// the flags value public void SetCorFlags(int flags) { corFlags = flags; } public void SetStackReserve (long stackReserve) { fileImage.stackReserve = stackReserve; } private string MakeFileName(string dirName, string name, bool isDLL) { string result = ""; if ((dirName != null) && (dirName.CompareTo("") != 0)) { result = dirName; if (!dirName.EndsWith("\\")) result += "\\"; } result += name; // if (isDLL) result += ".dll"; else result += ".exe"; return result; } /// /// Add an external assembly to this PEFile (.assembly extern) /// /// the external assembly name /// a descriptor for this external assembly public AssemblyRef AddExternAssembly(string assemName) { if (assemName.CompareTo(mscorlibName) == 0) return metaData.mscorlib; AssemblyRef anAssem = new AssemblyRef(metaData,assemName); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.AssemblyRef,anAssem); // Console.WriteLine("Adding assembly " + assemName); return anAssem; } /// /// Add an external module to this PEFile (.module extern) /// /// the external module name /// a descriptor for this external module public ModuleRef AddExternModule(string name) { ModuleRef modRef = new ModuleRef(metaData,name); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.ModuleRef,modRef); return modRef; } /// /// Add a "global" method to this module /// /// method name /// return type /// method parameters /// a descriptor for this new "global" method public MethodDef AddMethod(string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) { return moduleClass.AddMethod(name,retType,pars); } /// /// Add a "global" method to this module /// /// method attributes /// method implementation attributes /// method name /// return type /// method parameters /// a descriptor for this new "global" method public MethodDef AddMethod(MethAttr mAtts, ImplAttr iAtts, string name, Type retType, Param[] pars) { return moduleClass.AddMethod(mAtts,iAtts,name,retType,pars); } public MethodRef AddMethodToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type retType, Type[] pars) { MethodRef meth = new MethodRef (item.GetTypeSpec (metaData), name, retType, pars, false, null); metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.MemberRef,meth); return meth; } public MethodRef AddVarArgMethodToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type retType, Type[] pars, Type[] optPars) { MethodRef meth = new MethodRef(item.GetTypeSpec (metaData), name,retType,pars,true,optPars); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.MemberRef,meth); return meth; } public FieldRef AddFieldToTypeSpec (Type item, string name, Type fType) { FieldRef field = new FieldRef (item.GetTypeSpec (metaData), name,fType); metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.MemberRef,field); return field; } public void AddMethodSpec (Method m, GenericMethodSig g_sig) { MethodSpec ms = new MethodSpec (m, g_sig); metaData.AddToTable (MDTable.MethodSpec, ms); } /// /// Add a "global" field to this module /// /// field name /// field type /// a descriptor for this new "global" field public FieldDef AddField(string name, Type fType) { return moduleClass.AddField(name,fType); } /// /// Add a "global" field to this module /// /// attributes of this field /// field name /// field type /// a descriptor for this new "global" field public FieldDef AddField(FieldAttr attrSet, string name, Type fType) { return moduleClass.AddField(attrSet,name,fType); } /// /// Add a class to this module /// /// attributes of this class /// name space name /// class name /// a descriptor for this new class public ClassDef AddClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name) { return AddClass (attrSet, nsName, name, null); } /// /// Add a class which extends System.ValueType to this module /// /// attributes of this class /// name space name /// class name /// a descriptor for this new class public ClassDef AddValueClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, ValueClass vClass) { ClassDef aClass = new ClassDef(attrSet,nsName,name,metaData); if (!ClassDef.IsValueType (nsName, name) && !ClassDef.IsEnum (nsName, name)) { aClass.MakeValueClass(vClass); } else { if (ClassDef.IsEnum (nsName, name)) aClass.SetSuper (metaData.mscorlib.ValueType ()); else aClass.SetSuper (metaData.mscorlib.GetSpecialSystemClass (PrimitiveType.Object)); metaData.mscorlib.SetSpecialSystemClass (nsName, name, aClass); } aClass.SetTypeIndex (PrimitiveType.ValueType.GetTypeIndex ()); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeDef,aClass); return aClass; } /// /// Add a class to this module /// /// attributes of this class /// name space name /// class name /// super type of this class (extends) /// a descriptor for this new class public ClassDef AddClass(TypeAttr attrSet, string nsName, string name, Class superType) { ClassDef aClass = new ClassDef(attrSet,nsName,name,metaData); if (superType != null) aClass.SetSuper(superType); if (PEFile.IsMSCorlib) metaData.mscorlib.SetSpecialSystemClass (nsName, name, aClass); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeDef,aClass); return aClass; } public FileRef AddFile(string fName, byte[] hashBytes, bool hasMetaData, bool entryPoint) { FileRef file = new FileRef(fName,hashBytes,hasMetaData,entryPoint,metaData); metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.File,file); return file; } /// /// Add a manifest resource to this PEFile NOT YET IMPLEMENTED /// /// public void AddManifestResource(ManifestResource mr) { metaData.AddToTable(MDTable.ManifestResource,mr); resources.Add (mr); //mr.FixName(metaData); } public void AddCustomAttribute (Method meth, byte [] data, MetaDataElement element) { metaData.AddCustomAttribute (new CustomAttribute (element, meth, data)); } public void AddDeclSecurity (SecurityAction sec_action, byte [] data, MetaDataElement element) { metaData.AddDeclSecurity (new DeclSecurity (element, (ushort) sec_action, data)); } /// /// Add a managed resource from another assembly. /// /// The name of the resource /// The assembly where the resource is /// Access for the resource public void AddExternalManagedResource (string resName, AssemblyRef assem, uint flags) { resources.Add (new ManifestResource (resName, flags, assem)); } /// /// Add a managed resource from another assembly. /// /// /// public void AddExternalManagedResource (ManifestResource mr) { resources.Add (new ManifestResource (mr)); } /// /// Find a resource /// /// The name of the resource /// The resource with the name "name" or null public ManifestResource GetResource (string name) { for (int i = 0; i < resources.Count; i ++) { if (((ManifestResource) resources [i]).Name == name) return (ManifestResource) resources [i]; } return null; } public ManifestResource [] GetResources() { return (ManifestResource []) resources.ToArray (typeof (ManifestResource)); } /// /// Write out the PEFile (the "bake" function) /// public void WritePEFile() { /* the "bake" function */ fileImage.ReserveStrongNameSignatureSpace = thisAssembly.HasPublicKey; fileImage.MakeFile(); } /// /// Get the descriptor of this module /// /// the descriptor for this module public Module GetThisModule() { return thisMod; } /// /// Get the descriptor for this assembly. The PEFile must have been /// created with hasAssembly = true /// /// the descriptor for this assembly public Assembly GetThisAssembly() { return thisAssembly; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for the Primitive types defined in IL /// public class PrimitiveType : Type { private string name; private int systemTypeIndex; public static int NumSystemTypes = 18; public static readonly PrimitiveType Void = new PrimitiveType(0x01,"Void",0); public static readonly PrimitiveType Boolean = new PrimitiveType(0x02,"Boolean",1); public static readonly PrimitiveType Char = new PrimitiveType(0x03,"Char",2); public static readonly PrimitiveType Int8 = new PrimitiveType(0x04,"SByte",3); public static readonly PrimitiveType UInt8 = new PrimitiveType(0x05,"Byte",4); public static readonly PrimitiveType Int16 = new PrimitiveType(0x06,"Int16",5); public static readonly PrimitiveType UInt16 = new PrimitiveType(0x07,"UInt16",6); public static readonly PrimitiveType Int32 = new PrimitiveType(0x08,"Int32",7); public static readonly PrimitiveType UInt32 = new PrimitiveType(0x09,"UInt32",8); public static readonly PrimitiveType Int64 = new PrimitiveType(0x0A,"Int64",9); public static readonly PrimitiveType UInt64 = new PrimitiveType(0x0B,"UInt64",10); public static readonly PrimitiveType Float32 = new PrimitiveType(0x0C,"Single",11); public static readonly PrimitiveType Float64 = new PrimitiveType(0x0D,"Double",12); public static readonly PrimitiveType String = new PrimitiveType(0x0E,"String",13); internal static readonly PrimitiveType Class = new PrimitiveType(0x12); public static readonly PrimitiveType TypedRef = new PrimitiveType(0x16,"TypedReference",14); public static readonly PrimitiveType IntPtr = new PrimitiveType(0x18,"IntPtr",15); public static readonly PrimitiveType UIntPtr = new PrimitiveType(0x19,"UIntPtr",16); public static readonly PrimitiveType Object = new PrimitiveType(0x1C,"Object",17); internal static readonly PrimitiveType ClassType = new PrimitiveType(0x50); internal static readonly PrimitiveType SZArray = new PrimitiveType(0x1D); internal static readonly PrimitiveType ValueType = new PrimitiveType(0x11, "ValueType", 18); public static readonly PrimitiveType NativeInt = IntPtr; public static readonly PrimitiveType NativeUInt = UIntPtr; internal PrimitiveType(byte typeIx) : base(typeIx) { } internal PrimitiveType(byte typeIx, string name, int STIx) : base(typeIx) { = name; this.systemTypeIndex = STIx; } internal string GetName() { return name; } internal int GetSystemTypeIx() { return systemTypeIndex; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(typeIndex); } internal override MetaDataElement GetTypeSpec(MetaData md) { TypeSpec tS = md.GetPrimitiveTypeSpec(systemTypeIndex); if (tS == null) { tS = new TypeSpec(this,md); md.SetPrimitiveTypeSpec(systemTypeIndex,tS); md.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeSpec,tS); } return tS; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for the Property of a class /// public class Property : Feature { private static readonly byte PropertyTag = 0x8; MethodDef getterMeth; ConstantElem constVal; uint typeBlobIx = 0; Type[] parList; Type returnType; uint numPars = 0; internal Property(string name, Type retType, Type[] pars, ClassDef parent) : base(name, parent) { returnType = retType; parList = pars; if (pars != null) numPars = (uint)pars.Length; tabIx = MDTable.Property; } /// /// Add a set method to this property /// /// the set method public void AddSetter(MethodDef setter) { AddMethod(setter,MethodType.Setter); } /// /// Add a get method to this property /// /// the get method public void AddGetter(MethodDef getter) { AddMethod(getter,MethodType.Getter); getterMeth = getter; } /// /// Add another method to this property /// /// the method public void AddOther(MethodDef other) { AddMethod(other,MethodType.Other); } /// /// Add an initial value for this property /// /// the initial value for this property public void AddInitValue(Constant constVal) { this.constVal = new ConstantElem(this,constVal); } internal sealed override void BuildTables(MetaData md) { if (done) return; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); MemoryStream sig = new MemoryStream(); sig.WriteByte(PropertyTag); MetaData.CompressNum(numPars,sig); returnType.TypeSig(sig); for (int i=0; i < numPars; i++) { parList[i].TypeSig(sig); } typeBlobIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(sig.ToArray()); for (int i=0; i < tide; i++) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.MethodSemantics,methods[i]); } if (constVal != null) { md.AddToTable(MDTable.Constant,constVal); constVal.BuildTables(md); } done = true; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return 2 + md.StringsIndexSize() + md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.Write(flags); output.StringsIndex(nameIx); output.BlobIndex(typeBlobIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 9; case (CIx.HasConst) : return 2; case (CIx.HasSemantics) : return 1; } return 0; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for an pointer (type * or type &) /// public abstract class PtrType : Type { Type baseType; internal PtrType(Type bType, byte typeIx) : base(typeIx) { baseType = bType; tabIx = MDTable.TypeSpec; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(typeIndex); baseType.TypeSig(str); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a managed pointer (type & or byref) /// public class ManagedPointer : PtrType // & (BYREF) { /// /// Create new managed pointer to baseType /// /// the base type of the pointer public ManagedPointer(Type baseType) : base(baseType,0x10) { } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for an unmanaged pointer (type *) /// public class UnmanagedPointer : PtrType // PTR { /// /// Create a new unmanaged pointer to baseType /// /// the base type of the pointer public UnmanagedPointer(Type baseType) : base(baseType, 0x0F) { } } public interface IResolutionScope { } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Base class for scopes (extended by Module, ModuleRef, Assembly, AssemblyRef) /// public abstract class ResolutionScope : MetaDataElement, IResolutionScope { protected uint nameIx = 0; protected MetaData metaData; protected string name; internal ResolutionScope(string name, MetaData md) { metaData = md; = name; nameIx = md.AddToStringsHeap(name); } internal string GetName() { return name; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a Section in a PEFile eg .text, .sdata /// internal class Section { private static readonly uint relocPageSize = 4096; // 4K pages for fixups char[] name; uint offset = 0, tide = 0, size = 0, rva = 0, relocTide = 0; //uint relocOff = 0; uint flags = 0, padding = 0; uint[] relocs; internal Section(string sName, uint sFlags) { name = sName.ToCharArray(); flags = sFlags; } internal uint Tide() { return tide; } internal void IncTide(uint incVal) { tide += incVal; } internal uint Padding() { return padding; } internal uint Size() { return size; } internal void SetSize(uint pad) { padding = pad; size = tide + padding; } internal uint RVA() { return rva; } internal void SetRVA(uint rva) { this.rva = rva; } internal uint Offset() { return offset; } internal void SetOffset(uint offs) { offset = offs; } internal void DoBlock(BinaryWriter reloc, uint page, int start, int end) { //Console.WriteLine("rva = " + rva + " page = " + page); reloc.Write(rva + page); reloc.Write((uint)(((end-start+1)*2) + 8)); for (int j=start; j < end; j++) { //Console.WriteLine("reloc offset = " + relocs[j]); reloc.Write((ushort)((0x3 << 12) | (relocs[j] - page))); } reloc.Write((ushort)0); } internal void DoRelocs(BinaryWriter reloc) { if (relocTide > 0) { //relocOff = (uint)reloc.Seek(0,SeekOrigin.Current); uint block = (relocs[0]/relocPageSize + 1) * relocPageSize; int start = 0; for (int i=1; i < relocTide; i++) { if (relocs[i] >= block) { DoBlock(reloc,block-relocPageSize,start,i); start = i; block = (relocs[i]/relocPageSize + 1) * relocPageSize; } } DoBlock(reloc,block-relocPageSize,start,(int)relocTide); } } internal void AddReloc(uint offs) { int pos = 0; if (relocs == null) { relocs = new uint[5]; } else { if (relocTide >= relocs.Length) { uint[] tmp = relocs; relocs = new uint[tmp.Length + 5]; for (int i=0; i < relocTide; i++) { relocs[i] = tmp[i]; } } while ((pos < relocTide) && (relocs[pos] < offs)) pos++; for (int i=pos; i < relocTide; i++) { relocs[i+1] = relocs[i]; } } relocs[pos] = offs; relocTide++; } internal void WriteHeader(BinaryWriter output, uint relocRVA) { output.Write(name); output.Write(tide); output.Write(rva); output.Write(size); output.Write(offset); output.Write(0); //output.Write(relocRVA + relocOff); output.Write(0); output.Write(0); //output.Write((ushort)relocTide); //output.Write((ushort)0); output.Write(flags); } } /**************************************************************************/ public abstract class Signature : MetaDataElement { protected uint sigIx; internal Signature() { tabIx = MDTable.StandAloneSig; } internal sealed override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { output.BlobIndex(sigIx); } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { return (uint)tabIx; } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Descriptor for a class defined in System (mscorlib) /// internal class SystemClass : ClassRef { PrimitiveType elemType; internal SystemClass(PrimitiveType eType, AssemblyRef paren, MetaData md) : base("System",eType.GetName(),md) { elemType = eType; parent = paren; } internal override sealed MetaDataElement GetTypeSpec(MetaData md) { if (typeSpec == null) typeSpec = (TypeSpec)elemType.GetTypeSpec(md); return typeSpec; } internal sealed override void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { str.WriteByte(elemType.GetTypeIndex()); } } /**************************************************************************/ /// /// Base class for all IL types /// public abstract class Type : MetaDataElement { protected byte typeIndex; protected TypeSpec typeSpec; internal Type(byte tyIx) { typeIndex = tyIx; } internal byte GetTypeIndex() { return typeIndex; } internal void SetTypeIndex (byte b) { typeIndex = b; } internal virtual MetaDataElement GetTypeSpec(MetaData md) { if (typeSpec == null) { typeSpec = new TypeSpec(this,md); md.AddToTable(MDTable.TypeSpec,typeSpec); } return typeSpec; } internal virtual void TypeSig(MemoryStream str) { throw(new TypeSignatureException(this.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName + " doesn't have a type signature!!")); } } /**************************************************************************/ public class TypeSpec : MetaDataElement { uint sigIx = 0; internal TypeSpec(Type aType, MetaData md) { MemoryStream sig = new MemoryStream(); aType.TypeSig(sig); sigIx = md.AddToBlobHeap(sig.ToArray()); tabIx = MDTable.TypeSpec; } internal sealed override uint GetCodedIx(CIx code) { switch (code) { case (CIx.TypeDefOrRef) : return 2; case (CIx.HasCustomAttr) : return 13; case (CIx.MemberRefParent) : return 4; } return 0; } internal override uint Size(MetaData md) { return md.BlobIndexSize(); } internal sealed override void Write(FileImage output) { //Console.WriteLine("Writing the blob index for a TypeSpec"); output.BlobIndex(sigIx); } } class ByteArrayComparer : IComparer { public int Compare (object x, object y) { byte [] a = (byte []) x; byte [] b = (byte []) y; int len = a.Length; if (b.Length != len) return 1; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (a [i] != b [i]) return 1; return 0; } } class ByteArrayHashCodeProvider : IHashCodeProvider { public int GetHashCode (Object key) { byte [] arr = (byte []) key; int len = arr.Length; int h = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) h = (h << 5) - h + arr [i]; return h; } } }