2002-06-10 Npgsql 0.2 development release. In this version we got many things working... - You can send insert, update, delete queries through NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() method. - You can send queries like, select count(*) from table, select version() with NpgsqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() method. - There is logging support. (Thanks Dave Page) To use it, place code like that in your program: // Enable logging. NpgsqlEventLog.Level = LogLevel.Debug; // LogLevel. NpgsqlEventLog.LogName = "NpgsqlTests.LogFile"; // LogFile. - You can use Npgsql with Mono (Thanks Kristis Makris). It is not working perfectly. :( - There is a winforms test suite (Thanks Dave Page). - Clearer code in NpgsqlConnection removing *magic* numbers and constants. (Thanks Kristis Makris) - Better support of ODBC-like ConnectionString in NpgsqlConnection (Thanks Dave Page) - Thanks Ulrich Sprick for all discussion and ideas. And much more to come! Thanks all team ! 2002-05-18 First Npgsql beta release. In this version there is a limited functionality. It is only possible to connect and disconnect from server. Only clear text authentication is supported right now. To compile you can use the SharpDevelop to open the Combine file (Npgsql.cmbx) or type at command console: csc /t:library /out:Npgsql.dll NpgsqlConnection.cs AssemblyInfo.cs NpgsqlException.cs This will create the file Npgsql.dll that can be copied to the application directory. I will be working in the Command functionality now. Play with it and send your bugs and comments :) (fxjr)