// // XPath2Expression.cs - abstract syntax tree for XPath 2.0 // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Query; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.XPath; using Mono.Xml.XQuery; using Mono.Xml; namespace Mono.Xml.XPath2 { public class ExprSequence : CollectionBase { public ExprSequence () { } public void Add (ExprSingle expr) { List.Add (expr); } public void AddRange (ICollection items) { if (items != null) foreach (ExprSingle e in items) List.Add (e); } public void Insert (int pos, ExprSingle expr) { List.Insert (pos, expr); } public ExprSingle this [int i] { get { return List [i] as ExprSingle; } set { List [i] = value; } } internal void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { foreach (ExprSingle expr in List) expr.CheckReference (compiler); } } public abstract partial class ExprSingle { internal abstract void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler); #region CompileAndEvaluate internal static readonly XPathAtomicValue AtomicTrue = new XPathAtomicValue (true, InternalPool.XsBoolean); internal static readonly XPathAtomicValue AtomicFalse = new XPathAtomicValue (false, InternalPool.XsBoolean); XQueryStaticContext ctx; internal ExprSingle Compile (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { this.ctx = ctx; return CompileCore (compiler); } // If internal&&protected is available in C#, it is the best signature. internal abstract ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler); internal XQueryStaticContext Context { get { return ctx; } } public abstract SequenceType StaticType { get; } /** This is the core part of ExprSingle. It is generally used to evaluate expression and returns XPathItem sequence (iterator). The result is unordered */ public abstract XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter); public virtual XPathSequence EvaluateOrdered (XPathSequence iter) { if (RequireSorting) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); foreach (XPathItem item in Evaluate (iter)) al.Add (item); return new ListIterator (iter.Context, al); } else return Evaluate (iter); } public virtual void Serialize (XPathSequence iter) { XmlWriter w = iter.Context.Writer; XPathSequence result = Evaluate (iter); bool initial = true; foreach (XPathItem item in result) { if (initial) initial = false; else w.WriteWhitespace (" "); WriteXPathItem (item, w); } } private void WriteXPathItem (XPathItem item, XmlWriter w) { if (item.IsNode) { XPathNavigator nav = item as XPathNavigator; if (w.WriteState != WriteState.Start && nav.NodeType == XPathNodeType.Root) throw new XmlQueryException ("Current output can not accept root node."); if (w.WriteState == WriteState.Attribute) w.WriteString (nav.Value); else w.WriteNode (nav, false); } else w.WriteString (item.Value); } // get EBV (fn:boolean()) public virtual bool EvaluateAsBoolean (XPathSequence iter) { XPathSequence result = Evaluate (iter); if (!result.MoveNext ()) return false; XPathItem v = result.Current; if (v is XPathNavigator) return true; if (result.MoveNext ()) return true; switch (v.XmlType.TypeCode) { case XmlTypeCode.Boolean: return v.ValueAsBoolean; case XmlTypeCode.String: case XmlTypeCode.UntypedAtomic: return v.Value != String.Empty; case XmlTypeCode.Float: return v.ValueAsSingle != Single.NaN && v.ValueAsSingle != 0.0; case XmlTypeCode.Double: return v.ValueAsDouble != Double.NaN && v.ValueAsSingle != 0.0; case XmlTypeCode.Decimal: return v.ValueAsDecimal != 0; case XmlTypeCode.Integer: case XmlTypeCode.NonPositiveInteger: case XmlTypeCode.NegativeInteger: case XmlTypeCode.Long: case XmlTypeCode.Int: case XmlTypeCode.Short: case XmlTypeCode.Byte: case XmlTypeCode.UnsignedInt: case XmlTypeCode.UnsignedShort: case XmlTypeCode.UnsignedByte: return v.ValueAsInt64 != 0; case XmlTypeCode.NonNegativeInteger: case XmlTypeCode.UnsignedLong: case XmlTypeCode.PositiveInteger: return (ulong) (v.ValueAs (typeof (ulong))) != 0; } // otherwise, return true return true; } public virtual int EvaluateAsInt (XPathSequence iter) { XPathAtomicValue v = Atomize (Evaluate (iter)); return v != null ? v.ValueAsInt32 : 0; } public virtual string EvaluateAsString (XPathSequence iter) { XPathAtomicValue v = Atomize (Evaluate (iter)); return v != null ? v.Value : String.Empty; } public static XPathAtomicValue Atomize (XPathItem item) { XPathNavigator nav = item as XPathNavigator; if (nav != null) { if (nav.SchemaInfo != null) { XmlSchemaType type = nav.SchemaInfo.SchemaType; XmlSchemaComplexType ct = type as XmlSchemaComplexType; if (ct != null && ct.ContentType == XmlSchemaContentType.ElementOnly) throw new XmlQueryException ("An attempt to get atomized value against element-only node happend."); switch (type.TypeCode) { case XmlTypeCode.Item: // case XmlTypeCode.Untyped: type = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType (XmlTypeCode.UntypedAtomic); break; } return new XPathAtomicValue (nav.TypedValue, type); } else return new XPathAtomicValue (nav.Value, InternalPool.XdtUntypedAtomic); } else return (XPathAtomicValue) item; } // FIXME: What if iter contains list value? public static XPathAtomicValue Atomize (XPathSequence iter) { if (!iter.MoveNext ()) return null; XPathNavigator nav = iter.Current as XPathNavigator; if (nav != null) { // FIXME: is it really always untypedAtomic? // It might be complex content. XmlSchemaType type = nav.SchemaInfo == null ? InternalPool.XdtUntypedAtomic : nav.SchemaInfo.SchemaType; return new XPathAtomicValue (nav.TypedValue, type); } else return (XPathAtomicValue) iter.Current; } public virtual XPathAtomicValue EvaluateAsAtomic (XPathSequence iter) { return Atomize (Evaluate (iter)); } public virtual bool RequireSorting { get { return false; } } #endregion } // FLWORExpr internal partial class FLWORExpr : ExprSingle { public FLWORExpr (ForLetClauseCollection forlet, ExprSequence whereClause, OrderSpecList orderBy, ExprSingle ret) { this.fl = forlet; if (whereClause != null) this.whereClause = new ParenthesizedExpr (whereClause); this.orderBy = orderBy; this.ret = ret; } ForLetClauseCollection fl; ExprSingle whereClause; OrderSpecList orderBy; ExprSingle ret; public ForLetClauseCollection ForLetClauses { get { return fl; } } public ExprSingle WhereClause { get { return whereClause; } } public OrderSpecList OrderBy { get { return orderBy; } } public ExprSingle ReturnExpr { get { return ret; } set { ret = value; } } // ExprSingle Overrides internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { foreach (ForLetClause flc in fl) foreach (ForLetSingleBody single in flc) single.CheckReference (compiler); if (whereClause != null) whereClause.CheckReference (compiler); if (orderBy != null) foreach (OrderSpec os in orderBy) os.Expression.CheckReference (compiler); ret.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { foreach (ForLetClause flc in ForLetClauses) { foreach (ForLetSingleBody flsb in flc) { flsb.Expression = flsb.Expression.Compile (compiler); if (flsb.ReturnType != null) compiler.CheckType (flsb.Expression, flsb.ReturnType); } } if (WhereClause != null) whereClause = whereClause.Compile (compiler); if (OrderBy != null) foreach (OrderSpec os in OrderBy) os.Expression = os.Expression.Compile (compiler); ReturnExpr = ReturnExpr.Compile (compiler); return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return ReturnExpr.StaticType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new FLWORIterator (iter, this); } #endregion } internal class ForLetClauseCollection : CollectionBase { public void Add (ForLetClause clause) { List.Add (clause); } public void Insert (int pos, ForLetClause clause) { List.Insert (pos, clause); } public ForLetClause this [int i] { get { return (ForLetClause) List [i]; } } } internal class OrderSpecList : CollectionBase { bool isStable; public OrderSpecList () { } public bool IsStable { get { return isStable; } set { isStable = value; } } public void Insert (int pos, OrderSpec os) { List.Insert (pos, os); } public void Add (OrderSpec spec) { List.Add (spec); } public OrderSpec this [int i] { get { return (OrderSpec) List [i]; } } } internal class OrderSpec { public OrderSpec (ExprSingle expr, OrderModifier modifier) { this.expr = expr; this.mod = modifier; } ExprSingle expr; OrderModifier mod; public ExprSingle Expression { get {return expr; } set { expr = value; } } public OrderModifier Modifier { get { return mod; } set { mod = value; } } } internal class OrderModifier { public OrderModifier (XmlSortOrder order, XmlSortOrder emptyOrder, string collation) { this.sortOrder = sortOrder; this.emptyOrder = emptyOrder; if (collation != null) this.coll = new CultureInfo (collation); } XmlSortOrder sortOrder; XmlSortOrder emptyOrder; CultureInfo coll; public XmlSortOrder SortOrder { get { return sortOrder; } } public XmlSortOrder EmptyOrder { get { return emptyOrder; } } public CultureInfo Collation { get { return coll; } } } internal class ForLetClause : CollectionBase { public ForLetSingleBody this [int i] { get { return (ForLetSingleBody) List [i]; } } } internal class ForClause : ForLetClause { public ForClause () { } public void Insert (int pos, ForSingleBody body) { List.Insert (pos, body); } public void Add (ForSingleBody body) { List.Add (body); } } internal class LetClause : ForLetClause { public LetClause () { } public void Insert (int pos, LetSingleBody body) { List.Insert (pos, body); } public void Add (LetSingleBody body) { List.Add (body); } } internal abstract class ForLetSingleBody { XmlQualifiedName varName; SequenceType type; ExprSingle expr; public ForLetSingleBody (XmlQualifiedName varName, SequenceType type, ExprSingle expr) { this.varName = varName; this.type = type; this.expr = expr; } public XmlQualifiedName VarName { get { return varName; } } public SequenceType ReturnType { get { return type; } } public ExprSingle Expression { get { return expr; } set { expr = value; } } internal void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { if (type != null) compiler.CheckSchemaType (type); expr.CheckReference (compiler); } } internal class ForSingleBody : ForLetSingleBody { public ForSingleBody (XmlQualifiedName varName, SequenceType type, XmlQualifiedName positionalVar, ExprSingle expr) : base (varName, type, expr) { this.positionalVar = positionalVar; } XmlQualifiedName positionalVar; public XmlQualifiedName PositionalVar { get { return positionalVar; } } } internal class LetSingleBody : ForLetSingleBody { public LetSingleBody (XmlQualifiedName varName, SequenceType type, ExprSingle expr) : base (varName, type, expr) { } } // QuantifiedExpr internal class QuantifiedExpr : ExprSingle { QuantifiedExprBodyList body; ExprSingle satisfies; bool every; public QuantifiedExpr (bool every, QuantifiedExprBodyList body, ExprSingle satisfies) { this.every = every; this.body = body; this.satisfies = satisfies; } public bool Every { get { return every; } } public QuantifiedExprBodyList BodyList { get { return body; } } public ExprSingle Satisfies { get { return satisfies; } set { satisfies = value; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { foreach (QuantifiedExprBody one in body) { if (one.Type != null) compiler.CheckSchemaType (one.Type); one.Expression.CheckReference (compiler); } Satisfies.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Satisfies = Satisfies.Compile (compiler); for (int i = 0; i < BodyList.Count; i++) { BodyList [i].Expression = BodyList [i].Expression.Compile (compiler); if (BodyList [i].Type != null) compiler.CheckType (BodyList [i].Expression, BodyList [i].Type); } return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Boolean; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new SingleItemIterator (EvaluateAsBoolean (iter) ? AtomicTrue : AtomicFalse, iter.Context); } public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean (XPathSequence iter) { return EvaluateQuantification (iter, BodyList.GetEnumerator ()); } private bool EvaluateQuantification (XPathSequence iter, IEnumerator bodies) { if (bodies.MoveNext ()) { QuantifiedExprBody qb = bodies.Current as QuantifiedExprBody; XPathSequence seq = qb.Expression.Evaluate (iter); bool passed = false; foreach (XPathItem item in seq) { passed = true; // FIXME: consider qb.Type try { iter.Context.PushVariable (qb.VarName, item); if (EvaluateQuantification (iter, bodies)) { if (!Every) return true; } else if (Every) return false; } finally { iter.Context.PopVariable (); } } return passed; } return Satisfies.EvaluateAsBoolean (iter); } #endregion } internal class QuantifiedExprBodyList : CollectionBase { public QuantifiedExprBodyList () { } public void Add (QuantifiedExprBody body) { List.Add (body); } public void Insert (int pos, QuantifiedExprBody body) { List.Insert (pos, body); } public QuantifiedExprBody this [int i] { get { return (QuantifiedExprBody) List [i]; } } } internal class QuantifiedExprBody { private XmlQualifiedName varName; private SequenceType type; private ExprSingle expr; public QuantifiedExprBody (XmlQualifiedName varName, SequenceType type, ExprSingle expr) { this.varName = varName; this.type = type ; this.expr = expr; } public XmlQualifiedName VarName { get { return varName; } } public SequenceType Type { get { return type; } } public ExprSingle Expression { get { return expr; } set { expr = value; } } } // TypeswitchExpr internal class TypeswitchExpr : ExprSingle { ExprSequence switchExpr; CaseClauseList caseList; XmlQualifiedName defaultVarName; ExprSingle defaultReturn; public TypeswitchExpr (ExprSequence switchExpr, CaseClauseList caseList, XmlQualifiedName defaultVarName, ExprSingle defaultReturn) { this.switchExpr = switchExpr; this.caseList = caseList; this.defaultVarName = defaultVarName; this.defaultReturn = defaultReturn; } public ExprSequence SwitchExpr { get { return switchExpr; } } public CaseClauseList Cases { get { return caseList; } } public XmlQualifiedName DefaultVarName { get { return defaultVarName; } } public ExprSingle DefaultReturn { get { return defaultReturn; } set { defaultReturn = value; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { switchExpr.CheckReference (compiler); foreach (CaseClause cc in caseList) { compiler.CheckSchemaType (cc.Type); cc.Expr.CheckReference (compiler); } defaultReturn.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { for (int i = 0; i < SwitchExpr.Count; i++) SwitchExpr [i] = SwitchExpr [i].Compile (compiler); foreach (CaseClause cc in Cases) cc.Expr = cc.Expr.Compile (compiler); DefaultReturn = DefaultReturn.Compile (compiler); return this; } // FIXME: it can be optimized by checking all case clauses. public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { // FIXME: should move to iterator? XPathSequence cond = new ExprSequenceIterator (iter, SwitchExpr); XPathSequence ret = null; foreach (CaseClause ccc in Cases) { if (ccc.Type.Matches (cond)) { if (ccc.VarName != XmlQualifiedName.Empty) iter.Context.PushVariable (ccc.VarName, cond); ret = ccc.Expr.Evaluate (iter); // FIXME: The design should make sure that in-scope variables are held on actual iteration. if (ccc.VarName != XmlQualifiedName.Empty) iter.Context.PopVariable (); return ret; } } if (DefaultVarName != XmlQualifiedName.Empty) iter.Context.PushVariable (DefaultVarName, cond); ret = DefaultReturn.Evaluate (iter); if (DefaultVarName != XmlQualifiedName.Empty) iter.Context.PopVariable (); return ret; } #endregion } internal class CaseClauseList : CollectionBase { public void Insert (int pos, CaseClause cc) { List.Insert (pos, cc); } public void Add (CaseClause cc) { List.Add (cc); } public CaseClause this [int i] { get { return (CaseClause) List [i]; } } } internal class CaseClause { public CaseClause (SequenceType type, ExprSingle expr, XmlQualifiedName varName) { this.type = type; this.expr = expr; this.varName = varName; } SequenceType type; ExprSingle expr; XmlQualifiedName varName; public SequenceType Type { get { return type; } } public ExprSingle Expr { get { return expr; } set { expr = value; } } public XmlQualifiedName VarName { get { return varName; } set { varName = value; } } } // IfExpr internal class IfExpr : ExprSingle { public IfExpr (ExprSequence condition, ExprSingle trueExpr, ExprSingle falseExpr) { this.condition = new ParenthesizedExpr (condition); this.trueExpr = trueExpr; this.falseExpr = falseExpr; } ExprSingle condition; ExprSingle trueExpr; ExprSingle falseExpr; public ExprSingle Condition { get { return condition; } set { condition = value; } } public ExprSingle TrueExpr { get { return trueExpr; } set { trueExpr = value; } } public ExprSingle FalseExpr { get { return falseExpr; } set { falseExpr = value; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { condition.CheckReference (compiler); trueExpr.CheckReference (compiler); falseExpr.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate SequenceType computedReturnType; internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { condition = condition.Compile (compiler); // FIXME: check if condition is constant, and returns trueExpr or falseExpr TrueExpr = TrueExpr.Compile (compiler); FalseExpr = FalseExpr.Compile (compiler); return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { if (Context == null) return SequenceType.AnyType; if (computedReturnType == null) computedReturnType = SequenceType.ComputeCommonBase (TrueExpr.StaticType, FalseExpr.StaticType); return computedReturnType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { if (condition.EvaluateAsBoolean (iter)) return TrueExpr.Evaluate (iter); return FalseExpr.Evaluate (iter); } #endregion } // logical expr internal abstract class BinaryOperationExpr : ExprSingle { protected BinaryOperationExpr (ExprSingle left, ExprSingle right) { this.left = left; this.right = right; } ExprSingle left, right; public ExprSingle Left { get { return left; } set { left = value; } } public ExprSingle Right{ get { return right; } set { right = value; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { left.CheckReference (compiler); right.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Left = Left.Compile (compiler); Right = Right.Compile (compiler); return this; } #endregion } internal class OrExpr : BinaryOperationExpr { public OrExpr (ExprSingle left, ExprSingle right) : base (left, right) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { base.CompileCore (compiler); // FIXME: check constant value and return true or false return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Boolean; } } public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean (XPathSequence iter) { return Left.EvaluateAsBoolean (iter) || Right.EvaluateAsBoolean (iter); } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new SingleItemIterator (EvaluateAsBoolean (iter) ?AtomicTrue : AtomicFalse, iter.Context); } /* - compiler - return leftExprBool (context) || rightExprBool (context); */ #endregion } internal class AndExpr : BinaryOperationExpr { public AndExpr (ExprSingle left, ExprSingle right) : base (left, right) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { base.CompileCore (compiler); // FIXME: check constant value and return true or false return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Boolean; } } public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean (XPathSequence iter) { return Left.EvaluateAsBoolean (iter) && Right.EvaluateAsBoolean (iter); } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new SingleItemIterator (EvaluateAsBoolean (iter) ? AtomicTrue : AtomicFalse, iter.Context); } /* - compiler - return leftExprBool (context) && rightExprBool (context); */ #endregion } // TypeOperation expr internal abstract class TypeOperationExpr : ExprSingle { protected TypeOperationExpr (ExprSingle expr, SequenceType type) { this.expr = expr; this.type = type; } ExprSingle expr; SequenceType type; public ExprSingle Expr { get { return expr; } set { expr = value; } } public SequenceType TargetType { get { return type; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { expr.CheckReference (compiler); compiler.CheckSchemaType (type); } } internal abstract class AtomicTypeOperationExpr : ExprSingle { protected AtomicTypeOperationExpr (ExprSingle expr, XmlTypeCode type, bool optional) { this.expr = expr; this.targetType = SequenceType.Create (type, optional ? Occurence.Optional : Occurence.One); } ExprSingle expr; SequenceType targetType; internal ExprSingle Expr { get { return expr; } set { expr = value; } } /* public XmlTypeCode TypeCode { get { return typeCode; } } public bool Optional { get { return optional; } } */ internal SequenceType TargetType { get { return targetType; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { expr.CheckReference (compiler); } } internal class InstanceOfExpr : TypeOperationExpr { public InstanceOfExpr (ExprSingle expr, SequenceType type) : base (expr, type) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Expr = Expr.Compile (compiler); // FIXME: check return type and if it never matches then return false return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Boolean; } } public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean (XPathSequence iter) { bool occured = false; bool onlyOnce = (TargetType.Occurence == Occurence.One || TargetType.Occurence == Occurence.Optional); bool required = (TargetType.Occurence == Occurence.One || TargetType.Occurence == Occurence.OneOrMore); foreach (XPathItem item in iter) { if (occured && onlyOnce) return false; if (!TargetType.IsInstance (item)) return false; } return occured || !required; } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new SingleItemIterator (EvaluateAsBoolean (iter) ? AtomicTrue : AtomicFalse, iter.Context); } #endregion } internal class TreatExpr : TypeOperationExpr { public TreatExpr (ExprSingle expr, SequenceType type) : base (expr, type) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Expr = Expr.Compile (compiler); // FIXME: check return type and if it never matches then return false return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { if (TargetType.CanConvert (iter)) return iter; else throw new XmlQueryException (String.Format ("Cannot treat as {1}", TargetType)); } #endregion } internal class CastableExpr : AtomicTypeOperationExpr { public CastableExpr (ExprSingle expr, XmlTypeCode atomicType, bool optional) : base (expr, atomicType, optional) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Expr = Expr.Compile (compiler); // FIXME: check return type and if it never matches then return boolean return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Boolean; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new SingleItemIterator (new XPathAtomicValue (EvaluateAsBoolean (iter), InternalPool.XsBoolean), iter.Context); } public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean (XPathSequence iter) { bool occured = false; bool onlyOnce = (TargetType.Occurence == Occurence.One || TargetType.Occurence == Occurence.Optional); bool required = (TargetType.Occurence == Occurence.One || TargetType.Occurence == Occurence.OneOrMore); foreach (XPathItem item in iter) { if (occured && onlyOnce) return false; if (!TargetType.CanConvert (item)) return false; } return occured || !required; } #endregion } internal class CastExpr : AtomicTypeOperationExpr { public CastExpr (ExprSingle expr, XmlTypeCode atomicType, bool optional) : base (expr, atomicType, optional) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Expr = Expr.Compile (compiler); // FIXME: check return type and if it never matches then return boolean return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return TargetType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { if (TargetType.CanConvert (iter)) return new ConvertingIterator (iter, TargetType); else throw new XmlQueryException (String.Format ("Cannot cast as {1}", TargetType)); } #endregion } // ComparisonExpr internal class ComparisonExpr : BinaryOperationExpr { public ComparisonExpr (ExprSingle left, ExprSingle right, ComparisonOperator oper) : base (left, right) { this.oper = oper; } ComparisonOperator oper; public ComparisonOperator Operation { get { return oper; } } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Left = Left.Compile (compiler); Right = Right.Compile (compiler); // FIXME: check return type and if it never matches then return boolean return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Boolean; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { bool isEmpty; bool result = EvaluateAsBoolean (iter, out isEmpty); if (isEmpty) return new XPathEmptySequence (iter.Context); return new SingleItemIterator (result ? AtomicTrue : AtomicFalse, iter.Context); } public override bool EvaluateAsBoolean (XPathSequence iter) { bool isEmpty; return EvaluateAsBoolean (iter, out isEmpty); } private bool EvaluateAsBoolean (XPathSequence iter, out bool isEmpty) { XPathSequence lseq, rseq; isEmpty = false; switch (Operation) { // FIXME: it is curious but currently gmcs requires full typename. case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueEQ: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueNE: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueLT: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueLE: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueGT: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueGE: XPathItem itemVL = ExamineOneItem (Left.Evaluate (iter)); XPathItem itemVR = ExamineOneItem (Right.Evaluate (iter)); if (itemVL == null || itemVR == null) { isEmpty = true; return false; } return CompareAtomic (itemVL, itemVR); case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralEQ: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralNE: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralLT: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralLE: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralGT: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralGE: lseq = Left.Evaluate (iter); rseq = Right.Evaluate (iter); foreach (XPathItem itemGL in lseq) { foreach (XPathItem itemGR in rseq.Clone ()) { if (CompareAtomic (itemGL, itemGR)) return true; } } return false; case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.NodeIs: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.NodeFWD: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.NodeBWD: XPathNavigator lnav = ExamineOneNode (Left.Evaluate (iter)); XPathNavigator rnav = ExamineOneNode (Right.Evaluate (iter)); if (lnav == null || rnav == null) { isEmpty = true; return false; } switch (Operation) { case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.NodeIs: return lnav.IsSamePosition (rnav); case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.NodeFWD: return lnav.ComparePosition (rnav) == XmlNodeOrder.Before; case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.NodeBWD: return lnav.ComparePosition (rnav) == XmlNodeOrder.After; } break; } throw new SystemException ("XQuery internal error: should not happen."); } // returns null if sequence was empty private XPathItem ExamineOneItem (XPathSequence seq) { if (!seq.MoveNext ()) return null; XPathItem item = seq.Current; if (seq.MoveNext ()) throw new XmlQueryException ("Operand of value comparison expression must be evaluated as a sequence that contains exactly one item."); return item; } // returns null if sequence was empty private XPathNavigator ExamineOneNode (XPathSequence seq) { if (!seq.MoveNext ()) return null; XPathNavigator nav = seq.Current as XPathNavigator; if (nav == null || seq.MoveNext ()) throw new XmlQueryException ("Operand of node comparison expression must be evaluated as a sequence that contains exactly one node."); return nav; } private bool CompareAtomic (XPathItem itemL, XPathItem itemR) { XmlSchemaSimpleType ua = InternalPool.XdtUntypedAtomic; XmlSchemaSimpleType str = InternalPool.XsString; // FIXME: XPathNavigator might be complex content. bool uaL = itemL.XmlType == null || itemL.XmlType == ua; bool uaR = itemR.XmlType == null || itemR.XmlType == ua; bool bothUA = uaL && uaR; XPathAtomicValue avL = (uaL) ? bothUA ? new XPathAtomicValue (itemL.Value, str) : new XPathAtomicValue (itemL.Value, itemR.XmlType) : Atomize (itemL); XPathAtomicValue avR = uaR ? bothUA ? new XPathAtomicValue (itemR.Value, str) : new XPathAtomicValue (itemR.Value, itemL.XmlType) : Atomize (itemR); switch (Operation) { // FIXME: it is curious but currently gmcs requires full typename. case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueEQ: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralEQ: return XQueryComparisonOperator.ValueEQ (avL, avR); case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueNE: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralNE: return XQueryComparisonOperator.ValueNE (avL, avR); case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueLT: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralLT: return XQueryComparisonOperator.ValueLT (avL, avR); case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueLE: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralLE: return XQueryComparisonOperator.ValueLE (avL, avR); case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueGT: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralGT: return XQueryComparisonOperator.ValueGT (avL, avR); case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.ValueGE: case Mono.Xml.XPath2.ComparisonOperator.GeneralGE: return XQueryComparisonOperator.ValueGE (avL, avR); } return false; // should not happen } #endregion } public enum ComparisonOperator { ValueEQ, ValueNE, ValueLT, ValueLE, ValueGT, ValueGE, GeneralEQ, GeneralNE, GeneralLT, GeneralLE, GeneralGT, GeneralGE, NodeIs, NodeFWD, NodeBWD } // Range internal class RangeExpr : BinaryOperationExpr { public RangeExpr (ExprSingle left, ExprSingle right) : base (left, right) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Left = Left.Compile (compiler); Right = Right.Compile (compiler); return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.IntegerList; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { int start = Left.EvaluateAsInt (iter); int end = Right.EvaluateAsInt (iter); return new IntegerRangeIterator (iter.Context, start, end); } public override void Serialize (XPathSequence iter) { int start = Left.EvaluateAsInt (iter); int end = Right.EvaluateAsInt (iter); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { iter.Context.Writer.WriteValue (i); if (i < end) iter.Context.Writer.WriteWhitespace (" "); } } #endregion } // arithmetic operation expr public enum ArithmeticOperator { Add, Sub, Mul, Div, IDiv, IMod } internal class ArithmeticOperationExpr : BinaryOperationExpr { public ArithmeticOperationExpr (ExprSingle left, ExprSingle right, ArithmeticOperator oper) : base (left, right) { this.oper = oper; } ArithmeticOperator oper; public ArithmeticOperator Operation { get { return oper; } } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Left = Left.Compile (compiler); Right = Right.Compile (compiler); return this; } // FIXME: It can be optimized by comparing l/r value types. public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { XPathSequence lseq = Left.Evaluate (iter); if (!lseq.MoveNext ()) return new XPathEmptySequence (iter.Context); XPathSequence rseq = Right.Evaluate (iter); if (!rseq.MoveNext ()) return new XPathEmptySequence (iter.Context); XPathAtomicValue lvalue = Atomize (lseq.Current); XPathAtomicValue rvalue = Atomize (rseq.Current); if (lseq.MoveNext ()) throw new XmlQueryException ("XP0006: Left operand resulted in an sequence that contains more than one item."); if (rseq.MoveNext ()) throw new XmlQueryException ("XP0006: Left operand resulted in an sequence that contains more than one item."); // FIXME: handle "untypedAtomic to xs:double" casting return new SingleItemIterator (Compute (lvalue, rvalue), iter.Context); } private XPathAtomicValue Compute (XPathAtomicValue lvalue, XPathAtomicValue rvalue) { switch (Operation) { case ArithmeticOperator.Add: return XQueryArithmeticOperator.Add (lvalue, rvalue); case ArithmeticOperator.Sub: return XQueryArithmeticOperator.Subtract (lvalue, rvalue); case ArithmeticOperator.Mul: return XQueryArithmeticOperator.Multiply (lvalue, rvalue); case ArithmeticOperator.Div: return XQueryArithmeticOperator.Divide (lvalue, rvalue); case ArithmeticOperator.IDiv: return XQueryArithmeticOperator.IntDivide (lvalue, rvalue); case ArithmeticOperator.IMod: return XQueryArithmeticOperator.Remainder (lvalue, rvalue); default: throw new SystemException ("XQuery internal error: should not happen."); } } #endregion } internal class MinusExpr : ExprSingle { public MinusExpr (ExprSingle expr) { this.expr = expr; } ExprSingle expr; public ExprSingle Expr { get { return expr; } set { expr = value; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { expr.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { return new ArithmeticOperationExpr (new DecimalLiteralExpr (-1), Expr, ArithmeticOperator.Mul).Compile (compiler); } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return Expr.StaticType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { throw new SystemException ("XQuery internal error: should not happen."); } #endregion } // aggregation expr public enum AggregationType { Union, Intersect, Except } internal class GroupExpr : BinaryOperationExpr { public GroupExpr (ExprSingle left, ExprSingle right, AggregationType aggrType) : base (left, right) { this.aggrType = aggrType; } AggregationType aggrType; public AggregationType AggregationType { get { return aggrType; } } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Left = Left.Compile (compiler); Right = Right.Compile (compiler); return this; } // FIXME: It can be optimized by comparing l/r value types. public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } // only applicable against node-sets public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new GroupIterator (iter, this); } #endregion } // validate expr internal class ValidateExpr : ExprSingle { XmlSchemaContentProcessing schemaMode; ExprSequence expr; public ValidateExpr (XmlSchemaContentProcessing schemaMode, ExprSequence expr) { this.schemaMode = schemaMode; this.expr = expr; } public ExprSequence Expr { get { return expr; } } public XmlSchemaContentProcessing SchemaMode { get { return schemaMode; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { expr.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { for (int i = 0; i < expr.Count; i++) expr [i] = expr [i].Compile (compiler); return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { // TBD (see 3.13). throw new NotImplementedException (); } #endregion } // Path expr internal abstract class PathExpr : ExprSingle { } // '/' internal class PathRootExpr : PathExpr { public PathRootExpr () { } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Document; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { XPathNavigator nav = iter.Context.CurrentItem as XPathNavigator; if (nav == null) throw new XmlQueryException ("Context item is not a node when evaluating expression '/'."); nav = nav.Clone (); nav.MoveToRoot (); return new SingleItemIterator (nav, iter.Context); } #endregion } internal abstract class PathStepExpr : PathExpr { ExprSingle first; ExprSingle next; public PathStepExpr (ExprSingle first, ExprSingle next) { this.first = first; this.next = next; } public ExprSingle First { get { return first; } set { first = value; } } public ExprSingle Next { get { return next; } set { next = value; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { first.CheckReference (compiler); next.CheckReference (compiler); } internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { first = first.Compile (compiler); next = next.Compile (compiler); return this; } } // 'foo/bar' internal class PathSlashExpr : PathStepExpr { public PathSlashExpr (ExprSingle first, ExprSingle next) : base (first, next) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate // FIXME: It can be optimized by comparing l/r value types. public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Node; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new PathStepIterator (First.Evaluate (iter), this); } #endregion } // 'foo//bar' internal class PathSlash2Expr : PathStepExpr { public PathSlash2Expr (ExprSingle first, ExprSingle next) : base (first, next) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate // FIXME: It can be optimized by comparing l/r value types. public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Node; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { XPathSequence seq = First.Evaluate (iter); if (!seq.MoveNext ()) return new XPathEmptySequence (iter.Context); return new PathStepIterator ( new DescendantOrSelfIterator (seq.Current as XPathNavigator, seq.Context), this); } #endregion } internal class AxisStepExpr : PathExpr { public AxisStepExpr (XPathAxis axis, XPath2NodeTest test) { this.axis = axis; if (test == null) nameTest = XmlQualifiedName.Empty; else { if (test.NameTest != null) this.nameTest = test.NameTest; else this.kindTest = test.KindTest; } } XPathAxis axis; XmlQualifiedName nameTest; KindTest kindTest; public XPathAxis Axis { get { return axis; } } public XmlQualifiedName NameTest { get { return nameTest; } set { nameTest = value; } } public KindTest KindTest { get { return kindTest; } set { kindTest = value; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { if (KindTest != null) KindTest.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { if (KindTest != null) KindTest.Compile (compiler); return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { switch (Axis.AxisType) { case XPathAxisType.Attribute: return SequenceType.Attribute; case XPathAxisType.Namespace: return SequenceType.Namespace; } // FIXME: we can more filtering by KindTest return SequenceType.Node; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { XQueryContext ctx = iter.Context; if (iter.Position == 0) { iter = iter.Clone (); if (!iter.MoveNext ()) return new XPathEmptySequence (iter.Context); } XPathNavigator nav = iter.Current as XPathNavigator; if (nav == null) throw new XmlQueryException ("Node set is expected."); NodeIterator argIter = null; switch (Axis.AxisType) { case XPathAxisType.Child: argIter = new ChildIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.Descendant: argIter = new DescendantIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.Attribute: argIter = new AttributeIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.Self: argIter = new SelfIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.DescendantOrSelf: argIter = new DescendantOrSelfIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.FollowingSibling: argIter = new FollowingSiblingIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.Following: argIter = new FollowingIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.Parent: argIter = new ParentIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.Ancestor: argIter = new AncestorIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.PrecedingSibling: argIter = new PrecedingSiblingIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.Preceding: argIter = new PrecedingIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.AncestorOrSelf: argIter = new AncestorOrSelfIterator (nav, ctx); break; case XPathAxisType.Namespace: // only applicable under XPath 2.0: not XQuery 1.0 argIter = new NamespaceIterator (nav, ctx); break; } return new AxisIterator (argIter, this); } internal bool Matches (XPathNavigator nav) { if (nameTest != null) return nameTest == XmlQualifiedName.Empty || ((nameTest.Name == nav.LocalName || nameTest.Name == "*") && (nameTest.Namespace == nav.NamespaceURI || nameTest.Namespace == "*")); else return kindTest.Matches (nav); } #endregion } internal class FilterStepExpr : PathExpr { public FilterStepExpr (ExprSingle expr, ExprSequence predicate) { this.expr = expr; this.predicate = predicate; } ExprSingle expr; ExprSequence predicate; public ExprSingle Expr { get { return expr; } set { expr = value; } } public ExprSequence Predicate { get { return predicate; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { expr.CheckReference (compiler); predicate.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { Expr = Expr.Compile (compiler); for (int i = 0; i < predicate.Count; i++) predicate [i] = predicate [i].Compile (compiler); return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return Expr.StaticType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new FilteredIterator (iter, this); } #endregion } /* // predicates == exprsequence list == list of list of exprsingle internal class PredicateList : CollectionBase { public void Add (ExprSequence expr) { List.Add (expr); } public void Insert (int pos, ExprSequence expr) { List.Insert (pos, expr); } public ExprSequence this [int i] { get { return (ExprSequence) List [i]; } } } */ internal class XPath2NodeTest { public XPath2NodeTest (XmlQualifiedName nameTest) { this.NameTest = nameTest; } public XPath2NodeTest (KindTest kindTest) { this.KindTest = kindTest; } public XmlQualifiedName NameTest; public KindTest KindTest; } internal class EnclosedExpr : ExprSingle { ExprSequence expr; public EnclosedExpr (ExprSequence expr) { this.expr = expr; } public ExprSequence Expr { get { return expr; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { expr.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { if (Expr.Count == 1) return Expr [0].Compile (compiler); for (int i = 0; i < Expr.Count; i++) Expr [i] = Expr [i].Compile (compiler); return this; } // FIXME: can be optimized by checking all items in Expr public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new ExprSequenceIterator (iter, Expr); } #endregion } // PrimaryExpr internal abstract class PrimaryExpr : ExprSingle { internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { return this; } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new SingleItemIterator (EvaluateAsAtomic (iter), iter.Context); } #endregion } internal class StringLiteralExpr : PrimaryExpr { string literal; public StringLiteralExpr (string literal) { this.literal = literal; } public string Literal { get { return literal; } } #region CompileAndEvaluate XmlSchemaSimpleType stringType = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType (new XmlQualifiedName ("string", XmlSchema.Namespace)); public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AtomicString; } } public override string EvaluateAsString (XPathSequence iter) { return Literal; } public override XPathAtomicValue EvaluateAsAtomic (XPathSequence iter) { return new XPathAtomicValue (Literal, stringType); } #endregion } internal class DecimalLiteralExpr : PrimaryExpr { decimal value; public DecimalLiteralExpr (decimal value) { this.value = value; } public decimal Value { get { return value; } } #region CompileAndEvaluate XmlSchemaSimpleType decimalType = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType (new XmlQualifiedName ("decimal", XmlSchema.Namespace)); public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Decimal; } } public override XPathAtomicValue EvaluateAsAtomic (XPathSequence iter) { return new XPathAtomicValue (Value, decimalType); } #endregion } internal class DoubleLiteralExpr : PrimaryExpr { double value; public DoubleLiteralExpr (double value) { this.value = value; } public double Value { get { return value; } } #region CompileAndEvaluate XmlSchemaSimpleType doubleType = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType (new XmlQualifiedName ("double", XmlSchema.Namespace)); public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.Double; } } public override XPathAtomicValue EvaluateAsAtomic (XPathSequence iter) { return new XPathAtomicValue (Value, doubleType); } #endregion } internal class VariableReferenceExpr : PrimaryExpr { XmlQualifiedName varName; public VariableReferenceExpr (XmlQualifiedName varName) { this.varName = varName; } public XmlQualifiedName VariableName { get { return varName; } } // FIXME: variable name must be stacked in any area // whereever variables are defined. internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { compiler.CheckVariableName (varName); } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { // FIXME: try to resolve static context variable and return the actual value expression return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { XPathSequence variable = iter.Context.ResolveVariable (VariableName); // FIXME: if Evaluate() accepts XPathSequence, then XPathSequence must be public class (to make IXPath2Variable public). return variable; } #endregion } internal class ParenthesizedExpr : PrimaryExpr { ExprSequence expr; public ParenthesizedExpr (ExprSequence expr) { if (expr == null) expr = new ExprSequence (); this.expr = expr; } ExprSequence Expr { get { return expr; } } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { if (Expr.Count == 1) return Expr [0].Compile (compiler); for (int i = 0; i < Expr.Count; i++) Expr [i] = Expr [i].Compile (compiler); return this; } // FIXME: can be optimized by checking all items in Expr public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { switch (Expr.Count) { case 0: return new XPathEmptySequence (iter.Context); case 1: return Expr [0].Evaluate (iter); default: return new ExprSequenceIterator (iter, Expr); } } #endregion } // "." internal class ContextItemExpr : PrimaryExpr { public ContextItemExpr () { } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { return this; } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return new SingleItemIterator (iter.Context.CurrentItem, iter.Context); } #endregion } internal abstract class FunctionCallExprBase : PrimaryExpr { XmlQualifiedName name; ExprSequence args; public FunctionCallExprBase (XmlQualifiedName name, ExprSequence args) { if (args == null) throw new ArgumentNullException (String.Format ("Function argument expressions for {0} is null.", name)); this.name = name; this.args = args; } public XmlQualifiedName Name { get { return name; } } public ExprSequence Args { get { return args; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { compiler.CheckFunctionName (name); } #region CompileAndEvaluate /* internal static DefaultFunctionCall Create ( XmlQualifiedName name, ExprSingle [] args, XQueryStaticContext ctx) { switch (name.Namespace) { case XQueryFunction.Namespace: switch (name.Name) { case "node-name": return new FnNodeNameCall (ctx, args); case "nilled": return new FnNilledCall (ctx, args); case "string": return new FnStringCall (ctx, args); case "data": return new FnDataCall (ctx, args); case "base-uri": return new FnBaseUriCall (ctx, args); case "document-uri": return new FnDocumentUriCall (ctx, args); case "error": return new FnErrorCall (ctx, args); case "trace": return new FnTraceCall (ctx, args); case "abs": return new FnAbsCall (ctx, args); case "ceiling": return new FnCeilingCall (ctx, args); case "floor": return new FnFloorCall (ctx, args); case "round": return new FnRoundCall (ctx, args); case "round-half-to-even": return new FnRoundHalfToEvenCall (ctx, args); case "codepoints-to-string": return new FnCodepointsToStringCall (ctx, args); case "string-to-codepoints": return new FnStringCallToCodepointsCall (ctx, args); } goto default; case InternalPool.XdtNamespace: case XmlSchema.Namespace: XmlSchemaType type = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType (name); if (type != null) return new AtomicConstructorCall (ctx, SequenceType.Create (type, Occurence.One), args); type = XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInComplexType (name); if (type == null) goto default; return null; default: XQueryFunction func = ctx.CompileContext.InEffectFunctions [name]; if (func != null) return new CustomFunctionCallExpression (ctx, args, func); return null; } } */ internal void CheckArguments (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { if (args.Count < MinArgs || args.Count > MaxArgs) // FIXME: add more info throw new XmlQueryCompileException (String.Format ("{0} is invalid for the number of {1} function argument. MinArgs = {2}, MaxArgs = {3}.", args.Count, name, MinArgs, MaxArgs)); } public abstract int MinArgs { get; } public abstract int MaxArgs { get; } #endregion } internal class FunctionCallExpr : FunctionCallExprBase { public FunctionCallExpr (XmlQualifiedName name, ExprSequence args) : base (name, args) { } XQueryFunction function; public XQueryFunction Function { get { return function; } } #region CompileAndEvaluate internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { // resolve function function = compiler.ResolveFunction (Name); CheckArguments (compiler); for (int i = 0; i < Args.Count; i++) Args [i] = Args [i].Compile (compiler); return this; } public override int MinArgs { get { return function.MinArgs; } } public override int MaxArgs { get { return function.MaxArgs; } } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return function.ReturnType; } } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return Function.Evaluate (iter, Args); } // FIXME: add all overrides that delegates to XQueryFunction #endregion } /* #region CompileAndEvaluate // It is instantiated per function call expression. // (e.g. the example below contains 4 FunctionCallExpression instances: // "replace(node-name (node-before(/*)), 'foo', node-name($var))" internal class CustomFunctionCallExpr : FunctionCallExprBase { public CustomFunctionCallExpr (ExprSequence args, XQueryFunction function) : base (function.Name, args) { this.function = function; } XQueryFunction function; public XQueryFunction Function { get { return function; } } public override int MinArgs { get { return function.MinArgs; } } public override int MaxArgs { get { return function.MaxArgs; } } public override SequenceType StaticType { get { return function.ReturnType; } } internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { CheckArguments (compiler); for (int i = 0; i < Args.Count; i++) Args [i] = Args [i].Compile (compiler); return this; } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { return Function.Evaluate (iter, Args); } // FIXME: add all overrides that delegates to XQueryFunction } #endregion */ // Ordered / Unordered internal class OrderSpecifiedExpr : ExprSingle { bool ordered; ExprSequence expr; public OrderSpecifiedExpr (ExprSequence expr, bool ordered) { this.ordered = ordered; this.expr = expr; } public ExprSequence Expr { get { return expr; } } public bool Ordered { get { return ordered; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { expr.CheckReference (compiler); } #region CompileAndEvaluate public override SequenceType StaticType { // FIXME: could be optimized by checking all the expressions get { return SequenceType.AnyType; } } public override bool RequireSorting { get { return Ordered; } } internal override ExprSingle CompileCore (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { for (int i = 0; i < Expr.Count; i++) Expr [i] = Expr [i].Compile (compiler); return this; } public override XPathSequence Evaluate (XPathSequence iter) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } #endregion } } #endif