// // SequenceType.cs - represents XPath 2.0 item type // // Author: // Atsushi Enomoto // // // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #if NET_2_0 using System; using System.Collections; using System.Globalization; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Schema; using System.Xml.Query; using System.Xml.XPath; using Mono.Xml; namespace Mono.Xml.XPath2 { public class SequenceType { static SequenceType singleItem = new SequenceType (ItemType.AnyItem, Occurence.One); static SequenceType singleAnyAtomic = new SequenceType (ItemType.AnyAtomicType, Occurence.One); internal static SequenceType AnyType { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsAnyType, Occurence.ZeroOrMore); } } internal static SequenceType SingleItem { get { return singleItem; } } internal static SequenceType SingleAnyAtomic { get { return singleAnyAtomic; } } internal static SequenceType Node { get { return Create (XmlTypeCode.Node, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Document { get { return Create (XmlTypeCode.Document, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Element { get { return Create (XmlTypeCode.Element, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Attribute { get { return Create (XmlTypeCode.Attribute, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Namespace { get { return Create (XmlTypeCode.Namespace, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Text { get { return Create (XmlTypeCode.Text, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType XmlPI { get { return Create (XmlTypeCode.ProcessingInstruction, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Comment { get { return Create (XmlTypeCode.Comment, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType AtomicString { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsString, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Boolean { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsBoolean, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Decimal { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsDecimal, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Integer { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsInteger, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Int { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsInt, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Short { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsShort, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType UnsignedInt { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsUnsignedInt, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType UnsignedShort { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsUnsignedShort, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Double { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsDouble, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType Single { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsFloat, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType DateTime { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsDateTime, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType QName { get { return Create (InternalPool.XsQName, Occurence.One); } } internal static SequenceType IntegerList { get { return Create (XmlTypeCode.Integer, Occurence.ZeroOrMore); } } static Hashtable standardTypes = new Hashtable (); internal static SequenceType Create (Type cliType) { // typed Array if (cliType.IsArray) return Create (InternalPool.XmlTypeCodeFromRuntimeType (cliType.GetElementType (), true), Occurence.ZeroOrMore); // if (cliType.GetInterface ("System.Collections.IEnumerable") != null) // return Create (XmlTypeCode.Item, Occurence.ZeroOrMore); if (cliType == typeof (XmlQualifiedName)) return QName; if (cliType == typeof (XPathNavigator) || cliType.IsSubclassOf (typeof (XPathNavigator))) return Node; if (cliType == typeof (XPathAtomicValue)) return SingleAnyAtomic; if (cliType == typeof (XPathItem)) return SingleItem; // FIXME: handle Nullable type return Create (InternalPool.XmlTypeCodeFromRuntimeType (cliType, true), Occurence.One); } internal static SequenceType Create (XmlTypeCode typeCode, Occurence occurence) { switch (typeCode) { case XmlTypeCode.Item: case XmlTypeCode.AnyAtomicType: case XmlTypeCode.Node: case XmlTypeCode.Document: case XmlTypeCode.Element: case XmlTypeCode.Attribute: case XmlTypeCode.ProcessingInstruction: case XmlTypeCode.Comment: case XmlTypeCode.Namespace: case XmlTypeCode.Text: return new SequenceType (new ItemType (typeCode), occurence); default: return Create (XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType (typeCode), occurence); } } internal static SequenceType Create (XmlSchemaType schemaType, Occurence occurence) { switch (schemaType.QualifiedName.Namespace) { case XmlSchema.Namespace: case InternalPool.XdtNamespace: break; default: return new SequenceType (schemaType, occurence); } Hashtable cacheForType = standardTypes [schemaType] as Hashtable; if (cacheForType == null) { cacheForType = new Hashtable (); standardTypes [schemaType] = cacheForType; } else { SequenceType type = cacheForType [occurence] as SequenceType; if (type != null) return type; } SequenceType t = new SequenceType (schemaType, occurence); cacheForType [occurence] = t; return t; } [MonoTODO] internal static SequenceType ComputeCommonBase (SequenceType t1, SequenceType t2) { // FIXME: implement // throw new NotImplementedException (); return SequenceType.AnyType; } internal static bool IsNumeric (XmlTypeCode code) { switch (code) { case XmlTypeCode.Decimal: case XmlTypeCode.Float: case XmlTypeCode.Double: case XmlTypeCode.Integer: case XmlTypeCode.NonPositiveInteger: case XmlTypeCode.NegativeInteger: case XmlTypeCode.Long: case XmlTypeCode.Int: case XmlTypeCode.Short: case XmlTypeCode.Byte: case XmlTypeCode.NonNegativeInteger: case XmlTypeCode.UnsignedLong: case XmlTypeCode.UnsignedInt: case XmlTypeCode.UnsignedShort: case XmlTypeCode.UnsignedByte: case XmlTypeCode.PositiveInteger: return true; } return false; } // Instance members private SequenceType (XmlSchemaType schemaType, Occurence occurence) { this.schemaType = schemaType; this.itemType = ItemType.AnyItem; this.occurence = occurence; } internal SequenceType (ItemType itemType, Occurence occurence) { this.schemaType = InternalPool.XsAnyType; this.itemType = itemType; this.occurence = occurence; } XmlSchemaType schemaType; Occurence occurence; ItemType itemType; public XmlSchemaType SchemaType { get { return schemaType; } } public ItemType ItemType { get { return itemType; } } public Occurence Occurence { get { return occurence; } } internal bool Matches (XPathSequence iter) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] internal bool CanConvertTo (SequenceType other) { // FIXME: implement precisely return this == other; // throw new NotImplementedException (); } internal bool CanConvert (XPathSequence iter) { bool occured = false; bool onlyOnce = (occurence == Occurence.One || occurence == Occurence.Optional); bool required = (occurence == Occurence.One || occurence == Occurence.OneOrMore); foreach (XPathItem item in iter) { if (occured && onlyOnce) return false; if (!CanConvert (item)) return false; } return occured || !required; } public bool CanConvert (XPathItem item) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public bool IsInstance (XPathItem item) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public XPathItem Convert (XPathItem item) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public object ToRuntimeType (XPathSequence seq) { // FIXME: handle ZeroOrMore|OneOrMore switch (occurence) { case Occurence.One: case Occurence.Optional: if (!seq.MoveNext ()) return null; XPathItem item = seq.Current; // FIXME: should check and reject two or // more items?? return item.TypedValue; } ArrayList al = new ArrayList (); while (seq.MoveNext ()) al.Add (seq.Current.TypedValue); return al.ToArray (InternalPool.RuntimeTypeFromXmlTypeCode (schemaType.TypeCode)); // return seq; } } public enum Occurence { One, Optional, ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore, } #region NodeTest public enum XPathAxisType { Child, Descendant, Attribute, Self, DescendantOrSelf, FollowingSibling, Following, Parent, Ancestor, PrecedingSibling, Preceding, AncestorOrSelf, Namespace // only applicable under XPath 2.0, not XQuery 1.0 } public class XPathAxis { // FIXME: add more parameters to distinguish them private XPathAxis (XPathAxisType axisType) { this.axisType = axisType; switch (axisType) { case XPathAxisType.Parent: case XPathAxisType.Ancestor: case XPathAxisType.AncestorOrSelf: case XPathAxisType.Preceding: case XPathAxisType.PrecedingSibling: this.reverse = true; break; } } bool reverse; XPathAxisType axisType; public bool ReverseAxis { get { return reverse; } } public XPathAxisType AxisType { get { return axisType; } } static XPathAxis child, descendant, attribute, self, descendantOrSelf, followingSibling, following, parent, ancestor, precedingSibling, preceding, ancestorOrSelf, namespaceAxis; static XPathAxis () { child = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.Child); descendant = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.Descendant); attribute = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.Attribute); self = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.Self); descendantOrSelf = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.DescendantOrSelf); followingSibling = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.FollowingSibling); following = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.Following); parent = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.Parent); ancestor = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.Ancestor); precedingSibling = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.PrecedingSibling); preceding = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.Preceding); ancestorOrSelf = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.AncestorOrSelf); namespaceAxis = new XPathAxis (XPathAxisType.Namespace); } public static XPathAxis Child { get { return child; } } public static XPathAxis Descendant { get { return descendant; } } public static XPathAxis Attribute { get { return attribute; } } public static XPathAxis Self { get { return self; } } public static XPathAxis DescendantOrSelf { get { return descendantOrSelf; } } public static XPathAxis FollowingSibling { get { return followingSibling; } } public static XPathAxis Following { get { return following; } } public static XPathAxis NamespaceAxis { get { return namespaceAxis; } } public static XPathAxis Parent { get { return parent; } } public static XPathAxis Ancestor { get { return ancestor; } } public static XPathAxis PrecedingSibling { get { return precedingSibling; } } public static XPathAxis Preceding { get { return preceding; } } public static XPathAxis AncestorOrSelf { get { return ancestorOrSelf; } } } // ItemType public class ItemType { static ItemType anyItem = new ItemType (XmlTypeCode.Item); static ItemType anyAtomicType = new ItemType (XmlTypeCode.AnyAtomicType); public static ItemType AnyItem { get { return anyItem; } } public static ItemType AnyAtomicType { get { return anyAtomicType; } } XmlTypeCode typeCode; public ItemType (XmlTypeCode typeCode) { this.typeCode = typeCode; } public XmlTypeCode TypeCode { get { return typeCode; } } internal virtual void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { } } // KindTest public class KindTest : ItemType { public KindTest (XmlTypeCode type) : base (type) { } internal virtual void Compile (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { } public virtual bool Matches (XPathItem item) { XPathNavigator nav = item as XPathNavigator; if (nav == null) return false; // FIXME: is it true? ('untyped' means 'matches with any type' ? if (item.XmlType == null) return true; if (item.XmlType.TypeCode != TypeCode) return false; return true; } } public class DocumentTest : KindTest { ElementTest content; public DocumentTest (ElementTest content) : base (XmlTypeCode.Document) { this.content = content; } public ElementTest Content { get { return content; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { content.CheckReference (compiler); } internal override void Compile (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { } public override bool Matches (XPathItem item) { XPathNavigator nav = item as XPathNavigator; if (nav == null) return false; if (item.XmlType.TypeCode != XmlTypeCode.Document) return false; if (Content == null) return true; nav = nav.Clone (); nav.MoveToFirstChild (); while (nav.NodeType != XPathNodeType.Element) if (!nav.MoveToNext ()) return false; return Content.Matches (nav); } } public class ElementTest : KindTest { XmlQualifiedName name; XmlQualifiedName typeName; XmlSchemaType schemaType; bool nillable; public ElementTest (XmlQualifiedName name) : base (XmlTypeCode.Element) { this.name = name; } public ElementTest (XmlQualifiedName name, XmlQualifiedName type, bool nillable) : base (XmlTypeCode.Element) { this.name = name; this.typeName = type; this.nillable = nillable; } public XmlQualifiedName Name { get { return name; } } public XmlQualifiedName TypeName { get { return typeName; } } public XmlSchemaType SchemaType { get { return schemaType; } } public bool Nillable { get { return nillable; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { compiler.CheckSchemaTypeName (typeName); } internal override void Compile (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { schemaType = compiler.ResolveSchemaType (TypeName); if (schemaType == null) throw new XmlQueryCompileException ("Specified schema type was not found."); } public override bool Matches (XPathItem item) { XPathNavigator nav = item as XPathNavigator; if (nav == null) return false; if (item.XmlType.TypeCode != XmlTypeCode.Element) return false; if (Name != XmlQualifiedName.Empty) if (nav.LocalName != Name.Name || nav.NamespaceURI != Name.Namespace) return false; // FIXME: it won't be XQueryConvert.CanConvert(), but other strict-matching evaluation if (SchemaType != null && !XQueryConvert.CanConvert (item, SchemaType)) return false; // FIXME: check nillable return true; } } public class AttributeTest : KindTest { static AttributeTest anyAttribute; static AttributeTest () { anyAttribute = new AttributeTest (XmlQualifiedName.Empty); } public static AttributeTest AnyAttribute { get { return anyAttribute; } } public AttributeTest (XmlQualifiedName name) : base (XmlTypeCode.Attribute) { this.name = name; } public AttributeTest (XmlQualifiedName name, XmlQualifiedName typeName) : base (XmlTypeCode.Attribute) { this.name = name; this.typeName = typeName; } XmlQualifiedName name; XmlQualifiedName typeName; XmlSchemaType schemaType; public XmlQualifiedName Name { get { return name; } } public XmlQualifiedName TypeName { get { return typeName; } } public XmlSchemaType SchemaType { get { return schemaType; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { compiler.CheckSchemaTypeName (typeName); } internal override void Compile (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { schemaType = compiler.ResolveSchemaType (TypeName); if (schemaType == null) throw new XmlQueryCompileException ("Specified schema type was not found."); } public override bool Matches (XPathItem item) { XPathNavigator nav = item as XPathNavigator; if (nav == null) return false; if (item.XmlType.TypeCode != XmlTypeCode.Attribute) return false; if (Name != XmlQualifiedName.Empty) if (nav.LocalName != Name.Name || nav.NamespaceURI != Name.Namespace) return false; // FIXME: it won't be XQueryConvert.CanConvert(), but other strict-matching evaluation if (SchemaType != null && !XQueryConvert.CanConvert (item, SchemaType)) return false; return true; } } public class XmlPITest : KindTest { string name; public XmlPITest (string nameTest) : base (XmlTypeCode.ProcessingInstruction) { this.name = nameTest; } public string Name { get { return name; } } internal override void CheckReference (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { } internal override void Compile (XQueryASTCompiler compiler) { } public override bool Matches (XPathItem item) { XPathNavigator nav = item as XPathNavigator; if (nav == null) return false; if (item.XmlType.TypeCode != XmlTypeCode.ProcessingInstruction) return false; if (Name != String.Empty && nav.LocalName != Name) return false; return true; } } #endregion } #endif