#!/usr/bin/perl # # xpidl2cs.pl : Generates C# interfaces from idl # # Author: Andreia Gaita # # Copyright (c) 2007 Novell, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ############################################################## die "Usage: xpidl2cs.pl file.idl [/path/to/idl/]" if scalar(@ARGV) < 1; my $file = shift; my $path = shift if scalar(@ARGV) > 0; my $nosig = shift if scalar(@ARGV) > 0; $nosig = "" if !$nosig; open FILE, '<', $path.$file or die "Can't open file $path$file"; my %interface = ( properties => (), items => "", uuid => "", class => "", parent => "" ); my %properties; my %methods = { type => "", params => () }; my %types; $types{"short"} = {name => "short", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRUint8"} = {name => "char", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRInt8"} = {name => "char", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"unsigned,short"} = {name => "ushort", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRUint16"} = {name => "ushort", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRInt16"} = {name => "short", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"int"} = {name => "int", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsresult"} = {name => "int", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"unsigned,int"} = {name => "uint", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRUint32"} = {name => "UInt32", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRInt32"} = {name => "Int32", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRInt64"} = {name => "long", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"long"} = {name => "int", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"size_t"} = {name => "int", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"unsigned,long"} = {name => "uint", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"float"} = {name => "float", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"boolean"} = {name => "bool", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRBool"} = {name => "bool", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"void"} = {name => "", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"octet"} = {name => "byte", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"octet[]"} = {name => "IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => " "}; $types{"byte"} = {name => "byte", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"DOMString"} = {name => "/*DOMString*/ HandleRef", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"AUTF8String"} = {name => "/*AUTF8String*/ HandleRef", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"ACString"} = {name => "/*ACString*/ HandleRef", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"AString"} = {name => "/*AString*/ HandleRef", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"wstring"} = {name => "string", out => "", marshal => "MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr) "}; $types{"nsCIDRef"} = {name => "Guid", out => "out", marshal => "MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStruct) "}; $types{"nsIIDRef"} = {name => "Guid", out => "out", marshal => "MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStruct) "}; $types{"Guid"} = {name => "Guid", out => "out", marshal => "MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStruct) "}; $types{"nsCID"} = {name => "Guid", out => "out", marshal => "MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStruct) "}; $types{"nsCIDPtr"} = {name => "Guid", out => "out", marshal => "MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStruct) "}; $types{"string"} = {name => "string", out => "ref", marshal => "MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.LPStr) "}; $types{"refstring"} = {name => "IntPtr", out => "ref", marshal => ""}; $types{"charPtr"} = {name => "StringBuilder", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"voidPtr"} = {name => "IntPtr", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsISupports"} = {name => "IntPtr", out => "out", marshal =>"MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.Interface) "}; $types{"DOMTimeStamp"} = {name => "int", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsWriteSegmentFun"} = {name => "nsIWriteSegmentFunDelegate", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsReadSegmentFun"} = {name => "nsIReadSegmentFunDelegate", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsTimerCallbackFunc"} = {name => "nsITimerCallbackDelegate", out => "", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsLoadFlags"} = {name => "ulong", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsQIResult"} = {name => "IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsIIDPtr[]"} = {name => "IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRFileDescStar"} = {name => "IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"PRLibraryStar"} = {name => "IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"FILE"} = {name => "IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsIPresShell"} = {name => "/*nsIPresShell*/ IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsIDocument"} = {name => "/*nsIDocument*/ IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsIFrame"} = {name => "/*nsIFrame*/ IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsObjectFrame"} = {name => "/*nsObjectFrame*/ IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"nsIContent"} = {name => "/*nsIContent*/ IntPtr", out => "out", marshal => ""}; $types{"others"} = {name => "", out => "out", marshal => "MarshalAs (UnmanagedType.Interface) "}; my %returnvalues; $returnvalues{"short"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"ushort"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"int"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"uint"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"UInt32"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"Int32"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"long"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"ulong"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"IntPtr"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"float"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"byte"} = {value => "0"}; $returnvalues{"IntPtr"} = {value => "IntPtr.Zero"}; $returnvalues{"string"} = {value => "String.Empty"}; $returnvalues{"bool"} = {value => "false"}; $returnvalues{"/*DOMString*/ HandleRef"} = {value => "null"}; $returnvalues{"/*AUTF8String*/ HandleRef"} = {value => "null"}; $returnvalues{"ACString*/ HandleRef"} = {value => "null"}; $returnvalues{"/*AString*/ HandleRef"} = {value => "null"}; $returnvalues{""} = {value => ""}; $returnvalues{"others"} = {value => "null"}; my %names; $names{"event"} = {name => "_event"}; $names{"lock"} = {name => "_lock"}; my %dependents; my $class_implementation; sub trim{ #print "trim\n"; $_[0]=~s/^\s+//; $_[0]=~s/\s+$//; return; } sub parse_parent { #print "parse_parent\n"; my $x = shift; print "Parsing parent $x\n"; `perl xpidl2cs.pl $x.idl $path $nosig`; open my $f, '<', "$x.cs"; my $start = 0; my $out; while (my $line = <$f>) { chop $line; if (!$start) { if ($line =~ /#region/) { $start = 1; $out .= $line . "\n"; } } elsif ($line =~ /\}/) { last; } else { $out .= $line . "\n"; } } return $out; } sub has_setter { #print "has_setter\n"; my $x = shift; return !$properties{$x}->{"setter"}; } sub get_name { #print "get_name\n"; my $x = shift; if (exists $names{$x}) { return $names{$x}->{"name"}; } return $x; } sub get_type { #print "get_type\n"; my $x = shift; my $out = shift; my $arr = shift; # print "arr = $arr ; out = $out ; name = $x\n"; if ($out) { if ($arr && exists $types{"$out$x\[\]"}) { return $types{"$out$x\[\]"}->{"name"}; } elsif ($arr && exists $types{"$out$x"}) { return $types{"$out$x"}->{"name"}."[]"; } elsif (exists $types{"$out$x"}) { return $types{"$out$x"}->{"name"}; } } if (exists $types{$x} || ($arr && exists $types{"$x\[\]"})) { if ($arr && exists $types{"$x\[\]"}) { return $types{"$x\[\]"}->{"name"}; } elsif ($arr) { return $types{$x}->{"name"}."[]"; } else { return $types{$x}->{"name"}; } } return $x; } sub get_out { #print "get_out\n"; my $x = shift; if (exists $types{$x}) { return $types{$x}->{"out"}; } return $types{"others"}->{"out"}; } sub get_marshal { #print "get_marshal\n"; my $x = shift; my $out = shift; my $arr = shift; if ($out) { if ($arr && exists $types{"$out$x\[\]"}) { return $types{"$out$x\[\]"}->{"marshal"}; } elsif (exists $types{"$out$x"}) { return $types{"$out$x"}->{"marshal"}; } } if (exists $types{$x} || ($arr && exists $types{"$x\[\]"})) { if ($arr && exists $types{"$x\[\]"}) { return $types{"$x\[\]"}->{"marshal"}; } else { return $types{$x}->{"marshal"}; } } return $types{"others"}->{"marshal"}; } sub get_return_value { #print "get_return_value\n"; my $x = shift; if (exists $returnvalues{$x}) { return $returnvalues{$x}->{"value"}; } return $returnvalues{"others"}->{"value"}; } sub is_property { #print "is_property\n"; my $x = shift; return (exists $properties{$x}); } sub add_external { #print "add_external\n"; my $x = shift; if ($x !~ /nsISupports/ && !exists $types{$x} && !exists $dependents{$x}) { $dependents{$x} = $x; } # print "add_external $x\n"; } sub get_params { #print "get_params\n"; my $x = shift; my %list; #print $methods{$x}->{"params"}."\n"; my @params = split /,/, $methods{$x}->{"params"}; my $lastoutparam = ""; my @ret = (); #print "params:@params:\n"; for my $param (@params) { my $marshal; my $name; my $type; my $out; my $isout; # print "param:$param:\n"; my @p = split (" ", $param); # print "@p\n"; # need to backtrack to a previous parameter defined by iid_is(name) and # replace the type of this one with that. who the $%#@ came up with this idea? le sigh. if (@p[0] =~ m/iid_is/) { shift @p; $name = &get_name (@p[0]); $name =~ s/ //; $type = $list{$name}->{"type"}; $marshal = $list{$name}->{"marshal"}; $marshal = " " if !$marshal; $name = ""; until (scalar(@p) == 3) { shift @p; } } if (@p[0] =~ m/array/ || @p[1] =~ m/array/) { until (scalar(@p) == 3) { shift @p; } $isout = 1 if (@p[0] =~ m/out/); shift @p; $marshal = &get_marshal (@p[0], "", 1); $type = &get_type(@p[0], "", 1); } shift @p unless @p[0] =~ /(in|out)/; $isout = 1 if (@p[0] =~ m/out/); shift @p unless scalar(@p) <= 2; # if an out parameter is of type nsQIResult, that means # it will return a pointer to an interface (that can be anything). # That means we want to return an IntPtr, and later cast it to # the proper type, so reset type and marshalling if ($isout && @p[0] =~ /nsQIResult/) { $marshal = ""; $type = ""; } if (!$type) { $type = join ",", @p[0..@p-2]; $type=~s/\[.*\],//; until (scalar(@p) == 1) { shift @p; } $marshal = &get_marshal ($type); $marshal = " " if !$marshal; $type = &get_type ($type); $name = &get_name (@p[0]); } #print "marshal:$marshal\ttype:$type\tname:$name\n"; $out = &get_out($type) if $isout; $type = &get_type (@p[0]) unless $type; shift @p unless scalar(@p) == 1; $marshal = &get_marshal ($type) unless $marshal; $name = &get_name (@p[0]) unless $name; #print "marshal:$marshal\ttype:$type\tname:$name\n"; $list{$name} = { name => $name, type => $type, marshal => $marshal, out => $out, isout => $isout }; &add_external ($type); $marshal = "" if $marshal eq " "; # my $tmp = "\n\t\t\t\t"; my $tmp = ""; $tmp .= "[$marshal] " if $marshal; $tmp .= "$out $type $name"; push (@ret, $tmp); $lastoutparam = $name if $isout; #print "tmp:$tmp\n"; } #print "$methods{$x}->{\"type\"}\n"; #print "nosig:$nosig;x:$x;type:" . &get_type ($methods{$x}->{"type"}) . ";\n"; if (!$nosig && $x !~ /void/ && &get_type ($methods{$x}->{"type"}) ne "") { $type = $methods{$x}->{"type"}; $type =~ s/\[.*\],//; $marshal = &get_marshal ($type); my $tmp = ""; $tmp = "[$marshal] " if $marshal; $tmp .= &get_out($type); $tmp .= " " . &get_type ($type); $tmp .= " ret"; #print "tmp 2:$tmp\n"; push (@ret, $tmp); &add_external ($type); } if ($nosig && &get_type ($methods{$x}->{"type"}) eq "" && $lastoutparam) { $methods{$x}->{"type"} = $list{$lastoutparam}->{"type"}; pop (@ret); } #print "@ret\n"; return join (",\n\t\t\t\t", @ret); } sub parse_file { #print "parse_file\n"; my $method = 0; my $mname = ''; my $mtype = ''; my $mparams = ''; my $start = 0; my $comment = 0; while (my $line = ) { chop $line; next if !$start && $line !~ /uuid\(/; $start = 1; last if $start && $line =~ /\};/; trim ($line); if (index($line, "/*") > -1) { $comment = 1; next; } if ($comment && index($line, "*/") > -1) { $comment = 0; next; } next if $comment; if (index($line, "*") == -1 && index ($line, "//") == -1 && index ($line, "#include") == -1) { $line =~ s/\[noscript\] //; if (index ($line, "uuid(") != -1) { my $uuid = $line; $uuid =~ s/\[.*uuid\((.*)\)\]/\1/; $interface->{"uuid"} = $uuid; } elsif (index($line, "interface") != -1) { my $class = $line; $class =~ s/interface ([^\:|\s]+)\s*:\s*(.*)/\1/; # print "\t\tclass:$class\n"; my $parent = $line; $parent =~ s/([^\:]+):\s*(.*)[\s|\{]/\2/; # print "\t\tparent:$parent\n"; $interface->{"class"} = $class; $interface->{"parent"} = $parent; } elsif (index ($line, "const") != -1 && index ($line, "[") == -1) { next; } elsif (index ($line, "attribute") != -1) { my $att = substr($line, index($line, "attribute") + 10); my @atts = split / /, $att; my $name = pop @atts; $name =~ s/;//; # print $name . "\n"; my @nospaces = grep /[^ ]/, @atts; my $type = join ",", @nospaces; my $setter = 0; if (index ($line, "readonly") != -1) { $setter = 1; } # print $type . "\n"; $properties{$name} = {type => $type, setter => $setter}; $interface->{"items"} .= $name . ","; } elsif ($line !~ m/[{|}]/ && $line =~ m/./) { # print $line . "\n"; if (!$method) { $method = 1; my $m = substr($line, 0, index($line, "(")); my @atts = split / /, $m; # print "$m\n"; $mname = pop @atts; # print "name=$mname\n"; my @nospaces = grep /[^ ]/, @atts; $mtype = join ",", @nospaces; $mtype =~ s/\[.*\],//; # print "type=$mtype\n"; $mparams .= substr($line, index($line, "(") + 1); $mparams =~ s/;//; $mparams =~ s/\)//; @atts = split / /, $mparams; @nospaces = grep /[^ ]/, @atts; $mparams = join " ", @nospaces; # print "params=>$mparams\n"; } elsif (index ($line, "raises") == -1) { $mparams .= $line; $mparams =~ s/;//; $mparams =~ s/\)//; my @atts = split / /, $mparams; my @nospaces = grep /[^ ]/, @atts; $mparams = join " ", @nospaces; # print "params=>$mparams\n"; } if (index ($line, ";") != -1) { $method = 0; $mparams =~ s/\[([^\]]+),([^\]]+),([^\]]+)\]/\1 \2 \3/; $mparams =~ s/\[([^\]]+),([^\]]+)\]/\1 \2/; $mparams =~ s/\(/ /; $mparams =~ s/\)//; $mparams =~ s/retval//; $methods{$mname} = {type => $mtype, params => $mparams}; $interface->{"items"} .= $mname . ","; # print "params=>$mparams\n"; $mname = ''; $mtype = ''; $mparams = ''; } } } } } sub output { #print "output\n"; my $name = $interface->{"class"}; print "$name.cs\n"; open X, ">$name.cs"; print X "// THIS FILE AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY xpidl2cs.pl\n"; print X "// EDITING IS PROBABLY UNWISE\n"; print X "// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining\n"; print X "// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the\n"; print X "// \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including\n"; print X "// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,\n"; print X "// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to\n"; print X "// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to\n"; print X "// the following conditions:\n"; print X "// \n"; print X "// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be\n"; print X "// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n"; print X "// \n"; print X "// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,\n"; print X "// EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF\n"; print X "// MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND\n"; print X "// NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE\n"; print X "// LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION\n"; print X "// OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION\n"; print X "// WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.\n"; print X "//\n"; print X "// Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Novell, Inc.\n"; print X "//\n"; print X "// Authors:\n"; print X "// Andreia Gaita (avidigal\@novell.com)\n"; print X "//\n"; print X "\n"; print X "using System;\n"; print X "using System.Runtime.InteropServices;\n"; print X "using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\n"; print X "using System.Text;\n"; print X "\n"; print X "namespace Mono.Mozilla {\n"; print X "\n"; my $uuid = $interface->{"uuid"}; my $parent = $interface->{"parent"}; print X "\t[Guid (\"$uuid\")]\n"; print X "\t[InterfaceType (ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]\n"; print X "\t[ComImport ()]\n"; print X "\tinternal interface $name"; print X " : $parent" if $parent !~ /nsISupports/; print X " {\n"; if ($parent !~ /nsISupports/) { print X &parse_parent ($parent); } print X "\n"; print X "#region $name\n"; my @items = split ",", $interface->{"items"}; for my $item (@items) { if (!$nosig) { print X "\t\t[PreserveSigAttribute]\n"; } print X "\t\t[MethodImpl (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]\n"; if (&is_property ($item)) { my $out = &get_out($properties{$item}->{"type"}); my $marshal = &get_marshal($properties{$item}->{"type"}, $out); my $type = &get_type ($properties{$item}->{"type"}, $out); my $name = ucfirst ($item); &add_external ($properties{$item}->{"type"}); ## getter print X "\t\t"; if ($nosig) { print X "[return: $marshal] " if $marshal; print X "$type get$name ();\n"; } else { print X "int get$name ("; print X "[$marshal] " if $marshal; print X "$out $type ret);\n"; } print X "\n"; $type = &get_type ($properties{$item}->{"type"}); $marshal = &get_marshal($properties{$item}->{"type"}); ## setter if (&has_setter($item)) { if (!$nosig) { print X "\t\t[PreserveSigAttribute]\n"; } print X "\t\t[MethodImpl (MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]\n"; if ($nosig) { print X "\t\tvoid"; } else { print X "\t\tint"; } print X " set$name ("; print X "[$marshal] " if $marshal; print X "$type value);\n"; print X "\n"; } } else { my $type = &get_type ($methods{$item}->{"type"}); my $out = &get_out($methods{$item}->{"type"}) if $type; my $marshal = &get_marshal($methods{$item}->{"type"}, $out) if $type; $type = "void" if !$type; print X "\t\t"; if ($nosig) { print X "[return: $marshal] " if $marshal; print X "$type $item ("; print X &get_params($item); print X ");"; } else { print X "int $item ("; print X &get_params($item); print X ");"; } print X "\n\n"; } } print X "#endregion\n"; print X "\t}\n"; # mozilla-specific helper classes to proxy objects between threads # remove if you're not running this for mono.mozilla print X "\n\n"; $helpername = $name; $helpername =~ s/nsI/ns/; print X "\tinternal class $helpername"; print X " {\n"; print X "\t\tpublic static $name GetProxy (Mono.WebBrowser.IWebBrowser control, $name obj)\n"; print X "\t\t{\n"; print X "\t\t\tobject o = Base.GetProxyForObject (control, typeof($name).GUID, obj);\n"; print X "\t\t\treturn o as $name;\n"; print X "\t\t}\n"; print X "\t}\n"; #end of mozilla-specific helper classes print X "}\n"; &generate_class_implementation_example (); close X; } sub generate_dependents { #print "generate_dependents\n"; for my $dependent (keys %dependents) { if (! (-e "$dependent.cs") && -e "$path$dependent.idl" && $file != $dependent) { print "generating $path$dependent.idl\n"; my $ret = `perl xpidl2cs.pl $dependent.idl $path $nosig`; print "\n$ret"; } } } sub generate_class_implementation_example { #print "generate_class_implementation_example\n"; my $name = $interface->{"class"}; my $interfacename = $interface->{"class"}; my $helpername = $name; $helpername =~ s/nsI//; my $parent = $interface->{"parent"}; print X "#if example\n\n"; print X "using System;\n"; print X "using System.Runtime.InteropServices;\n"; print X "using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;\n"; print X "using System.Text;\n"; print X "\n"; print X "\tinternal class $helpername"; print X " : $interfacename"; print X " {\n"; print X "\n"; print X "#region $interfacename\n"; my @items = split ",", $interface->{"items"}; for my $item (@items) { if (&is_property ($item)) { my $out = &get_out($properties{$item}->{"type"}); my $marshal = &get_marshal($properties{$item}->{"type"}, $out); my $type = &get_type ($properties{$item}->{"type"}, $out); my $retval = &get_return_value($type); my $name = ucfirst ($item); ## getter print X "\t\t"; if ($nosig) { print X "[return: $marshal] " if $marshal; print X "$type $interfacename.get$name ()\n"; } else { print X "int $interfacename.get$name ("; print X "[$marshal] " if $marshal; print X "$out $type ret)\n"; } print X "\n\t\t{\n"; print X "\t\t\t"; print X "return $retval;\n"; print X "\t\t"; print X "}\n"; print X "\n"; $type = &get_type ($properties{$item}->{"type"}); $retval = &get_return_value($type); $marshal = &get_marshal($properties{$item}->{"type"}); ## setter if (&has_setter($item)) { if ($nosig) { print X "\t\tvoid"; } else { print X "\t\tint"; } print X " $interfacename.set$name ("; print X "[$marshal] " if $marshal; print X "$type value)\n"; print X "\n"; print X "\n\t\t{\n"; print X "\t\t\t"; print X "return $retval;\n"; print X "\t\t"; print X "}\n"; print X "\n"; } } else { my $type = &get_type ($methods{$item}->{"type"}); my $out = &get_out($methods{$item}->{"type"}) if $type; my $marshal = &get_marshal($methods{$item}->{"type"}, $out) if $type; $type = "void" if !$type; print X "\t\t"; if ($nosig) { print X "[return: $marshal] " if $marshal; print X "$type $interfacename.$item ("; print X &get_params($item); print X ")"; } else { print X "int $interfacename.$item ("; print X &get_params($item); print X ")"; } print X "\n\t\t{\n"; print X "\t\t\t"; print X "return $retval;\n"; print X "\t\t"; print X "}\n"; print X "\n"; print X "\n\n"; } } print X "#endregion\n"; print X "\t}\n"; print X "#endif\n"; } &parse_file (); &output (); &generate_dependents ();