2005-06-14 Sebastien Pouliot * README: Add information about optional mutual authentication. * serveropt.sh: New. Server script to use OpenSSL to accept (but not require) client certificates. 2005-04-13 Sebastien Pouliot * ChangeLog: New. Track changes for the mutual tool; * ca.pem * client.p12: New. PKCS#12 file containing the client certificate chain and the private key to the end-entity certificate. * client.pem: New. Client certificate in PEM (base64) format. * Makefile: New. To build the mutual tool; * mutual.cs: New. Mutual authentication test tool. Heavily based on the code supplied by Mark Wuesthoff from Middsol for bug #71696. * README: New. Instruction on how to use the tool; * server_cert.pem: New. Server certificate in PEM (base64) format. * server_key.pem: New. Server private key in PEM (base64) format. * server.sh: New. Server script to use OpenSSL to accept (and require) client certificates.