// Transport Security Layer (TLS) // Copyright (c) 2003-2004 Carlos Guzman Alvarez // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Threading; using Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.Handshake; namespace Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls { internal abstract class RecordProtocol { #region Fields protected Stream innerStream; protected Context context; #endregion #region Properties public Context Context { get { return this.context; } set { this.context = value; } } #endregion #region Constructors public RecordProtocol(Stream innerStream, Context context) { this.innerStream = innerStream; this.context = context; this.context.RecordProtocol = this; } #endregion #region Abstract Methods public abstract void SendRecord(HandshakeType type); protected abstract void ProcessHandshakeMessage(TlsStream handMsg); protected abstract void ProcessChangeCipherSpec(); #endregion #region Reveive Record Methods internal const int Timeout = 1000; internal bool WaitForData () { // problem: NetworkStream.ReadByte blocks until a byte is received // and (maybe) no byte will ever be received if (this.innerStream is NetworkStream) { NetworkStream ns = (this.innerStream as NetworkStream); int delay = 10; while (delay < Timeout) { if (ns.DataAvailable) return true; Thread.Sleep (delay); delay *= 2; } // nothing to see, move along return false; } // we assume other type of stream have their own timeout capabilities return true; } public byte[] ReceiveRecord() { if (this.context.ConnectionEnd) { throw new TlsException( AlertDescription.InternalError, "The session is finished and it's no longer valid."); } if (!WaitForData ()) { return null; } // Try to read the Record Content Type int type = this.innerStream.ReadByte (); if (type == -1) { return null; } // Set last handshake message received to None this.context.LastHandshakeMsg = HandshakeType.ClientHello; ContentType contentType = (ContentType)type; byte[] buffer = this.ReadRecordBuffer (type); TlsStream message = new TlsStream(buffer); // Decrypt message contents if needed if (contentType == ContentType.Alert && buffer.Length == 2) { } else { if (this.context.IsActual && contentType != ContentType.ChangeCipherSpec) { message = this.decryptRecordFragment(contentType, message.ToArray()); DebugHelper.WriteLine("Decrypted record data", message.ToArray()); } } // Process record byte[] result = message.ToArray(); switch (contentType) { case ContentType.Alert: this.ProcessAlert((AlertLevel)message.ReadByte(), (AlertDescription)message.ReadByte()); result = null; break; case ContentType.ChangeCipherSpec: this.ProcessChangeCipherSpec(); break; case ContentType.ApplicationData: break; case ContentType.Handshake: while (!message.EOF) { this.ProcessHandshakeMessage(message); } // Update handshakes of current messages this.context.HandshakeMessages.Write(message.ToArray()); break; // FIXME / MCS bug - http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=67711 // case (ContentType)0x80: // this.context.HandshakeMessages.Write (result); // break; default: if (contentType != (ContentType)0x80) { throw new TlsException( AlertDescription.UnexpectedMessage, "Unknown record received from server."); } this.context.HandshakeMessages.Write (result); break; } return result; } private byte[] ReadRecordBuffer(int contentType) { switch (contentType) { case 0x80: return this.ReadClientHelloV2(); default: if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ContentType), (ContentType)contentType)) { throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.DecodeError); } return this.ReadStandardRecordBuffer(); } } private byte[] ReadClientHelloV2() { int msgType = -1; byte[] message = null; int msgLength = this.innerStream.ReadByte(); if (msgLength > 0) { message = new byte [msgLength]; if (this.innerStream.Read (message, 0, msgLength) == msgLength) msgType = message [0]; } if ((msgType != 1) || (message.Length < 9)) { throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.DecodeError); } int protocol = (message [1] << 8 | message [2]); int cipherSpecLength = (message [3] << 8 | message [4]); int sessionIdLength = (message [5] << 8 | message [6]); int challengeLength = (message [7] << 8 | message [8]); int length = (challengeLength > 32) ? 32 : challengeLength; // Read CipherSpecs byte[] cipherSpecV2 = new byte[cipherSpecLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy (message, 9, cipherSpecV2, 0, cipherSpecLength); // Read session ID byte[] sessionId = new byte[sessionIdLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy (message, 9 + cipherSpecLength, sessionId, 0, sessionIdLength); // Read challenge ID byte[] challenge = new byte[challengeLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy (message, 9 + cipherSpecLength + sessionIdLength, challenge, 0, challengeLength); if (challengeLength < 16 || cipherSpecLength == 0 || (cipherSpecLength % 3) != 0) { throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.DecodeError); } // Updated the Session ID if (sessionId.Length > 0) { this.context.SessionId = sessionId; } // Update the protocol version this.Context.ChangeProtocol((short)protocol); // Select the Cipher suite this.ProcessCipherSpecV2Buffer(this.Context.SecurityProtocol, cipherSpecV2); // Updated the Client Random this.context.ClientRandom = new byte [32]; // Always 32 // 1. if challenge is bigger than 32 bytes only use the last 32 bytes // 2. right justify (0) challenge in ClientRandom if less than 32 Buffer.BlockCopy (challenge, challenge.Length - length, this.context.ClientRandom, 32 - length, length); // Set this.context.LastHandshakeMsg = HandshakeType.ClientHello; this.context.ProtocolNegotiated = true; return message; } private bool Wait (ref int delay) { if (delay < 10) delay = 10; if (delay >= Timeout) return false; Thread.Sleep (delay); delay *= 2; return true; } private byte[] ReadStandardRecordBuffer() { short protocol = this.ReadShort(); short length = this.ReadShort(); // Read Record data int received = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; int n = 0; while (received != length) { int incoming = this.innerStream.Read(buffer, received, buffer.Length - received); // we risk an infinite loop is data isn't available if (incoming == 0) { if (!Wait (ref n)) throw new TlsException (AlertLevel.Fatal, AlertDescription.CloseNotify); } else { n = 0; // reset } received += incoming; } // Check that the message has a valid protocol version if (protocol != this.context.Protocol && this.context.ProtocolNegotiated) { throw new TlsException( AlertDescription.ProtocolVersion, "Invalid protocol version on message received"); } DebugHelper.WriteLine("Record data", buffer); return buffer; } private short ReadShort() { byte[] b = new byte[2]; if (this.innerStream.Read (b, 0, b.Length) != 2) { throw new TlsException (AlertLevel.Fatal, AlertDescription.DecodeError); } short val = BitConverter.ToInt16(b, 0); return System.Net.IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(val); } private void ProcessAlert(AlertLevel alertLevel, AlertDescription alertDesc) { switch (alertLevel) { case AlertLevel.Fatal: throw new TlsException(alertLevel, alertDesc); case AlertLevel.Warning: default: switch (alertDesc) { case AlertDescription.CloseNotify: this.context.ConnectionEnd = true; break; } break; } } #endregion #region Send Alert Methods public void SendAlert(AlertDescription description) { this.SendAlert(new Alert(description)); } public void SendAlert( AlertLevel level, AlertDescription description) { this.SendAlert(new Alert(level, description)); } public void SendAlert(Alert alert) { DebugHelper.WriteLine(">>>> Write Alert ({0}|{1})", alert.Description, alert.Message); // Write record this.SendRecord( ContentType.Alert, new byte[]{(byte)alert.Level, (byte)alert.Description}); if (alert.IsCloseNotify) { this.context.ConnectionEnd = true; } } #endregion #region Send Record Methods public void SendChangeCipherSpec() { DebugHelper.WriteLine(">>>> Write Change Cipher Spec"); // Send Change Cipher Spec message as a plain message this.context.IsActual = false; // Send Change Cipher Spec message this.SendRecord(ContentType.ChangeCipherSpec, new byte[] {1}); // Reset sequence numbers this.context.WriteSequenceNumber = 0; // Make the pending state to be the current state this.context.IsActual = true; // Send Finished message this.SendRecord(HandshakeType.Finished); } public void SendRecord(ContentType contentType, byte[] recordData) { if (this.context.ConnectionEnd) { throw new TlsException( AlertDescription.InternalError, "The session is finished and it's no longer valid."); } byte[] record = this.EncodeRecord(contentType, recordData); this.innerStream.Write(record, 0, record.Length); } public byte[] EncodeRecord(ContentType contentType, byte[] recordData) { return this.EncodeRecord( contentType, recordData, 0, recordData.Length); } public byte[] EncodeRecord( ContentType contentType, byte[] recordData, int offset, int count) { if (this.context.ConnectionEnd) { throw new TlsException( AlertDescription.InternalError, "The session is finished and it's no longer valid."); } TlsStream record = new TlsStream(); int position = offset; while (position < ( offset + count )) { short fragmentLength = 0; byte[] fragment; if ((count - position) > Context.MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE) { fragmentLength = Context.MAX_FRAGMENT_SIZE; } else { fragmentLength = (short)(count - position); } // Fill the fragment data fragment = new byte[fragmentLength]; Buffer.BlockCopy(recordData, position, fragment, 0, fragmentLength); if (this.context.IsActual) { // Encrypt fragment fragment = this.encryptRecordFragment(contentType, fragment); } // Write tls message record.Write((byte)contentType); record.Write(this.context.Protocol); record.Write((short)fragment.Length); record.Write(fragment); DebugHelper.WriteLine("Record data", fragment); // Update buffer position position += fragmentLength; } return record.ToArray(); } #endregion #region Cryptography Methods private byte[] encryptRecordFragment( ContentType contentType, byte[] fragment) { byte[] mac = null; // Calculate message MAC if (this.Context is ClientContext) { mac = this.context.Cipher.ComputeClientRecordMAC(contentType, fragment); } else { mac = this.context.Cipher.ComputeServerRecordMAC(contentType, fragment); } DebugHelper.WriteLine(">>>> Record MAC", mac); // Encrypt the message byte[] ecr = this.context.Cipher.EncryptRecord(fragment, mac); // Set new Client Cipher IV if (this.context.Cipher.CipherMode == CipherMode.CBC) { byte[] iv = new byte[this.context.Cipher.IvSize]; Buffer.BlockCopy(ecr, ecr.Length - iv.Length, iv, 0, iv.Length); this.context.Cipher.UpdateClientCipherIV(iv); } // Update sequence number this.context.WriteSequenceNumber++; return ecr; } private TlsStream decryptRecordFragment( ContentType contentType, byte[] fragment) { byte[] dcrFragment = null; byte[] dcrMAC = null; bool badRecordMac = false; try { this.context.Cipher.DecryptRecord(fragment, ref dcrFragment, ref dcrMAC); } catch { if (this.context is ServerContext) { this.Context.RecordProtocol.SendAlert(AlertDescription.DecryptionFailed); } throw; } // Generate record MAC byte[] mac = null; if (this.Context is ClientContext) { mac = this.context.Cipher.ComputeServerRecordMAC(contentType, dcrFragment); } else { mac = this.context.Cipher.ComputeClientRecordMAC(contentType, dcrFragment); } DebugHelper.WriteLine(">>>> Record MAC", mac); // Check record MAC if (mac.Length != dcrMAC.Length) { badRecordMac = true; } else { for (int i = 0; i < mac.Length; i++) { if (mac[i] != dcrMAC[i]) { badRecordMac = true; break; } } } if (badRecordMac) { throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.BadRecordMAC, "Bad record MAC"); } // Update sequence number this.context.ReadSequenceNumber++; return new TlsStream(dcrFragment); } #endregion #region CipherSpecV2 processing private void ProcessCipherSpecV2Buffer(SecurityProtocolType protocol, byte[] buffer) { TlsStream codes = new TlsStream(buffer); string prefix = (protocol == SecurityProtocolType.Ssl3) ? "SSL_" : "TLS_"; while (codes.Position < codes.Length) { byte check = codes.ReadByte(); if (check == 0) { // SSL/TLS cipher spec short code = codes.ReadInt16(); int index = this.Context.SupportedCiphers.IndexOf(code); if (index != -1) { this.Context.Cipher = this.Context.SupportedCiphers[index]; break; } } else { byte[] tmp = new byte[2]; codes.Read(tmp, 0, tmp.Length); int tmpCode = ((check & 0xff) << 16) | ((tmp[0] & 0xff) << 8) | (tmp[1] & 0xff); CipherSuite cipher = this.MapV2CipherCode(prefix, tmpCode); if (cipher != null) { this.Context.Cipher = cipher; break; } } } if (this.Context.Cipher == null) { throw new TlsException(AlertDescription.InsuficientSecurity, "Insuficient Security"); } } private CipherSuite MapV2CipherCode(string prefix, int code) { try { switch (code) { case 65664: // TLS_RC4_128_WITH_MD5 return this.Context.SupportedCiphers[prefix + "RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5"]; case 131200: // TLS_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 return this.Context.SupportedCiphers[prefix + "RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5"]; case 196736: // TLS_RC2_CBC_128_CBC_WITH_MD5 return this.Context.SupportedCiphers[prefix + "RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5"]; case 262272: // TLS_RC2_CBC_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 return this.Context.SupportedCiphers[prefix + "RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5"]; case 327808: // TLS_IDEA_128_CBC_WITH_MD5 return null; case 393280: // TLS_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5 return null; case 458944: // TLS_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5 return null; default: return null; } } catch { return null; } } #endregion } }