// // RSAManaged.cs - Implements the RSA algorithm. // // Authors: // Sebastien Pouliot (sebastien@ximian.com) // Ben Maurer (bmaurer@users.sf.net) // // (C) 2002, 2003 Motus Technologies Inc. (http://www.motus.com) // Portions (C) 2003 Ben Maurer // (C) 2004 Novell (http://www.novell.com) // // Key generation translated from Bouncy Castle JCE (http://www.bouncycastle.org/) // See bouncycastle.txt for license. // using System; using System.Security.Cryptography; using Mono.Math; // Big chunks of code are coming from the original RSACryptoServiceProvider class. // The class was refactored to : // a. ease integration of new hash algorithm (like MD2, RIPEMD160, ...); // b. provide better support for the coming SSL implementation (requires // EncryptValue/DecryptValue) with, or without, Mono runtime/corlib; // c. provide an alternative RSA implementation for all Windows (like using // OAEP without Windows XP). namespace Mono.Security.Cryptography { #if INSIDE_CORLIB internal #else public #endif class RSAManaged : RSA { private const int defaultKeySize = 1024; private bool isCRTpossible = false; private bool keypairGenerated = false; private bool m_disposed = false; private BigInteger d; private BigInteger p; private BigInteger q; private BigInteger dp; private BigInteger dq; private BigInteger qInv; private BigInteger n; // modulus private BigInteger e; public RSAManaged () : this (defaultKeySize) { } public RSAManaged (int keySize) { KeySizeValue = keySize; LegalKeySizesValue = new KeySizes [1]; LegalKeySizesValue [0] = new KeySizes (384, 16384, 8); } ~RSAManaged () { // Zeroize private key Dispose (false); } private void GenerateKeyPair () { // p and q values should have a length of half the strength in bits int pbitlength = ((KeySize + 1) >> 1); int qbitlength = (KeySize - pbitlength); const uint uint_e = 17; e = uint_e; // fixed // generate p, prime and (p-1) relatively prime to e for (;;) { p = BigInteger.GeneratePseudoPrime (pbitlength); if (p % uint_e != 1) break; } // generate a modulus of the required length for (;;) { // generate q, prime and (q-1) relatively prime to e, // and not equal to p for (;;) { q = BigInteger.GeneratePseudoPrime (qbitlength); if ((q % uint_e != 1) && (p != q)) break; } // calculate the modulus n = p * q; if (n.BitCount () == KeySize) break; // if we get here our primes aren't big enough, make the largest // of the two p and try again if (p < q) p = q; } BigInteger pSub1 = (p - 1); BigInteger qSub1 = (q - 1); BigInteger phi = pSub1 * qSub1; // calculate the private exponent d = e.ModInverse (phi); // calculate the CRT factors dp = d % pSub1; dq = d % qSub1; qInv = q.ModInverse (p); keypairGenerated = true; isCRTpossible = true; if (KeyGenerated != null) KeyGenerated (this, null); } // overrides from RSA class public override int KeySize { get { // in case keypair hasn't been (yet) generated if (keypairGenerated) return n.BitCount (); else return base.KeySize; } } public override string KeyExchangeAlgorithm { get { return "RSA-PKCS1-KeyEx"; } } // note: this property will exist in RSACryptoServiceProvider in // version 1.2 of the framework public bool PublicOnly { get { return ((d == null) || (n == null)); } } public override string SignatureAlgorithm { get { return "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1"; } } public override byte[] DecryptValue (byte[] rgb) { if (m_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException ("private key"); // decrypt operation is used for signature if (!keypairGenerated) GenerateKeyPair (); BigInteger input = new BigInteger (rgb); BigInteger output; // decrypt (which uses the private key) can be // optimized by using CRT (Chinese Remainder Theorem) if (isCRTpossible) { // m1 = c^dp mod p BigInteger m1 = input.ModPow (dp, p); // m2 = c^dq mod q BigInteger m2 = input.ModPow (dq, q); BigInteger h; if (m2 > m1) { // thanks to benm! h = p - ((m2 - m1) * qInv % p); output = m2 + q * h; } else { // h = (m1 - m2) * qInv mod p h = (m1 - m2) * qInv % p; // m = m2 + q * h; output = m2 + q * h; } } else { // m = c^d mod n output = input.ModPow (d, n); } byte[] result = output.GetBytes (); // zeroize value input.Clear (); output.Clear (); return result; } public override byte[] EncryptValue (byte[] rgb) { if (m_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException ("public key"); if (!keypairGenerated) GenerateKeyPair (); BigInteger input = new BigInteger (rgb); BigInteger output = input.ModPow (e, n); byte[] result = output.GetBytes (); // zeroize value input.Clear (); output.Clear (); return result; } public override RSAParameters ExportParameters (bool includePrivateParameters) { if (m_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException (""); if (!keypairGenerated) GenerateKeyPair (); RSAParameters param = new RSAParameters (); param.Exponent = e.GetBytes (); param.Modulus = n.GetBytes (); if (includePrivateParameters) { // some parameters are required for exporting the private key if ((d == null) || (p == null) || (q == null)) throw new CryptographicException ("Missing private key"); param.D = d.GetBytes (); // hack for bugzilla #57941 where D wasn't provided if (param.D.Length != param.Modulus.Length) { byte[] normalizedD = new byte [param.Modulus.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy (param.D, 0, normalizedD, (normalizedD.Length - param.D.Length), param.D.Length); param.D = normalizedD; } param.P = p.GetBytes (); param.Q = q.GetBytes (); // but CRT parameters are optionals if ((dp != null) && (dq != null) && (qInv != null)) { // and we include them only if we have them all param.DP = dp.GetBytes (); param.DQ = dq.GetBytes (); param.InverseQ = qInv.GetBytes (); } } return param; } public override void ImportParameters (RSAParameters parameters) { if (m_disposed) throw new ObjectDisposedException (""); // if missing "mandatory" parameters if (parameters.Exponent == null) throw new CryptographicException ("Missing Exponent"); if (parameters.Modulus == null) throw new CryptographicException ("Missing Modulus"); e = new BigInteger (parameters.Exponent); n = new BigInteger (parameters.Modulus); // only if the private key is present if (parameters.D != null) d = new BigInteger (parameters.D); if (parameters.DP != null) dp = new BigInteger (parameters.DP); if (parameters.DQ != null) dq = new BigInteger (parameters.DQ); if (parameters.InverseQ != null) qInv = new BigInteger (parameters.InverseQ); if (parameters.P != null) p = new BigInteger (parameters.P); if (parameters.Q != null) q = new BigInteger (parameters.Q); // we now have a keypair keypairGenerated = true; isCRTpossible = ((p != null) && (q != null) && (dp != null) && (dq != null) && (qInv != null)); } protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (!m_disposed) { // Always zeroize private key if (d != null) { d.Clear (); d = null; } if (p != null) { p.Clear (); p = null; } if (q != null) { q.Clear (); q = null; } if (dp != null) { dp.Clear (); dp = null; } if (dq != null) { dq.Clear (); dq = null; } if (qInv != null) { qInv.Clear (); qInv = null; } if (disposing) { // clear public key if (e != null) { e.Clear (); e = null; } if (n != null) { n.Clear (); n = null; } } } // call base class // no need as they all are abstract before us m_disposed = true; } public delegate void KeyGeneratedEventHandler (object sender, EventArgs e); public event KeyGeneratedEventHandler KeyGenerated; } }