// // MakeMap.cs: Builds a C map of constants defined on C# land // // Authors: // Miguel de Icaza (miguel@novell.com) // Jonathan Pryor (jonpryor@vt.edu) // // (C) 2003 Novell, Inc. // (C) 2004 Jonathan Pryor // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; delegate void CreateFileHandler (string assembly_name, string file_prefix); delegate void AssemblyAttributesHandler (Assembly assembly); delegate void TypeHandler (Type t, string ns, string fn); delegate void CloseFileHandler (string file_prefix); class MakeMap { public static int Main (string [] args) { FileGenerator[] generators = new FileGenerator[]{ new HeaderFileGenerator (), new SourceFileGenerator (), new ConvertFileGenerator (), new MphPrototypeFileGenerator (), }; MakeMap composite = new MakeMap (); foreach (FileGenerator g in generators) { composite.FileCreators += new CreateFileHandler (g.CreateFile); composite.AssemblyAttributesHandler += new AssemblyAttributesHandler (g.WriteAssemblyAttributes); composite.TypeHandler += new TypeHandler (g.WriteType); composite.FileClosers += new CloseFileHandler (g.CloseFile); } return composite.Run (args); } event CreateFileHandler FileCreators; event AssemblyAttributesHandler AssemblyAttributesHandler; event TypeHandler TypeHandler; event CloseFileHandler FileClosers; int Run (string[] args) { if (args.Length != 2){ Console.WriteLine ("Usage is: make-map assembly output"); return 1; } string assembly_name = args[0]; string output = args[1]; FileCreators (assembly_name, output); Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom (assembly_name); AssemblyAttributesHandler (assembly); Type [] exported_types = assembly.GetTypes (); foreach (Type t in exported_types) { string ns = t.Namespace; if (ns == null || !ns.StartsWith ("Mono")) continue; string fn = GetNativeName (t.FullName); ns = GetNativeName (ns); TypeHandler (t, ns, fn); } FileClosers (output); return 0; } internal static string GetNativeName (string fn) { return fn.Replace (".", "_").Replace ("Mono_Unix", "Mono_Posix"); } } abstract class FileGenerator { public abstract void CreateFile (string assembly_name, string file_prefix); public virtual void WriteAssemblyAttributes (Assembly assembly) { } public abstract void WriteType (Type t, string ns, string fn); public abstract void CloseFile (string file_prefix); protected static void WriteHeader (StreamWriter s, string assembly) { s.WriteLine ( "/*\n" + " * This file was automatically generated by make-map from {0}.\n" + " *\n" + " * DO NOT MODIFY.\n" + " */\n" + "#include \n", assembly); } protected static bool CanMapType (Type t, out bool bits) { object [] attributes = t.GetCustomAttributes (false); bool map = false; bits = false; foreach (object attr in attributes) { if (attr.GetType ().Name == "MapAttribute") map = true; if (attr.GetType ().Name == "FlagsAttribute") bits = true; } return map; } protected static string GetNativeType (Type t) { string ut = t.Name; if (t.IsEnum) ut = Enum.GetUnderlyingType (t).Name; Type et = t.GetElementType (); if (et != null && et.IsEnum) ut = Enum.GetUnderlyingType (et).Name; string type = null; switch (ut) { case "Boolean": type = "int"; break; case "Byte": type = "unsigned char"; break; case "SByte": type = "signed char"; break; case "Int16": type = "short"; break; case "UInt16": type = "unsigned short"; break; case "Int32": type = "int"; break; case "UInt32": type = "unsigned int"; break; case "UInt32[]": type = "unsigned int*"; break; case "Int64": type = "gint64"; break; case "UInt64": type = "guint64"; break; case "IntPtr": type = "void*"; break; case "Byte[]": type = "void*"; break; case "String": type = "const char*"; break; case "StringBuilder": type = "char*"; break; case "Void": type = "void"; break; case "HandleRef": type = "void*"; break; } if (type != null) return string.Format ("{0}{1}", type, t.IsByRef ? "*" : ""); return GetTypeName (t); } private static string GetTypeName (Type t) { if (t.Namespace.StartsWith ("System")) return "int /* warning: unknown mapping for type: " + t.Name + " */"; string ts = "struct " + MakeMap.GetNativeName (t.FullName).Replace ("+", "_").Replace ("&", "*"); return ts; } } class HeaderFileGenerator : FileGenerator { StreamWriter sh; public override void CreateFile (string assembly_name, string file_prefix) { sh = File.CreateText (file_prefix + ".h"); WriteHeader (sh, assembly_name); sh.WriteLine ("#ifndef INC_Mono_Posix_" + file_prefix + "_H"); sh.WriteLine ("#define INC_Mono_Posix_" + file_prefix + "_H\n"); sh.WriteLine ("#include \n"); sh.WriteLine ("G_BEGIN_DECLS\n"); } public override void WriteType (Type t, string ns, string fn) { bool bits; if (!CanMapType (t, out bits)) return; string etype = GetNativeType (t); WriteLiteralValues (sh, t, fn); sh.WriteLine ("int {1}_From{2} ({0} x, {0} *r);", etype, ns, t.Name); sh.WriteLine ("int {1}_To{2} ({0} x, {0} *r);", etype, ns, t.Name); sh.WriteLine (); } static void WriteLiteralValues (StreamWriter sh, Type t, string n) { object inst = Activator.CreateInstance (t); foreach (FieldInfo fi in t.GetFields ()){ if (!fi.IsLiteral) continue; sh.WriteLine ("#define {0}_{1} 0x{2:x}", n, fi.Name, fi.GetValue (inst)); } } public override void CloseFile (string file_prefix) { sh.WriteLine ("G_END_DECLS\n"); sh.WriteLine ("#endif /* ndef INC_Mono_Posix_" + file_prefix + "_H */\n"); sh.Close (); } } class SourceFileGenerator : FileGenerator { StreamWriter sc; public override void CreateFile (string assembly_name, string file_prefix) { sc = File.CreateText (file_prefix + ".c"); WriteHeader (sc, assembly_name); if (file_prefix.IndexOf ("/") != -1) file_prefix = file_prefix.Substring (file_prefix.IndexOf ("/") + 1); sc.WriteLine ("#include \"{0}.h\"", file_prefix); sc.WriteLine (); } public override void WriteAssemblyAttributes (Assembly assembly) { object [] x = assembly.GetCustomAttributes (false); Console.WriteLine ("Got: " + x.Length); foreach (object aattr in assembly.GetCustomAttributes (false)) { Console.WriteLine ("Got: " + aattr.GetType ().Name); if (aattr.GetType ().Name == "IncludeAttribute"){ WriteDefines (sc, aattr); WriteIncludes (sc, aattr); } } } static void WriteDefines (TextWriter writer, object o) { PropertyInfo prop = o.GetType ().GetProperty ("Defines"); if (prop == null) throw new Exception ("Cannot find 'Defines' property"); MethodInfo method = prop.GetGetMethod (); string [] defines = (string []) method.Invoke (o, null); foreach (string def in defines) { writer.WriteLine ("#ifndef {0}", def); writer.WriteLine ("#define {0}", def); writer.WriteLine ("#endif /* ndef {0} */", def); } } static void WriteIncludes (TextWriter writer, object o) { PropertyInfo prop = o.GetType ().GetProperty ("Includes"); if (prop == null) throw new Exception ("Cannot find 'Includes' property"); MethodInfo method = prop.GetGetMethod (); string [] includes = (string []) method.Invoke (o, null); foreach (string inc in includes){ if (inc.Length > 3 && string.CompareOrdinal (inc, 0, "ah:", 0, 3) == 0) { string i = inc.Substring (3); writer.WriteLine ("#ifdef HAVE_" + (i.ToUpper ().Replace ("/", "_").Replace (".", "_"))); writer.WriteLine ("#include <{0}>", i); writer.WriteLine ("#endif"); } else writer.WriteLine ("#include <{0}>", inc); } writer.WriteLine (); } public override void WriteType (Type t, string ns, string fn) { bool bits; if (!CanMapType (t, out bits)) return; string etype = GetNativeType (t); WriteFromManagedType (t, ns, fn, etype, bits); WriteToManagedType (t, ns, fn, etype, bits); } private void WriteFromManagedType (Type t, string ns, string fn, string etype, bool bits) { sc.WriteLine ("int {1}_From{2} ({0} x, {0} *r)", etype, ns, t.Name); sc.WriteLine ("{"); sc.WriteLine ("\t*r = 0;"); // For many values, 0 is a valid value, but doesn't have it's own symbol. // Examples: Error (0 means "no error"), WaitOptions (0 means "no options"). // Make 0 valid for all conversions. sc.WriteLine ("\tif (x == 0)\n\t\treturn 0;"); foreach (FieldInfo fi in t.GetFields ()) { if (!fi.IsLiteral) continue; if (bits) // properly handle case where [Flags] enumeration has helper // synonyms. e.g. DEFFILEMODE and ACCESSPERMS for mode_t. sc.WriteLine ("\tif ((x & {0}_{1}) == {0}_{1})", fn, fi.Name); else sc.WriteLine ("\tif (x == {0}_{1})", fn, fi.Name); sc.WriteLine ("#ifdef {0}", fi.Name); if (bits) sc.WriteLine ("\t\t*r |= {1};", fn, fi.Name); else sc.WriteLine ("\t\t{{*r = {1}; return 0;}}", fn, fi.Name); sc.WriteLine ("#else /* def {0} */\n\t\t{{errno = EINVAL; return -1;}}", fi.Name); sc.WriteLine ("#endif /* ndef {0} */", fi.Name); } if (bits) sc.WriteLine ("\treturn 0;"); else sc.WriteLine ("\terrno = EINVAL; return -1;"); // return error if not matched sc.WriteLine ("}\n"); } private void WriteToManagedType (Type t, string ns, string fn, string etype, bool bits) { sc.WriteLine ("int {1}_To{2} ({0} x, {0} *r)", etype, ns, t.Name); sc.WriteLine ("{"); sc.WriteLine ("\t*r = 0;", etype); // For many values, 0 is a valid value, but doesn't have it's own symbol. // Examples: Error (0 means "no error"), WaitOptions (0 means "no options"). // Make 0 valid for all conversions. sc.WriteLine ("\tif (x == 0)\n\t\treturn 0;"); foreach (FieldInfo fi in t.GetFields ()) { if (!fi.IsLiteral) continue; sc.WriteLine ("#ifdef {0}", fi.Name); if (bits) // properly handle case where [Flags] enumeration has helper // synonyms. e.g. DEFFILEMODE and ACCESSPERMS for mode_t. sc.WriteLine ("\tif ((x & {1}) == {1})\n\t\t*r |= {0}_{1};", fn, fi.Name); else sc.WriteLine ("\tif (x == {1})\n\t\t{{*r = {0}_{1}; return 0;}}", fn, fi.Name); sc.WriteLine ("#endif /* ndef {0} */", fi.Name); } if (bits) sc.WriteLine ("\treturn 0;"); else sc.WriteLine ("\terrno = EINVAL; return -1;"); sc.WriteLine ("}\n"); } public override void CloseFile (string file_prefix) { sc.Close (); } } class ConvertFileGenerator : FileGenerator { StreamWriter scs; public override void CreateFile (string assembly_name, string file_prefix) { scs = File.CreateText (file_prefix + ".cs"); WriteHeader (scs, assembly_name); scs.WriteLine ("using System;"); scs.WriteLine ("using System.Runtime.InteropServices;"); scs.WriteLine ("using Mono.Unix;\n"); scs.WriteLine ("namespace Mono.Unix {\n"); scs.WriteLine ("\tpublic sealed /* static */ class UnixConvert"); scs.WriteLine ("\t{"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\tprivate UnixConvert () {}\n"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\tprivate const string LIB = \"MonoPosixHelper\";\n"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\tprivate static void ThrowArgumentException (object value)"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t\tthrow new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (\"value\", value,"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t\t\tLocale.GetText (\"Current platform doesn't support this value.\"));"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t}\n"); } public override void WriteType (Type t, string ns, string fn) { bool bits; if (!CanMapType (t, out bits)) return; string mtype = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(t).Name; ObsoleteAttribute oa = (ObsoleteAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (t, typeof(ObsoleteAttribute), false); string obsolete = ""; if (oa != null) { obsolete = "[Obsolete (\"" + oa.Message + "\")]\n\t\t"; } scs.WriteLine ("\t\t[DllImport (LIB, " + "EntryPoint=\"{0}_From{1}\")]\n" + "\t\tprivate static extern int From{1} ({1} value, out {2} rval);\n", ns, t.Name, mtype); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t{3}public static bool TryFrom{1} ({1} value, out {2} rval)\n" + "\t\t{{\n" + "\t\t\treturn From{1} (value, out rval) == 0;\n" + "\t\t}}\n", ns, t.Name, mtype, obsolete); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t{2}public static {0} From{1} ({1} value)", mtype, t.Name, obsolete); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t\t{0} rval;", mtype); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t\tif (From{0} (value, out rval) == -1)\n" + "\t\t\t\tThrowArgumentException (value);", t.Name); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t\treturn rval;"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t}\n"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t[DllImport (LIB, " + "EntryPoint=\"{0}_To{1}\")]\n" + "\t\tprivate static extern int To{1} ({2} value, out {1} rval);\n", ns, t.Name, mtype); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t{2}public static bool TryTo{1} ({0} value, out {1} rval)\n" + "\t\t{{\n" + "\t\t\treturn To{1} (value, out rval) == 0;\n" + "\t\t}}\n", mtype, t.Name, obsolete); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t{2}public static {1} To{1} ({0} value)", mtype, t.Name, obsolete); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t{"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t\t{0} rval;", t.Name); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t\tif (To{0} (value, out rval) == -1)\n" + "\t\t\t\tThrowArgumentException (value);", t.Name); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t\treturn rval;"); scs.WriteLine ("\t\t}\n"); } public override void CloseFile (string file_prefix) { scs.WriteLine ("\t}"); scs.WriteLine ("}\n"); scs.Close (); } } class MphPrototypeFileGenerator : FileGenerator { StreamWriter icall; Hashtable methods = new Hashtable (); Hashtable structs = new Hashtable (); public override void CreateFile (string assembly_name, string file_prefix) { icall = File.CreateText (file_prefix + "-icalls.h"); WriteHeader (icall, assembly_name); icall.WriteLine ("#ifndef INC_Mono_Posix_" + file_prefix + "_ICALLS_H"); icall.WriteLine ("#define INC_Mono_Posix_" + file_prefix + "_ICALLS_H\n"); icall.WriteLine ("#include \n"); icall.WriteLine ("G_BEGIN_DECLS\n"); // Kill warning about unused method DumpTypeInfo (null); } public override void WriteType (Type t, string ns, string fn) { BindingFlags bf = BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic; foreach (MethodInfo m in t.GetMethods (bf)) { if ((m.Attributes & MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl) == 0) continue; DllImportAttribute dia = GetDllImportInfo (m); if (dia == null) { Console.WriteLine ("Unable to emit native prototype for P/Invoke " + "method: {0}", m); continue; } // we shouldn't declare prototypes for POSIX, etc. functions. if (dia.Value != "MonoPosixHelper" || IsOnExcludeList (dia.EntryPoint)) continue; methods [dia.EntryPoint] = m; RecordStructs (m); } } private static DllImportAttribute GetDllImportInfo (MethodInfo method) { // .NET 2.0 synthesizes pseudo-attributes such as DllImport DllImportAttribute dia = (DllImportAttribute) Attribute.GetCustomAttribute (method, typeof(DllImportAttribute), false); if (dia != null) return dia; // We're not on .NET 2.0; assume we're on Mono and use some internal // methods... Type MonoMethod = Type.GetType ("System.Reflection.MonoMethod", false); if (MonoMethod == null) { Console.WriteLine ("cannot find MonoMethod"); return null; } MethodInfo GetDllImportAttribute = MonoMethod.GetMethod ("GetDllImportAttribute", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (GetDllImportAttribute == null) { Console.WriteLine ("cannot find GetDllImportAttribute"); return null; } IntPtr mhandle = method.MethodHandle.Value; return (DllImportAttribute) GetDllImportAttribute.Invoke (null, new object[]{mhandle}); } private static string[] ExcludeList = new string[]{ "Mono_Posix_Stdlib_snprintf", }; private bool IsOnExcludeList (string method) { int idx = Array.BinarySearch (ExcludeList, method); return (idx >= 0 && idx < ExcludeList.Length) ? true : false; } private void RecordStructs (MethodInfo method) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters (); foreach (ParameterInfo pi in parameters) { string s = GetNativeType (pi.ParameterType); if (s.StartsWith ("struct")) structs [s] = s; } } public override void CloseFile (string file_prefix) { icall.WriteLine ("/*\n * Structure Declarations\n */"); foreach (string s in Sort (structs.Keys)) icall.WriteLine ("{0};", s.Replace ("*", "")); icall.WriteLine (); icall.WriteLine ("/*\n * Function Declarations\n */"); foreach (string method in Sort (methods.Keys)) { WriteMethodDeclaration ((MethodInfo) methods [method], method); } icall.WriteLine ("\nG_END_DECLS\n"); icall.WriteLine ("#endif /* ndef INC_Mono_Posix_" + file_prefix + "_ICALLS_H */\n"); icall.Close (); } private static IEnumerable Sort (ICollection c) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList (c); al.Sort (); return al; } private void WriteMethodDeclaration (MethodInfo method, string entryPoint) { icall.Write ("{0} ", GetNativeType (method.ReturnType)); icall.Write ("{0} ", entryPoint); ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 0) { icall.WriteLine ("(void);"); return; } if (parameters.Length > 0) { icall.Write ("("); WriteParameterDeclaration (parameters [0]); } for (int i = 1; i < parameters.Length; ++i) { icall.Write (", "); WriteParameterDeclaration (parameters [i]); } icall.WriteLine (");"); } private void DumpTypeInfo (Type t) { if (t == null) return; icall.WriteLine ("\t\t/* Type Info for " + t.FullName + ":"); foreach (MemberInfo mi in typeof(Type).GetMembers()) { icall.WriteLine ("\t\t\t{0}={1}", mi.Name, GetMemberValue (mi, t)); } icall.WriteLine ("\t\t */"); } private static string GetMemberValue (MemberInfo mi, Type t) { try { switch (mi.MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Constructor: case MemberTypes.Method: { MethodBase b = (MethodBase) mi; if (b.GetParameters().Length == 0) return b.Invoke (t, new object[]{}).ToString(); return "<>"; } case MemberTypes.Field: return ((FieldInfo) mi).GetValue (t).ToString (); case MemberTypes.Property: { PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo) mi; if (!pi.CanRead) return "<>"; return pi.GetValue (t, null).ToString (); } default: return "<>"; } } catch (Exception e) { return "<>"; } } private void WriteParameterDeclaration (ParameterInfo pi) { // DumpTypeInfo (pi.ParameterType); icall.Write ("{0} {1}", GetNativeType (pi.ParameterType), pi.Name); } } // vim: noexpandtab