// // Mono.Unix/Stdlib.cs // // Authors: // Jonathan Pryor (jonpryor@vt.edu) // // (C) 2004-2005 Jonathan Pryor // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using Mono.Unix; namespace Mono.Unix { public delegate void SignalHandler (int signal); public sealed class FilePosition : IDisposable { private HandleRef pos; public FilePosition () { IntPtr p = Stdlib.CreateFilePosition (); if (p == IntPtr.Zero) throw new OutOfMemoryException ("Unable to malloc fpos_t!"); pos = new HandleRef (this, p); } internal HandleRef Handle { get {return pos;} } public void Dispose () { GC.SuppressFinalize (this); Cleanup (); } private void Cleanup () { if (pos.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) { Stdlib.free (pos.Handle); pos = new HandleRef (this, IntPtr.Zero); } } ~FilePosition () { Cleanup (); } } internal sealed class SignalWrapper { private IntPtr handler; internal SignalWrapper (IntPtr handler) { this.handler = handler; } public void InvokeSignalHandler (int signum) { Stdlib.InvokeSignalHandler (signum, handler); } } internal class XPrintfFunctions { internal delegate object XPrintf (object[] parameters); internal static XPrintf printf; internal static XPrintf fprintf; internal static XPrintf snprintf; internal static XPrintf syslog; static XPrintfFunctions () { CdeclFunction _printf = new CdeclFunction (Stdlib.LIBC, "printf", typeof(int)); printf = new XPrintf (_printf.Invoke); CdeclFunction _fprintf = new CdeclFunction (Stdlib.LIBC, "fprintf", typeof(int)); fprintf = new XPrintf (_fprintf.Invoke); CdeclFunction _snprintf = new CdeclFunction (Stdlib.MPH, "Mono_Posix_Stdlib_snprintf", typeof(int)); snprintf = new XPrintf (_snprintf.Invoke); CdeclFunction _syslog = new CdeclFunction (Stdlib.LIBC, "syslog", typeof(void)); syslog = new XPrintf (_syslog.Invoke); } } // // Convention: Functions that are part of the C standard library go here. // // For example, the man page should say something similar to: // // CONFORMING TO // ISO 9899 (''ANSI C'') // // The intent is that members of this class should be portable to any system // supporting the C runtime (read: non-Unix, including Windows). Using // anything from Syscall is non-portable, but restricting yourself to just // Stdlib is intended to be portable. // public class Stdlib { internal const string LIBC = "libc"; internal const string MPH = "MonoPosixHelper"; internal Stdlib () {} // // // [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Syscall_InvokeSignalHandler")] internal static extern void InvokeSignalHandler (int signum, IntPtr handler); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_SIG_DFL")] private static extern IntPtr GetDefaultSignal (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_SIG_ERR")] private static extern IntPtr GetErrorSignal (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_SIG_IGN")] private static extern IntPtr GetIgnoreSignal (); private static readonly IntPtr _SIG_DFL = GetDefaultSignal (); private static readonly IntPtr _SIG_ERR = GetErrorSignal (); private static readonly IntPtr _SIG_IGN = GetIgnoreSignal (); private static void _ErrorHandler (int signum) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Error handler invoked for signum " + signum + ". Don't do that."); } private static void _DefaultHandler (int signum) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Default handler invoked for signum " + signum + ". Don't do that."); } private static void _IgnoreHandler (int signum) { Console.Error.WriteLine ("Ignore handler invoked for signum " + signum + ". Don't do that."); } public static readonly SignalHandler SIG_DFL = new SignalHandler (_DefaultHandler); public static readonly SignalHandler SIG_ERR = new SignalHandler (_ErrorHandler); public static readonly SignalHandler SIG_IGN = new SignalHandler (_IgnoreHandler); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="signal")] private static extern IntPtr sys_signal (int signum, SignalHandler handler); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="signal")] private static extern IntPtr sys_signal (int signum, IntPtr handler); public static SignalHandler signal (Signum signum, SignalHandler handler) { int _sig = UnixConvert.FromSignum (signum); IntPtr r; if (handler == SIG_DFL) r = sys_signal (_sig, _SIG_DFL); else if (handler == SIG_ERR) r = sys_signal (_sig, _SIG_ERR); else if (handler == SIG_IGN) r = sys_signal (_sig, _SIG_IGN); else r = sys_signal (_sig, handler); return TranslateHandler (r); } private static SignalHandler TranslateHandler (IntPtr handler) { if (handler == _SIG_DFL) return SIG_DFL; if (handler == _SIG_ERR) return SIG_ERR; if (handler == _SIG_IGN) return SIG_IGN; return new SignalHandler (new SignalWrapper (handler).InvokeSignalHandler); } [DllImport (LIBC, EntryPoint="raise")] private static extern int sys_raise (int sig); public static int raise (Signum sig) { int _sig = UnixConvert.FromSignum (sig); return sys_raise (_sig); } // // -- COMPLETE except for : // - the scanf(3) family . // - vararg functions. // - Horribly unsafe functions (gets(3)). // [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib__IOFBF")] private static extern int GetFullyBuffered (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib__IOLBF")] private static extern int GetLineBuffered (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib__IONBF")] private static extern int GetNonBuffered (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_BUFSIZ")] private static extern int GetBufferSize (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_CreateFilePosition")] internal static extern IntPtr CreateFilePosition (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_EOF")] private static extern int GetEOF (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_FILENAME_MAX")] private static extern int GetFilenameMax (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_FOPEN_MAX")] private static extern int GetFopenMax (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_L_tmpnam")] private static extern int GetTmpnamLength (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_stdin")] private static extern IntPtr GetStandardInput (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_stdout")] private static extern IntPtr GetStandardOutput (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_stderr")] private static extern IntPtr GetStandardError (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_TMP_MAX")] private static extern int GetTmpMax (); public static readonly int _IOFBF = GetFullyBuffered (); public static readonly int _IOLBF = GetLineBuffered (); public static readonly int _IONBF = GetNonBuffered (); public static readonly int BUFSIZ = GetBufferSize (); public static readonly int EOF = GetEOF (); public static readonly int FOPEN_MAX = GetFopenMax (); public static readonly int FILENAME_MAX = GetFilenameMax (); public static readonly int L_tmpnam = GetTmpnamLength (); public static readonly IntPtr stderr = GetStandardError (); public static readonly IntPtr stdin = GetStandardInput (); public static readonly IntPtr stdout = GetStandardOutput (); public static readonly int TMP_MAX = GetTmpMax (); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int remove (string filename); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int rename (string oldpath, string newpath); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern IntPtr tmpfile (); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="tmpnam")] private static extern IntPtr sys_tmpnam (StringBuilder s); [Obsolete ("Syscall.mkstemp() should be preferred.")] public static string tmpnam (StringBuilder s) { if (s != null && s.Capacity < L_tmpnam) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("s", "s.Capacity < L_tmpnam"); IntPtr r = sys_tmpnam (s); return UnixMarshal.PtrToString (r); } [Obsolete ("Syscall.mkstemp() should be preferred.")] public static string tmpnam () { IntPtr r = sys_tmpnam (null); return UnixMarshal.PtrToString (r); } [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int fclose (IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int fflush (IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern IntPtr fopen (string path, string mode); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern IntPtr freopen (string path, string mode, IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern void setbuf (IntPtr stream, IntPtr buf); public static unsafe void setbuf (IntPtr stream, byte* buf) { setbuf (stream, (IntPtr) buf); } [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_setvbuf")] public static extern int setvbuf (IntPtr stream, IntPtr buf, int mode, ulong size); public static unsafe int setvbuf (IntPtr stream, byte* buf, int mode, ulong size) { return setvbuf (stream, (IntPtr) buf, mode, size); } [DllImport (LIBC, EntryPoint="fprintf")] private static extern int sys_fprintf (IntPtr stream, string format, string message); public static int fprintf (IntPtr stream, string message) { return sys_fprintf (stream, "%s", message); } [Obsolete ("Not necessarily portable due to cdecl restrictions.\n" + "Use fprintf (IntPtr, string) instead.")] public static int fprintf (IntPtr stream, string format, params object[] parameters) { object[] _parameters = new object[checked(parameters.Length+2)]; _parameters [0] = stream; _parameters [1] = format; Array.Copy (parameters, 0, _parameters, 2, parameters.Length); return (int) XPrintfFunctions.fprintf (_parameters); } /* SKIP: fscanf(3) */ [DllImport (LIBC, EntryPoint="printf")] private static extern int sys_printf (string format, string message); public static int printf (string message) { return sys_printf ("%s", message); } [Obsolete ("Not necessarily portable due to cdecl restrictions.\n" + "Use printf (string) instead.")] public static int printf (string format, params object[] parameters) { object[] _parameters = new object[checked(parameters.Length+1)]; _parameters [0] = format; Array.Copy (parameters, 0, _parameters, 1, parameters.Length); return (int) XPrintfFunctions.printf (_parameters); } /* SKIP: scanf(3) */ [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_snprintf")] private static extern int sys_snprintf (StringBuilder s, ulong n, string format, string message); public static int snprintf (StringBuilder s, ulong n, string message) { return sys_snprintf (s, n, "%s", message); } public static int snprintf (StringBuilder s, string message) { return sys_snprintf (s, (ulong) s.Capacity, "%s", message); } [Obsolete ("Not necessarily portable due to cdecl restrictions.\n" + "Use snprintf (StringBuilder, string) instead.")] public static int snprintf (StringBuilder s, ulong n, string format, params object[] parameters) { object[] _parameters = new object[checked(parameters.Length+3)]; _parameters [0] = s; _parameters [1] = n; _parameters [2] = format; Array.Copy (parameters, 0, _parameters, 3, parameters.Length); return (int) XPrintfFunctions.snprintf (_parameters); } [Obsolete ("Not necessarily portable due to cdecl restrictions.\n" + "Use snprintf (StringBuilder, string) instead.")] public static int snprintf (StringBuilder s, string format, params object[] parameters) { object[] _parameters = new object[checked(parameters.Length+3)]; _parameters [0] = s; _parameters [1] = (ulong) s.Capacity; _parameters [2] = format; Array.Copy (parameters, 0, _parameters, 3, parameters.Length); return (int) XPrintfFunctions.snprintf (_parameters); } /* * SKIP: * sprintf(3) * sscanf(3) * vfprintf(3) * vfscanf(3) * vprintf(3) * vscanf(3) * vsnprintf(3) * vsprint(3) * vsscanf(3) */ [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int fgetc (IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="fgets")] private static extern IntPtr sys_fgets (StringBuilder sb, int size, IntPtr stream); public static StringBuilder fgets (StringBuilder sb, int size, IntPtr stream) { IntPtr r = sys_fgets (sb, size, stream); if (r == IntPtr.Zero) return null; return sb; } public static StringBuilder fgets (StringBuilder sb, IntPtr stream) { return fgets (sb, sb.Capacity, stream); } [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int fputc (int c, IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int fputs (string s, IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int getc (IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int getchar (); /* SKIP: gets(3) */ [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int putc (int c, IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int putchar (int c); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int puts (string s); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int ungetc (int c, IntPtr stream); [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_fread")] public static extern ulong fread (IntPtr ptr, ulong size, ulong nmemb, IntPtr stream); public static unsafe ulong fread (void* ptr, ulong size, ulong nmemb, IntPtr stream) { return fread ((IntPtr) ptr, size, nmemb, stream); } [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_fread")] private static extern ulong sys_fread ([Out] byte[] ptr, ulong size, ulong nmemb, IntPtr stream); public static ulong fread (byte[] ptr, ulong size, ulong nmemb, IntPtr stream) { if ((size * nmemb) > (ulong) ptr.Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("nmemb"); return sys_fread (ptr, size, nmemb, stream); } public static ulong fread (byte[] ptr, IntPtr stream) { return fread (ptr, 1, (ulong) ptr.Length, stream); } [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_fwrite")] public static extern ulong fwrite (IntPtr ptr, ulong size, ulong nmemb, IntPtr stream); public static unsafe ulong fwrite (void* ptr, ulong size, ulong nmemb, IntPtr stream) { return fwrite ((IntPtr) ptr, size, nmemb, stream); } [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_fwrite")] private static extern ulong sys_fwrite (byte[] ptr, ulong size, ulong nmemb, IntPtr stream); public static ulong fwrite (byte[] ptr, ulong size, ulong nmemb, IntPtr stream) { if ((size * nmemb) > (ulong) ptr.Length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("nmemb"); return sys_fwrite (ptr, size, nmemb, stream); } public static ulong fwrite (byte[] ptr, IntPtr stream) { return fwrite (ptr, 1, (ulong) ptr.Length, stream); } [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_fgetpos")] private static extern int sys_fgetpos (IntPtr stream, HandleRef pos); public static int fgetpos (IntPtr stream, FilePosition pos) { return sys_fgetpos (stream, pos.Handle); } [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_fseek")] private static extern int sys_fseek (IntPtr stream, long offset, int origin); public static int fseek (IntPtr stream, long offset, SeekFlags origin) { int _origin = UnixConvert.FromSeekFlags (origin); return sys_fseek (stream, offset, _origin); } [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_fsetpos")] private static extern int sys_fsetpos (IntPtr stream, HandleRef pos); public static int fsetpos (IntPtr stream, FilePosition pos) { return sys_fsetpos (stream, pos.Handle); } [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_ftell")] public static extern long ftell (IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern void rewind (IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern void clearerr (IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern int feof (IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern int ferror (IntPtr stream); [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern void perror (string s); // // // [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_EXIT_FAILURE")] private static extern int GetExitFailure(); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_EXIT_SUCCESS")] private static extern int GetExitSuccess (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_MB_CUR_MAX")] private static extern int GetMbCurMax (); [DllImport (MPH, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_RAND_MAX")] private static extern int GetRandMax (); public static readonly int EXIT_FAILURE = GetExitFailure (); public static readonly int EXIT_SUCCESS = GetExitSuccess (); public static readonly int MB_CUR_MAX = GetMbCurMax (); public static readonly int RAND_MAX = GetRandMax (); [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern int rand (); [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern void srand (uint seed); // calloc(3): // void *calloc (size_t nmemb, size_t size); [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_calloc")] public static extern IntPtr calloc (ulong nmemb, ulong size); [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern void free (IntPtr ptr); // malloc(3): // void *malloc(size_t size); [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_malloc")] public static extern IntPtr malloc (ulong size); // realloc(3): // void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size); [DllImport (MPH, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="Mono_Posix_Stdlib_realloc")] public static extern IntPtr realloc (IntPtr ptr, ulong size); [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern void abort (); /* SKIP: atexit(3) */ [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern void exit (int status); [DllImport (LIBC)] public static extern void _Exit (int status); [DllImport (LIBC, EntryPoint="getenv")] private static extern IntPtr sys_getenv (string name); public static string getenv (string name) { IntPtr r = sys_getenv (name); return UnixMarshal.PtrToString (r); } [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true)] public static extern int system (string @string); // // // [DllImport (LIBC, SetLastError=true, EntryPoint="strerror")] private static extern IntPtr sys_strerror (int errnum); public static string strerror (Error errnum) { int e = UnixConvert.FromError (errnum); IntPtr r = sys_strerror (e); return UnixMarshal.PtrToString (r); } } } // vim: noexpandtab