// // Mono.Messaging.RabbitMQ // // Authors: // Michael Barker (mike@middlesoft.co.uk) // // (C) 2008 Michael Barker // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using System.Text; using Mono.Messaging; using RabbitMQ.Client; using RabbitMQ.Client.Content; using RabbitMQ.Client.Events; using RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions; using RabbitMQ.Client.MessagePatterns; using RabbitMQ.Util; namespace Mono.Messaging.RabbitMQ { public class MessageFactory { private static readonly string SENDER_VERSION_KEY = "SenderVersion"; private static readonly string SOURCE_MACHINE_KEY = "SourceMachine"; private static readonly string BODY_TYPE_KEY = "BodyType"; private static readonly string ACKNOWLEDGE_TYPE_KEY = "AcknowledgeType"; private static readonly string ADMINISTRATION_QUEUE_KEY = "AdministrationQueue"; private static readonly string APP_SPECIFIC_KEY = "AppSpecific"; private static readonly string AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_NAME_KEY = "AuthenticationProviderName"; private static readonly string AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_TYPE_KEY = "AuthenticationProviderType"; private static readonly string CONNECTOR_TYPE_KEY = "ConnectorType"; private static readonly string DESTINATION_SYMMETRIC_KEY_KEY = "DestinationSymmetricKey"; private static readonly string DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEY = "DigitalSignature"; private static readonly string ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_KEY = "EncryptionAlgorithm"; private static readonly string EXTENSION_KEY = "Extension"; private static readonly string HASH_ALGORITHM_KEY = "HashAlgorithm"; private static readonly string LABEL_KEY = "Label"; private static readonly string SENDER_CERTIFICATE_KEY = "SenderCertificate"; private static readonly string TIME_TO_BE_RECEIVED_KEY = "TimeToBeReceived"; private static readonly string TIME_TO_REACH_QUEUE_KEY = "TimeToReachQueue"; private static readonly string USE_AUTHENTICATION_KEY = "UseAuthentication"; private static readonly string USE_DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE_KEY = "UseDeadLetterQueue"; private static readonly string USE_ENCRYPTION_KEY = "UseEncryption"; private static readonly string TRANSACTION_ID_KEY = "TrandactionId"; private static readonly int PERSISTENT_DELIVERY_MODE = 2; private readonly RabbitMQMessagingProvider provider; public MessageFactory (RabbitMQMessagingProvider provider) { this.provider = provider; } public IMessageBuilder WriteMessage (IModel ch, IMessage msg) { BasicMessageBuilder mb = new BasicMessageBuilder (ch); mb.Properties.MessageId = msg.Id; if (msg.CorrelationId != null) mb.Properties.CorrelationId = msg.CorrelationId; // TODO: Change to DateTime.UtcNow?? mb.Properties.Timestamp = MessageFactory.DateTimeToAmqpTimestamp (DateTime.UtcNow); Hashtable headers = new Hashtable (); headers[SENDER_VERSION_KEY] = msg.SenderVersion; headers[SOURCE_MACHINE_KEY] = (string) System.Environment.MachineName; headers[BODY_TYPE_KEY] = msg.BodyType; headers[ACKNOWLEDGE_TYPE_KEY] = (int) msg.AcknowledgeType; if (msg.AdministrationQueue != null) headers[ADMINISTRATION_QUEUE_KEY] = msg.AdministrationQueue.QRef.ToString (); headers[APP_SPECIFIC_KEY] = msg.AppSpecific; headers[AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_NAME_KEY] = msg.AuthenticationProviderName; headers[AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_TYPE_KEY] = (int) msg.AuthenticationProviderType; headers[CONNECTOR_TYPE_KEY] = msg.ConnectorType.ToString (); headers[DESTINATION_SYMMETRIC_KEY_KEY] = msg.DestinationSymmetricKey; headers[DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEY] = msg.DigitalSignature; headers[ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_KEY] = (int) msg.EncryptionAlgorithm; headers[EXTENSION_KEY] = msg.Extension; headers[HASH_ALGORITHM_KEY] = (int) msg.HashAlgorithm; SetValue (headers, LABEL_KEY, msg.Label); mb.Properties.Priority = (byte) (int) msg.Priority; mb.Properties.SetPersistent (msg.Recoverable); if (msg.ResponseQueue != null) mb.Properties.ReplyTo = msg.ResponseQueue.QRef.ToString (); headers[SENDER_CERTIFICATE_KEY] = msg.SenderCertificate; headers[TIME_TO_BE_RECEIVED_KEY] = msg.TimeToBeReceived.Ticks; headers[TIME_TO_REACH_QUEUE_KEY] = msg.TimeToReachQueue.Ticks; SetValue (headers, TRANSACTION_ID_KEY, msg.TransactionId); headers[USE_AUTHENTICATION_KEY] = msg.UseAuthentication; headers[USE_DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE_KEY] = msg.UseDeadLetterQueue; headers[USE_ENCRYPTION_KEY] = msg.UseEncryption; mb.Properties.Headers = headers; Stream s = msg.BodyStream; s.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] buf = new byte[s.Length]; msg.BodyStream.Read (buf, 0, buf.Length); mb.BodyStream.Write (buf, 0, buf.Length); return mb; } private static void SetValue (Hashtable headers, string name, object val) { if (val != null) headers[name] = val; } public IMessage ReadMessage (QueueReference destination, BasicDeliverEventArgs result) { /* if (destination == null) throw new ArgumentException ("destination must not be null"); if (result == null) throw new ArgumentException ("result must not be null"); */ MessageBase msg = new MessageBase (); Stream s = new MemoryStream (); s.Write (result.Body, 0, result.Body.Length); DateTime arrivedTime = DateTime.Now; IDictionary headers = result.BasicProperties.Headers; long senderVersion = (long) headers[SENDER_VERSION_KEY]; string sourceMachine = GetString (headers, SOURCE_MACHINE_KEY); DateTime sentTime = AmqpTimestampToDateTime (result.BasicProperties.Timestamp); string transactionId = GetString (headers, TRANSACTION_ID_KEY); msg.SetDeliveryInfo (Acknowledgment.None, arrivedTime, new RabbitMQMessageQueue (provider, destination, true), result.BasicProperties.MessageId, MessageType.Normal, new byte[0], senderVersion, sentTime, sourceMachine, transactionId); msg.CorrelationId = result.BasicProperties.CorrelationId; msg.BodyStream = s; msg.BodyType = (int) result.BasicProperties.Headers[BODY_TYPE_KEY]; msg.AcknowledgeType = (AcknowledgeTypes) Enum.ToObject (typeof (AcknowledgeTypes), headers[ACKNOWLEDGE_TYPE_KEY]); string adminQueuePath = GetString (headers, ADMINISTRATION_QUEUE_KEY); if (adminQueuePath != null) { QueueReference qRef = QueueReference.Parse (adminQueuePath); msg.AdministrationQueue = new RabbitMQMessageQueue (provider, qRef, true); } msg.AppSpecific = (int) headers[APP_SPECIFIC_KEY]; msg.AuthenticationProviderName = GetString (headers, AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_NAME_KEY); msg.AuthenticationProviderType = (CryptographicProviderType) Enum.ToObject (typeof (CryptographicProviderType), headers[AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER_TYPE_KEY]); string connectorType = GetString (headers, CONNECTOR_TYPE_KEY); msg.ConnectorType = new Guid(connectorType); msg.DestinationSymmetricKey = (byte[]) headers[DESTINATION_SYMMETRIC_KEY_KEY]; msg.DigitalSignature = (byte[]) headers[DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEY]; msg.EncryptionAlgorithm = (EncryptionAlgorithm) Enum.ToObject (typeof (EncryptionAlgorithm), headers[ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_KEY]); msg.Extension = (byte[]) headers[EXTENSION_KEY]; msg.HashAlgorithm = (HashAlgorithm) Enum.ToObject (typeof (HashAlgorithm), headers[HASH_ALGORITHM_KEY]); msg.Label = GetString (headers, LABEL_KEY); msg.Priority = (MessagePriority) Enum.ToObject (typeof (MessagePriority), result.BasicProperties.Priority); msg.Recoverable = result.BasicProperties.DeliveryMode == PERSISTENT_DELIVERY_MODE; if (result.BasicProperties.ReplyTo != null) msg.ResponseQueue = new RabbitMQMessageQueue (provider, QueueReference.Parse (result.BasicProperties.ReplyTo), true); msg.SenderCertificate = (byte[]) headers[SENDER_CERTIFICATE_KEY]; msg.TimeToBeReceived = new TimeSpan((long) headers[TIME_TO_BE_RECEIVED_KEY]); msg.TimeToReachQueue = new TimeSpan((long) headers[TIME_TO_REACH_QUEUE_KEY]); msg.UseAuthentication = (bool) headers[USE_AUTHENTICATION_KEY]; msg.UseDeadLetterQueue = (bool) headers[USE_DEAD_LETTER_QUEUE_KEY]; msg.UseEncryption = (bool) headers[USE_ENCRYPTION_KEY]; return msg; } public static string GetString (IDictionary properties, String key) { byte[] b = (byte[]) properties[key]; if (b == null) return null; return Encoding.UTF8.GetString (b); } public static AmqpTimestamp DateTimeToAmqpTimestamp (DateTime t) { DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); TimeSpan ts = t.ToUniversalTime () - epoch; return new AmqpTimestamp((long) ts.TotalSeconds); } public static DateTime AmqpTimestampToDateTime (AmqpTimestamp ats) { DateTime epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); return epoch.AddSeconds (ats.UnixTime).ToLocalTime (); } public static int TimeSpanToInt32 (TimeSpan timespan) { if (timespan == TimeSpan.MaxValue) return -1; else return (int) timespan.TotalMilliseconds; } } }