2009-05-23 Michael Barker * IMessageEnumerator.cs: Added additional methods to support operations specified by the System.Messaging version. 2009-05-19 Michael Barker * IMessage.cs: Added additional comments. * IMessagingProvider.cs: Added additional comments. * MessagingProviderLocator.cs: Added support for specifing messaging implementation using an environment variable. 2009-01-03 Michael Barker * MessageQueueBase.cs: Added support for handling exception asynchronously. 2008-12-21 Michael Barker * MessageQueueBase.cs: Added optional base class that provide async messaging support. * CompletedEventArgs.cs: Added for events on async methods. * CompletedEventHandler.cs: Added for events on async methods. * IMessageQueue.cs: Added method and event signatures for async messaging. * MessagingProviderLocator.cs: Added constant for InfiniteTimeout. * QueueReference.cs: Remove unecessary logging. 2008-12-07 Michael Barker * MessageUnavailableException.cs: Specific exception for messages not being available on the queue. * QueueReference.cs: Change queue name to return "private$" as required. 2008-11-23 Michael Barker * IMessageQueue.cs: Added support for MessageQueueTransactionType, ReceiveBy{Id,CorrelationId} and PeekBy{Id,CorrelationId} methods. 2008-11-09 Michael Barker * MessageQueueTransactionType.cs: New, copy of System.Messaging.MessageQueueTransactionStatus.cs 2008-11-02 Michael Barker * IMessageQueueTransaction.cs: New, interface for supporting transactions * MessageQueueTransactionStatus.cs: New, straight copy of the class from System.Messaging * IMessageQueue.cs: Added methods for transactional delivery and purging queues. * IMessageQueueProvider.cs: Added method for creating transactions and deleting queues. 2008-10-26 Michael Barker * ConnectionException.cs: Added support for InnerExceptions * MessageBase.cs: Added check for delivered messages and throwing exceptions for appropriate properties. Add null argument checks for some byte[] properties. * IMessage.cs: Added SentTime to the list of delivery properties. 2008-10-12 Michael Barker * IMessageEnumerator.cs: New 2008-09-29 Michael Barker * AcknowledgeTypes.cs: New * Acknowledgment.cs: New * ConnectionException.cs: New * CryptographicProviderType.cs: New * EncryptionAlgorithm.cs: New * EncryptionRequired.cs: New * HashAlgorithm.cs: New * IMessage.cs: New * IMessageQueue.cs: New * IMessagingProvider.cs: New * MessageBase.cs: New * MessagePriority.cs: New * MessageType.cs: New * MessagingProviderLocator.cs: New * MonoMessagingException.cs: New * QueueReference.cs: New