On how to fill out the CultureInfo XML files For all the files: * We need translation for the name of each culture. Given a CultureInfo code, we'd like to know its DisplayName, EnglishName and NativeName. DisplayName - This is the full name of this language used in this culture. The format for this string should be: [Full language name] ([Country name] / [Region name]) EnglishName - This string is the same as DisplayName, but it must be in English. NativeName - This string is the same as DisplayName, but it is in the language of this specific culture. For example, for 'de', the NativeName should be 'Deutsch'. * We need to fill in possible Calendars that can be used in this Culture. If alternative calendars are used in this culture, an element should be added to the sequence in OptionalCalendars. The string inside each additional element should be the full name of a class in the System.Globalization namespace, and this class must be a decendant of the System.Globalization.Calendar class. For specific cultures: These are the files that are in the form ??-??.xml (excluding zh-CHS.xml and zh-CHT.xml). These files describe a culture / language that is specific to a single location. For example, while 'fr' is the code for 'French' in general; 'fr-FR' is the code for French used in France specifically. For these cultures, we need the following items: - NumberFormatInfo - DateTimeFormatInfo The format of DateTimeFormatInfo: The DateTimeFormatInfo section consists of 21 parts: Patterns: 1. FullDateTimePattern 2. LongDatePattern 3. LongTimePattern 4. MonthDayPattern 5. RFC1123Pattern 6. ShortTimePattern 7. ShortDatePattern 8. SortableDateTimePattern 9. UniversalSortableDateTimePattern 10. YearMonthPattern Names: 11. AbbreviatedDayNames - The abbreviated names of the days of the week. 12. AbbreviatedMonthNames - The abbreviated names of the months of the year 13. DayNames - The names of the days of the week. 14. MonthNames - The names of the months in the year. Misc: 15. AMDesignator - The string for representing hours before noon. 16. Calendar - The name of the default Calendar of this culture. The string must be the full name of a class in the System.Globalization namespace, and this class must be a decendant of the System.Globalization.Calendar class. 17. CalendarWeekRule - The rule that specifies the first week of the year. This string must conform to the names set out by the System.CalendarWeekRule enumeration. 18. DateSeparator - The string that is used to the seperate the year, the month and the day. 19. FirstDayOfWeek - The first day of the week. This string must conform to the names set out by the System.DayOfWeek enumeration. 20. PMDesignator - The string for representing hours after noon 21. TimeSeparator - The string that is used to seperate the hours, the minutes and the seconds. The format of NumberFormatInfo: The NumberFormatInfo section consists of 25 parts: Currency related: 1. CurrencySymbol - The symbol used as the current symbol in this culture. 2. CurrencyPositivePattern 3. CurrencyNegativePattern 4. CurrencyGroupSizes 5. CurrencyGroupSeparator 6. CurrencyDecimalSeparator 7. CurrencyDecimalDigits - The number of decimal places used in this currency. Percentage related: 8. PercentSymbol - The symbol used as the percentage symbol in this culture. 9. PercentPositivePattern 10. PercentNegativePattern 11. PercentGroupSizes 12. PercentGroupSeparator - The string that seperates groups of digits to the left of the decimal point.The string 13. PercentDecimalSeparator - The decimal indicator for percentages. 14. PercentDecimalDigits - The number of decimal places to display in percentages. Number related: 15. NumberNegativePattern 16. NumberGroupSizes 17. NumberGroupSeparator - The string that separates groups of digits to the left of the decimal point. 18. NumberDecimalSeparator - The decimal indicator for numbers. 19. NumberDecimalDigits - The number of decimal places to display in numbers. Misc. 20. PositiveSign - The symbol used to indicate a number as negative. 21. NegativeSign - The symbol used to indicate a number as positive. 22. PositiveInfinitySymbol - The symbol used to represent positive infinity. 23. NegativeInfinitySymbol - The symbol used to represent negative infinity. 24. Permillesymbol - The string to represent the 'per mille' symbol. 25. NaNSymbol - The string to represent the IEEE not-a-number value.