2004-05-31 Rafael Teixeira * OptionDetails.cs : ShortForm member now a string to favor some simplifications, fixes for Bug 58672 * OptionList.cs : Fixes for Bug 58672 and better handling for mixed-form options (linux/windows) 2004-05-31 Rafael Teixeira * OptionDetails.cs: Assemble an one-line authors' list in about processor (also abandon after about) 2004-04-08 Rafael Teixeira * OptionDetails.cs: Implemented Jonathan Pryor request for multiplicity in boolean properties 2004-03-31 Rafael Teixeira * AssemblyInfo.cs: Bumped version and completed some more infos * OptionDetails.cs: Incorporated C.J. Collier patch to make help screen more Windows-ish when mode==windows 2003-08-25 Rafael Teixeira * ArgumentProcessorAttribute.cs, OptionAttribute.cs: - Copyright attribution was missing 2003-06-16 Rafael Teixeira * OptionDetails.cs : - Now handles correctly options specifiying maxOccurs != 1 (that was preventing mbas from being useable) - Now indicates if option parsing consumed a parameter or not (also checks if it is available first) - Now multivalued options can either be given as many pairs option/parameter and also as a pair option/comma-separated-list, and both Example: -r System.Data -r System.Xml or /r System.Data,System.Xml - Now it is more lax in the form matching: -r /r -reference --reference /reference are valid for a ('r',"reference") option * Options.cs : new BreakSingleDashManyLettersIntoManyOptions field to make more GNUish parsing of single letter options. Makes -zxf become -z -x -f if set to true 2003-01-30 Rafael Teixeira * OptionDetails.cs : now handle composite arguments '/option:suboption' 2003-01-20 Duncan Mak * list.unix: Remove the extra reference to ArgumentProcessorAttribute.cs 2002-09-03 Rafael Teixeira * added AboutAttribute.cs, AuthorAttribute.cs, OptionAttribute.cs, UsageComplementAttribute.cs, OptionDetails.cs, Options.cs. Now reflection is used to drive the options processing. * added GetOptTest test subproject 2002-08-30 Juli Mallett * list.unix, makefile.gnu: Added build glue for UNIX.