using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Net; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using Mono.Cecil.Cil; using Mono.Debugger.Soft; using Diag = System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Security.Cryptography; using NUnit.Framework; #pragma warning disable 0219 namespace MonoTests { [TestFixture] public class DebuggerTests { VirtualMachine vm; MethodMirror entry_point; StepEventRequest step_req; bool forceExit; void AssertThrows (Action del) where ExType : Exception { bool thrown = false; try { del (); } catch (ExType) { thrown = true; } Assert.IsTrue (thrown); } // No other way to pass arguments to the tests ? public static bool listening = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DBG_SUSPEND") != null; public static string runtime = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DBG_RUNTIME"); public static string agent_args = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("DBG_AGENT_ARGS"); // Not currently used, but can be useful when debugging individual tests. void StackTraceDump (Event e) { int i = 0; foreach (var frame in e.Thread.GetFrames ()) { i++; Console.WriteLine ("Frame " + i + ", " + frame.Method.Name); } } Event GetNextEvent () { var es = vm.GetNextEventSet (); Assert.AreEqual (1, es.Events.Length); return es [0]; } void Start (params string[] args) { Start (false, args); } void Start (bool forceExit, params string[] args) { this.forceExit = forceExit; if (!listening) { var pi = new Diag.ProcessStartInfo (); if (runtime != null) { pi.FileName = runtime; } else if (Path.DirectorySeparatorChar == '\\') { string processExe = Diag.Process.GetCurrentProcess ().MainModule.FileName; if (processExe != null) { string fileName = Path.GetFileName (processExe); if (fileName.StartsWith ("mono") && fileName.EndsWith (".exe")) pi.FileName = processExe; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (pi.FileName)) pi.FileName = "mono"; pi.Arguments = String.Join (" ", args); vm = VirtualMachineManager.Launch (pi, new LaunchOptions { AgentArgs = agent_args }); } else { var ep = new IPEndPoint (IPAddress.Any, 10000); Console.WriteLine ("Listening on " + ep + "..."); vm = VirtualMachineManager.Listen (ep); } var load_req = vm.CreateAssemblyLoadRequest (); load_req.Enable (); Event vmstart = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.VMStart, vmstart.EventType); vm.Resume (); entry_point = null; step_req = null; Event e; /* Find out the entry point */ while (true) { e = GetNextEvent (); if (e is AssemblyLoadEvent) { AssemblyLoadEvent ae = (AssemblyLoadEvent)e; entry_point = ae.Assembly.EntryPoint; if (entry_point != null) break; } vm.Resume (); } load_req.Disable (); } BreakpointEvent run_until (string name) { // String MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod (name); Assert.IsNotNull (m); //Console.WriteLine ("X: " + name + " " + m.ILOffsets.Count + " " + m.Locations.Count); var req = vm.SetBreakpoint (m, m.ILOffsets [0]); Event e = null; while (true) { vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); if (e is BreakpointEvent) break; } req.Disable (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (BreakpointEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); return (e as BreakpointEvent); } class ReusableBreakpoint { DebuggerTests owner; public string method_name; public BreakpointEventRequest req; public BreakpointEvent lastEvent = null; public ReusableBreakpoint (DebuggerTests owner, string method_name) { this.owner = owner; this.method_name = method_name; MethodMirror m = owner.entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod (method_name); Assert.IsNotNull (m); req = owner.vm.SetBreakpoint (m, m.ILOffsets [0]); } public void Continue () { bool survived = false; try { Event e = null; while (true) { owner.vm.Resume (); e = owner.GetNextEvent (); if (e is BreakpointEvent) break; } Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (BreakpointEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual (method_name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); lastEvent = e as BreakpointEvent; survived = true; } finally { if (!survived) { // Ensure cleanup if we triggered an assert Disable (); } } } public void Disable () { req.Disable (); } } /* One of the tests executes a complex tree of recursive functions. The only good way to specify how its behavior should appear from this side is to just run the function tree once over here and record what it does. */ public struct RecursiveChaoticPoint { public bool breakpoint; public string name; public int depth; public RecursiveChaoticPoint (bool breakpoint, string name, int depth) { this.breakpoint = breakpoint; = name; this.depth = depth; } } // The breakpoint is placed here in dtest-app.cs public static void ss_recursive_chaotic_trap (int n, List trace, ref bool didLast, ref bool didAny) { // Depth is calculated as: // Main + single_stepping + ss_recursive_chaotic + (n is 5 at outermost frame and 0 at innermost frame) + ss_recursive_chaotic_trap trace.Add (new RecursiveChaoticPoint (true, "ss_recursive_chaotic_trap", 5 - n + 5)); didLast = true; } public static void ss_recursive_chaotic_at (string at, int n, List trace, ref bool didLast, ref bool didAny) { // This will be called after every return from a function. The other function will return whether "step out" is currently active, and it will be passed in here as didLast. if (didLast) { // Depth is calculated as: // Main + single_stepping + ss_recursive_chaotic + (n is 5 at outermost frame and 0 at innermost frame) trace.Add (new RecursiveChaoticPoint (false, "ss_recursive_chaotic_" + at, 5 - n + 4)); didAny = true; didLast = false; } } public static bool ss_recursive_chaotic_fizz (int n, List trace) { bool didLast = false, didAny = false; if (n > 0) { int next = n - 1; didLast = ss_recursive_chaotic_buzz (next, trace); ss_recursive_chaotic_at ("fizz", n, trace, ref didLast, ref didAny); didLast = ss_recursive_chaotic_fizzbuzz (next, trace); ss_recursive_chaotic_at ("fizz", n, trace, ref didLast, ref didAny); } else { ss_recursive_chaotic_trap (n, trace, ref didLast, ref didAny); ss_recursive_chaotic_at ("fizz", n, trace, ref didLast, ref didAny); } return didAny; } public static bool ss_recursive_chaotic_buzz (int n, List trace) { bool didLast = false, didAny = false; if (n > 0) { int next = n - 1; didLast = ss_recursive_chaotic_fizz (next, trace); ss_recursive_chaotic_at ("buzz", n, trace, ref didLast, ref didAny); didLast = ss_recursive_chaotic_fizzbuzz (next, trace); ss_recursive_chaotic_at ("buzz", n, trace, ref didLast, ref didAny); } return didAny; } public static bool ss_recursive_chaotic_fizzbuzz (int n, List trace) { bool didLast = false, didAny = false; if (n > 0) { int next = n - 1; didLast = ss_recursive_chaotic_fizz (next, trace); ss_recursive_chaotic_at ("fizzbuzz", n, trace, ref didLast, ref didAny); didLast = ss_recursive_chaotic_buzz (next, trace); ss_recursive_chaotic_at ("fizzbuzz", n, trace, ref didLast, ref didAny); didLast = ss_recursive_chaotic_fizzbuzz (next, trace); ss_recursive_chaotic_at ("fizzbuzz", n, trace, ref didLast, ref didAny); } return didAny; } public static void trace_ss_recursive_chaotic (List trace) { ss_recursive_chaotic_fizz (5, trace); } Event single_step (ThreadMirror t) { var req = vm.CreateStepRequest (t); req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); Event e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); req.Disable (); return e; } Event step_until (ThreadMirror t, string method_name) { Event e; while (true) { e = single_step (t); if ((e as StepEvent).Method.Name == method_name) break; } return e; } void check_arg_val (StackFrame frame, int pos, Type type, object eval) { object val = frame.GetArgument (pos); Assert.IsTrue (val is PrimitiveValue); object v = (val as PrimitiveValue).Value; Assert.AreEqual (type, v.GetType ()); if (eval is float) Assert.IsTrue (Math.Abs ((float)eval - (float)v) < 0.0001); else if (eval is double) Assert.IsTrue (Math.Abs ((double)eval - (double)v) < 0.0001); else Assert.AreEqual (eval, v); } void AssertValue (object expected, object val) { if (expected is string) { Assert.IsTrue (val is StringMirror); Assert.AreEqual (expected, (val as StringMirror).Value); } else if (val is StructMirror && (val as StructMirror).Type.Name == "IntPtr") { AssertValue (expected, (val as StructMirror).Fields [0]); } else { Assert.IsTrue (val is PrimitiveValue); Assert.AreEqual (expected, (val as PrimitiveValue).Value); } } [SetUp] public void SetUp () { ThreadMirror.NativeTransitions = false; Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe" }); } [TearDown] public void TearDown () { if (vm == null) return; if (step_req != null) step_req.Disable (); vm.Resume (); if (forceExit) vm.Exit (0); while (true) { Event e = GetNextEvent (); if (e is VMDeathEvent) break; vm.Resume (); } vm = null; } [Test] public void SimpleBreakpoint () { Event e; MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("bp1"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.IsTrue (e is BreakpointEvent); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate { // Invalid IL offset vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 2); }); } [Test] public void BreakpointsSameLocation () { MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("bp2"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); vm.Resume (); var es = vm.GetNextEventSet (); Assert.AreEqual (2, es.Events.Length); Assert.IsTrue (es [0] is BreakpointEvent); Assert.AreEqual (m, (es [0] as BreakpointEvent).Method); Assert.IsTrue (es [1] is BreakpointEvent); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (es [1] as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); } [Test] public void BreakpointAlreadyJITted () { Event e = run_until ("bp1"); /* Place a breakpoint on bp3 */ MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("bp3"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); /* Same with generic instances */ MethodMirror m2 = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("bp7"); Assert.IsNotNull (m2); vm.SetBreakpoint (m2, 0); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); vm.Resume (); /* Non-shared instance */ e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.AreEqual (m2.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); vm.Resume (); /* Shared instance */ e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.AreEqual (m2.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); } [Test] public void ClearBreakpoint () { Event e; MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("bp4"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); EventRequest req1 = vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); EventRequest req2 = vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); MethodMirror m2 = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("bp5"); Assert.IsNotNull (m2); vm.SetBreakpoint (m2, 0); /* Run until bp4 */ vm.Resume (); var es = vm.GetNextEventSet (); Assert.AreEqual (2, es.Events.Length); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, es [0].EventType); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (es [0] as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, es [1].EventType); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (es [1] as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); /* Clear one of them */ req1.Disable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); /* Clear the other */ req2.Disable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.AreEqual (m2.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); } [Test] public void ClearAllBreakpoints () { Event e; MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("bp4"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); MethodMirror m2 = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("bp5"); Assert.IsNotNull (m2); vm.SetBreakpoint (m2, 0); vm.ClearAllBreakpoints (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (!(e is BreakpointEvent)); if (e is VMDeathEvent) vm = null; } [Test] public void BreakpointOnGShared () { Event e; MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("bp6"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.IsTrue (e is BreakpointEvent); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); // Breakpoint on an open generic method of a closed generic class (#3422) var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0]; var ginst = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetLocal ("gc")); var m2 = (ginst as ObjectMirror).Type.GetMethod ("bp"); vm.SetBreakpoint (m2, 0); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.IsTrue (e is BreakpointEvent); Assert.AreEqual (m2.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); } // Assert we have stepped to a location void assert_location (Event e, string method) { Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); Assert.AreEqual (method, (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); } // Assert we have breakpointed at a location void assert_location_at_breakpoint (Event e, string method) { Assert.IsTrue (e is BreakpointEvent); Assert.AreEqual (method, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); } // Assert we have stepped to or breakpointed at a location void assert_location_allow_breakpoint (Event e, string method) { if (e is StepEvent) Assert.AreEqual (method, (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); else if (e is BreakpointEvent) Assert.AreEqual (method, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); else Assert.Fail ("Neither step nor breakpoint event"); } StepEventRequest create_step (Event e) { var req = vm.CreateStepRequest (e.Thread); step_req = req; return req; } [Test] public void ClassLocalReflection () { MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetType ("LocalReflectClass").GetMethod ("RunMe"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); // foreach (var x in m.Locations) { // Console.WriteLine (x); // } var offset = -1; int method_base_linum = m.Locations [0].LineNumber; foreach (var location in m.Locations) if (location.LineNumber == method_base_linum + 2) { offset = location.ILOffset; break; } var req = vm.SetBreakpoint (m, offset); Event e = null; while (true) { vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); if (e is BreakpointEvent) break; } req.Disable (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (BreakpointEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); e = single_step (e.Thread); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0]; Assert.IsNotNull (frame); var field = frame.Method.GetLocal ("reflectMe"); Assert.IsNotNull (field); Value variable = frame.GetValue (field); ObjectMirror thisObj = (ObjectMirror)variable; TypeMirror thisType = thisObj.Type; FieldInfoMirror thisFi = null; foreach (var fi in thisType.GetFields ()) if (fi.Name == "someField") thisFi = fi; var gotVal = thisObj.GetValue (thisFi); // If we got this far, we're good. } [Test] public void SingleStepping () { Event e = run_until ("single_stepping"); var req = create_step (e); req.Enable (); // Step over 'bool b = true' e = step_once (); assert_location (e, "single_stepping"); // Skip nop step_once (); // Step into ss1 e = step_once (); assert_location (e, "ss1"); // Skip } e = step_once (); // Step out of ss1 e = step_once (); assert_location (e, "single_stepping"); // Step over ss2 e = step_over (); assert_location (e, "single_stepping"); // Step into ss3 e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss3"); // Step back into single_stepping e = step_out (); assert_location (e, "single_stepping"); // Step into next line e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "single_stepping"); // Step into ss3_2 () e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss3_2"); // Step over ss3_2_2 () e = step_over (); assert_location (e, "ss3_2"); // Recreate the request req.Disable (); req.Enable (); // Skip } e = step_once (); // Step back into single_stepping () with the new request e = step_once (); assert_location (e, "single_stepping"); // Step into ss4 () e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss4"); // Skip nop e = step_once (); // Change to StepSize.Line req.Disable (); req.Depth = StepDepth.Over; req.Size = StepSize.Line; req.Enable (); // Step over ss1 (); ss1 (); e = step_once (); // Step into ss2 () req.Disable (); req.Depth = StepDepth.Into; req.Enable (); e = step_once (); assert_location (e, "ss2"); req.Disable (); // Run until ss5 e = run_until ("ss5"); // Add an assembly filter req.AssemblyFilter = new AssemblyMirror [] { (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.DeclaringType.Assembly }; req.Enable (); // Skip nop e = step_once (); // Step into is_even, skipping the linq stuff e = step_once (); assert_location (e, "is_even"); // FIXME: Check that single stepping works with lock (obj) req.Disable (); // Run until ss6 e = run_until ("ss6"); req = create_step (e); req.Depth = StepDepth.Over; req.Enable (); // Check that single stepping works in out-of-line bblocks e = step_once (); e = step_once (); assert_location (e, "ss6"); req.Disable (); // Check that a step over stops at an EH clause e = run_until ("ss7_2"); req = create_step (e); req.Depth = StepDepth.Out; req.Enable (); e = step_once (); assert_location (e, "ss7"); req.Disable (); req = create_step (e); req.Depth = StepDepth.Over; req.Enable (); e = step_once (); assert_location (e, "ss7"); req.Disable (); // Check that stepping stops between nested calls e = run_until ("ss_nested_2"); e = step_out (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested"); e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested_1"); e = step_out (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested"); // Check that step over steps over nested calls e = step_over (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested"); e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested_2"); e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested_2"); e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested_2"); e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested"); e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested_1"); e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested_1"); e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_nested"); req.Disable (); // Check DebuggerStepThrough support e = run_until ("ss_step_through"); req = create_step (e); req.Filter = StepFilter.DebuggerStepThrough; e = step_into (); // Step through step_through_1 () e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_step_through"); // Step through StepThroughClass.step_through_2 () e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_step_through"); req.Disable (); req.Filter = StepFilter.None; e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "step_through_3"); req.Disable (); // Check DebuggerNonUserCode support e = run_until ("ss_non_user_code"); req = create_step (e); req.Filter = StepFilter.DebuggerNonUserCode; e = step_into (); // Step through non_user_code_1 () e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_non_user_code"); // Step through StepThroughClass.non_user_code_2 () e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "ss_non_user_code"); req.Disable (); req.Filter = StepFilter.None; e = step_into (); assert_location (e, "non_user_code_3"); req.Disable (); // Check that step-over doesn't stop at inner frames with recursive functions e = run_until ("ss_recursive"); req = create_step (e); e = step_over (); e = step_over (); e = step_over (); var f = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; assert_location (e, "ss_recursive"); AssertValue (1, f.GetValue (f.Method.GetLocal ("n"))); req.Disable (); // Check that step-over stops correctly when inner frames with recursive functions contain breakpoints e = run_until ("ss_recursive2"); ReusableBreakpoint breakpoint = new ReusableBreakpoint (this, "ss_recursive2_trap"); try { breakpoint.Continue (); e = breakpoint.lastEvent; req = create_step (e); for (int c = 1; c <= 4; c++) { // The first five times we try to step over this function, the breakpoint will stop us assert_location_at_breakpoint (e, "ss_recursive2_trap"); req.Disable (); req = create_step (e); req.Size = StepSize.Line; e = step_out (); e = step_over ();//Stepout gets us to ss_recursive2_trap ();, move to ss_recursive2 (next); line assert_location (e, "ss_recursive2"); // Stack should consist of Main + single_stepping + (1 ss_recursive2 frame per loop iteration) Assert.AreEqual (c+2, e.Thread.GetFrames ().Length); e = step_over_or_breakpoint (); } // At this point we should have escaped the breakpoints and this will be a normal step stop assert_location (e, "ss_recursive2"); Assert.AreEqual (6, e.Thread.GetFrames ().Length); } finally { req.Disable (); breakpoint.Disable (); } // Check that step-out stops correctly when inner frames with recursive functions contain breakpoints e = run_until ("ss_recursive2"); breakpoint = new ReusableBreakpoint (this, "ss_recursive2_trap"); try { breakpoint.Continue (); e = breakpoint.lastEvent; req = create_step (e); for (int c = 1; c <= 4; c++) { // The first five times we try to step over this function, the breakpoint will stop us assert_location_at_breakpoint (e, "ss_recursive2_trap"); req.Disable (); req = create_step (e); req.Size = StepSize.Line; e = step_out (); assert_location (e, "ss_recursive2"); // Stack should consist of Main + single_stepping + (1 ss_recursive2 frame per loop iteration) Assert.AreEqual (c+2, e.Thread.GetFrames ().Length); e = step_out_or_breakpoint (); } for (int c = 3; c >= 1; c--) { assert_location (e, "ss_recursive2"); Assert.AreEqual (c + 2, e.Thread.GetFrames ().Length); e = step_out (); } } finally { req.Disable (); breakpoint.Disable (); } // Test step out with a really complicated call tree List trace = new List(); trace_ss_recursive_chaotic (trace); e = run_until ("ss_recursive_chaotic"); try { breakpoint = new ReusableBreakpoint (this, "ss_recursive_chaotic_trap"); breakpoint.Continue (); e = breakpoint.lastEvent; foreach (RecursiveChaoticPoint point in trace) { if (point.breakpoint) assert_location_at_breakpoint (e,; else assert_location (e,; Assert.AreEqual (point.depth, e.Thread.GetFrames ().Length); req.Disable (); req = create_step (e); req.Size = StepSize.Line; e = step_out_or_breakpoint (); } } finally { req.Disable (); breakpoint.Disable (); } // Check that single stepping doesn't clobber fp values e = run_until ("ss_fp_clobber"); req = create_step (e); while (true) { f = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0]; e = step_into (); if ((e as StepEvent).Method.Name == "ss_fp_clobber_2") break; e = step_into (); } f = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0]; AssertValue (7.0, f.GetValue (f.Method.GetParameters ()[0])); req.Disable (); } [Test] public void SingleSteppingNoFrames () { // // Test what happens when starting a single step operation on a thread // with no managed frames // // Run a delegate on a tp thread var e = run_until ("ss_no_frames_2"); var this_type = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Method.DeclaringType; this_type.SetValue (this_type.GetField ("static_i"), vm.CreateValue (56)); var thread = e.Thread; var e2 = run_until ("ss_no_frames_3"); // The tp thread should be idle now step_req = vm.CreateStepRequest (thread); step_req.Depth = StepDepth.Over; AssertThrows (delegate { step_req.Enable (); }); } [Test] public void MethodEntryExit () { run_until ("single_stepping"); var req1 = vm.CreateMethodEntryRequest (); var req2 = vm.CreateMethodExitRequest (); req1.Enable (); req2.Enable (); vm.Resume (); Event e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is MethodEntryEvent); Assert.AreEqual ("ss1", (e as MethodEntryEvent).Method.Name); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is MethodExitEvent); Assert.AreEqual ("ss1", (e as MethodExitEvent).Method.Name); req1.Disable (); req2.Disable (); } [Test] public void CountFilter () { run_until ("single_stepping"); MethodMirror m2 = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("ss3"); Assert.IsNotNull (m2); vm.SetBreakpoint (m2, 0); var req1 = vm.CreateMethodEntryRequest (); req1.Count = 2; req1.Enable (); // Enter ss2, ss1 is skipped vm.Resume (); Event e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is MethodEntryEvent); Assert.AreEqual ("ss2", (e as MethodEntryEvent).Method.Name); // Breakpoint on ss3, the entry event is no longer reported vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is BreakpointEvent); req1.Disable (); } [Test] public void Arguments () { object val; var e = run_until ("arg1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; check_arg_val (frame, 0, typeof (sbyte), SByte.MaxValue - 5); check_arg_val (frame, 1, typeof (byte), Byte.MaxValue - 5); check_arg_val (frame, 2, typeof (bool), true); check_arg_val (frame, 3, typeof (short), Int16.MaxValue - 5); check_arg_val (frame, 4, typeof (ushort), UInt16.MaxValue - 5); check_arg_val (frame, 5, typeof (char), 'F'); check_arg_val (frame, 6, typeof (int), Int32.MaxValue - 5); check_arg_val (frame, 7, typeof (uint), UInt32.MaxValue - 5); check_arg_val (frame, 8, typeof (long), Int64.MaxValue - 5); check_arg_val (frame, 9, typeof (ulong), UInt64.MaxValue - 5); check_arg_val (frame, 10, typeof (float), 1.2345f); check_arg_val (frame, 11, typeof (double), 6.78910); e = run_until ("arg2"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; // String val = frame.GetArgument (0); AssertValue ("FOO", val); Assert.AreEqual ("String", (val as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); // null val = frame.GetArgument (1); AssertValue (null, val); // object val = frame.GetArgument (2); AssertValue ("BLA", val); // byref val = frame.GetArgument (3); AssertValue (42, val); // generic instance val = frame.GetArgument (4); Assert.IsTrue (val is ObjectMirror); Assert.AreEqual ("GClass`1", (val as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); // System.Object val = frame.GetArgument (5); Assert.IsTrue (val is ObjectMirror); Assert.AreEqual ("Object", (val as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); // this on static methods val = frame.GetThis (); AssertValue (null, val); e = run_until ("arg3"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; // this val = frame.GetThis (); Assert.IsTrue (val is ObjectMirror); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", (val as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); // objref in register val = frame.GetArgument (0); AssertValue ("BLA", val); } [Test] public void Arrays () { object val; var e = run_until ("o2"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; // String[] val = frame.GetArgument (0); Assert.IsTrue (val is ArrayMirror); ArrayMirror arr = val as ArrayMirror; Assert.AreEqual (2, arr.Length); AssertValue ("BAR", arr [0]); AssertValue ("BAZ", arr [1]); var vals = arr.GetValues (0, 2); Assert.AreEqual (2, vals.Count); AssertValue ("BAR", vals [0]); AssertValue ("BAZ", vals [1]); arr [0] = vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("ABC"); AssertValue ("ABC", arr [0]); arr [0] = vm.CreateValue (null); AssertValue (null, arr [0]); arr.SetValues (0, new Value [] { vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("D1"), vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("D2") }); AssertValue ("D1", arr [0]); AssertValue ("D2", arr [1]); // int val = frame.GetArgument (1); Assert.IsTrue (val is ArrayMirror); arr = val as ArrayMirror; Assert.AreEqual (2, arr.Length); AssertValue (42, arr [0]); AssertValue (43, arr [1]); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { val = arr [2]; }); AssertThrows (delegate () { val = arr [Int32.MinValue]; }); AssertThrows (delegate () { vals = arr.GetValues (0, 3); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { arr [2] = vm.CreateValue (null); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { arr [Int32.MinValue] = vm.CreateValue (null); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { arr.SetValues (0, new Value [] { null, null, null }); }); // Multidim arrays val = frame.GetArgument (2); Assert.IsTrue (val is ArrayMirror); arr = val as ArrayMirror; Assert.AreEqual (2, arr.Rank); Assert.AreEqual (4, arr.Length); Assert.AreEqual (2, arr.GetLength (0)); Assert.AreEqual (2, arr.GetLength (1)); Assert.AreEqual (0, arr.GetLowerBound (0)); Assert.AreEqual (0, arr.GetLowerBound (1)); vals = arr.GetValues (0, 4); AssertValue (1, vals [0]); AssertValue (2, vals [1]); AssertValue (3, vals [2]); AssertValue (4, vals [3]); val = frame.GetArgument (3); Assert.IsTrue (val is ArrayMirror); arr = val as ArrayMirror; Assert.AreEqual (2, arr.Rank); Assert.AreEqual (4, arr.Length); Assert.AreEqual (2, arr.GetLength (0)); Assert.AreEqual (2, arr.GetLength (1)); Assert.AreEqual (1, arr.GetLowerBound (0)); Assert.AreEqual (3, arr.GetLowerBound (1)); AssertThrows (delegate () { arr.GetLength (-1); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { arr.GetLength (2); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { arr.GetLowerBound (-1); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { arr.GetLowerBound (2); }); // arrays treated as generic collections val = frame.GetArgument (4); Assert.IsTrue (val is ArrayMirror); arr = val as ArrayMirror; } [Test] public void Object_GetValue () { var e = run_until ("o1"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; object val = frame.GetThis (); Assert.IsTrue (val is ObjectMirror); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", (val as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); ObjectMirror o = (val as ObjectMirror); TypeMirror t = o.Type; // object fields object f = o.GetValue (t.GetField ("field_i")); AssertValue (42, f); f = o.GetValue (t.GetField ("field_s")); AssertValue ("S", f); f = o.GetValue (t.GetField ("field_enum")); Assert.IsTrue (f is EnumMirror); Assert.AreEqual (1, (f as EnumMirror).Value); Assert.AreEqual ("B", (f as EnumMirror).StringValue); // Inherited object fields TypeMirror parent = t.BaseType; f = o.GetValue (parent.GetField ("base_field_i")); AssertValue (43, f); f = o.GetValue (parent.GetField ("base_field_s")); AssertValue ("T", f); // Static fields f = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("static_i")); AssertValue (55, f); // generic instances ObjectMirror o2 = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[1]) as ObjectMirror; Assert.AreEqual ("GClass`1", o2.Type.Name); TypeMirror t2 = o2.Type; f = o2.GetValue (t2.GetField ("field")); AssertValue (42, f); ObjectMirror o3 = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[2]) as ObjectMirror; Assert.AreEqual ("GClass`1", o3.Type.Name); TypeMirror t3 = o3.Type; f = o3.GetValue (t3.GetField ("field")); AssertValue ("FOO", f); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { o.GetValue (null); }); } [Test] public void Object_GetValues () { var e = run_until ("o1"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; object val = frame.GetThis (); Assert.IsTrue (val is ObjectMirror); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", (val as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); ObjectMirror o = (val as ObjectMirror); ObjectMirror val2 = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0]) as ObjectMirror; TypeMirror t = o.Type; object[] vals = o.GetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [] { t.GetField ("field_i"), t.GetField ("field_s") }); object f = vals [0]; AssertValue (42, f); f = vals [1]; AssertValue ("S", f); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { o.GetValues (null); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { o.GetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [] { null }); }); // field of another class AssertThrows (delegate () { o.GetValue (val2.Type.GetField ("field_j")); }); } void TestSetValue (ObjectMirror o, string field_name, object val) { if (val is string) o.SetValue (o.Type.GetField (field_name), vm.RootDomain.CreateString ((string)val)); else o.SetValue (o.Type.GetField (field_name), vm.CreateValue (val)); Value f = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField (field_name)); AssertValue (val, f); } [Test] public void Object_SetValues () { var e = run_until ("o1"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; object val = frame.GetThis (); Assert.IsTrue (val is ObjectMirror); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", (val as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); ObjectMirror o = (val as ObjectMirror); ObjectMirror val2 = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0]) as ObjectMirror; TestSetValue (o, "field_i", 22); TestSetValue (o, "field_bool1", false); TestSetValue (o, "field_bool2", true); TestSetValue (o, "field_char", 'B'); TestSetValue (o, "field_byte", (byte)129); TestSetValue (o, "field_sbyte", (sbyte)-33); TestSetValue (o, "field_short", (short)(Int16.MaxValue - 5)); TestSetValue (o, "field_ushort", (ushort)(UInt16.MaxValue - 5)); TestSetValue (o, "field_long", Int64.MaxValue - 5); TestSetValue (o, "field_ulong", (ulong)(UInt64.MaxValue - 5)); TestSetValue (o, "field_float", 6.28f); TestSetValue (o, "field_double", 6.28); TestSetValue (o, "static_i", 23); TestSetValue (o, "field_s", "CDEF"); Value f; // intptrs f = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("field_intptr")); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (StructMirror), f); AssertValue (Int32.MaxValue - 5, (f as StructMirror).Fields [0]); // enums FieldInfoMirror field = o.Type.GetField ("field_enum"); f = o.GetValue (field); (f as EnumMirror).Value = 5; o.SetValue (field, f); f = o.GetValue (field); Assert.AreEqual (5, (f as EnumMirror).Value); // null o.SetValue (o.Type.GetField ("field_s"), vm.CreateValue (null)); f = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("field_s")); AssertValue (null, f); // vtype instances field = o.Type.GetField ("generic_field_struct"); f = o.GetValue (field); o.SetValue (field, f); // nullables field = o.Type.GetField ("field_nullable"); f = o.GetValue (field); AssertValue (0, (f as StructMirror).Fields [0]); AssertValue (false, (f as StructMirror).Fields [1]); o.SetValue (field, vm.CreateValue (6)); f = o.GetValue (field); AssertValue (6, (f as StructMirror).Fields [0]); AssertValue (true, (f as StructMirror).Fields [1]); o.SetValue (field, vm.CreateValue (null)); f = o.GetValue (field); AssertValue (0, (f as StructMirror).Fields [0]); AssertValue (false, (f as StructMirror).Fields [1]); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { o.SetValues (null, new Value [0]); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { o.SetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [0], null); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { o.SetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [] { null }, new Value [1] { null }); }); // vtype with a wrong type AssertThrows (delegate () { o.SetValue (o.Type.GetField ("field_struct"), o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("field_enum"))); }); // reference type not assignment compatible AssertThrows (delegate () { o.SetValue (o.Type.GetField ("field_class"), o); }); // field of another class AssertThrows (delegate () { o.SetValue (val2.Type.GetField ("field_j"), vm.CreateValue (1)); }); } [Test] public void Type_SetValue () { var e = run_until ("o1"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; Value f; object val = frame.GetThis (); Assert.IsTrue (val is ObjectMirror); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", (val as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); ObjectMirror o = (val as ObjectMirror); ObjectMirror val2 = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0]) as ObjectMirror; o.Type.SetValue (o.Type.GetField ("static_i"), vm.CreateValue (55)); f = o.Type.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("static_i")); AssertValue (55, f); o.Type.SetValue (o.Type.GetField ("static_s"), vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("B")); f = o.Type.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("static_s")); AssertValue ("B", f); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { o.Type.SetValue (null, vm.CreateValue (0)); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { o.Type.SetValue (o.Type.GetField ("static_i"), null); }); // field of another class AssertThrows (delegate () { o.SetValue (val2.Type.GetField ("field_j"), vm.CreateValue (1)); }); } [Test] public void TypeInfo () { Event e = run_until ("ti2"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; TypeMirror t; // Array types t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("String[]", t.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("string[]", t.CSharpName); Assert.AreEqual ("Array", t.BaseType.Name); Assert.AreEqual (true, t.HasElementType); Assert.AreEqual (true, t.IsArray); Assert.AreEqual (1, t.GetArrayRank ()); Assert.AreEqual ("String", t.GetElementType ().Name); t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[2].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("Int32[,]", t.Name); // FIXME: //Assert.AreEqual ("int[,]", t.CSharpName); Assert.AreEqual ("Array", t.BaseType.Name); Assert.AreEqual (true, t.HasElementType); Assert.AreEqual (true, t.IsArray); Assert.AreEqual (2, t.GetArrayRank ()); Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", t.GetElementType ().Name); // Byref types t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[3].ParameterType; // FIXME: //Assert.AreEqual ("Int32&", t.Name); //Assert.AreEqual (true, t.IsByRef); //Assert.AreEqual (true, t.HasElementType); // Pointer types t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[4].ParameterType; // FIXME: //Assert.AreEqual ("Int32*", t.Name); Assert.AreEqual (true, t.IsPointer); Assert.AreEqual (true, t.HasElementType); Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", t.GetElementType ().Name); Assert.AreEqual (false, t.IsPrimitive); // primitive types t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[5].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual (true, t.IsPrimitive); // value types t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[6].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("AStruct", t.Name); Assert.AreEqual (false, t.IsPrimitive); Assert.AreEqual (true, t.IsValueType); Assert.AreEqual (false, t.IsClass); // reference types t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[7].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", t.Name); var nested = (from nt in t.GetNestedTypes () where nt.IsNestedPublic select nt).ToArray (); Assert.AreEqual (1, nested.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("NestedClass", nested [0].Name); Assert.IsTrue (t.BaseType.IsAssignableFrom (t)); Assert.IsTrue (!t.IsAssignableFrom (t.BaseType)); // generic instances t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[9].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("GClass`1", t.Name); Assert.IsTrue (t.IsGenericType); Assert.IsFalse (t.IsGenericTypeDefinition); var args = t.GetGenericArguments (); Assert.AreEqual (1, args.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", args [0].Name); // generic type definitions var gtd = t.GetGenericTypeDefinition (); Assert.AreEqual ("GClass`1", gtd.Name); Assert.IsTrue (gtd.IsGenericType); Assert.IsTrue (gtd.IsGenericTypeDefinition); Assert.AreEqual (gtd, gtd.GetGenericTypeDefinition ()); args = gtd.GetGenericArguments (); Assert.AreEqual (1, args.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("T", args [0].Name); // enums t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[10].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("AnEnum", t.Name); Assert.IsTrue (t.IsEnum); Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", t.EnumUnderlyingType.Name); // TypedReferences t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[11].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("TypedReference", t.Name); // properties t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[7].ParameterType; var props = t.GetProperties (); Assert.AreEqual (3, props.Length); foreach (PropertyInfoMirror prop in props) { ParameterInfoMirror[] indexes = prop.GetIndexParameters (); if (prop.Name == "IntProperty") { Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", prop.PropertyType.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("get_IntProperty", prop.GetGetMethod ().Name); Assert.AreEqual ("set_IntProperty", prop.GetSetMethod ().Name); Assert.AreEqual (0, indexes.Length); } else if (prop.Name == "ReadOnlyProperty") { Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", prop.PropertyType.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("get_ReadOnlyProperty", prop.GetGetMethod ().Name); Assert.AreEqual (null, prop.GetSetMethod ()); Assert.AreEqual (0, indexes.Length); } else if (prop.Name == "IndexedProperty") { Assert.AreEqual (1, indexes.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", indexes [0].ParameterType.Name); } } // custom attributes t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[8].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("Tests2", t.Name); var attrs = t.GetCustomAttributes (true); Assert.AreEqual (5, attrs.Length); foreach (var attr in attrs) { if (attr.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "DebuggerDisplayAttribute") { Assert.AreEqual (1, attr.ConstructorArguments.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", attr.ConstructorArguments [0].Value); Assert.AreEqual (2, attr.NamedArguments.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("Name", attr.NamedArguments [0].Property.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("FOO", attr.NamedArguments [0].TypedValue.Value); Assert.AreEqual ("Target", attr.NamedArguments [1].Property.Name); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (TypeMirror), attr.NamedArguments [1].TypedValue.Value); Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", (attr.NamedArguments [1].TypedValue.Value as TypeMirror).Name); } else if (attr.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute") { Assert.AreEqual (1, attr.ConstructorArguments.Count); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (TypeMirror), attr.ConstructorArguments [0].Value); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", (attr.ConstructorArguments [0].Value as TypeMirror).Name); } else if (attr.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "BAttribute") { Assert.AreEqual (2, attr.NamedArguments.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("afield", attr.NamedArguments [0].Field.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("bfield", attr.NamedArguments [1].Field.Name); } else if (attr.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "ClassInterfaceAttribute") { // inherited from System.Object //} else if (attr.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "Serializable") { // inherited from System.Object } else if (attr.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name == "ComVisibleAttribute") { // inherited from System.Object } else { Assert.Fail (attr.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name); } } var assembly = entry_point.DeclaringType.Assembly; var type = assembly.GetType ("Tests4"); Assert.IsFalse (type.IsInitialized); } [Test] public void FieldInfo () { Event e = run_until ("ti2"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; TypeMirror t; t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[8].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("Tests2", t.Name); var fi = t.GetField ("field_j"); var attrs = fi.GetCustomAttributes (true); Assert.AreEqual (1, attrs.Length); var attr = attrs [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("DebuggerBrowsableAttribute", attr.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name); Assert.AreEqual (1, attr.ConstructorArguments.Count); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (EnumMirror), attr.ConstructorArguments [0].Value); Assert.AreEqual ((int)System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState.Collapsed, (attr.ConstructorArguments [0].Value as EnumMirror).Value); } [Test] public void PropertyInfo () { Event e = run_until ("ti2"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; TypeMirror t; t = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[8].ParameterType; Assert.AreEqual ("Tests2", t.Name); var pi = t.GetProperty ("AProperty"); var attrs = pi.GetCustomAttributes (true); Assert.AreEqual (1, attrs.Length); var attr = attrs [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("DebuggerBrowsableAttribute", attr.Constructor.DeclaringType.Name); Assert.AreEqual (1, attr.ConstructorArguments.Count); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (EnumMirror), attr.ConstructorArguments [0].Value); Assert.AreEqual ((int)System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState.Collapsed, (attr.ConstructorArguments [0].Value as EnumMirror).Value); } [Test] [Category ("only5")] public void Type_GetValue () { Event e = run_until ("o1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; ObjectMirror o = (frame.GetThis () as ObjectMirror); TypeMirror t = o.Type; ObjectMirror val2 = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0]) as ObjectMirror; // static fields object f = t.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("static_i")); AssertValue (55, f); f = t.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("static_s")); AssertValue ("A", f); // literal static fields f = t.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("literal_i")); AssertValue (56, f); f = t.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("literal_s")); AssertValue ("B", f); // Inherited static fields TypeMirror parent = t.BaseType; f = t.GetValue (parent.GetField ("base_static_i")); AssertValue (57, f); f = t.GetValue (parent.GetField ("base_static_s")); AssertValue ("C", f); // thread static field f = t.GetValue (t.GetField ("tls_i"), e.Thread); AssertValue (42, f); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { t.GetValue (null); }); // instance fields AssertThrows (delegate () { t.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("field_i")); }); // field on another type AssertThrows (delegate () { t.GetValue (val2.Type.GetField ("static_field_j")); }); // special static field AssertThrows (delegate () { t.GetValue (t.GetField ("tls_i")); }); } [Test] public void Type_GetValues () { Event e = run_until ("o1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; ObjectMirror o = (frame.GetThis () as ObjectMirror); TypeMirror t = o.Type; // static fields object[] vals = t.GetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [] { t.GetField ("static_i"), t.GetField ("static_s") }); object f = vals [0]; AssertValue (55, f); f = vals [1]; AssertValue ("A", f); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { t.GetValues (null); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { t.GetValues (new FieldInfoMirror [] { null }); }); } [Test] public void ObjRefs () { Event e = run_until ("objrefs1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; ObjectMirror o = frame.GetThis () as ObjectMirror; ObjectMirror child = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("child")) as ObjectMirror; Assert.IsTrue (child.Address != 0); // Check that object references are internalized correctly Assert.AreEqual (o, frame.GetThis ()); run_until ("objrefs2"); // child should be gc'd now // This is not deterministic //Assert.IsTrue (child.IsCollected); /* * No longer works since Type is read eagerly */ /* AssertThrows (delegate () { TypeMirror t = child.Type; }); */ /* AssertThrows (delegate () { long addr = child.Address; }); */ } [Test] public void Type_GetObject () { Event e = run_until ("o1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; ObjectMirror o = (frame.GetThis () as ObjectMirror); TypeMirror t = o.Type; Assert.AreEqual ("RuntimeType", t.GetTypeObject ().Type.Name); } [Test] public void VTypes () { Event e = run_until ("vtypes1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; // vtypes as fields ObjectMirror o = frame.GetThis () as ObjectMirror; var obj = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("field_struct")); Assert.IsTrue (obj is StructMirror); var s = obj as StructMirror; Assert.AreEqual ("AStruct", s.Type.Name); AssertValue (42, s ["i"]); obj = s ["s"]; AssertValue ("S", obj); AssertValue (43, s ["k"]); obj = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("field_boxed_struct")); Assert.IsTrue (obj is StructMirror); s = obj as StructMirror; Assert.AreEqual ("AStruct", s.Type.Name); AssertValue (42, s ["i"]); // Check decoding of nested structs (#14942) obj = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("nested_struct")); o.SetValue (o.Type.GetField ("nested_struct"), obj); // Check round tripping of boxed struct fields (#12354) obj = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("boxed_struct_field")); o.SetValue (o.Type.GetField ("boxed_struct_field"), obj); obj = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("boxed_struct_field")); s = obj as StructMirror; AssertValue (1, s ["key"]); obj = s ["value"]; Assert.IsTrue (obj is StructMirror); s = obj as StructMirror; AssertValue (42, s ["m_value"]); // vtypes as arguments s = frame.GetArgument (0) as StructMirror; AssertValue (44, s ["i"]); obj = s ["s"]; AssertValue ("T", obj); AssertValue (45, s ["k"]); // vtypes as array entries var arr = frame.GetArgument (1) as ArrayMirror; obj = arr [0]; Assert.IsTrue (obj is StructMirror); s = obj as StructMirror; AssertValue (1, s ["i"]); AssertValue ("S1", s ["s"]); obj = arr [1]; Assert.IsTrue (obj is StructMirror); s = obj as StructMirror; AssertValue (2, s ["i"]); AssertValue ("S2", s ["s"]); // typedbyref var typedref = frame.GetArgument (2) as StructMirror; Assert.IsTrue (typedref is StructMirror); // Argument checking s = frame.GetArgument (0) as StructMirror; AssertThrows (delegate () { obj = s ["FOO"]; }); // generic vtype instances o = frame.GetThis () as ObjectMirror; obj = o.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("generic_field_struct")); Assert.IsTrue (obj is StructMirror); s = obj as StructMirror; Assert.AreEqual ("GStruct`1", s.Type.Name); AssertValue (42, s ["i"]); // this on vtype methods e = run_until ("vtypes2"); e = step_until (e.Thread, "foo"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("foo", (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); obj = frame.GetThis (); Assert.IsTrue (obj is StructMirror); s = obj as StructMirror; AssertValue (44, s ["i"]); AssertValue ("T", s ["s"]); AssertValue (45, s ["k"]); // Test SetThis () s ["i"] = vm.CreateValue (55); frame.SetThis (s); obj = frame.GetThis (); Assert.IsTrue (obj is StructMirror); s = obj as StructMirror; AssertValue (55, s ["i"]); AssertValue ("T", s ["s"]); AssertValue (45, s ["k"]); // this on static vtype methods e = run_until ("vtypes3"); e = step_until (e.Thread, "static_foo"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("static_foo", (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); obj = frame.GetThis (); AssertValue (null, obj); // vtypes which reference themselves recursively e = run_until ("vtypes4_2"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; Assert.IsTrue (frame.GetArgument (0) is StructMirror); } [Test] public void AssemblyInfo () { Event e = run_until ("single_stepping"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; var aname = frame.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetName (); Assert.AreEqual ("dtest-app, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", aname.ToString ()); ModuleMirror m = frame.Method.DeclaringType.Module; Assert.AreEqual ("dtest-app.exe", m.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("dtest-app.exe", m.ScopeName); Assert.IsTrue (m.FullyQualifiedName.IndexOf ("dtest-app.exe") != -1); Guid guid = m.ModuleVersionId; Assert.AreEqual (frame.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly, m.Assembly); Assert.AreEqual (frame.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly.ManifestModule, m); // This is no longer true on 4.0 //Assert.AreEqual ("Assembly", frame.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetAssemblyObject ().Type.Name); TypeMirror t = vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute"); Assert.AreEqual ("DebuggerDisplayAttribute", t.Name); } [Test] public void LocalsInfo () { Event e = run_until ("locals2"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; var locals = frame.Method.GetLocals (); Assert.AreEqual (9, locals.Length); for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { if (locals [i].Name == "args") { Assert.IsTrue (locals [i].IsArg); Assert.AreEqual ("String[]", locals [i].Type.Name); } else if (locals [i].Name == "arg") { Assert.IsTrue (locals [i].IsArg); Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", locals [i].Type.Name); } else if (locals [i].Name == "i") { Assert.IsFalse (locals [i].IsArg); Assert.AreEqual ("Int64", locals [i].Type.Name); } else if (locals [i].Name == "j") { Assert.IsFalse (locals [i].IsArg); Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", locals [i].Type.Name); } else if (locals [i].Name == "s") { Assert.IsFalse (locals [i].IsArg); Assert.AreEqual ("String", locals [i].Type.Name); } else if (locals [i].Name == "t") { // gshared Assert.IsTrue (locals [i].IsArg); Assert.AreEqual ("String", locals [i].Type.Name); } else if (locals [i].Name == "rs") { Assert.IsTrue (locals [i].IsArg); Assert.AreEqual ("String", locals [i].Type.Name); } else if (locals [i].Name == "astruct") { } else if (locals [i].Name == "alist") { } else { Assert.Fail (); } } var scopes = frame.Method.GetScopes (); Assert.AreEqual (2, scopes.Length); } Event step_once () { vm.Resume (); var e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); return e; } Event step_into () { step_req.Disable (); step_req.Depth = StepDepth.Into; step_req.Enable (); return step_once (); } Event step_over () { step_req.Disable (); step_req.Depth = StepDepth.Over; step_req.Enable (); return step_once (); } Event step_out () { step_req.Disable (); step_req.Depth = StepDepth.Out; step_req.Enable (); return step_once (); } Event step_once_or_breakpoint () { vm.Resume (); var e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent || e is BreakpointEvent); return e; } Event step_over_or_breakpoint () { step_req.Disable (); step_req.Depth = StepDepth.Over; step_req.Enable (); return step_once_or_breakpoint (); } Event step_out_or_breakpoint () { step_req.Disable (); step_req.Depth = StepDepth.Out; step_req.Enable (); return step_once_or_breakpoint (); } [Test] public void Locals () { var be = run_until ("locals1"); StackFrame frame = be.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; MethodMirror m1 = frame.Method; // Compiler generated byref local foreach (var l in m1.GetLocals ()) { // The byval flag is hidden from the type if (l.Name != "ri" && l.Type.Name == "Double") AssertValue (null, frame.GetValue (l)); } be = run_until ("locals2"); frame = be.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; object val = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetLocal ("i")); AssertValue (0, val); var req = create_step (be); req.Enable (); // Skip nop step_once (); // Execute i = 42 var e = step_once (); Assert.AreEqual ("locals2", (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); // Execute s = "AB"; e = step_once (); Assert.AreEqual ("locals2", (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; val = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetLocal ("i")); AssertValue (42, val); LocalVariable[] locals = frame.Method.GetLocals (); var vals = frame.GetValues (locals); Assert.AreEqual (locals.Length, vals.Length); for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; ++i) { if (locals [i].Name == "i") AssertValue (42, vals [i]); if (locals [i].Name == "s") AssertValue ("AB", vals [i]); if (locals [i].Name == "t") AssertValue ("ABC", vals [i]); if (locals [i].Name == "alist") { } } // Argument checking // GetValue () null AssertThrows (delegate () { frame.GetValue ((LocalVariable)null); }); // GetValue () local from another method AssertThrows (delegate () { frame.GetValue (m1.GetLocal ("foo")); }); // GetValue () null AssertThrows (delegate () { frame.GetValue ((ParameterInfoMirror)null); }); // GetValue () local from another method AssertThrows (delegate () { frame.GetValue (m1.GetParameters ()[0]); }); // GetValues () null AssertThrows (delegate () { frame.GetValues (null); }); // GetValues () embedded null AssertThrows (delegate () { frame.GetValues (new LocalVariable [] { null }); }); // GetValues () local from another method AssertThrows (delegate () { frame.GetValues (new LocalVariable [] { m1.GetLocal ("foo") }); }); // return value AssertThrows (delegate () { val = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.ReturnParameter); }); // invalid stack frames vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); Assert.AreEqual ("locals2", (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); AssertThrows (delegate () { frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetLocal ("i")); }); req.Disable (); // gsharedvt be = run_until ("locals7"); req = create_step (be); req.Enable (); // Skip nop e = step_once (); // Test that locals are initialized frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; val = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetLocal ("t")); AssertValue (0, val); // Execute t = arg e = step_once (); Assert.AreEqual ("locals7", (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); // Execute t2 = t e = step_once (); Assert.AreEqual ("locals7", (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; val = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0]); AssertValue (22, val); val = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetLocal ("t")); AssertValue (22, val); val = frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetLocal ("t2")); AssertValue (22, val); } [Test] public void GetVisibleVariables () { Event e = run_until ("locals4"); // First scope var locals = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[1].GetVisibleVariables (); Assert.AreEqual (2, locals.Count); var loc = locals.First (l => l.Name == "i"); Assert.AreEqual ("Int64", loc.Type.Name); loc = locals.First (l => l.Name == "s"); Assert.AreEqual ("String", loc.Type.Name); loc = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[1].GetVisibleVariableByName ("i"); Assert.AreEqual ("i", loc.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("Int64", loc.Type.Name); e = run_until ("locals5"); // Second scope locals = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[1].GetVisibleVariables (); Assert.AreEqual (2, locals.Count); loc = locals.First (l => l.Name == "i"); Assert.AreEqual ("String", loc.Type.Name); loc = locals.First (l => l.Name == "s"); Assert.AreEqual ("String", loc.Type.Name); loc = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[1].GetVisibleVariableByName ("i"); Assert.AreEqual ("i", loc.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("String", loc.Type.Name); // Variable in another scope loc = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[1].GetVisibleVariableByName ("j"); Assert.IsNull (loc); } [Test] public void Exit () { run_until ("Main"); vm.Exit (5); var e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (VMDeathEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual (5, (e as VMDeathEvent).ExitCode); var p = vm.Process; /* Could be a remote vm with no process */ if (p != null) { p.WaitForExit (); Assert.AreEqual (5, p.ExitCode); // error handling AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.Resume (); }); } vm = null; } [Test] public void Dispose () { run_until ("Main"); vm.Detach (); var e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (VMDisconnectEvent), e); var p = vm.Process; /* Could be a remote vm with no process */ if (p != null) { p.WaitForExit (); Assert.AreEqual (3, p.ExitCode); // error handling AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.Resume (); }); } vm = null; } [Test] public void ColumnNumbers () { Event e = run_until ("line_numbers"); // FIXME: Merge this with LineNumbers () when its fixed step_req = create_step (e); step_req.Depth = StepDepth.Into; step_req.Enable (); Location l; while (true) { vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); if (e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Method.Name == "ln1") break; } // Do an additional step over so we are not on the beginning line of the method step_req.Disable (); step_req.Depth = StepDepth.Over; step_req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); l = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location; Assert.AreEqual (3, l.ColumnNumber); step_req.Disable (); } [Test] // Broken by mcs+runtime changes (#5438) [Category("NotWorking")] public void LineNumbers () { Event e = run_until ("line_numbers"); step_req = create_step (e); step_req.Depth = StepDepth.Into; step_req.Enable (); Location l; vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); l = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location; Assert.IsTrue (l.SourceFile.IndexOf ("dtest-app.cs") != -1); Assert.AreEqual ("ln1", l.Method.Name); // Check hash using (FileStream fs = new FileStream (l.SourceFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { MD5 md5 = MD5.Create (); var hash = md5.ComputeHash (fs); for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) Assert.AreEqual (hash [i], l.SourceFileHash [i]); } int line_base = l.LineNumber; vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); l = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location; Assert.AreEqual ("ln2", l.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (line_base + 6, l.LineNumber); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); l = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location; Assert.AreEqual ("ln1", l.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (line_base + 1, l.LineNumber); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); l = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location; Assert.AreEqual ("ln3", l.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (line_base + 11, l.LineNumber); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); l = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location; Assert.AreEqual ("ln3", l.Method.Name); Assert.IsTrue (l.SourceFile.EndsWith ("FOO")); Assert.AreEqual (55, l.LineNumber); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); l = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location; Assert.AreEqual ("ln1", l.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (line_base + 2, l.LineNumber); // GetSourceFiles () string[] sources = l.Method.DeclaringType.GetSourceFiles (); Assert.AreEqual (2, sources.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("dtest-app.cs", sources [0]); Assert.AreEqual ("FOO", sources [1]); sources = l.Method.DeclaringType.GetSourceFiles (true); Assert.AreEqual (2, sources.Length); Assert.IsTrue (sources [0].EndsWith ("dtest-app.cs")); Assert.IsTrue (sources [1].EndsWith ("FOO")); } [Test] public void Suspend () { vm.Detach (); Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "suspend-test" }); Event e = run_until ("suspend"); ThreadMirror main = e.Thread; vm.Resume (); Thread.Sleep (100); vm.Suspend (); // The debuggee should be suspended while it is running the infinite loop // in suspend () StackFrame frame = main.GetFrames ()[0]; Assert.AreEqual ("suspend", frame.Method.Name); vm.Resume (); // resuming when not suspended AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.Resume (); }); vm.Exit (0); vm = null; } [Test] public void AssemblyLoad () { Event e = run_until ("assembly_load"); var load_req = vm.CreateAssemblyLoadRequest (); load_req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (AssemblyLoadEvent), e); Assert.IsTrue ((e as AssemblyLoadEvent).Assembly.Location.EndsWith ("System.dll")); var frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); Assert.IsTrue (frames.Length > 0); Assert.AreEqual ("assembly_load", frames [0].Method.Name); } [Test] public void CreateValue () { PrimitiveValue v; v = vm.CreateValue (1); Assert.AreEqual (vm, v.VirtualMachine); Assert.AreEqual (1, v.Value); v = vm.CreateValue (null); Assert.AreEqual (vm, v.VirtualMachine); Assert.AreEqual (null, v.Value); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { v = vm.CreateValue ("FOO"); }); } [Test] public void CreateString () { StringMirror s = vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("ABC"); Assert.AreEqual (vm, s.VirtualMachine); Assert.AreEqual ("ABC", s.Value); Assert.AreEqual (vm.RootDomain, s.Domain); // Long strings StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) sb.Append ('A'); s = vm.RootDomain.CreateString (sb.ToString ()); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { s = vm.RootDomain.CreateString (null); }); } [Test] public void CreateBoxedValue () { ObjectMirror o = vm.RootDomain.CreateBoxedValue (new PrimitiveValue (vm, 42)); Assert.AreEqual ("Int32", o.Type.Name); //AssertValue (42, m.GetValue (o.Type.GetField ("m_value"))); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.RootDomain.CreateBoxedValue (null); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.RootDomain.CreateBoxedValue (o); }); } [Test] public void Invoke () { Event e = run_until ("invoke1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; TypeMirror t = frame.Method.DeclaringType; ObjectMirror this_obj = (ObjectMirror)frame.GetThis (); TypeMirror t2 = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0].ParameterType; MethodMirror m; Value v; // return void m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_void"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); Assert.IsNull (v); // return ref m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_ref"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue ("ABC", v); // return null m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_null"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue (null, v); // return primitive m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_primitive"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue (42, v); // return nullable m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_nullable"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (StructMirror), v); var s = v as StructMirror; AssertValue (42, s.Fields [0]); AssertValue (true, s.Fields [1]); // pass nullable as this //m = vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.Object").GetMethod ("ToString"); m = s.Type.GetMethod ("ToString"); v = s.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); // return nullable null m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_nullable_null"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (StructMirror), v); s = v as StructMirror; AssertValue (0, s.Fields [0]); AssertValue (false, s.Fields [1]); // pass nullable as this //m = vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.Object").GetMethod ("ToString"); m = s.Type.GetMethod ("ToString"); v = s.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); // pass primitive m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_pass_primitive"); Value[] args = new Value [] { vm.CreateValue ((byte)Byte.MaxValue), vm.CreateValue ((sbyte)SByte.MaxValue), vm.CreateValue ((short)1), vm.CreateValue ((ushort)1), vm.CreateValue ((int)1), vm.CreateValue ((uint)1), vm.CreateValue ((long)1), vm.CreateValue ((ulong)1), vm.CreateValue ('A'), vm.CreateValue (true), vm.CreateValue (3.14f), vm.CreateValue (3.14) }; v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, args); AssertValue ((int)Byte.MaxValue + (int)SByte.MaxValue + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 'A' + 1 + 3 + 3, v); // pass ref m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_pass_ref"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("ABC") }); AssertValue ("ABC", v); // pass null m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_pass_ref"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.CreateValue (null) }); AssertValue (null, v); // static m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_static_pass_ref"); v = t.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("ABC") }); AssertValue ("ABC", v); // static invoked using ObjectMirror.InvokeMethod m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_static_pass_ref"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("ABC") }); AssertValue ("ABC", v); // method which throws an exception try { m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_throws"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); Assert.Fail (); } catch (InvocationException ex) { Assert.AreEqual ("Exception", ex.Exception.Type.Name); } // out argument m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_out"); var out_task = this_obj.InvokeMethodAsyncWithResult (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.CreateValue (1), vm.CreateValue (null) }, InvokeOptions.ReturnOutArgs); var out_args = out_task.Result.OutArgs; AssertValue (5, out_args [0]); Assert.IsTrue (out_args [1] is ArrayMirror); Assert.AreEqual (10, (out_args [1] as ArrayMirror).Length); // without ReturnOutArgs flag out_task = this_obj.InvokeMethodAsyncWithResult (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.CreateValue (1), vm.CreateValue (null) }); out_args = out_task.Result.OutArgs; Assert.IsNull (out_args); // newobj m = t.GetMethod (".ctor"); v = t.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ObjectMirror), v); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", (v as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); // interface method var cl1 = frame.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetType ("ITest2"); m = cl1.GetMethod ("invoke_iface"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue (42, v); // virtual call m = t.BaseType.GetMethod ("virtual_method"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null, InvokeOptions.Virtual); AssertValue ("V2", v); // virtual call on static method m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_static_pass_ref"); v = t.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("ABC") }, InvokeOptions.Virtual); AssertValue ("ABC", v); // instance m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_pass_ref"); var task = this_obj.InvokeMethodAsync (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("ABC") }); AssertValue ("ABC", task.Result); // static m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_static_pass_ref"); task = t.InvokeMethodAsync (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("ABC") }); AssertValue ("ABC", task.Result); // Argument checking // null thread AssertThrows (delegate { m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_pass_ref"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (null, m, new Value [] { vm.CreateValue (null) }); }); // null method AssertThrows (delegate { v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, null, new Value [] { vm.CreateValue (null) }); }); // invalid number of arguments m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_pass_ref"); AssertThrows (delegate { v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); }); // invalid type of argument (ref != primitive) m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_pass_ref"); AssertThrows (delegate { v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.CreateValue (1) }); }); // invalid type of argument (primitive != primitive) m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_pass_primitive_2"); AssertThrows (delegate { v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.CreateValue (1) }); }); // invoking a non-static method as static m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_pass_ref"); AssertThrows (delegate { v = t.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("ABC") }); }); // invoking a method defined in another class m = t2.GetMethod ("invoke"); AssertThrows (delegate { v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); }); } [Test] public void InvokeVType () { Event e = run_until ("invoke1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; var s = frame.GetArgument (1) as StructMirror; TypeMirror t = s.Type; MethodMirror m; Value v; // Pass struct as this, receive int m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_int"); v = s.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue (42, v); // Pass boxed struct as this var boxed_this = t.NewInstance () as ObjectMirror; m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_int"); v = boxed_this.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue (0, v); // Pass struct as this, receive intptr m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_intptr"); v = s.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue (43, v); // Static method m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_static"); v = t.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue (5, v); // Pass generic struct as this s = frame.GetArgument (2) as StructMirror; t = s.Type; m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_int"); v = s.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue (42, v); // .ctor s = frame.GetArgument (1) as StructMirror; t = s.Type; m = t.GetMethods ().First (method => method.Name == ".ctor" && method.GetParameters ().Length == 1); v = t.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { vm.CreateValue (1) }); AssertValue (1, (v as StructMirror)["i"]); // Invoke a method which changes state s = frame.GetArgument (1) as StructMirror; t = s.Type; m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_mutate"); var task = s.InvokeMethodAsyncWithResult (e.Thread, m, null, InvokeOptions.ReturnOutThis); var out_this = task.Result.OutThis as StructMirror; AssertValue (5, out_this ["l"]); // Without the ReturnOutThis flag s = frame.GetArgument (1) as StructMirror; t = s.Type; m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_mutate"); task = s.InvokeMethodAsyncWithResult (e.Thread, m, null); out_this = task.Result.OutThis as StructMirror; Assert.AreEqual (null, out_this); // interface method var cl1 = frame.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetType ("ITest2"); m = cl1.GetMethod ("invoke_iface"); v = s.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); AssertValue (42, v); // virtual method m = vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.Object").GetMethod ("ToString"); v = s.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null, InvokeOptions.Virtual); AssertValue ("42", v); } [Test] public void BreakpointDuringInvoke () { Event e = run_until ("invoke1"); MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("invoke2"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; var o = frame.GetThis () as ObjectMirror; bool failed = false; bool finished = false; object wait = new object (); // Have to invoke in a separate thread as the invoke is suspended until we // resume after the breakpoint Thread t = new Thread (delegate () { try { o.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); } catch { failed = true; } lock (wait) { finished = true; Monitor.Pulse (wait); } }); t.Start (); StackFrame invoke_frame = null; try { e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (BreakpointEvent), e); // Check stack trace support and invokes var frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); invoke_frame = frames [0]; Assert.AreEqual ("invoke2", frames [0].Method.Name); Assert.IsTrue (frames [0].IsDebuggerInvoke); Assert.AreEqual ("invoke1", frames [1].Method.Name); } finally { vm.Resume (); } lock (wait) { if (!finished) Monitor.Wait (wait); } // Check that the invoke frames are no longer valid AssertThrows (delegate { invoke_frame.GetThis (); }); // Check InvokeOptions.DisableBreakpoints flag o.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null, InvokeOptions.DisableBreakpoints); } [Test] public void DisabledExceptionDuringInvoke () { Event e = run_until ("invoke_ex"); MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("invoke_ex_inner"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; var o = frame.GetThis () as ObjectMirror; var req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (null); req.Enable (); // Check InvokeOptions.DisableBreakpoints flag o.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null, InvokeOptions.DisableBreakpoints); req.Disable (); } [Test] public void InvokeSingleThreaded () { vm.Detach (); Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "invoke-single-threaded" }); Event e = run_until ("invoke_single_threaded_2"); StackFrame f = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0]; var obj = f.GetThis () as ObjectMirror; // Check that the counter value incremented by the other thread does not increase // during the invoke. object counter1 = (obj.GetValue (obj.Type.GetField ("counter")) as PrimitiveValue).Value; var m = obj.Type.GetMethod ("invoke_return_void"); obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null, InvokeOptions.SingleThreaded); object counter2 = (obj.GetValue (obj.Type.GetField ("counter")) as PrimitiveValue).Value; Assert.AreEqual ((int)counter1, (int)counter2); // Test multiple invokes done in succession m = obj.Type.GetMethod ("invoke_return_void"); obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null, InvokeOptions.SingleThreaded); // Test events during single-threaded invokes vm.EnableEvents (EventType.TypeLoad); m = obj.Type.GetMethod ("invoke_type_load"); obj.BeginInvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null, InvokeOptions.SingleThreaded, delegate { vm.Resume (); }, null); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.TypeLoad, e.EventType); } List invoke_results; [Test] public void InvokeMultiple () { Event e = run_until ("invoke1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; TypeMirror t = frame.Method.DeclaringType; ObjectMirror this_obj = (ObjectMirror)frame.GetThis (); TypeMirror t2 = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0].ParameterType; var methods = new MethodMirror [2]; methods [0] = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_ref"); methods [1] = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_primitive"); invoke_results = new List (); var r = this_obj.BeginInvokeMultiple (e.Thread, methods, null, InvokeOptions.SingleThreaded, invoke_multiple_cb, this_obj); WaitHandle.WaitAll (new WaitHandle[] { r.AsyncWaitHandle }); this_obj.EndInvokeMultiple (r); // The callback might still be running while (invoke_results.Count < 2) { Thread.Sleep (100); } if (invoke_results [0] is PrimitiveValue) { AssertValue ("ABC", invoke_results [1]); AssertValue (42, invoke_results [0]); } else { AssertValue ("ABC", invoke_results [0]); AssertValue (42, invoke_results [1]); } } void invoke_multiple_cb (IAsyncResult ar) { ObjectMirror this_obj = (ObjectMirror)ar.AsyncState; var res = this_obj.EndInvokeMethod (ar); lock (invoke_results) invoke_results.Add (res); } [Test] public void InvokeAbort () { vm.Detach (); Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "invoke-abort" }); Event e = run_until ("invoke_abort"); StackFrame f = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0]; var obj = f.GetThis () as ObjectMirror; var t = obj.Type; var m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_abort_2"); // Invoke multiple times to check that the subsequent invokes are aborted too var res = (IInvokeAsyncResult)obj.BeginInvokeMultiple (e.Thread, new MethodMirror[] { m, m, m, m }, null, InvokeOptions.None, delegate { }, null); Thread.Sleep (500); res.Abort (); AssertThrows (delegate { obj.EndInvokeMethod (res); }); } [Test] public void GetThreads () { vm.GetThreads (); } [Test] public void Threads () { Event e = run_until ("threads"); Assert.AreEqual (ThreadState.Running, e.Thread.ThreadState); Assert.IsTrue (e.Thread.ThreadId > 0); Assert.AreEqual (e.Thread.TID, e.Thread.TID); vm.EnableEvents (EventType.ThreadStart, EventType.ThreadDeath); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ThreadStartEvent), e); var state = e.Thread.ThreadState; Assert.IsTrue (state == ThreadState.Running || state == ThreadState.Unstarted); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ThreadDeathEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual (ThreadState.Stopped, e.Thread.ThreadState); } [Test] public void Frame_SetValue () { Event e = run_until ("locals2"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; // primitive var l = frame.Method.GetLocal ("i"); frame.SetValue (l, vm.CreateValue ((long)55)); AssertValue (55, frame.GetValue (l)); // reference l = frame.Method.GetLocal ("s"); frame.SetValue (l, vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("DEF")); AssertValue ("DEF", frame.GetValue (l)); // argument as local l = frame.Method.GetLocal ("arg"); frame.SetValue (l, vm.CreateValue (6)); AssertValue (6, frame.GetValue (l)); // argument var p = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[1]; frame.SetValue (p, vm.CreateValue (7)); AssertValue (7, frame.GetValue (p)); // gshared p = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[2]; frame.SetValue (p, vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("DEF")); AssertValue ("DEF", frame.GetValue (p)); // byref p = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[3]; frame.SetValue (p, vm.RootDomain.CreateString ("DEF2")); AssertValue ("DEF2", frame.GetValue (p)); // byref struct p = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[4]; var v = frame.GetValue (p) as StructMirror; v ["i"] = vm.CreateValue (43); frame.SetValue (p, v); v = frame.GetValue (p) as StructMirror; AssertValue (43, v ["i"]); // argument checking // variable null AssertThrows (delegate () { frame.SetValue ((LocalVariable)null, vm.CreateValue (55)); }); // value null AssertThrows (delegate () { l = frame.Method.GetLocal ("i"); frame.SetValue (l, null); }); // value of invalid type AssertThrows (delegate () { l = frame.Method.GetLocal ("i"); frame.SetValue (l, vm.CreateValue (55)); }); } [Test] [Category ("only")] public void Frame_SetValue_Registers () { Event e = run_until ("locals6_1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [1]; // Set 'j' to 99 var l = frame.Method.GetLocal ("j"); frame.SetValue (l, vm.CreateValue (99)); AssertValue (99, frame.GetValue (l)); // Check it during execution e = run_until ("locals6_2"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; AssertValue (99, frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0])); // Set it while in a frame which clobbers its register e = run_until ("locals6_3"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [1]; frame.SetValue (l, vm.CreateValue (100)); AssertValue (100, frame.GetValue (l)); // Check it during execution e = run_until ("locals6_4"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; AssertValue (100, frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0])); // Signed byte value e = run_until ("locals6_5"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [1]; var l2 = frame.Method.GetLocal ("sb"); frame.SetValue (l2, vm.CreateValue ((sbyte)-99)); AssertValue (-99, frame.GetValue (l2)); // Check it during execution e = run_until ("locals6_6"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; AssertValue (-99, frame.GetValue (frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0])); } [Test] public void InvokeRegress () { Event e = run_until ("invoke1"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; TypeMirror t = frame.Method.DeclaringType; ObjectMirror this_obj = (ObjectMirror)frame.GetThis (); TypeMirror t2 = frame.Method.GetParameters ()[0].ParameterType; MethodMirror m; Value v; // do an invoke m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_void"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); Assert.IsNull (v); // Check that the stack frames remain valid during the invoke Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", (frame.GetThis () as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); // do another invoke m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_return_void"); v = this_obj.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); Assert.IsNull (v); // Try a single step after the invoke var req = create_step (e); req.Depth = StepDepth.Into; req.Size = StepSize.Line; req.Enable (); // Skip nop step_once (); // Step into invoke2 vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); Assert.AreEqual ("invoke2", (e as StepEvent).Method.Name); req.Disable (); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; } [Test] public void Exceptions () { Event e = run_until ("exceptions"); var req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (null); req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ExceptionEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual ("OverflowException", (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception.Type.Name); var frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); Assert.AreEqual ("exceptions", frames [0].Method.Name); req.Disable (); // exception type filter req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.ArgumentException")); req.Enable (); // Skip the throwing of the second OverflowException vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ExceptionEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual ("ArgumentException", (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception.Type.Name); req.Disable (); // exception type filter for subclasses req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.Exception")); req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ExceptionEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual ("OverflowException", (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception.Type.Name); req.Disable (); // no subclasses req.IncludeSubclasses = false; req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ExceptionEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual ("Exception", (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception.Type.Name); req.Disable (); // Implicit exceptions req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (null); req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ExceptionEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual ("NullReferenceException", (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception.Type.Name); req.Disable (); // Single stepping after an exception req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (null); req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ExceptionEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual ("Exception", (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception.Type.Name); frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); Assert.AreEqual ("exceptions2", frames [0].Method.Name); req.Disable (); var sreq = create_step (e); sreq.Depth = StepDepth.Over; sreq.Size = StepSize.Line; sreq.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (StepEvent), e); frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); Assert.AreEqual ("exceptions", frames [0].Method.Name); sreq.Disable (); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate { vm.CreateExceptionRequest (e.Thread.Type); }); } [Test] public void ExceptionFilter () { Event e = run_until ("exception_filter"); MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("exception_filter_filter"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.IsTrue (e is BreakpointEvent); Assert.AreEqual (m.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); var frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); Assert.IsTrue (frames [0].Location.SourceFile.IndexOf ("dtest-app.cs") != -1); Assert.AreEqual ("exception_filter_filter", frames [0].Location.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (0, frames [1].Location.Method.MetadataToken); Assert.AreEqual (0x0f, frames [1].Location.ILOffset); Assert.AreEqual ("exception_filter_method", frames [2].Location.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (0x06, frames [2].Location.ILOffset); Assert.AreEqual (0, frames [3].Location.Method.MetadataToken, 0); Assert.AreEqual (0, frames [3].Location.ILOffset); Assert.AreEqual ("exception_filter", frames [4].Location.Method.Name); } [Test] public void ExceptionFilter2 () { vm.Detach (); Start (new string [] { "dtest-excfilter.exe" }); MethodMirror filter_method = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("Filter"); Assert.IsNotNull (filter_method); MethodMirror test_method = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("Test"); Assert.IsNotNull (test_method); vm.SetBreakpoint (filter_method, 0); vm.Resume (); var e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.AreEqual (EventType.Breakpoint, e.EventType); Assert.IsTrue (e is BreakpointEvent); Assert.AreEqual (filter_method.Name, (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); var frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); Assert.AreEqual (4, frames.Count ()); Assert.AreEqual (filter_method.Name, frames [0].Location.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (20, frames [0].Location.LineNumber); Assert.AreEqual (0, frames [0].Location.ILOffset); Assert.AreEqual (test_method.Name, frames [1].Location.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (37, frames [1].Location.LineNumber); Assert.AreEqual (0x0b, frames [1].Location.ILOffset); Assert.AreEqual (test_method.Name, frames [2].Location.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (33, frames [2].Location.LineNumber); Assert.AreEqual (0x05, frames [2].Location.ILOffset); Assert.AreEqual (entry_point.Name, frames [3].Location.Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (14, frames [3].Location.LineNumber); Assert.AreEqual (0x00, frames [3].Location.ILOffset); vm.Exit (0); vm = null; } [Test] public void EventSets () { // // Create two filter which both match the same exception // Event e = run_until ("exceptions"); var req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (null); req.Enable (); var req2 = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.OverflowException")); req2.Enable (); vm.Resume (); var es = vm.GetNextEventSet (); Assert.AreEqual (2, es.Events.Length); e = es [0]; Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ExceptionEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual ("OverflowException", (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception.Type.Name); e = es [1]; Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ExceptionEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual ("OverflowException", (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception.Type.Name); req.Disable (); req2.Disable (); } // // Test single threaded invokes during processing of nullref exceptions. // These won't work if the exception handling is done from the sigsegv signal // handler, since the sigsegv signal is disabled until control returns from the // signal handler. // [Test] [Category ("only3")] public void NullRefExceptionAndSingleThreadedInvoke () { Event e = run_until ("exceptions"); var req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.NullReferenceException")); req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (ExceptionEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual ("NullReferenceException", (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception.Type.Name); var ex = (e as ExceptionEvent).Exception; var tostring_method = vm.RootDomain.Corlib.GetType ("System.Object").GetMethod ("ToString"); ex.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, tostring_method, null, InvokeOptions.SingleThreaded); } [Test] public void MemberInOtherDomain () { vm.Detach (); Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "domain-test" }); vm.EnableEvents (EventType.AppDomainCreate, EventType.AppDomainUnload, EventType.AssemblyUnload); Event e = run_until ("domains_print_across"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0]; var inOtherDomain = frame.GetArgument (0) as ObjectMirror; var crossDomainField = (ObjectMirror) inOtherDomain.GetValue (inOtherDomain.Type.GetField("printMe")); Assert.AreEqual ("SentinelClass", crossDomainField.Type.Name); } [Test] public void Domains () { vm.Detach (); Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "domain-test" }); vm.EnableEvents (EventType.AppDomainCreate, EventType.AppDomainUnload, EventType.AssemblyUnload); Event e = run_until ("domains"); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (AppDomainCreateEvent), e); var domain = (e as AppDomainCreateEvent).Domain; // Check the object type e = run_until ("domains_2"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0]; var o = frame.GetArgument (0) as ObjectMirror; Assert.AreEqual ("CrossDomain", o.Type.Name); // Do a remoting invoke var cross_domain_type = o.Type; var v = o.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, cross_domain_type.GetMethod ("invoke_3"), null); AssertValue (42, v); // Run until the callback in the domain MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("invoke_in_domain"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); while (true) { vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); if (e is BreakpointEvent) break; } Assert.AreEqual ("invoke_in_domain", (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); // d_method is from another domain MethodMirror d_method = (e as BreakpointEvent).Method; Assert.IsTrue (m != d_method); var frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); Assert.AreEqual ("invoke_in_domain", frames [0].Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (domain, frames [0].Domain); Assert.AreEqual ("invoke", frames [1].Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("domains", frames [2].Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual (vm.RootDomain, frames [2].Domain); // Test breakpoints on already JITted methods in other domains m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("invoke_in_domain_2"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, 0); while (true) { vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); if (e is BreakpointEvent) break; } Assert.AreEqual ("invoke_in_domain_2", (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.Name); // This is empty when receiving the AppDomainCreateEvent Assert.AreEqual ("domain", domain.FriendlyName); // Run until the unload while (true) { vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); if (e is AssemblyUnloadEvent) { AssertThrows (delegate () { var assembly_obj = (e as AssemblyUnloadEvent).Assembly.GetAssemblyObject (); }); continue; } else { break; } } Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (AppDomainUnloadEvent), e); Assert.AreEqual (domain, (e as AppDomainUnloadEvent).Domain); // Run past the unload e = run_until ("domains_3"); // Test access to unloaded types // FIXME: Add an exception type for this AssertThrows (delegate { d_method.DeclaringType.GetValue (d_method.DeclaringType.GetField ("static_i")); }); // Check that .Domain is accessible for stack frames with native transitions e = run_until ("called_from_invoke"); ThreadMirror.NativeTransitions = true; foreach (var f in e.Thread.GetFrames ()) { var dom = f.Domain; } } [Test] public void DynamicMethods () { Event e = run_until ("dyn_call"); var m = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[1].Method; Assert.AreEqual ("dyn_method", m.Name); // Test access to IL var body = m.GetMethodBody (); ILInstruction ins = body.Instructions [0]; Assert.AreEqual (OpCodes.Ldstr, ins.OpCode); Assert.AreEqual ("FOO", ins.Operand); } [Test] public void RefEmit () { vm.Detach (); Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "ref-emit-test" }); Event e = run_until ("ref_emit_call"); var m = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[1].Method; Assert.AreEqual ("ref_emit_method", m.Name); // Test access to IL var body = m.GetMethodBody (); ILInstruction ins; ins = body.Instructions [0]; Assert.AreEqual (OpCodes.Ldstr, ins.OpCode); Assert.AreEqual ("FOO", ins.Operand); ins = body.Instructions [1]; Assert.AreEqual (OpCodes.Call, ins.OpCode); Assert.IsInstanceOfType (typeof (MethodMirror), ins.Operand); Assert.AreEqual ("ref_emit_call", (ins.Operand as MethodMirror).Name); } [Test] public void IsAttached () { var f = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetField ("is_attached"); Event e = run_until ("Main"); AssertValue (true, entry_point.DeclaringType.GetValue (f)); } [Test] public void StackTraceInNative () { // Check that stack traces can be produced for threads in native code vm.Detach (); Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "frames-in-native" }); var e = run_until ("frames_in_native"); // FIXME: This is racy vm.Resume (); Thread.Sleep (100); vm.Suspend (); StackFrame[] frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); int frame_index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; ++i) { if (frames [i].Method.Name == "Sleep") { frame_index = i; break; } } Assert.IsTrue (frame_index != -1); Assert.AreEqual ("Sleep", frames [frame_index].Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("frames_in_native", frames [frame_index + 1].Method.Name); Assert.AreEqual ("Main", frames [frame_index + 2].Method.Name); // Check that invokes are disabled for such threads TypeMirror t = frames [frame_index + 1].Method.DeclaringType; var m = t.GetMethod ("invoke_static_return_void"); AssertThrows (delegate { t.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, null); }); // Check that the frame info is invalidated run_until ("frames_in_native_2"); AssertThrows (delegate { Console.WriteLine (frames [frame_index].GetThis ()); }); } [Test] public void VirtualMachine_CreateEnumMirror () { var e = run_until ("o1"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; object val = frame.GetThis (); Assert.IsTrue (val is ObjectMirror); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", (val as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); ObjectMirror o = (val as ObjectMirror); FieldInfoMirror field = o.Type.GetField ("field_enum"); Value f = o.GetValue (field); TypeMirror enumType = (f as EnumMirror).Type; o.SetValue (field, vm.CreateEnumMirror (enumType, vm.CreateValue (1))); f = o.GetValue (field); Assert.AreEqual (1, (f as EnumMirror).Value); // Argument checking AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.CreateEnumMirror (enumType, null); }); AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.CreateEnumMirror (null, vm.CreateValue (1)); }); // null value AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.CreateEnumMirror (enumType, vm.CreateValue (null)); }); // value of a wrong type AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.CreateEnumMirror (enumType, vm.CreateValue ((long)1)); }); } [Test] public void VirtualMachine_EnableEvents_Breakpoint () { AssertThrows (delegate () { vm.EnableEvents (EventType.Breakpoint); }); } [Test] public void SingleStepRegress654694 () { int il_offset = -1; MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("ss_regress_654694"); foreach (Location l in m.Locations) { if (l.ILOffset > 0 && il_offset == -1) il_offset = l.ILOffset; } Event e = run_until ("ss_regress_654694"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, il_offset); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is BreakpointEvent); var req = create_step (e); req.Depth = StepDepth.Over; req.Size = StepSize.Line; req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is StepEvent); req.Disable (); } [Test] public void DebugBreak () { vm.EnableEvents (EventType.UserBreak); run_until ("user"); vm.Resume (); var e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is UserBreakEvent); } [Test] public void DebugLog () { vm.EnableEvents (EventType.UserLog); run_until ("user"); vm.Resume (); var e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is UserLogEvent); var le = e as UserLogEvent; Assert.AreEqual (5, le.Level); Assert.AreEqual ("A", le.Category); Assert.AreEqual ("B", le.Message); } [Test] public void TypeGetMethodsByNameFlags () { MethodMirror[] mm; var assembly = entry_point.DeclaringType.Assembly; var type = assembly.GetType ("Tests3"); Assert.IsNotNull (type); mm = type.GetMethodsByNameFlags (null, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, false); Assert.AreEqual (1, mm.Length, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual ("M1", mm[0].Name, "#2"); mm = type.GetMethodsByNameFlags (null, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic, false); Assert.AreEqual (1, mm.Length, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("M2", mm[0].Name, "#4"); mm = type.GetMethodsByNameFlags (null, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public, false); Assert.AreEqual (7, mm.Length, "#5"); //M3 plus Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, ToString, .ctor mm = type.GetMethodsByNameFlags (null, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly, false); Assert.AreEqual (2, mm.Length, "#7"); mm = type.GetMethodsByNameFlags (null, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly, false); Assert.AreEqual (1, mm.Length, "#9"); mm = type.GetMethodsByNameFlags (null, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly, false); Assert.AreEqual (5, mm.Length, "#11"); //Now with name mm = type.GetMethodsByNameFlags ("M1", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, false); Assert.AreEqual (1, mm.Length, "#12"); Assert.AreEqual ("M1", mm[0].Name, "#13"); mm = type.GetMethodsByNameFlags ("m1", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public, true); Assert.AreEqual (1, mm.Length, "#14"); Assert.AreEqual ("M1", mm[0].Name, "#15"); mm = type.GetMethodsByNameFlags ("M1", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, false); Assert.AreEqual (1, mm.Length, "#16"); Assert.AreEqual ("M1", mm[0].Name, "#17"); } [Test] [Category ("only88")] public void TypeLoadSourceFileFilter () { Event e = run_until ("type_load"); if (!vm.Version.AtLeast (2, 7)) return; string srcfile = (e as BreakpointEvent).Method.DeclaringType.GetSourceFiles (true)[0]; srcfile = srcfile.Replace ("dtest-app.cs", "TypeLoadClass.cs"); Assert.IsTrue (srcfile.Contains ("TypeLoadClass.cs")); var req = vm.CreateTypeLoadRequest (); req.SourceFileFilter = new string [] { srcfile.ToUpper () }; req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is TypeLoadEvent); Assert.AreEqual ("TypeLoadClass", (e as TypeLoadEvent).Type.FullName); } [Test] public void TypeLoadTypeNameFilter () { Event e = run_until ("type_load"); var req = vm.CreateTypeLoadRequest (); req.TypeNameFilter = new string [] { "TypeLoadClass2" }; req.Enable (); vm.Resume (); e = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is TypeLoadEvent); Assert.AreEqual ("TypeLoadClass2", (e as TypeLoadEvent).Type.FullName); } [Test] public void GetTypesForSourceFile () { run_until ("user"); var types = vm.GetTypesForSourceFile ("dtest-app.cs", false); Assert.IsTrue (types.Any (t => t.FullName == "Tests")); Assert.IsFalse (types.Any (t => t.FullName == "System.Int32")); types = vm.GetTypesForSourceFile ("DTEST-app.cs", true); Assert.IsTrue (types.Any (t => t.FullName == "Tests")); Assert.IsFalse (types.Any (t => t.FullName == "System.Int32")); } [Test] public void GetTypesNamed () { run_until ("user"); var types = vm.GetTypes ("Tests", false); Assert.AreEqual (1, types.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("Tests", types [0].FullName); types = vm.GetTypes ("System.Exception", false); Assert.AreEqual (1, types.Count); Assert.AreEqual ("System.Exception", types [0].FullName); } [Test] public void String_GetValue () { // Embedded nulls object val; // Reuse this test var e = run_until ("arg2"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; val = frame.GetArgument (6); Assert.AreEqual ('\0'.ToString () + "A", (val as StringMirror).Value); } [Test] public void String_GetChars () { object val; // Reuse this test var e = run_until ("arg2"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; val = frame.GetArgument (0); Assert.IsTrue (val is StringMirror); AssertValue ("FOO", val); var s = (val as StringMirror); Assert.AreEqual (3, s.Length); var c = s.GetChars (0, 2); Assert.AreEqual (2, c.Length); Assert.AreEqual ('F', c [0]); Assert.AreEqual ('O', c [1]); AssertThrows (delegate () { s.GetChars (2, 2); }); } [Test] public void GetInterfaces () { var e = run_until ("arg2"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; var cl1 = frame.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetType ("TestIfaces"); var ifaces = cl1.GetInterfaces (); Assert.AreEqual (1, ifaces.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("ITest", ifaces [0].Name); var cl2 = cl1.GetMethod ("Baz").ReturnType; var ifaces2 = cl2.GetInterfaces (); Assert.AreEqual (1, ifaces2.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("ITest`1", ifaces2 [0].Name); } [Test] public void GetInterfaceMap () { var e = run_until ("arg2"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; var cl1 = frame.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetType ("TestIfaces"); var iface = cl1.Assembly.GetType ("ITest"); var map = cl1.GetInterfaceMap (iface); Assert.AreEqual (cl1, map.TargetType); Assert.AreEqual (iface, map.InterfaceType); Assert.AreEqual (2, map.InterfaceMethods.Length); Assert.AreEqual (2, map.TargetMethods.Length); } [Test] public void StackAlloc_Breakpoints_Regress2775 () { // Check that breakpoints on arm don't overwrite stackalloc-ed memory var e = run_until ("regress_2755"); var frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; var m = e.Method; // This breaks at the call site vm.SetBreakpoint (m, m.Locations [2].ILOffset); vm.Resume (); var e2 = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e2 is BreakpointEvent); e = run_until ("regress_2755_3"); frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [1]; var res = frame.GetValue (m.GetLocal ("sum")); AssertValue (0, res); } [Test] public void MethodInfo () { Event e = run_until ("locals2"); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; var m = frame.Method; Assert.IsTrue (m.IsGenericMethod); Assert.IsFalse (m.IsGenericMethodDefinition); var args = m.GetGenericArguments (); Assert.AreEqual (1, args.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("String", args [0].Name); var gmd = m.GetGenericMethodDefinition (); Assert.IsTrue (gmd.IsGenericMethod); Assert.IsTrue (gmd.IsGenericMethodDefinition); Assert.AreEqual (gmd, gmd.GetGenericMethodDefinition ()); args = gmd.GetGenericArguments (); Assert.AreEqual (1, args.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("T", args [0].Name); var attrs = m.GetCustomAttributes (true); Assert.AreEqual (1, attrs.Length); Assert.AreEqual ("StateMachineAttribute", attrs [0].Constructor.DeclaringType.Name); } [Test] public void UnhandledException () { vm.Exit (0); Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "unhandled-exception" }); var req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (null, false, true); req.Enable (); var e = run_until ("unhandled_exception"); vm.Resume (); var e2 = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e2 is ExceptionEvent); vm.Exit (0); vm = null; } [Test] public void UnhandledException_2 () { vm.Exit (0); Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "unhandled-exception-endinvoke" }); var req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (null, false, true); req.Enable (); MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("unhandled_exception_endinvoke_2"); Assert.IsNotNull (m); vm.SetBreakpoint (m, m.ILOffsets [0]); var e = run_until ("unhandled_exception_endinvoke"); vm.Resume (); var e2 = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsFalse (e2 is ExceptionEvent); vm.Exit (0); vm = null; } [Test] public void UnhandledExceptionUserCode () { vm.Detach (); // Exceptions caught in non-user code are treated as unhandled Start (new string [] { "dtest-app.exe", "unhandled-exception-user" }); var req = vm.CreateExceptionRequest (null, false, true); req.AssemblyFilter = new List () { entry_point.DeclaringType.Assembly }; req.Enable (); var e = run_until ("unhandled_exception_user"); vm.Resume (); var e2 = GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e2 is ExceptionEvent); vm.Exit (0); vm = null; } [Test] public void GCWhileSuspended () { // Check that objects are kept alive during suspensions Event e = run_until ("gc_suspend_1"); MethodMirror m = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("gc_suspend_invoke"); var o = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetValue (entry_point.DeclaringType.GetField ("gc_suspend_field")) as ObjectMirror; //Console.WriteLine (o); StackFrame frame = e.Thread.GetFrames () [0]; TypeMirror t = frame.Method.DeclaringType; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) t.InvokeMethod (e.Thread, m, new Value [] { }); // This throws an exception if the object is collected long addr = o.Address; var o2 = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetValue (entry_point.DeclaringType.GetField ("gc_suspend_field")) as ObjectMirror; Assert.IsNull (o2); } [Test] public void MakeGenericMethod () { Event e = run_until ("bp1"); var intm = vm.RootDomain.GetCorrespondingType (typeof (int)); var stringm = vm.RootDomain.GetCorrespondingType (typeof (string)); var gm = entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("generic_method"); var res = gm.MakeGenericMethod (new TypeMirror [] { stringm }); var args = res.GetGenericArguments (); Assert.AreEqual (1, args.Length); Assert.AreEqual (stringm, args [0]); // Error checking AssertThrows (delegate { gm.MakeGenericMethod (null); }); AssertThrows (delegate { gm.MakeGenericMethod (new TypeMirror [] { null }); }); AssertThrows (delegate { gm.MakeGenericMethod (new TypeMirror [] { stringm, stringm }); }); AssertThrows (delegate { gm.MakeGenericMethod (new TypeMirror [] { intm }); }); AssertThrows (delegate { entry_point.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("Main").MakeGenericMethod (new TypeMirror [] { intm }); }); } [Test] public void InspectThreadSuspenedOnWaitOne () { TearDown (); Start (true, "dtest-app.exe", "wait-one" ); ThreadMirror.NativeTransitions = true; var evt = run_until ("wait_one"); Assert.IsNotNull (evt, "#1"); var thread = evt.Thread; Assert.AreEqual (ThreadState.Running, thread.ThreadState, "#1.1"); var frames = thread.GetFrames (); Assert.IsNotNull (frames, "#2"); Assert.AreEqual (2, frames.Length, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual ("wait_one", frames [0].Method.Name, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual ("Main", frames [1].Method.Name, "#5"); vm.Resume (); Thread.Sleep (500); //FIXME this is racy, maybe single step? or something? vm.Suspend (); Assert.AreEqual (ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin, thread.ThreadState, "#6"); frames = thread.GetFrames (); Assert.AreEqual (8, frames.Length, "#7"); Assert.AreEqual ("WaitOne_internal", frames [0].Method.Name, "#8.0"); Assert.AreEqual ("WaitOneNative", frames [1].Method.Name, "#8.1"); Assert.AreEqual ("InternalWaitOne", frames [2].Method.Name, "#8.2"); Assert.AreEqual ("WaitOne", frames [3].Method.Name, "#8.3"); Assert.AreEqual ("WaitOne", frames [4].Method.Name, "#8.4"); Assert.AreEqual ("WaitOne", frames [5].Method.Name, "#8.5"); Assert.AreEqual ("wait_one", frames [6].Method.Name, "#8.6"); Assert.AreEqual ("Main", frames [7].Method.Name, "#8.7"); var frame = frames [0]; Assert.IsTrue (frame.IsNativeTransition, "#11.1"); try { frame.GetThis (); Assert.Fail ("Known limitation - can't get info from m2n frames"); } catch (AbsentInformationException) {} frame = frames [3]; Assert.IsFalse (frame.IsNativeTransition, "#12.1"); var wait_one_this = frame.GetThis (); Assert.IsNotNull (wait_one_this, "#12.2"); frame = frames [6]; var locals = frame.GetVisibleVariables (); Assert.AreEqual (1, locals.Count, "#13.1"); var local_0 = frame.GetValue (locals [0]); Assert.IsNotNull (local_0, "#13.2"); Assert.AreEqual (wait_one_this, local_0, "#14.2"); } [Test] public void GetMethodBody () { var bevent = run_until ("Main"); var m = bevent.Method.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("get_IntProperty"); var body = m.GetMethodBody (); foreach (var ins in body.Instructions) { if (ins.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldfld) { var field = (FieldInfoMirror)ins.Operand; Assert.AreEqual ("field_i", field.Name); } } } [Test] public void EvaluateMethod () { var bevent = run_until ("evaluate_method_2"); var m = bevent.Method.DeclaringType.GetMethod ("get_IntProperty"); var this_obj = bevent.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].GetThis (); var v = m.Evaluate (this_obj, null); AssertValue (42, v); } [Test] public void SetIP () { var bevent = run_until ("set_ip_1"); var invalid_loc = bevent.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location; var req = create_step (bevent); var e = step_out (); req.Disable (); var frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); var locs = frames [0].Method.Locations; var next_loc = locs.First (l => (l.LineNumber == frames [0].Location.LineNumber + 3)); e.Thread.SetIP (next_loc); /* Check that i ++; j = 5; was skipped */ bevent = run_until ("set_ip_2"); var f = bevent.Thread.GetFrames ()[1]; AssertValue (2, f.GetValue (f.Method.GetLocal ("i"))); AssertValue (0, f.GetValue (f.Method.GetLocal ("j"))); // Error handling AssertThrows (delegate { e.Thread.SetIP (null); }); AssertThrows (delegate { e.Thread.SetIP (invalid_loc); }); } [Test] public void SetIPSingleStep () { // Check that single stepping after set-ip steps from the new ip var bevent = run_until ("set_ip_1"); var invalid_loc = bevent.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location; var req = create_step (bevent); req.Size = StepSize.Line; var e = step_out (); req.Disable (); var frames = e.Thread.GetFrames (); var locs = frames [0].Method.Locations; var prev_loc = locs.First (l => (l.LineNumber == frames [0].Location.LineNumber - 1)); AssertValue (2, frames [0].GetValue (frames [0].Method.GetLocal ("i"))); // Set back the ip to the first i ++; line e.Thread.SetIP (prev_loc); e = step_over (); var f = e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0]; AssertValue (3, f.GetValue (f.Method.GetLocal ("i"))); } [Test] public void NewInstanceNoCtor () { var bevent = run_until ("Main"); var stype = bevent.Method.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetType ("AStruct"); var obj = stype.NewInstance (); Assert.IsTrue (obj is ObjectMirror); Assert.AreEqual ("AStruct", (obj as ObjectMirror).Type.Name); } [Test] public void StaticCtorFilterInCctor () { // Check that single stepping when in a cctor only ignores // other cctors, not the current one var bevent = run_until ("step_filters"); var assembly = entry_point.DeclaringType.Assembly; var type = assembly.GetType ("Tests/ClassWithCctor"); var cctor = type.GetMethod (".cctor"); vm.SetBreakpoint (cctor, 0); vm.Resume (); var e = vm.GetNextEvent (); Assert.IsTrue (e is BreakpointEvent); var req = create_step (e); req.Filter = StepFilter.StaticCtor; e = step_into (); // Make sure we are still in the cctor Assert.AreEqual (".cctor", e.Thread.GetFrames ()[0].Location.Method.Name); } [Test] public void ThreadpoolIOsinglestep () { TearDown (); Start ("dtest-app.exe", "threadpool-io"); // This is a regression test for #42625. It tests the // interaction (particularly in coop GC) of the // threadpool I/O mechanism and the soft debugger. Event e = run_until ("threadpool_io"); // run until we sent the task half the bytes it // expects, so that it blocks waiting for the rest. e = run_until ("threadpool_bp"); var req = create_step (e); e = step_out (); // leave threadpool_bp e = step_out (); // leave threadpool_io } } }