using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft { /* * Represents a valuetype value in the debuggee */ public class StructMirror : Value { TypeMirror type; Value[] fields; internal StructMirror (VirtualMachine vm, TypeMirror type, Value[] fields) : base (vm, 0) { this.type = type; this.fields = fields; } public TypeMirror Type { get { return type; } } public Value[] Fields { get { return fields; } } public Value this [String field] { get { FieldInfoMirror[] field_info = Type.GetFields (); int nf = 0; for (int i = 0; i < field_info.Length; ++i) { if (!field_info [i].IsStatic) { if (field_info [i].Name == field) return Fields [nf]; nf++; } } throw new ArgumentException ("Unknown struct field '" + field + "'.", "field"); } set { FieldInfoMirror[] field_info = Type.GetFields (); int nf = 0; for (int i = 0; i < field_info.Length; ++i) { if (!field_info [i].IsStatic) { if (field_info [i].Name == field) { fields [nf] = value; return; } nf++; } } throw new ArgumentException ("Unknown struct field '" + field + "'.", "field"); } } internal void SetField (int index, Value value) { fields [index] = value; } public Value InvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList arguments) { return ObjectMirror.InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, InvokeOptions.None); } public Value InvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList arguments, InvokeOptions options) { return ObjectMirror.InvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, options); } [Obsolete ("Use the overload without the 'vm' argument")] public IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod (VirtualMachine vm, ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList arguments, InvokeOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { return ObjectMirror.BeginInvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, options, callback, state); } public IAsyncResult BeginInvokeMethod (ThreadMirror thread, MethodMirror method, IList arguments, InvokeOptions options, AsyncCallback callback, object state) { return ObjectMirror.BeginInvokeMethod (vm, thread, method, this, arguments, options, callback, state); } public Value EndInvokeMethod (IAsyncResult asyncResult) { return ObjectMirror.EndInvokeMethodInternal (asyncResult); } } }