using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Reflection; using C = Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Metadata; namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft { public class MethodMirror : Mirror { string name; MethodInfo info; TypeMirror declaring_type; DebugInfo debug_info; C.MethodDefinition meta; CustomAttributeDataMirror[] cattrs; ParameterInfoMirror[] param_info; ParameterInfoMirror ret_param; LocalVariable[] locals; IList locations; MethodBodyMirror body; MethodMirror gmd; TypeMirror[] type_args; internal MethodMirror (VirtualMachine vm, long id) : base (vm, id) { } public string Name { get { if (name == null) name = vm.conn.Method_GetName (id); return name; } } public TypeMirror DeclaringType { get { if (declaring_type == null) declaring_type = vm.GetType (vm.conn.Method_GetDeclaringType (id)); return declaring_type; } } public TypeMirror ReturnType { get { return ReturnParameter.ParameterType; } } // FIXME: public string FullName { get { string type_namespace = DeclaringType.Namespace; string type_name = DeclaringType.Name; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append (ReturnType.Name); sb.Append (' '); if (type_namespace != String.Empty) sb.Append (type_namespace + "."); sb.Append(type_name); sb.Append(":"); sb.Append(Name); sb.Append(" "); sb.Append("("); for (var i = 0; i < param_info.Length; i++) { sb.Append(param_info[i].ParameterType.Name); if (i != param_info.Length - 1) sb.Append(", "); } sb.Append(")"); return sb.ToString (); } } /* * Creating the custom attributes themselves could modify the behavior of the * debuggee, so we return objects similar to the CustomAttributeData objects * used by the reflection-only functionality on .net. * Since protocol version 2.21 */ public CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes (bool inherit) { return GetCAttrs (null, inherit); } /* Since protocol version 2.21 */ public CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCustomAttributes (TypeMirror attributeType, bool inherit) { if (attributeType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("attributeType"); return GetCAttrs (attributeType, inherit); } CustomAttributeDataMirror[] GetCAttrs (TypeMirror type, bool inherit) { if (cattrs == null && meta != null && !Metadata.HasCustomAttributes) cattrs = new CustomAttributeDataMirror [0]; // FIXME: Handle inherit if (cattrs == null) { CattrInfo[] info = vm.conn.Method_GetCustomAttributes (id, 0, false); cattrs = CustomAttributeDataMirror.Create (vm, info); } var res = new List (); foreach (var attr in cattrs) if (type == null || attr.Constructor.DeclaringType == type) res.Add (attr); return res.ToArray (); } MethodInfo GetInfo () { if (info == null) info = vm.conn.Method_GetInfo (id); return info; } public int MetadataToken { get { return GetInfo ().token; } } public MethodAttributes Attributes { get { return (MethodAttributes) GetInfo ().attributes; } } public bool IsPublic { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Public; } } public bool IsPrivate { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Private; } } public bool IsFamily { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Family; } } public bool IsAssembly { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Assembly; } } public bool IsFamilyAndAssembly { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.FamANDAssem; } } public bool IsFamilyOrAssembly { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.FamORAssem; } } public bool IsStatic { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.Static) != 0; } } public bool IsFinal { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.Final) != 0; } } public bool IsVirtual { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.Virtual) != 0; } } public bool IsHideBySig { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.HideBySig) != 0; } } public bool IsAbstract { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.Abstract) != 0; } } public bool IsSpecialName { get { return (Attributes & MethodAttributes.SpecialName) != 0; } } public bool IsConstructor { get { int attr = (int)Attributes; return ((attr & (int)MethodAttributes.RTSpecialName) != 0 && (Name == ".ctor")); } } // Since protocol version 2.12 public bool IsGenericMethodDefinition { get { vm.CheckProtocolVersion (2, 12); return GetInfo ().is_gmd; } } // Since protocol version 2.12 public bool IsGenericMethod { get { vm.CheckProtocolVersion (2, 12); return GetInfo ().is_generic_method; } } public MethodImplAttributes GetMethodImplementationFlags() { return (MethodImplAttributes)GetInfo ().iattributes; } public ParameterInfoMirror[] GetParameters () { if (param_info == null) { var pi = vm.conn.Method_GetParamInfo (id); param_info = new ParameterInfoMirror [pi.param_count]; // Return ret_param = new ParameterInfoMirror (this, -1, vm.GetType (pi.ret_type), null, ParameterAttributes.Retval); // FIXME: this // FIXME: Attributes for (int i = 0; i < pi.param_count; ++i) { param_info [i] = new ParameterInfoMirror (this, i, vm.GetType (pi.param_types [i]), pi.param_names [i], 0); } } return param_info; } public ParameterInfoMirror ReturnParameter { get { if (ret_param == null) GetParameters (); return ret_param; } } public LocalVariable[] GetLocals () { if (locals == null) { LocalsInfo li = new LocalsInfo (); try { li = vm.conn.Method_GetLocalsInfo (id); } catch (CommandException) { throw new AbsentInformationException (); } // Add the arguments as well var pi = vm.conn.Method_GetParamInfo (id); locals = new LocalVariable [pi.param_count + li.names.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pi.param_count; ++i) locals [i] = new LocalVariable (vm, this, i, pi.param_types [i], pi.param_names [i], -1, -1, true); for (int i = 0; i < li.names.Length; ++i) locals [i + pi.param_count] = new LocalVariable (vm, this, i, li.types [i], li.names [i], li.live_range_start [i], li.live_range_end [i], false); } return locals; } public LocalVariable GetLocal (string name) { if (name == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("name"); GetLocals (); LocalVariable res = null; for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; ++i) { if (locals [i].Name == name) { if (res != null) throw new AmbiguousMatchException ("More that one local has the name '" + name + "'."); res = locals [i]; } } return res; } public MethodBodyMirror GetMethodBody () { if (body == null) { MethodBodyInfo info = vm.conn.Method_GetBody (id); body = new MethodBodyMirror (vm, this, info); } return body; } public MethodMirror GetGenericMethodDefinition () { vm.CheckProtocolVersion (2, 12); if (gmd == null) { if (info.gmd == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException (); gmd = vm.GetMethod (info.gmd); } return gmd; } // Since protocol version 2.15 public TypeMirror[] GetGenericArguments () { vm.CheckProtocolVersion (2, 15); if (type_args == null) type_args = vm.GetTypes (GetInfo ().type_args); return type_args; } // Since protocol version 2.24 public MethodMirror MakeGenericMethod (TypeMirror[] args) { if (args == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("args"); foreach (var a in args) if (a == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("args"); if (!IsGenericMethodDefinition) throw new InvalidOperationException ("not a generic method definition"); if (GetGenericArguments ().Length != args.Length) throw new ArgumentException ("Incorrect length"); vm.CheckProtocolVersion (2, 24); long id = -1; try { id = vm.conn.Method_MakeGenericMethod (Id, args.Select (t => t.Id).ToArray ()); } catch (CommandException) { throw new InvalidOperationException (); } return vm.GetMethod (id); } public IList ILOffsets { get { if (debug_info == null) debug_info = vm.conn.Method_GetDebugInfo (id); return Array.AsReadOnly (debug_info.il_offsets); } } public IList LineNumbers { get { if (debug_info == null) debug_info = vm.conn.Method_GetDebugInfo (id); return Array.AsReadOnly (debug_info.line_numbers); } } public string SourceFile { get { if (debug_info == null) debug_info = vm.conn.Method_GetDebugInfo (id); return debug_info.source_files.Length > 0 ? debug_info.source_files [0].source_file : null; } } public IList Locations { get { if (locations == null) { var il_offsets = ILOffsets; var line_numbers = LineNumbers; IList res = new Location [ILOffsets.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < il_offsets.Count; ++i) res [i] = new Location (vm, this, -1, il_offsets [i], debug_info.source_files [i].source_file, line_numbers [i], debug_info.column_numbers [i], debug_info.end_line_numbers [i], debug_info.end_column_numbers [i], debug_info.source_files [i].hash); locations = res; } return locations; } } internal int il_offset_to_line_number (int il_offset, out string src_file, out byte[] src_hash, out int column_number, out int end_line_number, out int end_column_number) { if (debug_info == null) debug_info = vm.conn.Method_GetDebugInfo (id); // FIXME: Optimize this src_file = null; src_hash = null; column_number = 0; end_line_number = -1; end_column_number = -1; for (int i = debug_info.il_offsets.Length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (debug_info.il_offsets [i] <= il_offset) { src_file = debug_info.source_files [i].source_file; src_hash = debug_info.source_files [i].hash; column_number = debug_info.column_numbers [i]; end_line_number = debug_info.end_line_numbers [i]; end_column_number = debug_info.end_column_numbers [i]; return debug_info.line_numbers [i]; } } return -1; } public Location LocationAtILOffset (int il_offset) { IList locs = Locations; // FIXME: Optimize this for (int i = locs.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (locs [i].ILOffset <= il_offset) return locs [i]; } return null; } public C.MethodDefinition Metadata { get { if (meta == null) meta = (C.MethodDefinition)DeclaringType.Assembly.Metadata.MainModule.LookupToken (MetadataToken); return meta; } } // // Evaluate the method on the client using an IL interpreter. // Only supports a subset of IL instructions. Doesn't change // debuggee state. // Returns the result of the evaluation, or null for methods // which return void. // Throws a NotSupportedException if the method body contains // unsupported IL instructions, or if evaluating the method // would change debuggee state. // public Value Evaluate (Value this_val, Value[] args) { var interp = new ILInterpreter (this); return interp.Evaluate (this_val, args); } } }