using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using Mono.Cecil.Metadata; namespace Mono.Debugger.Soft { public sealed class CustomAttributeDataMirror { MethodMirror ctorInfo; IList ctorArgs; IList namedArgs; internal CustomAttributeDataMirror (MethodMirror ctorInfo, object [] ctorArgs, object [] namedArgs) { this.ctorInfo = ctorInfo; this.ctorArgs = Array.AsReadOnly (ctorArgs != null ? UnboxValues (ctorArgs) : new CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror [0]); this.namedArgs = Array.AsReadOnly (namedArgs != null ? UnboxValues (namedArgs) : new CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror [0]); } [ComVisible (true)] public MethodMirror Constructor { get { return ctorInfo; } } [ComVisible (true)] public IList ConstructorArguments { get { return ctorArgs; } } public IList NamedArguments { get { return namedArgs; } } public override string ToString () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ("[" + ctorInfo.DeclaringType.FullName + "("); if (ctorArgs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ctorArgs.Count; i++) { sb.Append (ctorArgs [i].ToString ()); if (i + 1 < ctorArgs.Count) sb.Append (", "); } } if (namedArgs != null) { if (namedArgs.Count > 0) sb.Append (", "); for (int j = 0; j < namedArgs.Count; j++) { sb.Append (namedArgs [j].ToString ()); if (j + 1 < namedArgs.Count) sb.Append (", "); } } sb.AppendFormat (")]"); return sb.ToString (); } static T [] UnboxValues (object [] values) { T [] retval = new T [values.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) retval [i] = (T) values [i]; return retval; } /* * Construct a normal object from the value, so accessing the cattr doesn't * require remoting calls. */ static CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror CreateArg (VirtualMachine vm, ValueImpl vi) { object val; /* Instead of receiving a mirror of the Type object, we receive the id of the type */ if (vi.Type == (ElementType)ValueTypeId.VALUE_TYPE_ID_TYPE) val = vm.GetType (vi.Id); else { Value v = vm.DecodeValue (vi); if (v is PrimitiveValue) val = (v as PrimitiveValue).Value; else if (v is StringMirror) val = (v as StringMirror).Value; else // FIXME: val = v; } return new CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror (null, val); } internal static CustomAttributeDataMirror[] Create (VirtualMachine vm, CattrInfo[] info) { var res = new CustomAttributeDataMirror [info.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < info.Length; ++i) { CattrInfo attr = info [i]; MethodMirror ctor = vm.GetMethod (attr.ctor_id); var ctor_args = new object [attr.ctor_args.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < ctor_args.Length; ++j) ctor_args [j] = CreateArg (vm, attr.ctor_args [j]); var named_args = new object [attr.named_args.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < named_args.Length; ++j) { CattrNamedArgInfo arg = attr.named_args [j]; CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror val; val = CreateArg (vm, arg.value); TypeMirror t = ctor.DeclaringType; while (named_args [j] == null && t != null) { if (arg.is_property) { foreach (var prop in t.GetProperties ()) { if (prop.Id == named_args [j] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror (prop, null, val); } } else { foreach (var field in t.GetFields ()) { if (field.Id == named_args [j] = new CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror (null, field, val); } } t = t.BaseType; } if (named_args [j] == null) throw new NotImplementedException (); } res [i] = new CustomAttributeDataMirror (ctor, ctor_args, named_args); } return res; } } }