// // Mono.Data.TdsClient.TdsParameter.cs // // Author: // Rodrigo Moya (rodrigo@ximian.com) // Daniel Morgan (danmorg@sc.rr.com) // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // // (C) Ximian, Inc. 2002 // Copyright (C) Tim Coleman, 2002 // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using Mono.Data.Tds; using Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol; using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; namespace Mono.Data.TdsClient { public sealed class TdsParameter : MarshalByRefObject, IDbDataParameter, IDataParameter, ICloneable { #region Fields TdsMetaParameter metaParameter; TdsParameterCollection container = null; DbType dbType; ParameterDirection direction = ParameterDirection.Input; bool isNullable; bool isSizeSet = false; bool isTypeSet = false; int offset; TdsType sybaseType; string sourceColumn; DataRowVersion sourceVersion; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors public TdsParameter () : this (String.Empty, TdsType.NVarChar, 0, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, String.Empty, DataRowVersion.Current, null) { } public TdsParameter (string parameterName, object value) { metaParameter = new TdsMetaParameter (parameterName, value); this.sourceVersion = DataRowVersion.Current; InferTdsType (value); } public TdsParameter (string parameterName, TdsType dbType) : this (parameterName, dbType, 0, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, String.Empty, DataRowVersion.Current, null) { } public TdsParameter (string parameterName, TdsType dbType, int size) : this (parameterName, dbType, size, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, String.Empty, DataRowVersion.Current, null) { } public TdsParameter (string parameterName, TdsType dbType, int size, string sourceColumn) : this (parameterName, dbType, size, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, sourceColumn, DataRowVersion.Current, null) { } [EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] public TdsParameter (string parameterName, TdsType dbType, int size, ParameterDirection direction, bool isNullable, byte precision, byte scale, string sourceColumn, DataRowVersion sourceVersion, object value) { metaParameter = new TdsMetaParameter (parameterName, size, isNullable, precision, scale, value); TdsType = dbType; Direction = direction; SourceColumn = sourceColumn; SourceVersion = sourceVersion; } // This constructor is used internally to construct a // TdsParameter. The value array comes from sp_procedure_params_rowset. // This is in TdsCommand.DeriveParameters. internal TdsParameter (object[] dbValues) { Precision = 0; Scale = 0; Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; ParameterName = (string) dbValues[3]; switch ((short) dbValues[5]) { case 1: Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; break; case 2: Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; break; case 3: Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput; break; case 4: Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; break; } IsNullable = (bool) dbValues[8]; if (dbValues[12] != null) Precision = (byte) ((short) dbValues[12]); if (dbValues[13] != null) Scale = (byte) ((short) dbValues[13]); SetDbTypeName ((string) dbValues[16]); } #endregion // Constructors #region Properties // Used to ensure that only one collection can contain this // parameter internal TdsParameterCollection Container { get { return container; } set { container = value; } } public DbType DbType { get { return dbType; } set { SetDbType (value); isTypeSet = true; } } public ParameterDirection Direction { get { return direction; } set { direction = value; if (direction == ParameterDirection.Output) MetaParameter.Direction = TdsParameterDirection.Output; } } internal TdsMetaParameter MetaParameter { get { return metaParameter; } } string IDataParameter.ParameterName { get { return metaParameter.ParameterName; } set { metaParameter.ParameterName = value; } } public bool IsNullable { get { return metaParameter.IsNullable; } set { metaParameter.IsNullable = value; } } public int Offset { get { return offset; } set { offset = value; } } public string ParameterName { get { return metaParameter.ParameterName; } set { metaParameter.ParameterName = value; } } public byte Precision { get { return metaParameter.Precision; } set { metaParameter.Precision = value; } } public byte Scale { get { return metaParameter.Scale; } set { metaParameter.Scale = value; } } public int Size { get { return metaParameter.Size; } set { metaParameter.Size = value; } } public string SourceColumn { get { return sourceColumn; } set { sourceColumn = value; } } public DataRowVersion SourceVersion { get { return sourceVersion; } set { sourceVersion = value; } } public TdsType TdsType { get { return sybaseType; } set { SetTdsType (value); isTypeSet = true; } } public object Value { get { return metaParameter.Value; } set { if (!isTypeSet) InferTdsType (value); metaParameter.Value = value; } } #endregion // Properties #region Methods object ICloneable.Clone () { return new TdsParameter (ParameterName, TdsType, Size, Direction, IsNullable, Precision, Scale, SourceColumn, SourceVersion, Value); } // If the value is set without the DbType/TdsType being set, then we // infer type information. private void InferTdsType (object value) { Type type = value.GetType (); string exception = String.Format ("The parameter data type of {0} is invalid.", type.Name); switch (type.FullName) { case "System.Int64": SetTdsType (TdsType.BigInt); break; case "System.Boolean": SetTdsType (TdsType.Bit); break; case "System.String": SetTdsType (TdsType.NVarChar); break; case "System.DateTime": SetTdsType (TdsType.DateTime); break; case "System.Decimal": SetTdsType (TdsType.Decimal); break; case "System.Double": SetTdsType (TdsType.Float); break; case "System.Byte[]": SetTdsType (TdsType.VarBinary); break; case "System.Byte": SetTdsType (TdsType.TinyInt); break; case "System.Int32": SetTdsType (TdsType.Int); break; case "System.Single": SetTdsType (TdsType.Real); break; case "System.Int16": SetTdsType (TdsType.SmallInt); break; case "System.Guid": SetTdsType (TdsType.UniqueIdentifier); break; case "System.Object": SetTdsType (TdsType.Variant); break; default: throw new ArgumentException (exception); } } // When the DbType is set, we also set the TdsType, as well as the SQL Server // string representation of the type name. If the DbType is not convertible // to an TdsType, throw an exception. private void SetDbType (DbType type) { string exception = String.Format ("No mapping exists from DbType {0} to a known TdsType.", type); switch (type) { case DbType.AnsiString: MetaParameter.TypeName = "varchar"; sybaseType = TdsType.VarChar; break; case DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength: MetaParameter.TypeName = "char"; sybaseType = TdsType.Char; break; case DbType.Binary: MetaParameter.TypeName = "varbinary"; sybaseType = TdsType.VarBinary; break; case DbType.Boolean: MetaParameter.TypeName = "bit"; sybaseType = TdsType.Bit; break; case DbType.Byte: MetaParameter.TypeName = "tinyint"; sybaseType = TdsType.TinyInt; break; case DbType.Currency: sybaseType = TdsType.Money; MetaParameter.TypeName = "money"; break; case DbType.Date: case DbType.DateTime: MetaParameter.TypeName = "datetime"; sybaseType = TdsType.DateTime; break; case DbType.Decimal: MetaParameter.TypeName = "decimal"; sybaseType = TdsType.Decimal; break; case DbType.Double: MetaParameter.TypeName = "float"; sybaseType = TdsType.Float; break; case DbType.Guid: MetaParameter.TypeName = "uniqueidentifier"; sybaseType = TdsType.UniqueIdentifier; break; case DbType.Int16: MetaParameter.TypeName = "smallint"; sybaseType = TdsType.SmallInt; break; case DbType.Int32: MetaParameter.TypeName = "int"; sybaseType = TdsType.Int; break; case DbType.Int64: MetaParameter.TypeName = "bigint"; sybaseType = TdsType.BigInt; break; case DbType.Object: MetaParameter.TypeName = "sql_variant"; sybaseType = TdsType.Variant; break; case DbType.Single: MetaParameter.TypeName = "real"; sybaseType = TdsType.Real; break; case DbType.String: MetaParameter.TypeName = "nvarchar"; sybaseType = TdsType.NVarChar; break; case DbType.StringFixedLength: MetaParameter.TypeName = "nchar"; sybaseType = TdsType.NChar; break; case DbType.Time: MetaParameter.TypeName = "datetime"; sybaseType = TdsType.DateTime; break; default: throw new ArgumentException (exception); } dbType = type; } // Used by internal constructor which has a SQL Server typename private void SetDbTypeName (string dbTypeName) { switch (dbTypeName.ToLower ()) { case "bigint": TdsType = TdsType.BigInt; break; case "binary": TdsType = TdsType.Binary; break; case "bit": TdsType = TdsType.Bit; break; case "char": TdsType = TdsType.Char; break; case "datetime": TdsType = TdsType.DateTime; break; case "decimal": TdsType = TdsType.Decimal; break; case "float": TdsType = TdsType.Float; break; case "image": TdsType = TdsType.Image; break; case "int": TdsType = TdsType.Int; break; case "money": TdsType = TdsType.Money; break; case "nchar": TdsType = TdsType.NChar; break; case "ntext": TdsType = TdsType.NText; break; case "nvarchar": TdsType = TdsType.NVarChar; break; case "real": TdsType = TdsType.Real; break; case "smalldatetime": TdsType = TdsType.SmallDateTime; break; case "smallint": TdsType = TdsType.SmallInt; break; case "smallmoney": TdsType = TdsType.SmallMoney; break; case "text": TdsType = TdsType.Text; break; case "timestamp": TdsType = TdsType.Timestamp; break; case "tinyint": TdsType = TdsType.TinyInt; break; case "uniqueidentifier": TdsType = TdsType.UniqueIdentifier; break; case "varbinary": TdsType = TdsType.VarBinary; break; case "varchar": TdsType = TdsType.VarChar; break; default: TdsType = TdsType.Variant; break; } } // When the TdsType is set, we also set the DbType, as well as the SQL Server // string representation of the type name. If the TdsType is not convertible // to a DbType, throw an exception. private void SetTdsType (TdsType type) { string exception = String.Format ("No mapping exists from TdsType {0} to a known DbType.", type); switch (type) { case TdsType.BigInt: MetaParameter.TypeName = "bigint"; dbType = DbType.Int64; break; case TdsType.Binary: MetaParameter.TypeName = "binary"; dbType = DbType.Binary; break; case TdsType.Timestamp: MetaParameter.TypeName = "timestamp"; dbType = DbType.Binary; break; case TdsType.VarBinary: MetaParameter.TypeName = "varbinary"; dbType = DbType.Binary; break; case TdsType.Bit: MetaParameter.TypeName = "bit"; dbType = DbType.Boolean; break; case TdsType.Char: MetaParameter.TypeName = "char"; dbType = DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength; break; case TdsType.DateTime: MetaParameter.TypeName = "datetime"; dbType = DbType.DateTime; break; case TdsType.SmallDateTime: MetaParameter.TypeName = "smalldatetime"; dbType = DbType.DateTime; break; case TdsType.Decimal: MetaParameter.TypeName = "decimal"; dbType = DbType.Decimal; break; case TdsType.Float: MetaParameter.TypeName = "float"; dbType = DbType.Double; break; case TdsType.Image: MetaParameter.TypeName = "image"; dbType = DbType.Binary; break; case TdsType.Int: MetaParameter.TypeName = "int"; dbType = DbType.Int32; break; case TdsType.Money: MetaParameter.TypeName = "money"; dbType = DbType.Currency; break; case TdsType.SmallMoney: MetaParameter.TypeName = "smallmoney"; dbType = DbType.Currency; break; case TdsType.NChar: MetaParameter.TypeName = "nchar"; dbType = DbType.StringFixedLength; break; case TdsType.NText: MetaParameter.TypeName = "ntext"; dbType = DbType.String; break; case TdsType.NVarChar: MetaParameter.TypeName = "nvarchar"; dbType = DbType.String; break; case TdsType.Real: MetaParameter.TypeName = "real"; dbType = DbType.Single; break; case TdsType.SmallInt: MetaParameter.TypeName = "smallint"; dbType = DbType.Int16; break; case TdsType.Text: MetaParameter.TypeName = "text"; dbType = DbType.AnsiString; break; case TdsType.VarChar: MetaParameter.TypeName = "varchar"; dbType = DbType.AnsiString; break; case TdsType.TinyInt: MetaParameter.TypeName = "tinyint"; dbType = DbType.Byte; break; case TdsType.UniqueIdentifier: MetaParameter.TypeName = "uniqueidentifier"; dbType = DbType.Guid; break; case TdsType.Variant: MetaParameter.TypeName = "sql_variant"; dbType = DbType.Object; break; default: throw new ArgumentException (exception); } sybaseType = type; } public override string ToString() { return ParameterName; } #endregion // Methods } }