// // Mono.Data.TdsClient.TdsDataReader.cs // // Author: // Rodrigo Moya (rodrigo@ximian.com) // Daniel Morgan (danmorg@sc.rr.com) // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // // (C) Ximian, Inc 2002 // (C) Daniel Morgan 2002 // Copyright (C) Tim Coleman, 2002 // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using Mono.Data.TdsTypes; using Mono.Data.Tds.Protocol; using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; namespace Mono.Data.TdsClient { public sealed class TdsDataReader : MarshalByRefObject, IEnumerable, IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord { #region Fields TdsCommand command; ArrayList dataTypeNames; bool disposed = false; int fieldCount; bool isClosed; bool isSelect; bool moreResults; int resultsRead; int rowsRead; DataTable schemaTable; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors internal TdsDataReader (TdsCommand command) { this.command = command; schemaTable = ConstructSchemaTable (); resultsRead = 0; fieldCount = 0; isClosed = false; isSelect = (command.CommandText.Trim ().ToUpper ().StartsWith ("SELECT")); command.Tds.RecordsAffected = 0; NextResult (); } #endregion // Constructors #region Properties public int Depth { get { return 0; } } public int FieldCount { get { return fieldCount; } } public bool IsClosed { get { return isClosed; } } public object this [int i] { get { return GetValue (i); } } public object this [string name] { get { return GetValue (GetOrdinal (name)); } } public int RecordsAffected { get { if (isSelect) return -1; else return command.Tds.RecordsAffected; } } #endregion // Properties #region Methods public void Close () { isClosed = true; command.CloseDataReader (moreResults); } private static DataTable ConstructSchemaTable () { Type booleanType = Type.GetType ("System.Boolean"); Type stringType = Type.GetType ("System.String"); Type intType = Type.GetType ("System.Int32"); Type typeType = Type.GetType ("System.Type"); Type shortType = Type.GetType ("System.Int16"); DataTable schemaTable = new DataTable ("SchemaTable"); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("ColumnName", stringType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("ColumnOrdinal", intType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("ColumnSize", intType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("NumericPrecision", shortType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("NumericScale", shortType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsUnique", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsKey", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("BaseServerName", stringType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("BaseCatalogName", stringType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("BaseColumnName", stringType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("BaseSchemaName", stringType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("BaseTableName", stringType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("DataType", typeType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("AllowDBNull", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("ProviderType", intType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsAliased", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsExpression", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsIdentity", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsAutoIncrement", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsRowVersion", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsHidden", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsLong", booleanType); schemaTable.Columns.Add ("IsReadOnly", booleanType); return schemaTable; } private void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (!disposed) { if (disposing) { schemaTable.Dispose (); Close (); } disposed = true; } } public bool GetBoolean (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is bool)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (bool) value; } public byte GetByte (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is byte)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (byte) value; } public long GetBytes (int i, long dataIndex, byte[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is byte [])) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } Array.Copy ((byte []) value, (int) dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length); return ((byte []) value).Length - dataIndex; } public char GetChar (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is char)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (char) value; } public long GetChars (int i, long dataIndex, char[] buffer, int bufferIndex, int length) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is char[])) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } Array.Copy ((char []) value, (int) dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length); return ((char []) value).Length - dataIndex; } [MonoTODO ("Implement GetData")] public IDataReader GetData (int i) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public string GetDataTypeName (int i) { return (string) dataTypeNames [i]; } public DateTime GetDateTime (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is DateTime)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (DateTime) value; } public decimal GetDecimal (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is decimal)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (decimal) value; } public double GetDouble (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is double)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (double) value; } public Type GetFieldType (int i) { return (Type) schemaTable.Rows[i]["DataType"]; } public float GetFloat (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is float)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (float) value; } public Guid GetGuid (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is Guid)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (Guid) value; } public short GetInt16 (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is short)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (short) value; } public int GetInt32 (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is int)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (int) value; } public long GetInt64 (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is long)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (long) value; } public string GetName (int i) { return (string) schemaTable.Rows[i]["ColumnName"]; } public int GetOrdinal (string name) { foreach (DataRow schemaRow in schemaTable.Rows) if (((string) schemaRow ["ColumnName"]).Equals (name)) return (int) schemaRow ["ColumnOrdinal"]; foreach (DataRow schemaRow in schemaTable.Rows) if (String.Compare (((string) schemaRow ["ColumnName"]), name, true) == 0) return (int) schemaRow ["ColumnOrdinal"]; throw new IndexOutOfRangeException (); } public DataTable GetSchemaTable () { if (schemaTable.Rows != null && schemaTable.Rows.Count > 0) return schemaTable; if (!moreResults) return null; fieldCount = 0; dataTypeNames = new ArrayList (); foreach (TdsDataColumn schema in command.Tds.Columns) { DataRow row = schemaTable.NewRow (); row ["ColumnName"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "ColumnName"); row ["ColumnSize"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "ColumnSize"); row ["ColumnOrdinal"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "ColumnOrdinal"); row ["NumericPrecision"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "NumericPrecision"); row ["NumericScale"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "NumericScale"); row ["IsUnique"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "IsUnique"); row ["IsKey"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "IsKey"); row ["BaseServerName"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "BaseServerName"); row ["BaseCatalogName"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "BaseCatalogName"); row ["BaseColumnName"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "BaseColumnName"); row ["BaseSchemaName"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "BaseSchemaName"); row ["BaseTableName"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "BaseTableName"); row ["AllowDBNull"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "AllowDBNull"); row ["IsAliased"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "IsAliased"); row ["IsExpression"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "IsExpression"); row ["IsIdentity"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "IsIdentity"); row ["IsAutoIncrement"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "IsAutoIncrement"); row ["IsRowVersion"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "IsRowVersion"); row ["IsHidden"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "IsHidden"); row ["IsReadOnly"] = GetSchemaValue (schema, "IsReadOnly"); // We don't always get the base column name. if (row ["BaseColumnName"] == DBNull.Value) row ["BaseColumnName"] = row ["ColumnName"]; switch ((TdsColumnType) schema ["ColumnType"]) { case TdsColumnType.Image : dataTypeNames.Add ("image"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Image; row ["DataType"] = typeof (byte[]); row ["IsLong"] = true; break; case TdsColumnType.Text : dataTypeNames.Add ("text"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Text; row ["DataType"] = typeof (string); row ["IsLong"] = true; break; case TdsColumnType.UniqueIdentifier : dataTypeNames.Add ("uniqueidentifier"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.UniqueIdentifier; row ["DataType"] = typeof (Guid); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.VarBinary : case TdsColumnType.BigVarBinary : dataTypeNames.Add ("varbinary"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.VarBinary; row ["DataType"] = typeof (byte[]); row ["IsLong"] = true; break; case TdsColumnType.IntN : case TdsColumnType.Int4 : dataTypeNames.Add ("int"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Int; row ["DataType"] = typeof (int); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.VarChar : case TdsColumnType.BigVarChar : dataTypeNames.Add ("varchar"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.VarChar; row ["DataType"] = typeof (string); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.Binary : case TdsColumnType.BigBinary : dataTypeNames.Add ("binary"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Binary; row ["DataType"] = typeof (byte[]); row ["IsLong"] = true; break; case TdsColumnType.Char : case TdsColumnType.BigChar : dataTypeNames.Add ("char"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Char; row ["DataType"] = typeof (string); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.Int1 : dataTypeNames.Add ("tinyint"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.TinyInt; row ["DataType"] = typeof (byte); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.Bit : case TdsColumnType.BitN : dataTypeNames.Add ("bit"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Bit; row ["DataType"] = typeof (bool); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.Int2 : dataTypeNames.Add ("smallint"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.SmallInt; row ["DataType"] = typeof (short); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.DateTime4 : case TdsColumnType.DateTime : case TdsColumnType.DateTimeN : dataTypeNames.Add ("datetime"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.DateTime; row ["DataType"] = typeof (DateTime); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.Real : dataTypeNames.Add ("real"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Real; row ["DataType"] = typeof (float); break; case TdsColumnType.Money : case TdsColumnType.MoneyN : case TdsColumnType.Money4 : dataTypeNames.Add ("money"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Money; row ["DataType"] = typeof (decimal); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.Float8 : case TdsColumnType.FloatN : dataTypeNames.Add ("float"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Float; row ["DataType"] = typeof (double); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.NText : dataTypeNames.Add ("ntext"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.NText; row ["DataType"] = typeof (string); row ["IsLong"] = true; break; case TdsColumnType.NVarChar : dataTypeNames.Add ("nvarchar"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.NVarChar; row ["DataType"] = typeof (string); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.Decimal : case TdsColumnType.Numeric : dataTypeNames.Add ("decimal"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Decimal; row ["DataType"] = typeof (decimal); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.NChar : dataTypeNames.Add ("nchar"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.NChar; row ["DataType"] = typeof (string); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; case TdsColumnType.SmallMoney : dataTypeNames.Add ("smallmoney"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.SmallMoney; row ["DataType"] = typeof (decimal); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; default : dataTypeNames.Add ("variant"); row ["ProviderType"] = (int) TdsType.Variant; row ["DataType"] = typeof (object); row ["IsLong"] = false; break; } schemaTable.Rows.Add (row); fieldCount += 1; } return schemaTable; } private static object GetSchemaValue (TdsDataColumn schema, object key) { if (schema.ContainsKey (key) && schema [key] != null) return schema [key]; return DBNull.Value; } public TdsBinary GetTdsBinary (int i) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } public TdsBoolean GetTdsBoolean (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsBoolean)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsBoolean) value; } public TdsByte GetTdsByte (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsByte)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsByte) value; } public TdsDateTime GetTdsDateTime (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsDateTime)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsDateTime) value; } public TdsDecimal GetTdsDecimal (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsDecimal)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsDecimal) value; } public TdsDouble GetTdsDouble (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsDouble)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsDouble) value; } public TdsGuid GetTdsGuid (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsGuid)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsGuid) value; } public TdsInt16 GetTdsInt16 (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsInt16)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsInt16) value; } public TdsInt32 GetTdsInt32 (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsInt32)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsInt32) value; } public TdsInt64 GetTdsInt64 (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsInt64)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsInt64) value; } public TdsMoney GetTdsMoney (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsMoney)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsMoney) value; } public TdsSingle GetTdsSingle (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsSingle)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsSingle) value; } public TdsString GetTdsString (int i) { object value = GetTdsValue (i); if (!(value is TdsString)) throw new InvalidCastException (); return (TdsString) value; } [MonoTODO ("Implement TdsBigDecimal conversion. TdsType.Real fails tests?")] public object GetTdsValue (int i) { TdsType type = (TdsType) (schemaTable.Rows [i]["ProviderType"]); object value = GetValue (i); switch (type) { case TdsType.BigInt: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsInt64.Null; return (TdsInt64) ((long) value); case TdsType.Binary: case TdsType.Image: case TdsType.VarBinary: case TdsType.Timestamp: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsBinary.Null; return (TdsBinary) ((byte[]) value); case TdsType.Bit: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsBoolean.Null; return (TdsBoolean) ((bool) value); case TdsType.Char: case TdsType.NChar: case TdsType.NText: case TdsType.NVarChar: case TdsType.Text: case TdsType.VarChar: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsString.Null; return (TdsString) ((string) value); case TdsType.DateTime: case TdsType.SmallDateTime: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsDateTime.Null; return (TdsDateTime) ((DateTime) value); case TdsType.Decimal: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsDecimal.Null; if (value is TdsBigDecimal) return TdsDecimal.FromTdsBigDecimal ((TdsBigDecimal) value); return (TdsDecimal) ((decimal) value); case TdsType.Float: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsDouble.Null; return (TdsDouble) ((double) value); case TdsType.Int: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsInt32.Null; return (TdsInt32) ((int) value); case TdsType.Money: case TdsType.SmallMoney: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsMoney.Null; return (TdsMoney) ((decimal) value); case TdsType.Real: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsSingle.Null; return (TdsSingle) ((float) value); case TdsType.UniqueIdentifier: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsGuid.Null; return (TdsGuid) ((Guid) value); case TdsType.SmallInt: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsInt16.Null; return (TdsInt16) ((short) value); case TdsType.TinyInt: if (value == DBNull.Value) return TdsByte.Null; return (TdsByte) ((byte) value); } throw new InvalidOperationException ("The type of this column is unknown."); } public int GetTdsValues (object[] values) { int count = 0; int columnCount = schemaTable.Rows.Count; int arrayCount = values.Length; if (arrayCount > columnCount) count = columnCount; else count = arrayCount; for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) values [i] = GetTdsValue (i); return count; } public string GetString (int i) { object value = GetValue (i); if (!(value is string)) { if (value is DBNull) throw new TdsNullValueException (); throw new InvalidCastException (); } return (string) value; } public object GetValue (int i) { return command.Tds.ColumnValues [i]; } public int GetValues (object[] values) { int len = values.Length; int bigDecimalIndex = command.Tds.ColumnValues.BigDecimalIndex; // If a four-byte decimal is stored, then we can't convert to // a native type. Throw an OverflowException. if (bigDecimalIndex >= 0 && bigDecimalIndex < len) throw new OverflowException (); command.Tds.ColumnValues.CopyTo (0, values, 0, len); return (len > FieldCount ? len : FieldCount); } void IDisposable.Dispose () { Dispose (true); GC.SuppressFinalize (this); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return new DbEnumerator (this); } public bool IsDBNull (int i) { return GetValue (i) == DBNull.Value; } public bool NextResult () { if ((command.CommandBehavior & CommandBehavior.SingleResult) != 0 && resultsRead > 0) return false; if (command.Tds.DoneProc) return false; schemaTable.Rows.Clear (); moreResults = command.Tds.NextResult (); GetSchemaTable (); rowsRead = 0; resultsRead += 1; return moreResults; } public bool Read () { if ((command.CommandBehavior & CommandBehavior.SingleRow) != 0 && rowsRead > 0) return false; if ((command.CommandBehavior & CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly) != 0) return false; if (!moreResults) return false; bool result = command.Tds.NextRow (); rowsRead += 1; return result; } #endregion // Methods } }