// // Mono.Data.TdsClient.Internal.Tds42.cs // // Author: // Tim Coleman (tim@timcoleman.com) // // Copyright (C) 2002 Tim Coleman // using System; using System.Data.Common; namespace Mono.Data.TdsClient.Internal { internal class Tds42 : Tds, ITds { #region Fields public static readonly TdsVersion Version = TdsVersion.tds42; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors public Tds42 (string server, int port) : this (server, port, 512) { } public Tds42 (string server, int port, int packetSize) : base (server, port, packetSize, Version) { } #endregion // Constructors #region Methods public override bool Connect (TdsConnectionParameters connectionParameters) { if (IsConnected) throw new InvalidOperationException ("The connection is already open."); SetCharset (connectionParameters.Charset); SetLanguage (connectionParameters.Language); byte pad = (byte) 0; byte[] empty = new byte[0]; bool isOkay = true; Comm.StartPacket (TdsPacketType.Logon); // hostname (offset 0) byte[] tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.Hostname, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // username (offset 31 0x1f) tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.User, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // password (offset 62 0x3e) tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.Password, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // hostproc (offset 93 0x5d) Comm.Append ("00000116", 8, pad); // unused (offset 109 0x6d) Comm.Append (empty, (30-14), pad); // apptype Comm.Append ((byte) 0x0); Comm.Append ((byte) 0xa0); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x24); Comm.Append ((byte) 0xcc); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x50); Comm.Append ((byte) 0x12); // hostproc length Comm.Append ((byte) 8); // Byte order of 2 byte ints // 2 = , 3 = Comm.Append ((byte) 3); // Byte order of 4 byte ints // 0 = , 1 = Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // Character representation // (6 = ASCII, 7 = EBCDIC) Comm.Append ((byte) 6); // Eight byte floating point representation // 4 = IEEE // 5 = VAX 'D' // 10 = IEEE // 11 = ND5000 Comm.Append ((byte) 10); // Eight byte date format // 8 = Comm.Append ((byte) 9); // notify of use db Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // disallow dump/load and bulk insert Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // sql interface type Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // type of network connection Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // spare [7] Comm.Append (empty, 7, pad); // appname tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.ApplicationName, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // server name tmp = Comm.Append (DataSource, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // remote passwords Comm.Append (empty, 2, pad); tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.Password, 253, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 253 ? tmp.Length + 2 : 253 + 2)); // tds version Comm.Append ((byte) (((byte) Version) / 10)); Comm.Append ((byte) (((byte) Version) % 10)); Comm.Append ((byte) 0); Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // prog name tmp = Comm.Append (connectionParameters.ProgName, 10, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 10 ? tmp.Length : 10)); // prog version Comm.Append ((byte) 6); // Tell the server we can handle SQLServer version 6 Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // Send zero to tell the server we can't handle any other version Comm.Append ((byte) 0); Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // auto convert short Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // type of flt4 Comm.Append ((byte) 0x0d); // type of date4 Comm.Append ((byte) 0x11); // language tmp = Comm.Append (Language, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // notify on lang change Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // security label hierarchy Comm.Append ((short) 0); // security components Comm.Append (empty, 8, pad); // security spare Comm.Append ((short) 0); // security login role Comm.Append ((byte) 0); // charset tmp = Comm.Append (Charset, 30, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) (tmp.Length < 30 ? tmp.Length : 30)); // notify on charset change Comm.Append ((byte) 1); // length of tds packets tmp = Comm.Append (PacketSize.ToString (), 6, pad); Comm.Append ((byte) 3); // pad out to a longword Comm.Append (empty, 8, pad); Comm.SendPacket (); TdsPacketResult result; while (!((result = ProcessSubPacket()) is TdsPacketEndTokenResult)) { if (result is TdsPacketErrorResult) { isOkay = false; break; } // XXX Should really process some more types of packets. } // XXX Possible bug. What happend if this is cancelled before the logon // takes place? Should isOkay be false? IsConnected = isOkay; return isOkay; } protected override TdsPacketColumnInfoResult ProcessColumnInfo () { byte precision; byte scale; int totalLength = Comm.GetTdsShort (); int bytesRead = 0; TdsPacketColumnInfoResult result = new TdsPacketColumnInfoResult (); while (bytesRead < totalLength) { scale = 0; precision = 0; int bufLength = -1; //int dispSize = -1; byte[] flagData = new byte[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i += 1) { flagData[i] = Comm.GetByte (); bytesRead += 1; } bool nullable = (flagData[2] & 0x01) > 0; bool caseSensitive = (flagData[2] & 0x02) > 0; bool writable = (flagData[2] & 0x0c) > 0; bool autoIncrement = (flagData[2] & 0x10) > 0; string tableName = String.Empty; TdsColumnType columnType = (TdsColumnType) Comm.GetByte (); bytesRead += 1; if (columnType == TdsColumnType.Text || columnType == TdsColumnType.Image) { Comm.Skip (4); bytesRead += 4; int tableNameLength = Comm.GetTdsShort (); bytesRead += 2; tableName = Comm.GetString (tableNameLength); bytesRead += tableNameLength; bufLength = 2 << 31 - 1; } else if (columnType == TdsColumnType.Decimal || columnType == TdsColumnType.Numeric) { bufLength = Comm.GetByte (); bytesRead += 1; precision = Comm.GetByte (); bytesRead += 1; scale = Comm.GetByte (); bytesRead += 1; } else if (IsFixedSizeColumn (columnType)) bufLength = LookupBufferSize (columnType); else { bufLength = (int) Comm.GetByte () & 0xff; bytesRead += 1; } int index = result.Add (new TdsSchemaInfo ()); result[index].NumericPrecision = precision; result[index].NumericScale = scale; result[index].ColumnSize = bufLength; result[index].ColumnName = ColumnNames[index]; result[index].ColumnType = columnType; result[index].BaseTableName = tableName; result[index].AllowDBNull = nullable; result[index].IsReadOnly = !writable; } //int skipLength = totalLength - bytesRead; //if (skipLength != 0) //throw new TdsException ("skipping"); return result; } #endregion // Methods } }