// // SqliteTest.cs - Test for the Sqlite ADO.NET Provider in Mono.Data.Sqlite // This provider works on Linux and Windows and uses the native // sqlite.dll or sqlite.so library. // // Modify or add to this test as needed... // // SQL Lite can be downloaded from // http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/download.html // // There are binaries for Windows and Linux. // // To compile: // mcs SqliteTest.cs -r System.Data.dll -r Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll // // Author: // Daniel Morgan // using System; using System.Data; using Mono.Data.Sqlite; namespace Test.Mono.Data.Sqlite { class SqliteTest { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { Test(false, null); Console.WriteLine(); Test(false, "ISO-8859-1"); Console.WriteLine(); Test(true, null); } static void Test(bool v3, string encoding) { if (!v3) Console.WriteLine("Testing Version 2" + (encoding != null ? " with " + encoding + " encoding" : "")); else Console.WriteLine("Testing Version 3"); System.IO.File.Delete("SqliteTest.db"); SqliteConnection dbcon = new SqliteConnection(); // the connection string is a URL that points // to a file. If the file does not exist, a // file is created. // "URI=file:some/path" string connectionString = "URI=file:SqliteTest.db"; if (v3) connectionString += ",Version=3"; if (encoding != null) connectionString += ",encoding=" + encoding; dbcon.ConnectionString = connectionString; dbcon.Open(); SqliteCommand dbcmd = new SqliteCommand(); dbcmd.Connection = dbcon; dbcmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE MONO_TEST ( " + "NID INT, " + "NDESC TEXT, " + "NTIME DATETIME); " + "INSERT INTO MONO_TEST " + "(NID, NDESC, NTIME) " + "VALUES(1,'One (unicode test: \u05D0)', '2006-01-01')"; Console.WriteLine("Create & insert modified rows = 1: " + dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery()); dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MONO_TEST " + "(NID, NDESC, NTIME) " + "VALUES(:NID,:NDESC,:NTIME)"; dbcmd.Parameters.Add( new SqliteParameter("NID", 2) ); dbcmd.Parameters.Add( new SqliteParameter(":NDESC", "Two (unicode test: \u05D1)") ); dbcmd.Parameters.Add( new SqliteParameter(":NTIME", DateTime.Now) ); Console.WriteLine("Insert modified rows with parameters = 1, 2: " + dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery() + " , " + dbcmd.LastInsertRowID()); dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MONO_TEST " + "(NID, NDESC, NTIME) " + "VALUES(3,'Three, quoted parameter test, and next is null; :NTIME', NULL)"; Console.WriteLine("Insert with null modified rows and ID = 1, 3: " + dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery() + " , " + dbcmd.LastInsertRowID()); dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MONO_TEST " + "(NID, NDESC, NTIME) " + "VALUES(4,'Four with ANSI char: ü', NULL)"; Console.WriteLine("Insert with ANSI char ü = 1, 4: " + dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery() + " , " + dbcmd.LastInsertRowID()); dbcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO MONO_TEST " + "(NID, NDESC, NTIME) " + "VALUES(?,?,?)"; dbcmd.Parameters.Clear(); IDbDataParameter param1 = dbcmd.CreateParameter(); param1.DbType = DbType.DateTime; param1.Value = 5; dbcmd.Parameters.Add(param1); IDbDataParameter param2 = dbcmd.CreateParameter(); param2.Value = "Using unnamed parameters"; dbcmd.Parameters.Add(param2); IDbDataParameter param3 = dbcmd.CreateParameter(); param3.DbType = DbType.DateTime; param3.Value = DateTime.Parse("2006-05-11 11:45:00"); dbcmd.Parameters.Add(param3); Console.WriteLine("Insert with unnamed parameters = 1, 5: " + dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery() + " , " + dbcmd.LastInsertRowID()); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM MONO_TEST"; SqliteDataReader reader; reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader(); Console.WriteLine("read and display data..."); while(reader.Read()) for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) Console.WriteLine(" Col {0}: {1} (type: {2}, data type: {3})", i, reader[i] == null ? "(null)" : reader[i].ToString(), reader[i] == null ? "(null)" : reader[i].GetType().FullName, reader.GetDataTypeName(i)); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT NDESC FROM MONO_TEST WHERE NID=2"; Console.WriteLine("read and display a scalar = 'Two': " + dbcmd.ExecuteScalar()); dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT count(*) FROM MONO_TEST"; Console.WriteLine("read and display a non-column scalar = 3: " + dbcmd.ExecuteScalar()); Console.WriteLine("read and display data using DataAdapter/DataSet..."); SqliteDataAdapter adapter = new SqliteDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM MONO_TEST", connectionString); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); adapter.Fill(dataset); foreach(DataTable myTable in dataset.Tables){ foreach(DataRow myRow in myTable.Rows){ foreach (DataColumn myColumn in myTable.Columns){ Console.WriteLine(" " + myRow[myColumn]); } } } /*Console.WriteLine("read and display data using DataAdapter/DataTable..."); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); adapter.Fill(dt); DataView dv = new DataView(dt); foreach (DataRowView myRow in dv) { foreach (DataColumn myColumn in myRow.Row.Table.Columns) { Console.WriteLine(" " + myRow[myColumn.ColumnName]); } }*/ try { dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT NDESC INVALID SYNTAX FROM MONO_TEST WHERE NID=2"; dbcmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Console.WriteLine("Should not reach here."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Testing a syntax error: " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message); } /*try { dbcmd.CommandText = "SELECT 0/0 FROM MONO_TEST WHERE NID=2"; Console.WriteLine("Should not reach here: " + dbcmd.ExecuteScalar()); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Testing an execution error: " + e.GetType().Name + ": " + e.Message); }*/ dataset.Dispose(); adapter.Dispose(); reader.Close(); dbcmd.Dispose(); dbcon.Close(); } } }