// // Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient.PgSqlDataReader.cs // // Author: // Rodrigo Moya (rodrigo@ximian.com) // Daniel Morgan (danmorg@sc.rr.com) // // (C) Ximian, Inc 2002 // (C) Daniel Morgan 2002 // // Credits: // SQL and concepts were used from libgda 0.8.190 (GNOME Data Access) // http://www.gnome-db.org/ // with permission from the authors of the // PostgreSQL provider in libgda: // Michael Lausch // Rodrigo Moya // Vivien Malerba // Gonzalo Paniagua Javier // // *** uncomment #define to get debug messages, comment for production *** //#define DEBUG_SqlDataReader using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Data.Common; namespace Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient { /// /// Provides a means of reading one or more forward-only streams /// of result sets obtained by executing a command /// at a SQL database. /// public sealed class PgSqlDataReader : MarshalByRefObject, IEnumerable, IDataReader, IDisposable, IDataRecord { #region Fields private PgSqlCommand cmd; private DataTable table = null; // columns in a row private object[] fields; // data value in a .NET type private string[] types; // PostgreSQL Type private bool[] isNull; // is NULL? private int[] actualLength; // ActualLength of data private DbType[] dbTypes; // DB data type // actucalLength = -1 is variable-length private bool open = false; IntPtr pgResult; // PGresult private int rows; private int cols; private int recordsAffected = -1; // TODO: get this value private int currentRow = -1; // no Read() has been done yet private bool disposed = false; #endregion // Fields #region Constructors internal PgSqlDataReader (PgSqlCommand sqlCmd) { cmd = sqlCmd; open = true; cmd.OpenReader(this); } #endregion #region Public Methods [MonoTODO] public void Close() { open = false; // free PgSqlDataReader resources in PgSqlCommand // and allow PgSqlConnection to be used again cmd.CloseReader(); // TODO: get parameters from result Dispose (true); } [MonoTODO] public DataTable GetSchemaTable() { return table; } [MonoTODO] public bool NextResult() { PgSqlResult res; currentRow = -1; bool resultReturned; // reset table = null; pgResult = IntPtr.Zero; rows = 0; cols = 0; types = null; recordsAffected = -1; res = cmd.NextResult(); resultReturned = res.ResultReturned; if(resultReturned == true) { table = res.Table; pgResult = res.PgResult; rows = res.RowCount; cols = res.FieldCount; types = res.PgTypes; recordsAffected = res.RecordsAffected; } res = null; return resultReturned; } [MonoTODO] public bool Read() { string dataValue; int c = 0; if(currentRow < rows - 1) { currentRow++; // re-init row fields = new object[cols]; //dbTypes = new DbType[cols]; actualLength = new int[cols]; isNull = new bool[cols]; for(c = 0; c < cols; c++) { // get data value dataValue = PostgresLibrary. PQgetvalue( pgResult, currentRow, c); // is column NULL? //isNull[c] = PostgresLibrary. // PQgetisnull(pgResult, // currentRow, c); // get Actual Length actualLength[c] = PostgresLibrary. PQgetlength(pgResult, currentRow, c); DbType dbType; dbType = PostgresHelper. TypnameToSqlDbType(types[c]); if(dataValue == null) { fields[c] = null; isNull[c] = true; } else if(dataValue.Equals("")) { fields[c] = null; isNull[c] = true; } else { isNull[c] = false; fields[c] = PostgresHelper. ConvertDbTypeToSystem ( dbType, dataValue); } } return true; } return false; // EOF } [MonoTODO] public byte GetByte(int i) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public long GetBytes(int i, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public char GetChar(int i) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public long GetChars(int i, long fieldOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public IDataReader GetData(int i) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public string GetDataTypeName(int i) { return types[i]; } [MonoTODO] public DateTime GetDateTime(int i) { return (DateTime) fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] public decimal GetDecimal(int i) { return (decimal) fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] public double GetDouble(int i) { return (double) fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] public Type GetFieldType(int i) { DataRow row = table.Rows[i]; return Type.GetType((string)row["DataType"]); } [MonoTODO] public float GetFloat(int i) { return (float) fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] public Guid GetGuid(int i) { throw new NotImplementedException (); } [MonoTODO] public short GetInt16(int i) { return (short) fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] public int GetInt32(int i) { return (int) fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] public long GetInt64(int i) { return (long) fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] public string GetName(int i) { DataRow row = table.Rows[i]; return (string) row["ColumnName"]; } [MonoTODO] public int GetOrdinal(string name) { int i; DataRow row; for(i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { row = table.Rows[i]; if(((string) row["ColumnName"]).Equals(name)) return i; } for(i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { string ta; string n; row = table.Rows[i]; ta = ((string) row["ColumnName"]).ToUpper(); n = name.ToUpper(); if(ta.Equals(n)) { return i; } } throw new MissingFieldException("Missing field: " + name); } [MonoTODO] public string GetString(int i) { return (string) fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] public object GetValue(int i) { return fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] public int GetValues(object[] values) { Array.Copy (fields, values, fields.Length); return fields.Length; } [MonoTODO] public bool IsDBNull(int i) { return isNull[i]; } [MonoTODO] public bool GetBoolean(int i) { return (bool) fields[i]; } [MonoTODO] IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () { return new DbEnumerator (this); } #endregion // Public Methods #region Destructors private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if(!this.disposed) { if(disposing) { // release any managed resources cmd = null; table = null; fields = null; types = null; isNull = null; actualLength = null; dbTypes = null; } // release any unmanaged resources // clear unmanaged PostgreSQL result set if (pgResult != IntPtr.Zero) { PostgresLibrary.PQclear (pgResult); pgResult = IntPtr.Zero; } // close any handles this.disposed = true; } } void IDisposable.Dispose() { Dispose(true); } ~PgSqlDataReader() { Dispose(false); } #endregion // Destructors #region Properties public int Depth { [MonoTODO] get { return 0; // always return zero, unless // this provider will allow // nesting of a row } } public bool IsClosed { [MonoTODO] get { if(open == false) return true; else return false; } } public int RecordsAffected { [MonoTODO] get { return recordsAffected; } } public int FieldCount { [MonoTODO] get { return cols; } } public object this[string name] { [MonoTODO] get { int i; DataRow row; for(i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { row = table.Rows[i]; if(row["ColumnName"].Equals(name)) return fields[i]; } for(i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { string ta; string n; row = table.Rows[i]; ta = ((string) row["ColumnName"]).ToUpper(); n = name.ToUpper(); if(ta.Equals(n)) { return fields[i]; } } throw new MissingFieldException("Missing field: " + name); } } public object this[int i] { [MonoTODO] get { return fields[i]; } } #endregion // Properties } }