2003-12-19 Tim Coleman * Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient/PgSqlPermission.cs: Change constructor so it does not use base constructor without arguments. That constructor becomes obsolete in .NET 1.2, but it doesn't hurt to do it in other builds too. 2002-12-06 Daniel Morgan * Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient/PgSqlCommand.cs: added public methods EscapeString() and EscapeByteArray() * Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient/PostgresLibrary.cs: updated DllImport functions PQescapeString() and PQescapeBytea() 2002-11-26 Daniel Morgan * list: changed the name of the files beginning with Sql to PgSql. Added missing files to linux build. * makefile.gnu: added .dll to end of assembly names * Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient: created new directory within mcs/class/Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient * copy files from ./*.cs to ./Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient/*.cs on cvs server (thanks to Miguel) * remove ./*.cs files 2002-11-14 Daniel Morgan * PgSqlConnection.cs: redid connection parameters based on SqlClient's SqlConnection * PgSqlCommand.cs: redid handling of different CommandType of CommandText, StoredProcedure, and TableDirect. Got rid of debug messages 2002-11-01 Daniel Morgan * PgSqlCommand.cs: get rid of warning * PgSqlDataReader.cs: implemented GetEnumerator(), and Dispose() 2002-10-16 Daniel Morgan * ParmUtil.cs * PostgresLibrary.cs * PostgresTypes.cs * SqlClientPermission.cs * SqlClientPermissionAttribute.cs * SqlCommand.cs * SqlCommandBuilder.cs * SqlConnection.cs * SqlDataAdapter.cs * SqlDataReader.cs * SqlError.cs * SqlErrorCollection.cs * SqlException.cs * SqlInfoMessageEventArgs.cs * SqlInfoMessageEventHandler.cs * SqlParameter.cs * SqlParameterCollection.cs * SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs.cs * SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler.cs * SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs.cs * SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler.cs * SqlTransaction.cs: thanks to Miguel, he copied files on the mono cvs server from mcs/class/System.Data/System.Data.SqlClient for the PostgreSQL provider to mcs/class/Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient. This frees up mcs/class/System.Data/System.Data.SqlClient for the Microsoft SQL Server provider. Any Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient/Sql*.cs files were copied on the cvs server to Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient/PgSql*.cs files and the old Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient/Sql*.cs files were removed. Copying, renaming, and removing was done on the server so we could keep the cvs change history. * ChangeLog: added this file for logging changes * Mono.Data.PostgreSqlClient.build: added file for Windows build * library-deps.stamp * list * makefile.gnu: added for Linux build * Locale.cs: added file for Locale.GetText(string); * TODOAttribute.cs: added file for [MonoTODO] attribute