2002-08-13 Daniel Morgan * Mono.Data.MySql/MySqlCommand.cs: modified rowsRetrieved should be rowsAffected in ExecuteNonQuery because the number is only to show the rows affected by an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE; anything else, the number is -1 * Mono.Data.MySql/Test.cs: modified enable retrieving the results from a query. even though this still does not work for some reason, i thought i would enable it so others could see the problem. 2002-05-30 Daniel Morgan * Mono.Data.MySql.build: modified need to copy Mono.Data.MySql.dll to mcs/class/System.Data/Test so the SqlSharpCli test program can use MySql too 2002-05-30 Daniel Morgan * Test/TestMySqlInsert.cs: added test to do an SQL INSERT to insert a row into table. Works on cygwin compiled using mcs and mono and runs on mint, but it fails running on mono. * Mono.Data.MySql/MySqlCommand.cs * Mono.Data.MySql/TODOAttribute.cs * Mono.Data.MySql/MySqlConnection.cs: added * list: added so can build with mcs/mono on linux I only tested it on Cygwin though. To work on linux, the library name in the pinvokes in MySql.cs will need to be changed. * Mono.Data.MySql.build: modified exclude files from build. also copy Mono.Data.MySql.dll to Mono.Data.MySql so you can build and run Test.cs * Mono.Data.MySql/MySql.cs: modified tweaks to compile under mcs/mono and run under mint or mono. Runs under mint, but not mono. Had to comment out mysql_thread_begin/mysql_thread_end functions because they refused to load in mono. Until this is fixed, a memory leak will occur. Can not retrieve field data from MySQL because the PtrToStructure() needs to be implemented in System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal class. However, this will be very complicated to do. So, we connect to MySQL and execute SQL Commands, but we can not do Queries yet. * Mono.Data.MySql/Test.cs: modified tweaks to test C# bindings with compiling mcs/mono and running on mint and mono. Runs on mint, but not mono. 2002-05-28 Daniel Morgan * Mono.Data.MySql * Mono.Data.MySql/Mono.Data.MySql: add directories for the Mono.Data.MySql assembly and namespace. This will contain the MySql .NET Data Provider which will use C# bindings to libMySQL * Mono.Data.MySql/Test.cs: added file to test the C# bindings to MySQL * Mono.Data.MySql/MySql.cs * Mono.Data.MySql/Field.cs: added files for the beginnings of C# bindings to MySQL * Mono.Data.MySql/makefile: added file to build the MySQL C# bindings on csc/Microsoft.NET These C# bindings to the MySQL libMySQL.dll were created by Brad Merrill and can be downloaded from http://www.cybercom.net/~zbrad/DotNet/MySql/ and put into the Mono Class Library under the X11/MIT License with Brad Merril's permission.