namespaces: Mono.Cecil.Binary: deleted, Mono.Cecil.Metadata: metadata table/rows: deleted. collections: * Cecil now only exposes Collection of T as a public collection API. types: Mono.Cecil - AssemblyFactory: Use static Read methods on ModuleDefinition and AssemblyDefinition to get them. + ReadingMode: specifies if the assembly is either loaded in a deffered or immediate fashion. + ReaderParameters + ReadingMode + ISymbolReaderProvider + WriterParameters + ISymbolWriterProvider * AssemblyDefinition: * Runtime, Kind: moved to ModuleDefiniton * ModuleDefinition: properties: - Image - MemberReferences - TypeReferences - ExternTypes * Main -> IsMain. (set removed) : bool + FullyQualifiedName : string + Kind : ModuleKind + Runtime : TargetRuntime + Architecture : TargetArchitecture + Attributes : ModuleAttributes + HasSymbols : bool + HasExportedTypes : bool + ExportedTypes : ExportedTypeCollection * Types: doesn't contain NestedTypes anymore. - AssemblyKind: renamed to ModuleKind. + ModuleKind: + NetModule + TargetArchitecture: + I386 + AMD64 + IA64 + ModuleAttributes: + ILOnly + Required32Bit + StrongNameSigned * FieldDefinition: * RVA : int * IMethodSignature: * ReturnType : TypeReference + MethodReturnType : MethodReturnType * TypeDefinition: - HasConstructors - Constructors * ctor: swapped namespace and name parameter. * ParameterDefinition: * Method : IMethodSignature * Sequence -> Index : int (0 based instead of 1) * ArrayType: * IsSizedArray -> IsVector : bool * IHasConstant -> IConstantProvider * IHasSecurity -> ISecurityDeclarationProvider * IHasMarshal -> IMarshalInfoProvider * MemberReference + Module : ModuleDefinition * MethodDefinition: - This: moved to MethodBody + HasPInvokeInfo : bool * PInvokeInfo: - Method * MarshalSpec -> MarshalInfo - ModType * ModifierRequiredType -> RequiredModifierType * ModifierOptionalType -> OptionalModifierType * ReferenceType -> ByReferenceType * TypeReference + IsArray : bool + IsPointer : bool + IsByReference : bool + IsRequiredModifier : bool + IsOptionalModifier : bool + IsSentinel : bool + IsGenericInstance : bool + IsGenericParameter : bool + IsPinned : bool + IsFunctionPointer : bool + IsDefinition : bool * GetOriginalType -> GetElementType * ctor: swapped namespace and name parameter. * MethodReference + IsGenericInstance : bool + IsDefinition : bool * GetOriginalMethod -> GetElementMethod * FieldReference + IsDefinition : bool + CustomAttributeArgument + Type : TypeReference + Value : object * CustomAttribute * ConstructorParameters -> ConstructorArguments : CustomAttributeArgumentCollection * Properties : CustomAttributeNamedArgumentCollection * Fields : CustomAttributeNamedArgumentCollection * SecurityDeclaration - PermissionSet + SecurityAttributes : SecurityAttributeCollection + SecurityAttribute + AttributeType : TypeReference + Fields : CustomAttributeNamedArgumentCollection + Properties : CustomAttributeNamedArgumentCollection * IMetadataScope + MetadataScopeType + MetadataScopeType + AssemblyNameReference + ModuleDefinition + ModuleReference Mono.Cecil.Cil: * ExceptionHandler * Type -> HandlerType : TypeReference * VariableDefinition - Method * Document* : from Guid to enums, the reader/writers are responsible for assigning them. * MethodBody * LocalVarToken : MetadataToken * MaxStack -> MaxStackSize : int + ThisParameter: from MethodDefinition * OperandType * ShortInlineParam : ShortInlineArg * InlineParam : InlineArg * CilWorker -> ILProcessor TODO: * Mono.Cecil.Rocks * ILGenerator * HOWTOs