// // MetadataRowReader.cs // // Author: // Jb Evain (jbevain@gmail.com) // // Generated by /CodeGen/cecil-gen.rb do not edit // Sat Feb 16 23:24:17 +0100 2008 // // (C) 2005 Jb Evain // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // namespace Mono.Cecil.Metadata { using System; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using Mono.Cecil.Binary; sealed class MetadataRowReader : BaseMetadataRowVisitor { MetadataTableReader m_mtrv; BinaryReader m_binaryReader; MetadataRoot m_metadataRoot; Utilities.TableRowCounter m_counter; int [] m_ciCache; int m_blobHeapIdxSz; int m_stringsHeapIdxSz; int m_guidHeapIdxSz; public MetadataRowReader (MetadataTableReader mtrv) { m_mtrv = mtrv; m_binaryReader = mtrv.GetReader (); m_metadataRoot = mtrv.GetMetadataRoot (); m_ciCache = new int [13]; m_counter = new Utilities.TableRowCounter (m_mtrv.GetNumberOfRows); } int GetIndexSize (int rid) { return m_mtrv.GetNumberOfRows (rid) < (1 << 16) ? 2 : 4; } int GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex ci) { return Utilities.GetCodedIndexSize (ci, m_counter, m_ciCache); } uint ReadByIndexSize (int size) { if (size == 2) { return (uint) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); } else if (size == 4) { return m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); } else { throw new MetadataFormatException ("Non valid size for indexing"); } } public override void VisitRowCollection (RowCollection coll) { m_blobHeapIdxSz = m_metadataRoot.Streams.BlobHeap != null ? m_metadataRoot.Streams.BlobHeap.IndexSize : 2; m_stringsHeapIdxSz = m_metadataRoot.Streams.StringsHeap != null ? m_metadataRoot.Streams.StringsHeap.IndexSize : 2; m_guidHeapIdxSz = m_metadataRoot.Streams.GuidHeap != null ? m_metadataRoot.Streams.GuidHeap.IndexSize : 2; } public override void VisitAssemblyRow (AssemblyRow row) { row.HashAlgId = (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyHashAlgorithm) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.MajorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.MinorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.BuildNumber = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.RevisionNumber = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyFlags) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.PublicKey = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Culture = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitAssemblyOSRow (AssemblyOSRow row) { row.OSPlatformID = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.OSMajorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.OSMinorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); } public override void VisitAssemblyProcessorRow (AssemblyProcessorRow row) { row.Processor = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); } public override void VisitAssemblyRefRow (AssemblyRefRow row) { row.MajorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.MinorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.BuildNumber = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.RevisionNumber = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.AssemblyFlags) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.PublicKeyOrToken = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Culture = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.HashValue = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitAssemblyRefOSRow (AssemblyRefOSRow row) { row.OSPlatformID = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.OSMajorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.OSMinorVersion = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.AssemblyRef = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (AssemblyRefTable.RId)); } public override void VisitAssemblyRefProcessorRow (AssemblyRefProcessorRow row) { row.Processor = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.AssemblyRef = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (AssemblyRefTable.RId)); } public override void VisitClassLayoutRow (ClassLayoutRow row) { row.PackingSize = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.ClassSize = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.Parent = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (TypeDefTable.RId)); } public override void VisitConstantRow (ConstantRow row) { row.Type = (Mono.Cecil.Metadata.ElementType) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Parent = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.HasConstant, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.HasConstant))); row.Value = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitCustomAttributeRow (CustomAttributeRow row) { row.Parent = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.HasCustomAttribute, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.HasCustomAttribute))); row.Type = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.CustomAttributeType, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.CustomAttributeType))); row.Value = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitDeclSecurityRow (DeclSecurityRow row) { row.Action = (Mono.Cecil.SecurityAction) m_binaryReader.ReadInt16 (); row.Parent = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.HasDeclSecurity, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.HasDeclSecurity))); row.PermissionSet = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitEventRow (EventRow row) { row.EventFlags = (Mono.Cecil.EventAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.EventType = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.TypeDefOrRef, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.TypeDefOrRef))); } public override void VisitEventMapRow (EventMapRow row) { row.Parent = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (TypeDefTable.RId)); row.EventList = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (EventTable.RId)); } public override void VisitEventPtrRow (EventPtrRow row) { row.Event = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (EventTable.RId)); } public override void VisitExportedTypeRow (ExportedTypeRow row) { row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.TypeAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.TypeDefId = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.TypeName = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.TypeNamespace = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Implementation = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.Implementation, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.Implementation))); } public override void VisitFieldRow (FieldRow row) { row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.FieldAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Signature = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitFieldLayoutRow (FieldLayoutRow row) { row.Offset = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.Field = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (FieldTable.RId)); } public override void VisitFieldMarshalRow (FieldMarshalRow row) { row.Parent = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.HasFieldMarshal, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.HasFieldMarshal))); row.NativeType = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitFieldPtrRow (FieldPtrRow row) { row.Field = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (FieldTable.RId)); } public override void VisitFieldRVARow (FieldRVARow row) { row.RVA = new RVA (m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 ()); row.Field = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (FieldTable.RId)); } public override void VisitFileRow (FileRow row) { row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.FileAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.HashValue = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitGenericParamRow (GenericParamRow row) { row.Number = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.GenericParameterAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Owner = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.TypeOrMethodDef, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.TypeOrMethodDef))); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitGenericParamConstraintRow (GenericParamConstraintRow row) { row.Owner = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (GenericParamTable.RId)); row.Constraint = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.TypeDefOrRef, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.TypeDefOrRef))); } public override void VisitImplMapRow (ImplMapRow row) { row.MappingFlags = (Mono.Cecil.PInvokeAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.MemberForwarded = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.MemberForwarded, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.MemberForwarded))); row.ImportName = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.ImportScope = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (ModuleRefTable.RId)); } public override void VisitInterfaceImplRow (InterfaceImplRow row) { row.Class = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (TypeDefTable.RId)); row.Interface = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.TypeDefOrRef, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.TypeDefOrRef))); } public override void VisitManifestResourceRow (ManifestResourceRow row) { row.Offset = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.ManifestResourceAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Implementation = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.Implementation, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.Implementation))); } public override void VisitMemberRefRow (MemberRefRow row) { row.Class = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.MemberRefParent, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.MemberRefParent))); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Signature = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitMethodRow (MethodRow row) { row.RVA = new RVA (m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 ()); row.ImplFlags = (Mono.Cecil.MethodImplAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.MethodAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Signature = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); row.ParamList = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (ParamTable.RId)); } public override void VisitMethodImplRow (MethodImplRow row) { row.Class = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (TypeDefTable.RId)); row.MethodBody = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.MethodDefOrRef, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.MethodDefOrRef))); row.MethodDeclaration = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.MethodDefOrRef, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.MethodDefOrRef))); } public override void VisitMethodPtrRow (MethodPtrRow row) { row.Method = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (MethodTable.RId)); } public override void VisitMethodSemanticsRow (MethodSemanticsRow row) { row.Semantics = (Mono.Cecil.MethodSemanticsAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Method = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (MethodTable.RId)); row.Association = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.HasSemantics, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.HasSemantics))); } public override void VisitMethodSpecRow (MethodSpecRow row) { row.Method = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.MethodDefOrRef, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.MethodDefOrRef))); row.Instantiation = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitModuleRow (ModuleRow row) { row.Generation = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Mvid = ReadByIndexSize (m_guidHeapIdxSz); row.EncId = ReadByIndexSize (m_guidHeapIdxSz); row.EncBaseId = ReadByIndexSize (m_guidHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitModuleRefRow (ModuleRefRow row) { row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitNestedClassRow (NestedClassRow row) { row.NestedClass = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (TypeDefTable.RId)); row.EnclosingClass = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (TypeDefTable.RId)); } public override void VisitParamRow (ParamRow row) { row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.ParameterAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Sequence = m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitParamPtrRow (ParamPtrRow row) { row.Param = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (ParamTable.RId)); } public override void VisitPropertyRow (PropertyRow row) { row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.PropertyAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt16 (); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Type = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitPropertyMapRow (PropertyMapRow row) { row.Parent = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (TypeDefTable.RId)); row.PropertyList = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (PropertyTable.RId)); } public override void VisitPropertyPtrRow (PropertyPtrRow row) { row.Property = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (PropertyTable.RId)); } public override void VisitStandAloneSigRow (StandAloneSigRow row) { row.Signature = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitTypeDefRow (TypeDefRow row) { row.Flags = (Mono.Cecil.TypeAttributes) m_binaryReader.ReadUInt32 (); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Namespace = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Extends = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.TypeDefOrRef, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.TypeDefOrRef))); row.FieldList = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (FieldTable.RId)); row.MethodList = ReadByIndexSize (GetIndexSize (MethodTable.RId)); } public override void VisitTypeRefRow (TypeRefRow row) { row.ResolutionScope = Utilities.GetMetadataToken (CodedIndex.ResolutionScope, ReadByIndexSize (GetCodedIndexSize (CodedIndex.ResolutionScope))); row.Name = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); row.Namespace = ReadByIndexSize (m_stringsHeapIdxSz); } public override void VisitTypeSpecRow (TypeSpecRow row) { row.Signature = ReadByIndexSize (m_blobHeapIdxSz); } } }