// // CodeWriter.cs // // Author: // Jb Evain (jbevain@gmail.com) // // (C) 2005 - 2007 Jb Evain // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // namespace Mono.Cecil.Cil { using System; using System.Collections; using Mono.Cecil; using Mono.Cecil.Binary; using Mono.Cecil.Metadata; using Mono.Cecil.Signatures; class CodeWriter : BaseCodeVisitor { ReflectionWriter m_reflectWriter; MemoryBinaryWriter m_binaryWriter; MemoryBinaryWriter m_codeWriter; IDictionary m_localSigCache; IDictionary m_standaloneSigCache; public CodeWriter (ReflectionWriter reflectWriter, MemoryBinaryWriter writer) { m_reflectWriter = reflectWriter; m_binaryWriter = writer; m_codeWriter = new MemoryBinaryWriter (); m_localSigCache = new Hashtable (); m_standaloneSigCache = new Hashtable (); } public RVA WriteMethodBody (MethodDefinition meth) { if (meth.Body == null) return RVA.Zero; RVA ret = m_reflectWriter.MetadataWriter.GetDataCursor (); meth.Body.Accept (this); return ret; } public override void VisitMethodBody (MethodBody body) { m_codeWriter.Empty (); } void WriteToken (MetadataToken token) { if (token.RID == 0) m_codeWriter.Write (0); else m_codeWriter.Write (token.ToUInt ()); } static int GetParameterIndex (MethodBody body, ParameterDefinition p) { int idx = body.Method.Parameters.IndexOf (p); if (idx == -1 && p == body.Method.This) return 0; if (body.Method.HasThis) idx++; return idx; } public override void VisitInstructionCollection (InstructionCollection instructions) { MethodBody body = instructions.Container; long start = m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Position; ComputeMaxStack (instructions); foreach (Instruction instr in instructions) { instr.Offset = (int) (m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Position - start); if (instr.OpCode.Size == 1) m_codeWriter.Write (instr.OpCode.Op2); else { m_codeWriter.Write (instr.OpCode.Op1); m_codeWriter.Write (instr.OpCode.Op2); } if (instr.OpCode.OperandType != OperandType.InlineNone && instr.Operand == null) throw new ReflectionException ("OpCode {0} have null operand", instr.OpCode.Name); switch (instr.OpCode.OperandType) { case OperandType.InlineNone : break; case OperandType.InlineSwitch : Instruction [] targets = (Instruction []) instr.Operand; for (int i = 0; i < targets.Length + 1; i++) m_codeWriter.Write ((uint) 0); break; case OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget : m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) 0); break; case OperandType.InlineBrTarget : m_codeWriter.Write (0); break; case OperandType.ShortInlineI : if (instr.OpCode == OpCodes.Ldc_I4_S) m_codeWriter.Write ((sbyte) instr.Operand); else m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) instr.Operand); break; case OperandType.ShortInlineVar : m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) body.Variables.IndexOf ( (VariableDefinition) instr.Operand)); break; case OperandType.ShortInlineParam : m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) GetParameterIndex (body, (ParameterDefinition) instr.Operand)); break; case OperandType.InlineSig : WriteToken (GetCallSiteToken ((CallSite) instr.Operand)); break; case OperandType.InlineI : m_codeWriter.Write ((int) instr.Operand); break; case OperandType.InlineVar : m_codeWriter.Write ((short) body.Variables.IndexOf ( (VariableDefinition) instr.Operand)); break; case OperandType.InlineParam : m_codeWriter.Write ((short) GetParameterIndex ( body, (ParameterDefinition) instr.Operand)); break; case OperandType.InlineI8 : m_codeWriter.Write ((long) instr.Operand); break; case OperandType.ShortInlineR : m_codeWriter.Write ((float) instr.Operand); break; case OperandType.InlineR : m_codeWriter.Write ((double) instr.Operand); break; case OperandType.InlineString : WriteToken (new MetadataToken (TokenType.String, m_reflectWriter.MetadataWriter.AddUserString (instr.Operand as string))); break; case OperandType.InlineField : case OperandType.InlineMethod : case OperandType.InlineType : case OperandType.InlineTok : if (instr.Operand is TypeReference) WriteToken (m_reflectWriter.GetTypeDefOrRefToken ( instr.Operand as TypeReference)); else if (instr.Operand is GenericInstanceMethod) WriteToken (m_reflectWriter.GetMethodSpecToken (instr.Operand as GenericInstanceMethod)); else if (instr.Operand is MemberReference) WriteToken (m_reflectWriter.GetMemberRefToken ((MemberReference) instr.Operand)); else if (instr.Operand is IMetadataTokenProvider) WriteToken (((IMetadataTokenProvider) instr.Operand).MetadataToken); else throw new ReflectionException ( string.Format ("Wrong operand for {0} OpCode: {1}", instr.OpCode.OperandType, instr.Operand.GetType ().FullName)); break; } } // patch branches long pos = m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Position; foreach (Instruction instr in instructions) { switch (instr.OpCode.OperandType) { case OperandType.InlineSwitch : m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Position = instr.Offset + instr.OpCode.Size; Instruction [] targets = (Instruction []) instr.Operand; m_codeWriter.Write ((uint) targets.Length); foreach (Instruction tgt in targets) m_codeWriter.Write ((tgt.Offset - (instr.Offset + instr.OpCode.Size + (4 * (targets.Length + 1))))); break; case OperandType.ShortInlineBrTarget : m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Position = instr.Offset + instr.OpCode.Size; m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) (((Instruction) instr.Operand).Offset - (instr.Offset + instr.OpCode.Size + 1))); break; case OperandType.InlineBrTarget : m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Position = instr.Offset + instr.OpCode.Size; m_codeWriter.Write(((Instruction) instr.Operand).Offset - (instr.Offset + instr.OpCode.Size + 4)); break; } } m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Position = pos; } MetadataToken GetCallSiteToken (CallSite cs) { uint sig; int sentinel = cs.GetSentinel (); if (sentinel > 0) sig = m_reflectWriter.SignatureWriter.AddMethodDefSig ( m_reflectWriter.GetMethodDefSig (cs)); else sig = m_reflectWriter.SignatureWriter.AddMethodRefSig ( m_reflectWriter.GetMethodRefSig (cs)); if (m_standaloneSigCache.Contains (sig)) return (MetadataToken) m_standaloneSigCache [sig]; StandAloneSigTable sasTable = m_reflectWriter.MetadataTableWriter.GetStandAloneSigTable (); StandAloneSigRow sasRow = m_reflectWriter.MetadataRowWriter.CreateStandAloneSigRow (sig); sasTable.Rows.Add(sasRow); MetadataToken token = new MetadataToken (TokenType.Signature, (uint) sasTable.Rows.Count); m_standaloneSigCache [sig] = token; return token; } static int GetLength (Instruction start, Instruction end, InstructionCollection instructions) { Instruction last = instructions [instructions.Count - 1]; return (end == instructions.Outside ? last.Offset + last.GetSize () : end.Offset) - start.Offset; } static bool IsRangeFat (Instruction start, Instruction end, InstructionCollection instructions) { return GetLength (start, end, instructions) >= 256 || start.Offset >= 65536; } static bool IsFat (ExceptionHandlerCollection seh) { for (int i = 0; i < seh.Count; i++) { ExceptionHandler eh = seh [i]; if (IsRangeFat (eh.TryStart, eh.TryEnd, seh.Container.Instructions)) return true; if (IsRangeFat (eh.HandlerStart, eh.HandlerEnd, seh.Container.Instructions)) return true; switch (eh.Type) { case ExceptionHandlerType.Filter : if (IsRangeFat (eh.FilterStart, eh.FilterEnd, seh.Container.Instructions)) return true; break; } } return false; } void WriteExceptionHandlerCollection (ExceptionHandlerCollection seh) { m_codeWriter.QuadAlign (); if (seh.Count < 0x15 && !IsFat (seh)) { m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) MethodDataSection.EHTable); m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) (seh.Count * 12 + 4)); m_codeWriter.Write (new byte [2]); foreach (ExceptionHandler eh in seh) { m_codeWriter.Write ((ushort) eh.Type); m_codeWriter.Write ((ushort) eh.TryStart.Offset); m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) (eh.TryEnd.Offset - eh.TryStart.Offset)); m_codeWriter.Write ((ushort) eh.HandlerStart.Offset); m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) GetLength (eh.HandlerStart, eh.HandlerEnd, seh.Container.Instructions)); WriteHandlerSpecific (eh); } } else { m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) (MethodDataSection.FatFormat | MethodDataSection.EHTable)); WriteFatBlockSize (seh); foreach (ExceptionHandler eh in seh) { m_codeWriter.Write ((uint) eh.Type); m_codeWriter.Write ((uint) eh.TryStart.Offset); m_codeWriter.Write ((uint) (eh.TryEnd.Offset - eh.TryStart.Offset)); m_codeWriter.Write ((uint) eh.HandlerStart.Offset); m_codeWriter.Write ((uint) GetLength (eh.HandlerStart, eh.HandlerEnd, seh.Container.Instructions)); WriteHandlerSpecific (eh); } } } void WriteFatBlockSize (ExceptionHandlerCollection seh) { int size = seh.Count * 24 + 4; m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) (size & 0xff)); m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) ((size >> 8) & 0xff)); m_codeWriter.Write ((byte) ((size >> 16) & 0xff)); } void WriteHandlerSpecific (ExceptionHandler eh) { switch (eh.Type) { case ExceptionHandlerType.Catch : WriteToken (eh.CatchType.MetadataToken); break; case ExceptionHandlerType.Filter : m_codeWriter.Write ((uint) eh.FilterStart.Offset); break; default : m_codeWriter.Write (0); break; } } public override void VisitVariableDefinitionCollection (VariableDefinitionCollection variables) { MethodBody body = variables.Container as MethodBody; if (body == null) return; uint sig = m_reflectWriter.SignatureWriter.AddLocalVarSig ( GetLocalVarSig (variables)); if (m_localSigCache.Contains (sig)) { body.LocalVarToken = (int) m_localSigCache [sig]; return; } StandAloneSigTable sasTable = m_reflectWriter.MetadataTableWriter.GetStandAloneSigTable (); StandAloneSigRow sasRow = m_reflectWriter.MetadataRowWriter.CreateStandAloneSigRow ( sig); sasTable.Rows.Add (sasRow); body.LocalVarToken = sasTable.Rows.Count; m_localSigCache [sig] = body.LocalVarToken; } public override void TerminateMethodBody (MethodBody body) { long pos = m_binaryWriter.BaseStream.Position; if (body.Variables.Count > 0 || body.ExceptionHandlers.Count > 0 || m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Length >= 64 || body.MaxStack > 8) { MethodHeader header = MethodHeader.FatFormat; if (body.InitLocals) header |= MethodHeader.InitLocals; if (body.ExceptionHandlers.Count > 0) header |= MethodHeader.MoreSects; m_binaryWriter.Write ((byte) header); m_binaryWriter.Write ((byte) 0x30); // (header size / 4) << 4 m_binaryWriter.Write ((short) body.MaxStack); m_binaryWriter.Write ((int) m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Length); m_binaryWriter.Write (((int) TokenType.Signature | body.LocalVarToken)); WriteExceptionHandlerCollection (body.ExceptionHandlers); } else m_binaryWriter.Write ((byte) ((byte) MethodHeader.TinyFormat | m_codeWriter.BaseStream.Length << 2)); m_binaryWriter.Write (m_codeWriter); m_binaryWriter.QuadAlign (); m_reflectWriter.MetadataWriter.AddData ( (int) (m_binaryWriter.BaseStream.Position - pos)); } public LocalVarSig.LocalVariable GetLocalVariableSig (VariableDefinition var) { LocalVarSig.LocalVariable lv = new LocalVarSig.LocalVariable (); TypeReference type = var.VariableType; lv.CustomMods = m_reflectWriter.GetCustomMods (type); if (type is PinnedType) { lv.Constraint |= Constraint.Pinned; type = (type as PinnedType).ElementType; } if (type is ReferenceType) { lv.ByRef = true; type = (type as ReferenceType).ElementType; } lv.Type = m_reflectWriter.GetSigType (type); return lv; } public LocalVarSig GetLocalVarSig (VariableDefinitionCollection vars) { LocalVarSig lvs = new LocalVarSig (); lvs.CallingConvention |= 0x7; lvs.Count = vars.Count; lvs.LocalVariables = new LocalVarSig.LocalVariable [lvs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < lvs.Count; i++) { lvs.LocalVariables [i] = GetLocalVariableSig (vars [i]); } return lvs; } static void ComputeMaxStack (InstructionCollection instructions) { InstructionCollection ehs = new InstructionCollection (null); foreach (ExceptionHandler eh in instructions.Container.ExceptionHandlers) { switch (eh.Type) { case ExceptionHandlerType.Catch : ehs.Add (eh.HandlerStart); break; case ExceptionHandlerType.Filter : ehs.Add (eh.FilterStart); break; } } int max = 0; foreach (Instruction instr in instructions) { if (ehs.Contains (instr)) max++; switch (instr.OpCode.StackBehaviourPush) { case StackBehaviour.Push1: case StackBehaviour.Pushi: case StackBehaviour.Pushi8: case StackBehaviour.Pushr4: case StackBehaviour.Pushr8: case StackBehaviour.Pushref: case StackBehaviour.Varpush: max++; break; case StackBehaviour.Push1_push1: max += 2; break; } if (instr.OpCode.OperandType == OperandType.InlineMethod) { IMethodSignature signature = instr.Operand as IMethodSignature; if (signature != null && signature.ReturnType.ReturnType.FullName != Constants.Void) max++; } } instructions.Container.MaxStack = max; } } }