// // StructureReader.cs // // Author: // Jb Evain (jbevain@gmail.com) // // (C) 2005 Jb Evain // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // namespace Mono.Cecil { using System; using System.IO; using Mono.Cecil.Binary; using Mono.Cecil.Metadata; internal sealed class StructureReader : BaseStructureVisitor { ImageReader m_ir; Image m_img; bool m_manifestOnly; AssemblyDefinition m_asmDef; ModuleDefinition m_module; MetadataStreamCollection m_streams; TablesHeap m_tHeap; MetadataTableReader m_tableReader; public bool ManifestOnly { get { return m_manifestOnly; } } public ImageReader ImageReader { get { return m_ir; } } public Image Image { get { return m_img; } } public StructureReader (ImageReader ir) { if (ir.Image.CLIHeader == null) throw new ImageFormatException ("The image is not a managed assembly"); m_ir = ir; m_img = ir.Image; m_streams = m_img.MetadataRoot.Streams; m_tHeap = m_streams.TablesHeap; m_tableReader = ir.MetadataReader.TableReader; } public StructureReader (ImageReader ir, bool manifestOnly) : this (ir) { m_manifestOnly = manifestOnly; } byte [] ReadBlob (uint pointer) { if (pointer == 0) return new byte [0]; return m_streams.BlobHeap.Read (pointer); } string ReadString (uint pointer) { return m_streams.StringsHeap [pointer]; } public override void VisitAssemblyDefinition (AssemblyDefinition asm) { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (AssemblyTable.RId)) throw new ReflectionException ("No assembly manifest"); asm.MetadataToken = new MetadataToken (TokenType.Assembly, 1); m_asmDef = asm; switch (m_img.MetadataRoot.Header.Version) { case "v1.0.3705" : asm.Runtime = TargetRuntime.NET_1_0; break; case "v1.1.4322" : asm.Runtime = TargetRuntime.NET_1_1; break; case "v2.0.50727": asm.Runtime = TargetRuntime.NET_2_0; break; case "v4.0.20506" : asm.Runtime = TargetRuntime.NET_4_0; break; } if ((m_img.PEFileHeader.Characteristics & ImageCharacteristics.Dll) != 0) asm.Kind = AssemblyKind.Dll; else if (m_img.PEOptionalHeader.NTSpecificFields.SubSystem == SubSystem.WindowsGui || m_img.PEOptionalHeader.NTSpecificFields.SubSystem == SubSystem.WindowsCeGui) asm.Kind = AssemblyKind.Windows; else asm.Kind = AssemblyKind.Console; } public override void VisitAssemblyNameDefinition (AssemblyNameDefinition name) { AssemblyTable atable = m_tableReader.GetAssemblyTable (); AssemblyRow arow = atable [0]; name.Name = ReadString (arow.Name); name.Flags = arow.Flags; name.PublicKey = ReadBlob (arow.PublicKey); name.Culture = ReadString (arow.Culture); name.Version = new Version ( arow.MajorVersion, arow.MinorVersion, arow.BuildNumber, arow.RevisionNumber); name.HashAlgorithm = arow.HashAlgId; name.MetadataToken = new MetadataToken (TokenType.Assembly, 1); } public override void VisitAssemblyNameReferenceCollection (AssemblyNameReferenceCollection names) { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (AssemblyRefTable.RId)) return; AssemblyRefTable arTable = m_tableReader.GetAssemblyRefTable (); for (int i = 0; i < arTable.Rows.Count; i++) { AssemblyRefRow arRow = arTable [i]; AssemblyNameReference aname = new AssemblyNameReference ( ReadString (arRow.Name), ReadString (arRow.Culture), new Version (arRow.MajorVersion, arRow.MinorVersion, arRow.BuildNumber, arRow.RevisionNumber)); aname.PublicKeyToken = ReadBlob (arRow.PublicKeyOrToken); aname.Hash = ReadBlob (arRow.HashValue); aname.Flags = arRow.Flags; aname.MetadataToken = new MetadataToken (TokenType.AssemblyRef, (uint) i + 1); names.Add (aname); } } public override void VisitResourceCollection (ResourceCollection resources) { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (ManifestResourceTable.RId)) return; ManifestResourceTable mrTable = m_tableReader.GetManifestResourceTable (); FileTable fTable = m_tableReader.GetFileTable (); for (int i = 0; i < mrTable.Rows.Count; i++) { ManifestResourceRow mrRow = mrTable [i]; if (mrRow.Implementation.RID == 0) { EmbeddedResource eres = new EmbeddedResource ( ReadString (mrRow.Name), mrRow.Flags); BinaryReader br = m_ir.MetadataReader.GetDataReader ( m_img.CLIHeader.Resources.VirtualAddress); br.BaseStream.Position += mrRow.Offset; eres.Data = br.ReadBytes (br.ReadInt32 ()); resources.Add (eres); continue; } switch (mrRow.Implementation.TokenType) { case TokenType.File : FileRow fRow = fTable [(int) mrRow.Implementation.RID - 1]; LinkedResource lres = new LinkedResource ( ReadString (mrRow.Name), mrRow.Flags, ReadString (fRow.Name)); lres.Hash = ReadBlob (fRow.HashValue); resources.Add (lres); break; case TokenType.AssemblyRef : AssemblyNameReference asm = m_module.AssemblyReferences [(int) mrRow.Implementation.RID - 1]; AssemblyLinkedResource alr = new AssemblyLinkedResource ( ReadString (mrRow.Name), mrRow.Flags, asm); resources.Add (alr); break; } } } public override void VisitModuleDefinitionCollection (ModuleDefinitionCollection modules) { ModuleTable mt = m_tableReader.GetModuleTable (); if (mt == null || mt.Rows.Count != 1) throw new ReflectionException ("Can not read main module"); ModuleRow mr = mt [0]; string name = ReadString (mr.Name); ModuleDefinition main = new ModuleDefinition (name, m_asmDef, this, true); main.Mvid = m_streams.GuidHeap [mr.Mvid]; main.MetadataToken = new MetadataToken (TokenType.Module, 1); modules.Add (main); m_module = main; m_module.Accept (this); FileTable ftable = m_tableReader.GetFileTable (); if (ftable == null || ftable.Rows.Count == 0) return; foreach (FileRow frow in ftable.Rows) { if (frow.Flags != FileAttributes.ContainsMetaData) continue; name = ReadString (frow.Name); FileInfo location = new FileInfo ( m_img.FileInformation != null ? Path.Combine (m_img.FileInformation.DirectoryName, name) : name); if (!File.Exists (location.FullName)) throw new FileNotFoundException ("Module not found : " + name); try { ImageReader module = ImageReader.Read (location.FullName); mt = module.Image.MetadataRoot.Streams.TablesHeap [ModuleTable.RId] as ModuleTable; if (mt == null || mt.Rows.Count != 1) throw new ReflectionException ("Can not read module : " + name); mr = mt [0]; ModuleDefinition modext = new ModuleDefinition (name, m_asmDef, new StructureReader (module, m_manifestOnly), false); modext.Mvid = module.Image.MetadataRoot.Streams.GuidHeap [mr.Mvid]; modules.Add (modext); modext.Accept (this); } catch (ReflectionException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ReflectionException ("Can not read module : " + name, e); } } } public override void VisitModuleReferenceCollection (ModuleReferenceCollection modules) { if (!m_tHeap.HasTable (ModuleRefTable.RId)) return; ModuleRefTable mrTable = m_tableReader.GetModuleRefTable (); for (int i = 0; i < mrTable.Rows.Count; i++) { ModuleRefRow mrRow = mrTable [i]; ModuleReference mod = new ModuleReference (ReadString (mrRow.Name)); mod.MetadataToken = MetadataToken.FromMetadataRow (TokenType.ModuleRef, i); modules.Add (mod); } } public override void TerminateAssemblyDefinition (AssemblyDefinition asm) { if (m_manifestOnly) return; foreach (ModuleDefinition mod in asm.Modules) mod.Controller.Reader.VisitModuleDefinition (mod); } } }