// // System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore/MonoSymbolWriter.cs // // Author: // Martin Baulig (martin@gnome.org) // // This is the default implementation of the System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter // interface. // // (C) 2002 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore; using System.Collections; using System.IO; namespace Mono.CSharp.Debugger { public class MonoSymbolWriter : IMonoSymbolWriter { protected Assembly assembly; protected ModuleBuilder module_builder; protected string output_filename = null; protected ArrayList locals = null; protected ArrayList orphant_methods = null; protected ArrayList methods = null; protected Hashtable sources = null; protected class SourceFile : ISourceFile { private ArrayList _methods = new ArrayList (); private string _file_name; public SourceFile (string filename) { this._file_name = filename; } public override string ToString () { return _file_name; } // interface ISourceFile public string FileName { get { return _file_name; } } public ISourceMethod[] Methods { get { ISourceMethod[] retval = new ISourceMethod [_methods.Count]; _methods.CopyTo (retval); return retval; } } public void AddMethod (ISourceMethod method) { _methods.Add (method); } } protected class SourceBlock : ISourceBlock { static private int next_index; private readonly int _index; public SourceBlock (ISourceMethod method, ISourceLine start, ISourceLine end) { this._method = method; this._start = start; this._end = end; this._index = ++next_index; } internal SourceBlock (ISourceMethod method, int startOffset) { this._method = method; this._start = new SourceLine (startOffset); this._index = ++next_index; } public override string ToString () { return "SourceBlock #" + ID + " (" + Start + " - " + End + ")"; } private readonly ISourceMethod _method; private ArrayList _blocks = new ArrayList (); internal ISourceLine _start; internal ISourceLine _end; private ArrayList _locals = new ArrayList (); public ISourceMethod SourceMethod { get { return _method; } } public ISourceBlock[] Blocks { get { ISourceBlock[] retval = new ISourceBlock [_blocks.Count]; _blocks.CopyTo (retval); return retval; } } public void AddBlock (ISourceBlock block) { _blocks.Add (block); } public ISourceLine Start { get { return _start; } } public ISourceLine End { get { return _end; } } public int ID { get { return _index; } } public ILocalVariable[] Locals { get { ILocalVariable[] retval = new ILocalVariable [_locals.Count]; _locals.CopyTo (retval); return retval; } } public void AddLocal (ILocalVariable local) { _locals.Add (local); } } protected class SourceLine : ISourceLine { public SourceLine (int row, int column) : this (0, row, column) { this._type = SourceOffsetType.OFFSET_NONE; } public SourceLine (int offset, int row, int column) { this._offset = offset; this._row = row; this._column = column; this._type = SourceOffsetType.OFFSET_IL; } internal SourceLine (int offset) : this (offset, 0, 0) { } public override string ToString () { return "SourceLine (" + _offset + "@" + _row + ":" + _column + ")"; } internal SourceOffsetType _type; internal int _offset; internal int _row; internal int _column; // interface ISourceLine public SourceOffsetType OffsetType { get { return _type; } } public int Offset { get { return _offset; } } public int Row { get { return _row; } } public int Column { get { return _column; } } } protected class LocalVariable : ILocalVariable { public LocalVariable (string name, byte[] signature, ISourceMethod method, int index) : this (name, signature, method, index, null) { } public LocalVariable (string name, byte[] signature, ISourceMethod method, int index, ISourceLine line) { this._name = name; this._signature = signature; this._method = method; this._index = index; this._line = line; } private readonly string _name; internal Type _type; private readonly byte[] _signature; private readonly ISourceMethod _method; private readonly int _index; private readonly ISourceLine _line; public override string ToString () { return "LocalVariable (" + _index + "," + _name + ")"; } // interface ILocalVariable public string Name { get { return _name; } } public ISourceMethod Method { get { return _method; } } public int Index { get { return _index; } } public Type Type { get { return _type; } } public byte[] Signature { get { return _signature; } } public ISourceLine Line { get { return _line; } } } protected class SourceMethod : ISourceMethod { private ArrayList _lines = new ArrayList (); private ArrayList _blocks = new ArrayList (); private Hashtable _block_hash = new Hashtable (); private Stack _block_stack = new Stack (); internal readonly MethodBase _method_base; internal ISourceFile _source_file; internal int _token; private SourceBlock _implicit_block; public SourceMethod (MethodBase method_base, ISourceFile source_file) : this (method_base) { this._source_file = source_file; } internal SourceMethod (MethodBase method_base) { this._method_base = method_base; this._implicit_block = new SourceBlock (this, 0); } public void SetSourceRange (ISourceFile sourceFile, int startLine, int startColumn, int endLine, int endColumn) { _source_file = sourceFile; _implicit_block._start = new SourceLine (startLine, startColumn); _implicit_block._end = new SourceLine (endLine, endColumn); } public void StartBlock (ISourceBlock block) { _block_stack.Push (block); } public void EndBlock (int endOffset) { SourceBlock block = (SourceBlock) _block_stack.Pop (); block._end = new SourceLine (endOffset); if (_block_stack.Count > 0) { ISourceBlock parent = (ISourceBlock) _block_stack.Peek (); parent.AddBlock (block); } else _blocks.Add (block); _block_hash.Add (block.ID, block); } public void SetBlockRange (int BlockID, int startOffset, int endOffset) { SourceBlock block = (SourceBlock) _block_hash [BlockID]; ((SourceLine) block.Start)._offset = startOffset; ((SourceLine) block.End)._offset = endOffset; } public ISourceBlock CurrentBlock { get { if (_block_stack.Count > 0) return (ISourceBlock) _block_stack.Peek (); else return _implicit_block; } } // interface ISourceMethod public ISourceLine[] Lines { get { ISourceLine[] retval = new ISourceLine [_lines.Count]; _lines.CopyTo (retval); return retval; } } public void AddLine (ISourceLine line) { _lines.Add (line); } public ISourceBlock[] Blocks { get { ISourceBlock[] retval = new ISourceBlock [_blocks.Count]; _blocks.CopyTo (retval); return retval; } } public ILocalVariable[] Locals { get { return _implicit_block.Locals; } } public void AddLocal (ILocalVariable local) { _implicit_block.AddLocal (local); } public MethodBase MethodBase { get { return _method_base; } } public Type ReturnType { get { if (_method_base is MethodInfo) return ((MethodInfo)_method_base).ReturnType; else if (_method_base is ConstructorInfo) return _method_base.DeclaringType; else throw new NotSupportedException (); } } public ISourceFile SourceFile { get { return _source_file; } } public int Token { get { if (_token != 0) return _token; else throw new NotSupportedException (); } } public ISourceLine Start { get { return _implicit_block.Start; } } public ISourceLine End { get { return _implicit_block.End; } } } public ISourceMethod[] Methods { get { ISourceMethod[] retval = new ISourceMethod [methods.Count]; methods.CopyTo (retval); return retval; } } public ISourceFile[] Sources { get { ISourceFile[] retval = new ISourceFile [sources.Count]; sources.Values.CopyTo (retval, 0); return retval; } } protected SourceMethod current_method = null; private readonly string assembly_filename = null; // // Interface IMonoSymbolWriter // public MonoSymbolWriter (ModuleBuilder mb, string filename) { this.assembly_filename = filename; this.module_builder = mb; this.methods = new ArrayList (); this.sources = new Hashtable (); this.orphant_methods = new ArrayList (); this.locals = new ArrayList (); } public void Close () { if (assembly == null) assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom (assembly_filename); DoFixups (assembly); CreateDwarfFile (output_filename); } public void CloseNamespace () { } // Create and return a new IMonoSymbolDocumentWriter. public ISymbolDocumentWriter DefineDocument (string url, Guid language, Guid languageVendor, Guid documentType) { return new MonoSymbolDocumentWriter (url); } public void DefineField ( SymbolToken parent, string name, FieldAttributes attributes, byte[] signature, SymAddressKind addrKind, int addr1, int addr2, int addr3) { } public void DefineGlobalVariable ( string name, FieldAttributes attributes, byte[] signature, SymAddressKind addrKind, int addr1, int addr2, int addr3) { } public void DefineLocalVariable (string name, FieldAttributes attributes, byte[] signature, SymAddressKind addrKind, int addr1, int addr2, int addr3, int startOffset, int endOffset) { if (current_method == null) return; LocalVariable local_info = new LocalVariable (name, signature, current_method, addr1); current_method.CurrentBlock.AddLocal (local_info); locals.Add (local_info); } public void DefineParameter (string name, ParameterAttributes attributes, int sequence, SymAddressKind addrKind, int addr1, int addr2, int addr3) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public void DefineSequencePoints (ISymbolDocumentWriter document, int[] offsets, int[] lines, int[] columns, int[] endLines, int[] endColumns) { SourceLine source_line = new SourceLine (offsets [0], lines [0], columns [0]); if (current_method != null) current_method.AddLine (source_line); } public void Initialize (IntPtr emitter, string filename, bool fFullBuild) { this.output_filename = filename; } public void OpenMethod (SymbolToken symbol_token) { int token = symbol_token.GetToken (); MethodBuilder mb = get_method (module_builder, token); current_method = new SourceMethod (mb); methods.Add (current_method); } public void SetMethodSourceRange (ISymbolDocumentWriter startDoc, int startLine, int startColumn, ISymbolDocumentWriter endDoc, int endLine, int endColumn) { if (current_method == null) return; if ((startDoc == null) || (endDoc == null)) throw new NullReferenceException (); if (!(startDoc is MonoSymbolDocumentWriter) || !(endDoc is MonoSymbolDocumentWriter)) throw new NotSupportedException ("both startDoc and endDoc must be of type " + "MonoSymbolDocumentWriter"); if (!startDoc.Equals (endDoc)) throw new NotSupportedException ("startDoc and endDoc must be the same"); string source_file = ((MonoSymbolDocumentWriter) startDoc).FileName; SourceFile source_info; if (sources.ContainsKey (source_file)) source_info = (SourceFile) sources [source_file]; else { source_info = new SourceFile (source_file); sources.Add (source_file, source_info); } current_method.SetSourceRange (source_info, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn); source_info.AddMethod (current_method); } public void CloseMethod () { current_method = null; } public void OpenNamespace (string name) { } public int OpenScope (int startOffset) { if (current_method == null) return 0; ISourceBlock block = new SourceBlock (current_method, startOffset); current_method.StartBlock (block); return block.ID; } public void CloseScope (int endOffset) { if (current_method == null) return; current_method.EndBlock (endOffset); } public void SetScopeRange (int scopeID, int startOffset, int endOffset) { if (current_method == null) return; current_method.SetBlockRange (scopeID, startOffset, endOffset); } public void SetSymAttribute (SymbolToken parent, string name, byte[] data) { } public void SetUnderlyingWriter (IntPtr underlyingWriter) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } public void SetUserEntryPoint (SymbolToken entryMethod) { } public void UsingNamespace (string fullName) { } // // MonoSymbolWriter implementation // protected void WriteLocal (DwarfFileWriter.Die parent_die, ILocalVariable local) { DwarfFileWriter.DieMethodVariable die; die = new DwarfFileWriter.DieMethodVariable (parent_die, local); } protected void WriteBlock (DwarfFileWriter.Die parent_die, ISourceBlock block) { DwarfFileWriter.DieLexicalBlock die; die = new DwarfFileWriter.DieLexicalBlock (parent_die, block); foreach (ILocalVariable local in block.Locals) WriteLocal (die, local); foreach (ISourceBlock subblock in block.Blocks) WriteBlock (die, subblock); } protected void WriteMethod (DwarfFileWriter.DieCompileUnit parent_die, ISourceMethod method) { DwarfFileWriter.DieSubProgram die; die = new DwarfFileWriter.DieSubProgram (parent_die, method); foreach (ILocalVariable local in method.Locals) WriteLocal (die, local); foreach (ISourceBlock block in method.Blocks) WriteBlock (die, block); } protected void WriteSource (DwarfFileWriter writer, ISourceFile source) { DwarfFileWriter.CompileUnit compile_unit = new DwarfFileWriter.CompileUnit ( writer, source.FileName); DwarfFileWriter.DieCompileUnit die = new DwarfFileWriter.DieCompileUnit (compile_unit); foreach (ISourceMethod method in source.Methods) WriteMethod (die, method); } [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal extern static Type get_local_type_from_sig (Assembly assembly, byte[] sig); [MethodImplAttribute(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall)] internal extern static MethodBuilder get_method (ModuleBuilder mb, int token); protected void DoFixups (Assembly assembly) { foreach (SourceMethod method in methods) { if (method._method_base is MethodBuilder) { MethodBuilder mb = (MethodBuilder) method._method_base; method._token = mb.GetToken ().Token; } else if (method._method_base is ConstructorBuilder) { ConstructorBuilder cb = (ConstructorBuilder) method._method_base; method._token = cb.GetToken ().Token; } else throw new NotSupportedException (); if (method.SourceFile == null) orphant_methods.Add (method); } foreach (LocalVariable local in locals) { byte[] signature = local.Signature; Type type = get_local_type_from_sig (assembly, signature); ((LocalVariable) local)._type = type; } } protected void CreateDwarfFile (string filename) { DwarfFileWriter writer = new DwarfFileWriter (filename); foreach (ISourceFile source in sources.Values) WriteSource (writer, source); if (orphant_methods.Count > 0) { SourceFile source = new SourceFile (""); foreach (SourceMethod orphant in orphant_methods) { orphant._source_file = source; source.AddMethod (orphant); } WriteSource (writer, source); } writer.WriteSymbolTable (this); writer.Close (); } } }