// // System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore/MonoSymbolFile.cs // // Author: // Martin Baulig (martin@gnome.org) // // (C) 2003 Ximian, Inc. http://www.ximian.com // using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; using System.Collections; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace Mono.CSharp.Debugger { public class MonoSymbolFileException : Exception { public MonoSymbolFileException () : base () { } public MonoSymbolFileException (string message, params object[] args) : base (String.Format (message, args)) { } } internal class MyMemoryStream : Stream { int length; int real_length; int position; int chunk_size = 4096; ArrayList chunks = new ArrayList (); private struct Chunk { public readonly int Offset; public readonly int Length; public byte[] Buffer; public Chunk (int offset, int length) { this.Offset = offset; this.Length = length; this.Buffer = new Byte [length]; } } public override long Position { get { return position; } set { if (value > length) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); position = (int) value; } } public override long Length { get { return length; } } public override bool CanRead { get { return true; } } public override bool CanWrite { get { return true; } } public override bool CanSeek { get { return true; } } public override void SetLength (long new_length) { if (new_length < length) throw new ArgumentException (); while (new_length >= real_length) { Chunk new_chunk = new Chunk (real_length, chunk_size); chunks.Add (new_chunk); real_length += chunk_size; } length = (int) new_length; } public override void Flush () { } public override long Seek (long offset, SeekOrigin origin) { int ref_point; switch (origin) { case SeekOrigin.Begin: ref_point = 0; break; case SeekOrigin.Current: ref_point = position; break; case SeekOrigin.End: ref_point = length; break; default: throw new ArgumentException ("Invalid SeekOrigin"); } if ((ref_point + offset < 0) || (offset > real_length)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); position = ref_point + (int) offset; return position; } Chunk FindChunk (int offset) { return (Chunk) chunks [offset / chunk_size]; } public override int Read (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { int old_count = count; while (count > 0) { Chunk chunk = FindChunk (position); int coffset = position - chunk.Offset; int rest = chunk.Length - coffset; int size = System.Math.Min (count, rest); Array.Copy (chunk.Buffer, coffset, buffer, offset, size); position += size; offset += size; count -= size; } return old_count; } public override void Write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) { if (position + count > length) SetLength (position + count); while (count > 0) { Chunk chunk = FindChunk (position); int coffset = position - chunk.Offset; int rest = chunk.Length - coffset; int size = System.Math.Min (count, rest); Array.Copy (buffer, offset, chunk.Buffer, coffset, size); position += size; offset += size; count -= size; } } public byte[] GetContents () { byte[] retval = new byte [length]; position = 0; Read (retval, 0, length); return retval; } } public class MonoDebuggerSupport { static MethodInfo get_type; static MethodInfo get_method_token; static MethodInfo get_method; static MethodInfo local_type_from_sig; static MonoDebuggerSupport () { Type type = typeof (Assembly); get_type = type.GetMethod ("MonoDebugger_GetType", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (get_type == null) throw new Exception ( "Can't find Assembly.MonoDebugger_GetType"); get_method_token = type.GetMethod ("MonoDebugger_GetMethodToken", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (get_method_token == null) throw new Exception ( "Can't find Assembly.MonoDebugger_GetMethodToken"); get_method = type.GetMethod ("MonoDebugger_GetMethod", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (get_method == null) throw new Exception ( "Can't find Assembly.MonoDebugger_GetMethod"); local_type_from_sig = type.GetMethod ( "MonoDebugger_GetLocalTypeFromSignature", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (local_type_from_sig == null) throw new Exception ( "Can't find Assembly.MonoDebugger_GetLocalTypeFromSignature"); } public static Type GetType (Assembly assembly, int token) { object[] args = new object[] { token }; return (Type) get_type.Invoke (assembly, args); } public static int GetMethodToken (MethodBase method) { object[] args = new object[] { method }; return (int) get_method_token.Invoke (method.ReflectedType.Assembly, args); } public static MethodBase GetMethod (Assembly assembly, int token) { object[] args = new object[] { token }; return (MethodBase) get_method.Invoke (assembly, args); } public static Type GetLocalTypeFromSignature (Assembly assembly, byte[] sig) { object[] args = new object[] { sig }; return (Type) local_type_from_sig.Invoke (assembly, args); } } public class MonoSymbolFile : IDisposable { ArrayList methods = new ArrayList (); ArrayList sources = new ArrayList (); Hashtable method_source_hash = new Hashtable (); Hashtable type_hash = new Hashtable (); OffsetTable ot; int last_type_index; int last_method_index; int last_source_index; int last_namespace_index; public MonoSymbolFile () { } internal int AddSource (SourceFileEntry source) { sources.Add (source); return ++last_source_index; } internal int DefineType (Type type) { if (type_hash.Contains (type)) return (int) type_hash [type]; int index = ++last_type_index; type_hash.Add (type, index); return index; } internal void AddMethod (MethodEntry entry) { methods.Add (entry); } internal int GetNextTypeIndex () { return ++last_type_index; } internal int GetNextMethodIndex () { return ++last_method_index; } internal int GetNextNamespaceIndex () { return ++last_namespace_index; } byte [] stringBuffer; int maxCharsPerRound; static Encoding enc = Encoding.UTF8; internal void WriteString (BinaryWriter bw, string s) { int len = enc.GetByteCount (s); bw.Write (len); StringSize += len; if (stringBuffer == null) { stringBuffer = new byte [512]; maxCharsPerRound = 512 / enc.GetMaxByteCount (1); } int chpos = 0; int chrem = s.Length; while (chrem > 0) { int cch = (chrem > maxCharsPerRound) ? maxCharsPerRound : chrem; int blen = enc.GetBytes (s, chpos, cch, stringBuffer, 0); bw.Write (stringBuffer, 0, blen); chpos += cch; chrem -= cch; } } internal string ReadString (int offset) { int old_pos = (int) reader.BaseStream.Position; reader.BaseStream.Position = offset; int length = reader.ReadInt32 (); byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes (length); string text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString (data); reader.BaseStream.Position = old_pos; return text; } void Write (BinaryWriter bw) { // Magic number and file version. bw.Write (OffsetTable.Magic); bw.Write (OffsetTable.Version); // // Offsets of file sections; we must write this after we're done // writing the whole file, so we just reserve the space for it here. // long offset_table_offset = bw.BaseStream.Position; ot.Write (bw); // // Write data sections. // ot.DataSectionOffset = (int) bw.BaseStream.Position; foreach (SourceFileEntry source in sources) source.WriteData (bw); ot.DataSectionSize = (int) bw.BaseStream.Position - ot.DataSectionOffset; // // Write method table. // ot.MethodTableOffset = (int) bw.BaseStream.Position; for (int i = 0; i < methods.Count; i++) { MethodEntry entry = (MethodEntry) methods [i]; entry.WriteIndex (bw); } ot.MethodTableSize = (int) bw.BaseStream.Position - ot.MethodTableOffset; // // Write source table. // ot.SourceTableOffset = (int) bw.BaseStream.Position; for (int i = 0; i < sources.Count; i++) { SourceFileEntry source = (SourceFileEntry) sources [i]; source.Write (bw); } ot.SourceTableSize = (int) bw.BaseStream.Position - ot.SourceTableOffset; // // Fixup offset table. // ot.TypeCount = last_type_index; ot.MethodCount = methods.Count; ot.SourceCount = sources.Count; // // Write offset table. // ot.TotalFileSize = (int) bw.BaseStream.Position; bw.Seek ((int) offset_table_offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); ot.Write (bw); bw.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.End); } public byte[] CreateSymbolFile () { if (reader != null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); using (MyMemoryStream stream = new MyMemoryStream ()) { Write (new BinaryWriter (stream)); return stream.GetContents (); } } Assembly assembly; BinaryReader reader; Hashtable method_hash; Hashtable source_file_hash; Hashtable method_token_hash; Hashtable method_name_hash; Hashtable method_full_name_hash; Hashtable source_name_hash; protected MonoSymbolFile (Assembly assembly, Stream stream) { this.assembly = assembly; reader = new BinaryReader (stream); try { long magic = reader.ReadInt64 (); long version = reader.ReadInt32 (); if ((magic != OffsetTable.Magic) || (version != OffsetTable.Version)) throw new MonoSymbolFileException (); ot = new OffsetTable (reader); } catch { throw new MonoSymbolFileException (); } method_hash = new Hashtable (); source_file_hash = new Hashtable (); } public static MonoSymbolFile ReadSymbolFile (Assembly assembly) { Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream ("MonoSymbolFile"); if (stream == null) return null; return new MonoSymbolFile (assembly, stream); } public Assembly Assembly { get { return assembly; } } public int SourceCount { get { return ot.SourceCount; } } public int MethodCount { get { return ot.MethodCount; } } public int TypeCount { get { return ot.TypeCount; } } public int NamespaceCount { get { return last_namespace_index; } } internal int LineNumberCount = 0; internal int LocalCount = 0; internal int StringSize = 0; public SourceFileEntry GetSourceFile (int index) { if ((index < 1) || (index > ot.SourceCount)) throw new ArgumentException (); if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); SourceFileEntry source = (SourceFileEntry) source_file_hash [index]; if (source != null) return source; reader.BaseStream.Position = ot.SourceTableOffset + SourceFileEntry.Size * (index - 1); source = new SourceFileEntry (this, reader); source_file_hash.Add (index, source); return source; } public SourceFileEntry[] Sources { get { if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); SourceFileEntry[] retval = new SourceFileEntry [SourceCount]; for (int i = 0; i < SourceCount; i++) retval [i] = GetSourceFile (i + 1); return retval; } } public MethodIndexEntry GetMethodIndexEntry (int index) { int old_pos = (int) reader.BaseStream.Position; reader.BaseStream.Position = ot.MethodTableOffset + MethodIndexEntry.Size * (index - 1); MethodIndexEntry ie = new MethodIndexEntry (reader); reader.BaseStream.Position = old_pos; return ie; } public MethodEntry GetMethodByToken (int token) { if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); if (method_token_hash == null) { method_token_hash = new Hashtable (); for (int i = 0; i < MethodCount; i++) { MethodIndexEntry ie = GetMethodIndexEntry (i + 1); method_token_hash.Add (ie.Token, i + 1); } } object value = method_token_hash [token]; if (value == null) return null; return GetMethod ((int) value); } public MethodEntry GetMethod (MethodBase method) { if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); int token = MonoDebuggerSupport.GetMethodToken (method); return GetMethodByToken (token); } public MethodEntry GetMethod (int index) { if ((index < 1) || (index > ot.MethodCount)) throw new ArgumentException (); if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); MethodEntry entry = (MethodEntry) method_hash [index]; if (entry != null) return entry; MethodIndexEntry ie = GetMethodIndexEntry (index); reader.BaseStream.Position = ie.FileOffset; entry = new MethodEntry (this, reader, index); method_hash.Add (index, entry); return entry; } public MethodEntry[] Methods { get { if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); MethodEntry[] retval = new MethodEntry [MethodCount]; for (int i = 0; i < MethodCount; i++) retval [i] = GetMethod (i + 1); return retval; } } public MethodSourceEntry GetMethodSource (int index) { if ((index < 1) || (index > ot.MethodCount)) throw new ArgumentException (); if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); object entry = method_source_hash [index]; if (entry != null) return (MethodSourceEntry) entry; MethodEntry method = GetMethod (index); foreach (MethodSourceEntry source in method.SourceFile.Methods) { if (source.Index == index) { method_source_hash.Add (index, source); return source; } } throw new MonoSymbolFileException ("Internal error."); } public int FindMethod (string full_name) { if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); if (method_full_name_hash == null) { method_full_name_hash = new Hashtable (); for (int i = 0; i < ot.MethodCount; i++) { MethodIndexEntry ie = GetMethodIndexEntry (i + 1); string name = ReadString (ie.FullNameOffset); method_full_name_hash.Add (name, i + 1); } } object value = method_full_name_hash [full_name]; if (value == null) return -1; return (int) value; } public int[] MethodLookup (string query) { if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); ArrayList list; if (method_name_hash == null) { method_name_hash = new Hashtable (); for (int i = 0; i < ot.MethodCount; i++) { MethodIndexEntry ie = GetMethodIndexEntry (i + 1); string full_name = ReadString (ie.FullNameOffset); int pos = full_name.IndexOf ('('); string name = full_name.Substring (0, pos); list = method_name_hash [name] as ArrayList; if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList (); method_name_hash.Add (name, list); } list.Add (i + 1); } } list = method_name_hash [query] as ArrayList; if (list == null) return new int [0]; int[] retval = new int [list.Count]; list.CopyTo (retval, 0); return retval; } public int FindSource (string file_name) { if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); if (source_name_hash == null) { source_name_hash = new Hashtable (); for (int i = 0; i < ot.SourceCount; i++) { SourceFileEntry source = GetSourceFile (i + 1); source_name_hash.Add (source.FileName, i); } } object value = source_name_hash [file_name]; if (value == null) return -1; return (int) value; } internal BinaryReader BinaryReader { get { if (reader == null) throw new InvalidOperationException (); return reader; } } void IDisposable.Dispose () { Dispose (true); } protected virtual void Dispose (bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (reader != null) { reader.Close (); reader = null; } } } } }