// // FlowControl.cs // // Author: // Chris J Breisch (cjbreisch@altavista.net) // Dennis Hayes (dennish@raytek.com) // // (C) 2002 Chris J Breisch // /* * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Mainsoft Corporation. * Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * This class allows to execute loop statement of VisualBasic .NET */ using System; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices { [StandardModule, EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] sealed public class FlowControl { private FlowControl () {} private sealed /*static (final)in mainsoft java code*/ class ObjectFor { public object Counter; public object Limit; public object StepValue; public bool PositiveStep; public Type EnumType; } /** * This method check if the loop can continued. * if the StepValue is positive it check that count is smaller than the limit. * if the StepValue is negative it check that count is bigger than the limit. * @param count * @param limit * @param StepValue * @return boolean True of the for next loop can continue and false otherwise. */ public static bool ForNextCheckR4(float count, float limit, float StepValue) { bool positiveStep = StepValue > 0.0F; if (positiveStep) return count <= limit; else return count >= limit; } /** * This method check if the loop can continued. * if the StepValue is positive it check that count is smaller than the limit. * if the StepValue is negative it check that count is bigger than the limit. * @param count * @param limit * @param StepValue * @return boolean True of the for next loop can continue and false otherwise. */ public static bool ForNextCheckR8(double count, double limit, double StepValue) { bool positiveStep = StepValue > 0.0; if (positiveStep) return count <= limit; else return count >= limit; } /** * This method check if the loop can continued. * if the StepValue is positive it check that count is smaller than the limit. * if the StepValue is negative it check that count is bigger than the limit. * @param count * @param limit * @param StepValue * @return boolean True of the for next loop can continue and false otherwise. */ public static bool ForNextCheckDec(Decimal count, Decimal limit, Decimal StepValue) { bool positiveStep = StepValue.CompareTo(Decimal.Zero) > 0; if (positiveStep) return (count.CompareTo(limit) <= 0); else return (limit.CompareTo(count) <= 0); } /** * This method method updates the LoopFor reference and the Counter reference * object according to the given params and returns if this loop can continue. * @param Counter this loop counter value * @param Start this loop start value * @param Limit this loop limitation value * @param StepValue this loop step value * @param lfr the LoopFor reference object * @param cr the Counter object reference * @return boolean is the returned LoopFor object can continue. */ public static bool ForLoopInitObj( object Counter, object Start, object Limit, object StepValue, ref System.Object lfr, ref System.Object cr) { if (Start == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Argument_InvalidNullValue1 " + " Start"); } if (Limit == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Argument_InvalidNullValue1 " + " Limit"); } if (StepValue == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Argument_InvalidNullValue1 " + " Step"); } //gets the type of all the given parameters Type startType = Start.GetType(); Type limitType = Limit.GetType(); Type stepType = StepValue.GetType(); //gets the widest common type code TypeCode commonTypeCode = ObjectType.GetWidestType(Start, Limit, false); commonTypeCode = ObjectType.GetWidestType(StepValue, commonTypeCode); if (commonTypeCode == TypeCode.String) { commonTypeCode = TypeCode.Double; } if (commonTypeCode == TypeCode.Object) { //TODO: //throw new ArgumentException( // Utils.GetResourceString( // "ForLoop_CommonType3", // Utils.VBFriendlyName(startType), // Utils.VBFriendlyName(limitType), // Utils.VBFriendlyName(StepValue))); throw new ArgumentException("ForLoop_CommonType3 startType limitType StepValue"); } ObjectFor objectFor = new ObjectFor(); TypeCode startTypeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(startType); TypeCode limitTypeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(limitType); TypeCode stepTypeCode = Type.GetTypeCode(stepType); Type enumType = null; bool isStartTypeValidEnum = (startTypeCode == commonTypeCode) && (startType.IsEnum); bool isLimitTypeValidEnum = (limitTypeCode == commonTypeCode) && (limitType.IsEnum); bool isStepTypeValidEnum = (stepTypeCode == commonTypeCode) && (stepType.IsEnum); bool isStartAndStepTypeEqual = (startType == stepType); bool isStartAndLimitTypeEqual = (startType == limitType); // bool isStepAndLimitTypeEqual = (stepType == limitType); //the For loop has enum type in the following case //1. step is enum and it's type code equal to commonTypeCode and start and // limit don't meet this condition. //2. step and start are enum and their type code equal to commonTypeCode and // their types are equal. limit doesn't meet this condition about been enum // or about been equal to commonTypeCode. //3. step and limit are enum and their type code equal to commonTypeCode and // their types are equal. start doesn't meet this condition about been enum // or about been equal to commonTypeCode. //4. step and limit and start are enum and their type code equal to commonTypeCode and // their types are equal. //5. start is enum and it's type code equal to commonTypeCode .step and // limit don't meet this condition. //6. limit is enum and it's type code equal to commonTypeCode .step and // start don't meet this condition. //7.start and limit are enum and their type code equal to commonTypeCode and // their types are equal. step doesn't meet this condition about been enum // or about been equal to commonTypeCode. // if (isStartTypeValidEnum && isLimitTypeValidEnum && isStepTypeValidEnum && isStartAndStepTypeEqual && isStartAndLimitTypeEqual) enumType = startType; else if (isStartTypeValidEnum && isStepTypeValidEnum && isStartAndStepTypeEqual) enumType = startType; else if (isStartTypeValidEnum && isStepTypeValidEnum && isStartAndStepTypeEqual) enumType = startType; else if (isStartTypeValidEnum && isLimitTypeValidEnum && isStartAndLimitTypeEqual) enumType = startType; else if (isStartTypeValidEnum && !isLimitTypeValidEnum && !isStepTypeValidEnum) enumType = startType; else if (!isStartTypeValidEnum && isLimitTypeValidEnum && !isStepTypeValidEnum) enumType = limitType; else if (!isStartTypeValidEnum && !isLimitTypeValidEnum && isStepTypeValidEnum) enumType = stepType; objectFor.EnumType = enumType; //set the counter field of objectFor with Start value transleted to // the widest common type code objectFor.Counter = convertType(Start, commonTypeCode,"Start"); //set the Limit field of objectFor with Limit value transleted to // the widest common type code objectFor.Limit = convertType(Limit, commonTypeCode,"Limit"); //set the StepValue field of objectFor with StepValue value transleted to // the widest common type code objectFor.StepValue = convertType(StepValue, commonTypeCode,"Step"); //local is the value of zero in the widest common type code object local = ObjectType.CTypeHelper(0, commonTypeCode); IComparable iComparable = (IComparable)objectFor.StepValue; objectFor.PositiveStep = iComparable.CompareTo(local) >= 0; // sets the loop for reference lfr = objectFor; //sets the counter reference if (objectFor.EnumType != null) { cr = Enum.ToObject(objectFor.EnumType, objectFor.Counter); } else { cr = objectFor.Counter; } return CheckContinueLoop(objectFor); } private static object convertType(object original, TypeCode typeCode, string fieldName) { try { return ObjectType.CTypeHelper(original, typeCode); } catch /*(Exception e)*/ { throw new ArgumentException("ForLoop_ConvertToType3 " + fieldName); } } public static bool ForNextCheckObj(object Counter, object LoopObj, ref System.Object CounterResult) {// throws java.lang.Exception TypeCode generalTypeCode = 0; if (LoopObj == null) { //TODO: use resource for the correct execption. throw new Exception("VB error message #92 ForNextCheckObj LoopObj cannot be null"); //throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(92);//correct java version } if (Counter == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("Argument_InvalidNullValue1 " + " Counter"); //TODO: //throw new NullReferenceException( // Utils.GetResourceString( // "Argument_InvalidNullValue1", // "Counter")); } ObjectFor objectFor = (ObjectFor) LoopObj; IConvertible iConvertible_counter = (IConvertible)Counter; IConvertible iConvertible_step = (IConvertible) objectFor.StepValue; TypeCode counterTypeCode = iConvertible_counter.GetTypeCode(); TypeCode stepTypeCode = iConvertible_step.GetTypeCode(); if (counterTypeCode == stepTypeCode && counterTypeCode != TypeCode.String) { generalTypeCode = counterTypeCode; } else { generalTypeCode = ObjectType.GetWidestType(counterTypeCode, stepTypeCode); if (generalTypeCode == TypeCode.String) { generalTypeCode = TypeCode.Double; } Counter = convertType(Counter, generalTypeCode,"Start"); objectFor.Limit = convertType(objectFor.Limit, generalTypeCode,"Limit"); objectFor.StepValue = convertType(objectFor.StepValue, generalTypeCode,"Step"); } //changes the counter field to be the sum of step and counter objectFor.Counter = ObjectType.AddObj(Counter, objectFor.StepValue); IConvertible iConvertible_objectCounter = (IConvertible)objectFor.Counter; TypeCode objectCounterTypeCode = iConvertible_objectCounter.GetTypeCode(); //setting the counter in counter reference. //if the for is enum type change counter to enum. if (objectFor.EnumType != null) { CounterResult = Enum.ToObject(objectFor.EnumType, objectFor.Counter); } else { CounterResult = objectFor.Counter; } //if the counter after the change didn't change it's type return true if // the for object can continue loop and false otherwise. //if the counter changed it's type change all for object fields to counter //current type and return false. if (objectCounterTypeCode == generalTypeCode) { return CheckContinueLoop(objectFor); } else { objectFor.Limit = ObjectType.CTypeHelper(objectFor.Limit, objectCounterTypeCode); objectFor.StepValue = ObjectType.CTypeHelper(objectFor.StepValue, objectCounterTypeCode); return false; } } /** * This method returns IEnumertator for a given array * @param ary the given array * @return IEnumerator the array's Enumerator */ public static IEnumerator ForEachInArr(Array ary) {// throws java.lang.Exception IEnumerator iEnumerator = (IEnumerator)ary;//is ArrayStaticWrapper.GetEnumerator(ary); in java code. if (iEnumerator != null) return iEnumerator; throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(92); } /** * This method gets IEnumerator for a given object that implements IEnumerable * @param obj the object that implements IEnumerable * @return IEnumerator the object's IEnumerator. */ public static IEnumerator ForEachInObj(object obj) {// throws java.lang.Exception if (obj == null) throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(91); IEnumerable iEnumerable = (IEnumerable)obj; if (iEnumerable != null) { IEnumerator iEnumerator = iEnumerable.GetEnumerator(); if (iEnumerator != null) return iEnumerator; } string s = obj.GetType().ToString(); ExceptionUtils.ThrowException1(100, s); return null; } /** * This method set the next value of teh Enumerator in the reference. * if there isn't next value , null is been set in the referece. * @param obj * @param enumerator * @return boolean returns the value of enumerator.MoveNext(). */ public static bool ForEachNextObj(ref System.Object obj, IEnumerator enumerator) { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { obj = enumerator.Current; return true; } obj = null; return false; } /** * This method check if the loop can continued. * if the step is positive it check that the counter is smaller than the limit. * if the step is negative it check that the counter is bigger than the limit. * @param LoopFor * @return boolean */ private static bool CheckContinueLoop(ObjectFor LoopFor) { //TODO: //throw new NotImplementedException("MSVB.Compilerservices.flowcontrol needs help"); IComparable iComparable = (IComparable)LoopFor.Counter; if (iComparable != null) { int i = iComparable.CompareTo(LoopFor.Limit); if (LoopFor.PositiveStep) return i <= 0; else return i >= 0; } throw new ArgumentException("Argument_IComparable2 loop control variable"); // + Utils.VBFriendlyName(LoopFor.Counter))); //TODO: verify this and the above are the same and remove. //throw new ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString( // "Argument_IComparable2", "loop control variable", // Utils.VBFriendlyName(LoopFor.Counter))); } /** * This method throws exception if the input is Valuetype * @param obj the object that need to be checked */ public static void CheckForSyncLockOnValueType(object obj) { //TODO: //throw new NotImplementedException("MSVB.Compilerservices.flowcontrol needs help"); if (obj != null && obj.GetType().IsValueType) throw new ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("SyncLockRequiresReferenceType1 ")); //TODO: verify this and the above are the same and remove. //if (obj != null && ObjectStaticWrapper.GetType(obj).get_IsValueType()) // throw new ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString( // "SyncLockRequiresReferenceType1",Utils.VBFriendlyName(obj))); } } }