# Standard VB Errors ID3 = This Error number is obsolete and no longer used. ID5 = Procedure call or argument is not valid. ID6 = Overflow. ID7 = Out of memory. ID9 = Subscript out of range. ID10 = This array is fixed or temporarily locked. ID11 = Division by zero. ID13 = Type mismatch. ID14 = Out of string space. ID16 = Expression too complex. ID17 = Can't perform requested operation. ID18 = User interrupt occurred. ID20 = Resume without error. ID28 = Out of stack space. ID35 = Sub or Function not defined. ID47 = Too many DLL application clients. ID48 = Error in loading DLL. ID49 = Bad DLL calling convention. ID51 = Internal error. ID52 = Bad file name or number. ID53 = File not found. ID54 = Bad file mode. ID55 = File already open. ID57 = Device I/O error. ID58 = File already exists. ID59 = Bad record length. ID61 = Disk full. ID62 = Input past end of file. ID63 = Bad record number. ID67 = Too many files. ID68 = Device unavailable. ID70 = Permission denied. ID71 = Disk not ready. ID74 = Cannot rename with different drive. ID75 = Path/File access error. ID76 = Path not found. ID91 = Object variable or With block variable not set. ID92 = For loop not initialized. ID93 = Pattern string is not valid. ID94 = This Error number is obsolete and no longer used. ID95 = Application-defined or object-defined error. ID96 = Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to the maximum number of event receivers that it supports. ID97 = Cannot call friend function on object that is not an instance of defining class. ID98 = A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, either as an argument or as a return value. ID100 = Class '|1' does not implement the System.Collections.ICollection interface. ID321 = File format is not valid. ID322 = Cannot create necessary temporary file. ID325 = Format in resource file is not valid. ID380 = Property value is not valid. ID381 = Property array index is not valid. ID382 = Set not supported at runtime. ID383 = Set not supported (read-only property). ID385 = Need property array index. ID387 = Set not permitted. ID393 = Get not supported at runtime. ID394 = Get not supported (write-only property). ID422 = Property not found. ID423 = Property or method not found. ID424 = Object required. ID429 = Cannot create ActiveX component. ID430 = Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface. ID432 = File name or class name not found during Automation operation. ID438 = Object does not support this property or method. ID440 = Automation error. ID442 = Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost. Press OK for dialog to remove reference. ID443 = Automation object does not have a default value. ID445 = Object does not support this action. ID446 = Object does not support named arguments. ID447 = Object does not support current locale setting. ID448 = Named argument not found. ID449 = Argument not optional. ID450 = Wrong number of arguments or property assignment was not valid. ID451 = Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object. ID452 = Ordinal is not valid. ID453 = Specified DLL function not found. ID454 = Code resource not found. ID455 = Code resource lock error. ID457 = This key is already associated with an element of this collection. ID458 = Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic. ID459 = Object or class does not support the set of events. ID460 = Clipboard format is not valid. ID461 = Method or data member not found. ID462 = The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable. ID463 = Class not registered on local machine. ID481 = Picture is not valid. ID482 = Printer error. ID735 = Cannot save file to TEMP. ID744 = Search text not found. ID746 = Replacements too long. ID999 = Stop statement encountered. ID32768 = Feature not yet implemented. # Common Errors Argument_InvalidValue = FIXME: Argument_InvalidValue Argument_InvalidValue1 = Argument |1 is not a valid value. Argument_InvalidNullValue1 = Argument |1 is Nothing. # Errors in Information.java Argument_InvalidRank1 = Argument |1 is not valid for the array. InvalidCast_FromStringTo = Cast from string |1 to type |2 is not valid. Argument_PathNullOrEmpty = Argument |1 is Nothing or empty. FileSystem_PathNotFound1 = Path |1 not found. Argument_InvalidDateValue1 = Argument |1 cannot be converted to type 'Date' Argument_GEZero1 = Argument |1 must be greater than or equal to zero Argument_LengthGTZero1 = Length of argument |1 must be greater than zero. Argument_MinusOneOrGTZero1 = Argument |1 must be greater than 0 or equal to -1. Argument_GEMinusOne1 = Argumnet |1 must be greater than or equal to -1. Argument_IndexLELength2 = Argument |1 must be less than or equal to the length of argument |2. Argument_InvalidValueType2 = Argument |1 cannot be converted to type |2. Argument_RangeTwoBytes1 = Argument |1 must be within the range of -32768 to 65535. # FIXME: Creating temporary resource strings. Fill in meaningful error messages # Errors in BaseVBFile.java FileOpenedNoWrite = FIXME: FileOpenedNoWrite # Errors in FileSystem.java UseFilePutObject = FIXME: UseFilePutObject # Errors in Financial.java Argument_RankEQOne1 = Rank of |1 does not equal 1. Financial_CalcDivByZero = Division by zero has occurred. Financial_CannotCalculateNPer = Cannot calculate NPer. PPMT_PerGT0AndLTNPer = |1 value invalid, it must be greater than 1 and smaller than NPer. Rate_NPerMustBeGTZero = Rate must be less than or equal to 0. Financial_CannotCalculateRate = Cannot calculate Rate. Financial_LifeNEZero = Life cannot be zero. Financial_ArgGTZero1 = |1 must be greater than 0. Financial_ArgGEZero1 = |1 must be greater than or equal to 0. Financial_PeriodLELife = Period must be greater than Life. # Errors in FlowControl.java ForLoop_CommonType3 = FIXME: ForLoop_CommonType3 |1 |2 |3 ForLoop_ConvertToType3 = FIXME: ForLoop_ConvertToType3 |1 |2 |3 Argument_IComparable2 = FIXME: Argument_IComparable2 |1 |2 SyncLockRequiresReferenceType1 = SyncLockRequiresReferenceType1 |1 # Errors in ObjectType.java NoValidOperator_TwoOperands = FIXME: NoValidOperator_TwoOperands |1 |2 NoValidOperator_OneOperand = FIXME: NoValidOperator_OneOperand |1 NoValidOperator_StringType1 = FIXME: NoValidOperator_StringType1 |1 NoValidOperator_NonStringType1 = FIXME: NoValidOperator_NonStringType |1 InvalidCast_FromTo = Value of type |1 cannot be converted to |2 # Errors in InputVBFile.java FileSystem_IllegalOutputAccess = FIXME: FileSystem_IllegalOutputAccess # Errors in OutPutVBFile.java Argument_UnsupportedIOType1 = FIXME: Argument_UnsupportedIOType1 |1 Argument_UnsupportedArrayDimensions = FIXME: Argument_UnsupportedArrayDimensions Argument_InvalidFixedLengthString = FIXME: Argument_InvalidFixedLengthString # Errors in VBFixedArrayAttribute.java Invalid_VBFixedArray = FIXME: Invalid_VBFixedArray # Errors in VBFixedStringAttribute.java Invalid_VBFixedString = FIXME: Invalid_VBFixedString