// // Constants.cs // // Author: // Chris J Breisch (cjbreisch@altavista.net) // // (C) 2002 Chris J Breisch // // // Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Mainsoft Corporation. // Copyright (C) 2004 Novell, Inc (http://www.novell.com) // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices; namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic { [StandardModule] sealed public class Constants { private Constants () {} // Declarations public const System.Int32 vbObjectError = (System.Int32)(-2147221504); public const System.String vbCrLf = "\r\n"; public const System.String vbNewLine = "\r\n"; public const System.String vbCr = "\r"; public const System.String vbLf = "\n"; public const System.String vbBack = "\b"; public const System.String vbFormFeed = "\f"; public const System.String vbTab = "\t"; public const System.String vbVerticalTab = "\v"; public const System.String vbNullChar = "\0"; public const System.String vbNullString = ""; public const AppWinStyle vbHide = AppWinStyle.Hide; public const AppWinStyle vbNormalFocus = AppWinStyle.NormalFocus; public const AppWinStyle vbMinimizedFocus = AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus; public const AppWinStyle vbMaximizedFocus = AppWinStyle.MaximizedFocus; public const AppWinStyle vbNormalNoFocus = AppWinStyle.NormalNoFocus; public const AppWinStyle vbMinimizedNoFocus = AppWinStyle.MinimizedNoFocus; public const CallType vbMethod = CallType.Method; public const CallType vbGet = CallType.Get; public const CallType vbLet = CallType.Let; public const CallType vbSet = CallType.Set; public const CompareMethod vbBinaryCompare = CompareMethod.Binary; public const CompareMethod vbTextCompare = CompareMethod.Text; public const DateFormat vbGeneralDate = DateFormat.GeneralDate; public const DateFormat vbLongDate = DateFormat.LongDate; public const DateFormat vbShortDate = DateFormat.ShortDate; public const DateFormat vbLongTime = DateFormat.LongTime; public const DateFormat vbShortTime = DateFormat.ShortTime; public const FirstDayOfWeek vbUseSystemDayOfWeek = FirstDayOfWeek.System; public const FirstDayOfWeek vbSunday = FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday; public const FirstDayOfWeek vbMonday = FirstDayOfWeek.Monday; public const FirstDayOfWeek vbTuesday = FirstDayOfWeek.Tuesday; public const FirstDayOfWeek vbWednesday = FirstDayOfWeek.Wednesday; public const FirstDayOfWeek vbThursday = FirstDayOfWeek.Thursday; public const FirstDayOfWeek vbFriday = FirstDayOfWeek.Friday; public const FirstDayOfWeek vbSaturday = FirstDayOfWeek.Saturday; public const FileAttribute vbNormal = FileAttribute.Normal; public const FileAttribute vbReadOnly = FileAttribute.ReadOnly; public const FileAttribute vbHidden = FileAttribute.Hidden; public const FileAttribute vbSystem = FileAttribute.System; public const FileAttribute vbVolume = FileAttribute.Volume; public const FileAttribute vbDirectory = FileAttribute.Directory; public const FileAttribute vbArchive = FileAttribute.Archive; public const FirstWeekOfYear vbUseSystem = FirstWeekOfYear.System; public const FirstWeekOfYear vbFirstJan1 = FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1; public const FirstWeekOfYear vbFirstFourDays = FirstWeekOfYear.FirstFourDays; public const FirstWeekOfYear vbFirstFullWeek = FirstWeekOfYear.FirstFullWeek; public const VbStrConv vbUpperCase = VbStrConv.UpperCase; public const VbStrConv vbLowerCase = VbStrConv.LowerCase; public const VbStrConv vbProperCase = VbStrConv.ProperCase; public const VbStrConv vbWide = VbStrConv.Wide; public const VbStrConv vbNarrow = VbStrConv.Narrow; public const VbStrConv vbKatakana = VbStrConv.Katakana; public const VbStrConv vbHiragana = VbStrConv.Hiragana; public const VbStrConv vbSimplifiedChinese = VbStrConv.SimplifiedChinese; public const VbStrConv vbTraditionalChinese = VbStrConv.TraditionalChinese; public const VbStrConv vbLinguisticCasing = VbStrConv.LinguisticCasing; public const TriState vbUseDefault = TriState.UseDefault; public const TriState vbTrue = TriState.True; public const TriState vbFalse = TriState.False; public const VariantType vbEmpty = VariantType.Empty; public const VariantType vbNull = VariantType.Null; public const VariantType vbInteger = VariantType.Integer; public const VariantType vbLong = VariantType.Long; public const VariantType vbSingle = VariantType.Single; public const VariantType vbDouble = VariantType.Double; public const VariantType vbCurrency = VariantType.Currency; public const VariantType vbDate = VariantType.Date; public const VariantType vbString = VariantType.String; public const VariantType vbObject = VariantType.Object; public const VariantType vbBoolean = VariantType.Boolean; public const VariantType vbVariant = VariantType.Variant; public const VariantType vbDecimal = VariantType.Decimal; public const VariantType vbByte = VariantType.Byte; public const VariantType vbUserDefinedType = VariantType.UserDefinedType; public const VariantType vbArray = VariantType.Array; public const MsgBoxResult vbOK = MsgBoxResult.OK; public const MsgBoxResult vbCancel = MsgBoxResult.Cancel; public const MsgBoxResult vbAbort = MsgBoxResult.Abort; public const MsgBoxResult vbRetry = MsgBoxResult.Retry; public const MsgBoxResult vbIgnore = MsgBoxResult.Ignore; public const MsgBoxResult vbYes = MsgBoxResult.Yes; public const MsgBoxResult vbNo = MsgBoxResult.No; public const MsgBoxStyle vbOKOnly = MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly; public const MsgBoxStyle vbOKCancel = MsgBoxStyle.OKCancel; public const MsgBoxStyle vbAbortRetryIgnore = MsgBoxStyle.AbortRetryIgnore; public const MsgBoxStyle vbYesNoCancel = MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel; public const MsgBoxStyle vbYesNo = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo; public const MsgBoxStyle vbRetryCancel = MsgBoxStyle.RetryCancel; public const MsgBoxStyle vbCritical = MsgBoxStyle.Critical; public const MsgBoxStyle vbQuestion = MsgBoxStyle.Question; public const MsgBoxStyle vbExclamation = MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation; public const MsgBoxStyle vbInformation = MsgBoxStyle.Information; public const MsgBoxStyle vbDefaultButton1 = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton1; public const MsgBoxStyle vbDefaultButton2 = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2; public const MsgBoxStyle vbDefaultButton3 = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton3; public const MsgBoxStyle vbApplicationModal = MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal; public const MsgBoxStyle vbSystemModal = MsgBoxStyle.SystemModal; public const MsgBoxStyle vbMsgBoxHelp = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxHelp; public const MsgBoxStyle vbMsgBoxRight = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxRight; public const MsgBoxStyle vbMsgBoxRtlReading = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxRtlReading; public const MsgBoxStyle vbMsgBoxSetForeground = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxSetForeground; // Constructors // Properties // Methods // Events }; }