# # This file contains tests that are expected to fail. Having them # listed here will tell the runner to not abort a test run if they # fail. # # Tests should go here if they cause the run time or compiler to # shutdown, but are not very frequent errors. # # System.Exception: error JS5040: 't' it's read only. ecma/ExecutionContexts/10.1.3.js ecma/ExecutionContexts/10.1.4-10.js # System.InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type. ecma/Expressions/11.2.2-1.js ecma_2/Exceptions/date-001.js ecma_2/Statements/try-003.js ecma_2/Statements/try-004.js ecma_2/Statements/try-012.js # System.NotImplementedException: Should emit LateBinding.CallValue logic for unknown constructor Math ecma/Expressions/11.2.2-10-n.js ecma/Math/15.8-2-n.js ecma_2/Exceptions/exception-002.js ecma_2/Exceptions/expression-005.js # System.Exception: must create expr stm with ecma/Expressions/11.2.3-2-n.js ecma_2/Exceptions/statement-007.js # Microsoft.JScript.JScriptException: Unexpected type: value is null or undefined (Convert:ToObject) ecma/Expressions/11.2.3-3-n.js ecma/Expressions/11.2.3-4-n.js ecma_2/RegExp/exec-002.js js1_4/Regress/function-001.js # System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ecma/Statements/12.10.js ecma/Date/ ecma/Date/ ecma/Date/ ecma/Date/ ecma/Date/ ecma/Date/ js1_2/function/Function_object.js js1_2/function/definition-1.js js1_3/Script/script-001.js js1_4/Functions/function-001.js # System.Exception: error JS5002 A: function expected. ecma_2/Exceptions/exception-001.js # System.Exception: uknown type: Microsoft.JScript.Assign # (fall_false, last_exp.GetType () == expression Assign object AccessField whileExpression) ecma_2/Statements/while-002.js ecma_2/Statements/while-003.js # System.Exception: uknown type: Microsoft.JScript.Unary # (fall_false, last_exp.GetType () == FirstOp done) js1_2/statements/do_while.js # System.Exception: A break statement can't be outside a switch or iteration stm ecma_2/Statements/label-002.js ecma_2/Statements/try-009.js # System.ArgumentException: The label was already defined js1_2/statements/switch2.js # These two need the patch implementing back reference / octal escape logic applied to # System.Text.RegularExpressions. It's available at http://flgr.dyndns.org/mono/RegEx2+3.patch js1_2/regexp/octal.js js1_2/regexp/special_characters.js # Throw NotImplementedException when invoking Convert:ToForInObject ecma/Array/