// // StringPrototype.cs: // // Author: // Cesar Lopez Nataren (cesar@ciencias.unam.mx) // // (C) 2003, Cesar Lopez Nataren // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using Microsoft.JScript.Vsa; using System.Globalization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections; namespace Microsoft.JScript { public class StringPrototype : StringObject { internal static StringPrototype Proto = new StringPrototype (); /* Note that the implementation of this HTML tag stuff is pretty dumb. * It does not do any escaping of HTML characters like '<', '>' or '"' which means that you can do * HTML injection via for example "foo".anchor("NAME\" style=\"font-size: 500pt;") which will result * in , however Mozilla, Internet Explorer and Opera all do * the same thing and I could not find any standard against this behavior. */ [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_anchor)] public static string anchor (object thisObj, object anchorName) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_big)] public static string big (object thisObj) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_blink)] public static string blink (object thisObj) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_bold)] public static string bold (object thisObj) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_charAt)] public static string charAt (object thisObj, double pos) { int _pos = Convert.ToInt32 (pos); string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); if (_pos < 0 || _pos >= string_obj.Length) return ""; return string_obj.Substring (_pos, 1); } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_charCodeAt)] public static object charCodeAt (object thisObj, double arg) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); int pos = Convert.ToInt32 (arg); if (pos < 0 || pos >= string_obj.Length) return Double.NaN; return string_obj [pos]; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject | JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasVarArgs, JSBuiltin.String_concat)] public static string concat (object thisObj, params object [] args) { string result = Convert.ToString (thisObj); foreach (object arg in args) result += Convert.ToString (arg); return result; } public static StringConstructor constructor { get { return StringConstructor.Ctr; } } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_fixed)] public static string @fixed (object thisObj) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_fontcolor)] public static string fontcolor (object thisObj, object colorName) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_fontsize)] public static string fontsize (object thisObj, object fontsize) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_indexOf)] public static int indexOf (object thisObj, object searchString, double position) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); string search_obj = Convert.ToString (searchString); int pos = (int) position; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; else if (pos > string_obj.Length) pos = string_obj.Length; return string_obj.IndexOf (search_obj, pos); } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_italics)] public static string italics (object thisObj) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } // // Note: I think the signature Microsoft uses makes // standards-compliant behavior impossible. If // position is not supplied the standard says to // default to the string's length. We can not do this // with their signature, because position will // automatically be forced to 0 in that case. Because // of that we currently use 'object position' instead // of their 'double position' in lastIndexOfGood // (which we use from our own compiler) and a wrapper // around that for when we run MS IL. // [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject)] public static int lastIndexOfGood (object thisObj, object searchString, object position) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); string search_obj = Convert.ToString (searchString); int pos; if (position == null) pos = string_obj.Length; else { pos = Convert.ToInt32 (position); if (pos < 0) pos = 0; else if (pos > string_obj.Length) pos = string_obj.Length; } int result = string_obj.LastIndexOf (search_obj, pos); // string:LastIndexOf ignores matches at string start if pos is 0 if (result == -1 && pos == 0 && string_obj.StartsWith (search_obj)) return 0; return result; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_lastIndexOf)] public static int lastIndexOf (object thisObj, object searchString, object position) { return lastIndexOfGood (thisObj, searchString, position); } public static int lastIndexOf (object thisObj, object searchString, double position) { return lastIndexOfGood (thisObj, searchString, position); } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_link)] public static string link (object thisObj, object linkRef) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [MonoTODO ("I18N Needs checking -- contact flgr@ccan.de for details")] [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_localeCompare)] public static int localeCompare (object thisObj, object thatObj) { // TODO FIXME I18N: Verify that we do the right thing even in border cases. string string_a = Convert.ToString (thisObj); string string_b = Convert.ToString (thatObj); int caseless_result = String.Compare (string_a, string_b, true); /* I have no idea if this is enough to fix the behavior in all cases, but it at least makes * localeCompare("abc", "ABC") work as in MS JS.NET -- this will likely be revised after * more testing. * * Related to http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=70478? */ if (caseless_result == 0) return -String.Compare (string_a, string_b, false); else return String.Compare (string_a, string_b, false); } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject | JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine, JSBuiltin.String_match)] public static object match (object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, object regExp) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); RegExpObject regex_obj = Convert.ToRegExp (regExp); bool global = regex_obj.global; if (!global) return RegExpPrototype.exec (regex_obj, string_obj); MatchCollection md = regex_obj.regex.Matches (string_obj); uint n = (uint) md.Count; Match lastMatch = md [(int) (n - 1)]; regex_obj.lastIndex = lastMatch.Index + 1; RegExpConstructor.UpdateLastMatch (lastMatch, string_obj); ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject (); result.length = n; for (uint i = 0; i < n; i++) result.elems [i] = md [(int) i].Value; return result; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_replace)] public static string replace (object thisObj, object regExp, object replacement) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); if (!(regExp is RegExpObject)) { string match_str = Convert.ToString (regExp); string replace_str = Convert.ToString (replacement); int match_pos = string_obj.IndexOf (match_str); if (match_pos == -1) return string_obj; return String.Concat (string_obj.Substring (0, match_pos), replace_str, string_obj.Substring (match_pos + match_str.Length)); } RegExpObject regex_obj = (RegExpObject) regExp; int count = regex_obj.global ? -1 : 1; if (!(replacement is ScriptFunction)) return regex_obj.regex.Replace (string_obj, Convert.ToString (replacement), count); ScriptFunction fun = (ScriptFunction) replacement; MatchEvaluator wrap_fun = new MatchEvaluator (new ReplaceDelegate (fun, string_obj).Replace); return regex_obj.regex.Replace (string_obj, wrap_fun, count); } private class ReplaceDelegate { private ScriptFunction fun; private string string_obj; internal ReplaceDelegate (ScriptFunction fun, string string_obj) { this.fun = fun; this.string_obj = string_obj; } internal string Replace (Match md) { ArrayList arg_list = new ArrayList (); foreach (Group cap in md.Groups) arg_list.Add (cap.Value); arg_list.Add (md.Index); arg_list.Add (string_obj); return Convert.ToString (fun.Invoke (null, arg_list.ToArray ())); } } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject | JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine, JSBuiltin.String_search)] public static int search (object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, object regExp) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); RegExpObject regex_obj = Convert.ToRegExp (regExp); Match md = regex_obj.regex.Match (string_obj); /* Note: Microsoft's implementation updates the lastIndex property of regex_obj here, but * ECMA-262,, NOTE 1 explicitely says not to do so. We do the ECMA-262 behavior. */ if (md.Success) return md.Index; else return -1; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_slice)] public static string slice (object thisObj, double start, object end) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); int string_len = string_obj.Length; int _start, _end; if (start > string_len) _start = string_len; else { _start = (int) start; if (_start < 0) _start += string_len; } if (end == null) _end = string_len; else { _end = Convert.ToInt32 (end); if (_end < 0) _end += string_len; else if (_end > string_len) _end = string_len; } if (_end < _start) _end = _start; return string_obj.Substring (_start, _end - _start); } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_small)] public static string small (object thisObj) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject | JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine, JSBuiltin.String_split)] public static ArrayObject split (object thisObj, VsaEngine engine, object separator, object limit) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); int length = string_obj.Length; int max_count = (limit != null) ? Convert.ToInt32 (limit) : -1; ArrayObject result = new ArrayObject (); if (separator == null) { result.length = (uint) 1; result.elems [(uint) 0] = string_obj; return result; } int start_pos = 0; int end_pos = -1; int match_len = 0; uint count = 0; int sep_len = 0; if (!(separator is RegExpObject)) { string sep_str = Convert.ToString (separator); sep_len = sep_str.Length; if (string_obj.Length == 0) { if (sep_len > 0) { result.length = (uint) 1; result.elems [(uint) 0] = string_obj; } return result; } while (end_pos != length && (max_count == -1 || count < max_count)) { end_pos = (length != 0) ? string_obj.IndexOf (sep_str, start_pos) : length; if (end_pos == -1) end_pos = length; else if (sep_len == 0) end_pos++; match_len = end_pos - start_pos; result.elems [count] = string_obj.Substring (start_pos, match_len); start_pos += match_len + sep_len; count++; } result.length = count; return result; } RegExpObject sep_re = (RegExpObject) separator; MatchCollection md = sep_re.regex.Matches (string_obj); uint n = (uint) md.Count; Match match = null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (max_count != -1 && count >= max_count) break; match = md [i]; sep_len = match.Length; end_pos = match.Index; match_len = end_pos - start_pos; // // The specification says that "ab".split(/a*/) is ["", "b"], but would // that would also mean that "abcdef".split(/./).length would not be 6. // I'm currently going with the Rhino behavior that seems to make more // sense. // if (!(end_pos == 0 && sep_len == 0)) { result.elems [count] = string_obj.Substring (start_pos, match_len); count++; } bool first_cap = true; foreach (Capture cap in match.Groups) { if (max_count != -1 && count >= max_count) break; if (first_cap) { first_cap = false; continue; } result.elems [count] = cap.Value; count++; } start_pos += match_len + sep_len; } if (n > 0 && (max_count == -1 || count < max_count)) { sep_re.lastIndex = match.Index + match.Length; RegExpConstructor.UpdateLastMatch (match, string_obj); if (start_pos < length) { result.elems [count] = string_obj.Substring (start_pos); count++; } } else if (n == 0) { result.elems [(uint) 0] = string_obj; count++; } result.length = count; return result; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_strike)] public static string strike (object thisObj) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_sub)] public static string sub (object thisObj) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_substr)] public static string substr (object thisObj, double start, object count) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); int string_len = string_obj.Length; int _start, _end; if (start > string_len) _start = string_len; else { _start = (int) start; if (_start < 0) _start += string_len; } if (count == null) _end = string_len; else { int _count = Convert.ToInt32 (count); _end = _start + _count; if (_end < 0) return ""; else if (_end > string_len) _end = string_len; } return string_obj.Substring (_start, _end - _start); } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_substring)] public static string substring (object thisObj, double start, object end) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); int string_len = string_obj.Length; int _start, _end; if (start == Double.NaN || start < 0) _start = 0; else if (start > string_len) _start = string_len; else _start = (int) start; if (end == null) _end = string_len; else { _end = Convert.ToInt32 (end); if (_end == Double.NaN || _end < 0) _end = 0; else if (_end > string_len) _end = string_len; } if (_end < _start) { int temp = _start; _start = _end; _end = temp; } return string_obj.Substring (_start, _end - _start); } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_sup)] public static string sup (object thisObj) { return "" + Convert.ToString (thisObj) + ""; } /* TODO FIXME I18N: Somebody who is familar with locales should check if the definition of these really is * this simple. */ [MonoTODO ("I18N Needs checking -- contact flgr@ccan.de for details")] [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_toLocaleLowerCase)] public static string toLocaleLowerCase (object thisObj) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); return string_obj.ToLower (); } [MonoTODO ("I18N Needs checking -- contact flgr@ccan.de for details")] [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_toLocaleUpperCase)] public static string toLocaleUpperCase (object thisObj) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); return string_obj.ToUpper (); } [MonoTODO ("I18N Needs checking -- contact flgr@ccan.de for details")] [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_toLowerCase)] public static string toLowerCase (object thisObj) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); return string_obj.ToLower (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_toString)] public static string toString (object thisObj) { if (!Convert.IsString (thisObj)) throw new JScriptException (JSError.StringExpected); else return Convert.ToString (thisObj); } [MonoTODO ("I18N Needs checking -- contact flgr@ccan.de for details")] [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_toUpperCase)] public static string toUpperCase (object thisObj) { string string_obj = Convert.ToString (thisObj); return string_obj.ToUpper (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } [JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject, JSBuiltin.String_valueOf)] public static object valueOf (object thisObj) { return toString (thisObj); } } }