using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using NUnit.Framework; using Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine; namespace MonoTests.Microsoft.Build.Tasks { [TestFixture] public class CreateVisualBasicManifestResourceNameTest { string [,] resx_no_culture_files, resx_with_culture_files; string [,] non_resx_no_culture_files, non_resx_with_culture_files; public CreateVisualBasicManifestResourceNameTest () { string junk_file = Path.Combine ("Test", Path.Combine ("resources", "junk.txt")); string sample_vb_path = Path.Combine ("Test", Path.Combine ("resources", "Sample.vb")); string curdir = Path.GetDirectoryName (Environment.CurrentDirectory); /* {Include, LogicalName, DependentUpon, TargetPath} */ resx_no_culture_files = new string [,] { // With dependent file { "foo with space.resx", null, sample_vb_path, null }, { "foo with space.resx", "RandomName", sample_vb_path, null }, { "foo with space.resx", "RandomName", sample_vb_path, "bar with space.resx" }, // can't find a C# class in the .vb file { "foo with space.resx", "RandomName", junk_file, "bar with space.resx" }, { "Test/resources/foo with space.resx", null, "Sample.vb", null }, { "Test/resources/foo with space.resx", "RandomName", "Sample.vb", null }, { "Test/resources/foo with space.resx", "RandomName", "Sample.vb", "bar with space.resx"}, // W/o dependent file { "foo with space.resx", null, null, null }, { "foo with space.resx", "RandomName", null, null }, { "Test/resources folder/foo with space.resx", null, null, null }, { "Test/resources folder/foo with space.resx", "RandomName", null, null }, }; resx_with_culture_files = new string [,] { // With dependent file { "foo with", null, sample_vb_path, null }, { "foo with", "RandomName", sample_vb_path, null }, { "foo with", "RandomName", sample_vb_path, "bar with" }, // can't find a C# class in the .vb file { "foo with", "RandomName", junk_file, "bar with" }, { "Test/resources/foo with", null, "Sample.vb", null }, { "Test/resources/foo with", "RandomName", "Sample.vb", null}, // W/o dependent file { "foo with", null, null, null }, { "foo with", "RandomName", null, null }, { "Test/resources folder/foo with", null, null, null }, { "Test/resources folder/foo with", "RandomName", null, null } }; non_resx_no_culture_files = new string [,] { { "foo with space.txt", null, null }, { "foo with space.txt", "RandomName", null }, { "Test/resources folder/foo with space.txt", null, null }, { "Test/resources folder/foo with space.txt", "RandomName", null } }; non_resx_with_culture_files = new string [,] { { "foo with", null, null }, { "foo with", "RandomName", null }, { "Test/resources folder/foo with", null, null }, { "Test/resources folder/foo with", "RandomName", null } }; } [Test] public void TestNoRootNamespaceNoCulture () { CheckResourceNames (resx_no_culture_files, new string [] { // w/ dependent file "Mono.Tests.Sample", "Mono.Tests.Sample", "Mono.Tests.Sample", "bar with space", "Mono.Tests.Sample", "Mono.Tests.Sample", // W/o dependent file "Mono.Tests.Sample", "foo with space" , "foo with space", "foo with space", "foo with space", }, null); } [Test] public void TestWithRootNamespaceNoCulture () { //FIXME: How does LogicalName affect things?? CheckResourceNames (resx_no_culture_files, new string [] { // With dependent file "RN1.RN2.Mono.Tests.Sample", "RN1.RN2.Mono.Tests.Sample", "RN1.RN2.Mono.Tests.Sample", " with space", "RN1.RN2.Mono.Tests.Sample", "RN1.RN2.Mono.Tests.Sample", // W/o dependent file "RN1.RN2.Mono.Tests.Sample", " with space", " with space", " with space", " with space"}, "RN1.RN2"); } [Test] public void TestNoRootNamespaceWithCulture () { CheckResourceNames (resx_with_culture_files, new string [] { // With dependent file "", "", "", "bar with", "", "", // W/o dependent file "foo with", "foo with", "foo with", "foo with" }, null); } [Test] public void TestWithRootNamespaceWithCulture () { CheckResourceNames (resx_with_culture_files, new string [] { // With dependent file "", "", "", " with", "", "", // W/o dependent file " with", " with", " with", " with"}, "RN1.RN2"); } [Test] public void TestNonResxNoRootNamespaceWithCulture () { CheckResourceNames (non_resx_with_culture_files, new string [] { Path.Combine ("de", "foo with space.txt"), Path.Combine ("de", "foo with space.txt"), Path.Combine ("de", "foo with space.txt"), Path.Combine ("de", "foo with space.txt")}, null); } [Test] public void TestNonResxWithRootNamespaceWithCulture () { CheckResourceNames (non_resx_with_culture_files, new string [] { Path.Combine ("de", " with space.txt"), Path.Combine ("de", " with space.txt"), Path.Combine ("de", " with space.txt"), Path.Combine ("de", " with space.txt")}, "RN1.RN2"); } [Test] public void TestNonResxNoRootNamespaceNoCulture () { CheckResourceNames (non_resx_no_culture_files, new string [] { "foo with space.txt", "foo with space.txt", "foo with space.txt", "foo with space.txt"}, null); } [Test] public void TestNonResxWithRootNamespaceNoCulture () { CheckResourceNames (non_resx_no_culture_files, new string [] { // With dependent file " with space.txt", " with space.txt", " with space.txt", " with space.txt"}, "RN1.RN2"); } [Test] public void TestExternalResourcesNoRootNamespaceWithTargetPath () { CheckResourceNames (new string[,] { {"../folder/foo.txt", null, null, "abc.txt"}, {"../folder/", null, null, "xyz.txt"}}, new string[] { "abc.txt", "xyz.txt" }, null); } [Test] public void TestExternalResourcesWithRootNamespaceWithTargetPath () { CheckResourceNames (new string[,] { {"../folder/foo.txt", null, null, "abc.txt"}, {"../folder/", null, null, "xyz.txt"}}, new string[] { "", "" }, "RN"); } [Test] public void TestExternalResourcesNoRootNamespaceNoTargetPath () { CheckResourceNames (new string[,] { {"../folder/foo.txt", null, null}, {"../folder/", null, null}}, new string[] { "foo.txt", Path.Combine ("de", "foo.txt") }, null); } [Test] public void TestExternalResourcesWithRootNamespaceNoTargetPath () { CheckResourceNames (new string[,] { {"../folder/foo.txt", null, null}, {"../folder/", null, null}}, new string[] { "", Path.Combine ("de", "") }, "RN"); } [Test] public void TestInvalidCulture () { string [,] files = new string [,] { { "Foo.invalid.txt", null, null }, { "Foo.invalid.resx", null, null } }; CheckResourceNames (files, new string [] {"RN1.RN2.Foo.invalid.txt", "RN1.RN2.Foo.invalid"}, "RN1.RN2"); } void CheckResourceNames (string [,] files, string [] names, string rootNamespace) { Assert.AreEqual (files.GetUpperBound (0) + 1, names.Length, "Number of files and names must match"); string projectText = CreateProject (files, rootNamespace); Engine engine = new Engine (Consts.BinPath); Project project = engine.CreateNewProject (); TestMessageLogger logger = new TestMessageLogger (); engine.RegisterLogger (logger); project.LoadXml (projectText); if (!project.Build ("1")) { Console.WriteLine (projectText); logger.DumpMessages (); Assert.Fail ("Build failed"); } bool has_targetpaths = files.GetUpperBound (1) == 3; BuildItemGroup group = project.GetEvaluatedItemsByName ("ResourceNames"); Assert.AreEqual (names.Length, group.Count, "A2"); for (int i = 0; i <= files.GetUpperBound (0); i++) { Assert.AreEqual (names [i], group [i].FinalItemSpec, "A3 #" + (i + 1)); Assert.AreEqual (files [i, 1] != null, group [i].HasMetadata ("LogicalName"), "A4 #" + (i + 1)); if (files [i, 1] != null) Assert.AreEqual (files [i, 1], group [i].GetMetadata ("LogicalName"), "A5 #" + (i + 1)); Assert.AreEqual (files [i, 2] != null, group [i].HasMetadata ("DependentUpon"), "A6 #" + (i + 1)); if (files [i, 2] != null) Assert.AreEqual (files [i, 2], group [i].GetMetadata ("DependentUpon"), "A7 #" + (i + 1)); if (has_targetpaths && files [i, 3] != null) Assert.AreEqual (files [i, 3], group [i].GetMetadata ("TargetPath"), "A8 #" + (i + 1)); } } string CreateProject (string [,] files, string rootNamespace) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); sb.Append ("\n"); bool has_targetpaths = files.GetUpperBound (1) == 3; sb.Append ("\t\n"); for (int i = 0; i <= files.GetUpperBound (0); i ++) { sb.AppendFormat ("\t\t\n", files [i, 0]); if (has_targetpaths && files [i, 3] != null) sb.AppendFormat ("\t\t\t{0}\n", files [i, 3]); if (files [i, 1] != null) sb.AppendFormat ("\t\t\t{0}\n", files [i, 1]); if (files [i, 2] != null) sb.AppendFormat ("\t\t\t{0}\n", files [i, 2]); sb.AppendFormat ("\t\t\n"); } sb.Append ("\t\n"); sb.Append ("\t\n"); sb.Append ("\t\t\n \t\t\t\n"); sb.Append ("\t\t\n\t\n"); sb.Append ("\t" + GetUsingTask ("CreateVisualBasicManifestResourceName")); sb.Append (""); return sb.ToString (); } string GetUsingTask (string taskName) { return ""; } } }