// // Copyright (c) 2005 Novell, Inc. // // Authors: // Ritvik Mayank (mritvik@novell.com) // using System; using System.Collections; using InvalidEnumArgumentException = System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException; using System.Drawing; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using NUnit.Framework; namespace MonoTests.System.Windows.Forms { [TestFixture] public class ControlTest { class Helper { public static void TestAccessibility(Control c, string Default, string Description, string Name, AccessibleRole Role) { Assert.IsNotNull (c.AccessibilityObject, "Acc1"); Assert.AreEqual (Default, c.AccessibleDefaultActionDescription, "Acc2"); Assert.AreEqual (Description, c.AccessibleDescription, "Acc3"); Assert.AreEqual (Name, c.AccessibleName, "Acc4"); Assert.AreEqual (Role, c.AccessibleRole, "Acc5"); } public static string TestControl(Control container, Control start, bool forward) { Control ctl; ctl = container.GetNextControl(start, forward); if (ctl == null) { return null; } return ctl.Text; } } [Test] public void CreatedTest () { Control c = new Control (); Assert.IsFalse (c.Created, "A1"); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] public void CreatedAccessibilityTest () { Control c = new Control (); Assert.IsFalse (c.Created, "A1"); Helper.TestAccessibility(c, null, null, null, AccessibleRole.Default); Assert.IsTrue (c.Created, "A2"); c.Dispose (); Assert.IsFalse (c.Created, "A3"); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] public void BoundsTest () { Control c = new Control (); Assert.IsTrue (c.Bounds.IsEmpty, "A1"); Assert.IsTrue (c.Size.IsEmpty, "A2"); Assert.IsTrue (c.ClientSize.IsEmpty, "A3"); Assert.IsTrue (c.ClientRectangle.IsEmpty, "A4"); Assert.AreEqual (((IWin32Window)c).Handle, c.Handle, "A5"); /* this part fails on linux because we can't allocate X windows which are 0x0, and the Control bounds directly reflect the size of the X window */ Assert.IsTrue (c.Bounds.IsEmpty, "A6"); Assert.IsTrue (c.Size.IsEmpty, "A7"); Assert.IsTrue (c.ClientSize.IsEmpty, "A8"); Assert.IsTrue (c.ClientRectangle.IsEmpty, "A9"); } [Test] public void PubPropTest() { Control c = new Control(); Assert.IsFalse (c.AllowDrop , "A1"); Assert.AreEqual(AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left, c.Anchor, "A2"); Assert.AreEqual ("Control", c.BackColor.Name , "B1"); Assert.IsNull (c.BackgroundImage, "B2"); Assert.IsNull (c.BindingContext, "B3"); Assert.IsFalse (c.CanFocus, "C1"); Assert.IsTrue (c.CanSelect, "C2"); Assert.IsFalse (c.Capture, "C3"); Assert.IsTrue (c.CausesValidation, "C4"); Assert.IsNotNull (c.CompanyName, "C7"); Assert.IsNull (c.Container, "C8"); Assert.IsFalse (c.ContainsFocus, "C9"); Assert.IsNull (c.ContextMenu, "C10"); Assert.AreEqual (0, c.Controls.Count, "C11"); Assert.IsFalse (c.Created, "C12"); Assert.AreEqual (Cursors.Default, c.Cursor, "C13"); Assert.IsNotNull(c.DataBindings, "D1"); Assert.AreEqual("Control", Control.DefaultBackColor.Name, "D2"); Assert.AreEqual("ControlText", Control.DefaultForeColor.Name, "D3"); Assert.AreEqual(FontStyle.Regular, Control.DefaultFont.Style, "D4"); Assert.AreEqual (new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), c.DisplayRectangle , "D5"); Assert.IsFalse (c.Disposing, "D6"); Assert.AreEqual(DockStyle.None, c.Dock, "D7"); Assert.IsTrue (c.Enabled, "E1"); Assert.IsFalse (c.Focused, "F1"); Assert.AreEqual (FontStyle.Regular, c.Font.Style, "F2"); Assert.AreEqual (SystemColors.ControlText, c.ForeColor, "F3"); Assert.IsFalse (c.HasChildren, "H2"); Assert.AreEqual (ImeMode.NoControl, c.ImeMode, "I1"); Assert.IsFalse (c.InvokeRequired, "I2"); Assert.IsFalse (c.IsAccessible, "I3"); Assert.IsFalse (c.IsDisposed, "I4"); Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "I5"); Assert.AreEqual(Point.Empty, c.Location, "L2"); #if NET_2_0 Assert.IsTrue(c.MaximumSize.IsEmpty); Assert.IsTrue(c.MinimumSize.IsEmpty); #endif Assert.AreEqual (Keys.None, Control.ModifierKeys, "M1"); Assert.IsFalse (Control.MousePosition.IsEmpty, "M2"); Assert.AreEqual (MouseButtons.None, Control.MouseButtons, "M3"); Assert.AreEqual("", c.Name, "N1"); c.Name = "Control Name"; Assert.AreEqual("Control Name", c.Name, "N2"); Assert.IsNull (c.Parent, "P1"); Assert.IsNotNull (c.ProductName, "P2"); Assert.IsTrue (c.ProductName != "", "P3"); Assert.IsNotNull (c.ProductVersion, "P4"); Assert.IsTrue (c.ProductVersion != "", "P5"); Assert.IsFalse (c.RecreatingHandle, "R1"); Assert.IsNull (c.Region, "R2"); Assert.AreEqual (RightToLeft.No, c.RightToLeft, "R4"); Assert.IsNull (c.Site, "S1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, c.TabIndex , "T1"); Assert.IsTrue (c.TabStop, "T2"); Assert.IsNull (c.Tag, "T3"); Assert.AreEqual ("", c.Text, "T4"); Assert.IsTrue (c.Visible, "V1"); } [Test] public void SizeChangeTest () { Form f = new Form (); Control c = new Control (); f.Controls.Add(c); f.Show(); c.Resize += new EventHandler(SizeChangedTest_ResizeHandler); c.Tag = true; c.Size = c.Size; Assert.AreEqual (true, (bool) c.Tag, "#1"); f.Close (); } private void SizeChangedTest_ResizeHandler (object sender, EventArgs e) { ((Control) sender).Tag = false; } [Test] public void NegativeHeightTest () { Control c = new Control (); IntPtr handle = c.Handle; c.Resize += new EventHandler(NegativeHeightTest_ResizeHandler); c.Tag = -2; c.Height = 2; c.Height = -2; Assert.AreEqual (0, (int) c.Tag, "#1"); c.Dispose (); Assert.AreEqual (handle, handle, "Removes warning."); } private void NegativeHeightTest_ResizeHandler (object sender, EventArgs e) { Control c = (Control) sender; c.Tag = c.Height; } [Test] public void TopLevelControlTest () { Control c = new Control (); Assert.AreEqual(null, c.TopLevelControl, "T1"); Panel p = new Panel (); p.Controls.Add (c); Assert.AreEqual(null, c.TopLevelControl, "T2"); Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Controls.Add (p); Assert.AreEqual (f, c.TopLevelControl, "T3"); Assert.AreEqual (f, f.TopLevelControl, "T4"); } [Test] public void RelationTest() { Control c1; Control c2; c1 = new Control(); c2 = new Control(); Assert.AreEqual(true , c1.Visible , "Rel1"); Assert.AreEqual(false, c1.Contains(c2) , "Rel2"); Assert.AreEqual("System.Windows.Forms.Control", c1.ToString() , "Rel3"); c1.Controls.Add(c2); Assert.AreEqual(true , c2.Visible , "Rel4"); Assert.AreEqual(true, c1.Contains(c2) , "Rel5"); c1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top; c1.SuspendLayout (); c1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left ; c1.ResumeLayout (); Assert.AreEqual(AnchorStyles.Left , c1.Anchor, "Rel6"); c1.SetBounds(10, 20, 30, 40) ; Assert.AreEqual(new Rectangle(10, 20, 30, 40), c1.Bounds, "Rel7"); Assert.AreEqual(c1, c2.Parent, "Rel8"); } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] public void TabOrder() { Form form; Control active; Label label1 = new Label(); // To test non-tabstop items as well Label label2 = new Label(); GroupBox group1 = new GroupBox(); GroupBox group2 = new GroupBox(); GroupBox group3 = new GroupBox(); TextBox text1 = new TextBox(); RadioButton radio11 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio12 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio13 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio14 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio21 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio22 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio23 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio24 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio31 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio32 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio33 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radio34 = new RadioButton(); form = new Form(); form.ShowInTaskbar = false; form.ClientSize = new Size (520, 520); Assert.AreEqual(new Size(520, 520), form.ClientSize, "Tab1"); form.Text = "SWF Taborder Test App Form"; Assert.AreEqual("SWF Taborder Test App Form", form.Text, "Tab2"); label1.Location = new Point(10, 10); Assert.AreEqual(new Point(10, 10), label1.Location, "Tab3"); label1.Text = "Label1"; form.Controls.Add(label1); label2.Location = new Point(200, 10); label2.Text = "Label2"; form.Controls.Add(label2); group1.Text = "Group1"; group2.Text = "Group2"; group3.Text = "Group3"; group1.Size = new Size(200, 400); group2.Size = new Size(200, 400); group3.Size = new Size(180, 180); Assert.AreEqual(new Size(180, 180), group3.Size, "Tab4"); group1.Location = new Point(10, 40); group2.Location = new Point(220, 40); group3.Location = new Point(10, 210); group1.TabIndex = 30; Assert.AreEqual(30, group1.TabIndex, "Tab5"); group1.TabStop = true; // Don't assign, test automatic assignment //group2.TabIndex = 0; group2.TabStop = true; Assert.AreEqual(0, group2.TabIndex, "Tab6"); group3.TabIndex = 35; group3.TabStop = true; // Test default tab index Assert.AreEqual(0, radio11.TabIndex, "Tab7"); text1.Text = "Edit Control"; radio11.Text = "Radio 1-1 [Tab1]"; radio12.Text = "Radio 1-2 [Tab2]"; radio13.Text = "Radio 1-3 [Tab3]"; radio14.Text = "Radio 1-4 [Tab4]"; radio21.Text = "Radio 2-1 [Tab4]"; radio22.Text = "Radio 2-2 [Tab3]"; radio23.Text = "Radio 2-3 [Tab2]"; radio24.Text = "Radio 2-4 [Tab1]"; radio31.Text = "Radio 3-1 [Tab1]"; radio32.Text = "Radio 3-2 [Tab3]"; radio33.Text = "Radio 3-3 [Tab2]"; radio34.Text = "Radio 3-4 [Tab4]"; // We don't assign TabIndex for radio1X; test automatic assignment text1.TabStop = true; radio11.TabStop = true; radio21.TabIndex = 4; radio22.TabIndex = 3; radio23.TabIndex = 2; radio24.TabIndex = 1; radio24.TabStop = true; radio31.TabIndex = 11; radio31.TabStop = true; radio32.TabIndex = 13; radio33.TabIndex = 12; radio34.TabIndex = 14; text1.Location = new Point(10, 100); radio11.Location = new Point(10, 20); radio12.Location = new Point(10, 40); radio13.Location = new Point(10, 60); radio14.Location = new Point(10, 80); radio21.Location = new Point(10, 20); radio22.Location = new Point(10, 40); radio23.Location = new Point(10, 60); radio24.Location = new Point(10, 80); radio31.Location = new Point(10, 20); radio32.Location = new Point(10, 40); radio33.Location = new Point(10, 60); radio34.Location = new Point(10, 80); text1.Size = new Size(150, text1.PreferredHeight); radio11.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio12.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio13.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio14.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio21.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio22.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio23.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio24.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio31.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio32.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio33.Size = new Size(150, 20); radio34.Size = new Size(150, 20); group1.Controls.Add(text1); group1.Controls.Add(radio11); group1.Controls.Add(radio12); group1.Controls.Add(radio13); group1.Controls.Add(radio14); group2.Controls.Add(radio21); group2.Controls.Add(radio22); group2.Controls.Add(radio23); group2.Controls.Add(radio24); group3.Controls.Add(radio31); group3.Controls.Add(radio32); group3.Controls.Add(radio33); group3.Controls.Add(radio34); form.Controls.Add(group1); form.Controls.Add(group2); group2.Controls.Add(group3); // Perform some tests, the TabIndex stuff below will alter the outcome Assert.AreEqual(null, Helper.TestControl(group2, radio34, true), "Tab8"); Assert.AreEqual(31, group2.TabIndex, "Tab9"); // Does the taborder of containers and non-selectable things change behaviour? label1.TabIndex = 5; label2.TabIndex = 4; group1.TabIndex = 3; group2.TabIndex = 1; // Start verification Assert.AreEqual(null, Helper.TestControl(group2, radio34, true), "Tab10"); Assert.AreEqual(radio24.Text, Helper.TestControl(group2, group2, true), "Tab11"); Assert.AreEqual(radio31.Text, Helper.TestControl(group2, group3, true), "Tab12"); Assert.AreEqual(null, Helper.TestControl(group1, radio14, true), "Tab13"); Assert.AreEqual(radio23.Text, Helper.TestControl(group2, radio24, true), "Tab14"); Assert.AreEqual(group3.Text, Helper.TestControl(group2, radio21, true), "Tab15"); Assert.AreEqual(radio13.Text, Helper.TestControl(form, radio12, true), "Tab16"); Assert.AreEqual(label2.Text, Helper.TestControl(form, radio14, true), "Tab17"); Assert.AreEqual(group1.Text, Helper.TestControl(form, radio34, true), "Tab18"); Assert.AreEqual(radio23.Text, Helper.TestControl(group2, radio24, true), "Tab19"); // Sanity checks Assert.AreEqual(null, Helper.TestControl(radio11, radio21, true), "Tab20"); Assert.AreEqual(text1.Text, Helper.TestControl(group1, radio21, true), "Tab21"); Assert.AreEqual(radio14.Text, Helper.TestControl(form, label2, false), "Tab22"); Assert.AreEqual(radio21.Text, Helper.TestControl(group2, group3, false), "Tab23"); Assert.AreEqual(4, radio21.TabIndex, "Tab24"); Assert.AreEqual(1, radio11.TabIndex, "Tab25"); Assert.AreEqual(3, radio13.TabIndex, "Tab26"); Assert.AreEqual(35, group3.TabIndex, "Tab27"); Assert.AreEqual(1, group2.TabIndex, "Tab28"); Assert.AreEqual(label1.Text, Helper.TestControl(form, form, false), "Tab29"); Assert.AreEqual(radio14.Text, Helper.TestControl(group1, group1, false), "Tab30"); Assert.AreEqual(radio34.Text, Helper.TestControl(group3, group3, false), "Tab31"); Assert.AreEqual(null, Helper.TestControl(label1, label1, false), "Tab31"); Assert.AreEqual(null, Helper.TestControl(radio11, radio21, false), "Tab32"); form.Dispose (); } [Test] public void ScaleTest() { Control r1 = new Control(); r1.Width = 40; r1.Height = 20; r1.Scale(2); Assert.AreEqual(80, r1.Width, "Scale1"); Assert.AreEqual(40, r1.Height, "Scale2"); } [Test] public void TextTest() { Control r1 = new Control(); r1.Text = "Hi" ; Assert.AreEqual("Hi" , r1.Text , "Text1"); r1.ResetText(); Assert.AreEqual("" , r1.Text , "Text2"); } [Test] public void PubMethodTest7() { Control r1 = new Control(); r1.RightToLeft = RightToLeft.Yes ; r1.ResetRightToLeft() ; Assert.AreEqual(RightToLeft.No , r1.RightToLeft , "#81"); r1.ImeMode = ImeMode.Off ; r1.ResetImeMode () ; Assert.AreEqual(ImeMode.NoControl , r1.ImeMode , "#82"); r1.ForeColor= SystemColors.GrayText ; r1.ResetForeColor() ; Assert.AreEqual(SystemColors.ControlText , r1.ForeColor , "#83"); //r1.Font = Font.FromHdc(); r1.ResetFont () ; //Assert.AreEqual(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif , r1.Font , "#83"); r1.Cursor = Cursors.Hand ; r1.ResetCursor () ; Assert.AreEqual(Cursors.Default , r1.Cursor , "#83"); //r1.DataBindings = System.Windows.Forms.Binding ; //r1.ResetBindings() ; //Assert.AreEqual(ControlBindingsCollection , r1.DataBindings , "#83"); r1.BackColor = Color.Black ; r1.ResetBackColor() ; Assert.AreEqual( SystemColors.Control , r1.BackColor , "#84"); r1.BackColor = Color.Black ; r1.Refresh() ; Assert.AreEqual( null , r1.Region , "#85"); Rectangle M = new Rectangle(10, 20, 30 ,40); r1.RectangleToScreen(M) ; Assert.AreEqual( null , r1.Region , "#86"); } [Test] public void ScreenClientCoords() { Label l; Point p1; Point p2; Point p3; l = new Label(); l.Left = 10; l.Top = 12; l.Visible = true; p1 = new Point (10,10); p2 = l.PointToScreen(p1); p3 = l.PointToClient(p2); Assert.AreEqual (p1, p3, "SC1"); } [Test] public void ContainsTest () { Control t = new Control (); Control s = new Control (); t.Controls.Add (s); Assert.AreEqual (true, t.Contains (s), "Con1"); Assert.AreEqual (false, s.Contains (t), "Con2"); Assert.AreEqual (false, s.Contains (null), "Con3"); Assert.AreEqual (false, t.Contains (new Control ()), "Con4"); } [Test] public void CreateHandleTest () { Control parent; Control child; parent = null; child = null; try { parent = new Control (); child = new Control (); parent.Visible = true; parent.Controls.Add (child); Assert.IsFalse (parent.IsHandleCreated, "CH1"); Assert.IsFalse (child.IsHandleCreated, "CH2"); parent.CreateControl (); Assert.IsNotNull (parent.Handle, "CH3"); Assert.IsNotNull (child.Handle, "CH4"); Assert.IsTrue (parent.IsHandleCreated, "CH5"); Assert.IsTrue (child.IsHandleCreated, "CH6"); } finally { if (parent != null) parent.Dispose (); if (child != null) child.Dispose (); } // Accessing Handle Property creates the handle try { parent = new Control (); parent.Visible = true; child = new Control (); parent.Controls.Add (child); Assert.IsFalse (parent.IsHandleCreated, "CH7"); Assert.IsFalse (child.IsHandleCreated, "CH8"); Assert.IsNotNull (parent.Handle, "CH9"); Assert.IsTrue (parent.IsHandleCreated, "CH10"); Assert.IsTrue (child.IsHandleCreated, "CH11"); } finally { if (parent != null) parent.Dispose (); if (child != null) child.Dispose (); } } [Test] [Category ("NotWorking")] public void CreateHandleTest2 () { // This should eventually test all operations // that can be performed on a control (within // reason) Control c = new Control (); Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "0"); c.Width = 100; Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "1"); c.Height = 100; Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "2"); c.Name = "hi"; Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "3"); c.Left = 5; Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "5"); c.Top = 5; Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "6"); c.Location = new Point (1,1); Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "7"); c.Region = new Region (); Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "8"); c.Size = new Size (100, 100); Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "9"); c.Text = "bye"; Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "10"); c.Visible = !c.Visible; Assert.IsFalse (c.IsHandleCreated, "11"); } [Test] public void CreateGraphicsTest () { Graphics g = null; Pen p = null; try { Control c = new Control (); c.SetBounds (0,0, 20, 20); g = c.CreateGraphics (); Assert.IsNotNull (g, "Graph1"); } finally { if (p != null) p.Dispose (); if (g != null) g.Dispose (); } } bool delegateCalled = false; public delegate void TestDelegate (); public void delegate_call () { delegateCalled = true; } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(InvalidOperationException))] public void InvokeException1 () { Control c = new Control (); IAsyncResult result; result = c.BeginInvoke (new TestDelegate (delegate_call)); c.EndInvoke (result); } [Test] public void FindFormTest () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Name = "form"; Control c = null; try { f.Controls.Add (c = new Control ()); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, c.FindForm ().Name, "Find1"); f.Controls.Remove (c); GroupBox g = new GroupBox (); g.Name = "box"; f.Controls.Add (g); g.Controls.Add (c); Assert.AreEqual (f.Name, f.FindForm ().Name, "Find2"); g.Controls.Remove (c); Assert.IsNull(c.FindForm (), "Find3"); } finally { if (c != null) c.Dispose (); if (f != null) f.Dispose (); } } [Test] public void FocusTest () { Form f = null; Button c = null, d = null; try { f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; f.Visible = true; c = new Button (); c.Visible = true; f.Controls.Add (c); d = new Button (); d.Visible = false; f.Controls.Add (d); Assert.IsTrue (c.CanFocus, "Focus1"); Assert.IsFalse (c.Focused, "Focus2"); c.Focus (); Assert.IsTrue (c.Focused, "Focus3"); d.Focus (); Assert.IsFalse (d.Focused, "Focus4"); d.Visible = true; d.Focus (); Assert.IsTrue (d.Focused, "Focus5"); Assert.IsFalse (c.Focused, "Focus6"); c.Enabled = false; Assert.IsFalse (c.Focused, "Focus7"); } finally { if (f != null) f.Dispose (); if (c != null) c.Dispose (); if (d != null) d.Dispose (); } } [Test] public void FromHandleTest () { Control c1 = null; Control c2 = null; try { c1 = new Control (); c2 = new Control (); c1.Name = "parent"; c2.Name = "child"; c1.Controls.Add(c2); // Handle Assert.AreEqual (c1.Name, Control.FromHandle (c1.Handle).Name, "Handle1"); Assert.IsNull (Control.FromHandle (IntPtr.Zero), "Handle2"); // ChildHandle Assert.AreEqual (c1.Name, Control.FromChildHandle (c1.Handle).Name, "Handle3"); Assert.IsNull (Control.FromChildHandle (IntPtr.Zero), "Handle4"); } finally { if (c1 != null) c1.Dispose (); if (c2 != null) c2.Dispose (); } } [Test] public void GetChildAtPointTest () { Control c = null, d = null, e = null; try { c = new Control (); c.Name = "c1"; c.SetBounds (0, 0, 100, 100); d = new Control (); d.Name = "d1"; d.SetBounds (10, 10, 40, 40); c.Controls.Add (d); e = new Control (); e.Name = "e1"; e.SetBounds (55, 55, 10, 10); Control l = c.GetChildAtPoint (new Point (15, 15)); Assert.AreEqual (d.Name, l.Name, "Child1"); Assert.IsFalse (e.Name == l.Name, "Child2"); l = c.GetChildAtPoint (new Point (57, 57)); Assert.IsNull (l, "Child3"); l = c.GetChildAtPoint (new Point (10, 10)); Assert.AreEqual (d.Name, l.Name, "Child4"); // GetChildAtPointSkip is not implemented and the following test is breaking for Net_2_0 profile // #if NET_2_0 // c.Controls.Add (e); // e.Visible = false; // l = c.GetChildAtPoint (new Point (57, 57), GetChildAtPointSkip.Invisible); // Assert.IsNull (l, "Child5"); // e.Visible = true; // l = c.GetChildAtPoint (new Point (57, 57), GetChildAtPointSkip.Invisible); // Assert.AreSame (e.Name, l.Name, "Child6"); // #endif // NET_2_0 } finally { if (c != null) c.Dispose (); if (d != null) d.Dispose (); } } public class LayoutTestControl : Control { public int LayoutCount; public LayoutTestControl () : base() { LayoutCount = 0; } protected override void OnLayout(LayoutEventArgs levent) { LayoutCount++; base.OnLayout (levent); } } [Test] public void LayoutTest() { LayoutTestControl c; c = new LayoutTestControl(); c.SuspendLayout(); c.SuspendLayout(); c.SuspendLayout(); c.SuspendLayout(); c.ResumeLayout(true); c.PerformLayout(); c.ResumeLayout(true); c.PerformLayout(); c.ResumeLayout(true); c.PerformLayout(); c.ResumeLayout(true); c.PerformLayout(); c.ResumeLayout(true); c.PerformLayout(); c.ResumeLayout(true); c.PerformLayout(); c.ResumeLayout(true); c.PerformLayout(); c.SuspendLayout(); c.PerformLayout(); Assert.AreEqual(5, c.LayoutCount, "Layout Suspend/Resume locking does not bottom out at 0"); } [Test] [ExpectedException(typeof(ArgumentException))] public void TransparentBackgroundTest1() { Control c; c = new Control(); c.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } [Test] public void TransparentBackgroundTest2() { Panel c; c = new Panel(); c.BackColor = Color.Transparent; Assert.AreEqual(Color.Transparent, c.BackColor, "Transparent background not set"); } [Test] public void TransparentBackgroundTest3() { Control c; c = new Control(); c.BackColor = Color.Empty; Assert.AreEqual(Control.DefaultBackColor, c.BackColor, "Setting empty color failed"); } [Test] public void Dock_Value_Invalid () { Control c = new Control (); try { c.Dock = (DockStyle) 666; Assert.Fail ("#1"); } catch (InvalidEnumArgumentException ex) { Assert.AreEqual (typeof (InvalidEnumArgumentException), ex.GetType (), "#2"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.Message, "#3"); Assert.IsNotNull (ex.ParamName, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual ("value", ex.ParamName, "#5"); Assert.IsNull (ex.InnerException, "#6"); } } [Test] public void EnabledTest1() { Control child; Control parent; Control grandma; grandma = new Control(); parent = new Control(); child = new Control(); grandma.Controls.Add(parent); parent.Controls.Add(child); grandma.Enabled = false; Assert.AreEqual(grandma.Enabled, child.Enabled, "Child did not inherit disabled state"); } int EnabledCalledCount = 0; private void EnabledTest2EnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { EnabledCalledCount++; } [Test] public void EnabledTest2() { // Check nesting of enabled calls // OnEnabled is not called for disabled child controls Control child; Control parent; Control grandma; EnabledCalledCount = 0; grandma = new Control(); parent = new Control(); child = new Control(); child.EnabledChanged += new EventHandler(EnabledTest2EnabledChanged); grandma.Controls.Add(parent); parent.Controls.Add(child); grandma.Enabled = false; Assert.AreEqual(1, EnabledCalledCount, "Child Enabled Event not properly fired"); grandma.Enabled = true; Assert.AreEqual(2, EnabledCalledCount, "Child Enabled Event not properly fired"); child.Enabled = false; grandma.Enabled = false; Assert.AreEqual(3, EnabledCalledCount, "Child Enabled Event not properly fired"); } [Test] public void ControlsRemoveNullTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.Controls.Remove (null); } [Test] public void ControlsAddNullTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.Controls.Add (null); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void ControlsSetChildIndexNullTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.Controls.SetChildIndex (null, 1); } [Test] [ExpectedException (typeof (ArgumentNullException))] public void ControlsAddRangeNullTest () { Control c = new Control (); c.Controls.AddRange (null); } [Test] public void ControlsAddRangeNullElementTest () { Control c = new Control (); Control[] subcontrols = new Control[2]; subcontrols[0] = new Control (); subcontrols[1] = null; c.Controls.AddRange (subcontrols); } [Test] public void RegionTest () { Form f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; Control c = new Control (); f.Controls.Add (c); Assert.IsNull (c.Region, "#A1"); f.Show (); Assert.IsNull (c.Region, "#A2"); c.Region = null; Assert.IsNull (c.Region, "#A3"); f.Dispose (); Region region = new Region (); f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; c = new Control (); f.Controls.Add (c); c.Region = region; Assert.IsNotNull (c.Region, "#B1"); Assert.AreSame (region, c.Region, "#B2"); f.Show (); c.Region = null; Assert.IsNull (c.Region, "#B3"); f.Dispose (); } [Test] // bug #80280 [Category ("NotWorking")] public void Validated_Multiple_Containers () { Form form = new Form (); form.ShowInTaskbar = false; UserControl control1 = new UserControl(); UserControl container1 = new UserControl(); control1.Tag = true; control1.Validated += new EventHandler (Control_ValidatedHandler); container1.Controls.Add(control1); form.Controls.Add (container1); UserControl container2 = new UserControl(); UserControl control2 = new UserControl(); container2.Controls.Add(control2); form.Controls.Add (container2); Assert.IsTrue ((bool) control1.Tag, "#1"); control1.Select(); Assert.IsTrue ((bool) control1.Tag, "#2"); control2.Select(); Assert.IsFalse ((bool) control1.Tag, "#3"); form.Dispose (); } private void Control_ValidatedHandler (object sender, EventArgs e) { ((Control) sender).Tag = false; } } [TestFixture] public class ControlInvokeTest { public delegate void TestDelegate (); Form f; Control c; Thread control_t; ApplicationContext control_context; bool delegateCalled = false; object m; void CreateControl () { f = new Form (); f.ShowInTaskbar = false; c = new Control (); f.Controls.Add (c); Console.WriteLine ("f.Handle = {0}", f.Handle); Console.WriteLine ("c.Handle = {0}", c.Handle); control_context = new ApplicationContext (f); Monitor.Enter (m); Console.WriteLine ("pulsing"); Monitor.Pulse (m); Monitor.Exit (m); Console.WriteLine ("control thread running"); Application.Run (control_context); c.Dispose (); } [Test] public void InvokeTest () { m = new object (); control_t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(CreateControl)); Monitor.Enter (m); control_t.Start (); Console.WriteLine ("waiting on monitor"); Monitor.Wait (m); Console.WriteLine ("making async call"); IAsyncResult result; result = c.BeginInvoke (new TestDelegate (delegate_call)); c.EndInvoke (result); Assert.AreEqual (true, delegateCalled, "Invoke1"); } public void delegate_call () { /* invoked on control_context's thread */ delegateCalled = true; f.Dispose (); Application.Exit (); } } [TestFixture] public class ControlWMTest { [Test] public void WM_PARENTNOTIFY_Test () { WMTester tester; Control child; int child_handle; tester = new WMTester (); child = new Control (); tester.Controls.Add (child); tester.Visible = true; child.Visible = true; child_handle = child.Handle.ToInt32 (); ArrayList msgs; Message m1; msgs = tester.Find (WndMsg.WM_PARENTNOTIFY); Assert.AreEqual (1, msgs.Count, "#1"); m1 = (Message) msgs [0]; Assert.AreEqual (WndMsg.WM_CREATE, ((WndMsg) LowOrder (m1.WParam)), "#2"); //Assert.AreEqual (child.Identifier??, HighOrder (m1.WParam), "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (child_handle, m1.LParam.ToInt32 (), "#4"); child.Dispose (); msgs = tester.Find (WndMsg.WM_PARENTNOTIFY); Assert.AreEqual (2, msgs.Count, "#5"); m1 = (Message) msgs [1]; Assert.AreEqual (WndMsg.WM_DESTROY, ((WndMsg) LowOrder (m1.WParam)), "#6"); //Assert.AreEqual (child.Identifier??, HighOrder (m1.WParam), "#7"); Assert.AreEqual (child_handle, m1.LParam.ToInt32 (), "#8"); tester.Dispose (); } internal static int LowOrder (int param) { return ((int)(short)(param & 0xffff)); } internal static int HighOrder (int param) { return ((int)(short)(param >> 16)); } internal static int LowOrder (IntPtr param) { return ((int)(short)(param.ToInt32 () & 0xffff)); } internal static int HighOrder (IntPtr param) { return ((int)(short)(param.ToInt32 () >> 16)); } internal class WMTester : Form { internal ArrayList Messages = new ArrayList (); internal bool Contains (WndMsg msg) { return Contains (msg, Messages); } internal bool Contains (WndMsg msg, ArrayList list) { foreach (Message m in Messages) { if (m.Msg == (int) msg) return true; } return false; } internal ArrayList Find (WndMsg msg) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList (); foreach (Message m in Messages) { if (m.Msg == (int) msg) result.Add (m); } return result; } protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { Console.WriteLine ("WndProc: " + m.ToString ()); Messages.Add (m); base.WndProc (ref m); } } } }