// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc. // // Authors: // Alexander Olk, xenomorph2@onlinehome.de // // based on ThemeWin32Classic // // - You can activate this Theme with export MONO_THEME=nice using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Drawing.Text; namespace System.Windows.Forms { internal class ThemeNice : ThemeWin32Classic { public override Version Version { get { return new Version( 0, 0, 0, 2 ); } } static readonly Color NormalColor = Color.LightGray; static readonly Color MouseOverColor = Color.DarkGray; static readonly Color PressedColor = Color.Gray; static readonly Color FocusColor = Color.FromArgb( System.Convert.ToInt32( "0xff00c0ff", 16 ) ); static readonly Color LightColor = Color.LightGray; static readonly Color BorderColor = MouseOverColor; static readonly Color NiceBackColor = Color.FromArgb( System.Convert.ToInt32( "0xffefebe7", 16 ) ); static Bitmap size_grip_bmp = CreateSizegripDot(); #region Principal Theme Methods public ThemeNice( ) { ColorControl = NiceBackColor; } public override Color DefaultControlBackColor { get { return NiceBackColor; } } public override Color DefaultWindowBackColor { get { return NiceBackColor; } } public override Color ColorControl { get { return NiceBackColor;} } static Bitmap CreateSizegripDot() { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( 4, 4 ); using ( Graphics dc = Graphics.FromImage( bmp ) ) { SmoothingMode old_smoothing_mode = dc.SmoothingMode; dc.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Point( 4, 4 ), PressedColor, Color.White ) ) dc.FillEllipse( lgbr, new Rectangle( 0, 0, 4, 4 ) ); dc.SmoothingMode = old_smoothing_mode; } return bmp; } #endregion // Internal Methods #region ButtonBase protected override void ButtonBase_DrawButton( ButtonBase button, Graphics dc ) { Rectangle buttonRectangle; int width = button.ClientSize.Width; int height = button.ClientSize.Height; dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( button.BackColor ), button.ClientRectangle ); // set up the button rectangle buttonRectangle = button.ClientRectangle; Color use_color; Color first_color = button.has_focus ? Color.LightYellow : Color.White; if ( ( ( button is CheckBox ) && ( ( (CheckBox)button ).check_state == CheckState.Checked ) ) || ( ( button is RadioButton ) && ( ( (RadioButton)button ).check_state == CheckState.Checked ) ) ) { use_color = PressedColor; } else if ( !button.is_enabled ) { use_color = NormalColor; button.is_entered = false; } else if ( !button.is_entered ) { use_color = NormalColor; } else { if ( !button.is_pressed ) use_color = MouseOverColor; else use_color = PressedColor; } // Fill button with a nice linear gradient brush Rectangle lgbRectangle = Rectangle.Inflate( buttonRectangle, -1, -1 ); if ( button.flat_style != FlatStyle.Popup || ( ( button.flat_style == FlatStyle.Popup ) && button.is_entered ) ) { LinearGradientBrush lgbr; if ( button.flat_style == FlatStyle.Flat ) lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Point( 0, height - 1 ), use_color, first_color ); else lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Point( 0, height - 1 ), first_color, use_color ); dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, lgbRectangle ); lgbr.Dispose( ); if ( button.has_focus ) return; Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point( 2, 0 ), new Point( width - 3, 0 ), new Point( width - 1, 2 ), new Point( width - 1, height - 3 ), new Point( width - 3, height - 1 ), new Point( 2, height - 1 ), new Point( 0, height - 3 ), new Point( 0, 2 ), new Point( 2, 0 ) }; Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor ); dc.DrawLines( pen, points ); } } protected override void ButtonBase_DrawFocus( ButtonBase button, Graphics dc ) { int width = button.ClientSize.Width; int height = button.ClientSize.Height; Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point( 2, 0 ), new Point( width - 3, 0 ), new Point( width - 1, 2 ), new Point( width - 1, height - 3 ), new Point( width - 3, height - 1 ), new Point( 2, height - 1 ), new Point( 0, height - 3 ), new Point( 0, 2 ), new Point( 2, 0 ) }; Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen( FocusColor ); dc.DrawLines( pen, points ); } protected override void ButtonBase_DrawText( ButtonBase button, Graphics dc ) { if ( !( button is CheckBox ) && !(button is RadioButton ) ) { base.ButtonBase_DrawText( button, dc ); } } #endregion // ButtonBase #region CheckBox protected override void CheckBox_DrawCheckBox( Graphics dc, CheckBox checkbox, ButtonState state, Rectangle checkbox_rectangle ) { dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( checkbox.BackColor ), checkbox.ClientRectangle ); // render as per normal button if ( checkbox.appearance == Appearance.Button ) { DrawButtonBase( dc, checkbox.ClientRectangle, checkbox ); } else { // establish if we are rendering a flat style of some sort if ( checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || checkbox.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup ) { DrawFlatStyleCheckBox( dc, checkbox_rectangle, checkbox ); } else { ControlPaint.DrawCheckBox( dc, checkbox_rectangle, state ); } } } #endregion // CheckBox #region ComboBox // Drawing public override void DrawComboBoxEditDecorations( Graphics dc, ComboBox ctrl, Rectangle cl ) { if ( !ctrl.Focused ) { dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (BorderColor), cl.X, cl.Y, cl.X + cl.Width, cl.Y); //top dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), cl.X + 1, cl.Y + 1, cl.X + cl.Width - 2, cl.Y + 1); dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (BorderColor), cl.X, cl.Y, cl.X, cl.Y + cl.Height); //left dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), cl.X + 1, cl.Y + 1, cl.X + 1, cl.Y + cl.Height - 2); dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (BorderColor), cl.X + cl.Width - 1, cl.Y, cl.X + cl.Width - 1, cl.Y + cl.Height); //right dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), cl.X + cl.Width - 2, cl.Y + 1 , cl.X + cl.Width - 2, cl.Y + cl.Height - 1); dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (BorderColor), cl.X, cl.Y + cl.Height - 2, cl.X + cl.Width, cl.Y + cl.Height - 2); //down dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), cl.X, cl.Y + cl.Height - 1, cl.X + cl.Width, cl.Y + cl.Height - 1); } else { dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (FocusColor), cl.X, cl.Y, cl.X + cl.Width, cl.Y); //top dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), cl.X + 1, cl.Y + 1, cl.X + cl.Width - 2, cl.Y + 1); dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (FocusColor), cl.X, cl.Y, cl.X, cl.Y + cl.Height); //left dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), cl.X + 1, cl.Y + 1, cl.X + 1, cl.Y + cl.Height - 2); dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (FocusColor), cl.X + cl.Width - 1, cl.Y, cl.X + cl.Width - 1, cl.Y + cl.Height); //right dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (ColorControl), cl.X + cl.Width - 2, cl.Y + 1 , cl.X + cl.Width - 2, cl.Y + cl.Height - 1); dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (FocusColor), cl.X, cl.Y + cl.Height - 2, cl.X + cl.Width, cl.Y + cl.Height - 2); //down dc.DrawLine (ResPool.GetPen (FocusColor), cl.X, cl.Y + cl.Height - 1, cl.X + cl.Width, cl.Y + cl.Height - 1); } } public override void DrawComboListBoxDecorations( Graphics dc, ComboBox ctrl, Rectangle cl ) { if ( ctrl.DropDownStyle == ComboBoxStyle.Simple ) { DrawComboBoxEditDecorations( dc, ctrl, cl ); } else { dc.DrawRectangle( ResPool.GetPen( ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindowFrame ), cl.X, cl.Y, cl.Width - 1, cl.Height - 1 ); } } #endregion ComboBox #region Menus public override void DrawMenuItem( MenuItem item, DrawItemEventArgs e ) { StringFormat string_format; Rectangle rect_text = e.Bounds; if ( item.Visible == false ) return; if ( item.MenuBar ) { string_format = string_format_menu_menubar_text; } else { string_format = string_format_menu_text; } if ( item.Separator ) { e.Graphics.DrawLine( ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor ), e.Bounds.X, e.Bounds.Y, e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Y ); e.Graphics.DrawLine( ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen( Color.White ), e.Bounds.X + 1, e.Bounds.Y + 1, e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width, e.Bounds.Y + 1 ); return; } if ( !item.MenuBar ) rect_text.X += ThemeEngine.Current.MenuCheckSize.Width; if ( item.BarBreak ) { /* Draw vertical break bar*/ Rectangle rect = e.Bounds; rect.Y++; rect.Width = 3; rect.Height = item.MenuHeight - 6; e.Graphics.DrawLine( ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen( LightColor ), rect.X, rect.Y , rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height ); e.Graphics.DrawLine( ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen( ThemeEngine.Current.ColorControlLight ), rect.X + 1, rect.Y , rect.X + 1, rect.Y + rect.Height ); } Color color_text = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorMenuText; Color color_back; /* Draw background */ Rectangle rect_back = e.Bounds; rect_back.X++; rect_back.Width -= 2; if ( ( e.State & DrawItemState.Selected ) == DrawItemState.Selected ) { color_text = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorMenuText; color_back = NormalColor; using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( rect_back.X, rect_back.Y ), new Point( rect_back.Right, rect_back.Y ), Color.White, NormalColor ) )//NormalColor, Color.White ) ) { e.Graphics.FillRectangle( lgbr, rect_back ); } rect_back.Height--; e.Graphics.DrawRectangle( ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor ), rect_back ); } else { color_text = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorMenuText; color_back = NiceBackColor; e.Graphics.FillRectangle( ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( NiceBackColor ), rect_back ); } if ( item.Enabled ) { e.Graphics.DrawString( item.Text, e.Font, ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( color_text ), rect_text, string_format ); if ( !item.MenuBar && item.Shortcut != Shortcut.None && item.ShowShortcut ) { string str = item.GetShortCutText( ); Rectangle rect = rect_text; rect.X = item.XTab; rect.Width -= item.XTab; e.Graphics.DrawString( str, e.Font, ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( color_text ), rect, string_format_menu_shortcut ); } } else { ControlPaint.DrawStringDisabled( e.Graphics, item.Text, e.Font, Color.Black, rect_text, string_format ); } /* Draw arrow */ if ( item.MenuBar == false && item.IsPopup ) { int cx = ThemeEngine.Current.MenuCheckSize.Width; int cy = ThemeEngine.Current.MenuCheckSize.Height; using ( Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( cx, cy ) ) { using ( Graphics dc = Graphics.FromImage( bmp ) ) { SmoothingMode old_smoothing_mode = dc.SmoothingMode; dc.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; Rectangle rect_arrow = new Rectangle( 0, 0, cx, cy ); ControlPaint.DrawMenuGlyph( dc, rect_arrow, MenuGlyph.Arrow ); bmp.MakeTransparent( ); if ( item.Enabled ) { e.Graphics.DrawImage( bmp, e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width - cx, e.Bounds.Y + ( ( e.Bounds.Height - cy ) / 2 ) ); } else { ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled( e.Graphics, bmp, e.Bounds.X + e.Bounds.Width - cx, e.Bounds.Y + ( ( e.Bounds.Height - cy ) / 2 ), color_back ); } dc.SmoothingMode = old_smoothing_mode; } } } /* Draw checked or radio */ if ( item.MenuBar == false && item.Checked ) { Rectangle area = e.Bounds; int cx = ThemeEngine.Current.MenuCheckSize.Width; int cy = ThemeEngine.Current.MenuCheckSize.Height; using ( Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap( cx, cy ) ) { using ( Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage( bmp ) ) { Rectangle rect_arrow = new Rectangle( 0, 0, cx, cy ); if ( item.RadioCheck ) ControlPaint.DrawMenuGlyph( gr, rect_arrow, MenuGlyph.Bullet ); else ControlPaint.DrawMenuGlyph( gr, rect_arrow, MenuGlyph.Checkmark ); bmp.MakeTransparent( ); e.Graphics.DrawImage( bmp, area.X, e.Bounds.Y + ( ( e.Bounds.Height - cy ) / 2 ) ); } } } } public override void DrawPopupMenu (Graphics dc, Menu menu, Rectangle cliparea, Rectangle rect) { dc.FillRectangle (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (NiceBackColor), cliparea); /* Draw menu borders */ dc.DrawLine (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen (ThemeEngine.Current.ColorHighlightText), rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y); dc.DrawLine (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen (ThemeEngine.Current.ColorHighlightText), rect.X, rect.Y, rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height); dc.DrawLine (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen (ThemeEngine.Current.ColorControlDark), rect.X + rect.Width - 1 , rect.Y , rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height); dc.DrawLine (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen (ThemeEngine.Current.ColorControlDarkDark), rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y , rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height); dc.DrawLine (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen (ThemeEngine.Current.ColorControlDark), rect.X , rect.Y + rect.Height - 1 , rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height -1); dc.DrawLine (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen (ThemeEngine.Current.ColorControlDarkDark), rect.X , rect.Y + rect.Height, rect.X + rect.Width - 1, rect.Y + rect.Height); for (int i = 0; i < menu.MenuItems.Count; i++) if (cliparea.IntersectsWith (menu.MenuItems [i].bounds)) { MenuItem item = menu.MenuItems [i]; item.MenuHeight = menu.Height; item.PerformDrawItem (new DrawItemEventArgs (dc, ThemeEngine.Current.MenuFont, item.bounds, i, item.Status)); } } #endregion // Menus #region ProgressBar public override void DrawProgressBar( Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rect, ProgressBar ctrl ) { Rectangle client_area = ctrl.client_area; int barpos_pixels; Rectangle bar = ctrl.client_area; barpos_pixels = ( ( ctrl.Value - ctrl.Minimum ) * client_area.Width ) / ( ctrl.Maximum - ctrl.Minimum ); bar.Width = barpos_pixels; bar.Height += 1; // Draw bar background using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( client_area.Left, client_area.Top ), new Point( client_area.Left, client_area.Bottom ), LightColor, Color.White ) ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, client_area ); } // Draw bar using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( bar.Location, new Point( bar.X, bar.Bottom ), Color.White, FocusColor ) ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, bar ); } /* Draw border */ dc.DrawRectangle( ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor ), ctrl.ClientRectangle.X, ctrl.ClientRectangle.Y, ctrl.ClientRectangle.Width - 1, ctrl.ClientRectangle.Height - 1 ); dc.DrawRectangle( ResPool.GetPen( LightColor ), ctrl.ClientRectangle.X + 1, ctrl.ClientRectangle.Y + 1, ctrl.ClientRectangle.Width - 2, ctrl.ClientRectangle.Height - 2 ); } #endregion // ProgressBar #region RadioButton protected override void RadioButton_DrawButton( RadioButton radio_button, Graphics dc, ButtonState state, Rectangle radiobutton_rectangle ) { SolidBrush sb = new SolidBrush( radio_button.BackColor ); dc.FillRectangle( sb, radio_button.ClientRectangle ); sb.Dispose( ); if ( radio_button.appearance == Appearance.Button ) { DrawButtonBase( dc, radio_button.ClientRectangle, radio_button ); } else { // establish if we are rendering a flat style of some sort if ( radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Flat || radio_button.FlatStyle == FlatStyle.Popup ) { DrawButtonBase( dc, radio_button.ClientRectangle, radio_button ); } else { ControlPaint.DrawRadioButton( dc, radiobutton_rectangle, state ); } } } protected override void RadioButton_DrawFocus(RadioButton radio_button, Graphics dc, Rectangle text_rectangle) { if (radio_button.Focused && radio_button.appearance != Appearance.Button) { if (radio_button.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Flat && radio_button.FlatStyle != FlatStyle.Popup) { DrawInnerFocusRectangle (dc, text_rectangle, radio_button.BackColor); } } } #endregion // RadioButton #region ScrollBar protected override void ScrollBar_DrawThumb( ScrollBar bar, Rectangle thumb_pos, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc ) { if ( bar.Enabled && thumb_pos.Width > 0 && thumb_pos.Height > 0 && clip.IntersectsWith( thumb_pos ) ) DrawScrollBarThumb( dc, thumb_pos, bar ); } protected override void ScrollBar_Vertical_Draw_ThumbMoving_None( int scrollbutton_height, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc ) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 0, scrollbutton_height, bar.ClientRectangle.Width, bar.ClientRectangle.Height - ( scrollbutton_height * 2 ) ); Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) { using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Point( r. Width - 1, 0 ), LightColor, Color.White ) ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); } } } protected override void ScrollBar_Vertical_Draw_ThumbMoving_Forward( int scrollbutton_height, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle thumb_pos, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc ) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 0, scrollbutton_height, bar.ClientRectangle.Width, thumb_pos.Y - scrollbutton_height ); Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Point( r. Width - 1, 0 ), LightColor, Color.White ) ) { if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); r.X = 0; r.Y = thumb_pos.Y + thumb_pos.Height; r.Width = bar.ClientRectangle.Width; r.Height = bar.ClientRectangle.Height - ( thumb_pos.Y + thumb_pos.Height ) - scrollbutton_height; intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); } } protected override void ScrollBar_Vertical_Draw_ThumbMoving_Backwards( int scrollbutton_height, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle thumb_pos, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc ) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle( 0, scrollbutton_height, bar.ClientRectangle.Width, thumb_pos.Y - scrollbutton_height ); Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Point( r. Width - 1, 0 ), LightColor, Color.White ) ) { if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); r.X = 0; r.Y = thumb_pos.Y + thumb_pos.Height; r.Width = bar.ClientRectangle.Width; r.Height = bar.ClientRectangle.Height - ( thumb_pos.Y + thumb_pos.Height ) - scrollbutton_height; intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); } } protected override void ScrollBar_Horizontal_Draw_ThumbMoving_None( int scrollbutton_width, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc ) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle( scrollbutton_width, 0, bar.ClientRectangle.Width - ( scrollbutton_width * 2 ), bar.ClientRectangle.Height ); Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) { using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Point( 0, r.Height - 1 ), LightColor, Color.White ) ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); } } } protected override void ScrollBar_Horizontal_Draw_ThumbMoving_Forward( int scrollbutton_width, Rectangle thumb_pos, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc ) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle( scrollbutton_width, 0, thumb_pos.X - scrollbutton_width, bar.ClientRectangle.Height ); Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Point( 0, r.Height - 1 ), LightColor, Color.White ) ) { if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); r.X = thumb_pos.X + thumb_pos.Width; r.Y = 0; r.Width = bar.ClientRectangle.Width - ( thumb_pos.X + thumb_pos.Width ) - scrollbutton_width; r.Height = bar.ClientRectangle.Height; intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); } } protected override void ScrollBar_Horizontal_Draw_ThumbMoving_Backwards( int scrollbutton_width, Rectangle thumb_pos, ScrollBar bar, Rectangle clip, Graphics dc ) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle( scrollbutton_width, 0, thumb_pos.X - scrollbutton_width, bar.ClientRectangle.Height ); Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( 0, 0 ), new Point( 0, r.Height - 1 ), LightColor, Color.White ) ) { if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); r.X = thumb_pos.X + thumb_pos.Width; r.Y = 0; r.Width = bar.ClientRectangle.Width - ( thumb_pos.X + thumb_pos.Width ) - scrollbutton_width; r.Height = bar.ClientRectangle.Height; intersect = Rectangle.Intersect( clip, r ); if ( intersect != Rectangle.Empty ) dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, intersect ); } } #endregion // ScrollBar #region StatusBar protected override void DrawStatusBarPanel( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, int index, SolidBrush br_forecolor, StatusBarPanel panel ) { int border_size = 3; // this is actually const, even if the border style is none area.Height -= border_size; if ( panel.BorderStyle != StatusBarPanelBorderStyle.None ) { DrawNiceRoundedBorder( dc, area, BorderColor ); } if ( panel.Style == StatusBarPanelStyle.OwnerDraw ) { StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs e = new StatusBarDrawItemEventArgs( dc, panel.Parent.Font, area, index, DrawItemState.Default, panel, panel.Parent.ForeColor, panel.Parent.BackColor ); panel.Parent.OnDrawItemInternal( e ); return; } int left = area.Left; if ( panel.Icon != null ) { left += 2; dc.DrawIcon( panel.Icon, left, area.Top ); left += panel.Icon.Width; } if ( panel.Text == String.Empty ) return; string text = panel.Text; StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat( ); string_format.Trimming = StringTrimming.Character; string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; if ( text[ 0 ] == '\t' ) { string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; text = text.Substring( 1 ); if ( text[ 0 ] == '\t' ) { string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; text = text.Substring( 1 ); } } int x = left + border_size; int y = border_size + 2; Rectangle r = new Rectangle( x, y, area.Right - x - border_size, area.Bottom - y - border_size ); dc.DrawString( text, panel.Parent.Font, br_forecolor, r, string_format ); } private void DrawNiceRoundedBorder( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, Color color ) { Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen( color ); Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point( area.Left + 2, area.Top ), new Point( area.Right - 2, area.Top ), new Point( area.Right, area.Top + 2 ), new Point( area.Right, area.Bottom - 2 ), new Point( area.Right - 2, area.Bottom ), new Point( area.Left + 2, area.Bottom ), new Point( area.Left, area.Bottom - 2 ), new Point( area.Left, area.Top + 2 ), new Point( area.Left + 2, area.Top ) }; dc.DrawLines( pen, points ); } #endregion // StatusBar public override void DrawTabControl( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, TabControl tab ) { // Do we need to fill the back color? It can't be changed... dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( NiceBackColor ), area ); Rectangle panel_rect = GetTabPanelRectExt( tab ); if ( tab.Appearance == TabAppearance.Normal ) { CPDrawBorder( dc, panel_rect, BorderColor, 1, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid, BorderColor, 1, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid, BorderColor, 1, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid, BorderColor, 1, ButtonBorderStyle.Solid ); } if ( tab.Alignment == TabAlignment.Top ) { for ( int r = tab.TabPages.Count; r > 0; r-- ) { for ( int i = tab.SliderPos; i < tab.TabPages.Count; i++ ) { if ( i == tab.SelectedIndex ) continue; if ( r != tab.TabPages[ i ].Row ) continue; Rectangle rect = tab.GetTabRect( i ); if ( !rect.IntersectsWith( area ) ) continue; DrawTab( dc, tab.TabPages[ i ], tab, rect, false ); } } } else { for ( int r = 0; r < tab.TabPages.Count; r++ ) { for ( int i = tab.SliderPos; i < tab.TabPages.Count; i++ ) { if ( i == tab.SelectedIndex ) continue; if ( r != tab.TabPages[ i ].Row ) continue; Rectangle rect = tab.GetTabRect( i ); if ( !rect.IntersectsWith( area ) ) continue; DrawTab( dc, tab.TabPages[ i ], tab, rect, false ); } } } if ( tab.SelectedIndex != -1 && tab.SelectedIndex >= tab.SliderPos ) { Rectangle rect = tab.GetTabRect( tab.SelectedIndex ); if ( rect.IntersectsWith( area ) ) DrawTab( dc, tab.TabPages[ tab.SelectedIndex ], tab, rect, true ); } if ( tab.ShowSlider ) { Rectangle right = GetTabControlRightScrollRect( tab ); Rectangle left = GetTabControlLeftScrollRect( tab ); CPDrawScrollButton( dc, right, ScrollButton.Right, tab.RightSliderState ); CPDrawScrollButton( dc, left, ScrollButton.Left, tab.LeftSliderState ); } } protected override int DrawTab( Graphics dc, TabPage page, TabControl tab, Rectangle bounds, bool is_selected ) { int FlatButtonSpacing = 8; Rectangle interior; int res = bounds.Width; // we can't fill the background right away because the bounds might be adjusted if the tab is selected if ( tab.Appearance == TabAppearance.Buttons || tab.Appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons ) { dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( NiceBackColor ), bounds ); // Separators if ( tab.Appearance == TabAppearance.FlatButtons ) { int width = bounds.Width; bounds.Width += ( FlatButtonSpacing - 2 ); res = bounds.Width; CPDrawBorder3D( dc, bounds, Border3DStyle.Etched, Border3DSide.Right ); bounds.Width = width; } if ( is_selected ) { CPDrawBorder3D( dc, bounds, Border3DStyle.Sunken, Border3DSide.All ); } else if ( tab.Appearance != TabAppearance.FlatButtons ) { CPDrawBorder3D( dc, bounds, Border3DStyle.Raised, Border3DSide.All ); } interior = new Rectangle( bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Top + 2, bounds.Width - 4, bounds.Height - 4 ); StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat( ); string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; interior.Y++; dc.DrawString( page.Text, page.Font, ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( SystemColors.ControlText ), interior, string_format ); interior.Y--; } else { Pen border_pen = ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor ); dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( NiceBackColor ), bounds ); switch ( tab.Alignment ) { case TabAlignment.Top: if ( !is_selected ) { interior = new Rectangle( bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Top + 2, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height - 2 ); using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Top + 2 ), new Point( bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Bottom ), Color.White, LightColor ) ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, interior ); } } dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + 3 ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + 3, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Top ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 3 ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 3, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom ); if ( page.Focused ) { dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.DarkOrange ), bounds.Left - 1 , bounds.Top, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Top ); dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.Orange ), bounds.Left , bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Right , bounds.Top + 1 ); dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.Orange ), bounds.Left , bounds.Top + 2, bounds.Right , bounds.Top + 2 ); } interior = new Rectangle( bounds.Left + 4, bounds.Top + 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8 ); if ( page.Text != String.Empty ) { StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat( ); string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; interior.Y++; dc.DrawString( page.Text, page.Font, ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( SystemColors.ControlText ), interior, string_format ); interior.Y--; } break; case TabAlignment.Bottom: if ( !is_selected ) { interior = new Rectangle( bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top, bounds.Width - 3, bounds.Height ); using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top ), new Point( bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Bottom ), Color.White, LightColor ) ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, interior ); } } dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 3 ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 3, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Bottom ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Bottom ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom - 3 ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom - 3, bounds.Right, bounds.Top ); if ( page.Focused ) { dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.DarkOrange ), bounds.Left - 1 , bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right - 1, bounds.Bottom ); dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.Orange ), bounds.Left , bounds.Bottom - 1, bounds.Right , bounds.Bottom - 1 ); dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.Orange ), bounds.Left , bounds.Bottom - 2, bounds.Right , bounds.Bottom - 2 ); } interior = new Rectangle( bounds.Left + 4, bounds.Top + 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8 ); if ( page.Text != String.Empty ) { StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat( ); string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; interior.Y++; dc.DrawString( page.Text, page.Font, ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( SystemColors.ControlText ), interior, string_format ); interior.Y--; } break; case TabAlignment.Left: if ( !is_selected ) { interior = new Rectangle( bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Top + 2, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height - 2 ); using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Top + 2 ), new Point( bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 2 ), LightColor, Color.White ) ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, interior ); } } dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Right, bounds.Top, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Top, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + 3 ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left, bounds.Top + 3, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 3 ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom - 3, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Bottom ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left + 3, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom ); if ( page.Focused ) { dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.DarkOrange ), bounds.Left , bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Left , bounds.Bottom - 1 ); dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.Orange ), bounds.Left + 1 , bounds.Top, bounds.Left + 1 , bounds.Bottom ); dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.Orange ), bounds.Left + 2 , bounds.Top, bounds.Left + 2 , bounds.Bottom ); } interior = new Rectangle( bounds.Left + 4, bounds.Top + 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8 ); if ( page.Text != String.Empty ) { StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat( ); // Flip the text around string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical; int wo = interior.Width / 2; int ho = interior.Height / 2; dc.TranslateTransform( interior.X + wo, interior.Y + ho ); dc.RotateTransform( 180 ); dc.DrawString( page.Text, page.Font, ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( SystemColors.ControlText ), 0, 0, string_format ); dc.ResetTransform( ); } break; default: // TabAlignment.Right if ( !is_selected ) { interior = new Rectangle( bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Top + 2, bounds.Width - 2, bounds.Height - 2 ); using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( bounds.Left + 2, bounds.Top + 2 ), new Point( bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 2 ), Color.White, LightColor ) ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, interior ); } } dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Left, bounds.Top, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Top ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Top, bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 3 ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Right, bounds.Top + 3, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom - 3 ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Right, bounds.Bottom - 3, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Bottom ); dc.DrawLine( border_pen, bounds.Right - 3, bounds.Bottom, bounds.Left, bounds.Bottom ); if ( page.Focused ) { dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.DarkOrange ), bounds.Right , bounds.Top + 1, bounds.Right , bounds.Bottom - 1 ); dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.Orange ), bounds.Right - 1 , bounds.Top, bounds.Right - 1 , bounds.Bottom ); dc.DrawLine( ResPool.GetPen( Color.Orange ), bounds.Right - 2 , bounds.Top, bounds.Right - 2 , bounds.Bottom ); } interior = new Rectangle( bounds.Left + 4, bounds.Top + 4, bounds.Width - 8, bounds.Height - 8 ); if ( page.Text != String.Empty ) { StringFormat string_format = new StringFormat( ); string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; string_format.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical; interior.X++; dc.DrawString( page.Text, page.Font, ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush( SystemColors.ControlText ), interior, string_format ); interior.X--; } break; } } return res; } public override void CPDrawComboButton( Graphics dc, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state ) { Point[] arrow = new Point[ 3 ]; Point P1; Point P2; Point P3; int centerX; int centerY; int shiftX; int shiftY; Rectangle rect; Color first_color = Color.White; Color second_color = NormalColor; // rectangle.Width += 1; if ( ( state & ButtonState.Checked ) != 0 ) { dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetHatchBrush( HatchStyle.Percent50, ColorControlLightLight, ColorControlLight ), rectangle ); } else dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( Color.White ), rectangle ); if ( ( state & ButtonState.Flat ) != 0 ) { first_color = NormalColor; second_color = Color.White; } else { if ( ( state & ( ButtonState.Pushed | ButtonState.Checked ) ) != 0 ) { first_color = Color.White; second_color = PressedColor; } // else // { // CPDrawBorder3D( graphics, rectangle, Border3DStyle.Raised, Border3DSide.Left | Border3DSide.Top | Border3DSide.Right | Border3DSide.Bottom, ColorControl ); // } } using ( LinearGradientBrush lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 1 ), new Point( rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Bottom - 2 ), first_color, second_color ) ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, rectangle.X + 2, rectangle.Y + 1, rectangle.Width - 4, rectangle.Height - 3 ); } Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point( rectangle.X + 3, rectangle.Y + 1 ), new Point( rectangle.Right - 4, rectangle.Y + 1 ), new Point( rectangle.Right - 2, rectangle.Y + 3 ), new Point( rectangle.Right - 2, rectangle.Bottom - 4 ), new Point( rectangle.Right - 4, rectangle.Bottom - 2 ), new Point( rectangle.X + 3, rectangle.Bottom - 2 ), new Point( rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Bottom - 4 ), new Point( rectangle.X + 1, rectangle.Y + 3 ), new Point( rectangle.X + 3, rectangle.Y + 1 ) }; dc.DrawPolygon( ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor ), points ); rect = new Rectangle( rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 4, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 4, rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Height / 2 ); centerX = rect.Left + rect.Width / 2; centerY = rect.Top + rect.Height / 2; shiftX = Math.Max( 1, rect.Width / 8 ); shiftY = Math.Max( 1, rect.Height / 8 ); if ( ( state & ButtonState.Pushed ) != 0 ) { shiftX--; shiftY--; } rect.Y -= shiftY; centerY -= shiftY; P1 = new Point( rect.Left, centerY ); P2 = new Point( centerX, rect.Bottom ); P3 = new Point( rect.Right, centerY ); arrow[ 0 ] = P1; arrow[ 1 ] = P2; arrow[ 2 ] = P3; SmoothingMode old_smoothing_mode = dc.SmoothingMode; dc.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; /* Draw the arrow */ if ( ( state & ButtonState.Inactive ) != 0 ) { using ( Pen pen = new Pen( SystemColors.ControlLightLight, 2 ) ) { dc.DrawLines( pen, arrow ); } /* Move away from the shadow */ P1.X -= 1; P1.Y -= 1; P2.X -= 1; P2.Y -= 1; P3.X -= 1; P3.Y -= 1; arrow[ 0 ] = P1; arrow[ 1 ] = P2; arrow[ 2 ] = P3; using ( Pen pen = new Pen( SystemColors.ControlDark, 2 ) ) { dc.DrawLines( pen, arrow ); } } else { using ( Pen pen = new Pen( SystemColors.ControlText, 2 ) ) { dc.DrawLines( pen, arrow ); } } dc.SmoothingMode = old_smoothing_mode; } /* Scroll button: regular button + direction arrow */ public override void CPDrawScrollButton( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ScrollButton scroll_button_type, ButtonState state ) { bool enabled = ( state == ButtonState.Inactive ) ? false: true; DrawScrollButtonPrimitive( dc, area, state, scroll_button_type ); if ( area.Width < 12 || area.Height < 12 ) /* Cannot see a thing at smaller sizes */ return; Pen pen = null; if ( enabled ) pen = new Pen( arrow_color, 2 ); else pen = new Pen( ColorGrayText, 2 ); /* Paint arrows */ int centerX = area.Left + area.Width / 2; int centerY = area.Top + area.Height / 2; int shift = 0; if ( ( state & ButtonState.Pushed ) != 0 ) shift = 1; Point[] arrow = new Point[ 3 ]; switch ( scroll_button_type ) { case ScrollButton.Down: centerY += shift; arrow[ 0 ] = new Point( centerX - 3, centerY - 2 ); arrow[ 1 ] = new Point( centerX, centerY + 2 ); arrow[ 2 ] = new Point( centerX + 3, centerY - 2 ); break; case ScrollButton.Up: centerY -= shift; arrow[ 0 ] = new Point( centerX - 3, centerY + 2 ); arrow[ 1 ] = new Point( centerX, centerY - 2 ); arrow[ 2 ] = new Point( centerX + 3, centerY + 2 ); break; case ScrollButton.Left: centerX -= shift; arrow[ 0 ] = new Point( centerX + 2, centerY - 3 ); arrow[ 1 ] = new Point( centerX - 2, centerY ); arrow[ 2 ] = new Point( centerX + 2, centerY + 3 ); break; case ScrollButton.Right: centerX += shift; arrow[ 0 ] = new Point( centerX - 2, centerY - 3 ); arrow[ 1 ] = new Point( centerX + 2, centerY ); arrow[ 2 ] = new Point( centerX - 2, centerY + 3 ); break; default: break; } SmoothingMode old_smoothing_mode = dc.SmoothingMode; dc.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; dc.DrawLines( pen, arrow ); dc.SmoothingMode = old_smoothing_mode; pen.Dispose( ); } public override void CPDrawSizeGrip( Graphics dc, Color backColor, Rectangle bounds ) { Point pt = new Point( bounds.Right - 4, bounds.Bottom - 4 ); dc.DrawImage( size_grip_bmp, pt ); dc.DrawImage( size_grip_bmp, pt.X, pt.Y - 5 ); dc.DrawImage( size_grip_bmp, pt.X, pt.Y - 10 ); dc.DrawImage( size_grip_bmp, pt.X - 5, pt.Y ); dc.DrawImage( size_grip_bmp, pt.X - 10, pt.Y ); dc.DrawImage( size_grip_bmp, pt.X - 5, pt.Y - 5 ); } private void DrawScrollBarThumb( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ScrollBar bar ) { LinearGradientBrush lgbr = null; if ( bar.vert ) lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right, area.Y ), Color.White, NormalColor ); else lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom ), Color.White, NormalColor ); Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor ); Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y + 2 ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 3 ), new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 3 ), new Point( area.X, area.Y + 2 ), new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ) }; if ( bar.vert ) { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 2, area.Height - 2 ); dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points ); // draw grip lines only if stere is enough space if ( area.Height > 12 ) { int mid_y = area.Y + ( area.Height / 2 ); int mid_x = area.X + ( area.Width / 2 ); using ( Pen lpen = new Pen( MouseOverColor, 2 ) ) { dc.DrawLine( lpen, mid_x - 3, mid_y, mid_x + 3, mid_y ); dc.DrawLine( lpen, mid_x - 3, mid_y - 4, mid_x + 3, mid_y - 4 ); dc.DrawLine( lpen, mid_x - 3, mid_y + 4, mid_x + 3, mid_y + 4 ); } Pen spen = ResPool.GetPen( Color.White ); dc.DrawLine( spen, mid_x - 3, mid_y - 1, mid_x + 3, mid_y - 1 ); dc.DrawLine( spen, mid_x - 3, mid_y - 5, mid_x + 3, mid_y - 5 ); dc.DrawLine( spen, mid_x - 3, mid_y + 3, mid_x + 3, mid_y + 3 ); } } else { dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 2, area.Height - 2 ); dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points ); // draw grip lines only if stere is enough space if ( area.Width > 12 ) { int mid_x = area.X + ( area.Width / 2 ); int mid_y = area.Y + ( area.Height / 2 ); using ( Pen lpen = new Pen( MouseOverColor, 2 ) ) { dc.DrawLine( lpen, mid_x, mid_y - 3, mid_x, mid_y + 3 ); dc.DrawLine( lpen, mid_x - 4, mid_y - 3, mid_x - 4, mid_y + 3 ); dc.DrawLine( lpen, mid_x + 4, mid_y - 3, mid_x + 4, mid_y + 3 ); } Pen spen = ResPool.GetPen( Color.White ); dc.DrawLine( spen, mid_x - 1, mid_y - 3, mid_x - 1, mid_y + 3 ); dc.DrawLine( spen, mid_x - 5, mid_y - 3, mid_x - 5, mid_y + 3 ); dc.DrawLine( spen, mid_x + 3, mid_y - 3, mid_x + 3, mid_y + 3 ); } } lgbr.Dispose( ); } /* Nice scroll button */ public void DrawScrollButtonPrimitive( Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ButtonState state, ScrollButton scroll_button_type ) { Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor ); dc.FillRectangle( ResPool.GetSolidBrush( NiceBackColor ), area ); Color use_color; if ( ( state & ButtonState.Pushed ) == ButtonState.Pushed ) use_color = PressedColor; else use_color = NormalColor; Point[] points = null; LinearGradientBrush lgbr = null; switch ( scroll_button_type ) { case ScrollButton.Left: lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 2, area.Y ), use_color, Color.White ); dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 4, area.Height - 2 ); points = new Point[] { new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 3 ), new Point( area.X, area.Y + 2 ), new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ) }; dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points ); break; case ScrollButton.Right: lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y ), Color.White, use_color ); dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 1, area.Height - 2 ); points = new Point[] { new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y + 2 ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 3 ), new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X, area.Y ), }; dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points ); break; case ScrollButton.Up: lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ), use_color, Color.White ); dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 2, area.Height - 2 ); points = new Point[] { new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y + 2 ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X, area.Y + 2 ), new Point( area.X + 2, area.Y ) }; dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points ); break; case ScrollButton.Down: lgbr = new LinearGradientBrush( new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 1 ), Color.White, use_color ); dc.FillRectangle( lgbr, area.X + 1, area.Y + 1, area.Width - 2, area.Height - 2 ); points = new Point[] { new Point( area.X, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Y ), new Point( area.Right - 1, area.Bottom - 3 ), new Point( area.Right - 3, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X + 2, area.Bottom - 1 ), new Point( area.X, area.Bottom - 3 ), new Point( area.X, area.Y ) }; dc.DrawPolygon( pen, points ); break; } lgbr.Dispose( ); } #region GroupBox public override void DrawGroupBox (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, GroupBox box) { StringFormat text_format; SizeF size; int width; int y; Rectangle rect; rect = box.ClientRectangle; dc.FillRectangle (ResPool.GetSolidBrush (box.BackColor), rect); text_format = new StringFormat(); text_format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show; size = dc.MeasureString (box.Text, box.Font); width = (int) size.Width; if (width > box.Width - 16) width = box.Width - 16; y = box.Font.Height / 2; Pen pen = ResPool.GetPen( BorderColor ); /* Draw group box*/ Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point( 8 + width, y ), new Point( box.Width - 3, y ), new Point( box.Width - 1, y + 2 ), new Point( box.Width - 1, box.Height - 3 ), new Point( box.Width - 3, box.Height - 1 ), new Point( 2, box.Height - 1 ), new Point( 0, box.Height - 3 ), new Point( 0, y + 2 ), new Point( 2, y ), new Point( 8, y ) }; dc.DrawLines( pen, points ); /* Text */ if (box.Enabled) { dc.DrawString (box.Text, box.Font, ResPool.GetSolidBrush (box.ForeColor), 10, 0, text_format); } else { CPDrawStringDisabled (dc, box.Text, box.Font, box.ForeColor, new RectangleF (10, 0, width, box.Font.Height), text_format); } text_format.Dispose (); } #endregion } //class }