// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc. // // Authors: // Jordi Mas i Hernandez, jordi@ximian.com // Peter Dennis Bartok, pbartok@novell.com // using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Reflection; namespace System.Windows.Forms { internal enum UIIcon { PlacesRecentDocuments, PlacesDesktop, PlacesPersonal, PlacesMyComputer, PlacesMyNetwork, MessageBoxError, MessageBoxQuestion, MessageBoxWarning, MessageBoxInfo, NormalFolder } internal struct CPColor { internal Color Dark; internal Color DarkDark; internal Color Light; internal Color LightLight; internal static CPColor Empty; } // Implements a pool of system resources internal class SystemResPool { private Hashtable pens = new Hashtable (); private Hashtable dashpens = new Hashtable (); private Hashtable sizedpens = new Hashtable (); private Hashtable solidbrushes = new Hashtable (); private Hashtable hatchbrushes = new Hashtable (); private Hashtable uiImages = new Hashtable(); private Hashtable cpcolors = new Hashtable (); public SystemResPool () {} public Pen GetPen (Color color) { int hash = color.ToArgb (); lock (pens) { Pen res = pens [hash] as Pen; if (res != null) return res; Pen pen = new Pen (color); pens.Add (hash, pen); return pen; } } public Pen GetDashPen (Color color, DashStyle dashStyle) { string hash = color.ToString() + dashStyle; lock (dashpens) { Pen res = dashpens [hash] as Pen; if (res != null) return res; Pen pen = new Pen (color); pen.DashStyle = dashStyle; dashpens [hash] = pen; return pen; } } public Pen GetSizedPen (Color color, int size) { string hash = color.ToString () + size; lock (sizedpens) { Pen res = sizedpens [hash] as Pen; if (res != null) return res; Pen pen = new Pen (color, size); sizedpens [hash] = pen; return pen; } } public SolidBrush GetSolidBrush (Color color) { int hash = color.ToArgb (); lock (solidbrushes) { SolidBrush res = solidbrushes [hash] as SolidBrush; if (res != null) return res; SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush (color); solidbrushes.Add (hash, brush); return brush; } } public HatchBrush GetHatchBrush (HatchStyle hatchStyle, Color foreColor, Color backColor) { string hash = hatchStyle.ToString () + foreColor.ToString () + backColor.ToString (); lock (hatchbrushes) { if (hatchbrushes.Contains (hash)) return (HatchBrush) hatchbrushes[hash]; HatchBrush brush = new HatchBrush (hatchStyle, foreColor, backColor); hatchbrushes.Add (hash, brush); return brush; } } public void AddUIImage (Image image, string name, int size) { string hash = name + size.ToString(); lock (uiImages) { if (uiImages.Contains (hash)) return; uiImages.Add (hash, image); } } public Image GetUIImage(string name, int size) { string hash = name + size.ToString(); Image image = uiImages [hash] as Image; return image; } public CPColor GetCPColor (Color color) { lock (cpcolors) { object tmp = cpcolors [color]; if (tmp == null) { CPColor cpcolor = new CPColor (); cpcolor.Dark = ControlPaint.Dark (color); cpcolor.DarkDark = ControlPaint.DarkDark (color); cpcolor.Light = ControlPaint.Light (color); cpcolor.LightLight = ControlPaint.LightLight (color); cpcolors.Add (color, cpcolor); return cpcolor; } return (CPColor)tmp; } } } internal abstract class Theme { protected Array syscolors; private readonly Font default_font; protected Font window_border_font; protected Color defaultWindowBackColor; protected Color defaultWindowForeColor; internal SystemResPool ResPool = new SystemResPool (); private Type system_colors = Type.GetType ("System.Drawing.SystemColors, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing); protected Theme () { #if NET_2_0 default_font = SystemFonts.DefaultFont; #else default_font = new Font (FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 8.25f); #endif } private void SetSystemColors(string name, Color value) { if (system_colors != null) { MethodInfo update; system_colors.GetField(name, System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(null, value); update = system_colors.GetMethod("UpdateColors", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic); if (update != null) { update.Invoke(null, null); } } } /* OS Feature support */ public abstract Version Version { get; } /* Default properties */ public virtual Color ColorScrollBar { get { return SystemColors.ScrollBar;} set { SetSystemColors("scroll_bar", value); } } public virtual Color ColorDesktop { get { return SystemColors.Desktop;} set { SetSystemColors("desktop", value); } } public virtual Color ColorActiveCaption { get { return SystemColors.ActiveCaption;} set { SetSystemColors("active_caption", value); } } public virtual Color ColorInactiveCaption { get { return SystemColors.InactiveCaption;} set { SetSystemColors("inactive_caption", value); } } public virtual Color ColorMenu { get { return SystemColors.Menu;} set { SetSystemColors("menu", value); } } public virtual Color ColorWindow { get { return SystemColors.Window;} set { SetSystemColors("window", value); } } public virtual Color ColorWindowFrame { get { return SystemColors.WindowFrame;} set { SetSystemColors("window_frame", value); } } public virtual Color ColorMenuText { get { return SystemColors.MenuText;} set { SetSystemColors("menu_text", value); } } public virtual Color ColorWindowText { get { return SystemColors.WindowText;} set { SetSystemColors("window_text", value); } } public virtual Color ColorActiveCaptionText { get { return SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText;} set { SetSystemColors("active_caption_text", value); } } public virtual Color ColorActiveBorder { get { return SystemColors.ActiveBorder;} set { SetSystemColors("active_border", value); } } public virtual Color ColorInactiveBorder{ get { return SystemColors.InactiveBorder;} set { SetSystemColors("inactive_border", value); } } public virtual Color ColorAppWorkspace { get { return SystemColors.AppWorkspace;} set { SetSystemColors("app_workspace", value); } } public virtual Color ColorHighlight { get { return SystemColors.Highlight;} set { SetSystemColors("highlight", value); } } public virtual Color ColorHighlightText { get { return SystemColors.HighlightText;} set { SetSystemColors("highlight_text", value); } } public virtual Color ColorControl { get { return SystemColors.Control;} set { SetSystemColors("control", value); } } public virtual Color ColorControlDark { get { return SystemColors.ControlDark;} set { SetSystemColors("control_dark", value); } } public virtual Color ColorGrayText { get { return SystemColors.GrayText;} set { SetSystemColors("gray_text", value); } } public virtual Color ColorControlText { get { return SystemColors.ControlText;} set { SetSystemColors("control_text", value); } } public virtual Color ColorInactiveCaptionText { get { return SystemColors.InactiveCaptionText;} set { SetSystemColors("inactive_caption_text", value); } } public virtual Color ColorControlLight { get { return SystemColors.ControlLight;} set { SetSystemColors("control_light", value); } } public virtual Color ColorControlDarkDark { get { return SystemColors.ControlDarkDark;} set { SetSystemColors("control_dark_dark", value); } } public virtual Color ColorControlLightLight { get { return SystemColors.ControlLightLight;} set { SetSystemColors("control_light_light", value); } } public virtual Color ColorInfoText { get { return SystemColors.InfoText;} set { SetSystemColors("info_text", value); } } public virtual Color ColorInfo { get { return SystemColors.Info;} set { SetSystemColors("info", value); } } public virtual Color ColorHotTrack { get { return SystemColors.HotTrack;} set { SetSystemColors("hot_track", value);} } public virtual Color DefaultControlBackColor { get { return ColorControl; } set { ColorControl = value; } } public virtual Color DefaultControlForeColor { get { return ColorControlText; } set { ColorControlText = value; } } public virtual Font DefaultFont { get { return default_font; } } public virtual Color DefaultWindowBackColor { get { return defaultWindowBackColor; } } public virtual Color DefaultWindowForeColor { get { return defaultWindowForeColor; } } public virtual Color GetColor (XplatUIWin32.GetSysColorIndex idx) { return (Color) syscolors.GetValue ((int)idx); } public virtual void SetColor (XplatUIWin32.GetSysColorIndex idx, Color color) { syscolors.SetValue (color, (int) idx); } // Theme/UI specific defaults public virtual ArrangeDirection ArrangeDirection { get { return ArrangeDirection.Down; } } public virtual ArrangeStartingPosition ArrangeStartingPosition { get { return ArrangeStartingPosition.BottomLeft; } } public virtual Size Border3DSize { get { return new Size(2, 2); } } public virtual Size BorderStaticSize { get { return new Size(1, 1); } } public virtual Size BorderSize { get { return new Size(1, 1); } } public virtual Size CaptionButtonSize { get { return new Size(18, 18); } } public virtual int CaptionHeight { get { return XplatUI.CaptionHeight; } } public virtual Size DoubleClickSize { get { return new Size(4, 4); } } public virtual int DoubleClickTime { get { return 500; } } public virtual Size FixedFrameBorderSize { get { return new Size(3, 3); } } public virtual Size FrameBorderSize { get { return XplatUI.FrameBorderSize; } } public virtual int HorizontalScrollBarArrowWidth { get { return 16; } } public virtual int HorizontalScrollBarHeight { get { return 16; } } public virtual int HorizontalScrollBarThumbWidth { get { return 16; } } public virtual Size IconSpacingSize { get { return new Size(75, 75); } } public virtual bool MenuAccessKeysUnderlined { get { return true; } } public virtual Size MenuButtonSize { get { return new Size(18, 18); } } public virtual Size MenuCheckSize { get { return new Size(13, 13); } } public virtual Font MenuFont { get { return default_font; } } public virtual int MenuHeight { get { return XplatUI.MenuHeight; } } public virtual int MouseWheelScrollLines { get { return 3; } } public virtual bool RightAlignedMenus { get { return false; } } public virtual Size ToolWindowCaptionButtonSize { get { return new Size(15, 15); } } public virtual int ToolWindowCaptionHeight { get { return 16; } } public virtual int VerticalScrollBarArrowHeight { get { return 16; } } public virtual int VerticalScrollBarThumbHeight { get { return 16; } } public virtual int VerticalScrollBarWidth { get { return 16; } } public virtual Font WindowBorderFont { get { return window_border_font; } } public int Clamp (int value, int lower, int upper) { if (value < lower) return lower; else if (value > upper) return upper; else return value; } [MonoTODO("Figure out where to point for My Network Places")] public virtual string Places(UIIcon index) { switch (index) { case UIIcon.PlacesRecentDocuments: { // Default = "Recent Documents" return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Recent); } case UIIcon.PlacesDesktop: { // Default = "Desktop" return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); } case UIIcon.PlacesPersonal: { // Default = "My Documents" return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal); } case UIIcon.PlacesMyComputer: { // Default = "My Computer" return Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer); } case UIIcon.PlacesMyNetwork: { // Default = "My Network Places" return "/tmp"; } default: { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index", index, "Unsupported place"); } } } // // This routine fetches images embedded as assembly resources (not // resgen resources). It optionally scales the image to fit the // specified size x dimension (it adjusts y automatically to fit that). // private Image GetSizedResourceImage(string name, int width) { Image image = ResPool.GetUIImage (name, width); if (image != null) return image; string fullname; if (width > 0) { // Try name_width fullname = String.Format("{1}_{0}", name, width); image = ResourceImageLoader.Get (fullname); if (image != null){ ResPool.AddUIImage (image, name, width); return image; } } // Just try name image = ResourceImageLoader.Get (name); if (image == null) return null; ResPool.AddUIImage (image, name, 0); if (image.Width != width && width != 0){ Console.Error.WriteLine ("warning: requesting icon that not been tuned {0}_{1} {2}", width, name, image.Width); int height = (image.Height * width)/image.Width; Bitmap b = new Bitmap (width, height); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage (b); g.DrawImage (image, 0, 0, width, height); ResPool.AddUIImage (b, name, width); return b; } return image; } public virtual Image Images(UIIcon index) { return Images(index, 0); } public virtual Image Images(UIIcon index, int size) { switch (index) { case UIIcon.PlacesRecentDocuments: return GetSizedResourceImage ("document-open.png", size); case UIIcon.PlacesDesktop: return GetSizedResourceImage ("user-desktop.png", size); case UIIcon.PlacesPersonal: return GetSizedResourceImage ("user-home.png", size); case UIIcon.PlacesMyComputer: return GetSizedResourceImage ("computer.png", size); case UIIcon.PlacesMyNetwork: return GetSizedResourceImage ("folder-remote.png", size); // Icons for message boxes case UIIcon.MessageBoxError: return GetSizedResourceImage ("dialog-error.png", size); case UIIcon.MessageBoxInfo: return GetSizedResourceImage ("dialog-information.png", size); case UIIcon.MessageBoxQuestion: return GetSizedResourceImage ("dialog-question.png", size); case UIIcon.MessageBoxWarning: return GetSizedResourceImage ("dialog-warning.png", size); // misc Icons case UIIcon.NormalFolder: return GetSizedResourceImage ("folder.png", size); default: { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Icon type requested", "index"); } } } public virtual Image Images(string mimetype, string extension, int size) { return null; } #region Principal Theme Methods // To let the theme now that a change of defaults (colors, etc) was detected and force a re-read (and possible recreation of cached resources) public abstract void ResetDefaults(); // If the theme writes directly to a window instead of a device context public abstract bool DoubleBufferingSupported {get;} #endregion // Principal Theme Methods #region OwnerDraw Support public abstract void DrawOwnerDrawBackground (DrawItemEventArgs e); public abstract void DrawOwnerDrawFocusRectangle (DrawItemEventArgs e); #endregion // OwnerDraw Support #region Button public abstract void CalculateButtonTextAndImageLayout (Button b, out Rectangle textRectangle, out Rectangle imageRectangle); public abstract void DrawButton (Graphics g, Button b, Rectangle textBounds, Rectangle imageBounds, Rectangle clipRectangle); public abstract void DrawFlatButton (Graphics g, Button b, Rectangle textBounds, Rectangle imageBounds, Rectangle clipRectangle); public abstract void DrawPopupButton (Graphics g, Button b, Rectangle textBounds, Rectangle imageBounds, Rectangle clipRectangle); #endregion // Button #region ButtonBase // Drawing public abstract void DrawButtonBase(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_area, ButtonBase button); // Sizing public abstract Size ButtonBaseDefaultSize{get;} #endregion // ButtonBase #region CheckBox public abstract void DrawCheckBox(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_area, CheckBox checkbox); #endregion // CheckBox #region CheckedListBox // Drawing public abstract void DrawCheckedListBoxItem (CheckedListBox ctrl, DrawItemEventArgs e); #endregion // CheckedListBox #region ComboBox // Drawing public abstract void DrawComboBoxItem (ComboBox ctrl, DrawItemEventArgs e); public abstract void DrawFlatStyleComboButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state); #endregion // ComboBox #region Control #endregion // Control #region Datagrid public abstract int DataGridPreferredColumnWidth { get; } public abstract int DataGridMinimumColumnCheckBoxHeight { get; } public abstract int DataGridMinimumColumnCheckBoxWidth { get; } // Default colours public abstract Color DataGridAlternatingBackColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridBackColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridBackgroundColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridCaptionBackColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridCaptionForeColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridGridLineColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridHeaderBackColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridHeaderForeColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridLinkColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridLinkHoverColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridParentRowsBackColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridParentRowsForeColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridSelectionBackColor { get; } public abstract Color DataGridSelectionForeColor { get; } // Paint public abstract void DataGridPaint (PaintEventArgs pe, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintCaption (Graphics g, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintColumnHeaders (Graphics g, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintRowContents (Graphics g, int row, Rectangle row_rect, bool is_newrow, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintRowHeader (Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, int row, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintRowHeaderArrow (Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintParentRows (Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintParentRow (Graphics g, Rectangle bounds, DataGridDataSource row, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintRows (Graphics g, Rectangle cells, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintRow (Graphics g, int row, Rectangle row_rect, bool is_newrow, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid); public abstract void DataGridPaintRelationRow (Graphics g, int row, Rectangle row_rect, bool is_newrow, Rectangle clip, DataGrid grid); #endregion // Datagrid #region DateTimePicker public abstract void DrawDateTimePicker(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, DateTimePicker dtp); #endregion // DateTimePicker #region GroupBox // Drawing public abstract void DrawGroupBox (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_area, GroupBox box); // Sizing public abstract Size GroupBoxDefaultSize{get;} #endregion // GroupBox #region HScrollBar public abstract Size HScrollBarDefaultSize{get;} // Default size of the scrollbar #endregion // HScrollBar #region Label // Drawing public abstract void DrawLabel (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, Label label); // Sizing public abstract Size LabelDefaultSize{get;} #endregion // Label #region LinkLabel public abstract void DrawLinkLabel (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, LinkLabel label); #endregion // LinkLabel #region ListBox // Drawing public abstract void DrawListBoxItem (ListBox ctrl, DrawItemEventArgs e); #endregion // ListBox #region ListView // Drawing public abstract void DrawListViewItems (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, ListView control); public abstract void DrawListViewHeader (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, ListView control); public abstract void DrawListViewHeaderDragDetails (Graphics dc, ListView control, ColumnHeader drag_column, int target_x); // Sizing public abstract Size ListViewCheckBoxSize { get; } public abstract int ListViewColumnHeaderHeight { get; } public abstract int ListViewDefaultColumnWidth { get; } public abstract int ListViewVerticalSpacing { get; } public abstract int ListViewEmptyColumnWidth { get; } public abstract int ListViewHorizontalSpacing { get; } public abstract Size ListViewDefaultSize { get; } public abstract int ListViewGroupHeight { get; } public abstract int ListViewTileWidthFactor { get; } public abstract int ListViewTileHeightFactor { get; } #endregion // ListView #region Menus public abstract void CalcItemSize (Graphics dc, MenuItem item, int y, int x, bool menuBar); public abstract void CalcPopupMenuSize (Graphics dc, Menu menu); public abstract int CalcMenuBarSize (Graphics dc, Menu menu, int width); public abstract void DrawMenuBar (Graphics dc, Menu menu, Rectangle rect); public abstract void DrawMenuItem (MenuItem item, DrawItemEventArgs e); public abstract void DrawPopupMenu (Graphics dc, Menu menu, Rectangle cliparea, Rectangle rect); #endregion // Menus #region MonthCalendar public abstract void DrawMonthCalendar(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, MonthCalendar month_calendar); #endregion // MonthCalendar #region Panel // Sizing public abstract Size PanelDefaultSize{get;} #endregion // Panel #region PictureBox // Drawing public abstract void DrawPictureBox (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, PictureBox pb); // Sizing public abstract Size PictureBoxDefaultSize{get;} #endregion // PictureBox #region PrintPreviewControl public abstract int PrintPreviewControlPadding{get;} public abstract Size PrintPreviewControlGetPageSize (PrintPreviewControl preview); public abstract void PrintPreviewControlPaint (PaintEventArgs pe, PrintPreviewControl preview, Size page_image_size); #endregion // PrintPreviewControl #region ProgressBar // Drawing public abstract void DrawProgressBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, ProgressBar progress_bar); // Sizing public abstract Size ProgressBarDefaultSize{get;} #endregion // ProgressBar #region RadioButton // Drawing public abstract void DrawRadioButton (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, RadioButton radio_button); // Sizing public abstract Size RadioButtonDefaultSize{get;} #endregion // RadioButton #region ScrollBar // Drawing //public abstract void DrawScrollBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, ScrollBar bar, ref Rectangle thumb_pos, ref Rectangle first_arrow_area, ref Rectangle second_arrow_area, ButtonState first_arrow, ButtonState second_arrow, ref int scrollbutton_width, ref int scrollbutton_height, bool vert); public abstract void DrawScrollBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, ScrollBar bar); // Sizing public abstract int ScrollBarButtonSize {get;} // Size of the scroll button #endregion // ScrollBar #region StatusBar // Drawing public abstract void DrawStatusBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, StatusBar sb); // Sizing public abstract int StatusBarSizeGripWidth {get;} // Size of Resize area public abstract int StatusBarHorzGapWidth {get;} // Gap between panels public abstract Size StatusBarDefaultSize{get;} #endregion // StatusBar #region TabControl public abstract Size TabControlDefaultItemSize { get; } public abstract Point TabControlDefaultPadding { get; } public abstract int TabControlMinimumTabWidth { get; } public abstract Rectangle GetTabControlLeftScrollRect (TabControl tab); public abstract Rectangle GetTabControlRightScrollRect (TabControl tab); public abstract Rectangle GetTabControlDisplayRectangle (TabControl tab); public abstract Size TabControlGetSpacing (TabControl tab); public abstract void DrawTabControl (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, TabControl tab); #endregion #region ToolBar // Drawing public abstract void DrawToolBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, ToolBar control); // Sizing public abstract int ToolBarGripWidth {get;} // Grip width for the ToolBar public abstract int ToolBarImageGripWidth {get;} // Grip width for the Image on the ToolBarButton public abstract int ToolBarSeparatorWidth {get;} // width of the separator public abstract int ToolBarDropDownWidth { get; } // width of the dropdown arrow rect public abstract int ToolBarDropDownArrowWidth { get; } // width for the dropdown arrow on the ToolBarButton public abstract int ToolBarDropDownArrowHeight { get; } // height for the dropdown arrow on the ToolBarButton public abstract Size ToolBarDefaultSize{get;} #endregion // ToolBar #region ToolTip public abstract void DrawToolTip(Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, ToolTip.ToolTipWindow control); public abstract Size ToolTipSize(ToolTip.ToolTipWindow tt, string text); #endregion // ToolTip #region TrackBar // Drawing public abstract void DrawTrackBar (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip_rectangle, TrackBar tb); // Sizing public abstract Size TrackBarDefaultSize{get; } // Default size for the TrackBar control #endregion // TrackBar #region VScrollBar public abstract Size VScrollBarDefaultSize{get;} // Default size of the scrollbar #endregion // VScrollBar #region TreeView public abstract Size TreeViewDefaultSize { get; } #endregion public virtual void DrawManagedWindowDecorations (Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, InternalWindowManager wm) { // Just making virtual for now so all the themes still build. } public virtual int ManagedWindowTitleBarHeight (InternalWindowManager wm) { // Just making virtual for now so all the themes still build. return 15; } public virtual int ManagedWindowBorderWidth (InternalWindowManager wm) { // Just making virtual for now so all the themes still build. return 3; } public virtual int ManagedWindowIconWidth (InternalWindowManager wm) { // Just making virtual for now so all the themes still build. return ManagedWindowTitleBarHeight (wm) - 5; } public virtual Size ManagedWindowButtonSize (InternalWindowManager wm) { // Just making virtual for now so all the themes still build. return new Size (10, 10); } public virtual void ManagedWindowSetButtonLocations (InternalWindowManager wm) { // Just making virtual for now so all the themes still build. } #region ControlPaint Methods public abstract void CPDrawBorder (Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds, Color leftColor, int leftWidth, ButtonBorderStyle leftStyle, Color topColor, int topWidth, ButtonBorderStyle topStyle, Color rightColor, int rightWidth, ButtonBorderStyle rightStyle, Color bottomColor, int bottomWidth, ButtonBorderStyle bottomStyle); public abstract void CPDrawBorder3D (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, Border3DStyle style, Border3DSide sides); public abstract void CPDrawButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state); public abstract void CPDrawCaptionButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, CaptionButton button, ButtonState state); public abstract void CPDrawCheckBox (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state); public abstract void CPDrawComboButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state); public abstract void CPDrawContainerGrabHandle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle bounds); public abstract void CPDrawFocusRectangle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, Color foreColor, Color backColor); public abstract void CPDrawGrabHandle (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, bool primary, bool enabled); public abstract void CPDrawGrid (Graphics graphics, Rectangle area, Size pixelsBetweenDots, Color backColor); public abstract void CPDrawImageDisabled (Graphics graphics, Image image, int x, int y, Color background); public abstract void CPDrawLockedFrame (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, bool primary); public abstract void CPDrawMenuGlyph (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, MenuGlyph glyph, Color color); public abstract void CPDrawRadioButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ButtonState state); public abstract void CPDrawReversibleFrame (Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor, FrameStyle style); public abstract void CPDrawReversibleLine (Point start, Point end, Color backColor); public abstract void CPDrawScrollButton (Graphics graphics, Rectangle rectangle, ScrollButton button, ButtonState state); public abstract void CPDrawSelectionFrame (Graphics graphics, bool active, Rectangle outsideRect, Rectangle insideRect, Color backColor); public abstract void CPDrawSizeGrip (Graphics graphics, Color backColor, Rectangle bounds); public abstract void CPDrawStringDisabled (Graphics graphics, string s, Font font, Color color, RectangleF layoutRectangle, StringFormat format); public abstract void CPDrawBorderStyle (Graphics dc, Rectangle area, BorderStyle border_style); #endregion // ControlPaint Methods } }