#region generated code 11.06.2005 12:21:32 using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; namespace System.Windows.Forms { internal struct MimeGenerated { public static NameValueCollection Aliases = new NameValueCollection( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new Comparer( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture ) ); public static NameValueCollection SubClasses = new NameValueCollection( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new Comparer( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture ) ); public static NameValueCollection GlobalPatternsShort = new NameValueCollection( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new Comparer( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture ) ); public static NameValueCollection GlobalPatternsLong = new NameValueCollection( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new Comparer( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture ) ); public static NameValueCollection GlobalLiterals = new NameValueCollection( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new Comparer( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture ) ); public static NameValueCollection GlobalSufPref = new NameValueCollection( new CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider(), new Comparer( System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture ) ); public static Hashtable MimeTypes = new Hashtable(); public static ArrayList Matches80Plus = new ArrayList(); public static ArrayList MatchesBelow80 = new ArrayList(); public static void Init() { Aliases.Add( "application/pdf", "application/x-pdf" ); Aliases.Add( "application/stuffit", "application/x-stuffit" ); Aliases.Add( "application/stuffit", "application/x-sit" ); Aliases.Add( "application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3", "application/x-lotus123" ); Aliases.Add( "application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3", "application/x-123" ); Aliases.Add( "application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3", "application/lotus123" ); Aliases.Add( "application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3", "application/wk1" ); Aliases.Add( "application/vnd.ms-excel", "application/msexcel" ); Aliases.Add( "application/msword", "application/vnd.ms-word" ); Aliases.Add( "application/vnd.wordperfect", "application/x-wordperfect" ); 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match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 80, 79, 94, 81, 96 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/msword"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 254, 55, 0, 35 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/msword"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 219, 165, 45, 0, 0, 0 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/msword"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2080; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 27 ] { 77, 105, 99, 114, 111, 115, 111, 102, 116, 32, 87, 111, 114, 100, 32, 54, 46, 48, 32, 68, 111, 99, 117, 109, 101, 110, 116 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/msword"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2112; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 28 ] { 77, 105, 99, 114, 111, 115, 111, 102, 116, 32, 87, 111, 114, 100, 32, 100, 111, 99, 117, 109, 101, 110, 116, 32, 100, 97, 116, 97 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 30; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 36 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101, 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 118, 110, 100, 46, 115, 117, 110, 46, 120, 109, 108, 46, 99, 97, 108, 99 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/vnd.wordperfect"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 87, 80, 67 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-xbel"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 120, 98, 101, 108 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-abiword"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 60, 97, 98, 105, 119, 111, 114, 100 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-abiword"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 97, 98, 105, 119, 111, 114, 100 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-applix-spreadsheet"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 19 ] { 42, 66, 69, 71, 73, 78, 32, 83, 80, 82, 69, 65, 68, 83, 72, 69, 69, 84, 83 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-applix-spreadsheet"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 42, 66, 69, 71, 73, 78 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 7; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 12 ] { 83, 80, 82, 69, 65, 68, 83, 72, 69, 69, 84, 83 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-applix-word"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 42, 66, 69, 71, 73, 78 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 7; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 87, 79, 82, 68, 83 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-arc"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 8, 26 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 4 ] { 128, 128, 255, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-arc"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 9, 26 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 4 ] { 128, 128, 255, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-arc"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 2, 26 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 4 ] { 128, 128, 255, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-arc"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 3, 26 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 4 ] { 128, 128, 255, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-arc"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 4, 26 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 4 ] { 128, 128, 255, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-arc"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 6, 26 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 4 ] { 128, 128, 255, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-archive"; match0.Priority = 45; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 60, 97, 114, 62 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-archive"; match0.Priority = 45; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 33, 60, 97, 114, 99, 104, 62 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-arj"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 234, 96 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 11 ] { 35, 33, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 103, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 12 ] { 35, 33, 32, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 103, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 15 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 103, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 16 ] { 35, 33, 32, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 103, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 21 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 108, 111, 99, 97, 108, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 103, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 22 ] { 35, 33, 32, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 108, 111, 99, 97, 108, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 103, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 10 ] { 35, 33, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 11 ] { 35, 33, 32, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-awk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 15 ] { 35, 33, 32, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-bittorrent"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 11 ] { 100, 56, 58, 97, 110, 110, 111, 117, 110, 99, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-blender"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 66, 76, 69, 78, 68, 69, 82 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-bzip"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 66, 90, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-compress"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 157 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-core"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 4 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 17 ] { 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-core"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 5; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 1 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 16; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 4, 0 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-core"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 5; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 2 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 16; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig16; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 0, 4 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-core"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 67, 111, 114, 101, 1 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-core"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 67, 111, 114, 101, 2 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-cpio"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeHost16; match0.WordSize = 2; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 199, 113 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-cpio"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 48, 55, 48, 55, 48, 49 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-cpio"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 48, 55, 48, 55, 48, 50 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-cpio"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeHost16; match0.WordSize = 2; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 113, 199 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-csh"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 116, 99, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-csh"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 99, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-csh"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 18 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 101, 110, 118, 32, 99, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-csh"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 19 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 101, 110, 118, 32, 116, 99, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-dbm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 6, 21, 97 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-deb"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 33, 60, 97, 114, 99, 104, 62 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 8; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 100, 101, 98, 105, 97, 110 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-desktop"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 32; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 15 ] { 91, 68, 101, 115, 107, 116, 111, 112, 32, 69, 110, 116, 114, 121, 93 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-desktop"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 15 ] { 91, 68, 101, 115, 107, 116, 111, 112, 32, 65, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-desktop"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 19 ] { 91, 75, 68, 69, 32, 68, 101, 115, 107, 116, 111, 112, 32, 69, 110, 116, 114, 121, 93 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-desktop"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 13 ] { 35, 32, 67, 111, 110, 102, 105, 103, 32, 70, 105, 108, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-desktop"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 35, 32, 75, 68, 69, 32, 67, 111, 110, 102, 105, 103, 32, 70, 105, 108, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-dia-diagram"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 5; match0.OffsetLength = 95; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 100, 105, 97, 58 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-dvi"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 2, 247 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-executable"; match0.Priority = 40; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 5; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 1 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 16; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 2, 0 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-executable"; match0.Priority = 40; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 5; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 2 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 16; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig16; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 0, 2 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-executable"; match0.Priority = 40; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 77, 90 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-executable"; match0.Priority = 40; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 82, 28 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-executable"; match0.Priority = 40; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeHost16; match0.WordSize = 2; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 16, 1 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-executable"; match0.Priority = 40; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeHost16; match0.WordSize = 2; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 17, 1 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-executable"; match0.Priority = 40; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 131, 1 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-type1"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 76, 87, 70, 78 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-type1"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 65; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 76, 87, 70, 78 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-type1"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 37, 33, 80, 83, 45, 65, 100, 111, 98, 101, 70, 111, 110, 116, 45, 49, 46 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-type1"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 6; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 37, 33, 80, 83, 45, 65, 100, 111, 98, 101, 70, 111, 110, 116, 45, 49, 46 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-type1"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 37, 33, 70, 111, 110, 116, 84, 121, 112, 101, 49, 45, 49, 46 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-type1"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 6; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 37, 33, 70, 111, 110, 116, 84, 121, 112, 101, 49, 45, 49, 46 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-bdf"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 10 ] { 83, 84, 65, 82, 84, 70, 79, 78, 84, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-dos"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 255, 70, 79, 78 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-dos"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 7; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 69, 71, 65 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-dos"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 7; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 86, 73, 68 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-framemaker"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 16 ] { 60, 77, 97, 107, 101, 114, 83, 99, 114, 101, 101, 110, 70, 111, 110, 116 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-libgrx"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 20, 2, 89, 25 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-linux-psf"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 54, 4 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-pcf"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 1, 102, 99, 112 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-otf"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 79, 84, 84, 79 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-speedo"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 68, 49, 46, 48, 13 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-sunos-news"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 83, 116, 97, 114, 116, 70, 111, 110, 116 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-sunos-news"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 19, 122, 41 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-sunos-news"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 8; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 19, 122, 43 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-tex"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 247, 131 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-tex"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 247, 89 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-tex"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 247, 202 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-tex-tfm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 0, 17 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-tex-tfm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 0, 18 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-ttf"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 70, 70, 73, 76 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-ttf"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 65; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 70, 70, 73, 76 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-ttf"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-font-vfont"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 70, 79, 78, 84 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-frame"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 10 ] { 60, 77, 97, 107, 101, 114, 70, 105, 108, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-frame"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 60, 77, 73, 70, 70, 105, 108, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-frame"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 16 ] { 60, 77, 97, 107, 101, 114, 68, 105, 99, 116, 105, 111, 110, 97, 114, 121 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-frame"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 15 ] { 60, 77, 97, 107, 101, 114, 83, 99, 114, 101, 101, 110, 70, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-frame"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 60, 77, 77, 76 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-frame"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 66, 111, 111, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-frame"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 60, 77, 97, 107, 101, 114 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-gdbm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 19, 87, 154, 206 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-gdbm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 19, 87, 154, 206 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-gdbm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 71, 68, 66, 77 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-gmc-link"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 32; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 85, 82, 76, 58 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-gnumeric"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 12 ] { 103, 109, 114, 58, 87, 111, 114, 107, 98, 111, 111, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-gtktalog"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 4; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 103, 116, 107, 116, 97, 108, 111, 103, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-gzip"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-ipod-firmware"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 83, 32, 84, 32, 79, 32, 80 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-java"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeHost16; match0.WordSize = 2; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 202, 254 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 2; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeHost16; match1.WordSize = 2; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 186, 190 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-java-jnlp-file"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 106, 110, 108, 112 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-karbon"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 22 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 97, 114, 98, 111, 110, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-karbon"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 30; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 38; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 20 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 97, 114, 98, 111, 110 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kchart"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 22 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 99, 104, 97, 114, 116, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kchart"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 30; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 38; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 20 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 99, 104, 97, 114, 116 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kformula"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 24 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 102, 111, 114, 109, 117, 108, 97, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kformula"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 30; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 38; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 22 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 102, 111, 114, 109, 117, 108, 97 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-killustrator"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 28 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 105, 108, 108, 117, 115, 116, 114, 97, 116, 111, 114, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kivio"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 21 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 105, 118, 105, 111, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kivio"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 30; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 38; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 19 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 105, 118, 105, 111 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kontour"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 23 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 111, 110, 116, 111, 117, 114, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kontour"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 30; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 38; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 21 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 111, 110, 116, 111, 117, 114 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kpresenter"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 26 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 112, 114, 101, 115, 101, 110, 116, 101, 114, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kpresenter"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 30; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 38; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 24 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 112, 114, 101, 115, 101, 110, 116, 101, 114 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-krita"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 21 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 114, 105, 116, 97, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-krita"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 30; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 38; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 19 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 114, 105, 116, 97 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kspread"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 23 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 115, 112, 114, 101, 97, 100, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kspread"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 30; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 38; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 21 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 115, 112, 114, 101, 97, 100 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kspread-crypt"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 13, 26, 39, 2 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-ksysv-package"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 4; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 75, 83, 121, 115, 86 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kword"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 31, 139 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 10; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 75, 79, 102, 102, 105, 99, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 18; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 21 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 119, 111, 114, 100, 4, 6 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kword"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 30; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 105, 109, 101, 116, 121, 112, 101 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 38; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 19 ] { 97, 112, 112, 108, 105, 99, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 47, 120, 45, 107, 119, 111, 114, 100 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-kword-crypt"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 13, 26, 39, 1 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 104, 32, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 104, 48, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 104, 49, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 104, 50, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 104, 51, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 104, 52, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 104, 53, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 45, 108, 104, 52, 48, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 104, 100, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 122, 52, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 122, 53, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-lha"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 2; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 45, 108, 122, 115, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-lyx"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 35, 76, 121, 88 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-macbinary"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 102; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 109, 66, 73, 78 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-matroska"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 8; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 109, 97, 116, 114, 111, 115, 107, 97 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-mozilla-bookmarks"; match0.Priority = 80; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 35 ] { 60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 78, 69, 84, 83, 67, 65, 80, 69, 45, 66, 111, 111, 107, 109, 97, 114, 107, 45, 102, 105, 108, 101, 45, 49, 62 }; Matches80Plus.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-ms-dos-executable"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 77, 90 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-mswinurl"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 16 ] { 73, 110, 116, 101, 114, 110, 101, 116, 83, 104, 111, 114, 116, 99, 117, 116 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-nautilus-link"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 32; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 30 ] { 60, 110, 97, 117, 116, 105, 108, 117, 115, 95, 111, 98, 106, 101, 99, 116, 32, 110, 97, 117, 116, 105, 108, 117, 115, 95, 108, 105, 110, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-netscape-bookmarks"; match0.Priority = 80; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 35 ] { 60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 78, 69, 84, 83, 67, 65, 80, 69, 45, 66, 111, 111, 107, 109, 97, 114, 107, 45, 102, 105, 108, 101, 45, 49, 62 }; Matches80Plus.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-object"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 5; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 1 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 16; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 1, 0 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-object"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 5; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 2 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 16; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig16; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 0, 1 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/ogg"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 79, 103, 103, 83 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-ole-storage"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 208, 207, 17, 224, 161, 177, 26, 225 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-oleo"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 31; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 79, 108, 101, 111 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-par2"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 65, 82, 50 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-pef-executable"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 74, 111, 121, 33 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-perl"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 30 ] { 101, 118, 97, 108, 32, 34, 101, 120, 101, 99, 32, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 108, 111, 99, 97, 108, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 101, 114, 108 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-perl"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 101, 114, 108 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-perl"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 13 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 101, 110, 118, 32, 112, 101, 114, 108 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-php"; match0.Priority = 80; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 63, 112, 104, 112 }; Matches80Plus.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-python-bytecode"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 153, 78, 13, 10 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-rar"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 82, 97, 114, 33 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-rpm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 237, 171, 238, 219 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-ruby"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 13 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 101, 110, 118, 32, 114, 117, 98, 121 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-ruby"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 114, 117, 98, 121 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-sc"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 38; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 11 ] { 83, 112, 114, 101, 97, 100, 115, 104, 101, 101, 116 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-sharedlib"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 5; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 1 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 16; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 3, 0 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-sharedlib"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 5; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 2 }; if ( match1.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match2 = null; match2 = new Match(); match2.Offset = 16; match2.OffsetLength = 1; match2.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig16; match2.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 0, 3 }; match1.Matches.Add( match2 ); } match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-sharedlib"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 131, 1 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 22; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 0, 32 }; match1.Mask = new byte[ 3 ] { 3, 0, 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-sharedlib"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 127, 69, 76, 70, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 3 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 17 ] { 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 10; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 25 ] { 35, 32, 84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 115, 104, 101, 108, 108, 32, 97, 114, 99, 104, 105, 118, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 98, 97, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 110, 97, 119, 107 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 122, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 107, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 101, 110, 118, 32, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 19 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 101, 110, 118, 32, 98, 97, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 18 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 101, 110, 118, 32, 122, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shellscript"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 18 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 101, 110, 118, 32, 107, 115, 104 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-shockwave-flash"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 70, 87, 83 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-stuffit"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 83, 116, 117, 102, 102, 73, 116, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-stuffit"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 83, 73, 84, 33 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-tar"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 257; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 117, 115, 116, 97, 114, 0 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-tar"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 257; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 117, 115, 116, 97, 114, 32, 32, 0 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-tgif"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 37, 84, 71, 73, 70 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-troff"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 46, 92, 34 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-troff"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 39, 92, 34 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-troff"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 39, 46, 92, 34 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-troff"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 92, 34 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-zoo"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 20; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 253, 196, 167, 220 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/zip"; match0.Priority = 40; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 75, 3, 4 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/basic"; match0.Priority = 40; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 46, 115, 110, 100 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/prs.sid"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 83, 73, 68 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-adpcm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 46, 115, 110, 100 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 0, 19 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-adpcm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 100, 115, 46 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 1, 0, 0, 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 2, 0, 0, 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 3, 0, 0, 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 4, 0, 0, 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 5, 0, 0, 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 6, 0, 0, 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 7, 0, 0, 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle32; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 19, 0, 0, 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-aifc"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 8; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 65, 73, 70, 67 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-aiff"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 8; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 65, 73, 70, 70 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-aiff"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 8; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 65, 73, 70, 67 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-aiff"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 8; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 56, 83, 86, 88 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-it"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 73, 77, 80, 77 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/midi"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 77, 84, 104, 100 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/mp4"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 102, 116, 121, 112, 77, 52, 65 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/mp4"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 4; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 102, 116, 121, 112, 105, 115, 111, 109 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/mp4"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 4; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 102, 116, 121, 112, 109, 112, 52, 50 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/mpeg"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 255, 251 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/mpeg"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 73, 68, 51 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-mpegurl"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 35, 69, 88, 84, 77, 51, 85 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-ms-asx"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 65, 83, 70, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-ms-asx"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 60, 65, 83, 88 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-ms-asx"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 60, 97, 115, 120 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 46, 114, 97, 253 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-pn-realaudio"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 46, 82, 77, 70 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-riff"; match0.Priority = 45; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 82, 73, 70, 70 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-scpls"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 10 ] { 91, 112, 108, 97, 121, 108, 105, 115, 116, 93 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-scpls"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 10 ] { 91, 80, 108, 97, 121, 108, 105, 115, 116, 93 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-scpls"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 10 ] { 91, 80, 76, 65, 89, 76, 73, 83, 84, 93 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-wav"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 8; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 87, 65, 86, 69 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "audio/x-wav"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 8; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 87, 65, 86, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/bmp"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 66, 77, 120, 120, 120, 120, 0, 0 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 8 ] { 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/bmp"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 66, 77 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 14; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 12 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 14; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 64 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 14; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 40 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/gif"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 71, 73, 70 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/jpeg"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 255, 216, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/jpeg"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig16; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 255, 216 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/png"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 137, 80, 78, 71 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/svg+xml"; match0.Priority = 80; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 256; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 13 ] { 60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 115, 118, 103 }; Matches80Plus.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/svg+xml"; match0.Priority = 80; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 60, 115, 118, 103 }; Matches80Plus.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/tiff"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 77, 77, 0, 42 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/tiff"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 73, 73, 42, 0 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-applix-graphics"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 42, 66, 69, 71, 73, 78 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 7; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 71, 82, 65, 80, 72, 73, 67, 83 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/dicom"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 128; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 68, 73, 67, 77 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-dib"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 40, 0, 0, 0 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/vnd.djvu"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 4; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 70, 79, 82, 77 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 68, 74, 86, 85 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 68, 74, 86, 77 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 66, 77, 52, 52 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 12; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 80, 77, 52, 52 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/dpx"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 83, 68, 80, 88 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-eps"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 37, 33 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 15; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 69, 80, 83 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-eps"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 4, 37, 33 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 16; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 69, 80, 83 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-fits"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 83, 73, 77, 80, 76, 69, 32, 32, 61 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-fpx"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 70, 80, 105, 120 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-icb"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 2, 0 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-niff"; match0.Priority = 80; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 73, 73, 78, 49 }; Matches80Plus.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-pcx"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 10 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 1; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 0 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 1; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 2 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 1; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 3 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 1; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeByte; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 1 ] { 5 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-portable-bitmap"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 80, 49 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-portable-bitmap"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 80, 52 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-portable-graymap"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 80, 50 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-portable-graymap"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 80, 53 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-portable-pixmap"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 80, 51 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-portable-pixmap"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 80, 54 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-psd"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 10 ] { 56, 66, 80, 83, 32, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; match0.Mask = new byte[ 10 ] { 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-sun-raster"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 89, 166, 106, 149 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-xfig"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 35, 70, 73, 71 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "image/x-xpixmap"; match0.Priority = 80; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 47, 42, 32, 88, 80, 77 }; Matches80Plus.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/news"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 65, 114, 116, 105, 99, 108, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/news"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 80, 97, 116, 104, 58 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/news"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 88, 114, 101, 102, 58 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/rfc822"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 35, 33, 32, 114, 110, 101, 119, 115 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/rfc822"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 10 ] { 70, 111, 114, 119, 97, 114, 100, 32, 116, 111 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/rfc822"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 70, 114, 111, 109, 58 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/rfc822"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 78, 35, 33, 32, 114, 110, 101, 119, 115 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/rfc822"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 7 ] { 80, 105, 112, 101, 32, 116, 111 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/rfc822"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 9 ] { 82, 101, 99, 101, 105, 118, 101, 100, 58 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/rfc822"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 82, 101, 108, 97, 121, 45, 86, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110, 58 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "message/rfc822"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 12 ] { 82, 101, 116, 117, 114, 110, 45, 80, 97, 116, 104, 58 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/calendar"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 15 ] { 66, 69, 71, 73, 78, 58, 86, 67, 65, 76, 69, 78, 68, 65, 82 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/calendar"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 15 ] { 98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 58, 118, 99, 97, 108, 101, 110, 100, 97, 114 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/directory"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 11 ] { 66, 69, 71, 73, 78, 58, 86, 67, 65, 82, 68 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/directory"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 11 ] { 98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 58, 118, 99, 97, 114, 100 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/plain"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 12 ] { 84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 84, 101, 88, 44 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/plain"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 77, 69, 84, 65, 70, 79, 78, 84, 44 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/spreadsheet"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 73, 68, 59 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-emacs-lisp"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 10, 40 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-emacs-lisp"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 59, 69, 76, 67, 19, 0, 0, 0 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 72, 84, 77, 76 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 60, 33, 100, 111, 99, 116, 121, 112, 101, 32, 104, 116, 109, 108 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 72, 69, 65, 68 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 104, 101, 97, 100 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 60, 84, 73, 84, 76, 69 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 60, 116, 105, 116, 108, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 104, 116, 109, 108 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 64; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 72, 84, 77, 76 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 66, 79, 68, 89 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 98, 111, 100, 121 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 60, 84, 73, 84, 76, 69 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 60, 116, 105, 116, 108, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 60, 33, 45, 45 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 60, 104, 49 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 3 ] { 60, 72, 49 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 60, 33, 100, 111, 99, 116, 121, 112, 101, 32, 72, 84, 77, 76 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/html"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 60, 33, 68, 79, 67, 84, 89, 80, 69, 32, 104, 116, 109, 108 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-ksysv-log"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 24 ] { 75, 68, 69, 32, 83, 121, 115, 116, 101, 109, 32, 86, 32, 73, 110, 105, 116, 32, 69, 100, 105, 116, 111, 114 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-patch"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 100, 105, 102, 102, 9 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-patch"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 100, 105, 102, 102, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-patch"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 42, 42, 42, 9 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-patch"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 42, 42, 42, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-patch"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 79, 110, 108, 121, 32, 105, 110, 9 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-patch"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 79, 110, 108, 121, 32, 105, 110, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-patch"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 23 ] { 67, 111, 109, 109, 111, 110, 32, 115, 117, 98, 100, 105, 114, 101, 99, 116, 111, 114, 105, 101, 115, 58, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-patch"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 73, 110, 100, 101, 120, 58 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 13 ] { 35, 33, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 14 ] { 35, 33, 32, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 22 ] { 101, 118, 97, 108, 32, 34, 101, 120, 101, 99, 32, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 18 ] { 35, 33, 32, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 26 ] { 101, 118, 97, 108, 32, 34, 101, 120, 101, 99, 32, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 23 ] { 35, 33, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 108, 111, 99, 97, 108, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 24 ] { 35, 33, 32, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 108, 111, 99, 97, 108, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 32 ] { 101, 118, 97, 108, 32, 34, 101, 120, 101, 99, 32, 47, 117, 115, 114, 47, 108, 111, 99, 97, 108, 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/x-python"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 1; match0.OffsetLength = 15; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 15 ] { 47, 98, 105, 110, 47, 101, 110, 118, 32, 112, 121, 116, 104, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/xmcd"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 6 ] { 35, 32, 120, 109, 99, 100 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "text/xml"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 5 ] { 60, 63, 120, 109, 108 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/mpeg"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 71, 63, 255, 16 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/mpeg"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 1, 179 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/mpeg"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 0, 0, 1, 186 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/quicktime"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 12; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 109, 100, 97, 116 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/quicktime"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 4; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 109, 100, 97, 116 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/quicktime"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 4; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 109, 111, 111, 118 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/x-flic"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 175, 17 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/x-flic"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeLittle16; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 2 ] { 175, 18 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/x-ms-asf"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeBig32; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 48, 38, 178, 117 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/x-msvideo"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 8; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 65, 86, 73, 32 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/x-msvideo"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 82, 73, 70, 70 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/x-nsv"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 78, 83, 86, 102 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "video/x-sgi-movie"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 77, 79, 86, 73 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-gdesklets-display"; match0.Priority = 60; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 128; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 60, 100, 105, 115, 112, 108, 97, 121 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-planner"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 20; match0.OffsetLength = 120; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 17 ] { 109, 114, 112, 114, 111, 106, 101, 99, 116, 45, 118, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-vmware-vm"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 4096; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 18 ] { 99, 111, 110, 102, 105, 103, 46, 118, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110, 32, 61, 32, 34 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-vmware-vmdisk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 21 ] { 35, 32, 68, 105, 115, 107, 32, 68, 101, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116, 111, 114, 70, 105, 108, 101 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-vmware-vmdisk"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 75, 68, 77, 86 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-vmware-team"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 21 ] { 60, 70, 111, 117, 110, 100, 114, 121, 32, 118, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110, 61, 34, 49, 34, 62 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 23; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 8 ] { 60, 86, 77, 84, 101, 97, 109, 62 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-vmware-snapshot"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 16 ] { 0, 120, 68, 48, 0, 120, 66, 69, 0, 120, 68, 48, 0, 120, 66, 69 }; MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); match0 = new Match(); match0.MimeType = "application/x-vmware-vmfoundry"; match0.Priority = 50; match0.Offset = 0; match0.OffsetLength = 1; match0.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match0.ByteValue = new byte[ 21 ] { 60, 70, 111, 117, 110, 100, 114, 121, 32, 118, 101, 114, 115, 105, 111, 110, 61, 34, 49, 34, 62 }; if ( match0.Matches.Count > 0 ) { Match match1 = null; match1 = new Match(); match1.Offset = 23; match1.OffsetLength = 1; match1.MatchType = MatchTypes.TypeString; match1.ByteValue = new byte[ 4 ] { 60, 86, 77, 62 }; match0.Matches.Add( match1 ); } MatchesBelow80.Add( match0 ); } } } #endregion