// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2004 Novell, Inc. // // Authors: // Jordi Mas i Hernandez, jordi@ximian.com // Peter Bartok, pbartok@novell.com // // // $Revision: 1.16 $ // $Modtime: $ // $Log: Label.cs,v $ // Revision 1.16 2004/10/05 04:56:11 jackson // Let the base Control handle the buffers, derived classes should not have to CreateBuffers themselves. // // Revision 1.15 2004/09/28 18:44:25 pbartok // - Streamlined Theme interfaces: // * Each DrawXXX method for a control now is passed the object for the // control to be drawn in order to allow accessing any state the theme // might require // // * ControlPaint methods for the theme now have a CP prefix to avoid // name clashes with the Draw methods for controls // // * Every control now retrieves it's DefaultSize from the current theme // // Revision 1.14 2004/09/07 09:40:15 jordi // LinkLabel fixes, methods, multiple links // // Revision 1.13 2004/09/04 17:10:18 jordi // Refresh when font changed // // Revision 1.12 2004/09/01 15:10:10 jordi // fixes method signatures, new methods, events, fixes autosize // // Revision 1.11 2004/08/21 22:30:53 pbartok // - Signature fixes // // Revision 1.10 2004/08/21 22:21:13 pbartok // - Signature fixes // // Revision 1.9 2004/08/11 18:54:11 pbartok // - Forcing redraw on resize // // Revision 1.8 2004/08/10 15:24:35 jackson // Let Control handle buffering. // // Revision 1.7 2004/08/08 19:47:41 jordi // add cvs header info // // // INCOMPLETE using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Text; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.ComponentModel; namespace System.Windows.Forms { public class Label : Control { private BorderStyle border_style; private bool autosize; private Image image; private bool render_transparent; private FlatStyle flat_style; private int preferred_height; private int preferred_width; private bool use_mnemonic; private int image_index = -1; private ImageList image_list; internal ContentAlignment image_align; internal StringFormat string_format; internal ContentAlignment text_align; static SizeF req_witdthsize = new SizeF (0,0); #region Events public event EventHandler AutoSizeChanged; public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged; public new event EventHandler ImeModeChanged; public new event KeyEventHandler KeyDown; public new event KeyPressEventHandler KeyPress; public new event KeyEventHandler KeyUp; public new event EventHandler TabStopChanged; public event EventHandler TextAlignChanged; #endregion public Label () { // Defaults in the Spec autosize = false; border_style = BorderStyle.None; string_format = new StringFormat(); TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft; image = null; UseMnemonic = true; image_list = null; image_align = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; SetUseMnemonic (UseMnemonic); BackColor = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorButtonFace; ForeColor = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindowText; CalcPreferredHeight (); CalcPreferredWidth (); AutoSizeChanged = null; TextAlignChanged = null; SetStyle (ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true); Resize += new EventHandler (OnResizeLB); HandleCreated += new EventHandler (OnHandleCreatedLB); } #region Public Properties public virtual bool AutoSize { get { return autosize; } set { if (autosize == value) return; autosize = value; CalcAutoSize (); Refresh (); if (AutoSizeChanged != null) AutoSizeChanged (this, new EventArgs ()); } } public override Image BackgroundImage { get { return base.BackgroundImage; } set { if (base.BackgroundImage == value) return; if (BackgroundImageChanged != null) BackgroundImageChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); base.BackgroundImage = value; Refresh (); } } public virtual BorderStyle BorderStyle { get { return border_style; } set { if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (BorderStyle), value)) throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for BorderStyle", value)); if (border_style == value) return; border_style = value; Refresh (); } } protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { return base.CreateParams;} } protected override ImeMode DefaultImeMode { get { return ImeMode.Disable;} } protected override Size DefaultSize { get {return ThemeEngine.Current.LabelDefaultSize;} } public FlatStyle FlatStyle { get { return flat_style; } set { if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (FlatStyle), value)) throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for FlatStyle", value)); if (flat_style == value) return; flat_style = value; Refresh (); } } public Image Image { get { return image; } set { if (image == value) return; image = value; Refresh (); } } public ContentAlignment ImageAlign { get { return image_align; } set { if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (ContentAlignment), value)) throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for ContentAlignment", value)); if (image_align == value) return; image_align = value; Refresh (); } } public int ImageIndex { get { return image_index;} set { if (value < 0 || value>= image_list.Images.Count) throw new ArgumentException(); if (image_index == value) return; image_index = value; if (ImageList != null && image_index !=-1) Image = null; Refresh (); } } public ImageList ImageList { get { return image_list;} set { if (image_list == value) return; if (ImageList != null && image_index !=-1) Image = null; Refresh (); } } public new ImeMode ImeMode { get { return base.ImeMode; } set { if (value == ImeMode) return; base.ImeMode = value; if (ImeModeChanged != null) ImeModeChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); } } public virtual int PreferredHeight { get { return preferred_height; } } public virtual int PreferredWidth { get {return preferred_width; } } protected virtual bool RenderTransparent { get { return render_transparent; } set { render_transparent = value;} } public new bool TabStop { get { return base.TabStop; } set { if (value == base.TabStop) return; base.TabStop = value; if (TabStopChanged != null) TabStopChanged (this, EventArgs.Empty); } } public virtual ContentAlignment TextAlign { get { return text_align; } set { if (!Enum.IsDefined (typeof (ContentAlignment), value)) throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException (string.Format("Enum argument value '{0}' is not valid for ContentAlignment", value)); if (text_align != value) { text_align = value; switch (value) { case ContentAlignment.BottomLeft: string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far; string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; break; case ContentAlignment.BottomCenter: string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far; string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; break; case ContentAlignment.BottomRight: string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far; string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; break; case ContentAlignment.TopLeft: string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near; string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; break; case ContentAlignment.TopCenter: string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near; string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; break; case ContentAlignment.TopRight: string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near; string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft: string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleRight: string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; break; case ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter: string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; break; default: break; } if (TextAlignChanged != null) TextAlignChanged (this, new EventArgs ()); Refresh(); } } } public bool UseMnemonic { get { return use_mnemonic; } set { if (use_mnemonic != value) { use_mnemonic = value; SetUseMnemonic (use_mnemonic); Refresh (); } } } #endregion #region Public Methods protected Rectangle CalcImageRenderBounds (Image image, Rectangle area, ContentAlignment img_align) { Rectangle rcImageClip = area; rcImageClip.Inflate (-2,-2); int X = area.X; int Y = area.Y; if (img_align == ContentAlignment.TopCenter || img_align == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter || img_align == ContentAlignment.BottomCenter) { X += (area.Width - image.Width) / 2; } else if (img_align == ContentAlignment.TopRight || img_align == ContentAlignment.MiddleRight|| img_align == ContentAlignment.BottomRight) { X += (area.Width - image.Width); } if( img_align == ContentAlignment.BottomCenter || img_align == ContentAlignment.BottomLeft || img_align == ContentAlignment.BottomRight) { Y += area.Height - image.Height; } else if(img_align == ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter || img_align == ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft || img_align == ContentAlignment.MiddleRight) { Y += (area.Height - image.Height) / 2; } rcImageClip.X = X; rcImageClip.Y = Y; rcImageClip.Width = image.Width; rcImageClip.Height = image.Height; return rcImageClip; } protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance () { return base.CreateAccessibilityInstance (); } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { base.Dispose (disposing); } protected void DrawImage (Graphics g, Image image, Rectangle area, ContentAlignment img_align) { if (image == null || g == null) return; Rectangle rcImageClip = CalcImageRenderBounds (image, area, img_align); if (Enabled) g.DrawImage (image, rcImageClip.X, rcImageClip.Y, rcImageClip.Width, rcImageClip.Height); else ControlPaint.DrawImageDisabled (g, image, rcImageClip.X, rcImageClip.Y, BackColor); } protected virtual void OnAutoSizeChanged (EventArgs e) { if (AutoSizeChanged != null) AutoSizeChanged (this, e); } protected override void OnEnabledChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnEnabledChanged (e); } protected override void OnFontChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnFontChanged (e); CalcPreferredHeight (); Refresh (); } protected override void OnPaint (PaintEventArgs pevent) { if (Width <= 0 || Height <= 0 || Visible == false) return; Draw (); // TODO: Imagelist pevent.Graphics.DrawImage (ImageBuffer, 0, 0); } protected override void OnParentChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnParentChanged (e); } protected virtual void OnTextAlignChanged (EventArgs e) { if (TextAlignChanged != null) TextAlignChanged (this, e); } protected override void OnTextChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnTextChanged (e); CalcPreferredWidth (); CalcAutoSize (); Refresh (); } protected override void OnVisibleChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnVisibleChanged (e); } protected override bool ProcessMnemonic (char charCode) { return base.ProcessMnemonic (charCode); } protected override void SetBoundsCore (int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) { base.SetBoundsCore (x, y, width, height, specified); } public override string ToString() { return base.ToString(); } protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { switch ((Msg) m.Msg) { case Msg.WM_DRAWITEM: { m.Result = (IntPtr)1; } break; default: base.WndProc (ref m); break; } } #endregion Public Methods #region Private Methods private void CalcAutoSize () { if (IsHandleCreated == false || AutoSize == false) return; CalcPreferredWidth (); CalcPreferredHeight (); Width = PreferredWidth; Height = PreferredHeight; } private void CalcPreferredHeight () { preferred_height = Font.Height; switch (border_style) { case BorderStyle.None: preferred_height += 3; break; case BorderStyle.FixedSingle: case BorderStyle.Fixed3D: preferred_height += 6; break; default: break; } } private void CalcPreferredWidth () { SizeF size; size = DeviceContext.MeasureString (Text, Font, req_witdthsize, string_format); preferred_width = (int) size.Width + 3; } internal void Draw () { ThemeEngine.Current.DrawLabel(DeviceContext, ClientRectangle, this); DrawImage (DeviceContext, Image, ClientRectangle, image_align); } private void OnHandleCreatedLB (Object o, EventArgs e) { if (autosize) CalcAutoSize (); } private void OnResizeLB (object o, EventArgs e) { if (Width <= 0 || Height <= 0) return; } private void SetUseMnemonic (bool use) { if (use) string_format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.Show; else string_format.HotkeyPrefix = HotkeyPrefix.None; } #endregion Private Methods } }