// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2005 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // Author: // Pedro Martínez Juliá // using System.Drawing; namespace System.Windows.Forms { public class DataGridViewRowHeaderCell : DataGridViewHeaderCell { private string headerText; public DataGridViewRowHeaderCell () { } public override object Clone () { return MemberwiseClone(); } public override ContextMenuStrip GetInheritedContextMenuStrip (int rowIndex) { if (DataGridView == null) return null; if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= DataGridView.Rows.Count) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("rowIndex"); if (ContextMenuStrip != null) return ContextMenuStrip; return DataGridView.ContextMenuStrip; } public override DataGridViewCellStyle GetInheritedStyle (DataGridViewCellStyle inheritedCellStyle, int rowIndex, bool includeColors) { DataGridViewCellStyle result = new DataGridViewCellStyle (DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle); result.ApplyStyle (DataGridView.RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle); if (HasStyle) result.ApplyStyle (Style); return result; } public override string ToString () { return base.ToString(); } protected override AccessibleObject CreateAccessibilityInstance () { return new DataGridViewRowHeaderCellAccessibleObject(this); } protected override object GetClipboardContent (int rowIndex, bool firstCell, bool lastCell, bool inFirstRow, bool inLastRow, string format) { string value; if (DataGridView == null) return null; if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= DataGridView.RowCount) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("rowIndex"); value = GetValue (rowIndex) as string; string table_prefix = string.Empty, cell_prefix = string.Empty, row_prefix = string.Empty; string table_suffix = string.Empty, cell_suffix = string.Empty, row_suffix = string.Empty; if (format == DataFormats.UnicodeText || format == DataFormats.Text) { if (lastCell && !inLastRow) cell_suffix = Environment.NewLine; else if (!lastCell) cell_suffix = "\t"; } else if (format == DataFormats.CommaSeparatedValue) { if (lastCell && !inLastRow) cell_suffix = Environment.NewLine; else if (!lastCell) cell_suffix = ","; } else if (format == DataFormats.Html) { if (inFirstRow) { table_prefix = ""; } row_prefix = ""; if (lastCell) { row_suffix = ""; if (inLastRow) { table_suffix = "
"; } } cell_prefix = ""; cell_suffix = ""; if (value == null) { value = " "; } else { value = "" + value + ""; } } else { return value; } if (value == null) value = string.Empty; value = table_prefix + row_prefix + cell_prefix + value + cell_suffix + row_suffix + table_suffix; return value; } protected override Rectangle GetContentBounds (Graphics graphics, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, int rowIndex) { if (DataGridView == null) return Rectangle.Empty; Size s = new Size (11, 18); return new Rectangle (24, (OwningRow.Height - s.Height) / 2, s.Width, s.Height); } protected override Rectangle GetErrorIconBounds (Graphics graphics, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, int rowIndex) { if (DataGridView == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty (DataGridView.GetRowInternal (rowIndex).ErrorText)) return Rectangle.Empty; Size error_icon = new Size (12, 11); return new Rectangle (new Point (Size.Width - error_icon.Width - 5, (Size.Height - error_icon.Height) / 2), error_icon); } protected internal override string GetErrorText (int rowIndex) { if (DataGridView == null) return string.Empty; return DataGridView.GetRowInternal (rowIndex).ErrorText; } protected override Size GetPreferredSize (Graphics graphics, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, int rowIndex, Size constraintSize) { object o = FormattedValue; if (o != null) { Size s = DataGridViewCell.MeasureTextSize (graphics, o.ToString (), cellStyle.Font, TextFormatFlags.Default); s.Height = Math.Max (s.Height, 17); s.Width += 48; return s; } else return new Size (39, 17); } protected override object GetValue (int rowIndex) { if (headerText != null) return headerText; return null; } [MonoInternalNote ("Needs row header cell selected/edit pencil glyphs")] protected override void Paint (Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates cellState, object value, object formattedValue, string errorText, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle, DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts) { // Prepaint DataGridViewPaintParts pre = DataGridViewPaintParts.Background | DataGridViewPaintParts.SelectionBackground; pre = pre & paintParts; base.Paint (graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, cellState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, pre); // Paint content background if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentBackground) == DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentBackground) { Color color = Selected ? cellStyle.SelectionForeColor : cellStyle.ForeColor; Pen p = ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen (color); int x = cellBounds.Left + 6; if (DataGridView.CurrentRow != null && DataGridView.CurrentRow.Index == rowIndex) { DrawRightArrowGlyph (graphics, p, x, cellBounds.Top + (cellBounds.Height / 2) - 4); x += 7; } if (DataGridView.Rows[rowIndex].IsNewRow) DrawNewRowGlyph (graphics, p, x, cellBounds.Top + (cellBounds.Height / 2) - 4); } // Paint content if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentForeground) == DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentForeground) { Color color = Selected ? cellStyle.SelectionForeColor : cellStyle.ForeColor; TextFormatFlags flags = TextFormatFlags.EndEllipsis | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.TextBoxControl; Rectangle contentbounds = cellBounds; contentbounds.Height -= 2; contentbounds.Width -= 2; if (formattedValue != null) TextRenderer.DrawText (graphics, formattedValue.ToString (), cellStyle.Font, contentbounds, color, flags); } // Postpaint DataGridViewPaintParts post = DataGridViewPaintParts.Border | DataGridViewPaintParts.ErrorIcon; post = post & paintParts; base.Paint (graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, cellState, value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, post); } protected override void PaintBorder (Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle, DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle) { if (ThemeEngine.Current.DataGridViewRowHeaderCellDrawBorder (this, graphics, cellBounds)) return; Pen p = GetBorderPen (); graphics.DrawLine (p, cellBounds.Left, cellBounds.Top, cellBounds.Left, cellBounds.Bottom - 1); graphics.DrawLine (p, cellBounds.Right - 1, cellBounds.Top, cellBounds.Right - 1, cellBounds.Bottom - 1); if (RowIndex == DataGridView.Rows.Count - 1 || RowIndex == -1) graphics.DrawLine (p, cellBounds.Left, cellBounds.Bottom - 1, cellBounds.Right - 1, cellBounds.Bottom - 1); else graphics.DrawLine (p, cellBounds.Left + 3, cellBounds.Bottom - 1, cellBounds.Right - 3, cellBounds.Bottom - 1); if (RowIndex == -1) graphics.DrawLine (p, cellBounds.Left, cellBounds.Top, cellBounds.Right - 1, cellBounds.Top); } internal override void PaintPartBackground (Graphics graphics, Rectangle cellBounds, DataGridViewCellStyle style) { if (ThemeEngine.Current.DataGridViewRowHeaderCellDrawBackground (this, graphics, cellBounds)) return; base.PaintPartBackground (graphics, cellBounds, style); } internal override void PaintPartSelectionBackground (Graphics graphics, Rectangle cellBounds, DataGridViewElementStates cellState, DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle) { if (ThemeEngine.Current.DataGridViewRowHeaderCellDrawSelectionBackground (this)) return; base.PaintPartSelectionBackground (graphics, cellBounds, cellState, cellStyle); } private void DrawRightArrowGlyph (Graphics g, Pen p, int x, int y) { g.DrawLine (p, x, y, x, y + 8); g.DrawLine (p, x + 1, y + 1, x + 1, y + 7); g.DrawLine (p, x + 2, y + 2, x + 2, y + 6); g.DrawLine (p, x + 3, y + 3, x + 3, y + 5); g.DrawLine (p, x + 3, y + 4, x + 4, y + 4); } private void DrawNewRowGlyph (Graphics g, Pen p, int x, int y) { g.DrawLine (p, x, y + 4, x + 8, y + 4); g.DrawLine (p, x + 4, y, x + 4, y + 8); g.DrawLine (p, x + 1, y + 1, x + 7, y + 7); g.DrawLine (p, x + 7, y + 1, x + 1, y + 7); } internal override Rectangle InternalErrorIconsBounds { get { return GetErrorIconBounds (null, null, RowIndex); } } protected override bool SetValue (int rowIndex, object value) { headerText = (string) value; return true; } protected class DataGridViewRowHeaderCellAccessibleObject : DataGridViewCellAccessibleObject { public DataGridViewRowHeaderCellAccessibleObject (DataGridViewRowHeaderCell owner) : base(owner) { } public override Rectangle Bounds { get { return base.Bounds; } } public override string DefaultAction { get { return base.DefaultAction; } } public override string Name { get { return base.Name; } } public override AccessibleObject Parent { get { return base.Parent; } } public override AccessibleRole Role { get { return base.Role; } } public override AccessibleStates State { get { return base.State; } } public override string Value { get { return base.Value; } } public override void DoDefaultAction () { base.DoDefaultAction(); } public override AccessibleObject Navigate (AccessibleNavigation navigationDirection) { return base.Navigate(navigationDirection); } public override void Select (AccessibleSelection flags) { base.Select (flags); } } } }